Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 30, 1915, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight, September 23, IDI6.
_ Silas Says.
-------- o--------
Gertrude—When you were running
he auto 1 have observed that you
lon’t seem "to realize the speed at
jrhich you are going, and, while 1
lave refrained from checking you, I
lave always wanted to do so. But
perhaps you do not know you are
skipping from one high place to an-
___ i if the
I other, and
you were alone in the
tar you might be tempted to drive it
to the limit of its capacity. Now, I
want to warn you against speed crazi­
ness. You may try to laugh it out,
and contend that you never go very
first, but when I have to turn my head
around to breath I know mighty well
that the car is going some—and a
good deal more. If you keep it up
you’ll soon be in as bad a way as is a
young girj over in Ohio whose friend
»nd police of the towns and consta­
bles of the country within a day's
journey of her home are in dispair
because of her fast metering, and
who has recently proposed to engage
a motor cyclist in a load race on one
of the state roads in the vicinity of
Dayton. She has probably been ar
rested and fined for overspeeding
more than any women in the state.
Speed is her delight and relaxation,
she says, and she has boasted that in
her swift car, capable of being pushed
to ninety miles an hour, she has the
fastest thing on wheels in the state.
A noted motor cyclist heard of her
and. being some authority on speed
in his own line, promptly issued a
challenge to her for a race. Now, the
fact is, the young woman by long in­
dulgence in fast driving has become
emotionally insane, and the final up­
shot of the matter will be her life will
be ended very soon in a tragedy un­
der an upturned auto or a motor
cycle on a roadside or race track.
Take it from me, dear, automobile
speeding is more dangerous than
playing with fire in a meadow of dead
grass or in a powder magazine. Cut
it out, dear, and live a while longer.
But he went right on, and, although
his machine had been in almost con­
stant use all summer, no trouble has
been developed. It has been run as
many as fourteen hours a day, draw­
ing a set of disks and a set of sixteen
foot harrows, without needing any­
thing but ordinary care. He seeded to
acres a day or harrowed from 60 to
70 acres with his transformed ma­
chine. By drawing two 12-inch bustl­
ers, he managed to break five acres of
soil a day, or the equivalent to the
work done by six or eight horses. The
cost of the horse feed alone would
have more than doubled the cost of
running the machine, and the saving
of time and labor was an important I
item. It takes less than an hour to
change the rigging of the car, so that
anv time when the owner desires to
make a trip to town, he has only to
take off the farm equipment and
transform the car into a full-fledged
touring car.
When I was in the city, a f< w
weeks a'go, attending the Live Stock
Breeders’ convention, 1 served on a
committee which occupied a suit of
rooms in a big hotel, and certain
members of the committee sent fre­
quent orders to the bar for spiritous
inspiration (to aid them in their
work), which was brought to them by
bellboys, One evening after the com­
mittee had finished its work for pre­
sentation to the convention, one of
the tipplers rang for ice and cocktails
for the entire committee, A smiling,
scraping youth brought what had
been ordered and received a quarter
for his services. As he was leaving
the room one of the party poured
out a cocktail and handed to him.
When he had recovered from his
amazement the bellboy drank it down
quite awkwardly,
thanks, and started again for the door
Before reaching it he turned back
again ami laid the quarter he had re­
ceived on a table. “You gentlemen
will excuse me,” he explained, “for
returning the quarter. 1 never accept
money from gentlemen with whom I
drink,” Though the boy’s declaration
was not included in the report of the
committee to the convention, it ought
to have been, because the subject of
their deliberations was a matter in
equitv of which the boy had given a
practical illustration.
the defendant,
I IX. Third.
ouuic, That •••
R. Soule, and all persons claiming
to take gravel through or under him, be forever
Any one in tending
.1__ J from c*attlH£T
red . and » c foreclosed
setting LID
from the V\ ilson river on my prem-
ises, are requested to consult me be­ any claim, right, title or interest in
1 orto the said lands, or any portion
fore doing so.
Mrs. A. L. Donaldson. thereof, excepting the statutory right
I of redemption.
Fourth, That the plainti.f be per­
Notice of Dissolution.
mitted to become a purchaser at such
„ ,
Notice is hereby given to all whom sale.
Fifth. That the plaintiff have such
it may concern:—That J. W. Maddux other and further relief as to the
and F. C. Feldschau, have by mutual court may seem just and ecuitable.
consent, dissolved the partnership
This summons is served upon you
hi r tofore existing between them, bv publication thereof by order of
and that s:.id Feldschau, is now the the Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge of the
s .le owner cf the business formerly
Ccuit cf the State of Oregon,
owned by tliim as partners, and that County
for the County of Tillamook, made
said Feldschau, will pay all accounts and
entered herein on the ¿6th day of
owing by them as partners, and col­ August,
1915, in the absence of the
li ct all sums due them cn account of
Circuit Judge.
their partnership business.
E. J. Claussen.
J W. Maddux.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
F. C. Feldschau.
Adminibt. ator’s Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given, that the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for Tillamoek County, has appointed
the undersigned admiuistrator of the
estate of Jesse V. Embum, deceased,
and all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby required to
present the same to him at his resi­
dence at Tillamook, Oregon, or to T.
H. Goyne, an attorney at law, at his
office in Tillamook City, Oregon, to­
gether with the proper vouchers,
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Dated September gth, 1915.
John Embum, Administra­
tor of the estate of Jessie
V. Embum, deceased.
Notice cf Completed Contract.
Notice is hereby given. that the
County Road Master for Tillamook
County, Oregon, has filed in this of-
fice his certificate for the completion
of the contract of M. J. and John
Jeuck, on the E. E. Cross County
Road, from Station
... plus 00 to
Station 456 plus 00 and from Station
468 plus 38.1 10 Station 496 plus 95.8
in accordance with tlie plans and
specifications, and any person, firm
or corporation, having objections to
file to the completion of said work,
may do so within two weeks from
the date of the first publication.
Dated this the 28th day of Sept., 1915.
J. C. Holden County Clerk.
First publication, Sept. 30, 1915.
Last publication. Oct. 14, 1915.
Wood Sawed—Apply to E. W.
Knight, Tillamook Mutual Phone. ♦
Mother, we don’t fully realize what
worthless lives some people live.
When I meet such a person I experi­
ence such feelings of disgust with*
them that I am about ready to admire
the selfish, ambitious hustler by way
6f contrast. During my visit to our
kinfolks in Pennsylvania last year
One of our cousins, who is justice of
Facts About That Loan.
the peace in a small town, was some­
what baffled when an old man was
Many misstatements of fact about
haled before him,for vagrancy who
has never been sent to jail or convict the huge credit Great Britain and
ed of any offense, and yet he had France are seeking to establish in the
been arrested a number of times for United States have been made by
loitering and spent much time in the both the advocates and the opponents
cotinty calaboose. Although he had of the loan. Not a cent of the money Notice of -Appointment cf Adminis­
spent nearly all his life wonderin’' would be taken out of the country,
around that part of the country, no­ The loan would settle at least for a
Notice is hereby given to all whom
body there knew anything concern­ time, the foreign exchange problem,
lug his early life. He was well enough It would insure the country selling it may concern; that by an order of
educated to have engaged in business goods of one kind or another to the the County Court, of Tillamook
but seemed entirely devoid of ambi­ allies to the amount of the credit. County, Oregon, made and entered of
tion, and, when not in the calaboose, T he government would in no manner record herein on the nth day of
where he was well fed, lie was fed, be involved ill the matter, unless the September, 1915, the undersigned was
housed and clothed by people for comptroller should alter the rule lim­ appointed the administrator of the
whom he did chores, garden work iting tlie amount any national bank estate cf Jasper W. Buckles, deceas­
and so forth. One kind-hearted man may lend to a single borrower to one- ed.
All persons having claims against
gave him permission to make his tenth of its capital stock or the Fed­
home in an did tool house upon his eral reserve banks should rediscount said estate are hereby notified to
place. This was lost when the owner si.me of the paper. Whether the cred­ present them, verified as requird by
of the place died, and to show his sor­ it is used to purchase munitions of law to the undersigned as said ad­
row the ohi chap went on a beer war or not is immaterial, except to ministrator at his office in Tillamook
spree which had its climax when he sentimentalists. After the big loan is City, Oregon, within six months of
found himself under the care of the made, if it be made, another one will the «late of this notice.
in by
Dated this 16th day of September,
sheriff in the lockup. The sheriff was likely follow, participated
kindly disposed toward the old man, bankers or capitalists who have no 19<5.
E. J. Claassen,
and when he heard his story about scruples as to how the proceeds are
Administer of said estate.
losing his home by the death of his spent. Some of these conditions have
benefactor lie offered him his free­ been misrepresented by opponents of First publication Sept. 16, 1915.
Last publication Oct. 14th, 1915.
dom, but the old man declined the the loan.
But the misrepresentation has not
privilege, saying: "Well, 1 guess
there isn't much use in you letting been all on one side. The widely pub­
ine go, as I ain't got a place to lay lished statement that the bonds would
iny lira-* " Then the sheriff gave him be "a first mortgage upon the entire
In the Circuit Court of the State of
the use of a small room reserved for British Empire and France and her Oregon, for Tillamook County,
the jailer, there never having been, colonics” is false. It would be merely partment No. two.
one to occupy it. On one occasion he an unsecured debt of honor, whose John R. Harter,
was away, nobody knew where, and. payment would depend solely on abil-'
when he returned, he again tanked up ity and disposition of the borrower. Charles R. Soule, Soule Broth­
on beer, made the rounds of the There are no morgages on nations or ers, Incorporated, a corpora­
familier in the vicinity and boasted states and there could be no way to tion, J. J. Jones, J. Swank, W.
foreclose ■ them.
A * nation cannot be O. Wilson and Harriet L.
that he had became a grandfather -------
since he had started on his wonder­ sued, except with its own consent, Wilson, his wife, C. M. Zuni-
ing career. Now, mother, it has and payment of a judgment against it zalt, W. C. Look and Mrs. W.
always seemed strange to me that procured in its own court of claims, C. Look, his wife, and W. B.
such creatures as that lazy, trifling depends on the willingness of the Shively, Assignee,
old man, live on and on toward the representative body to make the ap-
century mark, while ambitious useful propriation. The United States has
To J. J. Jones, W. O. Wilson
and lovable people are called away in
Harriet L. Wilson, his wife, and W.
youth or middUt life. When I think of Greenbackers fought resumption of C. Look and Mrs. W. C. Look, his
it it seems to tne that the much
wife, the defendants above named;
u vl
vaunted natural law of "survival of states have repudiated debts, l>,
In the name of the State of Oregon
the fittest” should include mental as
You and each of you are hereby re­
well as physical excellence of being;
quired to appear and answer the com­
but for some mysterous reason, in tion no one can collect a debt against plaint filed agai '.st you in the above
the economy of nature, it don't. Thr any state without its consent. Great entitled suit witbin six weeks from
godlike human, at the very zenith of Britain and France will pay their the dale of the lust publication here­
his usefullness to the world, dies. bonds when they fall due if the par­ of in the Tillamook Headlight, the
ticular governments then in existence date of the first publication thereof
The human brute—lives on.
arc solvent and honest. But these being the rbtb dap of August, 1915,
Amos—This evening 1 received a bonds are legally but debts of houor. and if you fail so to appear and
notice from the railroad agent in \\ e arc asked to give a large unsecur­ answer, the plaintiff will take a de­
town of the receipt of a consignment ed credit to going concerns, which cree against you as follows, to-wit:
of freight for me, and I have planned may need billions
That the plaintiff have
to go tomorrow and bring it home they get out of their present difficul­ judgment against the said defendart,
and you will have to go with me to ties. We would feel safer if Great Charles R. Soule, in the sum of
help handle it. I also received a letter Britain and France traded bonds for seven hundred and 00-100 dollars with
from an auto dealer in the city saying American securities held by their sub­ interest thereon at the rate of eight
that he had shipped to me some auto jects and offered such securities as a per cent per annum from the 22nd
fixtures and that he would send this basis ol credit. Then we could sleep day of July, 1911; in the further sum
well, without worrying how the bat- of one hundred dollars
morning a machinist to make the «ell,
the changes in our auto in accordance lies are going.
fees; in the further sum of $38.02
with the terms of purchase. You
with interest thereon at the rate of
How’s This ?
don't *ee how our car can be improv
six per cent per annum from the 30th
Ar oftet (I nk lit ndmki « D ollars K kwakb
rd. you »ay? Well, for the road. I
day of January, 1915; in the further
quite agree with you. but for the dual or any ca»e of Cat arih that cannot lie cured sum of $01.03 with interest thereon
purpose which I had in mind, it will by Haifa Catarrh Cure.
at the rate of six per cent per annum
CO., Teledo. O
require some changes. I have planned
from the 30th day of July, 1915; and
We. the undersigned have known F. J.
to convert it into a tractor and put ;t < henry
disbursements of
tor the last 15 year», and believe for his costs and
to work on the farm. This will be him |ierfectly
honorable in
all business this suit.
(lone by putting an extra axel under transactions and financially able to carry
Second. That the mortgage des­
flic frame. 2 feet in front of the rear out any obligations made by his Arm.
cribed in the said complaint be fore­
axel of the car, on w hich will be plac­
closed and that the following discrib-
.. ...
Toledo, O.
ed two binder wheels. The rear
Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, cd real property, tow it:
wheels of the auto will be removed acting directly upon the blood and mucous
Blocks, three, four, nine, ten, eleven,
of tne system
Testimonials sent
»nd replaced bv
small sprocket surfaces
Price 75 cents per bottle
iokl by all seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty,
wheel* which will he connected with
.twenty seven, twenty eight and
Take Hail s Family pills for constipation.
large sprockets on the drive wheel«
twenty nine, and lot» from one to
bv a chain. This will reduce thr »peril
seventeen inclusive »nd from twenty
There are 400 kinds of sugar—'in­ three to twenty six inclusive of block
of the car and give it more power.
Fjrpm the expression of your fare, cluding the kind that is said to be two, and lot* one and from twentvsix
Athos. I Infer that you haien’t much edible within, but whose moldy ex- to forty seven inclusive of block six­
In the sueeess of the scheme. tcrior will make vou ill. if you don't teen, and lots from twenty eight to
MRflJ, after we have tried it out, vou carefully discard it.
forty right inclusive of block fifteen,
will'see that 1 am not merely experi-
If the girls are to hold fast to the and lots from one to eight inclusive,
«tenting, but am surely profitinc by low sleeked waists as they did last and from fifty seven to sixty one in­
result* that many others have obtain­ winter, then let Providence be thank­ clusive of block twenty one. »nd lot
ed in the same manner One farmer ed for the boas that have arrived to one of block twenty six. and lots one,
in Saline County tried it, and won temper the wind to the shorn lamb. two, and sixteen of block twelve, »11
opt, his neighbors, though much in-
in Avalon, in the County of Tillamook
"1 he devil made the kitchen," says md State of Oregon.
|ere*ted in the test, believed the
»ebcio' to he impractical, and tried tn a man who is walking from the East Be sold in the manner prescribed by
ronvjnre him th st the engine ¿011 lit to San Francisco |>oe> this opjnipn law and the prefCtd» ot such sale
heat up fr>H n. • h and that the gears come iroiii ii|>plicai|Ofi* at kitchen applied to the payment of the said
could not jr. ■ i'.ly stand the atrain doors for hand out*.
Oregon State Fair
Week beginning’September 27th.
Knees, Fat Stock, Poultry. 'Agriculture
Horticulture, Manufacturing.
Notice of Sale on Foreclosure
Reduced Railway Faris
No.ice is hereby given that by vir­
tue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Tillamook Coun­
ty, by the Clerk thereof and under
the seal of said court, dated the —
day of September 19*5, in a case i.ri
said court wherein W. H. Easom is
plaintiff and Eliza F. Evans, P. }■
Brown and Mae G. Brown, his wife,
Ciark M. Terry and Mabel R. Terry,
his wife, J. H. Rosenberg, H. H.
Rosenberg and E. M. Condit are de­
fendants, said execution being to me
directed, and being based upon a de­
cree entered in said cause on the 20th
day of September, I9>5. I have levied
upon and will on Saturday, the 23rd
day of October, 1915, at the hour of
ten o’clock in the forenoon of said
day, at the Court House door in Till­
amook City, Tillamook County, Ore­
gon, duly sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash in hand, the
following described real property, sit­
uate in Tillamook City, Oregon, to-
wit: Lots five and six in Block eight
in William D. Stillwell's Second Ad­
dition to the Town of Tillamook
(now Tillamook City), for the pur­
pose of satisfying the decree in said
cause and the cost and expenses of
the sale, as follows:
Judgment in favor of plaintiff
against defendants Evans and Brown
for the sum of $552.10 with interest at
8 per cent per annum from date of
decree, $125.00 attorney’s fees and
$15.80, costs and disbursements and
judgment in favor of defendants
Rosenberg and Condit against de­
fendants Clark M. Terry and wife for
$232.10 with interest at 8 per cent per
annum from date of decree, $50.00
attorney’s fees and $10.40 costs and
disbursements, besides the expense of
Dated this September 23rd, 1915.
H. Crenshaw, Sheriff
of Tillamook County,
First publication Sept. 23, 1915.
Last publication Oct. 21, 1915.
from all points in Oregon.
Sale Date, Sept, 23rd to Oct. 2nd.
Tickets limited to Oct. 6th.
All trains direct to the Fair Gr.unds.
Ask our local Agent for train schedule., and ticket.
lohn M. Scott General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
We’re going to raise a boy to be a
soldier; Hurrah for the red, white
and blue!
Luke McLuke's Eleventh Com­
mandment is, “Mind your own busi­
ness." But what would prevent the up-
lifters from getting laws on the stat­
ute books compelling people to obey
the other ten. '
AU School Books
arc in now, conic car’y a id get vour supply
while stock is complete.
We have the finest assortment of pencils,
tablets, erasers, pens, pen holders, inks, etc.
FOUNTAIN PENS 25 per cent off, for a short
time onlv 25 per cent oil on Waterman Ideal
Hani wood ruler free to our patrons.
$ 1860
The New Home Sewing
Machine Company,
San Francisco, Cal.
A man who
owns a
Obi Fr. b
B T; ill.
Protector IU», Tü cent. |
Satisfatto* Gttamt:te(J
Sidney E. Henderson. Pres.,
John I.fUml Henderson. Sec­
retary Tress. Attomey-at
Law, Notrary Public
Tillamook Title and
Abstract co
Li-v. Abitra ts, H m I Estate.
Surveying, Insurance.
Both I’honts.
' !
(1905 State Fair not held on account Lewis and
Clark Exposition).
$20,000 Premiums
Fish Brand
An Optimist
Send for estalcg
An Exposition in itself. The Pride of Oregon. ' '
A (»reat College for those engaged in Agriculhiral, ,
Horticultural and Live Stock Piirfuiits,
A bull Week at the State Fair broadens the
Muiiter, the Aviator, will make two Flights ' ’
Free Camping space in l a shady Oak Park.
Free Stalls for Campers’ Teams, Free trans-
poftation on Railroads for Exhibits.
For any information relative to the Oregou
• » State Fair ’ which opens
( ; SEPTEMBER 27th and closes
Write to
A. J ones , Secretary, Salem, Oregon.
countn^lo’get a*wav'fr
a *
I " *r encourages whisker* a* well »»
U more ,0.
y from and now * «th« manifestations cf manliness.
The campaign nf
- n
. . I . (* is a strife provoking that the new
decided on war
** 1 »("“mer law for automobiles should
ju^re to live just the same. wT'crTo *°
’Od °f
i porch season, when it dces'nt matter
! muth.
__ _j