'T il lamook Headlight, Septe mber 23, HOMESTEADERS’ FAIR. cles. It may be hard to guess what Jury List for October Term. theSe 2I.7J2 autos cost a year for ----- o- — ----- o------ oil, tires, repairs and de­ Following is the jury list for the Large Gathering at Blaine—Minister .10 gasoline preciation, but it must run up close to October term of the Circuit , Court Meets With Bad Accident. •05 tour or five millions. which will convene on Monday, Oct. ----- o------ 4= , The Ortgon Voter, which made a i ; Harris, VV. G., 1 illamook, liveryman. Between three and four hundred too big smudge about the boundary lines Marolf, A. N., T illamook, farmer. .05 of school district No. 9, do.n’t appear Kinnaman, Lon, Tillamook, farmer. people attended the homesteaders fair at Blaine on Saturday, which was to have much weight with the Su­ Heilmeyer, John, Beaver, farmer. held at the ,Magarrell place, quite a • 50 preme Court judges. It evidently tried Davidson, H. S., Beaver, farmer. to make much ado about nothing and Kranyr, L. M., Cloverdale, Telephone few homesteaders coming from Mt. lamentably failed in its premeditated manager. Hebo. The day was ideal, and all w ho 05 effort to influence the Supreme Court Knight, E. VV., Tillamook, farmer. attended enjoyed the beautiful weath- .05 with the articles which the attorney Magarrell, R. C., Blaine, farmer. drew attention to when arguing the Biggs, Sr., John A. Bayoccan, farmer er, quite a number from this city and case. We believe the whole system of Dye, Connie, Tillamook, farmer. •■urrounding country being present. levying special school taxis is wrong Gladwell, W. D., Tillamook, farmer. There was a good display of fruits, •a? and the law should be changed so Elliott, C. A., Tillamook, farmer. vegetables, grasses, poultry, etc., and that every taxpayer would pay their Lundquist, Chas., Hebo, farmer. several head of blooded stock. proportion to taxes for schools and Martiny, David, Tillamook, cruiser. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. every pupil in the county should en­ Goldsworthy, James, Hemlock, farm­ R. Y. Blalock won the prize for the (Strictly in Advance.) er. joy the same privileges of receiving best float in the parade, but that One yeai ........................................ $1.50 a common or high school education. Deihl, J. S., Tillamook, farmer. which came in for the most attraction Six months ............................................ 75 If the Oregon Voter would advocate Jackson, A. O.. Hebo, farmer. was “Going to Oregon” by \V. R. this it wopld be getting at the whole Miller, M.-J., Bay City, merchant. Three months........................................ 50 trouble. Neilson, Ben, Tillamook, farmer. Speece.. He drove a team of cows to Gilbert, W. J., Beaver, merchant. represent the proverbial ox-team— This is to certify that Fred C. The snap shot man feel sorry that Jacoby, Theo., Bay City, farmer. which drew a sled with his wife seat­ Iloker is the sole owner and publisher Thomas Gilford Stillwell is seeking _ Randall, Cyrus, Tillamook, farmer. of the 'I illamook Headlight, and that to recover the land he gave for the Jennings, J. VV., Bay City, farmer. ed in it, with the inscription “Going there is no’morgage on the same. children’s park and play ground, not Livingston, VV. H., Bay City, mer­ to Oregon” above. Mr. Speece packed chant. because the citizens did not appre­ one child on his back, and a boy car­ THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ciate the splendid gift but on account Day, Wesley, Bay City, farmer. ried what everybody supposed was a Chance , M. T., Tillamook, farmer. of its management, brought about by pig in a sack, which, how’ever, prov­ I.ane, A. S., Hebo, farmer. conditions he imposed in the deed. We felt at the time that .Mr. Stillwell Abplanalp, Mike, Tillamook, farmer. ed to be a dog. Editorial Snap Shots. had been wrongly advised when he I Johnson, Malphus, Garibaldi, farmer. In the homesteaders’ exhibits that ------Q------ specified a special board to look after Berns, Frank, Tillamook, farmer. of W. R. Speece was decidedly the We believe it. The Smith bridge on the park and with so many “s rings” Gist, Ivan, Cloverdale, farmer. best and worthy of special mention, the Blaine road is dangerous, for it embraced in the deed. We are a little has a nasty sag in the center. for it not only contained a varied col- in doubt what is best for the city to County Court Business. ------ o----- - do under the circumstances. 1 here lection of fruits and vegetables, but Two ex-mayors of Tillamook City are those who think Mr. Stillwell is In the matter of appointing a bridge also what a good homesteader’s wife have violated a city ordinance. We not doing the square thing because wonder where the "sinners” expect those who have had the management tender for the Tillamok river draw can do in the culinary department. to go to when they pass in their of the park have not made the show­ bridge, the war department having Of the farm displays, R. Y. Blalock, the court that this was nec­ checks. ing they might have with the money notifyed Jacob Nicklaus, Fannie Smith and II. already expended, but it was his wish essary, 1“ W. Stanley was appointed L. Jensen showed what the Blaine It seems that the property owners and desire that it should be managed to the position. In the matter of the county road country could do in producing fine are not so much concerned about the by a special board, anil, as we look at assessment as they are about the levy. the matter, he is as much to blame as master, it appearing that the time of fruit, vegetables, corn, grasses, etc., And about the only place to cut down any one else if the affairs of the park F. E. Hobson will be taken up with and these exhibitors are entitled to a on the levy is the road ffind.. have not been properly administreed. the work of the Tillamook-Yamhill good deal of credit for their varied As we have previously stated, Mr. joint district for the balance of the The public schools of the county Stillwell was badly advised in this year, C. A. Dunn was appointed road and nicely arranged displayes. have started up after a long summer respect, and being sick at the time, master. \V. C. King had a good display of In the matter of an inspector for vacation, but ijn’t it time to give the probably did not realize that he had apples and pears, and R. C. Magarrell i children another holiday so that thè made a mistake. We appreciated Mr. the concrete roads that are being teachers can hold their annual teach­ Stillwell’s gif» at the time and admir­ constructed by the Arenz Construc­ also had a varied display, both of ers’ conventions at the taxpayers' ex­ ed his public spirit, and for that tion Co.., G. G. Hall was appointed which were excellent. Dave Redda- pense? way showed some fine artichokes. reason we feel sorry that he has seen at a salary of $50.00 per month. In the matter of the petition of C. fit to recover the land on account of The children of Blaine should not Business men "stung" again, By a a few alleged irregularities in not A. Eastman et al for a county road be forgotton, for they are taking a man who succeeded in getting credit complying with the conditions. Tilla- j the same was rejected. In the matter of the petition of lively interest in raising vegetables, and then suddenly took flight. Isn’t mook City has been unfortunate in ' ii time for the business men to tight­ not having any public spirited citizens Solon Schiffman and John Schild for and these young folks showed on Sat­ en up on the credit system, and get who saw the need of a children's nlay county roads, these were continued. urday that they know how to raise In the matter of the petition of J. together to prevent being "stung” in ground and park, notwithstanding them by the excellent showing