Vol. XXVI. ILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTERMBER 1«, 91.50 PER YEAR. 1915, Spring Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jcn- To exchange first ciass Portland dCOO&GCOGGCCQCOGGOOOC<»GQC€CGCOOCZCOCCOCSC9'^9GCC«CGOC<' I '»ngs. Kilchis River. J re .dence or good wheat land for [ Mrs. \\. I Stephens left on Mon- dairy and stock ranch in Tillamook |dav tu v.sit her mother at Stayton, County—Owner, M. O. Rose, 151 E. j 79, N., Portland, Ore. ♦ 1 \\ c are in a position to make s-'mc lor Sale—One Monarch- Steel lopg Um. farIll ]oans pirst National Range; i Singer sewing machine; Bank. • small heating stove. Iron bed and one AGs. Morris Schnal left on Monday,' nattress. All practically good as new. 1 Inquire City Transfer Co. * ',?,4 a/rancisco 10 vrsit rehuves. and the fair. To increase the output of rock at Manhattan, J. M. Baker, road super- FC KNOWS Happy1 C n0*L run2* ’8 al 'isor of road district No. 3 went there 1 H/S DUTT dinners • *,etarts> Dre. Sunday on Monday, where two crews will be 0 ’ j put to work on eight hour shifts. , dinners “?ners a d specialty. sP«'a>‘y. Wanted to let a contract for haul- Wanted—Furnished dairy ranch !-B Enquire at Coats Lumber near Tillamook or Cloverdale. Per­ Co., Tillamook. centage basis. Experienced cow man M . R. Reichers, cashier of the First and farmer. References. Chas. E. National Bank, went to Portland this Clore. R.F.D. No. 2 Beaverton, Ore.* week on business. We have made special arrange- 1 Ivan Donaldson has gone to Forest nients with the Telephone Co., to j Xro.v5 *°. resume his studies at the connect you directly with our office, I acitic L Diversity. in case you wish any. of our GOOD Tonight (Thursday) at the Star COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W theatre, “J he Skiman,” a great drama of the North. Miss Harriett Gaylord, who is one of the teachers of the public school, MLs Ruth Holmes left on Sunday is with a nervous breakdown. tor Eugene, where she is attending She sick took a summer school course, the State University. and this, it is thought was too much 1 ry one of our fancy dressed chick­ for her. ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ The ladies of the Presbyterian Guild mook Meat Company. * are making preparations for a Parcel Should K)L be taken from your wife and Post Social in the near future, which ^rs- A- E. Case left on Sunday for will be one of the social features of children do you not wish for them to be free from W \NT? Buhl, Idaho, where she will visit this city. Watch for the date later in The best way to make your family independent is to with friends for a week, the Headlight. REGULARLY BANK a part of the income from your 1 he Sue II. Elmore brought in last Geo. Edmunds left Sunday- and labor or your business and let this money S l'AY in the week a number of iron stringers foi Mrs. Edmunds and Leland Erwin and A new Orangepecl bucket for the forced, which would give Nickols a bank. the bridge at the sawmill. his mother left Wednesday for San Bayoccan dredge was brought in by long term in the •county jail. A foolish investment mav endanger the happiness of 1 ' I. C. Quick vs. R. B. Kennedy is a Francisco, where they will visit the the Sue H. Elmore. The new bucket I I have a party in Portland who has suit filed in the circuit court to re­ fair. They expect to be away for will do twice the amount of work as a good first mortgage of $3200 and r family. BE CAREFUL. the old one, which is building part of two houses in Portland, who is anx­ about a month. cover $100 cn promissory note. the Bayocean road by throwing up ious to exchange for a Tillamook Rev. E. Gittins left for Amity on dirt from the bay. Saturday Specials;—Link Sausage, dairy ranch. Fie will assume $8000 or W e pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. I [ Monday, where he to was called Pork, \ cal and old fachioned country $10,000 above the value of his proper­ preach tile funeral sermon of the After the summer vacation the sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. mother of Dr. C. A. Matthews, the Shakespeare Club reconvened andheld ty on a good place well stocked. You . 1 make a good deal with this man Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­ rev. gentleman being an old friend of its monthly meeting at the home of can and 1 would like to hear from you the bereaved family. Mrs. John Groat, who entertained the sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ THE OLD RELIABLE. soon if you will consider such a deal. I with the usual dainty lunch. The | I — merly of the Spanish Kitchen. • The sixty-fourth anniversary of the club Ralph Ackley, 204 Failing Build­ home was nicely decorated with of the Rebekah Lodge, will choice flowers and the meeting prov­ ing. Portland, Ore. * . President J. H. Dunstan, of the founding celebrated by Rebekah Lodge No. ed most enjoyable to those who at­ Leon De Mers, president of the Fair Board, is getting together the be 52 in 1. O. O. F. hall, Monday Sept. tended. First National Bank of St. Maries., Tillamook exhibits for the State Fair. 20.. All Rebekahs requested to attend Ida., accompanied by Mrs. De Mers The place to eat is at the “ Good TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS At the annual meeting of the Shak­ arrived A marriage license was granted to and bring their families. in the city by auto Sunday. Eats," Ramsey Hotel. ♦ espeare Club on Monday, at the home They were George D. Wells, of Yamhill, Ore. accompanied by Mrs. De For Sale—Light driving team, har­ of Mrs. Henry Crenshaw. Mrs. B. C. and Henrietta F. Tatro, of Oretown. Houses to Rent, see Watson. ♦ Teams wanted to haul wood. Apply ness and hack. Latter practically new. Lamb was chosen president, Mrs. H. Mers’ sister, Mrs. J. E. Godfrey, of Mrs. DeMers and Mrs. God­ J. E. Latimer drove in from Mc­ Will consider trade for coyvs or ♦ Botts vice-president and Mrs. Wm. Salem. Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. to Frank Hanenkratt. frey are cousins of Mrs. Jonas Olson. Minnville on Sunday and is spending young stock. Also two two year olds T. G. Tait secretary-treasurer. Mrs. O. M. R. Hanenkratt has gone to a week with his mother on the Wil­ broken to drive double or single. Clough Co. » auto party consisting of A. Schultz and Mrs. W. L. Campbell Another Alvin Godfrey and wife and Miss son river. Portland on business. Lloyd C. Smith, Bar View, Ore. * were elected to fill two vacancies in For your Sunday roast call Sani­ i Hollister of Salem, also arrived Sun­ Ben Kuppenbender was in the city tary Market. Don’t forget those busted castings. the club. Mary J. Cone vs. C. L. Wallace and day. They are all visiting at the Ol­ wife, G. U. Talcott and A. B. Smith Can be welded for half. Goods sent Monday from Nehalem. The County Court went South on son home. Alfred Godfrey is in the Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. is a suit filed in the circuit court to. by parcel post and express promptly Er day for the purpose of inspectin'- plumbing business in Salem and Miss J. W. Edwall and wife have gone recover $5,000. Clough Co.'s. * the work now being made on the Hollister is one of Marion County’s returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, Sour Grass road. The contractor it school teachers. to San Francisco to visit the fair. For rent — House, 4 rooms, pantry, H. M. Farmer anTPwife were in the Oregon. * making good progress, about half of Tuesday Undertaker Hcnklc, ac­ Rollie W. Watson left on a busi­ also furnished house. Rents reason­ city on Monday. the five miles being either slashed or able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb For sale or trade for Tillamook graded. The Court went over part of companied by several others, coinc to ness trip to Portland on Wednesday. Schrader dock. ♦ land, too acres, 5 miles southeast of for the purpose of re­ All kinds of lunch meats at the the new road by auto, and report that Cloverdale moving the body of the man found on Wood Sawed—Call me up on the Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov ­ Sanitary Market. the surveyors have made a fine grade. the bench last week. One ton of coal equals two cords of From descrip­ Mutual phone and 1 will do the rest— wood and you don't have ‘o sow and er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine soil, house and barn on place. Ad­ t Attorney Callahan who had charge tions given the parly thought they Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ Prompt, careful work, in town or in split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg. 'of the settling of the estate of Martin could identify the body as that of Mr. mook County Bank. * the country.—Henry Nelson. * Centray Gi'me 28W, Bratberg, the Bay City jewlcr who Emerick, one of the men who lost ♦ Oregon. I committed suicide nearly a year ago, their lives about five weeks ago in a The enrollment at the public school Wanted to lease farm, some rtock ; informs us that a brother and sister boat while endeavoring to cross from etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro numbering 375 pupils, being _ about I of Bratberg have been located in j Bay City to Bayocean. The grave was the same number enrolled last year, property for same, address owner. j Norway, and a nephew in South Da-1 opened and the body examined, prin­ Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Ore. There is a slight decrease in the kota. At the time lime of his death his hi rel­ cipally the teeth, for dental work grades, but this is offset by an in ­ 1 I were not known. He left prop­ which had been performed. However, Protect your valuable papers from crease in the high school, 110 having atives a< cording to the men who came to erty valued at $3000. the unexpected fire by renting one of already enrolled. identify the body, this did not prove ' our safe deposit boxes. Only one In the case of Thomas Gilford Still- Dan Nickols was fined $500 for 10 them that he was the person they dollar per year. Tillamook County ( well against the city for possession violating the fish law, and in impos ■------ ­ firct supposed and the corpse was re- Bank. * j of the children’s park, donated by ing the fine Justice Stanley, gave him enterred.—Cloverdale Courier. < • Rev. R. E. Jopc, of Roseburg, for­ Stillwell six years ago, the city has another chance, so suspended the Having bought the Tiilam< < k Iron merly of this city, was here on Sun- been Riven further time to answer payment of the fine. Nickols has re­ Works from A. K. Case all business the complaint. The City Council will peatedly violated the fish law and the I day, when he was entertained at the Christian church, where he preached take the matter up on Monday even­ justice told him if he violati <1 the law from Sept. 1st will be transacted by 1 ing and decide what to do. i again the present fine would be in- H. Sander. * Sunday morning. i THF PRUDENT MAN PROTECTS HIS $ FAMILY WITH A BANK ACCOUNT J SERVICE Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore * a Tillamook County Bank 1 I bflIVIAR’S VARIETY STORE, Tillamook, Oregon. $ Drop in and book Around ” ARE YOU SAVING FOR THE INEVITABLE C A\7I7 OM. VL “RAINY DAY” ALL YOU CAN! WHILE YOU CAN! WHILE YOUR EARNING CAPACITY IS THE GREATEST IT IS NOT WHAT YOU MAKE OR EARN NOW IT IS WHAT YOU SHOULD SAVE NOW SO PROVIDE FOR THE YEARS TO COME WOULD YOU INVEST WOULD YOU INVEST 70 Cents Each Month For Si00.00? Many little News Boys, Bootblacks and School Children are using this plan of an.Investment Certificate,therein training themselves to thrift and providing for future good citize. ship. This is a good way to provide an educational fund for the child, as while the child is growing so is the 1 WOULD YOU INVEST $7.00 Each i donth For $ 1 ,000.00? $14.00 Each Month For $2,000.00? Do you know of a place a - here you can lend your monthly savings on first mortga ges. and where 25c ¡ter day will amouut to $1000.00 in a bout 100 mfinths. An investment of this amount in the -E< SUITABLE on the basts of past earnings will bring such results. An excellent way to pro- vide for the payment of 1 mortgage. Many Business Men, Professional Men, Retired Capitalists and Fraternal Organizations are investors in this plan of a certificate. Thereby creating an emergency fund tor future nee Is. For many years the interest earnings of the EQUIT­ ABLE have Ixeit satisfactory as the profits realized by inves­ tors who carry their certificate until maturity average from 7 to 9 | ht cent, jwr annum, - FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE—Fill in ft COUPON call on you in person without any obligatu any detail that you may wish to know. FRED M. ROWLEY, EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TILLAMOOK CITY, OREGON 1 would like m xe inform ttion in M ‘ N° Call on us! LET u i TELL YOU HOW TO MMC YOUR MONEY MAKE YOU MORE MONEY FOLLIE WATSON S OFFICE Phone us! Mail Coupon! Todd Hotel Budding PHONE 53J