Tillamook Headlight. September 9, lOlo. Summons. 38.12 3450 In the Circuit Court of the State of 28.75 I A. Arstell .................................. 1.15048 Adam Babcock .... Dealets in 5 o-- 21.25 Oregon, for Tillamook County, De­ 539-34 John Affolter ..... '4 Large Amount of Money Expended I Walter D. Wood.................... partment No. two. 52.50 Oscar Carvet .......... 60.50 I C. F. DeFord .......................... On Road Improvemtne. Plaintiff 27-50 John R. Harter, 500 Frank Martin ........ ' R. Forkner ................................ vs. 26.87 22.50 H. Bailey ................ I W. S. Cone .................... ........... The September term of the County 1 Claude Ackley .......................... 18.20 Lee Affolter .......... 23-75 Charles R. Soule, Soule Broth­ BRANDS OF FLOUR: Q 2750 ers, Incorporated, a corpora­ Court was held last week, with Coun­ King & Smith Co..................... 3775 Harold Scherzinger ty Judge A. M. Hare and Commission­ Manuel Peters .......................... 25.60 Ennis Frink ............ 27.50 tion, J. J. Jones, J. Swank, W. ■ Morning Stitr. ” "Y. Family Betid. ” ‘ Oregon Flower. ” ? 60.00 O. Wilson and Harriet L. ers F. L. Owens and Geo. R. Me- Arenz Construction Co........... 7.103.11 P. C. Meyer ............ Wilson, his wife, C. M. Zum- 16.25 Kimens present. The feature of this F. C. Feldschau ..................... .329.61 Oscar Taggart .... E. T. ULLMANN, Manager, b 2.50 zalt, W. C. Look and Mrs. W. meeting was the large amount of City Transfer ............................ 206.75 Bert Smith .............. C. Look, his wife, and W B. Commercial Building, Tillamook, Oregon. | money paid out this month for road I Ole Egge .................................... 3-75 24-97 Alfred Bower .......... 10.00 Shively, Assignee, improvements in the county. W. R. Robedee . . Stone & Hicks, Sand & Defendants. is'zz-oo5>s->xzzzzz»oo©co«o©o©G«»aoc®oo©oo©oco&aooQ0^ 10.00 Gravel Co................................. 654.50 John Imlah ............. County Poor. To J. J. Jones. W. O. W ilson and 10.5X1 11.40 John Lowrance . . . Crystal Laundry ...................... $ 1.90 L. T. Dickey ............................. 38.40 John Fleck .............. 53-H Harriet L. Wilson, his wife, and W Tiilamock Feed Co................... 18.75 Hodson-Feenaughly Co........... 3O.5X) C. Look aad Mrs. W. C. l.ook, bis 10.00 Guy Mattoon .......... 30.00 W. Johnson .............................. Mrs. A. E. McKune .............. 12.50 wife, the defendants above named; Wm. O'Connell .. . 77- Mrs. Nancy Craven ................ 3-5° A. E. Holden ............................ In the name of the State of Oregon 60.62 22.50 Alva Leonard ..... E. L. Robertson ...................... 1-74 N. Weber.................................... 7.50 ■ You and each of you are hereby re­ 30.00 Wert Sappington .. 2.32 F. Blaser .................................... W. D. Gladwell .................... 12.50 quired to appear and answer the com­ 17-50 J. Gustafson ............ 2.60 R. Funk . .................................... Tillamook Meat Co.................. 500 plaint filed against you in the above 6.25 Lyle Craven ............ 10.05 Max Rice .................................... Ray & Co..................................... 51.00 entitled suit within six weeks from 18.90 Ben Darby.................................. 30-3« A. A. Lrnlah ............ Ccnover & Condit .................. 96.25 the date of the first publication here­ 11.86 WHl Glick ................ 20.00 Henry Landolt ........................ Mrs. S. A. Clark ...................... 102.50 of in the Tillamook Headlight, the 10.00 Win Hudson .......... Tohl & Anderson .................... 9-75 George Betechart .................... 10.00 L. A. Barrick .......... 106.87 date of the first publication thereof George W. Phelps .................. 7-75 Joseph Baumgartner .............. 35.31 being the 26th day of August, ¡915. J. Childers .................................. 7.50 Earl Paul .................. Misceilaneous. 41.25 and if you fail so to appear and 10.00 E. E. Parker .......... 23.11 Joseph Blättler ........................ Coast Power Co........................ 500 Clarence Babcock .. 48.75 answer, the plaintiff will take a de­ 29.06 G. Vandersce ............................ Pacific Tel and Tel Co............. 52.50 cree against you as follows, to-wit: 500 Ed. Pearson ............ .75 S. Waner ........ ..................... B. D. Lamar ............................ That the ’ plaintiff have 5.00 Fred De Macon ... 26.55 ! First. King & Smith Co....................... .85 George Zerr .............................. 23.60 judgment against the said defendant, 1.00 A. A. Imlah ........ 4.50 Wendell Warner...................... Mutual Telephone Co......... .. 500 Chas Carathers .... 41.25 Charles R. Soule, in the sum of Tillamook Headlight, printing 20.00 P. E. Edgar ................... ...... 2.50 G. Belleque ............ 38.75 seven hundred and 00-100 dollars with 12.50 August Baumgartner ........ Tillamook Herald printing, . 33- 43 interest thereon at the rate of eight •50 Adam Babcock .... W. D. Wood, refund on taxes 6-45 Jim Palen .................................. 48.00 per cent per annum from the 22nd 27.50 Jack Williams ........ 10.00 C. R. Funk ................................ Tillamook Water Works .... 53-12 day of July, 1911; in the further sum 11.87 Geo. Shaver ............ 5.00 L. Eckloff ................................ P. W. Todd, stamps ................ 25.00 of one hundred dollars attorney’s 15.62 Fred Thun .............. R. F. Zachmann, work .... . 2.15 J. Hopfield ................................ 76.12 Harry Broottn........ 51.87 fees; in the further sum of $38.62 Frank Taylor, printing .......... 4-5° L. F. Wilson .............................. > (1905 State Fair not held on account Lewis and <[ 25.00 with interest thereon at the rate of 21.24 Gale Glick................ 10.00 Connie Dye .............................. P. W. Tadd, stamps................ Martin Blazier ........ six^er cent per annum from the 30th 17-50 34- 35 W. Maddux ................................ Clark Exposition). Theil Detective Service Co. 331 15 I 12 50 day of January, 1915; in the further 2.50 Geo. Lewis .............. Glass A Prudhomme, mds. 76.3’ H. Dawson .............................. 1500 E. Cochran ............ . sum of $61.63 with interest thereon -70 Sid Travis .................................. 8-75 Elliott-Fisher Co., mds........... 20.00 at the rate of six per cent per annum 17-50 Ray Hushbeck ........ 42.48 D. Pangborn ............ ............... P. W. Todd, stamps ................ C. Blum .................... 17-50 from the 30th day of July, 1915; anil 11.87 10.00 W. Wiigl.t ................................ Bushong A Co., blanks .......... 17-50 for his costs and disbursements of 1-25 Will Nelson ............ Holden, freight etc. ... 30.33 J. Plasker .................................. J. c.................. An Exposition in itself. The Pride of Oregon. 1500 this suit. Wm. Monahan .......................... 2.50 Walter Aune .......... Salaries. 60.00 Wm. O'Connell .... 80.50 55-00 C. Dye ........................................ Second. That the mortgage des­ T. E. Epplett ............................ > A Great College for those engaged in Agricultural, < ! 23.12 cribed in the said complaint be fore­ 57-50 Ed Worthington .. . 905 Joe Mapes .................................. A. E. Ball .................................. 65.00 C. Worthington .... Horticultural and Live Stock Pursuits. 53-12 85.00 Claude Ackley .......................... closed and that the following discrib­ A. L. McCarty .......................... 45-62 ed real property, towit: 45-63 Elbert Worthington J. E. Reedy ................................ 130.00 R. Deeter .................................. A Full Week at the State Fair broadens the 77-50 30.00 Elmer Bailey .......... Blocks, three, four, nine, ten, eleven, C. A. Johnson ............................ 100.00 H. Berge .................................... 10.00 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, 42.50 Frank Vongrew .... 75.00 W. Sutton .................................. H. B. Mil'is ................................ intellect. 20.00 E. Kerby .................. 33-75 .twenty seven, twenty eight and 1500 A. Easom .................................. Violet Vedder .......................... 1500 twenty nine, and lots from one to 30.00 Ivan Gist .................. Munter, the Aviator, will make two Flights E’rank Owen and auto hire . . . 104.25 Mrs. Mapes .............................. Wert Sappington 41-55 seventeen inclusive and from twenty Geo. R. McKimens.................. 99 50 Dolph Tinnerstet .................... Lyle Craven ............ 29-05 three to twenty six inclusive of block A. M. Hare ................................ 100.00 C. Davis ...................................... 91.00 two, and lots one and from twentysix 59-40 Chas Murphy .......... W. S. Buel ................................ 8333 H. Mason.& Co.......................... Free Camping space in a shady Oak Park. 1500 to forty seven inclusive of block six­ 38.00 Bruce Hare ................................ 5125 Guy Mattoon .......... Mary L. White........................ •93 teen, and lots from twenty eight to 87.33 A. J. Naits .................................. 51-25 H. Getchel .............. B. L. Beals ................................ Free Stalls for Campers’ Teams. Free trans­ 78.00 forty eight inclusive of block fifteen, 7 50 Roy Mayfield .......... H. Crenshaw ............................ 13333 Joe Mapes ................................. . R. Kellow ................ 130.00 and lots from one to eight inclusive, 40.00 ~ portation on Railroads for Exhibits. 75-00 Bert Leach .................... ...... W. L. Campbell........................ 120.00 and from fifty seven to sixty one in­ 75-00 W. Wilks .................................... O. G. Swenson .......................... 28.75 G. F. Gates .............. For any information relative to the Oregon 60.62 clusive of block twenty one, and lot J. C. Holden .............................. 133.31 Homer Wilks ............................ 28.75 F. B. Smith.............. 55-00 one of block twenty six, and lots one, 7500 Sid Anderson ............................ 27.50 H. W. McDonald .. Kathleen Mills .......................... 1 ! State Fair which opens 1500 two, and sixteen of block twelve, all 10.00 Ray Nelson .............. 65.00 Ed. Hanenkratt .................. .. Vida A. Millis .......................... 15.00 in Avalon, in the County of Tillamook 12.50 Jav Davis .............. Peter Schrantz ........................ Sour Grass Road. D. Pearson.......... 87 75 and State of Oregon. 1500 Tillamook Bay Const. Co ... 3,743-01 W. Hanenkratt ........................ . D. Heaston ........ 37-50 Be sold in the manner prescribed by­ 51.00 Alfred Hobson .......... 1375 R. F. Martin .............................. 8500 law and the proceeds of such sale 95-62 Victor Lane ............ Norwood Apperson . 27-50 N. J. 107.50 applied to the payment of the said . Ison ........ 11500 Clyde Lane ........ .. 17-50 David Hobson .......... I 52.50 judgment. 92.50 Ola Lane .................... 10.00 Q. Pangborn .......... G. F. Jameson .......... 5-62 , Third. That the defendant, Charles 16.25 Erank Dye .............. 70.50 C. P. Morse .............. C. F. Shortridge .... Write to 52.50 R. Soule, and all persons claiming 65.co Sid Travis ................. 92.50 Fred Lewallen ........ H. W. Herring .......... 10000 Claude Lewallen . . W. A. J ones , Secretary, Salem, Oregon. D. Tinnerstet .......... 95.00 1.2c Norwood Apperson . through or under him, be forever bar­ 17-50 red and foreclosed from setting up 21.25 E. Herring .............. E. E. Robbins .......... 27-50 Virgel Kellow .......... 27-50 D. L. Shrode .......... Surveyor'» Office, Etc. 37-50 W. W. Yates .......... 40.00 any claim, right, title or interest in D. Billings .............. 105.00 A. L. Lane ................ F. E. Hobson ............................ 88.00 orto the said lands, or any portion Art Mapes ................ 2750 Ed Mallory .............. Marshall Wells Hdw. Co. . . . excepting the statutory right Groven VVitt ............ 20.00 thereof, Ole Worner .............. 27.50 Barthold Barge Co.................... of redemption. Nels Haglund .......... 72.60 , Jack Monroe .......... Geo. Bean .................................. 27-50 Fourth, That the plaintiff be Ver­ 76.10 Max Doerge ............ 37-50 Wm. Gould .............. M. E Gruber, auto hire .......... mitted to become a purchaser at such John Sleks ................ 68.25 i Guy Allmon ............ - 06 Geo. X. Riddell sale. 11.25 W'alter Baker.......... 26.25 F. Lucas .................... R. L. Shreve ... 2 =.0 ' Fifth. That the plaintiff have such Wallace Edson ........ Alwin Blum ............ 69.00 R. L. Shreve .. , 7.50 cn other and further relief as to the John Blum .............. 68.62 J. J. Hollctt .............. C. A. Dunn .... court may seem just and equitable. Ralph E. Welsh ... 40.00 Clell Pearson .......... Wm. Anderson 56.25 I I his summons is served upon you Hugh V. Welsh ................ , 5.00 bred Blum .............. 55.00 Alfred Gulstrom z 5.00 by publication thereof by order of Norman Christensen Alfred Hobson 47-50 Harold Hollctt the Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge of the Is the Most Wonderful 18.75 County Court of the State of Oregon, Amba Brown .......... 55-00 Frank Kumm . 1). W. I amb 20.00 B. E. Turner ...... 110.00 David Hess ... Geo. X Riddell 11.25 1 for the County of Tillamook, made The Most Beautiful C. E. Walker .......... L. M. Blair .... 42.55 Guss Fowler . entered herein on the 26th day of 3-75 ' and Alex Walker.......... 22.50 Jacob Kumm . Sam Hoober .. August, 1915, in the absence of the Arthur Haag . The Most Important in History. 3-75 Circuit Judge. L. Goldsworthy .... 300 C. Johnson .... 3.12 Chas Fleck .............. Road District No. 1. 57-50 Sam Hover .. . E. J. Claussen. Ray Woods ... Alwin Blum .............. 2.50 B. Batzner ................................ 5750 Attorney for the Plaintiff. J. H. Proctor .......... 43-75 Wheeler Lumber Co............... 115.00 I.ee Lyster .. . It is a-tist c, it is symetrical, it is worlds wide, it R. B. McClay 41-25 H. H. Graf .............. Tohl A Anderson .................. 22.50 is complete. Notice of -Appointment of Admims 35-93 A. Tippenis ........ Lakeocean Lumber Co. ..... 17-50 Eugene Hester trator. Robin Lyster . R. Forkner ................ 43-75 Arstill & Berns ........ ........... .. 61.87 R. Hester ........ Only three months more will it be opened. No 81.87 Albert Krake .......... 55-00 Brighton Mills Co.................... Notice is hereby given to all whom Fred Lyster .. 80.00 intelligent person can afford to miss the oppor­ Joe Monahan .......... . H. W. Wright ........................ 66.57 Forrest Ayer . I 5100 it may concern; that by an order of Ned Hughey ............ Geo. W. Phelps .................... tunity of visiting this exposition. 13-75 R. Forkner ... the County Court, of Tillamook 2.50 Sam Hoober............ F. P. Hobson .......................... 17.18 17. co County, Oregon, made and entered of ............i. Lyle Maddux ............ Walter E. Walling ................ 10.32 A. J. Clark ... V............. 26.87 record therein on the 1st day of Clarence Davis ..... Wm. Woods ............................ 500 Cahl Curl........ Alvis Curl ........ 1500 September. 1915, the undersigned was Gayle Buel ................ E. A. Worthington ................ Low Round Trip Fares to San Francisco 469 B. B. Dunham 20.00 appointed the administrator of the Sam Hoober .............. Albert Miller .......................... 500 estate of Jasper W. Buckle», deceas ­ C. J. Blanchard 68.13 Clarence Davis ........ George Balmer ...................... 7-50 on sale daily from all points. B. Gilliam ....... .................... 2.50 ed. — Plane ...................... t« W. H. Brobst.......................... 4 38 W. Bills All persons having claims against for Two or More District*. T. Haugen .................. E. A. Worthington ................ 73 13 88.83 said estate are hereby notified to Sam Doney................ Wm. Barker ............................ 112.50 A. K. Case .............................. them, verified as requird by Marion Darby .......... Alva Finley.............................. It vott contemplate atrip East you can travel 116.25 Long &• Co.................................. 224.29 present 842.9e law to the undersigned as said ad­ Amos Vaughn .......... Lew Kenney ............................ 72.00 Howard-Cooper Corporation * California in one direction at entail ministrator at the office of Webster Alex McNair ............................ 128.92 Ed. Stark .................... Ernest Kebbe.......................... 37-50 aduitional expense. Holmes, in Tillamook City, Oregon, Meese & Gottfried Co .............. 262.67 Fred Zaddach .......................... George Wilks ........ 22.81 within six months of the date of this Ed. Jacoby ................ J. W. Shortridge.................... 58.13 Sam McVey .............................. 901.44 notice. Bales & Erskine ...................... 22.00 Rosco Barker .......................... Lon Kinnainan ........ 27.50 A. 10 Days to San Fran-ciscJ Dated this 2nd day of September K. Case .............................. 31.40 Amel Ross .............................. loe Osborn................ 11.25 75-57 1915. George Hartzell ...................... V. Glad........................ i. 750 Standard -Oil Co.......................... H. Crenshaw, and Joe Osborn ................ A. E. Rittenhouse .................. 25.00 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................... 566.R8 Administer of said estate. 67.60 W. F. Caine .............................. — Overton ................ 17. co R. F. Zachmann ...................... t 16.20 First publication Sept 2nd, 1915. W. II. Brobst .......................... 10 Days to Dos Angeles Archie Beebehiser ...e........ 21.81 G. G. Hall .............................. 37834 Last publication Sept. 30, 1915. Albert Easom .......................... J. Tagman ................................. 3000 A. K. Case ................................ Fair Board. J. C. Holden .............................. J. Beebehiser ........................... 7-50 N. J. Dye County an«! todays at El Paso are allowed on all tickets .................................... A. Arstell .................................. 16.87 Administrator's Notice to Creditors Bert Nichols ................ ........... 750 Guy ——o-------- Allmon .............................. to the East reading over the 10.C5 Sandburg l.ogus Co.................. J. D. Graham .............. ............ 16.25 Walter I). Wood .................... Jack Jennings........................... Notice is hereby given that the un­ 3-75 H. W. Klein .............................. Notice to Taxpayer*. J. T. Woodward ..................... dersigned S. M. Wendt, by an order 2.81 Wm. Chisholm' ........................ Pete Walker............................. . 20.00 of the County Court of Tillamook O. A. White .............................. Notice is hereby given, that on County, Oregon, has been d ily ap­ Wm. Turner .................. 2. co Ike Wells................................... G. T. Dougherty ...................... .175 Monday, the 13th day of September, pointed administrator of the estate of Arch Cummings ...................... Cht.s Wells ................ «88 1915. the County Board of Equaliza- Samuel W. Grabel, deceased, said x'*r-'r vine for Our folders " Wayside Jim Cummings........ ................. ___ at ____ O. Noble ............................... the ______________ Court House in _ order having been made on the 3rd »50 tion, will meet California Expositions" will be of interest—They“1' free. Arthur Palmer.......................... James Pallen ........................... 5 10 Tillamook City Oregon, and publicly day of August. 1915. Notice is further Dick Myers ................................ James Pallen ........ .................. J-41 examine the assessment roll for said given that all persons having claims I >hn M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. E. A. Worthington.......... year, and correct all errors in valua­ against the said estate are hereby re­ Road District No. 3. J W. Tohl.............. .................... Cloverdale Merc. Co .. 79-86 tions, descriptions of lands, lots or quired to present the same with prop­ Chas. Robitsch ......................... other property. er vouchers to S. S. Johnson, Tilla­ Cloverdale Merc. Co .. 55 3« Chas. Morgan............................ Said board of equalization will con­ mook, Oregon, attorney of the under­ W. R. Robedce ............. 18.00 Ernest Crown .......................... Commercial Stables ... 5-00 tinue in session from day to day un­ signed, or to the undersigned, with­ Grant Marshall ...................... correction and in six months from this date. D. W. Gilbert & Sons 12.35 til the examination, Nels Nelson .............................. Dated August 3, 1915. equalization of said assessment rolls Ed Worthington .......... 1035 Ben Senters .............................. • S. M. Wendt. F. S. Foster .. ;........ 5.20 shall be completed. John Paquet .............................. All persons interested in the assess­ Administrator of he rsta'e D. T. Edmunds ............ »35 John Hobson ............................. of Samuel W. Grabel. J. M. Burke ............... 13-20 ment* of their property are requested Sam Johnson ............................. Deceased. Post office, Albert Boon.......... 1725 appear at said time and place, as no Albert Sheldon ......................... H. ]. Tohl ...................... Tillamook, Oregon. 450 changes can be made after the ad­ Arthur Paquet ........................... J. G. Burk and Sons ... 7.6O journment of the board. 01R PURPOSE IS TO SERVE THE Valentine Stoker........ .. . . . . J. M Baker .................... 104 00 Dated at Tillamook City, Aug. 10th, Administrator's Notice to Creditor*. ' <• >rgt Benson .................. 1»I5 C. W. Mathews............ 1.35 ----- o ------ John Langley............................. PUBLIC WELL. P. M. Stiverson............ C. A. Johnson. 3-75 Notice is hereby given, that the Valentine Stoker .. . ” ’ Orley Kellow ................. County Assessor. 5.10 County Court of the State of Oregon, Our plant is well equipped and Fred Paquet .................. . Sandberg Logus Co. .. 778.69 Frank Crane ........ ...................... Bananas, yams and breadfruit grow for Tillamook County, has appointed Sandberg Logus Co. .. maintained in perfect running 66403 the undersigned administrator of the Road District No. a. M. F. and John Fleck . 892.60 without culture in Haiti. The people. estate of Jesse V. Embum, deceased, order. A F. Coats Lbr. Co 288.10 Jeffery A Button ........ i«oZ88 and all persons having claims against Tillamook City 2.36 Abner Griest ... ^e can furnish you with any- 1505 Short skirt»—they're sensible, and said estate are hereby required to W . B. Alderman 10000 Geo. Moskos ... still Jjtrre will be some who will not present the same to him at his resi­ Albert G. Lahn tnmg in electric supplies or fix- 875 Jeffery & Button weaf them sensibly. dence at Tillamook, Oregon, or to T. A._ T. Dolan 344.64 E. E. Colestock ; 2.50 • " res for w'rmg. lighting, heat­ Wm. Hobson has to be a lot of bookkeep­ H. Goyne, an attornev at law. at his 6.00 E T. Carter ... 461.41 ing There office m Tillamook City, Oregon, to ­ G. G. Hall .. ing. power, or cooking. in the Ralkans before those states 3461 George Lewis .. 6.50 gether with the proper vouchers, I. F. 1-arson 11. co Dell Winters ... 65.62 can enter into the war. "e have experienced and capa- within six months from the date of C E. Pearson A. E. Meyer .... 40.50 . It appears the Eastland carried 3000 this notice. F. E. Pangborn . ' ' men to attend to our lines and Fred Affolter ... 31.as people across Lake Michigan onr day Dated September 9th, 1915. S. G. Thayer .... Walter Affolter . ■ do hoi,8e wiring and instala- in 1908; isn ’ t the recollection of it bv 4Ì.7S John Embum. Administra ­ Edwards & LazelJ Fred Schersingcr .A 33.50 anv of them enough to bring out the 11011s. tor of the estate of Jessie Sandberg-Logu* Co. Ralph Sutton ... 16. «0 cold sweat n^w? I V. Embum, deceased. TILLAMOOK COUNTYS BIG Sandbcrg-Logus Co................. . 51375 M. D. Sandbridge . 14.88 Jack Williams ...... I Sandberg Logus Co................. MONTHLY PAY ROLL YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, | Flour, Grain and Feed. 8. ? OREGON STATE FAIR 1860 1915 FIFTY-FOURTH ANNUAL STATE FAIR $20,000 Premiums $ ? $ $ $ ? SEPTEMBER 27th and closes OCTOBER 2nd. ? Panama-Pacific Exposition SOUTHERN PACIFIC Coast Power Company