«UES CITY FOR POSSESSION ation or otherwise, as may be d »2 advisable wuh the' p.op^ execu^n ’ OF CHILDREN S PARK. J ELAND B. ERWIN, Child F ¿tally Burned. Notice. DUMBA INCIDENT IS OF GRAVE MOMENT. this trust and shall each year pro PIANO INSTRUCTION. a t ital burning accident occurred on Notice is hereby given Gilford Stillwell Claim. that Condi- vide a fund ior the linp.ovement and Breach With Two Nations Possible. ounday itternoon, when Thomas State of State Land Board of the " ia, " tenanc e t h . ercot ' » the amount each lions Have not Been Complied Diploma front Chicago Musical _______ year expended to be determined bv « i.iuius, the tour year old son of Oregon will receive sealed bids at its With. ____ in the Capitol . " Building at College.—Beginners receive the same the recommendation of the Board Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, was office i " ’ ‘ Washington, Sept. 7. — Drastic ac ­ -o----- lallt burned anil who di.d Mondav tion by President W ilson in the case Salem, Oregon, up to 10 o’clock A.M. careful training as the most advanced. of th ht ?Pp™vaJ of 'he 'axing p0Wcr An important suit was filed in the of the said city, but in no event shall evening from the effects. The boy of M. Dumba, Aurtro-Hungarian on November 9, 1915, for all the Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ Circuit Court on Wednesday in which such amount constitute an unjust v ts asleep in a tent 011 the W ilson Ambassador to the United States, State’s interest in the tide or over­ tion. r{.V F’ ' ^*s r,arfn,i- went across may provoke serious complications flow lands hereinafter described., Thomas Gilford Stillwell, VV. H. Eb­ burden upon the taxpayers All lessons given at Studio. T lc road to niuko a visit. In some between this country and the Austro- giving, however, to the owner or 1 hat a failure of Tillamook Citv and W. D. Stillwell ennan and wife Factory Representative for the way the tent caught tire and burned Hungarian government and perhaps owners of any lands abutting or front­ regon, to accept the said trust or to wes Tillamook City, E. E. Daniels, transter or attempt to transfer the down before anyone knew what hap- Germany. ing thereon, the preference right to Chute & Butler Pianos and Player Thomas Coates and Mrs. A. G. Beals same or any portion thereof or a fail­ I' ty d, the little fellow being caught I he incident has possibilities, the purchase said tide or overflow lands Pianos. {or possession of what is known as ure oi the board to faithfully carry end 1 1'. I ut managed to crawl out gravity of which the president and his at the highest price offered, provided ar.d ran to where hit parents were, feel they cannot afford to such offer is made in good faith and T B »ALS, M.D., Gilford Stillwell School Children’s t’hk at"y .anh n11 1 f the I'rovis>on’ of ru " ' batHy. burned about the head, advisers also privided that the lands will not overlook. th»» trust shall annul the same and in Park which was deeded to the city as a that event the said property be sold for, nor any offer therefore I I he sad accident caused quite a Amtassador Positively Instructed herein gloom PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON in the neighborhood, and According to what Ambassador accepted of less tha i $7.50 per acre, phy ground for the pupils of the pub- described shall revert to th . , - — .... heirs, executors, ; administrators ' ____ _ or legal much sympathy was shown the sor- Dumb.» told Secretary Lansing, his and that the Board reserves the right Surgeon S P. Co. ¡jc school. letter was in pursuance to positive in- to reject any and all bids. representatives of the said Thomas rov.mg paren’s. The Deed and Conditions. (I. O. O F. Bldg ) Said lands are situated in Tillamook his structions received by him from Gilford Stillwell. government. He was specifically di- County, Oregon, and described as Tillamook .... Oregou In witness whreof, we have henun- Know all men by these presents, in Tilhmock Cheese at the Fair, rected to advise all Austro-Hungarian follows, to-wit: tL.t 1 ihomas Gilford Stillwell (un­ 1- l° rv ' F ' bands seal * mis this om 6th 1 SCtr T< —■/'*“ a,'d OVtt Beginning at a point 660 feet north that if they worked in fac­ earned) W. H. Eberman and U ilia day of December A. D. 1909. Carl Habcrlach has received tWQ _ subjects tories turning out war supplies to be of Sec. corner common to 14, 15, 22 EBSTER HOLMES, K /man ms wife and W. D. Still­ letters in regard to Tillamook cheese delivered to the allies they would be and 23, T. 1 S.. R 10 W. W. M., this The Complaint. well (unmarried) of Tillamook, ItH- point being the meander corner be ­ at the fair. One reads as follows: guilty of treason and if they returned In the complaint the defendants al­ A TTOR N K Y - A T L A W anook County, State of Oregon, for their country they would be tried tween sections ¡4 and 15; thence, the consideration of the sum of one lege: "We have the following to report to East 396.00 feet along U. S. Mean­ and punished, the penalty being to tp dollar and of the faithful performance COMMERCIAL BUILDING, I hat the said deed besides bein- in connection with our Tillamook I der line. imprisonment or hanging. 01 the terms and conditions of the signed and sealed before its delivery exhibit in the Oregon Building at the 20 It years N. 32 degrees, 45 minutes E. 660.00 was the duty of the Ambassador FIRST STREET, • trust hereby created,, have bargained was duly acknowledged by the plain­ P. P. I. E. carry out the instructions of his feet along U. 3- Meander line. and sold and by these presents, do tiffs so as to entitle the same to rec­ ‘The quantity you shipped, which to N. 78 degrees 45 minutes E. 759.30 OREGON. The letter he wrote re­ TILLAMOOK, bargain, sell and convey, unto Tilla­ ord and thereafter the same was duly we understand is about 30 cases in­ government. feet along U. S. Meander line. ported on the arrangements he was cluding sonic Young Americas, is all mook City, Oregon, in trust, upon the recorded at pages lot, 102, and to, of N. 24 degrees, 16 minutes E, 482,10 Thus the responsibility terms and conditions hereinafter set ' °*ume 13, Deed Record of Tilla­ intact. They have used a few cheese perfecting. J E. REEDY, D.V M., rests squarely on the Austro-Hungar­ feet along low water line. for distribution to the public. Our out all of the following bounded and mook County, Oregon. N. 3 degrees 20 minutes VV, 1135.00 ian government. described real property, situate in feet along low water line. That no consideration passed from cheese as we found it had been taken Breach of Relations Possible. VETERINARY. Tillamook County, State of Oregon, defendants or any of them to the out of the cases and piled on a plat­ N. 5 degrees 33 minutes E 419 50 It follows that Mr. Dumba ’ s action to-wit: plamtiits or any of them of a valuable form, which is covered with green will be wholly supported by his gov­ feet along low water line. Both Phones. Beginning at a point 1094 chains nature, but the said deed was simply burlap, in the west end of the build­ ernment. In this case, should the N. 15 degrees 18 minutes W. 840.00 south, and 2.65 chains west of the a deed of gift in trust for the purpose ing: the location is good. Anyone in­ President decide to go so far, it will feet along low water line. Tillamook . - - - Oregou terested in the Oregon building will be necessary to request his recall, and southeast corner of Block No. six (6) therein expressed. N. o degrees 49 minutes E. 2402.00 surely see our display. We have, how ­ in VV. D. Stillwell ’ s addition to feet along low water line. lhat at all times since the execu­ „ ... _. tbe if that should be done it is declared "town of Lincoln (now within the in­ tion and delivery of said deed the said ever, the following objections, which positively that the Austro-Hungarian N. 3 degrees 37 minutes W. 1340.00 r-p IL GOY N K, corporate limits of Tillamook City) 1 illantook City and the other defend­ we registered with Mr. Geo. M. Hay­ government will hand passports to feet along low water line. Oregon, and running thence south ants Daniels, Coates and Beals, have land, Managing Secretary of the Ore­ Mr. Penfield, the American Ambassa­ N. 87 degrees 34 minutes w. 1308.06 feet to point on line between Secs. 6.75 chains, to the south line of the failed and refused to accept the bene­ gon commission. dor in Vienna. ATTORNEY AT LAW. “In the afternoon about three grantor herein, thence west in said fits offered by the plaintiffs in said Thus a state of broken relations 14 and 15. o ’ clock a quantity of Oregon cheese., South, 7362.21 feet to a point of south line 6.75 chains; thence north deed and have failed and refused to exist between the United Tillamook, is cut into small would beginning, containing 241.42 acres in Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , States and Austro-Hungary. ¿.75 chains, to the north line of the comply with the terms and conditions including slices and served on soda crackers. In the same connection, a question Secs. 14 and il.T. 1 S., R to W. land of the grantor herein; thence mentioned in the said deed to be com­ We found that the young ladies and Oregou. Applications and bids should be ad­ Tillamook would arise as to the course Germany east 6.75 chains, to the place of be­ plied with by them, in this, to-wit: one man that attend to this, had the dressed to "G. G. Brown, Clerk. State would pursue. There is no doubt Ger­ ginning, containing four and one half Said pretended Board has failed in wooden trays and upon be­ many is in exact agreement with Aus­ Land Board, Salem, Oregon,” and acres, more or less. and refuse to elect its officers for cheese ing questioned could not tell Tilla ­ tro-Hungary as to the desirability of marked “Application and bid to pur­ JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, Together with all and singular the the proper and convenient transac­ I from other Oregon cheese, in crippling the American output of mu­ chase tide lands.” tenements, hereditaments and appur­ tion of its business and has failed and mook fact, one of the young ladies told the nitions of war. ATTORNEY 1 Dated August 21. 1015. tenances thereunto belonging or in refused to transact its business by writer that it was all Coos Bay G. G. Brown, There is no doubt further that Aus­ AND anywise appertaining. resolution or by resolutions recorded cheese, the finest ever made; in other Clerk State Land Board. To have and to hold the same in and spread upon its minutes or any words, the force of this demonstra­ tro-Hungary will consult her ally as COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. trust, for the uses and purposes, and written record, and has failed to keep tion is entirely lost as far as our pro­ to the policy primarily and Germany First publication, Sept. 2nd, IQ15. Last publication, Nov. 4th, 1915. T illamook B lock , upon the terms and conditions, here­ its accounts in proper form and has duct is concerned. Now to correct secondarily will pursue. I German Support Expected. Tillamook - - - - Oregon failed to make records thereof; has this, we suggest the following: inafter set forth. There thus arises the possibility ROOM NO. 26!. The terms and conditions of the failed to hold its so-called or pretend­ “First of all, we can arrange with that Germany will act in precisely the How’S This? ed records open to inspection to any Mr. Hvland to have a young lady for said trust are as follows, to-wit: offer O ne H undred D ollars R eward The said tract of land shall be set and all persons interested therein two or three hours each day stand in same fashion as Austro-Hungary acts *or We any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured J. CLAUSSEN, In short, should the matter reach the aside, used and known, and designat­ during the proper hours or at any front of our exhibit and serve small stage where the United States will by Hall*» Catarrh Cure. . LAWYER. ed as the Gilford Stillwell School time; has failed to keep a strict ac­ slices of Tillamook cheese on a crack­ demand F. J CHBN'KY At CO.. Teledo. O the recall of M. Dumba and count of money received by taxation, er. Children’s Park. We. the undersigned have known F. J. D E U T St II E R A DY OK A T Austro-Hungarv hand M. Penfield Cheney There shall be, and is hereby creat­ donation or otherwise; has failed to for the last IS years, and believe “Our next suggestion is that around passports, Germany will dismiss him perfectly honorable in all business ed, a Children’s Park Board, for the exercise proper or any supervision of each of these cheese and cracker, we his 213 T illamook B lock Mr. Gerard, the American Ambassa­ transactions anti financially able to carry control and management of said the funds raised for the purpose of place a printed leaflet, setting forth dor in Berlin, and recall Count von out any obligations made bv his firm. park, who shall hold their offices as improving or beautifying the grounds the merits of Tillamook cheese, the Bcrnstorff, NATIONAL DINK OF COMMERCE. the German ambassador. Ore iron Tillamook Toledo, O. hereinafter specified, that is to say; mentioned in said deed; has failed to word Tillamook appearing in large Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, The grantor appoints the first mem­ improve or beautify the said grounds type on that portion of the leaflet acting directly upon the blood and mucous Mr. Roosevelt and Belgium. surfaces of the system. Testimonla’s sent ber of the board, viz: Harriet Ford, in any respect; has failed to pay out which the person sees when being R. JACK CLSEN, free. Price 75 rents per bottle. sold by alt ----- o for the term of one year. Carl Patz- moneys coming into their hands by handed the sandwich. 1'rnt» “Next, we consider it all important laf, for the term of two years, and warrants duly drawn by the officers Mr. Roosevelt persists in his state­ Take Hall's Fnmilv Fills for constipation. DENTIST. Thomas Coates for the term of three of sa-id pretended Board, and has in that we have a sign painted reading ment that the United States Govern­ (L O. O. F Bldg.) every respect failed and refused to something like this, — “ This is the years. ment violated an agreement when it Don’t cross the street by ear; the That a vacancy shall be deemed to comply with all the duties imposed genuine inspected Tillamook Cheese failed to rush to the armed support of motorist is also forgetful to honk, Tillamook • Oregon exist in the membership of said upon the members of such Board by from Tillamook County, Oregon." Belgium when that country’s neutraU honk. "You can see the advantage of our ity was violated by the German in­ Board, by the death, resignation, or the said deed or to faithfully carry removel from said Tillamook City, out any of the provisions of the trust suggestions,—the young lady serving vasion. Upon whai document he J_ J T. BO i x u the cheese impresses upon the people bases this claim docs not appear, al­ Oregon, or by the expiration of the imposed in said deed. 1 A . That the said members of the pre ­ that it is Tillamook cheese; the leaf­ though he refers vaguely to Hague NEW HOME USERS term of office of any member of said VTTORNKY-AT LAW. Board, all expirations to occur on the tended Board and the said defendant lets, will be read by at least 50 per conventions. No one but himself, as­ Tillamook City have failed to keep cent of the people and the printed suming that he finds foundation for ARE Complete Set of Abstract Books in 31st day of December, in any year. That any vacancy in the member­ open the said grounds conveyed in sign will help to distinguish Tilla­ his views in The Hague agreement, quality CHOOSERS Office. ship of the Board shall be filled by trust as aforsaid, to be used exclusiv­ mook cheese from other Oregon sterns to be able to discover any such Taxes Paid for Non Resident«. appointment, by the Mayor of Tilla­ ely for the games, pastimes, recrea­ cheese. As it is now, all Oregon obligation therein. It is true that the T illamook B lock , mook City, Oregon, provided how­ tion, amusement and enjoymnet of cheese looks alike to the public that convention of 1907 declared that “The territory of a neutral power is inviol­ ever that such appointment shall al­ the school children mentioned in said visits the Oregon State Building. Tillamook .... Oregon It will not cost you much to carry able” and that "Belligerents are for­ ways be approved by at least one of deed; but on the contrary, all of said Both Phones. the remaining members of said Board defendants have permitted the said out our ideas. A young lady can bidden to move troops or conveys, and doubtless be engaged for this work grounds to be used for others whether of munitions of war or of and shall be for the balance of the divers purposes including the use for $1.00 to $1.50 a day; crackers can spplies, across the territory of a AÄ/" C. HAWK, unexpired term. ___ , ” __ power, but there was no That said Board shall elect its own thereof for baseball ground and in- be bought by the box at a minimum neutral r officers, for the proper and conven­ eluding the use thereof for pasturage cost and the printed sign will not be agreement for the enforcement of these provisions, and no understand­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ient transaction of its business and of stock by private persons and have more than $1.00 to $2.00. “We note from ypur letter written | i ing ng that the signatory powers, or all of its business shall be transacted neglected to keep the said grounds in connection with this exhibit that 1 any of them, should come to the aid by proper resolutions which shall be order or to beautify the same; have in Oreirrin Hay City contemplate changing the cheese ' of the country whose neutrality might spread upon its minutes, and togeth­ neglected to inclose the same and you from time to time and having us be so violated. The Hague conven ­ have so exposed the said grounds by er with its accounts shall constitute dispose of each shipment. tions are not police regulations, but QR. L. L. HOY, •ts records, which records shall be their said neglect that such grounds eventually Inasmuch, however, as other cheese declarations of principles. They have E. T. HALTOM. open to inspection by any and all have become useless for the purpose makers giving away their product the force of international law as PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON persons interested at and during all mentioned in said deed and the ob­ you will are Tillaœook, Oregon. conclude that it is : standards of relation between nations proper business hours, and two mem­ ject of the said trust has been com­ necessary doubtless for us to do likewise with j but that the violation of any one if T illamook B lock , bers of said Board shall constitute a pletely defeated. That the said pretended members of ours. We believe that one ’cheese a : the articles, or all of them, would The New Home Sewing quorum for the transaction of busi- dav will be sufficient to cut. ” bring the powers to arms in their Machine Company, the said Board have failed to take Oregon. Tillamook, n*s*, privided all resolutions passed of was never thought of. The other ieiter refers to the de­ defense San Francisco, Cal. shall be sanctioned by at least two and subscribe to. an oath of office to T ’ n e actipn of Great Britain is rising faithfully and diligently assist in mand for samples of Tillamook members of said Board. ostensibly, to the support of Belgium, £JR- KLM Eli ALLEN lliat the said Board shall keep a carrying into effect the provisions of cheese, as is follaws: was not based upon Hague conven­ the trust aforsaid or to take any strict account of all moneys received (Succeaaor to l)r. Sharp), “We desire to report that our Till­ tions nor upon general international whatsoever. by taxation, donation or etherwis oath That the defendant Tillamook City amook cheese exhibit has taken the laws. If they were all that bound her LIVE AGENTS WANTED and shall have the supervision of all DENTIST. proper or any people by storm. They are now serv- ’ she would have had no legal obli— DIG MONEY MAKING funds raised tor* the purpose of im­ has failed to in exercise the preservation of the mg from the T1 lamook cheese booth | tion to impel her assistance. Her PROPOSITION. proving or beautifying said park, and supervision Commercia! Buildimr, grounds for the purpose men­ a thin slice of Ti’lamook cheese on a | course then, if she had taken action, shall pay same out only by warrants said been wholly by THE ICELESS QUEEN tioned in the aforesaid deed and has cracker, cheese and cracker wrapped would ------ - have ---------- . . prompted . duly drawn and signed by the proper acquiesced all the negligent and in printed leaflet, copy of which we I humanity or political expediency. But REFRIGERATOR. QAK1. HAHERI.ACH, officers of said Board who shall make I improvident in of the other defend­ mailed you and held together by a she was bound as were French, Rus- Refrigerates without Ice or such necessary rules and regulations ants and has acts rubber band. This makes a most at- sia, Austra and Germany, by definite chetnii’a)«. Low priced, sell* on never at any time ac ­ for the conduct of the business of the cepted the said trust and has never tractive and sanitary package and Mr. 1 and specific agreement, to maintain aiulit A I TORNEY AT LAW Everyborly needs one. said board. , as will make their rec­ undertaken or attempted to under­ Hvland reports to us this morning the neutrality of Belgium, by force of J'1st the thing for the farmer ords plain and intelligible. T illamook B lock take the execution of the duties im­ that the demand over Saturday and arms if necessary. The autonomy of summer hotels, county stores, I hat any person who is a freehold- posed upon it by the said trust. Sunday was simply enormous and he Belgium was founded upon that etc , etc Tillamook • Oiigm . l :_ agreCment, and its existence depend­ *L and resides within the corporate That plaintiffs W. H. Eberman and found upon checking up stock this Write for Bcoltli t mid Agent’ , limits of 'liilamook City, Oregon, and Wills Eberman at all tunes herein morning that they had used four ed upon the respect of its neutrality propos lion A few territories who is interested in the health, mentioned have been and still are cheese and the entire tin of crackers. not only by its guarantees but by it­ *tiil open. [JR. Gli IRG.i J PETERSEN sports, pastimes, good citizenship husband and wife, and at the time ot As you may imagine, Saturdays and self. The United States was not a Const Culvert & Flume Company general welfare of the school the execution of said trust deed said Sundays are big days at the Exposi­ party to any such compact, nor to Pjrtl.m 1 (Kenton Static», Ore DENTIST, children of the community, shall be plaintiffs joined herein for the pur­ tion; during the week the demand any understanding whatever that I eligible for membership on said board pose of declaring a cloud to the title will not be so great as on Saturdays, would legally, morally or even senti­ Successor to Dr. Perkin« and both sexes shall at all times be of the premises conveyed but at that Sundays and holidays. We told Mr. mentally obligate her to interfere in TILLAMOOK, OREGON. represented on the membership there­ time and at no time thereafter did Hyland that your idea was to use Belgium’» behalf. Such Quixotic no­ of, and thy shall serve as such mem­ the plaintiffs have any real in'e[es' one cheese on week days and two tions of international altruism would Sidney E Henderson, Urea., bers without compensation, directly in and to the said premises; that at cheese on special days. We are com­ involve us in constant warfare.— f ' EORGK Wild ETT, Surveyor. or indirectly. the time of the execution of said in­ pelled to believe that the demand we Globe Democrat. I V J I hat the said Board shall have the strument plaintiff Thomas G‘*fo£* are having will result very beneficial­ John Leland Henderson. Sec­ ATTORNEY AT I AW . exclusive care and management of was the real owner in fee simple in ly to us all. A large number of con­ retary Treaa., Attoi ney-nt- Notice of Completed Contract. said park, and maintenance thereof and to the said premises subject £ sumers have asked Mr. Hyland and T illamook C ommercial B uiloino Law, Notrary Public. and at all times said park shall be the life estate of plaintiff Af. D Mill his assistants where they can buy Notice is hereby given, that the liilamook .... Oregon *evt open and shall be used exclus­ well, which life estate was at «aid Tillamook cheese, stating that they County Road Master of Tillamook Tillamook Title and ively for the games, pastimes, recre- time the only interest of the W. u. have never tasted better and demand­ County, Oregon, ha» filed in this of­ Abstract co. fice his certificate for the comple­ **lon, amusements and enjoyment of Stillwell in and to the said premises. ing Tillamook only. ..... K. K, DANIELE. Jhe school children of the school dis­ "We have given Mr . Hyland the tion of the contract of Jeffry & Buf- That the plaintiffs have no plain, Law, Abstract«, Real Estate, name of several retailers to whom he ton, on the Eugene Atkinson County trict or districts in which the said speed and adequate remedy at law. CHIROPRACTOR. Surveying, Insurance. ollamook City, Oregon, is located, PWherefore, plaintiffs pray that the can refer the public. We have decided Road,, between Station 42 plus 87 and Station 139 and 15 and any per ­ to furnish four names only and inci- Both Phor.es. 1 .oral Office in the Commercial said deed or trust be T^t the Tt no otber Purpose. that before entering upon the dis­ nulled and held for naught That the dently have called upon these four son, firm or corporation, having ob­ TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. retailers and secured orders from jection» to file to the completion of Building. charge of his or her duty, as a mem­ said trust relations o>'h* ber of said board, each member there­ created bv the said deed of *™5t be them for Tillamooks for account of said work may do so within two week» ooooccoocccoooocoooooocq TILLAMOOK dealers that buy from us. We prefer from the date of the first publication of shall take and subscribe an oath of not to name more than four retailers, Dated this the 8th day of Sept., >9>S- »• !iCe’ w*uch oath shall be substan­ »» J. C. Holden, for the reason that we want the im­ tially the same as that prescribed by • County Clerk. pression given that Tillamooks can **w fifr the officers of a corporation, be bought from any retail grocer, First public-’tion, Sept. 9, 1915. EAT VIERECK’S The mint makes it and under the with an additional provision that he with the result that the demand on La»t publication, Sep». 23, 1915. or she will faithfully and diligently terms of the Continental Mortgage the retailers will be general instead asust in carrying into effect the pro­ BREAD, Company you can secure it at 6 per _ ___ to _ a ___ concerns, the of confined few _r concern visions of this trust, and of each and sairl premises Homesickness for the farm I« cent for any legal purpose on approv­ ■ of which we have furnished. name »tronge«t in September and October, *•* of said provisions. rights and claims of the Ixit the barometer fall rapidly in Jan­ cd real estate. Terms easy, ici! us TILLAMOOK BAKERY I hat the said land shall be used, or any of them, and for. any your wants and we will co-operate ’"'proved and beautified at the ex­ "I didn’t raise my boy to be a Milk­ uary. 'I ha»'» what Bryan get» for leaving with you. pense of the public and by donations Court may deem sop" is the Boston Globe’s version ’ any, under the supervision of said for the costs an<1 None of us need worry in the matter. the cabinet. No one would have dared PETTY A COMPANY, and Tillamook City, Oregon, this action. Milksops arc born, not made, and, to kis* him while he was secretary of jrj Denham Building Denver, Clio. At All Grocers state. •hall from time to time as may be At^no-s T. B. Handley and S. S. happily, they are in a weak minority. V'pcdient and iccessary, make such JohX «r-nt the defendants. public dont j._„ to the Board by tax- E “MONEY