Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 09, 1915, Image 2

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    Xiilamooic Headlight, September 9, 1PIÔ
on flour, salt, sugar, coffee 1 the O.
W. R. - & N. Company
party that gave the dairymen protec-1 enueMax
1««» -».* ■»..
: -,
tion. Well, now that he can see from* and téa is said to be under considéra- ! the company has
for other pur­
.10 actual experience what the so-called j tion. It has been stated that the sugar poses incident to the conduct of its
political reformers have done to the • schedule of the tariff law may be so
•05 cheese industry, he will not be so amended to increase instead of dim- business in Oregon, Washington and
ready to take up with the progress­ inish the revenue from that important Idaho an aggregate of $15-573.335-
1.00 ive and “reform” party in the future. staple, but that is hardly probable, This is $50,895 for each working day
- - -o-----
for it would, be treason and heresy of the year. Although the exact pro-
There is a difference of 4c. a pound and a number of other reprehensible ' portion of this amount that went for
in the price of cheese, thanks to the things. The deficit must be made up labor has not been compiled, the com­
•5® free trade policy of our Democratic by direct taxation, and it must be con­ pany announces that a large per cent
friends. It is what Bro. Trombley ad­ tinued as long as the hole in the of their operating and maintenance
vocated—reduction in the cost of it­ pocket remains That hole will not be expense is chargeable to labor. Out­
ing. The free trade medicine has one repaired until the Democratic party side of operating expense, which rep­
•OS good feature. It puts everything
on moves out and the Republican party resents two thirds of the expenditure
| the appropriation for investment and
the slump that comes in contact with moves in.
construction, totaling over three mil-
it, and that is the reason the cheese
I lion dollars, was the highest charge
market is on the slump and the dairy­
•aS men's checks greatly reduced in value. State Press Flashlights. . for the year. The company paid in
But, then, the snap shot man is only I On the walls of a cafateria in Port­ I taxes $1,416,745. These figures are
impressive, as showing the large part
a bad wicked Republican “stand pat­
ter” who predicted what was going to land there hang* a sign: "Forget the railroad plays in contributing to
(Strictly in Advance.)
the industrial prosperity of the com- I
happen to the Tillamook dairymen if
One yeai ....................................... $>-5° they voted for the free trade policy. year from now you’ll laugh at them.” niunity it serves Were one to trace the
extent to which the industries are de- |
Six months .........................................75 We want to ask them now who 1*
dead sure of a good lunch—if you can pendent upon the railroad for their ,
Three months..................................... 5° their best friend, the snap shot man do it.—Itemizer. •
growth and welfare, its influence
or Bro. Trombley, the free trade ad­
~------------------------- ——■——j— vocate who fought for a reduction in j
be manifest into the very foundation
of our industrial activity.—News Re­
THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. the price of farm product* and plac­ ha* discovered
that commission porter.
ing most everything that is rais d or
manufactured in Tillamook County government is costing more than by
the free list and in competition former council, whose extravagance PREMIUM LIST FOR HOME
Editorial Snap Shots. on
with cheap labor of foreign countries? caused the change, and newspapers
• —o —
supporting the two sides of the ques­
Tillamook County’s big pay roll for
tion are engaged in a merry scrap.
road work this month should help
The Oregonion doesn't see improve­ To Be Held At Nestucca Grange Hall
solve the money stringency for a few trio to Southern Oregon, was the ment to justify the .extra cost, while
September 18th.
weeks, for it places a big wad in cir- public park at Ashland. All the towns when the Journal’s argument is boil­
from here to Ashland have made re­
Merchant Tailors
Below will be found the premium
markable progress and growth, and ed down it is found to be that the
■ ■ o —
list for the Homesteader’s Fair to be
Some business men pay $50.00 to many of them have very pretty spots,
held at the Ncstucca Grange Hall on
$100.00 a month for rent and nothing but what attracted our attention most
for advertising. But the man who was the pretty park at Ashland, were allowed to eliminate the long September 18.
spends money on judicious advertis­ which was partly finished. It is situ­
ated by the side of a hill with a skirt. This year they are allowed to I
ing gets the business.
1. Best General Display by a home­
stream of water flowing through it, eliminate stockings. Next year—we
----- o-----
with large shade trees. This has been shall spend our vacation at the bath­ steader. First prize, $5.00 offered by
Portland is boasting, and have a turned into an exceedingly pretty ing beaches.—Dallas Observer.
1 Tillamook Countv Bank, 2nd prize $2.50
right to, because of the Columbia spot and beautified with flowers,
Tut, tut, Brother Cates. Have a worth of merchandise Lv King &
Highway. Let’s get even with the water falls, rustic seat*, camp and care. Of couise you mean that next Smith Co.
metropolis of Oregon, and have a picnic grounds, lawn tennis, swings, year stockings and skirts will again
2. Best Farm Display by anyone.
Tillamook Highway that for scenic etc. An ideal place to spend a hot day be required, but there are evil mind­ 1st prize, silver cup, by First National
beauty would eclipse the Columbia under the shade of trees. Ashland is ed persons who might draw wrong Bank of Tillamook, Ore., 2nd prize,
$2.50 by R. C. Magarreil.
to be commended on its pretty park, conclusions and take it that you be-
3. Best Display of Grasses by a
lieved the elimination would con- Homesteader,
1st prize, $2.50, 2nd
If the Democratic free trade have it show how thoroughly it is enjoyed. tinue.—Hillsboro Independent.
prize $1.50 offered by Alex. McNair
knocked the bottom out of the lum- | VVhoever planned the park and splen­
to be paid in mdse.
ber and dairy industries, it must be
ideas are to be commended for
There is no good excuse for con-
4. Six best Onions, 1st prize 60 _• 2nd
that it must have also knocked the did
prize 40c offered bv Tillamook Mercan­
values of timber and dairy lands. thing is so nicely arranged. One fea-
tile Company. Cash.
That being the case, how can county
that is to be added to the park The fearful extra burden of expense,
5. Best Bunch of Oats, A $1.00 bug­
assessors make the same assessments tv.e
on these lands when they are not posed to pipe the different mineral borne by home owners and business gy whip. Offered by W. A. Williams.
worth as much as they were last waters into the park and the citizens men, might be justified if the state 2nd prize 50c by Nestucca Grange.
had no power to regulate rates and
6. Best Three Cabbage. 1st prize
and visitors will be allowed to drink service. But the state has the power 75c worth Baking Powder. 2nd prize
these mineral waters free of cost. —it can force a telephone monopoly 25c worth Baking Powder offered by
What’s the use of beefing if it costs The scheme is a good one and will to charge fair and reasonable rates Conover & Condi t, Grocery Store.
an additional $450,000 a year to run attract visitors to that city. The snap and to render good service. We com­
7. Best Display, of Clover, by a
the municipal government of Port­ shot man was sorry this feature of plain about high taxes, and we sub­ Homesteader. 1st prize, pitchfork.
land? The people voted for the new the park was not finished when he mit to paying for two telephone sys­ 2nd. Bull Chain given by Lamar’s Var­
commission system, and now they was there, for he surely would have tems without a murmer. Consolida­ iety Store.
have obtained it, why, they didn’t had a mineral booze on had it been tion should be accomplished within
8. Best Display of Potatoes by a
ought to beef about the extra cost. completed.
the next few years, else the two sys­ boy under 16 years of age. 1st prize,
The Oregon System has proved its If
----- o-----
tems will continue to grow side by $1.00 knife by H. Mason & Co.
to be a great tax eating institution in
9. Best Squash, bv boy under 15
Another Bay City Editor has gone side until the capital investment and
many ways.
years of age. 1st prize $2.25 sweater,
----- o-----
he gained some experience in at- mous proportions. The public ultimat- 2nd prize, stick pin and cuff holders
Of course the home team was the tempting to run a paper where the ly has to pay all this expense, and the valued at $1.00, offered by R. E. Wil­
best base ball players in the two field is not large enough to support sooner consolidation is effected, the son.
games on Sunday and Monday, but it. Anyway, business men who dabble less the public will have to pay.—Ore­
| 10. 1 Chocolate and one Cocoanut
they showed a magnanimous spirit in the newspaper business as a side gon Voter.
i cake. First prize, comforter valued
when, by a few errors, they gave the issue with the expectation of con­
game to the visitors on Monday. Well trolling it for business or political
The prohibitionists of Oregon are at $1.50 offered by Ammer Furniture i
TOC «ce«
the Harriman’s would have felt bad reasons, generally get "stung" good not entirely satisified with the pro­ Co. 2nd prize, stand cover valued^ at I
to have been defeated twice. How­ and hard. Everybody who have at­ hibition law that will go into effect $1.00, by W. H. Guest, Noveltv Store.
11. Best Loaf of Bread by girl un­
ever, they were good, clean enjoyable tempted it in Tillamook County January I. It will not prohibit the
ball games and afforded plenty of have gone through that experience, people of the state from getting der 18 years of age. 1st prize 60c, 2nd
40c. Tillamook Meat Co.
and, no doubt others will try it with about all they want of intoxicants
12. Best Display of Cakes. Prize .
a like experience and financial loss, and there will in all likelihood be Gilt frame picture, offered by Grand
It pays to advertise. When making only to admit that they had fooled more private consumption at homes Leader.
a trip by auto to Southern Oregon, away a lot of good money for nothin'« than at present. It is a law,as prob­
13. Best Loaf of Bread made from
we were a little surprised when ap­ But there are not so many business ably intended by the liquor men, to Vim Flour. Prize 1 sack of Vim flour.
proaching the city limits of a certain tnen now who want to throw away disgust the people to such an extent Tillamook Feed Co.
town to hear a man stationed there their money in that manner. When that they may repeal it, yet it may * 14. Best Display of Canned Fruit,
are in now, come early and get your supply
yell out at the top of his voice “Tl.c Bro. Smith first came to Tillameok lead them into the idea of prohibit­ 1 doz. half-gallon iruit jars. Offered
while stock is complete.
town’s wet! The town's wet.” but he discussed the newspaper situation ing importation. The majority of the by The Satisfaction Store.
somehow one don’t have that dry in this county with the snap shot iteople were for prohibition, but the
We have the finest assortment of pencils,
15. -Best Trio of Chickens, any
feeling on entering a "wet’’ city as man, and although he did not agree egislature was not. There is a hint breed. 1st prize, $1.50 can Clough’s
tablets, erasers, pens, pen holders, inks, etc.
they do when they enter a "dry” ter­ with us then and thought the we were that the supreme court will declare Carbolic compound. 2nd 1 qt. can of
ritory. The saloon keepers however prejudiced, he now acknowledges this law or the legislative action un- Clough’s Carbolic Compound. C. I.
FOUNTAIN PENS 25 per cent off, for a short
believe in advertising and this is how that we were right and he ought to constitutional.and to many a prohi- Clough Co.
time only 25 per cent off on Waterman Ideal
the tourists were advised of the fact. be kicked. Well, he is kicked out of bitionis in the state such a decision
16. Best Can of Peaches. Prize,
the Bay City Examiner. There were would be welcomed, for the law as set of beauty pins valued at $1.00. Off­
The dual system of citizenship will some good traits about Bro. Smith, doctored by the legislature is simply ered by Jenkin’s Jewelry Store.
Hard wood ruler free to our patrons.
17. Best Display of fancy work. 1st
cause lively discussion in the United and he was giving Bay City a fairly a screaming farce and slap in the
States before many moons. And it is good newspaper.. We hope he will face of every conscientious prohi­ prize, mdse, valued at $3.00, 2nd prize
right and proper that it should, for, liave better luck next time. It takes a bitionist of Oregon.—Woodburn In­ mdse, valued at $2.00, offered by Hal-
1 tom.
it is beginning to dawn on our citi­ large population to make and support dependent.
| 18. . T
Best ■■ hand ’ sewing by girl under
zens that a large number of natural­ newspapers, and where the popula­
of age. 1 1st prize, work bas-
ized citizens are showing a decided tion is small and scattering, sucn as
The county clerk who gets a ket years
valued at $2 00. Offered by Mrs.
leaning towards the countries from exists outside of Tillamook City, it is 50c or $1 commission from the sta­
which they came and are op< nly op­ a hard matter for newspapers to tionary house, and the county com­ D. H. McIntyre, 2nd prize, locket val-
at $1.00 by A. H. Harris, Jewelry-
posed to what President Wilson and make a living, and as for bona fide missioner who gets to per cent from ued
the government think is the right and subscribers, they only amount to a the road machinery house, are getting man.
18. Best Patched Overalls
______ by girl
proper course for this country to pur­ comparatively few, which was the scarcer and scarcer. A few are left, under
18 years of age. 1st prize. 50c,
sue while the European countries are case with the Bay City Examiner. with their dirty mits out for a tip, 2nd prize,
25c. Offered by R. Y. Bla­
at war. Some drastic measure should Our advice to business men who own and there are a few business firms lock.
be inaugurated to eliminate this dual newspaper plants with the idea that still willing to risk giving these ham­
19. Beat darned stocking or sock by
systm of citizenship, which is liable it is going to help them in a busine.s sandwich handouts. One firm in the girl
under 18 years of age. 1st prize
to cause serious complications now or politick! way, is to get rid of the printing line is notorious all over the 50c, 2nd prize, 25c.
that these naturalized citizens have plants as soon as possible. They are Pacific Northwest for these out-of-
Base ball game, Other sports. Races
shovel so much antagonism to the an expensive and unsatisfactory lux­ date methods. Its business has been and everything. Speaking program,
ury and generally acts as a boomer­ falling off of late, as the majority of children’s parade. Floats Everyone
United States.
ang. There are even now in Tilla- public officials are of higher type than expected to bring exhibits irrespective
We are sorry we have upset Bro. mook those who will admit that the the contemptible little grafters who of prizes offered.
Trombley's apple cart, or, to be more snap shot man is preaching the gos- don’t know any better than to try to
Partial list of premiums, others to
correct, those who inspired the ed­ pel truth in this respect, for they make pin money by sneak-thief meth­ appear later.
itorial criticising the snap shot man. have been "stung."
To keep apple eider sweet add one
ods. One firm in the road machinery
We feel sorry if we have hurt their
line has ben bumped pretty heavily package of preservoline to each 50 gal­
feelings and punctured their hide.
of late, for they started out on the lons of cider. Sold by C. I. Clough
_ will BE
But, say, Bro. Trombley, the litigants
theory that every county commis­ Co.
made a great smudge in accusing the
We are informed from Washington
City Council of being bribed, and that
Death of Charley Handley.
the administration is about to willing to play the game along crook­
dined and wined, etc., and now they turn
the problem of ways and
are falling all over themselves to mean, to says
--------- 0---------
Globe Democrat. This
News was received in this city on
take "hush money" from those who we arc quite the sur«,,
is wrong as to
Under date of August 16, democrat­ Tuesday that Charley Handley died
put up the money for the gay old tense. The administration
to ic paper* carried dispatches saying suddenly in California, Attorney T. 1
time the city dads had while inspect­ the problem of way* and turned
a that "President Woodrow Wilson to- B. Handley his brother, left on the i
ing pavement. Well, isn’t it funny, long time ago. It created the mean*
problem Jay began the task of mapping out morning train to attend the funeral.
Bro. Trombley, and enough to make at the very beginning by putting
into hi* program for national defense ” It is about six years ago that Charley
a Cheshire cat laugh when we see practice the favorite
Democratic There was. remarkable truth in the Handley left Tillamook, where he 1
the great transformation that have theory that the revenue can
be main­ word "begen.” Only a *hort while was a well known character. He had
come about. Hush, hush, hush, Bro. tained by reducing the income.
The ago President Wilson was declaring a bright intellect and possessed a fine ,
Trombley, are you getting any "hush result which could have been revealed
that there had been no neglect of disposition, but he had one regretta­
money” for publishing those editor­ in advance by a simple calculation in national
defense. The platform on ble bad trait that was a stumbling !
I elementry arithmetic, was a deficit, a which Wilson was elected was silent block to him becoming a bright pro- I
------o —
istnnle'ind p1.1
"Y Could please you with our good
' continuing and
deficit. on preparedness. The republican plat­ fessional man in the community.
Carl Haberlach is now having the Where before had been a full purse form was drawn by men who had
9es’ we wouldn’t ask you to come
most strenuous time and difficult task was now an empty pocket, with a both the knowledge to understand
I time VV.wiH °r,y try,ng to gCt -vou
our store the first
School Opened Monday.
in disposing of Tillamook cheese hole in it. To fill the pocket an in­ national needs and the ocurage to
since he handled that industry, but come tax was created, and to that say what they believe. They wrote
The Tillamook Public and Hieh If we don’t ni- .p tase ^’ou' 80 you will come back to us.
considering everything he is doing was added a war tax, levying special these words. "We believe in the
d°Sf °Ut
wonderfully well. It ought to con­ toll* upon bankers, broker*, commis­ maintenance of an adequate navy for School opened on Monday with a WewantyouJXcX" and
vince him that many of our so-called sion metchants, proprietor* of amuse­ the national defense and we condemn good attendance of pupils, and the vou so we enn L.Ù
going to please
political reformers are a pack of ment places, tobacco dealers and the action of the democratic house of school year promises to be quite suc­ you so we can keep it
humbugs when it comes down to manufacturers, and stamp tax upon representatives in refusing to author- i cessful, there being a large number of
dealing with actual business condi­ all kind* of commercial paper*. But ixe the constniction of battle ships ” experienced teachers employed. They
tion». And that is the reason why they didn't mend the pot.-’
On August 16, 1915, when he began | include Karl W. Onthank, SuptM Pet-
Mr. Haberlach is up tigainst a hard
And now we are told that the ad­ pWnmnj for national defense, Presi- er Crockett, Geo. F. Sanders, Lucia
problem right now in doing his beat ministration is contented with the dent H ilson paid a magnificent trib­ Macklin, Mrs. H. C. Hansen, Emma
to maintain the price of cheese at a necessity—mark the word!—of rais­ ute to the wisdom, foresight and Leland, D. E. Reed, Pauline McEl-
groceries smoked meats fruits veg
good figure Conditions have been de­ ing at least $75.000.000 and possibly courage of the men who wrote the re­ vajn. Hazel McKown, Miss Case/
cidedly against him and will continue »-xxj.000,000 more revenue per annum publican platform in June, 1912.— ( lara M. Pruehs, Beatrice Chaneav.
Ethel Klann, Mabel Goync, Harriett
to be as long as free trade is allowed . than is being raised under the present Astorian.
Gaylord, Retta Smith, Mrs. Laura I.
to interfere with the dairy business. I extraordinary laws. The war tax law
------ o------
I.each and Mrs. Clara Burge.
This experience will, surely modify now in force will expire by limitation
Mr. Haberlach'» ideas some, for in December 31, but it is to be re-enact­ ready to jump sideways at the rail­
his younger days he was raised and ed with increased rates, and with
W e have made special arrange-1
One ton of coal equals two cords of
Don t forget those busted castings
nertured with one of U’Ren’s sucking many addition* to the schedules. It is roads and holler for the "deer pee-
with the Telephone Co., to 1
bottles in his mouth, imbibing those reported that among the addition*
wood and you don’t have *o sow and
be welded for half. Goods sent
“reform" norstmnis and he even went will be $ tax on gasoline and possibly himself at ¿he pliblic expense. Accor­ split it, I-amb-Schradcr Co, Hello connect you directly with our office, j by parcel post and express promptly
to that extreme and opposed the automobiles, ar j an ' induit* rial yev- ding to the complications just com­ Centra/ Gi'nte z8\V.
• in case you wish any of our GOOD returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
pleted by the auditing department of
» COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co, Call i8\\
Legal Advertisements.
First Insertion, per line..............$
Each subsequent insertion, line.
Business and professional cards
one month ..............................
Locals per line each insertion.
Display advertisement, an inch,
one month ...............................
All Resolutions of Condolence
ar.d Lodge Notices, per line..
Cards of Thanks, per line.........
N-tices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
ceeding five lines....................
I want my suit
tailored-to-order !
Yes! We do have customers
with decided preferences and
being in L. _:ness to suit our
patrons instead of ourselves,
we gladly recommend
Ed. V. Price & Co.
who make clothes of surpassing
excellence as you want them.
at a price you can readily
afford to pay—delivered when
you want them. Call today
and leave your measure.
Exclusive Agent for Tillamook, Oregon
All School Books
W hat Y ou B uy from
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is R.K3HT.
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