T'illamoolc Headlight, September 2, I01o. a |F| Time to Buy Boy’s & Girls' School Needs. Suits, Coat, Dresses, Hosiery, Underwear & Shoes at Great Saving .1 UNDERWEAR, SPECIALS, For Boys and Girls. TS’ the aim of every proud father and mother to have their children as carefully and economically at­ tired as possible and the announce­ ments made on this page are a de­ cided help to that end. I I4 t These remarkable saving Specials in winter underwear for Boys’ and Girls’, that include garments in cot­ ton, wool and fleece finish and Shirts, Pants and Drawers. , Special values offering really worth while savings are available to those parents who will make their purchases in time for the opening of School Days next week. BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ UNDERWEAR, 39c. Read every section of this Ad they mean actual savings to you in dollars and cents. SCHOOL SUITS FOR BOYS At Genuine Savings. For values 35c. to 50c. Silver Grey Cotton Ribbed and Medicated fleece lined Shirts, pants and Drawers for Boys and Girls, ages 6 to 16 years, and actual values 3SC. to soc. Just now we are showing in one our East windows a few styles from our selection of Boys’ and Young Men’s Suits for fall. This selection we can unhesitatingly say is the finest and most complete both in regards to choice of styles, fabrics and size WAYNE KNIT ranges that we have ever been able to offer you. STOCKINGS Come in and look the styles over. You will appreciate above everythin g For Boys and Girls. else the lasting quality of the various weaves and the extremely low prices Without a doubt the most reliable asked. and lasting Hosiery for Boys and There are also a few special Bar­ Girls school and dress wear is gains for those who require suits for "Wayne Knit.” the Boys for the fall opening of Those of our customers who have school. Read on. already tested “Wayne Knit” are en­ BOYS’ SCHOOL SUITS thusiastic over the satisfaction and lasting wear obtained from this splen­ did make. $3.98, i I J., If you have never tried them you For sizes 6 to 17, will simply be astonished at the way And values up to $5.00. in which these stockings defy the roughest and hardest of wear. These Suits are shown in splendid I wearing Tan, Gray and Brown mix-1 Boys’ Wayne Knit Pony Stock­ ture Tweeds and in Norfolk Styles I ings, black only, sizes 6 to 10, per pair ..... C. with knickerbocker pants. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $5.00 to $6.50, For ages 6 to 18 years. T here is E xquisite S tyle in CLASSIC COATS Come to the store--get into a Classic Coat and see for yourself just how Classic style suits ¡lour figure-- well you can afford to pa$ the fair Classic price. Come and try on a Classic coat—it’s no trouble to us—we’re glad to have you try it on—don’t mind if you’re not ready to buy. Come and shop—it’s the only way to appreciate fully all the value of Classic coats. D iscriminating W omen W ear WOOLTEX SUITS 2 pr 35c. = Boys’ servicable school Suits Blue Serges and Cheviots, and Fancy I perpair Mixtures in Browns, Grays-and Tans. I Some of the suits in the selection I Girls bine Cottozi Stockings, have extra pants an important feature I Black. Sizes 6 to 9}. that is greatly appreciated by wise I Perpair ....................... -a^DC. buyers of Boys’ wear. There’s a reason of course, and its not hard to find. Just step upstairs to our Ready-to-Wear Dept, on the Balcony and give us the opportunity of demonstrating to you by expert fitting just what superior design, workmanship and finish really means. That you do get these features in “ Wooltex” garments is proved by the number of discriminating women who wear no other kind. 2 PT 35 c. nr ei 41 I h< i fa . t -r ?» oi O' n< Vi qi s if U| ?» fl v< •Th r li» f er jo» ?e al V II st I. |r it; G u« r° n ■ hl t B ie QI bi ri« us ui SUITS, $7.50 to $11.50, For ages 7 to 18 years. "Sampeck” Suits for Boys "Instil correct posture” because they are made on correct lines, conform to fashion dictates, because they are designed by some of New York’s most competent Boy’s Clothing mak­ ers. We show "Sampeck” Suits for Boys in Norfolk styles with knickerbock r or long pants, in all Wool Cheviots, Tweeds, and fancy gray and brown mixtures, to fit ages 7 to 18 years. Girls’ Fine Lisle Stockings. Black and white. Sizes 51 to 91. Per pair.... C. 20 SCHOOL MUNSING WEAR DRESS GOODS, For values up to 69c. An exceptional offering of useful and good wearing fabrics for School Dresses in such weaves as Serges, Whipcords, plain and stripe Granites. Epinglcs and Cashmeres as well as popular checks and plaids. There are actual values up to 69c. in the section, and no parent re­ quiring Dress Goods for the children should miss viewing this offer. HAIR RIBBON, SPECIALS. The values offered here arc well worthy your attention. All colors are shown, including Black and White, and there are all widths up to No. 200 CHILDREN'S BLACK SATEEN Reg. to 33c. For Men, Women and Children. Discriminating Un­ derwear buyers will undoubtedly appre­ M unsing ciate the fact that W ear we are now selling I the celebrated I UNION SUITS Mur.sing Uuderwear Complete selec­ tions and size ranges are now on view and we should appreciate an opportunity of pointing out to you the many superior features embodied iu this well known make. Here you will find garments for Men, Women, Youths, Misses and Children and at prices that do not exceed those asked for “just ordi­ nary" kinds. For instance I :------- ASK FOR Men’s Munsing Union Suits HAIR\RIBBONS. 13c. yard. are priced from A splendid selection of all colors in Satin and Taffeta Ribbons in a large variety of widths. Actual value* up »o 33c. for only 12 c. per yard. are priced from 7, all colors, for .... 9 to 12, all colors, for ... 65c. to $3.50 Youths’ Munsing Union Suits are priced from $1.15 to $1.50 Misses’ Munsing Union Suits are priced from $1.00 Include Widths. 5 to $1.00 to $5.00 Women’s Munsing Union Suits OTHER BARGAINS, Holtom’s Its a pleasure to us to show and fit “ Wooltex” garments, and you’ll never find us too busy to give you courteous fittings or make helpful suggestions as to what is fashionable and up-to- date. — — OC'x» .........2 r, pr 25 c. A very attractive line of fancy plaid and checked wool mackinaws to fit ages 6 to 18 years. Made of a good grade Black Sateen these Bloomer* are shown in sizes to fit ages a to 12 and are all priced at ISC. pair. Its your privilege to shop here before buying. pective of ■ize 49c. yard. BLOOMERS, 35c. 59c. For values 70c. to 95c. This great saving offer includes Shirts, Pants and Drawers in Silver Grey Wool for Boys and Girls, ages 8 to 16 years. A great bargain to those who shop now. Actual 70c. to 95c. garments for 59c. each VERY SPECIAL Zydre these Bargains in BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SCHOOL SHOES. mentsomDontbeafrm d to ask to see them. A Splendid Wearing Ribbed Hose, in sizes 51 to 91, and in black only. Price, irres­ $10.00, For ages 13 to 33 years. \ MACKIN A WS. $3.50, For sizes to fit ages 6 to 18 UNDERWEAR, ddflkrencethere^s^ou^must^Jr^^the_^ar- SPECIAL, BOYS' AND GIRLS’ BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ But to realise to the full what an immense BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ HOSE, SPECIAL--3 pairs 35c, YOUNG MEN’S SUITS Box Back Coats and English Models in Young Men’s and Hi,th School Suits for ages IJ to ax These Suits are shown in fancy Brown and Blue Mixtures, and Blue Serges and Cheviots. Exceptionally smart styles I and serviceable weaves. Priced I Specially at $10.00 Each. A splendid wearing quality of Shirts and Drawers in all sizes from 4 to 16 years. Priced specially at 45c. gar­ ment. just what we mean bj) Classic tailoring--and how Girls’ Light Cotton Stockings, in I black. Sizes to 9f. 19c. BOYS’ “SAMPECK” UNDERWEAR, 45c. For sizes 4 to 16 years. But there is more than style in Classic Coats—there is tailor­ ing that holds the style in the coat—that makes the coat wear that makes it give satisfaction every day you wear it. Boys’ and Girls’ Heavy Cotton Stockings, black. Sizes 51 to i0nir.,9c-.per BOYS’ WINTER New Styles in CHILDRENS COATS For Fall. Our selection of Children’s Coats for this fail includes garments at lower prices than we have ever offered heretofore and we would urge you to look over our select­ ions before buying elsewhere. See window and showings in Dept, on the Balcony. CHILDREN’S COATS. Corduroy Coats in an assortment of colors, and sizes to fit ¿.o . Q ages 4 to 6 years. Each Also '□ splendid selection to fit ages 3 to 7 years in plaids, mix­ tures and Navy Blues at prices froni $2.25 to $4.85 GIRLS’ CO A TS Girls’ Munsing Union Suits 8c. are priced from 6.5c. to $1.50 40 to 60, all colors, for .... 17c. Children’s Munsi ng Union Suits 80 to 200, all colors, for .. 23c. are priced from 65c. to $2.00 MISSES’ SHOES, $1.48, For sizes 8\ to 3. Gunmetal and Vici Kid Button and Blucher styles in School Shoes for Misses. Worth considerable more but priced especially for the opening school days. MISSES’ SHOES, $1.98, For sizes 3} to 7. A specially priced line of larger size Misses’ School Shoes in Gun­ metal and Vici leathers in both But­ ton and Blucher styles. YOUTHS’ SHOES, $1.98, For sizes 8 to 3. Heavy and Gunmetal Calf School Shoes in Button and Blucher styles in sizes 8 to 2 and offered at specially low price. BOYS’ SHOES, To fit girls 7 tol4 years of age we show Coats in plaids, plain colors and mixtures at prices varying $3.35, For sizes 3} to 5\. ,r°™ $4.85 to $6.75 „ MISSES’ COATS Shown in the same good substan­ tial lasts as the Youths sizes quoted above and shown in both Button and Blucher styles and all sizes from 2'4 to 5%. Represented in the selections shown for Misses there are several new weaves ____ „ including Zebelins and Nobby Cloths. The sizes are forages 14 to 17 and the LIT range $7.50 to $11.75 to $1.68 5c. Four remarkable bargains in Boys’ and Girls’ School Shoes, every par­ ent in this county should investigate. TWO BARGAINS IN CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES, 98c. and $3.33. MILLINERY A NNOUNCEMENT Miro Jone., of Portland, i. now operating our .lilhnerv Section and would be glad of nil opportunity of .bowing von, and fitting without obligating you to purchase, anvof the newest creation, in Millinery for the fall Milhncry Dept. On the Balcony ‘ Lot t at 98c. includes wool and cot­ ton dresses for girls 6 to 15 age, the values offered running as high as $1.50. Lot 2 at $3.33 consists of Wool Dresses only for girls 8 to 15 yc*r* age and values that are up to $5-95-