Hlamook Headlight, September »nDlTIONAL PREMIUM LIST Heifer calf, first prize $3.00 T Me A AT COUNTY FAIR. ----- o - - g i j For Stock, Better Babies, School Districts, Cow Testing and Fancy Work. mook PnZC $5°°’ W’ Willia*"’. Ulla ----- o—— 2, I9TÔ. prize 50c., Mrs. B C. Lamb, Tilla- second prize «oc. Len Leach, Tilla­ mook; second prize a5c. Mrs. T. mook. Wachter, Tillamook. 1 Portrait in Oil. first prize 75c. Mrs. atUnburg, center piece, first prize Lutie Mapes, Tillamook; second prize 50c., Mrs. \\. H. Gilruore, Bay City; 50c., Miss. K. Mills, Tillamook. Tillamook, Oregon. s-soi.d prize 25c., Mrs. Hope Watson Animals in Oil, first prize 75c., Mrs In the ladies riding contest Goldie erStfir‘s°trn tarl‘«g Jersey Grade »'if- 1 illamook. Emmet Bales, Tillamook; second Clark *on first prize’ $5°°; second Battenburg Collar, first prize 25c., prize 50c., Miss K. Mills, Tillamook. "rst prize $3.00, - p , W. ... ----- W'illiams, Mrs. Geo. Willett, Tillamook. |i5o, Mrs. Fred Burton. lillamook; Head 111 i'.istello. first prize 50c., BO ARDI NG and DAY SCHOOL for GIRLS, nu.?'" . prize f'.._ prize 50c., Mrs. Kay Walls, Tillamook. Handbag tatting, first Ladies' nail driving contest, Mrs. Williams, Tillamook Mrs. James Whitman, , Cloverdale; Marine in Oil. first prize 75c., Wm. YOUNG LADIES and BO YS under 12. Calf' «ra8.00, Joe Donaldson, Tillamook Mrs. E. Glad, Tillamook; second TILLAMOOK NEXT WEEK 33 Dist. No 14, Garibaldi; third prize ?8.oo prize 25c., Mrs. F. Taylor, Cloverdale. SISTER SUPERIOR. I $5.00, Dist. No. 1, Tillamook; fourth niiir$3-50’ Joe Donaldson- lable Scarf, chochet, first prize 50c. prize, $5 00, Dist. No. 8, Beaver. Mrs. Everett Hall, Tillamook; second Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Tappervine, Three room, first prize $10.00, Dist. \1Bt>arMnderi' yeaJ’. first prize ^0°. prize 25c., Mrs. W. A. Williams, Till­ M. I . Hancnkrat, Tillamook. the celebrated marksmen, will give No. 9, Tillamook. amook. exhibition of expert and fancy Sow under one year, first prize $2, Pillow Slip., Emb. first prize 50c., an M Hanenkrat, Tillamook. BETTER BABIES CONTEST Miss Holden, T ;"----- ' ' shooting at the Fair Grounds, Friday Tillamook, second Boar 6 mo., first prize $2.50, Nay- prize 25c., Mrs. R. Stillwell, Tilla- September 3rd, which everyone ought Medals, Local. olk Farm. J mook. to see, as no such marvelous shotting Nehalem, Edwin Kuppenbender. has ever been done in this section. Sow 1 yr., first prize $3.50, Nayfolk Napkins, initial, first prize 25c., Cloverdale, Esther Cockerhan. farm. * It will be a revelation of all of the Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook. Tillamook, Florence Maddux. wonderful possibilities of modern Sow “ nd pigs, first prize $310, Corset < over, Emb., first prize 50c. Highest Scoring Girl in County. and ammunition in the hands oi Nayfolk Farm. Mrs. R. Stillwell, Tillamook; second arras Florence Maddux, 99 points, Tilla the greatest experts. Mr. Topperwein prize 25c. Mrs. G. Finny, Tillamook. mook. is the acknowledged dean of fancy FANCY WORK. Center Piece, punched work, first and trick shots, and his many feats Highest Scoring Boy. Pillow Slips, Emb., first prize 25c prize 50c., Mrs. E. T. Haltom, Tilla ­ Edwin Kuppenbender, p8jri> points, are of highly sensational character. Florence Morgan, Tillamook. mook; second prize 25c., Mrs. E. T. Mrs. Toppcrwein has no equal among Nehalem. Baby Robe, Enib., first prize 25c Haltom, Tillamook. Cup Winners. women for adaptness in shooting Miss May C. Powell, Garibaldi. Sheet and Pillow Slips, Emb. first Ladies are especially urged to go and Class I., Girls. Waist, Solid Ernb., first prize 50c., prize 50c., Millie Iler, Cloverdale. Pauline Kinnaman, 987-10 points. witness her astonishing skill with Mrs. L. Bristow, Tillamook; second Handbag, chochet, first prize 50c., shotgun, rifle and pistol. Admission Geraldine Cady 98% points. . rizc 25c., Mrs. H. Rowen, Tillamook. Mrs. W. Baker, Tillamook; second will be free to all. Christel Gilliam, 071'2 points. towel, Solid Emb.„ first prize 30c., prize 25c, Mrs H. Wright, Garibaldi. Some idea of the unusual charactei Class II. Mrs. Toppcrwein, who also n pre­ Tazel Johnston, lillamook; second Yoke, Irish Crochet, first prize 50c. of the exhibition given by the Top ) out of the entire lot . During the Florence Maddux, 99 points, shooting, he made straight runs of sents the Winchester Repeatin'1' Vfrs. Fred Dow, Tillamook. .irize 25c. Mrs. Geo. Willett, Tilla- perweins will be gained from the fol 14.540, 13,599, 13,292, 13,219 and 10,• -'.rms Co., is undoubtedly the premier Margaret Miller, 96 points. nook. Hdkf. Crochet, first prize 25c. Mrs. lowing remarks: Adolph Topperwein Mildred Foster, ga'/i points. 383. He used two Winchester auto­ lady shot of the world. Although she Collar, Solid Emb., first prize 50c., ,\\ Baker, Tillamook. the greatest living fancy and flying Class III. Sofa Pillow, cut work, first prize target shot with a rifle, represents natic rifles and Winchester car- took up shooting only a few years Miss Leora Kerreman, Tillamook: Esther Cockerhan, 98J4 points. ridges, and the loading of the rifles ago, she has startled the shooting .ccond prize 25c., Mrs. B. C. Lamb 25c.. Mrs. Geo. Finny, Tillamook. the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. vas done by himself. Considering world and entertained many thou­ Bertilia Zachman, 95P2 points. 1 illamook. Apron, cross stitch, first prize 50c., ind lives in San Antonio, Texas. His the almost incredible score and the sands of people by her great skill Rose Anderson, 03!di points. Hdkf., Solid Emb. first prize 50c., Mrs. Mary Weston, Tillamook; sec- native state has long been noted foi tremendous Boys, Class I. çtrain of such incessant with rifle, shotgun and pistol. Shoot­ >nd prize 25c., Mrs. Anna Billings, drs. Stanley Coates, Tillamook; sec- Ward Madden, 98 points. shooting, it is unlikely that this rec- ing come natural to her as without Tillamook. >nd prize 25c., Mrs. A. M. Bobell, Boyd Norton, 97J4 points. ->rd will ever be beaten. seeming difficulty she masters Var­ 1 illamook. Woven Tidy, first prize 25c. Winslow Finney, 96% points........... ious kinds of shooting quickly. W. Zimmerman, Wheeler. Carriage Robe Emb., first prize 25c. Other remarkable feats by M . Class II. Darned Set Centerpieces, Iler first public appearance was at 4rs. A. M. Bobell, Tillamook. Fopperwein with the rifles were his Herman Schopert. 98 points. irize 25c., Mrs. W. Zimmerman, Sofa Pillow, post cards, first prize »coring c f ' ~ r _ of 85 out of 100 2*4 inch the World’s Fair in ,M. Louis where, Lloyd Bell. 96 points. :5c., Mrs. Stanley Coates, Tillamook. Wheeler. argets throwing into the air while with a W inchestcr automatic rifle Argcl Acklev. 95^2 points. Darned, Tidy, first prize 25c., Mrs. Sofa Pillow, linen, first prize 25c., iding at full speed in an automobile; she broke 967 out of 1,000 2*4 inch Class III, A'. Zimmerman, Wheeler. Mrs. L. Ford, Tillamook. ind the breaking of 3,507 targets flying targets; and later 1995 out of Edwin Kuppenbender o8ka points. Center Piece, Cross Stitch, firs Center Piece, F.mb., first prize 50c. without a miss ait the World’s Fair at 2000 with a straight run of 1437. Robert Reufro, 95ki points. Besides being a wonderful icing Mrs. B. C. Lamb; second prize 25c., .•rize 25c., Mrs. L. Ford, Tillamook. St. Louis. F. Briody, 92% points. Table Runner, Cross Stitch, firs and fancy shot, Mrs, Toppcrwein is a Mrs. B. C. Lamb. Tillamook. prize 25c., Mrs. L. Fold, Tillamook. consistent shooter at the traps and Towel, Emb, first prize 50c., Mrs. STOCK. has made a straight run of 226 and Crochet, Corset Cover, first prize Stanley Coates; second prize 25c. won many high averages in open oc., Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook; Stallion, Roadster, first prize $6.oc Mrs. Stanley Coates, Tillamook. competitions, shooting against the Harris & Vidito, Tillamook. Apron, Shadow Emb., first prize 25c second prize 25c, Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillainook. best profe ssional and amateus >hots Mare, gelding 3 or over, first prize Jrs. R. Stillwell, Tillamook. in the world. At San Antonio, Texas, Towel, Crochet, first prize 50c., $6.00, Joe Donaldson, Tillamook; Waist, Emb., first prize 25c., Mrs. July 18, 1908, she broke 961 out of drs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook; second second prize $5.00 F. Bester, Tilla­ i. Stillwell, Tillamook. t.ooo targets thrown at the regulation mook. Tow'el, Emb., first prize 50c., Mrs. irize 25c., Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tilla­ distance, i 1 4 hours and 35 minutes. Mare gelding, 2 or under 3 years 3. C. Lamb, Tillamook; second prize mook. Pillow Slips, Crochet, first prize 50c first prize $5.00, Joe Donaldson, Till­ :5c., Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook. z\t the Pacific Coast Handicap, held ,frs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook; second amook; second prize $4.00, Joe Don­ Tabic Runner, Emb, first prize 50c at Seattle in 1910, Mrs. Topperwein aldson, Tillamook. Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook; sccon<’ irize 25c., Mrs. IT. W. Wright, Gari- won high general average over a Stallion, Shetland, first prize $2.00, irize 25c., Mrs. F. Hadley, Tillamook jaldi. large field of the best shots of the Crochet Collar, first prize, Mrs. Chas. Miller, Tillamook. Gown, F.mb., first prize 25c., Mrs. J Pacific Coast and Sanada. On the Tazel Arenz, Tillamook; second Mare any age Shetland, first prize {. Callahan, Tillamook. tirsi day of the tournament, she made $300, Chas. Miller, Tillamook; second Collar, Emb., first prize 50c., Mr«, irize 25c., Mrs. E. Glad, Tillamook. the remarkable score of 195 out of Crochet Bag, first prize 25c., Mrs. .cora Kerreman, Tillamook, second prize $2.00, Chas. Miller, Tillamook. 200, which included twenty doubles, .<. Hall. its expert shooters and this penchant and on the final day she broke the en­ Foal. Shetland first prize $1.00 irize 25., Mrs. W. Baker, Tillamook. _ Yoke, first prize 50c., Mrs. B. A. for shooting among Texans, added to Chas Miller, Tillamook. Pin Cushon, Col. Emb., first prizi tire program of 100 singles straight. oiks, Tillamook; second prize 25c., his natural ability, undoubtedly ac­ During the year 1913, Mrs, Topper­ Gelding 2 year old Shetland, first :5c. Mrs. C. Haberlach, Tillamook. vfrs. B. A. Folks, Tillamook. counts for the wonderful skill he dis­ prize $4.00, Nayfolk Farm. Center Piece, Emb., first prize 50c., wei i shot at 10,000 targets, scoring Shadow Apron, first prize 25c. Mrs. plays. He uses no special equipment, over 95 per cent. She made straight Stallion, draft,, first prize $6.00, Joe Tazel Johnston, Tillamook; second but ordinary Winchester rifles, shoot­ runs of 100 nine times and one run Donaldson, Tillamook. irize 25c. Mrs. Chas Lundquist, Clov- I. Stillwell, Tillamook. Centerpiece, first prize 50c., Mrs. F. ing regular cartridges with solid ball; of 165. Shooting for the Denver Aged Bull, first prize $8.00, B. L. rdale. 7ow, lillamook; second prize 25c., or, in other words, cartridges such as Post Trophy in a Eastern Handicap Work Bag, first prize 25c. Mrs. H Beals, Tillamook; second prize $6.00, •Irs. F. Dow, Tillamook. ire sold by all dealers. He shoots at she outshot the field of over 250 Fred Maurer, Tillamook. towen, Tillamook. Waist, cotton Emb., first prize 75c. oranges, apples, bits of coal or brick, shooters by scoring 98 out of 100 Dresser Scarf, first prize 50c., Mrs 2 yr. Bull, first prize $6.00, Chas. Irs. R. Stillwell, Tillamook; second walnuts, small marbles, empty car­ li m 19 yards; and closing her sea- Kunze, Tillamook; second prize $4.00, _'arl Haberlach, Tillamook; seconi rizc 50c, Mrs. H. Rowen, Tillamook. tridge shells, and many other tiny ’s work at the State Fair in Phoe­ irize 25c. Mrs. Stanley Coates, Tilla G. Hannenkrat, Tillamook. Mr. Toppcrwein is the originator of soil Lunch Cloth, Cotton Emb., first objects, which arc all thrown into the nix, Ariz., she scored for the three Senior Yearling Bull, first prize nook. many marvelous fancy and trick air and hit with cither rifle or revol­ ’s shooting the magnificent total Sofa Pillow, Painted, first prize 25c •rize 50c., Mrs. E. Hall, Tillamook. $4.00, W. E. Noyes, Tillamook; sec shots and also < f the feat of drawing day ver. of 397 of 405 targets; and in a special ond prize, $3.00, G. H. Foland, Tilla­ 4rs. Stanley Coates, Tillamook. the heads < f Indian chiefs and othei In the most remarkable exhibition handicap event, standing at the 23 mook. Sofa Pillow, Outline, first prize 25c ART. of rifle shooting ever given Mr. Top­ pictures with bullets shot from a rifle. yard mark, she broke 93 targets out Junior Yearling Bull, first prize Mrs. I. Burton, Tillamook. Rifle shooting is not his only acquire ­ Pen and Ink Drawings, first prize Sofa Pillow, Oriental, first prize 50< 'Sc., Charles McMillan, Garibaldi; perwein shot for ten days at 72,500 I ment, as he docs wonderful work al- of too. Mrs. Toppenwcin is the only $300 Chas Kunze, Tillamook; second 2% inch wooden blocks thrown into,...... >• -- y— - ...... ■ ..... — lady in the world who ever had the Mrs. L. Ford, Tillamook; second .econd Pr,ze $2.00, J. J. Rupp, Tillamook. prize 50c., Ray Grate, Tilla- the air by an assistant, missing only ,o "llh revolver, pistol and shotgun. Bull Calf, first prize $3.00, Fred rizc 25c, Mrs. Geo. Finney, Tilla- nook. Maurer, Tillamook; second prize $. nook. Pencil Sketches, first prize 75c.. Sofa Pillow, Cross Stitch, first prizi antes Quick, Tillamook. M»v, Ga.ibaldi; second prize Cow, 3 years or over, first prize 5c. Mrs. Stanley Coates, Tillamook. oc., Frank Sturt by, Garibaldi. Dress Scarf, Eyelet Emb., first prize ♦700, Claude Christensen, Tillamook, Flowers in Oil, first prize 75c., Mrs. second prize $6.00, Claude Christen­ oc., Mrs. E. M. Condit, Tillamook ¿mmet Bales, Tillamook; second sen, Tillamook. econd prize 25c., Mrs. E. Condit, Til .irize 50c. Zylphia Switzer, Tillamook. • ^re*t>cr’ 2 year °'d’ first prize $6.00 amook. Crayon Drawing, first prize 50c, Collar and Cuff, Eyelet Emb, first A. Viereck, Tillamook. J- J. Rupp, Tillamook; second prize irize 25c. Mrs. B. C. Lamb Tillamook vd-OO'. A. Mapes, Tillamook. Still Life in Oils, first prize 75c., Doily, Solid Emb., first prize 50c. Helen Durrcr, Tillamook; 1 second Heifer, one year, first prize $3.00. J J Rupp, Tillamook; second prize Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook, second .irize 50c., Mrs. Van Winkle, Tilla- prize 25c., Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tilla­ mook. J- J. Rupp, Tillamook. Heifer Calf, first prize $3.00, mook. Powder Box, first prize 25c., Mrs. Parasol, Emb, first prize 25c., Mrs. C. W. Miller, Tillamook. !iuPP, lillamook; second prize 9. Schultz, Tillamook. Ghristensen, Tillamook. Fruit Plates, first prize 50c., , Mrs. Table Linen, Eyelet Emb., first Emmet Bales, Tillamook; < second Breeders Herd, first prize $10.00, C. hristensen, Tillamook; second prize prize 25c., Mrs. E. Glad, Tillamook. prize 25c., Mrs. C. W. Miller, Tilla- Hdkf, Point Lace, first prize 50c., mook. >5-po, J. J. Rupp, Tillamook. Mrs. R. Stillwell, Tillamook; second Junior yearling grade Holstein Cups and Saucers, first prize 25c., ij.'j’er, first prize $3.00, C. Kunze, prize 25c., Mrs. R. Stillwell, Tilla­ Hattie Walker, Tillamook. illamook; second prize $2.00, G. H. mook. Salt and Peppers, first prize 50c. Collar, Point Lace, first prize 25c., Mrs. C W. Miller, Tillamook; second roland, Tillamook. Three styles of Rockers, cheap at our Large Arm Rrvker, imitation Spnninli Holstein Grade Heifer Calf, first Mrs. Geo. Willett, Tillamook. irize 25c., Mrs. C. W. Miller, Tilla- Marcrame Bag, first prize 25c., Mrs mook. Pnze $3.00, W. E. Noyes, Tillamook; leather, usually retails tit $18or more, ami is regular retail price of $2 (Ml, $2 50 ami $3.30 ; specially priced for these three days at Tillam Pr’2e $2'°°’ W‘ E' Noyes’ Fred Dow, Tillamook. Shell Work, first prize 75c., Chas, cheap at our regular price of 114 50, rj q C Hdkf., Tatting, first prize 25c., Lena Reynolds. Tillamook; second prize but for these three days will go at 1 Uuf'i'! Jersey Bulb first prize $8.00. Kutcher, Tillamook. oc., Charles Reynolds, Tillamook. Collar, Tatting, first prize 50c., Mrs. 1 H*re, Tillamook; second prize Amateur Photography, first prize Fred Dow, Tillamook, second prize •5c., M. C. Trowbridge, Tillamook, ♦A,oo, M. Mills, Tillamook. 25c. Mrs. James Whiteman, Clover ­ Jersey Bull, 2 yr. old, first prize ccond prize, 50c. Lee Doty, ♦Poo. A. Anderson, Tillamook; sec dale. nook. Knitted Cotton Lace, first prize 15c prize $4.00, G. Wicklund, Tilla Professional Phrotography, first Kitchen Cupboard, Western Oak finish, mook. Mrs. Jennie Sheets, Tillamook. z\ showy red High C hair, low ¡it our reg­ >rize 50c., Mrs. E. G. Lantz, Tilla- upper compartment has two glass doors, Tatting, Infants Cape, first prize Senior Yearling J. - ■ cn|or 1 earling Jersey, first prize nook. ular price of $2.7 Th s is ¡1 real bargain. with three shelves, two drawers ; lower oc. Etta Wilson, Cloverdale; second *3-00, T . McCormick, Tillamook. Plate Set, first prize 50c., Hattie or compartment has two panel doors, Qr Come in ami look at it. Coes dur- Junior Yearling Jersey Bull, first prize 25c., -Mrs. Howard Harris, Tilla Aalker, Tillamook, second prize 25c., Special ■ . ............... ............ ............. ip V.JD ittg this stile nt........................................ pr’ze $3 00, M. Mills, Tillamook : mook. pze $3.00, ,(rs Emmet Bales, Tillamook. Display tatting pieces, first pnz- ’«ond prize $2.00, T. McCormick, Creamer and Sugar, first prize 50c., 51.00, Mrs. Ed. Weston. Tillamook J 1 mamonk. illamonk. fattie Walker, Tillamook; second See Friday’s Herald for further Bargains T ®”J1 Ci,vc’i- Iersey. fir»* prize $3.00 second prize 50c., Mrs. J. Olson, Till •rize 25c. Mrs. W. Campbell, Tills­ . ■ McCormick, Tillamook; second imook. nook. Jobat. tatting, first prize 25c., Mrs pri?f $2.00, T. McCormick, Tillamook Brush and Comb tray, first prize sc.. Mrs. C. W Miller, Tillamook. taade Bull, Jersey Hon. Mention Howard Harris, Tillamook. Tatted Doily, first prize 25c., Miss =>olhe Smith and Sid Anderson. Cake T'latr. first prize 25c., Mrs. C. Morgan, Tillamook. V. Miller, Tillamook. \V °u A yea.rs or over. first prize $7 Florence Hdkf. drawn work, firs* prize 25c Tillamook: second priz< f i llrctinn of Water Colors first Mrs R. Stillwell. Tillamook. ."• Williams, Tillamook. •rize $1 00, L. V. Eberhart. Tillamook Lunch Cloth, drawn work, firs H'lfer 2 vear«. first prize $4 00, T econd prize 50c., Mrs Ray Walls, prize toe, Mr« W. Baker, Tillamook u ?,,T,*ck, Tillamook. Tillamook. u n ^*’r' 1 ’ r prize $3.00, W second prize 25c, Mrs. B. ,Ci Lam > Landscapes in Oil«, first prize 75c.. iliums, Till -nook; second prize Tillamook. Dresser Scarf, drawn work, first | Mrs. Fred Christensen, Tillamook; ♦»•00, M. Tillamook. ^ÏÏ‘.Î V &Ï“’’ I ST. ALPHONSUS ACADEMY, $2.50 COFFEE POT PERCOLATOR for $1.00. At the Headlight Office FIRST MONTHLY FURNITURE SALE. The Ammer Furniture Co., in addition to their already low p ices, will place on sale, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 3, Sand 6, the follow­ ing SPECIAL BARGAINS : For the Living Room. For the Bed Room. ^175, $2.05 and $2 85 For the Kitchen. Miscellaneous. AMMER FURNITURE COMPANY, The Money Saving Store. First Street Tillamook, Oregon.