Tillamoolc Headlight, September 2, J be a great success. Husband and wife Notte« of the appointment oi Viewcis Tor x.ay.uj out wuevts. must agree about life. If one thinks it —■■ ■ o a playground and the other feels it is Amos, 1 want to live to see you de­ a workshop, how are they to be hap­ Notice is hereby given that the velop within yourself the best qual­ py, even if they try to adjust them­ Common Council of liliauiuoK Lily, _ __ o r has appointed ities of human nature. First of all I selves and to compromise? There Uicgon, W. W. Con­ would have you honest and fair in all will be differences enough anyway, der, nitx McNair «nu il F. üuuM»*.eeJ your dealings, which you cannot be if because he is a man -‘nd she is a ' as viewers, to view the following you cultivate a covetous disposition. woman, and because, all of the educa­ I proposed streets, to-wit: 1st: Au extension of Seventh To be jd?t and fair one should, from tion and training has gone to em­ impulse alone, be able to view every phasize their differences. So, as a 1 Street, or the street platted in A. A. business transaction from the stanj counterbalance to these natural dif­ I Milin s Auuliion as fourth Street, point of those with whom he is deal­ ferences, there must be a community I from tut West line of Miller's Addi- ing as well as from that of his own, of interests, a sharing of tastes and i lion to the West line oi Block 41 of and thus find a medium between the mutual understanding of why certain I havers Addition to Tillamook City. ami: An extension of Eighth extremis, a compromise that will be things bring joy to one and not to , just to both. 1 would have you gen­ another, W ith love and understandin LSmet, or Hit street platted in A. A. erous also, not to a fault, but within with sympathy and toleration, added iMillers Addition as 1-itth Street, reason; still, I would rather have you to mutually shared tastes and mental irom the West line oi Miller's Addi- prone to give away more than you congeniality your marriage ought in­ , tion West to the West line oi Block should tor your own welfare and have deed to be. and doubtless will be, a 42 of 1 Layer's Addition to Tillamook price. We aim to Rive houe*t values at u 1< but little property, than be rich and iii-e of “and so they live the West line of Block 46 of task smiling at the difficulties that that it doesn’t need. large wood seat .Arm Rocker, !> x ll)j Rug. 1 hayer’s Addition to Tillamook City. confront him and which, to be suc­ Why are little nations so often vic­ As provid.-d by Ordinance No 298 cessful, he will have to overcome, th.' Bed Room An Iron Enamel Bed, a good wearing woman who goes cheerfully about torious in war? Because there is no of T iilamook City, Oregon, approved Spring Mattress, 3-Drawer Dresser, Rocker and Chair, loom to tun of course. August 3rd, 1915, and has appointed her home planning her werk and ex­ Stand, Rug. ecuting it as best she can, arc living An eminent professor says that kis­ Friday ttie 10th day of September, Kitchen— Our Kitchen outfit consists of a sub­ right. 1 he results miry fall short of sing is a mild form of insanity. That’s 1915, at the City Hall in Tillamook stantial Treasure, a Stool, a durable (.'hair ami a Ro-e City, Oregon, at the hour of 9 o’clock their anticipations, but they have been admitted but what of it. a.tn., as the time and place for said Range Not a cheap Stove, but a well constructed greater hope in the next attempt. I11 No matter what the different belig- viewers to meet fpr the purpose of the face of reverses it is often hard to Iti-inch oven, Oregon made Range, peculiarly adapted laugh at the world, but there is food erents want, everybody wants Turkey making the assessment of damages to coast conditions. and benefits accruing out of the pro­ for thought in the fact that the right They’re a covetous lot in Europe. spirit to do was in the work. It is true men can argue themselves posed extension of said streets. All persons claiming damages by into new forms of government, but We will not sell our breeding stock history shows that old forms go out reason of the appropriation of any property affected by said proposed of horses, Amos, but raise all the in blood. extensions are hereby notified to file colts wc can. It would be a great mis­ “You can count them on the fingers their claims for such damages with take to >cll a good, sound mare, be­ of one hand,” but the ultimate of cause horses are going to be very meagerness is the number of people the undersigned City Recorder of Tillamook City on or before the time scarce at the end of the war. Prices i who have ever eaten boiled eels. so appointed for the meeting of said will be much higher, and to reap the Uncle Sam is going to take charge viewers. benefit of these high prices we must The boundaries and termini of the start raising colts at once. Practical­ of Haiti. In our mind’s eye we see ly all the native horses of Europe I him wading across, first thing, with proposed extension, and the boun­ daries and descriptions of the private have been wiped out by the war; only ' an armful of school books. property to be appropriated for said the old and very young ones are left. "The only polish some men are able As soon as peace is declared people ’ to show,” says the New Orleans extensions arc as follows, to-wit: The proposed extension of Seventh of Europe will have to start in build­ I States, "is on their shoes.” And other Street is bounded, and its termini are ing up what the war has destroyed— ■ shine on top of their heads. as follows: bridges, roads, buildings and practic­ Beginning at the Southwest corner Mexico’s situation revolves around ally everything that has been in the Block 8 of A. A. Miller’s Addition path of the war. Even the fields 1 the fact that Mexicans have no faith of through which the trenches have been in each other, if they ever had. The to Tillamook, and running thence West to the West line of Block 41 of dug, or in which the shells have ex­ ' wages of faithlessness is also death. Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook; ploded will need to be leveled before If they hadn’t heard of submarines, thence South o degrees 12 minutes they are fit for use. This can only be the people at the seaside resorts East’along Block line 60 feet; thence done with horses, because tractor would still be thinking they had East to the Northwest corner 1 of machines will beyond the means of I caught a glimpse of the time-honored Block 10 of A. A. Miller’s i Addition; the people to buy; and what animals I I sea serpent. thence North to the place of begin- will France, Belgium, Germany or ning. any of those countries which arc i I "If Shakespeare came to New York The private property to be appro- fighting have to build up their wait- I 1 he would starve to death,” says the priated by said proposed extension ed country? Animals will be imported New York Sun. Oh, no, not if the consists of those portions Lots I, from all over the world and the big­ authorities would refrain from expur­ 2, 3, and 4 of Block 41, said of Thayer ’s gest demand will be for workers— gating his plays. included within said boun­ that is, rather heavy horses, weigh­ I The month of August was named by Addition, daries. ing from 1400 pounds up. the Roman Emperor Augustus for The proposed extension of Eighth himself in honor of his victories. Street is bounded, and its termini arc , However, there’s no movement on as follows: Mother, the funniest proposition foot to change it to Hindenburg. Beginning at the Southwest corner ' 4that I have heard of in a long time is Mr. Root has been unanimously of Block 10 of A. A. Miller's Addition ' that which comes from some high- brow at the agricultural college sug- chosen president of the American to Tillamook, and running thence j Resting that, in as much as the state Bar Association. He would also be West to tlte W est boundary of Block ' is providing skilled advisors for the elected president of the United States |2 of I hayer’s Addition to T illamook ¡ men of the farm, the women of the if the choice were left to the lawyers. thence South o degrees 12 minutes ■ the point on the paper which is to receive the East 60 feet along said West line; . .farm should also have advisors .s to Those who contend that elections their home work and management. should be held on Sunday as they are thence East to the Northwest corner ‘ type impression is stationary at the instant the ¡Doubtless, there are some farm wom- in Europe, probably hold that if the ■ 1 Block 12 of A. A. Miller’s Addition I iforesaid; thence North to the place type hits. The carriage does not bob up and len who need advice and instruction, voice of the people is the voice of (but the same may be said of the wom­ God, there is no Sabbath breaking in of beginning. down when the shift is made to v rite capitals. The private property to be appro­ en of the cities; but the idea of having it. priated by the said extension is all an official advisor snooping into ones Why? Mr. Bryan has them all catalogued. that included within said boundaries household affairs and unearthing family secrets is so preposterous th.it He says we worship the gods of and consists of all those portions, in­ Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. It is unworthy of a moments consid­ wealth, fashion, fame, physical com­ cluded within said boundaries, of eration. By inference, alone, the prop­ fort, travel, passion, chance and drink ! Lots I anil 2, and fractional Lots 3 osition brands women of the farm Well, with all these elements, man and 4, of Block 42 of Thayer’s Addi­ The only movement of the carriage is back and ¡Generally as ignorant and shiftless, would be almost as gay and active as tion to Tillamook and the tract bound forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— cd on the East, North and South by everybody who know s anything about an oyster. said proposed boundaries, and on tin It cannot but say it is grossly incorrect and this does not take place while the print is being Horse racing has been killed in o say the least. As a matter of fact, Aikansas by legislative enactment. West by the East line of fractiona made. There is no lifting of the carriage. /l ot 3, in said Block 42. he home training of a large majorité Not enough people like horse racing, The proposed extension of Ninth if women of the farm is much super­ that’s all. All tastees, to be gratified, Street is bounded and its termini arc This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ ior to that of women who live in must be majority tastees. In one as follows: owns and cities, and for correct Western state people arc not allowed writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right Beginning at the Southwest corner nethods of home management the to see Ibsen’s plays. place. of Block 12 of A. A. Miller ’ s Addition verage farm woman has but few Hotel men say that on rainy days to Tillamook, and running thence quais. The women of the farm as well s the men, are keeping well abreast their guests arc peevish and require West of the West line of Block 45 of Ask for Demonstration f the times. Their homes are well twice as much attention as usual. If Thayer's Addition to Tillamook; upplied with the best newspapers and this so, on y since it is the custom of thence South o degrees 12 minutes .lagazines containing excellent home hotels not to have a lounging room East along the West line; thence lepartmcnt and practical advice in where the guests may sit and look East to the Northwest corner of L. C. Smith Bros. Typewriter Co Block 14 of A. A. Miller’s Addition jVery department of homekeeping. out through the plate glass al the aforesaid; thence North to the place passing sights? That ’ s very soothing. , he first thing a farm «oni.in advis- Hom« Office and Factory: SYRACUSE. N. Y. of beginning. | r would do would be to insult the The private property to be appro­ ' distress of the home by telling her priated by said extension is all that is f things she would have to get to do included within said boundaries and er work according-to the rules of consists of all those portions of Lots Jomestic science, such as firek-ss 1, 2, and 3 of Block 45 of Thayer's Is there in selecting Addition pokers, oil stoves, washing machines aforesaid included within jater piped into the house, a bath- your physician care­ said boundaries and the tract bound­ pom—all of which they are getting fully and then going ed on the North, South and East by It fast as they can afford them—and said boundaries, and on the West by J would be insolent for a stranger to to “ any old place " the East line of fractional I ot 3 in ,11 them they ought to do so. No, ad­ to get the medicine said Block 45, said tract being a tract i ders for farm women are not need- fto feet North and South and 53.3 LIVE AGENTS WANTED 1, not even to make more offices he prescribes ? No feet East and West. BIG MONEY MAKING ■r college graduates looking for The proposed extension of Tenth matter how good the PROPOSITION. isy, profitable jobs at bossing. Street is hounded, and its termini arc doctor, his success as follow s. THE ICELESS QUEEN Beginning at the Southwest corner in any case depends REFRIGERATOR. ■ Gertrude, you'll get married somc- Block 14, of A. A. Miller's Addi­ ue, even though the message you Refrigerates without Ice or largely on his honesty of tion to 1 iilamook, and running thence rote on the egg that went to market chemicals. Low priced, sell* on and care with which W est to the W est line of Block 46, sight Everybody needs one. never answered The right sort of I hayer ’ s Addition to Tillamook; life companion will conic some dai the prescription is thence South o degrees 12 minutes Just the tiling for the farmer summer hotels, county stores, • the near future, and you’ll accept compounded. East 60 feet along said West line; etc., etc. s proposal to change your name, thence Fast to the Northwest corner Write for Booklet and Agent’« here, now dear, don't pout, vou of Block 16 of A. A. Miller's Addi­ proposition A few territories >ould know that I was only joking tion aforesaid; thence North to the still open. (but listen to me—I want to talk He ’ ll tell you the place of beginning. Coast Culvert & Flume Company irtously to you on the subject. You The private property to be appro- Portland (Kenton Station , Ore same thing. Our pre­ 'jst not lose sight of the fact that priated by said extension is L .... all that jur love storv will onlv begin at the scription service is included within said boundaries, the ar Ahead of vou w ill be the strug- 1- toward the ideal of happiness as near perfection as same consisting of portions of Lots 1. 2, and 3 of Block 46 Thayer's Ad­ Tillamook, Oregon. .d it is a double deal vou and utmost honesty, exact dition aforesaid and the tract laying Ut partner's. So, first of all. it is an methods and pure stan­ l ast of said l ot 3 bounded on the ■al that demands compromise, fot Sidney E Henderson, W est by the East line of said Lot 3, ■trance ami understanding. \nd dardized ingrediants Surveyor. • ind on the North, South and East by me of these things ever occur to can make it. Prices the other boundaries of the tract des­ *»»1 romantic voting people who are John Leland Henderson, cribed, being a tract 60 feet North .t as much in love with love as retary Treas , Attoi rey-nt- are lowest consistent the South by 51.3 feet East and West iv »re with each other' All of us I.aw, Notrary Public. with quality. mil being the Eastern portion of said erring mortals thoughtless and proposed extension. «liable at times; helpless w hen w <• Two regulated drug- Dated this August 12th, 1915. The mint makes it anil under the gists with years of John Aschim, |m complete understanding bv the terms of the Continental Mortgage City Recorder. rv firm that makes each of us an experience always in First publication August 12, 1915. Company you can secure .. it at 6 per llvidu d. Put i- vnu are imperfect Last publication September 9, 1915. attendance. cent for any legal purpose on approv- [will be tin one vou will love »nd cd real estate. Terms easy, tcll us IJoo n>tr< follow voiir frailitlet and One ton of coal equals two cords of Mtn»«' A dd to vour l"ve toleration your wants and we will co-opcrate wood and you don ’ t have ‘ o sow and •hit mider.tandin» and svmpathv, with you. I to that split it, Lantb-Schrader Co., Hello PETTY & COMPANY. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. [essential . d .our marriage w ill Cent ray Gi’ntc 28W. ♦ Uncle Silas Says. Diploma from Chicago Musical College^— Beginners reçuvy the same careful training 34 the most advanced. Terms;—$400 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. Factory Representative for the Chute & Butler Pianos and Player Pianos. 1 AN EXAMPLE OF THE VALES GIVEN BY T B )ALS. M D., $ $ Scraps. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook . • . s. Oregon $ ? ? EBSTER ? CUM M ERGIA L B UILDING, FIRST Both Phones Tillamook J- H. > The Money Saving Store. 1 ft FIRST STREET TILLAMOOK, ORE. f G )YNE, Ofilee : O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook Oregou. JOHN LELAND I T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - - Oregco. ROOM NO. 201 J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook Oregon JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) ASK HIM - Tillamook Orejen 1 a . A T T O R N E Y - A T I. A W. Complete Set of Abstruct Books .n ‘»nice. Taxes I’aiJ for Non Residents. T illamcok B lock , .... Both Phones. TillainooK PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oregon QR. L. I,. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, Oregon. QK. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillan.ock QARI. HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B rock J. Tillamook . 0R. GEORGE . J. .Oregon PETERSEN DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkins TILLAMOOK OREGON QEORGK Wit J. KIT, ATTORNEY AT I AW T u . lamook C ommercial B uilding Tillamook . Ornrou E. T. HALTOM. The New Home Sewing Machine Company, San Francisco, Cal. “MONEY.” Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. C. I. Clough Co I Oregon c - hawk , Portland, Ore NEW HOME USERS ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Bob Up and Down 306 Oäk st • C’regou A T TO R N E Y - A T I. A W. Printing Point Does Not WHAT SENSE OREGON. T E. REEDY, D.V M., eJ « VETERINARY. [ AMMER FURNITURE CO.f In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter STREET, TILLAMOOK, » $ HOLMES, ATTORNEY,AT LAW $ $ INSTRUCTION. PIANO Big 3-Room Furniture Outfit for Í ELAND P. ERWIN, QR. E. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. l.ccul Office in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK - ORE EAT VIERECK’S * BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY ^$13 Denham Building Denver, Colo. At All Grocers.