Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1915, Image 2

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Legal Advertisements.
county in the state is catering to that
business, and we hope that this coun­
ty will be more progressive in the
future in that respect than in the
past.. The first thing to agitate is
that the new road around the Dolph
hill be completed for next summer's
business, also the Bayocean road.
People arc traveling more than ever
in autos for their summer outings, as
well as tourists visiting the coast
from the Middle West and Eastern
states, and it is Tillamook County’s
own fault if it does not get a large
share of this travel and money. Build
good roads to all the summer resorts
and places of interest in the county
and every community will be benefit­
ed thereby. Everybody boost to make
Tillamook County attractive to tour­
of Japan; England wants to keep it
out of Germany. But with England
the shoe is now on the other foot,
First Insertion, per line.............. $ .10
and she will probably have as much
Each subsequent insertion, line.
i regard for our protect as Russia had
i , The total cost of Pendleton s park
Business and professional cards
for hers ten years ago.
swimming pool at Roundup
one month ............................. t oo
Locals per line each insertion.
a matter of controversy among cotton
About 100 convicts were sent to
Display advertisement, an inch,
experts. It will, of course, have no ef­ Gaston, Washington county, to pull
cne month........................................ 50
fect on the staple consigned to the
allies or to neutral countries, for a 100 acres of flax.
All Resolutions of Condolence
Baker Is planning for the Baker
hostile destination is an essential
and Lodge Notices, per line .
principle of the law of contraband. county fair, which will be held Sep-
Cards of Thanks, per line................. 05
But Britian may hold up neutral con­ tember 8. 9, 10 and 11.
Notices, Lost. Strayed or Stolen
signments on the theory that their
Several families were made desti­
ultimate destination is the enemy,
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
and if she can find sufficient evidence tute by the fire which destroyed a
ceeding five lines........................... 24
to support'that view may confiscate large part of the town of Scappoose.
them. The contraband declaration, in
William Keyes, a young, unmarried
short, gives her somewhat larger
was killed instantly at one of
(Strictly in Advance.)
police powers and increases the risk
County Judge Hare is in favor of of shipments designed for German the Kerry logging camps In the Ne-
One yeas ........... . ..................... $1.50
having $10,000 expended on the Hebo consumption.
halem valley.
Six months .......................................... 75 road
next year. That is good horse
A movement has been started at
Three months.......................................50 sense, for thousands of dollars would
Heppner for the erection of a modern
Tillamook Lost and Won.
have been expended this year in this
creamery and cold storage plant at a
by tourists had the Dolph-
are in now, come early and get your Supply
Harriman team here next Sundav.
Hebo road been fit to travel over.
cost of J9000.
1 This road was stated to be bad and
The local baseball team broke even
while stock is complete.
The directors of the Cottage Grove
dangerous in the tourist books—and with the fast Beaverton aggregation
We have the finest assortment of pencils,
Editorial Snap Shots
it was bad, we are willing to admit— in the two game series with that team
year will be four times as great as
erasers, pens, pen holders, inks, etc.
which is the reason why Tillamook
on the local diamond Saturday and that of last year.
Congressman Hawley is the only County did not get the auto travel it
PENS 25 per cent off, for a short
member of th« Oregon delegation should have had. We want to give an
According to county records, $177.-
time only 25 per cent oil on Waterman Ideal
who makes an annual visit through illustration of the tourist travel that 2 and coming back strong Sunday 839.65 has been spent on Clackamas
his district and finds Out what the came under our notice. One Hotel cleaning up the Giants 12 to 2.
county roads up to August 1 and most
people want. In this way he becomes proprietor told us he had done an en­
Bianctiard was back into the game
Hardwood ruler free to our patrons.
better acquainted with his constitut­ ormous business this year with tour­ Saturday and held the Beaverton Slug­ of it on repairing old roads
ed« and can talk intelligently of ists. Every evening, along about five
what government work is necessary o’clock, his hotel was filled up with gers to a 2 to 2 tie up to the ninth inn- to advertise for sale 241 acres of tide
tourists, who remained until the next ing when he was touched for two bits
at the proper time.
morning. Not only are the hotels I and was replaced by Millis with two land located in Tillamook bay in the
benefited by the travel, but the tour­ men on. Millis was unable to stop the vicinity of the Wilson and Kelchis
The cheese market is slow with lit­ ists
visit the fruit and candy stands,
tle demand, with prices on the Dem­
moving picture shows, patronize the onslaught and the next to Beaverton-
ocratic, free trade grade. Thanks to drug
ians garnered a single and double 1 Permission has been granted by
the Progressive-Democratic combi­
State Superintendent of Banks Sar­
nation. 1 he G. O. P. will wallop the etc., and give business to the garage giving the visitors a three run lead gent to the Estacada State bank to
Tillamook County should do as which the locals were unable to over­
stuffing out of Democratic free trade men.
Dealers in
at the next Presidential election, but other counties are doing—they are come in their half of the final round. reduce its capital stock from $25,000 A
to 315,000.
look out for a big slump in the cheese after this business and the way to ob­
tain it is good roads. We have some
market before that date.
of the best roads in the state in Till- batting of Clarke for the locals who I The number of Bchool children in
County, but one piece of bad got three out of four chances, one of , Washington county increased 2'6 dur­
Bro. Trombley is doing the flop­
that at Hebo gives the them being a two bagger. The batter­ ing the past year, according to the
ping act again. He is advocating that
the citizens swallow the "rotten” county the black eye, and we deserve ies for Saturdays game : Prescott and annual report of County Superintend­
■ “Morning Star.” “Y. Family Bend.” ‘‘Oregon Flower.”!
pavement he so vigorously con­ to lose this business if we fail or Desinger, and Blanchard and Patter- ent Barnes.
demned, now there is a big wad of neglect to place a small stretch of son.
E. T. ULLMANN, Manager,
"hush money” promised. How funny. road in condition fit for travel. Our
this autumn it is now deemed unlikely
Score by innings.
Don’t laugh. Bro. Trombley now be­ slogan is to have tbe Dolph and Bay­
g Commercial Building,
Tillamook, Oregon, o
longs to the “hush”-backs. But, hush, ocean roads completed for next Beaverton—0 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 3-5 that work will begin on the actual
hush, who wants the reputation of year’s travel, and everybody will be Tillamook—0 1 0 10 0 0 0 0-2 construction of the Kendall railroad,
taking hush money with the "rotten” surprised at the large amount of Sundays game
east of RoBeburg, until next spring.
travel and money it will bring info
Just able to reach home after being
the county and every section will be
AB R H PO A E lost in the mountains of Grant county
benefited thereby.
This is a little incident worth re­
Hardy If
5 0 0 3 0 0 four days, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wcrd
peating. Some parties from the East
Akin 2b
5 0 0 3 2 o' have returned to John Day, and are
To End the Law’s Delays.
while looking in amazement at the
Martin 3b
4 0 1 2 1 o' recovering from their experiences.
■ -o------
Oregon building at the Fair wanted
Elihu Root has added another to Desinger c rf
4 1 0 5 1 °i Charles A. Warner, a prominent
to know whether it was the same
building that was erected at Portland the many distinguished public ser- Decker 1st c
4 0 1 5 0 2 resident of Scio, passed away in a
for the fair there some year s ago, vices with which he is to be credited. Van Blaracum p lstb 4 1 2 3 2 2. Portland hospital, where he was taken
When told that it was a new building, Distinguished as his career has been, McCurdy ss
4 0 1 0 3 5' some time ago for an operation for
the party remarked. “Have
they we can think of no other victory
4 0 0 2 0 0 I cancer. He was about 50 years of
enough timber in Oregon to build I higher than that won by him on O'Mera m
Thursday in successfully leading a Prescott rf-p
4 0 0 1 0 0 age.
two buildings like that?”
----- o-----
movement in the New York Consti­
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
38 2 5 24 9 9
The County Court, being new on tutional Convention for simplification
the Stover sawmill, 12 miles from
the job, was slow in getting started of the methods of court procedure,
with road work this year. And for reducing the law's delays and the Driscoll ss
5 1
1 0 2 Union, with a loss of $3000, unin­
that reason we arc not disposed to cost of justice to litigants. It has be- Wallace 2b
5 2 2 4 4 2 sured. The blaze was controlled with
be critical. Next year, however, we 1 conic a crying evil, one which, if suf-
3 1 2 1 1 difficulty and threatened the dense
hope the court will get busy in a hur­
5 1 6 9 2 0 forest for a time.
ry and not waste so much valuable to deplorable consequences, that leg­ Millis lb
J. K. Starr, district attorney of
tune. After the budget meeting it will islatures, lawyers and courts have Patterson c
5 0 3 6 1 1
be known what road work is to be been suffered so to complicate forms Maddux m
4 1 2 1 0 0 Wheeler county, won his fight to re­
done, and then is the time to make of procedure as to prevent judicial King If
4 1 0 1 0 0 tain his office in the recent recall
preparations to do the work.
4 1 1 2 0 0 election by a big majority, according
It is strange that in a constitutional Rowin rf
convention, with a majority of law- Druhot p
4 1 1 1 2 0 to the official vote filed with Secre­
The Tillamook County Fair is over I yers in its membership, there should
1 1 0 0 0 0 tary of State Olcott.
for this year, and all there is now to have been grave danger of the defeat
The body of Lee Graham, a train­
do is to pass a vote of thanks to the of vital sections of the judiciary arti­
41 12 15 27 10 6 man who was killed near Huntington,
Fair Board. Everybody feels happy cle in which many needed reforms of
The Harriman Club baseball team was brought to La Grande for inter­
that the Fair passed off success- practice arc proposed. So imminent
fully, which afforded considerable was a defeat that Mr. Root, who is will be here for a two game aeries ment. Graham was knocked from a
enjoyment to citizens from all parts president of the convention, left the next Sunday and Monday. This is one box car by a bridge while apparently
of the county. The snap shot man chair to take part in the debate . In of the best amaceur teams ia Portland looking for something under the car.
predicts that next year's county fair the powerful address made by him in
The state fish and game commis­
will be bigger and better, for the support of the section, and the judi­ and have been winning a big majority
of the games played this year. Mana­ sion has just finished planting in Cra­
citizens are taking a lively interest in cial
article generally, he did not spare
this annual event.
members of his profession who op­ ger Millis promises us that Tillamook I ter lake 5000 crawfish from Odell lake,
Our store is headquarters in this city for school sup­
-■ o ...
posed the reforms. He was strong in will bo well represented in this series with a view to propagating food for
The pavement controversy is on resentment of a tendency among and 1 wo fast games can be counted on the trout. This step was found nec­ plies and AUTHENTIC school books. Buy your childrens
the tapis again. We still adhere to lawyers to ‘make a cult of their pro­ for next Sunday and Monday which is essary because of the manner in which
supplies for school iu our store and you will be sure to
what we have always contended that fession." ‘We would discourage tech­
trout have been multiplying in Crater
the construction company should be nicalities and subtleties which tangle Labor Day.
have exactly what they need: Children study better and
Batting average for the two games. lake In recent years.
paid for what the pavement is worth justice to the net of form," he ex­
—no more or no less. And the way to claimed at one point, and insisted that Clark
More than 15,000 letters have been take better care of them when they have the RIGHT things.
bring about a settlement along this lawyers should hold themselves to be Patterson
sent by City Treasurer Adams of Port­ Prices fair.
line is to have several disinterested priests at altars of justice, rather Millis
land to owners of property who are I
individuals place a value on the pave­ than shysters, lynx-eyed for the de­ Maddux
delinquent in the payment of street
ment. If it is worth the money that tection of means of delay and cloud­ Wallace
was stipulated, then pay it. If not, ing of issues. He told of hearing a Rowin
and sewer assessment, and unless the
then pay what it is worth and get New York lawyer boast of his ability Druhot
Interest, at least, is paid this month
Wc give you what you ASK for.
through with the troublesome con­ to protract litigation of any case for Driscoll
the property Is to be sold at public
troversy, for it will never be settled at least seven years, and regretfully King
sale in September.
in the manner the litigants have un­ admitted the truth of the claim.
Accused of threatening to kill J. L.
dertaken with “hush" money.
At the end of Mr. Root's address
Shad, an Elkton druggist, Misses Doi-
the question was put on the section Ivancovich
lie Levins and Lillian Maltpress and
Congrcssman Hawley has the right under debate and it was adopted. The
/.J con-
idea. As most of the commerce of prospect is now good that the
Change in Train Service.
the former's father, James Levins,
to New
1 illamook Bay originate and is tak­
The evening train to and from Port­ were held by the Elkton magistrate
,. r__
some land will be discontinued after Mon
en to Tillamook City, the congress­
to appear befere the grand Jury dur­
man thinks there is something wrong sweeping changes in methods of pro­ day, September 6th.
ing the next term of the circuit court.
fol­ met school.
with the present project in not pro­
Bonds of $1000 each were furnished.
viding for a deeper channel to Tilla­ lowing New York's lead, may then
Inu can travel tri atty city in tbe East
mook City. Well, it was like this. put an end to much shystering for
The new lungmotor, purchased by
Call for Bids.
One of the timber owners had a defeat of the end of justice. Perhaps
or South through California at little ad­
public subscription, arrived at Sea­
bigger pull at the time than Tilla­ it is not too much to sa/ that the
Bids will be received by Tillamook
ditional expense. You can visit the
mook City, hence the deep channel to Root address starts a tide toward ju­ City, Oregon, for the improvement of side and is on exhibit. The two
their property where there is not a dicial reforms. If so, he will have Second /Xvenue East and connecting drownings that have taken place this
Paiamci-Pacific Exposition--San francisco
ton of commerce for shipping. This rendered no more illustrious public streets to the South boundary of Till­ season on the Clatsop beaches caused
goes to prove that if it was necessary service.
amook City, extending South from several of Seaside's prominent citi­
to expend over $800,000 to improve
the North side of Ninth Street. The zens to have circulated among the
the bar to help commerce, then it is a
Cotton as Contraband.
improvement consists of paving with I business men a petition, and in less
mistake to deprive this city of a deep
----- o——
concrete, with the curbs and gutters,
Pan-California Exposition- San Diego.
In finally declaring cotton a contra­ all to be in accordance with plans and ' than a couple of hours the $150 neces­
band of war, Great Britian has revers­ specifications therefor on file with * sary for the purchase of the lung
You are allowed 10 day» stopover at
From a public point of view, we ed herself. The precedent was estab­ the City Recorder. Bids will be re- ! motor was subscribed.
Francisco, 10 days stopover at Los
A gigantic demonstration of what a
think it is to the best interest of the
Annies and 10 days stopover at El Paso
city and the citizens interested that it added raw cotton to its previously day, September 2.3rd, 1915. All bids dollar will do in purchasing merchan­
without charge.
the pavement controversy to be set­ declared list of contraband, giving as must be accompanied by certified dise will be given in Portland next
tled and a settlement made with the its reason that "raw cotton was used check for 5 per cent of the amount of
You will see grand mountains, fertile
Warren Construction Co. But is it in the manufacture of explisives , and the bid, to be forfeited if the success­ month. Plans have been formulated
valleys, thriving cities and strange
possible to bring the different inter­ that it was impossible to distinguish ful bidder shall not enter into con­ at the chamber of commerce, where
ests together and make a satisfactory between cotton imported for one pur­ tract for the making of the improve­ a large number of retailers gathered
settlement? Should the controversy pose and that imported for the other, ments and give approved bond for at a luncheon and not only decided to
be prolonged, in view of the fact that it was necessary to prohibit its im­ the performance thereof within to
4 Trains a Day
“hush money” have been offered, a portation altogether/’ To this great days from the date of the awarding make the demonstration, but appoint­
great many personalities and insinua­ Britian entered a strong protest, of the contract. The right ii is reserved ed committees, fixed the date and
’ 11811,0,1 l,rov*<le comfortable
Address started out to make “dollar day” a
tions are going to be indulged in, and arguing that "the quantity of raw cot­ to reject any and all bids. . __
ir ■ ,11o<\a,,”ns and connects with through
the breach made wider. We make the ton that might be utilized for explos­ City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore- red letter day in the shopping district.
I’rai,ci«co for Eastern and
suggestion that the pavement be ap­ ives would be infinitesimal in com­ gon.
southern points.
Threshing of wheat, which has just
Dated this second day of Sept, 1015.
praised and the property owners pay parison with the bulk of the cotton
started, proves that predictions of a
John Aschim.
what it is worth. Wil! the construc­ exported from India to Japan for
Let our nearest Agent outline your trip.
tion company, the litigants and the peaceful purposes, and to treat harm­ City Recorder of Tillamook City Ore. bumper crop are true, is shown by
reports from all part of Baker. Grant
non-litigants agree to this? If the less cargoes of this latter description First publication Sept. 2, 1915.
aide Notes" and “Cali-
litigants still persist in in their read­ as unconditionally contraband would Last publication Sept. 23, 1915.
and Malheur counties. Not only is
of in,ereet
iness to accept "hush money”, then it be to subject a branch of innocent
there a much larger acreage than the
Thr pro-German tone of some of
•oks to us that it is impossible to get commerce to a most unwarrantable
our papers and speakers mav be ac­
together and settle the fight.
The American Government, in its counted for by the statement that the ’ yield per acre Is much better In the
----- 0-----
protest against the British action can Imperial Government has been spend- ' Lower Powder section of Baker coun­
Somehow tbe people of Tillamook hardly do better than to ouote these
M1M 3 cj U, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
County fail to grasp the large amount words out of the mouth of his majes­ ing $2,000,000 a week in an effort to ' ty the yield is averaging nearly 40
public opinion in this country.' bushels to the acre. Medical Springs,
of business that comes from automo­ ty's ambassador to St. Petersburg. corrupt
bile travel and the large amount of The conditions are practically identi­ This is a very respectable sum tq be lear the Union county line, also re­
spent for such a disreputable purpose, i
money left in the community. Every cal. Russia wanted to keep cottca out I —
i torts a big yield.
All School Books
Flour, Grain and Feed.
of OUA
The Tillamook Drug Store
East Through California