'T'illamoolc Headlight,'August jX IÔT5. State Press Flashlights. I aÄ,’’ ,he ,rouble ,eems «o be i» I —■ O—■ - IcMclft wi«r ^°!“or,he home, and Notice of the appointment of Viewers Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed For Laying out Streets. . in this office his certificate for the The preachers go on outings but ,nanag'“'n‘—Mt. °----- I completion of the contract of they provide supplies. They must be Scott Herald“ . Notice is hereby given that the Sandburg Logus Company on the W. ofthe opinion that the congregations Common Council of Tillamook City, S. Cone road front Station 35 plus 30 need no rest.—News Reporter. Staying At It. Oregon, has appointed W. W. Con­ to 46 plus 00 I ----- o----- der, Alex McNair anil H. F. Goexiapeed and any person, firm or corporation, Here is a safety .first suggestion Among the prophecies of Senator as viewers, to view the followiu i? having objections to file, to the com­ While riding in your auto don’t at­ pletion of said work may do so with­ tempt to beat the approaching train stone of Missouri as "Old Bill Stone’ proposed streets, to-wit: of Seventh in two weeks from the date of the across the crossing It’s a whole lot 1 anil who was in Portland this week, | 1st: An extension Our plant is well equipped and street r platted __ ______ ______ in A. A. first publication. that proniui better to wait a minute than to do the I and,O ttle prohibition , Street, or the Miller’s Addition as Fourth Stieet, Dated this nth day of August, 1015. rage-ar-e bound last half of your trip in the under­ 'win maintained in perfect running win. As * “Iatter oi fact~ Senator from the West line of Miller’s Addi­ J. C. Holden, County Clerk taker’s wagon. —News Times. order. Stone is not an a tion to the West line of Block 41 of By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. ’-■2: ardent advocate of either of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City. First publication August 12. 1915. We can furnish you with any­ An eastern professor of biology he, says. these movements. “But ” 2nd: An extension of Eighth Last Publication August 26. 1915. the fine ,lon*» lazy who has deleved into statistics finds drawl that with thing in electric supplies or fix­ gives point and emphasis Street, or the street platted in A. A. that college bred women contribute ^,cdlc,10l‘ anti story, “i;lc buifragists Millers Addition as Fifth Street, Summons. “nd s!or>-. "the suffragists tures for wiring, lighting, heat only four-tifths of a child per capita. and prohibitionists are just going to from the West line of Miller's Addi­ Must be a mistake somewhere, for h^ob,l.Un“1 ing, power, or cooking. tion West to the West line of Block In the Circuit Court of the State of college bred women are as plentiful coni 1 f CV’,lg at Senator Stone 42 of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook Oregon in and for the County ul We have experienced and capa­ as dandelions in this part of the uni­ considers alone the most comtnenda- City. Tillamook. verse no youngsters minus one-fifth o iX“C' *n Ufe- 11 is the epttome ble men to attend to our lines and 3rd: An extension of Ninth Street, Lee R. ljams, Laura M. Kerron have yet turned up.—Hillsboro inde­ ot all the means of success. If at or the street platted in A. A. Miller’s formerly Laura M. ljams, Les­ to do house wiring and instilla­ pendent. first you don’t suceed,” why, stay at Addition as Sixth Street, from the lie ljams, Evelyn ljams and tions. ------ o------ K he says. Everything comes to him West line of Miller’s Addition West Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel In query for the hot weather situa­ *ho stays at it. ¡success is simply the to the West line of Block 45 of Thay­ ljams. Plaintiffs, tion has provoked the following; Or ,’■? y,ng at it- Gen‘“s is an er’s Addition to Tillamook City. i 4th: An extension of Tenth vs. "Will there be two Democratic tick­ infinite, ability to stay at it. Look,” says Senator Stone, “what 1 Street, or the street platted in A. A. Mrs. Melvina Venen and John ets, and two Republican tickets or Venen, her husband, one Democratic nominee and two staying at it has done for the suffra­ Miller’s Addition as Seventh Street, Doe from the republican party, or vice gists throughout the country.” There from the West line of Miller’s Addi­ Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe versa; or which one of the parties was a touch of enthusiasm in the tion to the West line of Block 46 of Le Duck, his wife, Defendants. will split the hardest, and vice versa? drawl, And look what staying at it Thayer's Addition to Tillamook City. To. Mrs. Melvina Venon and John The usual response is “Givitup.”_ is doing for prohibitionists in Mis­ I As provided by Ordinance No 298 Electric lights and water in every Sherwood News Sheet. souri (Utter lack of enthusiasm of Tillamook City, Oregon, approved Doe Venen, her husband; Frank Le tent; go surf bathing 01 hunt for noted here). “W hy the last time they August 3rd, 1915, and has appointed Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his In answer to the recent protest of tried it, the wets beat ’em two to one Friday the 10th day of September, wife, and to you and each of you, de­ crabs and is under Austro-Hungary regarding the sell­ u-nw“"’ but they arc staying at it i 1915, at the City Hall in Tillamook fendants above named, in the name of direction of Bar View 1; many ing of munitions of war by the man­ Will Missouri vote dry? Well, I’m City, Oregon, at the hour of 9 o’clock the State of Oregon you and each of entertaining features; no liquors al- hereby com- ufacturers of this country to the na­ fronlMissouri. But they’ll stay at it. a.m., as the time and place for said you are required and answer to the lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; Sfll while Senator Stone admires viewers to meet for the purpose of manded to appear and tions not at war, the “Imperial and making the assessment of damages complaint filed against you in the sleeping tents and board at hotel, $2 .Royal” government of that country the suffragists for their stayativeness and benefits accruing out of the pro­ above entitled suit on or before the is politely but firmly told to ___ per day and 11 >. W rite W. A. W ise, read ; he deprecates their habit of waylay­ posed extension of said streets. 27th day of August, 1915, being more up on international law regarding ing and holding up congressman. Bar \ iew, Tillamook County, Ore., All persons claiming damages by than six (6) weeks from the date of such transactions and to study the Now, he says, “look at me—” (an 1 reason of the appropriation of any the date of the first publication of or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Ore. precedents by themselves.—Umpqua unnecessary injunction, because “Bill’ property affected by said proposed this summons, and if you fail to so Stone’s six feet of angularity, his care 1 Valley News. extensions are hereby notified to file appear and answer to the said com­ free walk, and genial, almost tender, ! their ------ o------ claims for such damages with plaint, for want thereof these plain­ When a literary and musical pro­ face get a deal of looking at what­ the undersigned City Recorder of tiffs will apply to the Court for the gram is in progress at the City Park ever he is)—“I’m out for rest, recre- I Tillamook City on or before the time relief prayed for in their complaint, the audience is more or less attentive. ation and relexation. And what do I ‘ so appointed for the meeting of said in substance as follows: For a decree At least what has caused the atten­ find? The suffragists staying at it 1 viewers. determining the adverse interests in dance is the center of attraction. But to the extent of demanding my views I The boundaries and termini of the dnd to block fifteen (15) in and of what is most annoying is to suddenly on their propaganda. What am 1 go- ' proposed extension, and the boun­ Miller’s Addition to the town of Till­ have some autoist start his auto to ing to tell them? I’ll tell them a story daries and descriptions of the private amook and State of Oregon and de­ Senator Stone declares that Presi- 1 property to be appropriated for said claring the plaintiffs to be the own­ popping and spluttering. It is as much an act of rudeness to the outside dent \\ ilson will have no opposition extensions are as follows, to-wit: ers in fee simple and entitled to the in the Deifiocratic convention, and I The proposed extension of Seventh possession of said premises as against audience as tittering and laughter is opines that he will be re-elected with- to an inside audience. It would be Street is bounded, and its termini are any and all persons whomsoever, and yourselves in particular, and for the well to prevent autos from entering out difficulty. But what about Bryan? as follows: Hasn ’ t he the stayative quality large ­ the park when there is to be a pro­ Beginning at the Southwest corner costs and disbursements of this suit, ly developed? “ Oh, Bryan, ’ ’ said the gram given.—Sheridan Sun. of Block 8 of A. A. Miller’s Addition and for such’further relief as to the Senator; “he’ll just continue savins to Tillamook, and running thence Court may seem meet in the premises. at it. ” . This summons is served upon you According to a report from Wash­ West to the West line of Block 41 of Senator and Mrs. Stone greatly en­ Thayer’s ington the department of justice has Addition to Tillamook; by virtue of an order of the above discovered a Wall Street “plot" to joyed their visit to Portland, where thence South o degrees 12 minutes entitled Court, which order was made force the United States to go to war they were entertained by Bcnage S. East along Block line 60 feet; thence and entered on the 17th day of May, with‘Mexico. Hush! Hist! and when Josselyn.—Spectator. East to the Northwest corner of 1915, directing that publication there Block 10 of A. A. Miller’s Addition; of be made in the Tillamook Head­ you just stop to remember the “pa­ thence North to the place of begin­ light, a newspaper of general circula­ triotic” fever and enthusiasm of Villa, Don’t Nag. tion published in the County of Tilla­ ning. Carranza, et al, it is hardly conceiv­ The private property to be appro­ mook and State of Oregon for a able that any “plot" would be neces­ If you wish to help the world a little priated by said proposed extension period of six (6) successive weeks. sary. to make us start something. We in your humble way, consists of those portions of Lots 1, Date of first publication July 15, T915. believe such a scheme would not be Don't Nag. beyond the desires of Wall Street Your wife if you’re a husband, doubt­ 2, 3, and 4 of Block 41, said Thayer’s Date of last publication August 26 '15 Charles A. and Claud M. Addition, included within said boun­ tin horn gamblers, but we cannot be­ less has her faults, but— say— Jones, 1307-9 Ycon Build­ daries. I 1 lieve they would have the nerve to Don't Nag. ing, Portland, Oregon. I THE "GREATER OREGON" The proposed extension of Eighth take such chances as would be in­ \ ou may be too busy toiling for Attorneys for Plaintiff. Street is bounded, and its termini are volved in that kind of a scheme. Wall With new hiiilflinv«, better equipment, eti- your little bit of crust I Inrsed kfouih I h , rik I nuiny Addition* to it* 1 Street speculators are not that Wind Io be able to lift others who are ly- as follows: fiu ult). the I'niteiHity of OrrKon w ill begin it* i Beginning at the Southwest corner Administrator’s Notice to Creditors. ing the dust. of banditti.—News Times. fortieth >e«r. TiieMlay. September II. 11» I A. Npeciiil trahiini; i » t'omnicree. «lournRli»*in. But you can still help in making the • of Block 10 of A. A. Miller's Addition A i ehiteet ure, l.nw . ’Medicine, Teiiehlntc, Llbi'H- ■ to Tillamook, and running thence Germany, Russia and Austria arc world brighter, if you just Notice is hereby given that the un­ I> Work. M un I c , riiyhicnl Tnilning »»mi Fine I West to the West boundary of Block dersigned S. M. Wendt, by an order Arti. laiirge «ml »trongdi,i»Hrtnieiit»of Liber­ today fighting over the possessions Don’t nag. al Fdiii-Ht Ion. of Poland, which was seized by these If you wish to give him courage who 42 of Thayer's Addition to Tillamook of the County Court of Tillamook IJhi-Rry of more thun ftft.000 volume*, thir­ thence South 0 degrees 12 minutes same powers more than century ago has chosen you for life, Cojnty, Oregon, has been duly ap­ teen building* fully equipped, two *plendlpen»e* Lowewt. of Block 12 of A. A. Miller’s Addition order having been made on the 3rd need help in the strife— alluded to by history as one of the Wi lie for free < ntnlog*.nddie**lng Kegletmr aforesaid; thence North to the place day of August, 1915. Notice is further Don't nag. greatest political crimes of history. of beginning. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON given that all persons having claims It is a instance of a helpless country He may have a few shortcomings— The private property to be appro­ against the said estate are hereby re­ Et'OKNK, UllEGON husbands generally do— being stolen by its more powerful - J ohnsow M all U___ NtW ADMlNiftT RATION BuHOfNC 1*0» ( ) Ifaai neighbors and parceled out as they And he may sometimes sit beaten priated by the said extension is all quired to present the same with prop­ when he should have triumphed that included within said boundaries er vouchers to S. S. Johnson, Tilla­ thought to their best advantage. Well and consists of all those portions, in­ mook, Oregon, attorney of the under­ too. it is the old story of the thieves cluded within said boundaries, of quarreling among themselves. In But he’ll rise with newer courage and Lots I and 2, and fractional Lots 3 signed, or to the undersigned, with­ in six months from this date. new strength if only you, these instances honest mne are said and 4, of Block 42 of Thayer’s Addi Dated August 3, 1915. Don't nag. to get their dues and why may not tion to Tillamook and the tract bound S. M. Wendt, the same apply to nations. Mayhap All around you there are others who ed on the East, North and South by Administrator of the rsta'e have painful wounds to nurse, out of this terrible conflict Poland, said proposed boundaries, and on the of Samuel W. Grabcl. Don't r.ag . which produced a Kosciusko, will West by the East line of fractional Deceased. Post office, emerge restored to her former na- Rubbing on the raw has ever and will Lot 3, in said Block 42. I Tillamook, Oregon. always make it worse, tion existence.—Itemizcr. The proposed extension of Ninth ■ - ■ o----- Don't nag. Street is bounded and its termini are Notice to Taxpayers. A man and a women dropped into You can see your neighbors foibles— as follows: all his weaknesses are plain— a small town and put up at the best Beginning at the Southwest corner Notice is hereby given, that on hotel. The next morning they secur­ But, then, what's the use of prodding of Block 12 of A. A. Miller's Addition when it cannot bring you gain? ed a rig each, and started over the to Tillamook, and running thence Monday, .‘■e 13th day of September, country asking the farmer folks for a Why add by a look or whisper to the West of the West line of Block 45 of 1915, the County Board of Equalizs- world’s supply of pain? chicken ofr an orphan's home in St. Thayer's Addition to Tillamook; tion, will meet at the Court House in Every Heywood Wckefield mattress has our name on it. We put it the'e Don’t nag. Louis. After two days begging they thence South o degrees 12 minutes Tillamook City Oregon, and publicly because we aland back of every one. sold the chickens to a local produce If she has her days for fretting, oh, East along the West line; thence examine the assessment roll for said be patient with her— man for $30 and left town. Their loot When you buy a Heywood Wakefield mattress, you get more than a mat- East to the Northwest corner of year, and correct all errors in valua­ Don't nag. treaa. You get SATISFACTION GUA It A NTIil!l). included several cash donations. A Block 14 of A. A. Miller’s Addition tions, descriptions of lands, lots or variation of the scheme is for a man, If she makes mistakes remember it is aforesaid; thence North to the place other property. We will cheerfully replace any mattres. which fail, to give you satisfaction. Said board of equalization will con­ human still to err— wearing some sort of badge, to call of beginning. tinue in session from day to day un ­ Don't nag. on the farmers under the name of the The private property to be appro­ Price, S1 Department of Health and demand You may not have strength to rescue priated by said extension is all that is til the examination, correction and the pale ones whose burdens kill, included within said boundaries and equalization of said assessment rolls to see his poultry. After examination OfhcrH tif $12 mid SIN he condemns twenty or thirty hens Or to lilt the weary toilers who are consists of all those portions of Lots shall be completed. All persons interested in the assess­ stumbling lip the hill, J , I, 2, and 3 of Block 45 of and tells the farmer they will have to Thayer’s be killed because they are deceased. But you can refrain from making the Addition aforesaid included within ments of their property are requested Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company said boundaries and the tract bound­ appear at said time and place, as no He very kindly offers to take the world sadder, if you will— I Don’t nag. PORTLAND, ORBGON SEATTLE. WASHINGTON ed on the North, South and East by changes can be made after the ad­ chickens and do the killing himself — Record Herald. said boundaries, and on the West by journment of the board. If the farmer consents, the man takes Dated at Tillamook City, Aug. 10th, the East line of fractional Lot 3 in the chickens to the nearest commis­ 19I5- said Block 45, said tract being a tract sion merchant and sells them. The I Notice of Completed Contract C. A. Johnson, 60 feet North and South and 53.3 scheme is being worked all over the ----- o ----- County Assessor. feet East and West. country. If a man or woman calls on Notice is hereby given that F. E. The proposed extension of Tenth on you with a demand that looks sus- | Hobson. County Road Master, for Notice of Completed Contract picious, call up your authorities and Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed Street is bounded, and its termini are ask by what right they are asking to in this office his certificate for the as follows. I Eighth Grade Final Examination. Program:—Sept. 2, Arithmetic, Beginning at the Southwest corner Notice is hereby given that F._ E. inspect your stock or poultry. When completion Writing, Language, Agriculture, Spel­ of the contract of you get the answer turn them over to Sandburg Logus Company on the the of Block 14, of A. A. Miller’s Addi­ Hobson, County Road Master, for ling. Friday, Sept. 3, Physiology, Notice is hereby given that the reg tion to Tillamook, and running thence Tillamook County, Oregon, has filer! the police.—Ione Journal. Green Timber road from Station o West to the West line of Block 46, in this office his certificate for the ular examination for Eighth Grade History, Geography and Civil Gov­ ----- o------ ernment. plus 00 to 24 plus 46.5 Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook; of the contract of Diplomas, .will be held September 2 Reading grade sent by teacher. Last week a young woman of the and any person, firm or corporation, thence South o degrees 12 minutes completion and 3, 1915, at the circuit court rooms W. S. Buel, Supt. vicinity was found in Holliday Park having objections to file, to the com­ East 60 feet along said West line; Jeffrey and Bufton, on the Hollett 1 illamook City, by the County Supt., County Road, from Station 39 plus dead. Death was due to suicide by pletion of said work may do so with­ ¡ thence East to the Northwest corner 00 to Station 77 phis 89 for any applicant- who failed to pass shooting and the officer who conduct­ in two weeks from the date of the of Block 16 of A. A. Miller’s Addi­ and any person, firm or corporation, at former examinations, or any one $100 Reward $100. ed the autopsy declared the opinion first publication. tion aforesaid; thence North to the having objections to file, to the com­ who has been recommended by the The miller* of this paper will tie pleased that the girl’s mental attitude was due Dated this nth day of August, 1015. place of beginning. pletion of said work may do so with­ teacher. This is done without ex- to learn that there la at least one dreaded to mental anguish. She had been out J. C. Holden, County Clerk thnt aciencc I imn been able to cure in The private property to be appro- in two weeks from the date of the pense to the county or districts an I di*ca«e all it* *tHRCM, and thnt I* Catarrh. Hili'« By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. motor riding the evening before with for the expressed purpose of giving Catarrh priated by said extension is all that first publication. Cure i* the only positive cure now some young man. It is supposed that First publication August 12, 1915. an opportunity to stuilnts who failed known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh included within said boundaries, the Dated this ttth day of August. 1915. being n < onstltutionnl diMaar require« a Last Publication August 26. 1915. he conducted himself ungallantly same consisting of portions of Lots J. C. Holden, County Clerk on one or two subjects at former ex­ constitutional treatment. Hall’* t'atarrh with her. The disgrace was more aminations to complete and enter Cure i* taken internally, acting directly upon I. 2, and 3 of Block 46 Thayer's Ad­ By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. the blood and mucou* surface* of the *y*tem, than she could endure, Mental an- school this fall unconditioned dition aforesaid and the tract laying thereby destroying the foundation of th« Notice of Completed Contract guish crazed her and the results are Questions will be sent to the t • • dlneasc, East of said Lot 3 bounded on the and giving the patient «trength by Notice of Completed Contract open to the public. The moral of it is lowing centers and applicants in these 1 building up the «-onatitution and a**i*tin< West by the East line of said Lot 3, nature Tn doing It* work The proprietor« ----- o------ the foolishness of mothers who per­ Notice is hereby given that F. E, and on the North, South and East by communities may write at these plac- I , have •<> much faith In It* curative power« Notice is hereby given that F. E. es, either under the direction of these I that they offer <»ne flnndred Hollar« for any mit their young daughters to join in Hobson, County Road Master, for the other boundaries of the tract des­ motorcycle rides with any one except Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed cribed, being a tract 60 feet North Hobson, County Road Master, for named persons or some one appoint­ I caM that it fail* to cure, bend for ll«t of the most trusted acquaintances. It in this office his certificate for the the South by «3 feet East and West Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed ed and known by them that will con I testimonial* Address if. H CHENEY Ac CO., Teledo. of the contract of and being the pastern portion of said in this office hi, certificate for the duct the examinations. takes a lot of nerve on the part of the completion I Ohio by IfruggiMt*. 75c. completion of the contract of For Mcda, Oretown, Slab Creek, i | Hold best young man or boy to resist the Sandgurg Logus Company on the proposed extension. Take Hall's Family Pill* for constipation. A. Arstill, on the Squires County and Neskowin schools, questions will emotions that may arise under cir­ I Pacific City Road from Station o plus Dated this August I2th, 1915. Road, from Station 35 plus 58 to be sent ot Mr. Charles Fox. For Ne­ I cumstances such as may be met on a 00 and 34 plus 29.2 to Station o t John Aschim, My country, may she always be Station 80 plus 40, • halem, Wheeler, Mohler, Balm ff nd lenghty motorcycle trip. No young I plus 00 and 43 plus 60 City Recorder. and any person, firm or corporation, adjoining schools questions will be right, but my country, tight or girl, inexperienced in the art of dis­ and any person, firm or corporation, First publication August 12, 1915. having objections to file, to the com­ sent to Mrs Mary R. Boyakin. b or wrong, cry many Mexican patriots; tracting attention from herself should having objections to file, to the com- Last publication September 9, 1915. pletion of said work may do ,0 with Cloverdale, Hebo, and all neighbor­ and they seem to have it that way. be allowed to risk the conditions that ' pletion of said work may do so with­ in two weeks from the date of the ing schools questions will be sent to In England there is no legislative may arise in such occasions. The girl in two weeks from the date of the Notice of Completed Contract first publication. Mr. Fred Briody. For Beaver, Blaine, •,rrk barrels because the cabinet min- who has no mother to advise her is to , ' first publication. . Dated this tith day of August, 1915. Hemlock,- and all neighboring dis ’ iers originate all the money bills; be pitied, but mpthers are frequently. Dated this 11th dayof August, Notice is hereby given that F E. J. C. Holden, County Clerk tricts questions will be «ent to Mr. t but probably we'll never admit that J. C. Holden, Countv Clerk active in promoting associations such I Hobson, County Road Master, for By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. Forest Ayers. ' they do some things better in Brittan, By Kathleen Mills, «deputy. I as are offered on such outings. The Coast Power Company. OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE PUBLIC WELL THE Furnished Housekeeping Tents Only One Dollar a Day. ñhEX. MeNñlR & CO. generali hardware Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us ’for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere Known Value AMMER FURNITURE CO., Sole Agents for Tillamook.