'Tillamook Headlight, August 27, I91o. » Display Honey, first prize $zoo, £ I Mixed Pickles, first prize 50c., Mrs I vztlis, being the judge. _ VEGETABLES. Ercd Burton, Tillamook; second Hanenkrat, lillamook. 1 Red Rasberries, first prize ?0c., Mrs Dried Loganberry, first pri„ 5O, There was a good display of vege­ prize 25c. Mrs Peter Jenck, 1 illa- R. O. Richards, Beaver. 5%1 tables and the judge J. E. Larson Cyrus Randall, Tillamook; »$5“, prize 25c., Mrs. J. Michaud, Tilla ­ "‘pickled Apples, first prize 50c., Mrs Cranberries, first prize $100 made the following awards: E. .. . __ Atkinson, Sandlake. Kohl Rabi, first prize 50c., O. Wo- I mook. prize’ 50c., Mrs. I Michaud, lillamook; second prize I Loganberries, first mer, Tillamook. Bismarcks, first prize $1.00, R v 25c., Mrs. Cyrus Randall, lillamook. Tillamook; second Pie Plant, first prize 75c., W. I.. Cyrus Randall, « Michaud, lilla- Canned Clams, first prize 25c., Mrs Blalock, Beaver; second prize roJ’ O. W. Kinnanian, Beaver. ' '' Veach, Tillamook; second prize 50c., prize 25c., Mrs. J. J. Michaud, Tillamook. mook. Mrs. Nellie Newberg, Hemlock. Kings, first prize $1.00, E. I). Hoae Canned Salmon, first prize 50c., Pitted Cherries, first prize 25c., Parsnips, first prize 75c., E. W. Mrs I Michaud, Tillamook; second 'lillamook; second prize 50c k v’ Knight, Tillamook; second prize 50c., .Mrs. B. A. Folks, Tillamook. prize 25c.. Mrs U. G. Jackson, I ilia- Blalock, Beaver. Grapes, first prize 25c., Mrs. J O. Kellow, Hebo. Bellflower, first prize $1.00, J t Tillamook.................. • • • • 11100k Salsify first prize 50c., W. L. Veach Michaud, Canned Hain, first prize 25c., Mrs. Childers, Tillamook; second prize „J Currants, first prize 50c., Mrs. 1 • R Y. Bldlack, Beaver. 5 C Tillamook. Jenck, Tillamook; second prize 25c, J, Michaud, Tillamook. Yellow Dinner Squash, first prize Baldwins, first prize $1.00, R V Canned I hicken, first prize 2SC-, Miss Helen Durrer, Tillamook. 50c., Mrs. D. Billings, Tillamook. Blalock; second prize 50c. R 1 ri -' i Butter, first prize 50c., Mrs. Mrs. J. Michaud, lillamook. Summer Squash, first prize 50c., A. Plum Canned Crab, first prize 25c., Mrs. lock, Beaver. ' L. Donaldson, Tillamook; second Wade Arstill, Cloverdale. Northern Spy, first prize $1.00 O J Michaud, Tillamook. Cow Horn Turnips, first prize 75c., prize 25c., Mrs. A. L. Donaldson, Ill- Kellow, Hebo.' Rasberry and Plum Jelly, first prize lamook. M. Kratter and the superinten- W. Robitsch, Bay City; second prize W inter Banana, first prize oc P Loganberry Juice, first prize 50c, 15c, Mrs. Dan Billings, Tillamook. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ;dents of the different depart- 50c., Mrs. Anna Hauswirth, Tilla- Mrs. 'Currant and Loganberry, first prize Y. Blalock, Beaver. Grandma Weston, Tillamook; (Strictly in Advance.) The exhibits were a mook. 1 clients. Huchenot Old, first prize $1 00 R 15c, Mrs. Peter Jenck, Cloverdale. Silage Corn, first prize 75c., Wm second prize 25c., R. O. Richards, ‘Crabapple Jelly, first prize 25c., Y. Blalock, Beaver; second prize inc One yeai ...................................... $1.50 credit to the county. Blooded Beaver. Maxwell, Tillamook; second prize E. D. Hoag, Tillamook. Six months............................................ 75 stock of dairy cattle, horses, 50c., C. W. Tilden, Tillamook. Crabapples, first prize 50c., Mrs. J. Mrs. Cyrus Randall, Tillamook. Red Astrochans, first prize «ir Grape Jelly, first prize 15c., Mrs. Michaud, Tillamook; second prize 25 Three months........................................ 50 pigs, poultry, etc., Tillamook’s Lettuce, first prize 75c., H. C. Han- R Y. Blalock, Beaver. ’ Dan Billings, lillamook. cents, Mrs. D. Billings, lillamook. famous cheese, Grange booths, son, Tillamook; second prize 50c., Gravensteins, first prize $1.00, R Canned Beef, first prize 50c., Mrs. Wild Plum, first prize 25c. Mrs. B. W. L. Veach. Tillamook. I second Y. Blalock, Beaver; second prize’noc W. S. Coates, Tillamook; THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. flowers, fruit and vegetable, Leaf Lettuce, first prize 50c., W. L. A. Folks, Tillamook. culinary, painting and fancy Canned Cherries, first prize 50c., prize 25c., Mrs. J. Michaud, Tilla- J. I.. Childers, Tillamook. Veach, Tillamook. Grimes Golden, first prize $1 00, 0 needle work, better babies and Radish, first prize 75c. W. L. Veach Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook; second mook. Canned Pears, first prize 50c., Mrs W. Kinnaman, Beaver; second prize Editorial Snap Shots school displays, all had a large Tillamook; second prize 50c., Nellie prize 25c, Mrs. J. Michaud Tillamook. Ginger Cookies, first prize 50c., Mrs Peter Jenck, Cloverdale; second prize 50c., O. W. Kinnaman, Beaver. amount of entries and competi­ Newberg, Hemlock. Butternuts, first prize 50c, Af J. Michaud, Tillamook; second prize 2tc.. Mrs. Fred Burton, Tillamook. S. Hare, Tillamook. Of all the grand scenery we saw on tors for the numerous prizes Canned Beans, first prize 50c., Mrs. Trowbridge, Tillamook. 25c. Mrs. Jennie McGhee, Tillamook. Swiss Chard, first prize 75c. W. S. our trip to Southern Oregon and offered by the Fair Board. All Pippins, first prize 50c., O. Kellow Tarts, first prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. W. S. Coates, Tillamook; second Crater Lake, none surpassed the pan­ the exhibits were artistically Hare, Tillamook; second prize 50c., West, Tillamook. prize 25c. Mrs. Edwin Hannenkrat, Hebo. Carl Possctti, Bay City. . orama that is to be seen on Necarney arranged, and the pavilions Sweets, first prize 50c., O. W. Kin­ Apple Pie, first prize 50c., Mrs. S. Tillamook. Display Sunflowers, first prize 75c., mountain. Tillamook against the W. Conover, Tillamook; second prize Canned Carrots, first prize 50c., man, Beaver. proved very attractive to the E. L. Stewart, Tillamook; second whole state for magnificent scenery. Maiden Blush, first prize 50c. 0 Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook; second Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. large crowds that visited the prize 50c, Henry Donaldson, Tilla- 25c., Lemon Pie, second prize 25., Mrs. F prize 25c., Mrs. Peter Jenck, Clover­ Kellow, Hebo. mook. I * A Paris newspaper makes the fair. Strawberries, first prize 75c., Mrs. Tomatoes, first prize 50c, H. C. M. Riley, Tillamook; second prize 25c dale. statement that five million persons We are able to publish ¿part Hanson, Mrs. S. W. Conover, Tillamook. Canned Tomatoes, first prize 50c., M. Trowbridge, Tillamook; second Tillamook. I Baking Powder Biscuits, first prize Mrs. Dan Billings, Tillamook; second prize 50c., Mrs. II. C. Hanson, Tilla­ have been killed and seven thousand of the premium list this week, Turnips, first prize 75c, H. L. Jen­ wounded as a result of the war in but owing to the strenuous time 25c.,Mrs. W. E. Noyes, Tillamook. prize 25c., Mrs. J. Michaud, Tilla­ mook. sen, Beaver; second prize 50c, D. D. Europe. And all because Emperor Crabs, first prize 50c., P. W. Jocobs Graham Gems, first prize 25c., Mrs. mook. i West, Tillamook. the judges had in having to William wants to be the great mili­ W. E. Noyes, Tillamook. Cherry Olives, first prize 25c., Mrs. Tillamook. r Sweet Corn, first prize 75c, O. judge so many entries, we will tary autocrat of Europe. Sugar Cookies, first prize 50c., Miss Dan Goodspeeed, Tillamook. poultry . Kellow, Hebo; second prize 50c, W. second J publish the remainder next S. Helen Durrer, Tillamook; sr Spanish Pickles, first prize 25c.. Hare Tillamook. Pair Buff Cochin Bantoms, first We do not believe the pavement week. Pop Corn, first prize 50c, Frank prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla- Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook. $1.00, Mrs. Jennings, City. 1 prize ------ T ---- 1 ------ .......p,.,, Bay X-llJ. case will be settled in the way it was mook. Picallily, first prize 25c., Mrs. J. I Pair Turkeys, first prize, $2.00, Eva CHEESE SCORING CONTEST Owens, Cloverdale. I I agreed to on Monday. If the Warren Oatmeal Cookies, first prize 25c-. Michaud, Tillamook. Largest Cabbage, first prize 50c., ' Hushbeck, Tillamook; second prize First prize, silver cup, Guy Ford, Construction Co. wants a settlement Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. Mustard Pickles, first prize 25C-. $1.00, William Robitch, Bay Citv. R. Y. Blalock, Beaver. r it should ask the Supreme Court for Maple Leaf, 94% points. Rock Cookies, first prize 25c., Mrs. Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook. Table Carrots, first prize 75c., W. Pair Geese, first prize $2.00, Henry Second prize $12.50, Albert Schlap- equity in the case and the pavement Mince Meat, first prize 25c., Mrs. Olds, Tillamook; second prize $1.00, Veach, Tillamook; second prize 50c., Bristoll, Tillamook. appraised by competent persons ap- pi, South Prairie, 94 points. Nut Cookies, first prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. I I. C. Rowe, Tillamook. I Third prize (tie) $7.50, Hugh Bar­ Mrs. A. L. Burton, Tillamook. pointed by the court, and after the Shot Huckleberry, first prize 25c., Stock Carrots, first prize 75c., M. Jennie McGee, Tillamook. Pair Wood Ducks, first prize $1.00, value of the pavement is approved by ber, Fairview, 93!^ points. Doughnuts, first prize 50c., Mrs. W. Mrs. A. L. Donaldson, Tillamook. Mills, Tillamook; second prize 50c., Fourth prize (tie) $7.50, Fred Mrs. A. L. Burton, Tillamook. the court, the amount charged up to S. Hare, Tillamook; second prize 25c, Apple Butter, first prize 50c., Mrs. R. Y. Blalock, Beaver. Pair Mallard Ducks, first prize $¡.00 the property owners. The court to Mietzke, Central, 93(4 points. \. L. Donaldson, Tillamook; second Cucumbers, first prize 75c., H. C. Mrs. D. D. West, 'l illamook. Fifth, tie, 75c., Ike Hiner, Beaver, assess the amount of costs in the case Ginger Snaps, first prize 50c., Mrs. >rize 25c., Mrs. B. A. Folks, Tilla­ N. E. Burton, Tillamook. Hanson, Tillamook; second prize 50c. 93 points. Trio Partridge Wyandottes, first The system of receiving money to J. Michaud, Tillamook; second prize mook. Sixth tie, 75c., Harry Thomas, E. W. Knight, Tillamook. prize $1.00, Ike Shortridge, Tillamook drop the case is simply a _ flagrant ___ 25c., Mrs. W. E. Noyes, Tillamook. Preserved Melon, first prize 50c., Cauliflower, first prize 75c., W. S. Cloverdale, 93 points. Trio Brown Leghorns, first prize case of bribery, which should be in­ Whey Cookies first prize 25c., Mrs. Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook; second Seventh tie, 75c., N. N. Kirby,_ Hare, Tillamook; second prize eoe., J. Michaud $2.00, D. D. West, Tillamook; second vestigated by the Federal Grand Jury prize 25c., Mrs. J. Michald, Tillamook Robt. Eichinger, Tillamook. Three Rivers, 93 points. prize $1.00, Mrs. T. M. Ross, Tilla­ if persisted in. Filled Cookies, first prize 25c., Mrs. Ground Cherries, first prize ; 25c., mook. Pie Pumpkins, first prize 75c., C. E. Harry Hogan, Elwood, 92%. E. Kirk, Tillamook. Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook. Donaldson, Tillamook; second prize Christ Nelson, East Beaver, 92%. Trio White Leghorns, first prize Good roads and automobile travel White Bread, first prize 50c., Mrs. Gooseberry Jam, first prize 25c., ; '50c., Mrs. D. Billings, Tillamook. Floyd Culberson, Mohler, 91J4. w ,w t naren. lillamook; sec­ were two things the snap shot man W. W. Wiley, Tillamook ’ second Mrs. A. L. Donaldson, Tillamook. Largest Pumpkin, first prize 50c., J. De Boer, Miami, 91(4. ond prize, $1.00, W. S. Coates, Tilla­ was highly interested in while on a prize 25c., Miss Nellie Krake, Tilla ­ Canned Pears, first prize 50c., Mrs. C. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. H. Josi, Alder Vale 90%. mook. trip to Southern Oregon. But listen. Dan Billings, Tillamook; second prize Rutabaga, first prize, 75c., C. W. mook BUTTER. 1 Trio Black Lanshans, first prize \\ e want to say that our pride in Yeast Biscuits, first prize 25c., Mrs. 25c., Mrs. Peter Jenck, Cloverdale. Tilden, Tillamook; second prize 50c. Butter, first prize $2.00, I. H. Moore , $2.00, P. W. Jacobs, Tillamook; sec­ Tillamook roads was terribly jolt­ Dan Billings, Tillamook. Canned Rhubarb, first prize 50c., W. Robitsch, Bay City. ed in fact, we felt a little bit humiliat­ Hemlock; second prize $1.00, Rose Muffins, first prize 25c., Mrs. F. M. Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook; second ond prize $1.00, P. W. Jacobs, Tilla­ 3 Squash, first prize 75c., R. Y. mook. ed for traveling over 1000 miles one Crawford, Tillamook; third prize 50c., Blalock, Beaver; second prize 50c., Riley, Tillamook. prize 25c., Mrs. J. Michaud, Tilla ■ Pair Ducklin Game Bant, first of the worst pieces of road that we A. Bester, Tillamook. Steamed Corn Bread, first prize 25c. mook. E. W. Knight, Tillamook. I prize $2.00, Francis Kerramens, Till­ GRANGE BOOTHS. traveled was between Hebo and Canned Peaches, first prize 50c., Largest Squash, first prize 50c., C. Mrs. F. M. Riley, Tillamook. Five Tillamook Granges consisted E. Donaldson, Tillamook. Dolph. Will the County Court please Whole Wheat Gems, first prize 25c. Mrs. Dan Billings, Tillamook; second amook; second prize, $1.00, Dorrcl C. King, Tillamook. remember this, for that piece of bad for prizes for the best booths. Each prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla- ' Trio Barred Rocks, first prize $2.00, Early Potatoes, first prize $3.00, R. Mrs. W. S. Coates, lillamook. road have kept thousands of autos were very creditable exhibitions, and Y. Blalock, Beaver; second prize $2 Rasberry Jelly, first prize 25c., Mrs. mook. Frank Hanenkrat, Tillamook; second and tourists out of the county this the grangers are to be congratulated C. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. Peter Jenck, Cloverdale, second prize Canned Cherries, first prize 50c., prize $1.00, Mrs. Jacob Breeden, year, because the tourist books have for the interest they have taken in 15c., Mrs D. D. West, Tillamook. Miss Helen Durrer Tillamook, 2nd Tillamook. Late Potatoes, first prize $3.00, made special mention of it that the the fair. The judges were Walter S. Lyle Tilden, Gooseberry Jelly, first prize 25c., prize 25c., , Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla-( Tillamook, second ( 1 rio White Rocks, first prize $1.00, road was bad and dangerous. It is Brown, J. E. Larson and Anna M. prize $2.00, Mrs. Frank Bester, Tilla­ Mrs. Dan Billings, Tillamook; second nook. W. S. Coates, Tillamook. about four years since the snap shot Turley, judges, with Roy C. Jones, mook. prize 15c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla­ Canned Strawberries, first prize 50c. Trio Silver Wyandottes, first prize man autoed in the Willamette valley, Supt. mook. Table Beets, first prize, 75c.,, G. Mrs. J. Michaud, Tillamook; second Grange Exhibit, first prize $40.00. Foland; second prize 50c., Mrs. H. and we want to congratulate each Plum Jelly, first prize 25c., Mrs. >rize 25c., Mrs. W. S. Coates, Tilla­ $2.00, Roy C. Jones, Tillamook; sec­ D. ond prize $1.00, Roy C. Jones, Tilla­ county for the progress they have Fairview Grange, score 85, Tillamook Billings, Tillamook. Peter Jenck, Cloverdale; second mook. mook. made in road building, especiaHy second prize $30.00, Nestucca Grange, prize 15c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla­ Stock Beets, first prize 75c, R. Y. FRUIT, ETC. Yamhill and Polk counties. The latter score 81, Beaver; third prize $20.00, Blalock, Beaver; second prize 1 rio White Wyandottes, first prize mook. 5°c., Plums, first prize 50c., O. Kellow, $2.00, Mrs. Crawford, Tillamook; county has some fine oiled highways Oretown Grange, score 80/2, Ore- Clem Reust, Tillamook. Thimbleberry Jam, first prize 50c., Hebo. | second prize $1.00, Mrs. Crawford, and it is a pleasure to motor around town; fourth prize $20.00, Pleasant 3 Cabbage, first prize 75c., w. s. Mrs. U. G. Jackson, Tillamook; sec­ Prunes, first prize $1.00 M. Trow- lillamook. Valley, Grange Hemlock; Dallas and that beautiful county with fourth Hare, Tillamook; second prize 50c., ond prize 25c., Mrs. A. L. Donaldson, bridge, Tillamook; second prize 50c. ' I ,Tr‘° ~ Buff Leghorn, first prize $2.00, its diversified farming. All up through prize $20.00, White Clover Grange, O. Kellow, Hebo. Tillamook. score 64, Nehalem. the Willamette valley the roads are I N. E. Burton, 'lillamook; second Silver Prune, first prize 15c., Mrs. R. Y. Blalock, Beaver. Flax, first prize 50c., C. E. Don- Display of Apples, first prize $3.00, prize $1.00, Mrs. A. L. Burton, Tilla­ good, and south of the divide some Dan Billings, Tillamook. BEST FARM DISPLAY. aldson, Tillamook. R. Y. Blalick, Beaver; second prize I mook. tine grading have been done in the Mince Pic, first prize 50c., Mrs. S. Farm Display, first prize $30.00, C. Table Kale, first prize $1.00, A. H. mountains and through canyons. Ap­ E. Donaldson, Tillamook; | Pair Guinea Hens, first prize $¡.00, second Harris, Tillamook; second prize 50c., W. Conover, Tillamook; second prize >2.50, O. W. Kinnaman, Beaver. Strained Honey, first prize $2.00, Hallie Desmond, Hemlock. proaching Medford one meets the prize $20.00, R. Y. Blalock, Beaver; D. D. West, Tillamook. 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. hard surlaced county roads to Ash­ third prize (special) $10.00 in mds. Pair Homing Pigeons, first prize Crab Apple Jelly, first prize 15c., Mrs. Rollie Watson, Tillamook, sec­ Artichoke, first prize $1.00, E. ond prize $1.00, Mrs. R. Y. Blalock, $1.00, Mary Easom, Tillamook. land, which is partly concrete. More by Portland Seed Co., M. F. Dunstan, Donaldson, Tillamook; second C. Mrs. Grace Jacobs, Tillamook. prize we see of the two materials, more Tillamook. ___ _____ . | Trio Buff — Orphingtons, ...o. first prize Grape Jelly, first prize 15c., Mrs. Beaver. 50c., D. Reddaway, Hemlock. Red Onions (4 pk„ first prize 75c., '$1.00, Mrs. \v7sf Haref Tillaniook. firmly are we convinced that bitulith- FLOWERS. Kale, first prize $1.00., Wm. Max- Jennie McGee, Tillamook. ic is the most economical of the two ' first prize $2.00, R. r I. Reds, Apple Jelly, first prize 25c., Mrs. R. 1. Blalock, Beaver; second prize ' Trio n There was a good display of flow­ well, Tillamook; second prize, c. W. _________ , second prize and best for horses. It may have been ers and the ladies who arranged them I Tilden, Tillamook. I Elmer Hoag, Tillamook; E. Kirk, Tillamook; second prize 15c ’Oc., E. W. Knight, Tillamook. t a little premature to have put down are entitled to considerable praise _ Silage, first prize $1.00, White Onions 54 pk., first prize $1.00, .w, Hugh aiMgu Barber, imiuci, Tillamook. x iiiamuuK. B. F. • Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. so much hard surfaced county road, for the artistit manner in which thev Pokes, Tillamook. I ” Logan Berry Jelly, first prize 25c., 75C., R Y. Blalock, Beaver; second 1 Pair Pekin Ducks, first prize $1.00, but when maintenance charges are were placed on exhibition forming a I Mrs. A. I.. Donaldson, , Tillamook. Feed Pea, first prize 50c., 1 C. E. Mrs. P. W. Jenck, Cloverdale; second prize M. Mills, Tillamook. considered and the great demand for pretty picture in one cornet of the Donaldson, Tillamook. Yellow Onions (4 pk., first prize | Pair Fawn White I. ........ ......... prize 15c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla­ R. .. Ducks, better roads taken into consideration, pavilion. Mrs. Anna Billnigs was the -5c., Robt Eichinger, Tillamook; first prize $200, W. E. Noyes, Tilla­ Timothy, first prize $1.00., W. C. i mook. we look at the matter from an eco­ superintendent, and Walter E. Brown King, Beaver; second prize 50c., second prize 50c., John Whalen, mook; second prize $1.00, W. E. C. 1 Rhubarb Jelly, first prize 25c., Mrs. Sandlake. nomical standpoint, just as we do a of Corvallis, the judge. Dan Billings, Tillamook; second 1 Noyes, Tillamook. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. hard surfaced highway through Tilla­ Beans, first prize 75c., W. L. Veach, Trio Anconas, first prize $2.00, H. Fuchia, first prize 50c., Mrs. Bill­ Red Top, first prize $1.00, C. E I prize 15c., ., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla- mook County. Now as to the auto ings, Tillamook; second prize 25c., Donaldson, Tillamook. lillamook; second prize 50c., Wade Booth, lillamook; second prize $1.00, ’ i mook. travel. There is a tremendous auto Mrs. H. Ellison, Tillamook. . Blackberry Jelly, first prize 25c., •Xrstill, Cloverdale. 1 H. Booth, Tillamook. Red Clover, first prize $1.00, R. travel between Oregon and Califor­ Peas, first prize 50c., C. E. Donald­ I Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook; second Trio Faverolles, first prize $1.00, R. Hydratigia, first prize 50, Mrs. H. Blalock, B eaver; second prize 50c., nia this year. One cannot travel but a Ellison, Tillamook; second prize 25c., E. Donaldson, Tillamook. son, Tillamook. 'prize 15c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tilla­ | Lamb, Tillamook. short distance but what they pass I’cte Jacobs, Tillamook. Lima Beans, first prize 50c., D. Cur- 1 rio Mcnorcas (black), first prize • Alsikc, first prize $1.00, C. E. mook. autos of all descriptions, nad a Cherry Jelly, first prize 15c., Mrs. is, Tillamook. $2.00, R. C. Magarell, Beaver; second Gadelta, first prize 50c., Mrs. S. S. Donaldson, Tillamook. large number from the F.ast.Rockey Johnson, Display of Vegetables, first prize prize $¡.00, Mrs. C. W. Nelson, Tilla­ Tillamook; second prize 25c Alfalfa, first prize $i.oo, C. E. Don­ Dan Billings, Tillamook. Mountain and Middle States was a Mrs. Billings, • Peach, Loganberry and Plum Jelly. $3.00, Mrs. Anna Hauswirth, Tilla- mook. Tillamook. aldson, Tillamook; second prize soc. great surprise. They _ greet _ one with a mook; second prize $2.00, Mrs. A. L. . first prize 15c., Mrs. Dan Billings, Geranium, first praizc 25c. Mrs. M. Mills, Tillamook. cheery disposition and it was a pleas­ Billings, Tillamook. Donaldson. Tillamook. Rye, first prize $1.00, Gus Fowler, Tillamook. ure to meet them, for they were out Apricots, first prize 50c., Mrs. J. jlidHuriiv jeny, Strawberry Jelly, nrsi first priz prize 15c. Carnations, first prize 25c., Mrs. H. Beaver; second prize 50c., C. E. Don­ to see the United States first and ap­ J. Hanson, Tillamook. Michaud, Tillamook; second prize Mrs. Dan Billings, Tillamook. aldson, Tillamook. Is there in selecting peared highly pleased with Oregon. Snrrial display ditinlnv Orpcrnn Special Oregon (t fruit in .’5c, Mrs. U. G. Jackson, Tillamook. Lily, first prize 25c., Mrs. Rollie Millct.Mirst prize $1.00, C. r.. E. UUIl- Don- ......... Everyone along the route have been Watson, Tillamook. I lums, first prize 50c., Mrs. J. ; aldson, I illamook; second prize ^oc., Economy Jars,special prize 1 dozen your physician care­ benefited directly or indirectly, by Economy Jars, Mrs. J. Michaud, Till­ Michaud, lillamook; second prize 25c Roses, first prize 25c. Mrs. Henry C. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. fully and then going the auto travel this year. Hotels have Ellison, Tillamook. * I- Donaldson, Tillamook. amook. I Orchard Grass, first prize $1.00, C. done a good business and garages Blackberries, first " Canned Squash, first prize 25c., Mrs prize 50c., Mrs. to * * any old place " second * Bcrgonia, first prize 2sc., Bun nie E. Donaldson, Tillamook; have been well patronized. A large Nelson, Tillamook. W’. S. Coates, Tillamook; 1 J. Michaud. Tillamook. second prize 50c., R. Y. Blalock, Beaver to get the medicine amount of money is being left every Canned Beets, first prize, 25c., Mrs. prize 25c., Mrs. B. A. Folks, Tilla- Italian Rye Grass, first prize $1.00, Basket Cut Flowers, first prize 75c. day in the larger cities on the route, Burnicc Nelson, second prize mook. J. Michaud, Tillamook. he prescribes ? No 50c., C. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. by the tourists, and from what we Mrs. E. T. Haltoni, Tillamook. Gooseberries, first prize 50c., Miss Pickled Water Melon, first prize English Rye Grass, first prize $1.00, matter how good the can learn the travel will be greater 50c., Mrs. W. E. Noyes, Tillamook; Helen Durrer, Tillamook; second C. E. Donaldson, Tillamook. Floral Design, first prize as the roads become better, for a trip Mrs. Mary Weston, Tillamook. 50c., doctor, his success Vetch, first prize $1.00, C. E. Don­ second prize 25c., Mrs. Edwin Han- prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. Wset, Tilla- to California by auto makes a most mook. Sweet Peas, first prize 50c., Mrs. V. aldson, Tillamook; second prize 50c., nenkrat, Tillamook. in any case depends enjoyable outing. This is travel that G. Jackson, Tillamook, second prize C. W. Tilden, Tillamook. I reserved Strawberries, first prize, Pickled Beets, first prize 50c., Mrs. every county we passed through is 25c., Mrs. H. J. Hanson, Tillamook. largely on his honesty , Buckwheat, first prize $1.00, G. W. J. Michaud, Tillamook; second prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. catering to, for it means a whole lot Ckoo’ebcrri«- first prize Dahliah Display, first prize $5.00., S. Glenn; second prize soc., R. Y. 25c., Mrs. Fred Burton, Tillamook. and care .with which of new money dropped every day in Mrs. Billings, Tillamook; White Mountain Cake, first prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West. Tillamook. second Blalock, Blaine. their midst by people who are out prize $3 00, F C. Baker, Tillamook. the prescription is Preserved Pears, first prize 25c., Wheat, first prize, $1.00, W. C. 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. for enjoyment and a good time, and _ Gladiolus, first prize 50c. Miss N. King, Beaver, second prize 50c., A. J. Rhubarb Cake, first prize 25c., Mrs. M"’ D D. West, Tillamook. compounded. if they can get it, a few dollars extra E. Burton, Tillamook; second prize Huston, Beaver. J. Michaud, Tillamook. Cider \ inegar, first prize 25c. Mrs. expense don’t cut much figure. Good 25c., Mrs. B C. Lamb, Tillamook. I Date Cake, first prize 25c., Mrs. J. ^’rT‘ Donaldson, Tillamook. Oats, first prize $1.00, James Burke. roads and good hotels are what they MPr7rVrsCd,.r,UmS’ firs‘ P”« 25c.. Virbenas, first prize 25c., Mrs. E. T. Q loverdale; second prize 50c., C. E. Breeden, Tillamook. want. We hope before another season Haltom. Tillamook. He'll tell you the Cocoanut Cake, first prize 25c., Mrs. D. D. West, Tillamook. Donaldson, Tillamook. opens the black mark against Tilla­ Peaches, first prize 25c., Barley, first prize $1.00 W. C. King, I Lottie Crane, Tillamook. Asters, first prize 50c.. Mrs. John same thing, Our pre- mook County will be removed and Morgan, Tillamook; second prize 25c Beaver; second prize 50c. C. E. Don­ Ti,1’mook. Devils Food Cake, first prize 50c., MP the Hebo road made fit to travel Mrs. B. C. Lamb, Tillamook. scription service is n P n aC \v Je % prize *5c.. Mrs. Grace Jacob, Tillamook; second aldson, Tillamook. Mrs. over, and with the Bayocean road al­ Dahlias, cactus, 1st prize soc_ F. C. prize 25c., Mrs. Dan Billings. Tilla­ R n\f". I. Michaud, Tillamook. fir.M prile OO Northwest. t tons years, Anna M, Turley, Cor-. . Tickled Pi Prunes, first prize 2cc. Mrs Mrs RklP w°°k; Se<‘°n<’ pri'e $t D. F. C. Baker, Tillantock. I B. A. Folks, Tillamook. Mrs. Rollie Watson, Tillamook. I reliable druggists ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line .......... $ .to Each subsequent insertion, line. 05 Business and professional cards 1.00 one month ................................ Locals per line each insertion. .05 Display advertisement, an inch, enc month .................................. • S» All Resolutions of Condolence The Tillamook County Fair 05 was a gigantic success, thanks and Lodge Notices, per line . Cards of Thanks, per line.......... .05 to the energetic and enterpris­ N-tices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen ing Fair Board, composed of etc., minimum rate, not ex­ President J. H. Dunstan, Secre­ ceeding five lines...................... .as tary Wm. G. Tait, Director L. COUNTY FAIR A BIG SUCCESS. Big Attendance and a Big Lot of Prizes. I Í: I WHAT SENSE ASK HIM I C. I. Clough Co .