‘ > Vol. XXVI. I1.50 PER YEAR, TILLAMOOK. OREGON, AUGUST 27, OOOeOGOOCeeOOGGCCCOOCeOO&Q&GCOSCOCOQQOGGCCCOQOCOCOaGI play hi- large stock of goods to bet- English fluently, ter advantage. The body was shipped to Tillamook I he Sanitary Wagon makes daily to be embalmed after which it will be calls at Nttarts camp with fresh shipped to Pendleton for buiial. home made bread and pastry, milk, ■.ggs and vegetables: E. P. Larson. Accident At Garibaldi. Netarts. Oregon. While hunting in the hills l>a1 number of business nen went down restrain the city council from levying the bay on Friday morning to look on theirproperty, it having cost them I over the harbor improvements with pio.oco lor mgn priced attorneys im­ a view of obtaining a deeper channel ported into the city and other ques- lite one way to keep the sun of prosperity alw to Tillamook city. . * shining 'on you is to always have MONEY IN OVR .tollable expense to do What local at­ ! •* torneys would have been glad to do KtOOOQOOOOOOOeOOCXiOOaeOOOOO&QOOCOGCGGQGSSOOG&XOOCOJiOS ' BANK. i We have made special arrange- tor one tenth of the amount. Too many make the mistake of saving fora while < • ments with the Telephone Co., to the litigants won out in the Circuit connect you directly with our office, Court, and strange to say, both sides have come here from outside the state ' normal conditions arising from the . and then investing in some deal and LOSING nil they in case you wish any of our GOOD appealed from the decision of the I Taking their minimum of 33 per cent, | war make American registry advan- 4 1 have. They then also lose their COURAGE, No one COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W circuit judge, fierc the case was al­ this would mean that I can ever make a mistake by PILING UP money in the 3.574,038 tageous, but it is the comensus of lowed to drag along without either strangers have passed through the opinion of expt i ts that American bank and constantly making his balance bigger. For sale or trade for Tillamook side pressing lor a decision. exposition gates.—Folk County ltem- vessels will not be able tu compete land, too acres, 5 miles southeast of ft may be that owing to the tight- <[ Make OUR bank YOUR bank. with the world in normal ti nes under ________________ Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov­ .less of the money market, the bank- ixer. the provisions of the La Follett act. I We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine _rs who loaned the Warren Construc- It is to be hoped that the Interstate Methodist Church Services. soil, house and barn on place. Ad­ .ion Co., the money are deinand- Commerce Commission will report dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg. mg payment, and with the attorneys Sunday school 10 o’clock, W. E. the facts in such a way that Congress Oregon. .or the litigants wanting more mon­ will be moved to do something that Noyes Supt. ey, this was seized upon as an oppor ­ A THE OLD RELIABLE. Wanted to trade or sell house and Childrens sermon, 10:45. Morning will really establish an American tune time to bring about a settlement merchant marine. The president and lot in Tillamook or in Portland for with the litigants. Those who were so worship tl p.m. Theme of sermon, I second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre Keen to rush into court and spend “The earth shaken and also the his two secretaries are reported tu cling to their jitney service scheme, tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. .housands of dollars, are just as keen, Heavens.” Class meeting 12 m. W. although the New York World, M. Heaston, leader. I Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial about bringing about a settlement if Evening worship 8 p.m. Theme: which professes to be its parent, I Saturday Specials: — Link Sausage, TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS signs of deserting ti. Building, Tillamook, Ore. * they can get a big whack of the "Who is the Almighty, that we should shows Pork, Veal and old fachioned country ’hush" money. Serve Him, and what profit should Pride of opinion should not be allow­ the This was the offer made by The Women’s Relief Corps w ill hold ed to stamd in the way of a practical ♦ sausage.—Tillamook Meal Co. Ammer Furniture Co, First St. Co., to the we have, if we pray unto Him. their annual picnic at Rockaway, Warren Construction Good singing at these services, solution of a problem which the La A. F. Miller, of the Multnomah * Wednesday, Sept 1st. All members litigants: Follett act will make more serious Houses to Rent, see Watson. County Fair Board, visited the Tilla­ and friends are. cordially invited to the Warren Construction Co is to come and welcome. than ever. There is something wrong Edw. Gittins, Pastor. » * case was mook County Fair on Wednesday. waive all interest while the attend and bring a well filled basket. Rugs at Ammer Furniture Co. and the sooner the case is diagonized litigation; and a remedy applied the better it Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ They will leave on the early morning in Take Films developed ioc. per roll.—C. I. Investigation of Shipping. the pave- 25 per cent less for motor at 7:30. • will be for Americans, not only in the Clough Co. * sey “Good Eats.”- M. A. Olson for­ ment; South and Central America but in the Mr. Frank E. Need, leading grocer There is encouragement in the re- Asiatic trade. * Guarantee the pavement for ten For your Sunday roast call Sani­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. of Woodlawn, Ore., is camping at ypars; and port that the Interstate Commerce tary Market. I Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter Beaver. This is Mr. Need’s second Pay the litigants $25,000 to drop the Commission, complying with the re­ Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ— trip over this summer and he says he case. One ton of coal equals two cords of quest of the president, will investi­ Clough Co.’s. * Address “Organ” care of this paper. is coming back in the fall to get an­ This, it seems, the litigants agreed gate shipping in foreign commerce. wood and you don't have ’o sow and other chance at our fish. Mr. Need is to accept at a meeting on Monday. The Department of Commerce and split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello All kinds of lunch meats at the William F. Wollitz vs. Geo. L. an expert fishermen and hunter. Fred R. Beals and A. G. Beals were the Treasury Department will also Ccntray Ci’iiic 28W. Sanitary Market. * Hantiln is a case filed in the circuit pursue their investigations. But, un­ W. L. Green, a prominent dry goods each to receive $2,000 for their work fortunately, the public distrusts in­ Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ court to quiet title to certain prop- in prosecuting the case, W. Dwight Nomadic Mr. Bryan hits the open merchant of Woodlawn, Ore. and mook County Bank. vestigations of this subject by Secre­ road again anil is in his clement; he erty. family, were visitors over Sunday at was offered a like sum but refused to The judges at the Tillamook Coun­ the home of F. S. Armentrout, Hem­ accept it. The other part of the mon­ tary Redfield and Secretary McAdoo caii go gypsying from year end to The place to eat is at the “Good ty l air were Walter S. Brown, J. E. lock, Ore. They never fail to make ey is to pay for attorney fees, detec­ because of their well known bias. year end. Eats," Ramsey Hotel. * Larson, C. C. Lamb and Miss Turley, the trip to Tillamook during the sum­ tive work, etc., and the remainder to They might be classed among those Novelists' habits of not being off investigators ridiculed by Mr. Taft in Mrs. Lee M. Travis came in from of Corvallis. mer and Mr Green is thinking strong­ be distributed among the litigants. In this agreement the citizens who his recent St. Louis speech, who first with the old novel until they are Oil good Eugene on Thursday. ly of investing in some of our For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry, did not go into the lawsuit are to be form their conclusion and then try with the new results in such things 11 this in “Ailsa Page": “Are you High quality and low prices at also furnished house. Rents reason- realestate. i given the 25 per cent reduction on I and gather some facts to support it. Ammer Furniture Co. At the Methodist Parsonage, Till- their pavement. able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb The ship purchase bill, which the Mi-s Graig? lie asked, keeping his » * atnook, on W ednesday August 25th, The latter will ignore any agreement secretaries so zealously supported chair, his hat and his cigar between Dr. E. K. Scott, fo Portland, was a Schrader dock. Mr. Herman N. Hopkins and Miss during the last Congress that ih< y the teeth." Tillamook visitor Wednesday. For sale, cheap, one 10x12 foot Cora O. Graves were united in mar- the litigants have made with the even usurped the functions of the Warren Construction Co., and should Abe Ruef, noted politician has been Baby buggies and children's furni- tent and 12x14 foot fly and one camp riage. Rev. Edward Gittins perform­ the City Council undertake to make party whips of the House and Senate paroled from the United States pri­ stove. Address E. J. Arenz, box 172, ing the ceremony. The young people ♦ ture at Ammer Furniture Co. an assessment upon their property was not based on accurate informa­ son on the condition tl at he w ould Tillamook Oregon. * left on a visit to relatives in Banks, they will be up against another law tion. Its provisions were altered so not return to San Francisco for three F. E. Lynn and wife, of Perrydale, We made a mistake in the name of Oregon. They will make their home suit, which will be exceedingly diffi­ often and so greatly that it can hard­ months, but be cxildd to Mendonim- is in the city visiting the Fair. the voting man who was drowned in in the Harmony neighborhood, not cult for the City Council t-> defend, ly be referred to intelligently without county for the first three menths of Mike Y’onker, of Gaston, was ar­ the Trask river, it should have been far from where their parents live. lor there is documentary evidence specifying the particular stage of its his liberty. rested for hunting without a license. Clarence Nelson. Two fast ball games will be played that the City Council contracted fcr fitful existence. I he seaman’s bill, Wirts, telegraphic, telephonic, etc., bithulithic pevement, and the, Roy re­ which was long before Congiess, L. B. Zicmer, of Portland was a Young man wishes position on Saturday a8th and Sunday 29 at the visitor to our county Fair this week. ranch in Tillamook County, Good Fair Grounds between Beaverton and port shows that the Warren Con seems to have been illconsidered also. I arc probably stretched across the country on poll . instead of perman­ Tillamook teams,Fans predict that struction Company did comply with The only prospective effect of it is to i ently put under ground, because most Three room household outfit at milker and teamster. Write to G. K. • Ihe specifications. Under these cir­ drive American vessels heretofore en­ these will be the fastest games play ­ Garibaldi, Oregon. Ammer Furniture Co. from $98.95 up. corporations may think the world ed on the local grounds this season cumstances the City Council is up gaged in the foreign trade to change '■',l ’t 1 going «-'mg to 10 last ias more than twenty- The Governor has appointed Ray as Beaverton is represented by some against a difficult problem in the I tl ’•cir registry. Ihe Pacific Mail has 1 isn Pomona Grange will meet on Thursday, Sept. 2, at Pleasant Valley. Goodrich, of Eugene, as a regent of of the fastest amateurs of the Willa­ pavement case, for the non-litigants a ready disposed of its fleet. The ab- If>ve years longer. the University of Oregon, to succeed mette Valley and the local tossers are not going to be dictated to by the We are’ in a position to make s-'mc the late S. H. Friendly. are being strengthened in many po­ litigants. Another thing the City long time farm loans. First National The W. R. C. will hold their regu­ sitions. You should arrange to see Council employed two competent Bank. * attorneys to look after the city's in­ lar meeting on Saturday, August 28, these games. terest at considerable expense to the Let Ammer figure on your furniture and request the presence of all mem­ and Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bales taxpayrs. ' wants. We have goods at the right ber., to discuss special business. son and Mrs. W. H. Hoskins, George price. ♦ » D. L. Shrode ct el vs H. E. Carr Hoskins and Mi ses Constance Hos­ Non-Litigants Meet. A marriage license was issued to and wife is a suit filed in the circuit kins and Sylvia Rowe, returned from Herman N. Hopkins and Cora €>. court to recover $104.12 for mer­ a three weeks auto trip on Sunday to Citizens who have pavement abut­ Graves. Coos County. They had a pleasant ting their property, and who did not chandise furnished the defendants. trip and Emmett Bales and Chester. go into the law suit against the War­ Ed J. S. Dickson, of Sheds, and m, \\ . I. Carter, on the Soon place, has I Cary, of Lafayette, visited the : Fair eight cows and two heifers for sale. Warren ami George Hoskins went ren Construction Co., held a meeting dear hunting at Gold Beach and kill­ evening and decided to em­ on Wednesday. All will be fresh in January next. Will ed five. While on their way home on Thursday ploy R. R. Duniway, as these proper­ sell at right price. Near Pete Jacobs.* Wanted to let a contract for haul­ Sunday between Corvallis and Salem ty owners are emphatically opposed ing ties. Enquire at Coats Lumber Wanted to lease farm, some stock an Independence car collided with to the offer accepted by the litigants Co., Tillamook. etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro the Hoskins car and turned it over, to dispose of the pavement case, but Sharp’s Restaurant now running at property for same, address owner. slightly injuring Mrs. Hoskins and will force them to carry the case Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday Fred Everest, Box 45» Hillsboro, Ore. Miss Rowe. As the driver of the In­ through the Supreme Court. The non­ dinners a specialty. Prof. FI. C. Seymour and wife, of dependence car was responsible for litigants are opposed to'the "hush" Dallas were in visiting this week and the accident, it cost him $55.00 for money system of disposing of the Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ they took considerable interest in his reckless driving in making repairs pavement case. ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ the school exhibits at the County to the Hoskins bar. TRAVEL IS NOW HEAVY. mook Meat Company. Fair. Falls from Bridge and is Killed. Protect your valuable papers from For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and o----- Thou saner-of Easterners are Visitors 6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs. the unexpected fire by renting une of Fred Miner, a bridge carpenter to Pacific Coast. _____ Only our safe deposit boxes. C: L one ““ working under forman A. Wendel on Cornforth, Tillamook. Tillamook County dollar per year. the S. P. railroad bridge at Mohler It is estimated that fully 750,000 Two five roomed cottages, furnish­ met his death last Tuesday morning easterners are now on the Pacific ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap­ Bank. vs. Clarence Mallett while working on that structure. He coast, the greater number of whom Plasker Bros, py camp, Netarts Oregon. and Bos Turner is a suit filed in the was at work on the top of the bridge came to view the two expositions for and while attempting to cross from which are now in progress at Sin Lime when used intelligently with Circuit Court to _ recover $67.57 other fertilizers increases productiv­ material and labor furnished by the one side to the other over the tem­ Francisco and San Diego. There arc ity to a remarkable extent. VS porary truss work he fell through to approximately 3,000 persons passing plaintiffs. the railroad tracks below, a distance Mr. andMrs. L. A. Levely, of Port­ W. A. Williams has moved his of 30 feet, landing on his head and through Portland and the Willamette valley daily, many of these by auto­ land are visiting at the home of Glen stock of harness etc.,..into ___ his own 1 side resulting in a broken back and mobile. During the past ten days Oliver on Wilson river. building. -, where he will be able to dis- concussion of the brain. He was travel through Dallas by this means rushed to the Wheeler Hospital at of transportation has been unusually W heeler, but did not regain consci­ heavy, and the hotels and business I ousness. He diol at to 20 a m., just an generally has profited to -Pacifie exposition to date is 10,- er of th' deceased is working on one 72Z,tr6. Of this number the Southern of the Port of Portland dredges. He Pacific officials estimate that between was very wdl educated and spok. | 33 »nd 40 per cent are strangers who ¿ r//£"p/WD£/vr SERVICE 0RY* $ Ask any of our customers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you