* Tillamook Headlight/August 19, I9T5. RED MEN IN TILLAMOOK I Notice of Citizens’ Meeting in Pavement Case Great Council Hold Annual Conven­ tion in This City. Delegates to the 24th Great Coun­ cil ol the Improved Order of Red Men ot Oregon, arrived in this city on Monday evening numbering about ¿5. 1 he train was met at Bar \ lew uy Mayor S. A. Brodhead, bred C. tsaker and J. R. Callahan, where a number stayed over lor the night and came to the city the next morning. 1 rcderick < >. Downs, ot Boston, Mass the <>reat Incohonee, was present and took an active part in the busi­ ness ui the session,, which commenc­ ed on Tuesday morning in the 1.0.0. F. Hall. Tuesday evening a banquet was given at the lillamook Hotel, which proved a very successful and enjoy­ able affair. Dr. E. E. Daniels was the toast master and the address of wel­ come was given by Attorney S. S. Johnson, and Judge Jones made re­ sponse to this. 1 he other features of the evening were: Introduction of Great Incohonee, Frederick O. Downs and welcome by Great Sachem Cue. Great Incohonee, address. Katala Tribe Welcome, F. E. Shaw. Response, L. M. Lepper. Short addresses were made by Rep. 1'. G. S. Jas Devlin, Rep. P. G. S. Aiicelli, P. G. S. Fitzgerald, P. G. S. Orton, 1'. G. S. Fessler, Gt. Ch. of R., L. H. Hainig Gt. K. of W., A. L. Noble, P. G. S. Little. A Trying Time for Men RY something new—a life-sized picture of yourself in our mirror in a brand new Fall Stetson. The reason we say Stetson is because the hat with the fel­ Blocking the Oil Station. lows who really appears to be some opposi- know style when I j lion There to giving tne Standard Oil t_o. a they see it is the I iranctnse to establish an oil station I in this city, unless the company will Stetson. I grade certain streets, to benefit other T Try on a Self-conform­ ing Derby, that gives you the stiff hat style with the soft hat comfort. Come on in. The try­ ing on is good. Advance Showing Of New Fall Suits Fall Coats and for Ladies, Misses, Juniors and Children. E Cordially invite the women <4 this district to pity a visit to this store to look over the exquisite styles, and becoming models in W Classic Coats” I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I people's property, ihe Headlight is in lavor 01 graining the company a iranchise wimout any strings attach- ed to it, for an oil station will be a great benelit to the people and tar less dangerous than the empty oil kegs laying around the city in eliffcr- ent places, lor if a match was applied 10 some ol them they would explode. During the past two weeks we have seen a large number of these oil sta- 11011s in clitferent parts of the state and they are an improvement over ihe old style of distribution of oils, and at far less expense, and now that the city can obtain one there should oe no quibbling or hold up to procure **• The following letters will explain the situation: Standard Oil Co., Portland Or. Gentlemen:—1 beg to advise with I reference to your ordinance asking I ihe City Council to grant the privi- I lege to you for constructing oil tanks I ind warehouse on Tide Lots I to 4 I in Stillwell’s Addition, same was tak- I eti up last Monday and passed up to I ihe third reading. Since then t li e I council have been looking over the I ground more in detail and it now de- I .elops that if your plant goes in as I contemplated, it will shut off the I loundry from any street. 1 This the council naturally het is I in doing and 1 am writing to ask if I you will consider this solution of this | matter. I Would you be willing to grade 4th I Ave. West from Front to First street I .md to fill same on the west of lot 4 I and far enough north so that the I Foundry could get an outlet West. If I you are willing to do this I wish you I would advise at once as it will sinipli- I iy matters. I Very respectfully yours, I John Aschim, City Recorder. For Fall now being shown in our Display Windows and Ready - to - Wear Show­ room on the Balcony. 'To “ shop” before buy­ ing is the privilege of every woman who enters ■ ----- o— this store. Come in and I Mr. John Aschim, City Recorder, Til- try the garments on, I lamook, Oregon. S*r:—Replying to your favor stand in front of the mir­ I August 13th with reference to our ror and see for yourself I application for an ordinance granting to locate on Lots, No. 1, 2, how they look when ac . I 3» purmission -md 4, Stillwell’s Addition. tually in wear. When we took an option on this Special Bargains For Fair Wee’. After a most successful Cash Converter Sale we have several odd lengths oi Yard (¡ends, and Bru­ le n Ranges in size goods and these will be cleared at remarkably low prices. Watch our witldOWH d make a point of stepping into the store just to see what wonder- ul savings you can make < n lines we are closing i nt during ¡'air Week. Tillamook, Ore., Aug. 16, 1915 The citizens in the pavement case met at the court house on Aug. 16th pursuant to a call of the Citizens* Committee and adjourned until Monday, August 23, 1915, at 2:30 P. M. to meet at the court house, at which time a pi oposition of the ren Construction Company for settlement will be consiuered. War­ It is imperative that all litigants be present on said date. A.G.BEALS, Chairman Citizens Committee BUILDING LOGGING ROAD. A. F. Coats Lumber Co.s' Saw Mill to Cut 100,000 Feet Daily. The building of a railroad for log­ ging purposes was started this morn­ ing, which is to furnish the A. F. Coats Lumber C q .’ s saw mill in this city with 100,000 feet of logs daily, and the mill is to be remodeled so as to cut that amount of timber daily, For several days the company have been slashing out the right of way. and contracts have been let to Olsen A: Thompson, George Moskos and Wells, Leach & Co. for the grading, which is to be completed in 6o days. This improvement will involve the ex­ penditure of $40,000. The road starts on John Weber’s place and runs up Bewley Creek about three miles. It will be a standard gv.age railroad with 6o pound rails. The rolling stock will be a 50 ton straight connected locomotive with logging trucks of 100,000 pounds capacity, which will be all steel. This'is an improvement over the uncertainties of logging by stream, and will insure a plentiful supply of logs daily for the saw mill, which will mean a much larger pay roll for the city than formally. All that is needed now is a deeper channel to this city so that vessels can load here, and considering what a great benefit it would be to have lumber vessels load here, no time should be lost in mak­ ing this improvement, for when the lumber market picks up again this is going to be an immense industry in Tillamook and will give employment to large numbers of men. Our citizens should sec to it that no time is lost in making this long desired improve­ ment, which is of so much importance to Tillamook and the central part of the county._______________ REMOVE THOSE STUMPS. Stump Boring and Burning Machine To be Featured at County Fair The Forbes Mfg. Co., of Portland, is pleased to announce that their Stump Boring and Burning machine will be on exhibition at the County Fair in charge of Messrs. Veatch & Devine,, local agents, assisted by representatives of the company. The machine is now working very satisfactorily on Mr. Henry Rogers’ farm, south of towfi. Cheese on the Decline. play of any thing that is the product of this locality. It is urged that the matter be given attention, to the end that this community may be recog­ nized in the contest. Entries may be made by amateur, juvenile or profes­ sional growers. Premium list will be published in a short time Member­ ship may be secured by mailing 50c. to R. W. Gill, Portland, Route 1, the money going to meet the expenses of the show.____ ____ Moral Decay Throughout the World. To the Editor:—The present war is the outgrowth of a condition sinul.r to conditions which existed in ths days of Noah. The restraining influence of the Spirit of God had been resisted by the antediluvians until men were leit to follow out their evil impulses. Crime, violence, immorality, blood­ shed, and war were the result. Here we have a true picture of what will be; for “as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man.” Luke 17:26. John the Revelator, in speaking of the last days, says: “I saw three un­ clean spirits . . They are the spirits of devils, working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battles^ of that great day of God Almighty. Behold, 1 come as a thief. Blessed is lie that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.” Rev. 16: 13-15. In referring to the final outcome he says: "The nations were angry, and thy wrath has conic, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest des­ troy them which destroy the earth." Rev. 11:18. and to “destroy them which destroy the earth.” He came in mercy to cut short this cruel work of destruction. In reply to the inquiry, "What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Jesus said to his disciples: “As the days of Noc were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in mar­ riage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Matt. 24:3, 37-39. While a power from beneath is taking possession of those who have cast aside the restraining influence ot the Spirit of God, a power from above will take possession of God's loyal subjects. While “evil men and seduc­ ers" are waxing "worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." the good will be developing characters that will give a right to eternal life. The line of demarcation between the two classes necessarily will become more distinct as time advances. Wars, earthquakes, famine, and pes­ tilence are unmistakable forerunners of Christ's coming. Matt 24: 7-14. — Very sincerely vours. F. M. Rilev. Elder, Sevcnth-day Adventist Church REJoLVED THAT IT YOU COME IN WE WILL GIVE YOU A RECEPTION A J WARM A 5 THU WEATHER, BUT OUR LOW PRICED WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY AND COMFORTABLE. Warning: Warning: Don’t conic into our store if you want poor groceries, or stale fruits and vegetables. Don't come in if you want to pay a high price for cheap things. Don’t come in if you want to get the worst of it. But if you want best groceries, provisions, fruits and vegetables, at the fairest pri^e; if you want courteous treatment, polite attention and a warm reception; then conic in and we will do all of these and assure you of a square deal. RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. OREGON 1 IL LA MOO K. The cheese situation in Tillamook is not the best at this time, but from present indications the market has reached the bottom. When asked about the cheese situation and pros­ pects, Carl Haberlach made the fol­ lowing statement: “Owing to the low price being paid at the creameries for cream made in­ to butter and the low prices paid for the whole milk by the condensers, -many places have gone into the mak­ ing of cheese this year. Ordinarily, twenty times as much milk is made into butter as into cheese, so that it takes a transfer of only 5 per cent of ■ roperty and considered building on the milk that usually goes into butter it, wc assumed that Third Ave. West to double the cheese output if put in­ I was open to the water and under con- to cheese. 1 believe this has easily Card of Thanks. I trol of the city, and cannot quite un- been the case on the coast. A map 1 derstand why we should be asked to showing the economic condition ex­ W'c wish to thank the many kind I grade and fill Fourth Avenue West isting in this country, as published in I to give an outlet to the foundry. We the Journal, shows Western Oregon friends for their kindness and sympa­ the point on the paper which is to receive the supposed .the foundry would use the and Washington and a small corner thy with us, owing to the death of beloved son and brother Harry type impression is stationary at the instant the same outlet they are now using oti of New York state as being the only our I 1 bird .Ave. West. Any improvements ptaces in the United States exper- Nelson type hits. I he carriage does not bob up and Mr. andMrs. Axel Nelson and I that would be put onto Lots I, 2, 3,. lencing hard times. I bis is due Family. and 4 would probably block the fo'uti- Oregon and Washington to the poor down when the shift is made to v rite capitals. I dry just as much as the improvc- lumber, fruit and iishing business Methodist Church Service. mostly. Were it not for Los Angeles, I incuts wc would put on. ----- o------ Why? In developing this property it will wc would have bad much harder Sunday School 10 o’clock. I cost us dose to $4,000.00 to put it in­ times in the cheese business, as Sei 111011 to children 10:40 am. Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. to condition so that wc c.111 use it, ■southern California, Los Angeles and Mcrning worship, 11 a m. that is, the cost of filling and clear San Diego, have taken about 18,000 Class meeting, 12 m. \\. M. Heas- The only movement of the carriage is back and I mg ol stumps on the property and wi cases of cliecse thus far this year. "We have had something like to.ooo ton leader. would not consider any additional ex 01th on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— Union prayer meeting at the M. E. uoxes cheese on the shelves and for pense in grading or lilting Fourth church Wednesday evening, Aug. 24, and this does not take place while the print is being I Ave. West. Should the present own- ¡hat reason wc have had to reduce at 8 p.m. I er of this property improve it in any prices low enough to have buyers made. There is no lifting of the carriage. I way, no doubt it would inconvenience lake hold of same, as cheese ages Dr. \\ iley has written a book tell­ the foundry just as much as it would very fast in the warm weather we ing city people not to drop their jobs This is one reason why L C. Smith & Bros, type- if we should buy the property and tl.c have been experiencing the last few and take to farming until they have I Council grant us permission to build weeks. Then, too, we have been get­ spent a month or two on a farm at wuting is free from blurs and every letter in the right I therefore 1 cannot quite understand ting more milk than ever before, both farm labor. Let them try weeding place. why wc should lie expected to pro­ the Maple Leif and Fairview factor­ onions first, say we. ies getting over 20,000 tbs. milk daily vide a roadway for property adjoin­ on August 15. For that reason prices ing. Ask for demonstration VS c have selected Tillamook as the have been reduced to 13 cents Port­ point at which wc 1 would __ " prefer to land, at which price about 2,000 cases establish our station on the Bay ,r and have been sold. It was either to take expect to give the ■ consumers of that or hold the cheese, and our fac­ L- C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co petroleum products ... _________ tory room was hardly sufficient to in Tillamook Hom. OHio. .»J Factory : SYRACUSE. N. Y. County the benefit of modern service hold same for any length of time, and and lower prices would naturally go the curing rooms arc warm. How’evcr with it. Our plant will be perfectly it looks as though July would be our safe and we are going to considerable lowest month as far as prices are con­ expense as it is in establishing the cerned and as soon as make decreases station, therefore we feel the Council we will be able to advance prices. should be willing to grant us the or­ With several thousand boxes on hand dinance and if it is necessary to make it is hard to advance prices, especial­ some arrangements for an outlet for ly in the face of no demand.” the foundry people, the City should Presbyterian Church Services. Fish Prices Drop. do it. Dahlia Show in Portland. o------ 1 hope the Council will take favor­ A very cordial welcome awaits able action on the ordinance as we The National Dahlia Show, to be Owing to the foreign market being are particularly anxious to get the held in Portland Sept. ¿3. 24 and aS everyone who will attend the services cut off and the Portland and other matter settled as soon as possible so should be a matter of interest to FOR SALE BY of the church next Sunday. The Bible markets being glutted with fish from that we can go ahead with the con- growers in Tillamook and vicinity, Study hour at io am. The public Canada, as a result of free trade, it struction work. those whe are competent to make worship at 11 a m.. The pastor. Rev was decided today to reduce the price Yours very truly, comparisons $ay that the dahlias Tillamook, . Oregon. J. F.. 'iouel, will preach on the sub- of fish to fishermen from 3c. to t'jc. Standard Oil Company grown in this locality arc far super­ ject. "1 The Trials We Follow." In the which is now being paid in other Ry District Sales Manager. ior to those elsewhere, and there places. _____ evening at 8 the c congregation should be a big display from Tilla­ — - - - Q“ MVII will XX mook county. Aside from the interest ' tnan, but Washington was a great The faster a horse becomes the unite in the union temperance servi . ----------- rice, he couldn't hail a street car by whist­ to the individual exhibitor there is the place to be announetd in the more he is worth. It’s just the oppo- he advertising which the county gets ling through his lingers. Smoke Apex si.e with a man. Smoke Apex, the morning service. trout each effort put forth in the dis- the extra mild 5c. cigar. extra mild 5c. cigar. Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter NEW HOME USERS ARE QUALITY CHOOSERS 306 j Oak st.,' Portland, Ore E. T. HALTOM. The New Home Sewing Machine Company, San Francisco, Cal.