'Tillamook Headlight, August 19, IOT«.» Notice of Intention to Improve Cer­ beginning: thence North to the place • 01 beginning. tain Streets in Tillamcok City | Also, tin following described tract Oregon. Notice of the appointment of Viewers For Laying out Streets. Only Real Wild Animal Show on Earth Notice is hereby given that the ! of land to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of Coinmou Council of Tillamook City, Notice is hereby given, to all whom 11 may concern, that the t om mon the East line of Second Averue East Oregon, has appointed W. W. Con­ Council oi 1 illamook City. Oregon, with the South line oí h leven h der, Alex MeNairJand li. F. Guoesj.eed deems it expedient to improve cer­ Street in 'I illamook City, , Oregon, as viewers, to view the following tain streets in Tillamook City, Ore­ and running thence East 7»-5 b eet; proposed streets, to-wit: 1st: An extension of Seventh I I feci gon, and to that end said Common thence South to a point 131 of the Street, or the street platted in A. A. “ Council did on the Qth day of August, South and tot.5 feet East of the Edrick Miller’s Addition as Fourth Streit, 1915, al an adjourned session of a Southeast corner regular meeting adopt a resolution I hotnas Donation Land Claim >n from the W est line of Miller's Addi­ and notice setting forth therein the Section JO, Township 1 South, Range tion to the West hue of Block 41 of streets that city proposes to im­ 9 West, Willamette Meridian thence Thayer's Addition to Tillamook (ity. 2nd: An extension of Eighth prove, and also the kind and manner West to a point 101.5 feet East of oi improvements that said city pro­ the West line of Section 30, Town­ Street, or the street platted in A. A. poses to make, the estimated cost ship! South, Range 9 West, W. M. Miller's Addition as Fifth Strut, thereof and defining the boundaries thence South to tile boundary line of from the Welt line of Miller’s Addi­ of the assessment district to Le ben- 1 illamook City, Oregon; thence W est tion West to the West line of Block efitted thereby and assessed therefor, to a point 30 feet East of the West 42 of 1 hayer's Addition to Tillamook which said Resolution and Notice, line of Section 30 in Township 1 City. 3rd: An extension of Ninth Street, and the whole thereof, is in words, South, Range 9 West., Willamette thence North to a or the street platted in A. A. Miller’s letters and figures as follows, to-wit: Meridian, Be it resolved by the Common ¡mint 30 ieet South of the South line Addition as Sixth Street, from the Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, of the Edrick Thomas Donation Land West line of Miller’s Addition W est that said council deems it expedient Claim; thence East to the East lire to the West line of Block 45 of Thay­ and hereby declares its intention to of Second Avenue East in Tillair.ooU er's Addition to Tillamook City. 4th: An extension of Tenth improve all that portion of Second City, Oregon; thence North ta th. Street, or the street platted in A. A. Avenue Fast extending from the place of beginning. Be it further resolved that the Citv Miller’s Addition as Seventh Street, North side of Ninth Street South to the South end of Second Avenue Recorder be, anil he is hereby in­ from the West line of Miller's Addi­ East. Also that street sometimes de­ structed to cause this Resolution and tion to the West line of Block 46 of scribed as Twelfth street which con­ notice to be published for three con­ Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook City. As provided by Ordinance No 298 nects the South end of Second Ave­ secutive publications in the City offi­ nue East with the South end of Still­ cial newspaper, and that the City En­ of Tillamook City, Oregon, approved well Avenue from the West side of gineer be, and lie is hereby directed August 3rd, 1915, and has appointed Second Avenue East, West 211.5 feet to cause to be conspicuously posted Friday the toth day of September, to the West side of the street running at eaeli end of the line of the con­ 1915, at the City Hall in Tillamook South along the range line between templated improvements a copy oi City, Oregon, at the hour of 9 o’clock Township 1 South, Range 9 West and this Resolution and Notice within 3 a.m., as the time and place for said Township 1 South, Range 10 West, days from the date of the first pub­ viewers to meet for the purpose of Performing Jungle-Bred Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Pumas, Jaguars, Grizzlys, Cinna- W. M., and that certain street the lication of such notice. The sanl pub­ making the assessment of damages center line of which is the range line lished resolution and notice, and the and benefits accruing out of the pro­ man, Siberian and Polar Bears, Elephants, Camels, Zebras, Zubas, Hyenas, Sacred above mentioned from the South line posted Resolution and Notice, to al­ posed extension of said streets. so contain all of the matters with Cattle, Kangaroos, Ourang Outangs, Chimpanzes, Monkeys, Mountain Goats, Al) persons claiming damages by of the street above mentioned some­ times described as Twelfth Street, reference to said proposed improve­ reason of the appropriation of any Dogs, etc South to the South boundary of Till­ ments that are required by the char­ property affected by said proposed amook City, in the following manner: ter, ordinances and resolutions of extensions are hereby notified to file Miss Harvey’s Musical Carrier Pigeons By establishing the grade of said Tillamook City, Oregon, and all ¡.-er­ their claims for such damages with sons concerned are notified to gov- the undersigned City Recorder of streets. Tom, Dick, Harry, Horse-Riding Sea Lions By grading said streets to the prop­ ern themselves accordingly. Tillamook City on or before the time er sub-grade. | All persons concerned are hereby so appointed tor the meeting of said Bill Bill, Wrestling Grizzly further notified that the first publica- viewers. By rolling the roadway thereof. Mile Florines, Performing Leopards By laying on said streets a concrete tion of this notice is made the totb The boundaries and termini of the roadway 24 feet in width and six (6) day of August, 1915, and that objec­ proposed extension, and the boun­ Tot and Tiny, World’s Smallest Performing Horses tions and remonstrances to said pro­ daries and descriptions of the private inches in thickness. By constructing along eaclr side of posed improvements may be filed property to be appropriated for said Aerial Dogs and Monkeys said roadway ;t concrete curb; by with the City Recorder of Tillimook extensions are as follows, to-wit: Bob Chocolate and Black Knight, Tango Dancing Horses < itv, Oregon, within 20 days from the constructing catch basins, and laying The proposed extension of Seventh drain pipe, together with inlets and said date of the first publication. Street is bounded, and its termini are Tom, Jerry and Louie, Horse Riding Lions I his notice is given by the under­ as follows: making provisions for necessary sur­ face drainage for said streets with signed as Recorder of Tillamook ( ity Beginning at the Southwest corner Spunk, he Good-Night Pony < tregon By order of the Cornn on of Block 8 of A. A. Miller’s Addition all of the appurtenances thereto. Romeo, Mathematical Pony By erecting and constructing con- Council of said Tillamook City, Ore­ to Tillamook, and running thence crete headers, with sheet asphalt gon, as set forth in said resolution West to the West line of Block 41 of Danger, Dynamite, Gunpowder, Just Mules and notice. wearing surface. Thayer’S Addition to Tillamook; Witness my hand and official seal thence South o degrees 12 minutes 2A.ll of said improvements to be World ’s Only Educated Bengal Tigers made in accordance with the charter, this lotli day of August, 1915. East along Block line 60 feet; thence resolutions and ordinances of T illa- John Aschim, Riding, Driving, Racing Ostriches East to the Northwest corner 1 of mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ As City Recorder of Tilla­ Block to of A. A. Miller’s i Addition; Maj. Thornton’s Clown Pigs ante with the plans and specifications mook City, Oregon. thence North to the place of begin- and estimates of work therefor, and ning. probable cost and pfe- Administrator’s . Notice to Creditors. The private property to be appro- of Tilla- pared by the priated by said proposed extension mook City, and tiled in the office of Notice is hereby given that the un- consists of those portions of Lots I, the Recorder of 1 illamook City, on <|. r-1 ,'iu-d S. M. Wendt, by an order 2, 3, and 4 of Block 41, said Thayer’s IN ONE ACT August oth, 1915, and all of said im- of the County Court of ’ Tillamook Addition, included within said boun­ World’s Challenge Groupe. Value $50.000 ’ provements to be made at the ex- County, Oregon, has been duly ap- daries. pense of the property and all thereof pointed administrator of the estate of The proposed extension of Eighth adjacent thereto and especially bene- Samuel W. Grabel, deceased, said Street is bounded, and its termini arc Q /"V tn AERIAL LION rides in balloon surrounded by shooting filtcd by said improvements and with order having been made on the 3rd as follows: in the limits of the assessed .district day of August, 1915. Notice is further Beginning at the Southwest coiner vdiriUoUll^ skyrockets. Most amazing wild animal act extant. established and defined by this reso­ given that all persons having claims of Block 10 of A. A. Miller’s Addition lution.. against the said estate are hereby re­ to Tillamook, and running thence Be it further resolved, that the quired to present the same with prop­ West to the West boundary of Block HIGH-SCHOOL, RIDING, DANCING AND MILITARY plans and specifications, and esti­ er vouchers to S. S. Johnson, Tilla­ 42 of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook mates for the proposed improvements mook, Oregon, attorney of the under­ thence South o degrees 12 minutes so made and prepared by said Engi­ signed, or to the undersigned, with­ East 60 feet along said West line; neer, the estimate of the probable in six months from this date. thence East to the Northwest corner World’s Premium Stock. . Every One an Actor cost of ..said improvement made by the Dated August 3, 1915. of Block 12 of A. A. Miller’s Addition City Engineer being the sum of S. M. Wendt, aforesaid; thence North to the place 506 People 6 Concert Bands 40 Animals Clowns $7»79«^b, be and the same is hereby Administrator of the csta'e of beginning. approved. 100 Animal Trainers 2 Big Special Trains 3 Calliopes of Samuel W. Grabel. The private property to be appro­ That the boundaries of the assess­ Deceased. Post office, priated by the said extension is all ment district to be bcnciilted by said Tillamook, Oregon. that included within said boundaries improvement and assessed therefor, and consists of all those portions, in­ be and the same is hereby established Notice to Taxpayers. cluded within said boundaries, of as follows: Lots I and 2, and fractional Lots 3 PERFORMANCE RAIN OR SHINE 2 and 8 P. M. DOORS OPEN I AND 7 Beginning at the Northwest corner Notice is hereby given, that on and 4, of Block 42 of Thayer's Addi­ of Lot 4, Block 15, in Thayer’* Addi- Monday, the 13th day of September, tion to Tillamook and the tract bound WILL EXHIBIT AT lion to I illamook City, and running 19.15, the County Board of Equaliza- ed on the East, North and South by ______________ thence East along the center of said lion, will mcct ... at __ the Court House in said proposed boundaries, and on the Block 15, 71.5 feel; th'ence South to a I illamook City Oregon, and publicly West by the East line of fractional point 101.5 feet South and 101.5 feet examine the assessment roll for said Lot 3, in said Block 42. least of the Southeast corner of the year, and correct all errors in valua­ 1'he proposed extension of Ninth Edrick Thomas Donation Land Claim tions, descriptions of lands, lots or Street is bounded and its termini arc I thence West to a point 101.5 feet East other property. as follows: of the West line of Section 30, Town­ Said board of equalization will con­ Beginning at the Southwest corner Remember the Day And Date Mark It on Your Calendar ship 1 South, Range 9 West, W. M.; tinue in session from day to day un­ of Block 12 of A. A. Miller's Addition thence .South to the South boundary til the examination, correction and to Tillamook, and running thence line of Tillamook City; thence West equalization of said assessment rolls West of the West line of Block 45 of along said South boundary line to a shall be completed. Thayer's Addition to Tillamook; point 135 feel West of Rtyigc line be­ All persons interested in the assess­ thence South o degrees 12 minutes tween 1 ownship 1 South, Ranges 9 ments of their property arc requested East along the West line; thence Notice of Completed Contract first publication. Statement. and 10 West, W. Al.; thence North to appear at said time and place, as no East to the Northwest corner of Dated this 11th day of August. 1915. the South line of the Edrick Thomas changes can be made after the ad­ Block 14 of A. A. Miller’s’ Addition Of the Tillamook County Bank of J. C. Holden, County Clerk Notice is hereby given that F. E. Donation Land Claim in Section 25, journment of the board. Tillamook, State of Oregon, showing By Kathleen Al ills, Deputy. aforesaid; thence North to the place Hobson, County Road Master, for Township 1 South, Range 10 West, I >ated at Tillamook City, Aug. loth, of beginning. the amount standing to the credit ot Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed First publication August 12, 1915. \\ . Ai.; tin nee hast 105 ieet; thence 1915. every depositor July 1, 1915. who has Fhe private property Lo be appro- 1 in this office his certificate for the Last Publication August 26* 1915. North 135 feet; thtnCe East to the C. A. Johnson, of the contract of not made a deposit or has not wit“* priated by said extension is all that is ; completion >■ nt in .1st cot ii' i < >i Lot 5 m Block 4. Notice of Completed Contract County Assessor. drawn any part of his deposit, princi­ Logus Company included within said boundaries and Sandgurg , x ----- . — on -- the Drew’s Addition to Tillamook City; Pacific City Road from Station o plus ple or interest, for a period of more consists of all those portions of Lots thence North following the center Notice of Foreclosure Sale. I, 2, and 3 of Block 45 of Thayer’s 00 and 34 plus 29.2 to Station o Notice is hereby given that F. E. than seven (7) years immediately line of Block 4 ami 2 in Drew s Ad­ plus 00 and 43 plus 60 Addition aforesaid included within ■ Hobson, County Road Master, for prior to said date, with the name, dition, and Blocks 5 and 4 in R. R. Notice is hereby given that in pur­ said boundaries and the tract bound­ and any person, firm or corporation, Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed last known place of residence or post­ Addition to ¡illamook City, to suance having objections to file, to the com ­ of a j ' ’ ’ on the North, South and East by in this office his certificate for the office address of such depositor, and the center of said Block 4; thence tercd in the judgment and decree en- ed said boundaries, and oil the West by pletion of said work may do so with­ completion Circuit Court ot the State of the contract of the fact of his death, if known. hast to the place oi beginning. "i Oregon....... ■>< the East line of fractional Lot 3 in in two weeks from the date of the Sandburg Logus Company on the W. I Name of depositor, C. L. Sariner. lor ...................................... 1 illamook County, in I hat the said assessment district tile cause pending wherein Tillamook said Block 45, said tract being a tract first publication. Residence or P. O. address, I illa­ S. Cone road from Station 35 plus 30 shall be and is hereby designated as I onnty Bank, a corporation is plain­ do feet North and South and 53.3 Dated this nth day of August, 1915. to 46 plus 00 mook, Oregon. "Local Improvement District No. 2’’ tiff. ami Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. feet East and West. J. C. Holden, County Clerk and any person, firm or corporation, Dead, if fact is known to Sec. or and that the property, and all thereof Mitchell, G. W. Rice and Jane Doc By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. The proposed extension of Tenth having objections to file, to the com­ Cashier, unknown. included within said Local Improve­ Rice, his wife arc defendants, which First publication August 12, 1915. Amount $5.00. pletion of said work may do so with­ ment District No. j is the following: decree was entered on the 21st day Street is bounded, and its termini arc as follows. State of Oregon, County of 1 illa­ in two weeks from the date of the I” i haji< 1 's \dditL