Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 19, 1915, Image 3

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    Tillarnoolc Headlight, Aergvist 10, IPI6.
Commissioners’ Court.
W. A. Williams
late .McFalls .......................... '
Art 1 liornas, gravel . .
1. H. Meinpste. and Sam
Hoober ...............
Long & Co., lumber ...........
W B. Aiderman .................
G. Williams, damages ...........
Road Dist- No
Chas Morgan .................
Ernest Crown
Everct Dean ...........
Torry Krumluff
Grant Marshall ........... .
John Banquet ...................
Sam Johnson ...............
Ben Senters ...........
N. Nelson .........................
G. H. Benson .......................
John Langley .................
Fred Paquet ........... .
Frank Crane
valentine Stoker ...............
V alintine Stoker
Frank Barnes .........................
B. Comstock .................
G. W. Wilks .....................
W. H. Sales ...................
H. Turner .......................
Oral F. Barnes .........
E. A. Worthington .
Wm. Brcbst .......................
Clay Daniel .........
Alva Finley .........
R E. Myers .........
Albert Miller ....
Fred Zaddaeh ...
lohn Wall ...........
E. A. Worthington
Rosco Barker
Wm. Barber .........
Geo. Balmer.........
Albert Easom
John Anderson
W. F Caine
Leslie Barber
. .
.98 J. t mstafson .. .
■75 V A. iuiuh
56.95 Mr. Glenn ........
ucilie Jenson .
8-75 i. Banter ........
48.55 • co. Shaver .. .
104.0c D. T. Edmunds
100.00 Albert Clark . .
The County Court met in regular
session August 4, 1915 with following
officers present. Hon. A. M. Hare,
Judge, Commissioners Geo. R. Mc­
Kimens, and Frank L. Owens, J. C.
Holden, County Clerk, H. Crenshaw
Court enters into an agreement with
Bayocean people for construction of
Bayocean road, appropriating $7750,
for culverts, ripraping, clearing, grad­
ing. etc. Bayocean Co. will furnish
dredge, including upkeep and wages,
lor the sum of $390 per month to he
paid by the county. Work to com­
mence not later than August 20, 1915.
County and S-
Railroad Co. enter
into agreement for laying siding for
loading track.
County leases boiler and engine
from Bailey mill for power and rock
crusher at Blodgett Co. quarry near
Manhattan for $100 for three months.
Road District No. 2.
R. Funk ....................
ueo. Betchart ..........
A. E. Holden ..........
S. Pcty ......................
L. hckloff ................
A. E. Holden ..........
N. Weber ................
F. Blaser ..................
W. Johnson .............
J. Biser ................ ’•.
A. Darby ..................
J. Mix ........ :............
Mat Weber ..............
L. Getchel ................
R. Funk ....................
A. E. Holden ..........
L. Eckloff ................
A. E. Holden ..........
Sam Petty ................
N. Weber ................
Total ............................... $7,644.32
Geo. Betchart ........
, T. H. Pitts, piling ...............
W. D. Wood .......
King & Smith mds...............
Wm. Wood ..............
Sandburg-Logus Co., W. S
H. E. Warren ..........
Cone road ...........................
John Gedlish ..........
, Alex McNair Co., mds ........
Wm. Armstrong . .
F. E. Cross, labor .................
Julius Beebehisor . .
' Walt Woods contrac*
............. ,___
Wallie Harris ..........
Tilden & Madden, pile driving 219.20
C. C. Jolliffe ............
Arstell & Berns ..................... 142.10
J. D. Edgbert ..........
( W. E. Walling draying ........
Wm. Provoost
Good Roads. Meh. Co............. 1896.71
Clem Hurliman
Brighton Mills Co. lumber ..
J. H. Johnson .. .
A. F. Coates Lbr. Co. lbr. ... 1891.35
E. Ayers ..............
Howard Cooper Corporation
Roy Funk ............
Brighton Mills Co., lbr................ 758.62
L. Eckloff ............
F. B. Mead, gravel .................
• 55
Albert Biggs ....
H. W. Wright, gravel .........
Ike Wells ............
G. W. Phelps, mds .................
Bat Nelson ..........
D. Martiny, cruising .............
Geo. McDowel . .
Feeney Bremer Co. repairs .. 160.65
O. Munson ..........
Tohl & Anderson, mds ..........
C. W. Wells ........
Nehalem Saw Mill .................
Joe Parazo ........
F. P. Hobson .........................
Will Wilks ..........
Nehalem Times, printing
Homer Wilks ....
Bales & Erskine , material
Chas. Wells ........
and labor ............................... 59965
Tho Haugen ........
Road Dist. No. 3.
Sam Doney ..........
Lee Lyster ...............................
Marion Darby . . .
Robt Lyster .............................
Geo. Milks ..........
Fred Lyster .............................
Arch Beebchiser .
W. Hester .................................
Amos Vaughn .. .
Eugene Hester .......................
Bill Bragg ..........
J. C. Creecy .............................
Ed Stark ..............
R. B McClay .........................
Ed Jacoby ............
Fritz Drcbert ...........................
Walter Baker ....
Lyster Forkner.......................
Joe Mapes ............
Fred Marte . ........................ .
D. Billings ..........
Ed. Morehead .........................
A. Apsley . ..........
Loyd Kellow ...........................
Guy Allmon ........
Tom Kellow .............................
A. J. Nails ............
A. J. Clark ...............................
Lor Wilson ..........
• Geo. Kellow .............................
Chas Thomas ....
wm. Clark ...............................
Perry Silvey ........
R B McClay ...........................
Tom Kempster . .
Forest Ayer .........
Walter Severance
Roy Blanchard .................. .
Powers ........
Frank Prcselor
............... .
J. B. Monroe . .
Roy Woods
. .
Will Wright . . .
Rov Mayfield
D. Billings ....
R. Kellow ... .........................
F. Dye ..............
F. B. Smith .............................
Q. Pangborn
H. W. Donald .........................
Powers ..............
Jas. Imlah .................................
Tom Kempster
Ray Nelson .............................
G. Allmon ........
J. D. Pearson .........................
H. Nelson ........
\ ictor Lane .............................
Wall Harris . . .
Ola Lane .................................
Sid Travis ........
A. S. Lane .............................
Fred Biggs ....
L. D. Heaston .........................
H. Dawson .... ?
J. Lane .......................................
Hull ..................
G. F. Gates ...............................
W. Maddux
H. McKnight .........................
Joe Monahan . .
Ross Chilcott ...........................
R. T. Martin ...
G. L. Lane...............................
B. Wilbur ........
T. J. McKnight .......................
Alvin Blum ...
C. P. Morse .............................
John Blum . .
Jay Davis .................................
Clell Pearson
C. L. Angel..........
Fred Blum ...
J. W. Williams .....................
H. Graf ............
Jas Imlah
Chas Fleck ...
A. E. Meyer .............................
Alwin Blum . . .
Ross Chilcott...........................
Amba Brown ..
I’. C. Meyer .
Norman Christensen
Ralph Chilcott .........................
J. Proctor ............
Oscar Carver ................... • •
Robt. Forkner . . .
Dell Winters ...........................
Albert Kake ........
Will Ward ...............................
C. Dye ..................
F. Schirzinger .........................
W. M. Severance
Fred Affolter ...........................
C. Davis ................
Walter Affolter ........................
C. Dye ..................
Alfred Bauer ...........................
Joe Monahan ....
Hollis Franklin ......................
H. Schirzinger .........................
J. Plasker ............
R. Martin ............
H. Bailey ...................................
I. L. Nixon ...............................
J. Martin ..............
M. D. Sandridge ................... ..
J. Matney ............
M. Burdick .......... • • pr • •
Jack Williams ..........................
Ww Wright ....'.
Ralph Sutton . ........................
W. Maddux ........
Adam Babcock ........................
Nels Erickson . .
Carl Commons
N. G. Dye ............
Chas Hinshaw .........................
N. J, Dye ..............
Edd Mallory ...........................
Henry Nelson . . .
A. M. Jenck
Sid Travis ............
Wallace Edson .......................
Frank Dye ..........
Wm. Gould .
Q. Pangborn ...
John Slicks
Frank Dye ..........
Nels Haglund
I. R. Maine ........
Chas Cruthers
Clint Hawks
H. J. Tohl
Art Mapes
V. S. Edwards
Max Doerge
L'lvsis Edwards
Oly Womer ........
lohn Imlah
A. G. Herring .
lohn Fleck
Ed Le Francis
John Lowrance
Bruce Hare ..........
Chas Blum .
Ray Hushbeck .
$5.44307 Howard Owens
Total ................
Arena Con. Co. Hunt's bridge
Ivan .Gist
...................................... 750.00 D. Sanders ..........
425.00 Con Newbill
A. Arstill, Squires road
Sandburg Logus Co, Bay­
Guy Mattoon
ocean road ........................... • • 83300 Wm O’Connell
10.25 Lyle Craven
I. F. Larson work ..................
93.80 Toe I ind«ay
Ms'td’ix & Feldshau gravel
Ldd Quick, load rocks
Rov Estabrook
16.25 Wirt Sappington
Hans Wilks, labor
6.50 Earl Paul ..........
A T. Dolan, bridge repairs .
28 00
F. H. Devine, repairs
Alva Learned
1.00 Chas
Grant Thaver ..........................
Murphy ».
Citv Transfer Co ................... •
A. E. H:!i.t,
•f gravel ..............
Total .................................... .$668.85
-■ B. and Arthur Mearor . . . .
Dennis & Jenck, lumber........ 127.91
1 ill. Clay Works, tile ............
-ominercial Stables, hauling.
L Nordstrom ..........................
Frank laylor, printing ..........
.. Hinshaw, gravel ................
cd. I roubough, repairs ........
2 75
McTrapler, stage line ........
Chas Lundquist, rock ............
Albert Boon, work ..................
>itn Body felt, gravel ..............
Cloverdale Merc. Co. mdse .. 13638
cred Tamoreaux, wood ..........
Eastman Wilson Co., mds. . . .
I. M. Baker ..............................
icffrey 81 Buifton, Sandlake
roqd contract ........................ 2100 oe
Jeffery & Button, Hollett
road contract ........................
54 34
Jeffery & Button, Hollett
Road Contract ...................... 615.46
Sandberg Logus Co, Green
limber road contract ........ 328.80
E. F. Carter, lumber .............. 107.38
M. J. and John Jenck, E. E.
Cross road contract ............
Till. Feed Co., wood ..............
Clarence Davis, labor ............
Cloverdale Telephone Co. .. .
G. M. Kostic, mds.....................
d. A. Knoblock, lumber ........
L. Hiner, repairs ......................
Jrley Kellow, gravel ............
D. \V. Gilbert & Sons, mds . .
General Fund.
Barthold Barge Co...................
A. L. Stuvinger ........................
Geo. Bean .................................
J. B. Van Winkle ....................
E. G. Lantz ................................
Geo. X. Riddell ................ ,...
R. L. Shreve ..............................
L. Hiner ....................................
R. L. Shreve ............................
C. A. Dunn ................................
R. L. Shreve ............................
J. E. Reedv ..............................
A. E. Ball ..................................
A. L. McCarty ............ . ..........
T. H. Goyne ..............................
C. T. Wiegand ........................
King & Smith ..........................
Dr. S. M. Wendt ....................
Mrs. S. A. Clark ......................
Ray & Co.....................................
E. L. Robertson ......................
1'illainook Feed Co...................
Tohl & Anderson ....................
Geo. W. Phelps ........................
Mrs. A. E. McKune ................
W. D. Gladwell ......................
Boys & Girls Aid Society . . . .
H. Mason & Co.........................
Conover & Condit ..................
Crystal Laundry ......................
Tillamook Headlight ..............
Tillamook Herald ..................
M. E. Gruber ............................
F. C. Hobson ..........................
I illamook Water Works ....
Mutual Telephone Co..............
Pac. Tel and Tel. Co.................
Coast Power Co.........................
J. S. Stephens ..........................
Pete Hansen ..............................
Alex McNair Co.......................
T. E. Epplett ............................
Coroner Inquest ......................
jeo. R. McKimens ................
Frank L. Owens ......................
A. M. Hare ................................
C. A. Johnson
W. S. Buel................................
B. L. Beals ................................
H. Crenshay ........ ................
Glass & Prudhomme ..............
P. W. Todd
I. C. Holden
E. W. Stanley
Total ..................
Sam McVey ................
Goodyear Rubber Co.
I. C. Holden ................
Mrs. Geo. Chophert ..
Howard Cooper Co. ..
Mrs. M. A. Meador . .
Mrs. Carl Shortridge
H. Wr. Herring ............
H. W. Herring..........
Mrs. Carl Shortridge .
Mrs. Carl Shortridge
Barthold Barge Co...
Frank Taylor ..............
AUGUST 24, 25, 26, 27, 1915
Concerts Every Afternoon and Evening
Judging in all Departments.
Interesting Contests wirttitling Baseball every day.
Parade Committee and help out.
Browning Amusement Company
TO THE PUBLIC:—Please read tlie announcement in vour premium list (it yin
have not one ask for it) and accept the invitation there jjiven to yon as loyal citizens, to
ome out and assist to make this Fair the BEST EVER ; especially encourajje the
children to show what‘they can do. that they may do better work, living hotter lives,
thereinsurinji a better future citizenship
There will be something; worth while every day;—Team Pulling; Matches, Hitching
Contests, Tug-ofWar, Foot Races, Ladies Horseback Riding Contest Push Ball Contests. *
Please make yout entries
before the Fair opens, if possible ; also prepare your booths and exhibit spaces early
thereby avoiding confusion on opening day. Get all exhibits yon can Monday, not later
than Tuesday noon.
Read carefully the rules in Premium list, yon may obtain premium lists application
blanks desired information by applying to superintendents or to the J. H. D unstan ,
Tillamook County Fair Bonn 1.
W m . G. T ait ,
Official Program is being prepared.
L. M K ranek ,
W. S. B uel .
and entered on the 17th day of May, |
1915, directing that publication there •
of be made in the Tillamook Head­
light, a newspaper of general circula­
tion published in the County of Tilla- I
mook and State of Oregon for a
period of six (6) successive weeks.
Date of first publication July 15, 1915.
Date of last publication August 26 ’15
Charles A. and Claud M.
Jones, 1307-9 Yeon Build­
ing, Portland, Oregon.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Administrator’s Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned have been duly appointed
administrators of the estate of Mar­
gery Lcasia, deceased, and all persons
having claims against said estate arc
hereby required to present same, with
the proper vouchers, duly verified, to
the undersigned at the office of T. B.
Handley, in Tillamook City,
City. 1 illa-
mook County, Oregon, within six
months from the date hereof.
Wm. J. Bogart,
Goldie Clark.
Administrators of the es-
. $2,968.30
tate of Margery Lcasia,
Date of first publication July
90.45 Date of last publication Aug.
20. to
During my absence, whi*e away on
20 00 my vacation, Mr. Charles Goyne will
22 00 gather up your caalves and pay you
88.12 the highest market price. Call him on
63. to the mutual phone, or phone my res­
20 30 idence on either phone.
12 68
J. Merrel Smith,
The Calf Man.
$ <88 12
All Societies invited to get in touch with
Grand Parade 10:30 a.tn.
Coast Power Company.
Furnished Housekeeping Tents
Only 0 ne Dollar a Day.
Electric lights and Water in every
tent; go surf bathing
or hunt for
crabs and clams; tent city is under
direction of Bar View hotel; many
entertaining features; no liquors al-
lowcdjsold. Rates by week, $5 and up;
sleeping tents and board at hotel, $2
per day and 11.>. Write W. A. Wise,
Bar View, 'Tillamook Coilnty, Orc.,
or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Orc.
. During my absence, while on my
vacation, Mr. Charles Goyne will
gather your calves and pay you the
highest market price. Call him on the
Mutual phone, or phone my residence
on either phone.
J. Merrel Smith,
The Calf Man.
#100 Reward #100.
The reader» of this paper will be (»leased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, rind that is Catarrh Hill’s
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment
Hall s Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of ihe
disease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing it? work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative power*
that they offer One Hundred Hollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address H. H. CHENEY Ac CO., Te’edo
Sold by Druggists. 75c
Take Hail's Pamilv fills for consti .»at ion
Our plant is well equipped and
maintained in perfect running
We can furnish you with any­
thing in electric supplies or fix­
tures for wiring, lighting, heat­
ing, power, or cooking.
We have experienced and ca| a-
ble men to attend to our lines and
to do house wiring and -! instala-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County of
Lee R. Ijams, Laura M. Kerron
formerly Laura M. Ijams, Les­
lie Ijams, Evelyn Ijams and
Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel
Mrs. Melvina Venen and John
her husband.
Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe
Le Duck, his wife,
To. Mrs. Melvina Venon and John
Doe Venen, her husband; Frank Le
Duck and Mary Roe Lc Duck, his
wife, and to you and each of you, de­
fendants above named, in the name of
the State of Oregon you and each of
you are required and hereby com­
manded to appear and answer to the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before the
27th day of August, 1915, being more
than six (6) weeks from the date of
the date of the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to so
appear and answer to the said com­
plaint, for want thereof these plain­
tiffs will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in their complaint,
in substance as follows: For a decree
determining the adverse interests in
and to block fifteen (15) in and of
Miller's Addition to the town of Till
amook and State of Oregon and de
claring the plaintiffs to be the own­
ers in fee simple and entitled to the
possession of said premises as against
any and all persons whomsoever, and
yourselves in particular, and for the
costs and disbursements of this suit,
and for such further relief as to the
Court may seem meet in the premises
This summons is served upon you
by virtue of an order of the above
entitled. Court, which order was made
Kitehen Hauges and
Heating Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
The mint makes it and under
terms of the Continental Mortgage
Company you can secure it at 6 per
cent for any legal purpose on approv-
ed real estate. Terms easy, tcll us
your wants and we will co operate
with you. •
513 Denham Building Denver, Colo
Lightening never strikes twice in
1 the same place, nor does a mosquito,
but some other mosquito, may._____
Don’t pack your vacation grip as if
vou were going to Central Africa.
There are drug store, and haberdash
cries in other places too.
With new bulMin«». better equipment, en-
Inreert <i«iun»ls. and nmn# additions to its
rnrult#. the t nlverslts nf tlreffen will l>e*ln Its
t«»rtl«’th >rar. Tuesdnr. Neptember 14.
I h I tralntrig in f’ommerre, J oh P iim I im »».
Ar* bite« ture. I a« . »fedi« Ine. Teaehlii«. I
r» IIorb. Music, Physical Trainin« 4»»»l Une
AtU lw«re»- and *tr«»nf departments« l iber­
al Education.
I ibrary of more then .15.000 volume*, thir­
teen buildins« f’tUr equipped, two sflendld
r, ni»iHsluni»
Toitton F ree. Ihirmltnrle* for men bn«! for
women. Espanse» l<owe»t.
SV. II» for trrr .■tAloga.Arf.lr.Mlna Kral.tiar
r.l'flKNE. ORF.SON
JoóeisOM M all
foil O'«»