Tillamook Headlight, August i2, IPIÖ Packed and Jammed with Pleased Customers CASH CONVERTER SALE Never Have We Had a More Successful Sale Never has this store entertained more pleased cus­ tomers, because we have never before been able to offer such variety of selection at such remarkably low prices. The urgent command that this stock be converted into cash quickly has led to price slashing seldom equaled. Without regard for costs or profits, we are determined to carry out our desires and hundreds of satisfied customers testify to the thorough-going honesty of our effort. Just five days remain and they will be days filled with rushing business. They are days that bring golden chances to you. Come. LADIES' Five More Bargains on Your Ticket. COME EVERY DAY. lose this ticket . ; it is valuable ; it Do not _____________ means saving one-half or more on needed WAISTS. TO ECONOMY’’ merchandise. Daily Excursion to Economy at Haltom’s Great Cash Converter Sale. Trip No. 10. New and up-to-date Models in American Lady Corsets, values to $1.75 and all no. sizes to choose from. Perpair ........ ¡FOV SHOES. Reg. 50c.|Underwear for 19c Keg. 25c 39c Reg. Reg. for ................................... 95c Reg. to $3.00 Soft Felt Hats for........ $ 1.00 Reg. to $2.00 Straw Hats for................................ $1.25 Reg. to $3.00 Straw lints for................................ $1.95 Reg.to $15.00 Suits for59-95 Entire Stock of Reg. to Reg. to $2.50 Children’s Pumps for................... 79c Reg. to $3.00 Boy’s nuuiuun Addition West VV Five roomed house, well furnished, East along the West line; thence T X/X* E. T. HAlZrOM, “MONEY.” Eden Camp fietapts Bay. The Calf Man. k . at $10.00 per week, garage.