Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 12, 1915, Image 1

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Vol. XXVI.
No. 9
|i.50 PER YEAR.
_ Doi. t forget those busted castings >na Chance, Chap.; Henry'Leaeh. Con­
Lan be welded I ot half. Goods jen ductor; Marion Chance, Door Keeper.
"I he object of the organization is to
parcel post and express prompt!' co-operate in buying and selling.
<turned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamool
An adjourned meeting will be held
• at the Grange Hall today at which
1 rolect your valuable
papers IIUI
frori I time charter member» will be admitt­
........... ¿S»«|2V1O
----- ’ fire
" * by renting one of ed.
tlie -----
our safe deposit boxes. Only on<
School Fair Note».
lollar per year. Tillamook Counts
* Prof. F. 1.. Gritlin, of Corvallis, e-
Clair Small left fur Belmont Cali quests that the students who are do­
fornia on Tuesday
_ to visit his mothei ing club work send their booklets
who is in a sanitarium there. Mrs telling all about the project or work |
Small lias greatly improved in healt) they are doing. If it be garden work
and is expected
. . . home in
- the
neai tell about the preparing of the soil,
.he planting ot the seed, the cultiva.-
Drs. Lowe and Turner the ng and watering of the plants by
jiving in detail every thing you have
well known Eye Specialist? lone. It it be poultry pive in detail
of Portland will be in Tillamool
very thing you have done in thll
\\ ednesday, Thursday and Frida-
•vork. These booklets should be w;it-
August 25-20 and 27. Consult them a
en with pen and*ink, and care should
Jenkens Jewlery Store. At Clover
>e taken to have them neat and free
dale, August 23-24. At Bay City Aug
rom blots and erases. Write your
ust 28-29.
rest at all times.
Only two weeks more and the fair
Returning from Tillamook on Sun
vill begin. Who will be the lucky
day automobile parties from Dalia
encountered the Cdmp Fire Girls o >nes and secure a chance to the
this city at Ihree Rivers, "hiking” t< .chool camp at the State Fair this
all. Two boys will be sent from this
th'- coast on a wagon loaded will
rounty to be in camp with two boys
their outtit. It was still early in th
rom each county of the state and
day, and the members of the part
were in high spirits.—Polk Countj wo girls to be in camp with two
,irls from each county of the state,
1 he Sanitary Wagon makes daib (ailroad fair, board and lodging, and
dmission to the fair will be furnish-
calls at Netarts camp with
___ fresl
d with out cost to the lucky ones,
home made bread and pastry, milk
eggs and vegetables. E. P. Larson .'his prize will be awarded to the
« >nes securing the greatest number of
Netarts. Oregon.
mints for exhibits at the county fair,
We have made special arrange
(emember the entries close at noon
ments with the Telephone Co., t< he first day of the fair, which is
connect you directly with our office vugust the 24th. Articles not to' be
in case you wish any of our GOOP »rought in person but which are sent
>y mail or otherwise should reach us
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28V. mt
later than Monday, August 23rd.
Harvc W illiams who went to Cali The name, age, and address of cx-
fornia for his health three years ago .ibitor should be plainly marked on
and «ho was in a sanitarium then very article to be exhibited.
nearly a year, returned on Tuesdaj
Prize lists will be furnished you on
much improved in health, he will re ipplication. Note the prize list and
main a few days visiting friends an<
xhibit such articles as prizes are list-
relatives when he will return tc
d. Other articles exhibited will be
southern California where he is now narked as decorations and not con-
.idered when judging for prizes. This
Everyone should make arrange­ ve are obliged to observe because of
ments to see "The Sea Wolfe” at the >ur limitation of funds. We have
Star Theater next Wednesday ant1 .elected such articles as we feel to be
Thursday. This is one of the special nost practical for this county. If
features run by the management ol hese articles are all exhibited there
the Star Theater every Wednesday vill be no funds to meet prizes on
and Thursday. Don’t miss it, its a others.
Watch the papers next week for a
reel show.
For sale or trade for Tillamool
be Thursday, August 26th. This
land, too acres, 5 miles southeast ol vill
Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov
he.committee thought it best to
cr, balance in wheat and oats, all fin< .ave
soil, house and barn, on place. Ad
ent, Mr. Dunstan who has b en un-
dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg ’ ble
to meet with us on account of
Iness. We are truly glad to report
Wanted to trade or sell house an<
hat he is much improved and will be
lot in 1 illamook or in Portland fo
vith us again after Wednesday of this
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acr week.
W. S. Bu-1,
tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S
County Supt.
S ‘ephens & Co., Room I, Commercia
The secret in keeping cool these hot days is not tn
Bui’ding, Tillamook, Ore.
Notice of Pavement Meeting.
living in an ice-box, but in knowing what to eat. If you
"Tl'c Sea Wolfe," by Jock London
A meeting of the parties interested know come to our grocery store and buy . h at. If you
in 7 ri els will be shown at the Stai
i the paving suit against the Warren
Theater 'next Wednesday and Thurs
day, Aug'nst 18 and 19. Thole wh< Construction Company will be held don’t know come to our store and we will be pleased to
t the Court House
Monda Oct
use on Monday,
saw "The Spoilers” last week by the
We keep none but the best quality and sell at a
same authort.are still speakirg abou* 6th, 1915, at 1 o 1’clock P. M., for the tell you.
urpose of considering the proposi- fair price. Come on in—our goods are fine.
it, and as "T.'lC Sea Wolf” is a mucl
better picture you should not fail t< ion of settlement of the law suit.
111 parties to the suit are urgently
sec it at the Star 1 heater.
equested to attend, as the matter
Fred C. Baker and wife, C. I
Clough and wife, - comprised a parti vill be ready for final settlement at
of tourists who arrived in Roseburg his time.
A. G. Beals, Chairman.
and stopped over in b mpqua unti
this morning, Mr. Baker is the cdiloi
Methodist Church Services.
and publisher of the Tillamook Head
light, and Mr. Clough one of th«
Sunday School 10 o’clock, W. F..
prominent business men of that city
They are on their way to attend the Noyes, Supt.
Children's Sermon, 10:45.
big fair and will be gone a couple ol
Morning worship 11 o’clock. Rev.
weeks. Mr. Baker favored the News
office with a pleasant call, during Jeo. F. Hopkins, of Portalnd will
which time much was learned about ireach both morning and evening.
Class meeting 12 tn. W. M. Heaston
the. celebrated cheese for which Tilla
mock County is famous. Mr. Baker is eader.
firm in the belief that a change in the ivening worship, 8 p.m._
Special music at theic services,
administration of national affairs is
what this country needs, and a get­ :ome and welcome.
Edw. Gittins. Postor.
ting away from the present free trade
scale on lumber and other produc­
tion» of this coast.—Umpqua Valley Council at TiUamook Aug 17 and 18.
Improved Order of .Redmen .Hold
Earl Ford had the misfortune to
lose his Overland Automobile by fire
The Improved Order of Redtnen
on Sunday. Mr. Ford was taking a will hold their Great Council at Tilla­
pai*ty fishing up the Nestucca river mook August 17th and t8th during
and on their way home close to Bea­ which time a number of delegates
ver they had a puncture, after fixing from each tribe together with the
the puncture, Mr. lord cranked the State Officers and the Great Inco-
car tnd fire shot up through the bot­ hona of the Soureme Council of the
tom of the ear. The party commenced I United States will be present. l”.e
throv *ing dirt on the blaze with the local Tribe will give a banquet in
object of smothering it out. but as honor of the visitors on Tuesday
they we.'e afraid the gasoline tank evening, August 17th. at the Tilla­
would ex.olode were compelled to mook Hotel which will be open to
leave and let the_ear burn up which the public at $1.00 a plate upon which
loss. The car was insured. occasion Mr. Sidney S. Johnson will
was a a twtaJ
1 with to trade prosperous clothes welcome the Rendmen in behalf of
Cleaning and pressing
7 - , J *j the city and a response will be made
good location m Portland for lot and by otic of the High Officers and Mr.
small house or small business 0.1 F. E. Shaw will welcome the visitors
Tillamook Bay. No experience re­ in behalf of Katata Tribe No. 65. On
quired. Address G. T. Gannon, so! Wednesday evening one of the crack
Alder Street, Portland
teams of Portland will put on th:
Adoption and Chief Degrees at the
New Furniture Store for Tillamook. Odd Fellow’s Hall, upon which occa­
sion the local officers hope to have
A. G. Ammer of Portland was in all local members present to witness
rillismook Monday and after looking the degree work.
into the situation here. cor eluded to
-pen up a new furnituee »tore, carry- .
,n< a complete line of furniture,
<t oves. range», rugs, crockery, etc.
V t. Ammer ia a man of large exper-
Change» in Premium Liat.
e ice in this line, both wholesale and
The following changes have been
-ei *il and promisee tn meet all com- made in the 1915 premium list and
jtion in the line of price» and nual- exhibitors can correct their copies ac­
tv He has not definitely decided on cordingly :
loca 1km. but W,M *’{*n °n 0T b*for*
Pcmltry, Division D. —All classes,
• pages 21 to 2s. First prize $2.00, sec-
Aug. 21.
' ond prize |t.6O
‘ .Partners Union Organized
I Cattle. Division B. —All classes,
mook City. Oregon, and that the
business will be conducted as usual,
t an Au,'uat 4, some 37 farmer» m-t pag's t7 to 19. Change Breeders
’ Clover cheese ftclcry an! Herd a, follows: I Bull, one year old
To all whom it may concern. Notice with Mr. (»rant 1 hayer as manager
a Farmers’ Union. -
or over 1 Cdw. giving milk any age; is hereby given, that I have purchas- thereof.
¡ng officers were elected: 2 head at»v age; I yearling or under.
Pre» ; £. V- Anderson,
lilpmook County Fair Board, ed the interest of Mr Charles L. j Dated August loth, 1915.
Thayer in the shop known as the
T. H. Goyne.
8*^-5 Mr* ,
By Um. G. Tait, Secret:ry.
Thayer Blacksmith Shop, in 1 iik-
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why.
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore
No man can hide money and keep OTHERS from
knowing it. There is always something in his actions
that “gives him away.”
Our strong vaults will keep your money safe.
Besides this, MEN of known financial RESPON
S1B1LITY are behind our bank.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit.
Tillamook County Bank
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Filins developed ioc . per roll.—C. 1.
Clough Co.
For your Sunday roast call Sani­
tary Market.
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
Clough Co.’s.
All kinds of lunch meats at the
Sanitary Market.
Chief Detective Badec, of Portland
was a Tillamook visitor Sunday.
Safe deposit boxes tor rent, lilla-
niook County Bank.
The place to eat is at the “Good
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
W. H. Tohl of Mohler was a Tilla­
mook visitor on Monday.
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
ten cents for green hides.
Morris Schnal is a Portland visitor
this week.
A stray Jersey Heifer, coming 2
years old. Adolph Erickson.
Freshly dressed chicken at the
Sanitary Market, Saturday.
E. T. Watkins and family accom­
panied by Mrs. J. C. Shaw are camp­
ing at Bar View.
Lime Neutralizes acid soil and
sweetens it.
We are in a position to make s-'me
long »ime farm loans. First National
J. O. Bozorth, of Bay City was in
the city on Tuesday transacting
Sharp's Restaurant now running at
Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday
dinners a specialty.
J. B. Kirchoff of Paragould,
consin is visiting with his brother
John Kirchoff this week.
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­
mook Meat Company.
For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and
6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs.
Cornforth, Tillamook.
Two five roomed cottages, furnish­
ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap­
py camp, Netarts Oregon.
Alex McNair returned on Saturday
from Bandon where he spent a few
days visiting a brother.
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage,
Pork, Veal and old fachioncd country
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Sharp’s Restaurant now running at
Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­
sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
G. A. Edmunds and wife and Mrs.
Erwin are Portland visitors this week
attending Buyer’s Week festivities.
Miss Gladys Suvain, of Portland
visited at the Gaylord home last
week and left for her home on Mon­
A marriage license was issued on
Wednesday to C. A. Sailing and Mrs.
Leah E. Howard both of Beaver.
For Sale—4 milk cows, good milk­
ers; 3 brood sows; t boar; 20 »boats.
Address, G. Schroeder, Box 306 'A ill*
amina, Oregon.
Mrs. H. C. Hansen who has been
attending the summer school at the
V. of O. returned to the city on Sat­
Many a good chambermaid has
hren wasted in the making of a chor­
us girl. Smoke Apex the extra mild
St- cigar.
Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter
sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ—
A.ddress “Organ” care of this paper.
For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry,
also furnished house. Rents reason­
able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb
Schrader dock.
For sale, cheap, one 10x12 foot
tent and 12x14 foot fly and one camp
stove. Address E. J. Arenz, box 172,
Tillamook Oregon.
The thing a man likes about wash­
day dinners is that is the day he
doesn’t come home to his. SmcAe
Apex, the extra mild 5c cigar.
Wood Sawed.—Call me up on the
mutual phone and I will do the rest—
Prompt, careful work. In town or in
the country.—Henry Nelson.
Alfren Carlson and wife of Bui i
Idaho, formerly a dairymen of Tilla­
mook came in on Saturday on :. visit
to fiicnds and relatives.
The excavation of the basement of
the new city hall will be finished this
week, and it is expected to start with
the concrete .work next week.
The M. E. Sunday School held
their annual picnic on Wednesday at
Bester’s Grove where a large number
of young people spent a most enjoy­
able day.
Frank Riechers, of Belmont, Wis­
consin was visiting at the home of his
brother W. J. Riecher last week.
Miss Selina Dick, of Portland is
visiting at the home of her sister Mrs
E. E. Koch.
Mrs. J. Honey who was operated on
for an absess in the car last week in
the Boal’s hospital is reported getting
along nicely.
Young man wishes position on
ranch in Tillamook County, (»cod
milker and teamster. \A rite to G. K.
Garibaldi, Oregon.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
wood and you don't have *0 sow and
split it, Lamb-Schiadcr Co., Hello
Centray Gi’me 28W.
Mrs. W. J. Hill left for Walla Wal­
la to be gone about a month visiting
relatives and friends.
Ira Latimer and family, of Portland
who have been spending their vaca­
tion at Bar View, left for their home
on Monday.
The Yamhill Milling Co. have rent­
ed the store buildirg in the Commer­
cial block and will handle flour and
feed wholesale and retail.
Mrs. Clyde Craver and thilil of
Phoenix, Ariz., arrived here last week
and will spend the summer with
friends and relatives.
J. V. Baird and wife left on Tues-
day for Scottdale,
J work
where Mr. Baird will ta'xeup^
with the Evangelist \V.
’ " J.
' Minges,
Mrs. Baird will visit her parents at
St. Louis where she will study mosie.
C. C. Patenson and family, were
Tillamook visitors on Wednesday.
Mr. Patenson is county judge of
Morrow county and is taking a vaca­
tion at Rockaway.
W. A Petteys wife and children
came in from Portland on Saturday
and will spend a few weeks visiting
friends and relatives in the county
Mr. Petteys is a teacher in the tort­
land schools. '
C. J. Edwrrds, manager of the
West Coast Power Co., and wife and
sons Llovd and Lowell returned the
first of the week from a trip to Call
fornia and the Fair at San Francsaco
Wanted to lease farm. »o«"«'*®**
etc cash or will trade Hills! ore
property for same.
Fred Everest. Box 45» HiH*boro» Ore*