Tillamook Headlight. August 5 \ Beginning on SATURDAY MORNING, AUG. 7,at 8 o’clock, Haltom’s will Inaugurate a Wonderful CASH CONVERTER SAL r k Save thisFreeTicket There comes a time in every Business when cash is more desirable than profits-when regardless of the In order to impress upon you just what this great sale means and to induce a daily, money-saving visit to the store we will conduct a “Daily Excur­ sion to Economy” and every day will sell some use­ ful desirable merchandise at phenomenal savings. Read the ticket below, then clip it out and save it. Bring the coupon and secure the great bargain of­ fered for that day. sellinglvalue of merchandise, it must be converted into Cash as rapidly as possible to satisfy the demands of the The Bargain Route. EXCURSION TICKET To Economy Good for One Trip Daily (READ THIS CONTRACT.) This ticket is good for one daily trip to Econ­ omy, for the bearer, between the dates of August 7th and 18th inclusive, subject to the following conditions: 1. The date coupon for each day must be pre­ sented to entitle bearer to the bargain for that day. 2. The coupon must be presented at the “Ex­ cursion Office” at Haltom’s Great Sale between the hours of 8 a.in. and 6 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Every day there is something new in this Big Sale.. Every day you can take a pleasant Bargain­ gathering trip to Economy. Don’t lose this ticket; it is valuable, it means saving one half or more on needed merchandise. Daily Excursion to Economy at Haltom’s Money Saving Sale. Trip No. 10 Wednesday, Aug. 18th, 1915. EXCURSION TO ECONOMY New and up-to-date Models in American Lady Corsets, values to $1.75 and all qq sizes to choose frotsi. Per pair ........... •> BRING THIS COUPON TO HALTOM’S iripNo. 9. Tuesday, Aug. 17th, 1915. EXCURSION TO ECONOMY I he entire Stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ Summer Underwear,including Union Suits, Vests and Pants in all sizes, values n-y to $1.45 for per garment ....................... ¿lC. BRING THIS COUPON TO HALTOM’S 1 rip No. 8. Monday, Aug. 16th, 1915. EXCURSION TO ECONOMY Belfast Linon Pillow Cases. Sizes 45 x 36. Hemmed ready for use, our regu- q lar 15c. quality for each........................... *JC. BRING THIS COUPON TO HALTOM’S 1 rip No. 7. Saturday, Aug. 14th, 1915. EXCURSION TO ECONOMY Qur famous 83c. Elmdale bleached Sheets Size 72 x 90. Hemmed ready for use. jq A good wearing quality. Each ... BRING THIS COUPON TO HALTOM’S 1 rip No. 6. Friday, Aug. 13th, 1915. EXCURSION TO ECONOMY Regular lac. and 18c. Plain Hemstitched, Embroidered and Initialled Handker- /» chiefs for Ladies' for only . ............... OC» BRING THIS COUPON TO HALTOM’S 1 rip No. 5. Thursday, Aug. uth. 1915, EXCURSION TO ECONOMY Regular75c. All Silk and Silk Boot Styl­ ings in till sixes, Black only, for per «¿1 . .. 39c. BRING THIS COUPON TO H?.LTOMS Wednesday, Aug. , „h, I9I5. 1 r'P X°" EXCURSION TO ECONOMY äää *"* KM bring this coupon ' to W^ am .. " Tuesday, Aug. iot’ " 3 ( EXCURSION TO ECONOMY ' ‘ Regular to 25c. Values in 22 i Ribbons in Satin and Taffeta a"' 1 ,air including Black and White f. 3 co,or8 BRING THIS COUPON T' JF »’t>r vd- -— ___ J havtomu Trip No. 2 ? •onack Towel* *ft . each 12V. aRING THIS COUJ ON TO H/iLTOM S Tr'P Na i. proprietors. Just now no possible profits that we might make on our Brand New up-to-the-minute stock looks so good to us as an immediate supply ofCash. We would rather have cash at a loss than hold this merchandise. To you as a buyer, this means that now is one of the golden opportunities of years for in Ten Whirlwind Bargain Days, ending Wed., August 18 We will clean out every iteni of this season's stock. With the exception of Contract Merchandise (the prices of which are controlled by the manufacturer) every piece, every single item must be converted into cash as quickly as possible. We have determined upon a sale in which profits will be forgotten ; in which whoisale costs will not be considered, and in which no price slashingthat will lead to an immediate conversion of merchandise into cash will be thought too severe. This is the chance to provide for yourself and your family for months to come. This is the time when you can buy for three-fourths, two-thirds, even one half and less, than real value. This is the bargain time thrifty folks who would reduce the high cost of living have been eagerly awaiting. SHOE Of all the great value-giving Sales this store has offered, this Cash Converter Sale is to be the greatest- greatest in values offered, greatest in assortment of mer. chandise and consequently the greatest in volume of Business done. No person within reach of the town can afford to miss this great sale, for it offers wonderful savings on every- day needs. Read the partial price story below, bearing in mind that it represents but a fraction of the values offered, and come to this store the very first day with the expectation of receiving greater values for your money than ever before. BARGAINS FOR ALL. Reg. to $2.50 Infants’, Children’s and Misses I’umps in all sizes, for per pair only ... ........................................................ Reg. to $3.00 Boy’s and Girls’ Hutton and Blucher Patent, Vici Kid and Gunmetal Calf Shoes, for only .................. Reg. to $3.50 Women's Patent and Gunmetal Shoes, with Cuban heels and cloth and dull mat tops, for per pair Reg. $3.50 Women’s Patent Strap Oxfords, Patent Mary Jane I’umps, Gunmetal. Colonial and Tan Pumps, for per pair ............................................................................................... Reg. $4.50 Men's Shoes in Bkick and Tan and Button and Blucher Styles for per pr.ir........................................................ MEN 1 79c. $1.48 $1.85 $2.35 $3.85 LOOK HERE. J1.25 $1.95 11.00 39c. Reg. 75c. Four-in-hand Ties are now only......................... ......... 25c. Reg. 50c. Ties are now only ............................................................... Reg. to$ 15.00 Suits (?.Cew Models) are now only...................... $9.95 Reg. $2.00 Straw Hats iire now only............................................. - Reg. $3.00 Straw Hats a re now only............................................... Reg. to $3.00 Soft Felt Hats are now only.................................. Reg. to $27.50 Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits (entire stock to choose from) at eacti............. ... .......................................... $18.75 29c. Reg. to 45c. Boy’s Wa-ah Waists, all colors and sizes........... 63c. Reg. to $1.00 Boy's b” nickerbockers, 6 to 17 years. Per pair Every Article Marked 1 Green Tag in Cash Converter Sale. Men’s Underwear. Women’s Waists. Coats and Dresses- Women’s Skirts- Broken lot of Men’s 50c. Sum­ mer Weight Underwear. Per Garment, Broken lot of Women's Waists. Great Bargains. Your choice. Each. Broken lot of Children's Coats and Dresses. Great Bargains. Each About 50 Traveller’s samples in white and colored Each 19c 19c. Womens 25c. Middy Blouses. 39c. Ladies’ MilLinery. Women’s Coats. Broken lot Sacques, Gowns, etc. Phenotv enni values. Manufacturer's Clearance of "Ladies’ At Misses. Reg. to $2.25 values, sizes 8 to 18 years and 32 to 46 Bust (ireat Clearance of Tailored . Iillinery front our own work­ room at 39c. Broken lot of Women s Coats Suitable for present or early Fall wear, 98c. 98c. Dressing Sacques. It 's the Sign of a Bargain to See a Green Tag. Dress Goods, Silks, etc. Wash Wash Wash Wash Dress per yard 5c. per yard • • 15c. per yard 19c. per yard •. 35c. per yard 25c. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. to to to to to 25c. 35c. 50c. 75c. 45c. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. to to to to to $1.67 Dress Goods, per yard 39c. $2.75 Dress Goods, per yard $1.49 50c. Silks for per yard............... 15c. $1.25 Silks for per yard........... 69c. $3.00 Silks for per yard ., $ 1.49 Goods, Goods, Goods, Goods, Goods, Women’s and Children’s Underwear, etc. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. Keg. to 50c. Wo’s Suits and Pants for 17ic. to 88c. Wo’s Suits, Vest A Pants 45c. to $1.44 Wo’s Suits and Pants for 79c 25c. Children’s Vests & Drawers 15c. oOc. Boys Vests and Pants for 39c 17i88e’’ Vnion Snita ^r ” . 29c c”"“> r*/, Kn»mCTra,n •> .. for »J.59 Women’s Waists, Gloves, Mid-summer Millinery,etc. Reg. to $1.50 Waists tor only ;............ Reg. to $2.00 New Voile Wash’ Waists 98C- Reg. to $1.25 Midsummer Millinery for Reg t<>$2.48 Midsummer Millinery for J I. Reg. to 88c. Novelty Neckwear for only *o - Reg. to 1.19 Novelty Neckwear for only 0 • Reg. 75c. Mary Pickford Caps fof ’ Reg. $1.00- Mary Pickford Caps for 79C. Reg. $-.75 Mary Pickford Caps for “ Remember the Place. Look for the Larèe Green Siè^s Let nothing keep you away. Be here when the doors open. Be here every day. While our Stock is large, some items are sure to be exhausted early, and the first buyers will get these particular plums. Come miles to this sale—it will pay you. Make no mistake—remember the place and the date. Meet all your friends here -there will be regular Chautauqua crowds at this Store.