Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 05, 1915, Image 5

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TiUa-^oolc Headlight. August o, 1015.
Bankers and Farmer*.
------o —
H \ conference between bankers and
|"iarlners. including a large number of
ipresentative* of each class, for dis­
cussion oi mutual interest and profit,
hows th* growth of the «.¿-operative
pirit in the industries of this country.
;uch a conference was in session at
■hicago recently, and it was not the
■rst but the fourth of its kind. David
t Forgan, president of the Chicago
Ic'learing House, made an address
thich even the brief press reports
■show to have been replete with the
Kith of sense. He declared co-opera-
Eon to be indespensible to success in
E|| business, and contrasted co-operst
■ tion and its results with destrictivt
Iconipetition and its results.
I Co-operation between the banking
■ interest and the fanning interest it
Ivitally necessary to that solution oi
|Our national problems which B. F
I Harris president of the First National
IBank of Champaign, Ill., said dependt
"building up our agricultural ano
rural life.” It needs to be said that
the necessity of such co-operation
has hitherto been as much overlook
ed by the bankers as by the agricul
tural interest. It is not too much te
I say, in fact, that in some parts of the
I country the moneyed interests has
been far less mindful of the recip­
rocal obligation which should exist
between it and the landholders that,
the landholders and themselves. Con
flict as to interest . laws, mortgage
laws, redemption laws and laws gov­
erning equities of redemption, have
led to clashes in the work oi legisla­
tion which have promoted the evil
spirit of class hostility which has
done much to create and prolong
hard times.
It is our conviction that the farm
ing classes are willing to co-operate
with all friendly interests seeking a
mutual advancement through mutual
co-operation. The banker is as ne
cessary to the farmer as. to ever)
other business man with credit and
enterprise, and the farmer is as neces
sary to the banker as is any other in­
vestor. If recognition of this fact has
been too long delayed, it is high time
to recognize it now.
Mrs. Alex Hanke, of Portland is
visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Otto Krebs.
Dell Burdick has moved to the Jim
Murphy place, which he will managt
for a year.
We note that the yards of Krebs
Bro's, clay works arc well stacked
with tile, and that they arc now work­
ing on bricks.
Mr. G. G. Graves and family with
the exception of Roy, are in the val­
ley. Mr. Graves will remain for
threshing , and the others will return
Mr. Harold Anthony, who has been
staying at Charlie Nelsons, is spend­
ing the week at Netarts.
John Evan and Otis Dix are mak­
ing to points in the valley.
Krebs Bro.’s and families spent
Sunday at Netarts.
Woods and Pacific City Items.
Wagon road from Pacific City to
Woods is being improved, and soon
will be completed by Mr. Moskes.
We understand that some arc kicking
because they are plowing up their
If 1 were an officer of the law, I
would not notify offenders that 1
was coming. Let this hit strong and
if things are not remedied there will
be a stronger appeal made to some­
one higher up.
While the road crew were grading
this week, they found the remains of
an Indian family.
Fishermen in general are very in-
dignent at Mr. Colstock and his boat
he says he will tear up every net
along the river if they tie across with
1 r°pe, go to it Colie.
Lots of pretty girls at McPhilip's
camp grounds.
Trout are now biting good in the
The Hunter Gill Co. are loading
from 2 to 3 teams every morning
with fish.
The writer of this article intersect­
ed a little scene one day this week at
Pacific City. About 15 fishermen as­
sembled in a small house, they were
all drinking some of Tillamook’s best
embalming fluid, and all talking at
0|Kc, one said he had sold all the lots
Pacific City, and that he knew
every street, three of the others were
telling fish stories, while the rest
hardly knew what they were talking
about. From there we dropped into
the pool hall where we found Ernest
Edmunds busily engaged waiting on
some young ladies, its funny but true
r rnest can’t help but be in favor
with the other sex, from there we
'■'sited D. T. Edmunds, found him
good natured and waiting on a crowd
irom there we went to Woods first
visiting the P. O. where we found
Mr. Duell who is ever obliging, he
kindly s»t us across the river where
we found Mr. Robedee fishing. We
bought ad s supply and went back
to camp u... i-l happy.
Council Meeting.
brief war news
----- o-----
The common council met in regu-
Nothing ot importance has been at
lar session on Monday when w^ complished during the week anywhere Cost of Living In ths Early Year* of
the Last Century.
presented, S. A. Brodhead, U] av^or, along the battle lines. The allies have
A subscriber iking lu I'enns) Ivanla
made several small gains lu K’-an,’« bas sent us an account of a daybook
Councilmen, G. B. Lamb, Jehr 'Keld-
■son, M. Melchior, R. T. ¿¿Is.
~-.j and Belgium, and an adiavce of per kept in 1811 by one of tils forbears,
Is, Citv
Attorney H. T. Botts, Marshal N. J. haps three miles has been »corer the keeper of a geuerul store In Amity
Myers and recorder Jolm Aschim. | against the Germans in southern A. township. Berks county. From this
when the following Ausiness was I •ace. Nevertheless the week's west daybook one rate ties a glimpse iic^ouly
ern operations have emphasized the of what 100 year* ago It cost the Fenn
■ylvaula citizen to lire, but also a
A petition signed by a majority of* tediousness and terrible cost of driv­ glimpse of how tie lived For Instance,
the property owners on the lower I
“with nearly every bill of goods charg­
1 he slowness ot the allies' progress
portion of Second Ave. East wa* pre-
ed would be attached one gallou of
sent'ed and read by the council ask-' is explained in London as being due whisky, rum or brund.v. price 25 cent*."
ng to have concrete pavement laid i to the refusal of the general staff to Homes were lighted with candles,
• roin the north side if Ninth Street I sacrifice a great number of soldiers. ‘•costing anywhere from 3714 cents to
long Second Ave. East and connect- They are satisfied with gaining a ser­ 8714 cents a pound.”
ies of small successes by means ot ar-1 "Calico was 3714 cents to 75 cents per
ng streets south to the city limits.
tillery practice which in time, It L. yard.
1 he City Engineer was instructed to
pointed out, should prepare tho »•; I "Tea wus $1 a pound.
-repare plans and estimates neces- tor a general forward movement
“In one charge n man bought one
ary for the improvement.
of real at I cents a pound.
In the east, the Germans held the»' 1
"Eggs were never more than 10 cents
The Street Committee was granted own before Warsaw but have not prog
urthcr time to report as to lights ressed to any significant degree. Tbt I per dozen, with 0 to 8 cents the com
moner prices.
isked at various fire hydrants by the Russians have resisted General Frar
“Cbic-keus. 1254 to 18 cents apiece;
ire company.
cols’ attempt to reach the Vistuls ' geese. 25 cents to 3754 cents apiece.
Bushong Co., of Portland propos­ from the north, but the Slavs them ' “Beef. 3 to 4 cents; wool. 10 cents to
al the sale of a steel jail to the city selves have been unable to aevelon a , 1214 cents per pound; muslin. 50 cent*
tnd submitted detail drawings of the serious counter-stroke In East P iub per yard.
ime. Mayor Brodhead wasauthoriz- sia. Reinforcements have been sent' “The climax was reached In one
<1 to go to Portland and look over to the Russian armies in Galicia, bvt. charge—oue bushel of salt. $10.’’
IVe seem to have boxed the compass
he same and if found satisfactory the week has seen no new develop ' In the matter of the costs of living.
ments there.
1 I One hundred years ago it was manu­
.as empowered to purchase same.
With the Germans unable to ail factured goods and commodities
The contract between Frank Heyd
.nil Tillamook City covering the vance their lines beyond the Russian ! against which transportation costs
rection of the new City Hall was defenses along the Bzura and Rawu were charged which were* high, food
ead and the bond given by Mr Heyd rivers, reports indicated that the two j was cheap Today factory products are
virtue 1 , cheap, food dear We wonder If things
iccepted. The Mayor and Recorder armies may settle down to viriuej
will ever lie so comfortably arranged
■vere empowered to act for the city •lege operations, such as have pre I tbnt food and manufactured goods and
n executing the contract, and also
commodities from fur distances will
he bond of Frank Heyd, with M. of the fighting at other point« in the all be cheap.—Toledo Blade.
Melchior, Fred C. Baker and F. C. eastern area is deiermined. Despite
•evere fighting throughout the week,
celdschau a* sureties be approved.
the Germans have made no apprecia
The question of enforcing ordi­
ble gain along the entire 75 mile front They Are Liable tc Be Played at an
nances covering rqgssy roofs and also
west of Warsaw. Gn the northern half
Awkward Moment.
covering dog license was referred to of their battle front from the Vistula
always wise to teach * horse
he Police Committee.
to the east of Skierniewtce, they have to play tricks, as this story, told by
After allowing the bills for the been held in complete check. Furthei General Sir llobert Baden Powell In
nonth the council adjourned.
•outh the battle is still developing.
Pearson's Magazine, proves:
John Leech s inimitable circus horse
According to information from Con
•tantinople, the Turks, under advice that Insisted ou slttlug down with bis
of the Germans, are fortifying the rider whenever he heard a baud piny,
1a the prototype of 11 horse of uiiue
Dr. J. E. Shearer of Cloverdale, shores of their territory in the Gulf ot which, lu a weak momeut. I bad taught
visiles to announce that he has moved iaros and on the Sea of Marmora, in­ to rear up and "salaam" whenever I
lis office to his residence on Main dicating that they expect visits from leaned forward to make a bow.
It was all very pretty when I was
Street and Wealthy Ave. Office the allied fleets.
Avlona, Albania, has been complete out riding mid met any Indy of my ac­
lours from 2 to 5 p.m. Calls to the
|r occupied by Italian forces, accord quaintance. but It became an infer­
tountry promptly answered.
Ing to a Rome dispatch. The govern nal nuisance when I was out pig stick
ment buildings were taken over by Ing. i would leau forward to meet th*
Fire Loss Promptly Paid.
the Italians without untoward inci­ rush of a charging boar with my spear
—up would go the silly beast on end.
August 2, 1915.
just at the moment when his safety
Mr. Rollie Watson, Agent “Germania
depended ou my taking a true ai>t
Fire Insurance Company” of New Canadian Soldier* Shoot Amvrlcans deadly nlm with my spear poiut. The
Buffalo, N. Y.—Walter Smith and consequeuce was that bls lilud leg*
York, Tillamook City, Ore.
Friend Rollie;—The fire loss oi Charles Dorsch, American hunters, showed many scars from boars' tusks,
nine which occurre i on July ?7, was were shot by Canadian soldiers on the and be was lucky that he did not end
zery satisfactorily and pleasantly ad- Niagara river near Fort Erie. Smith bis career with 111* belly ripped open
1 had, too, nt one time a fine, but
usted by Special Agent and Adjuster was killed but Dorsch will recover. somewhat nervous charger One day
Mr. Per Lee Welty, of the Germania The shooting was unintentional ac­ on a parade my mount suddenly gave
cording to information gathered by
Fire Insurance Company and a draft
the military and forwarded to Ottawa wny with me and quietly lay down I
,>aid inc in full co.'V'.'i.' my loss on
thought for the moment be was ill,
The soldiers were aiding a provincai
but on rousing him he Immediate!)
\ugust 2nd, 1915.
officer to arrest the men for alleged sprang to bi* feet again, quite tit and
I am very thankful to receive this violation of the game laws.
well. A week or two Inter, when rid
prompt settlement of my loss and will
Ing with a friend, we stopped for a
recommend your company to the in­
Taft Oppose* Dry Nation.
moment to admire the view, when
juring public who wish, service, se­
Boston.—“National prohibition is a down he went agnin. It was evident
curity and safety and "ou-tco'is ten- dangerous proposition," said ex Presl to me that lie had been trained to lie
dent William H. Taft, speaking before down at a given signal, but I never
Yours very truly,
the Bar Association of Boston at its could discover for the life of me wbut
that signal was.
E. E. Jenkins.
17th triennial banquet.
"It would revolutionize the National
Better Babies Contest.
Lost Hi* N*rv*.
government, It would put on the
Many yearn ago a blncksndth near
Forty nine babies were examined shoulders of
York. Englund. Bucceaaftllly performed
and scored at the better babies con­ of sweeping the doorsteps of every the delicate o|K-rntlon of remitting a
cataract from an eye ou several of Illa
test here last Saturday. Those having home in the lati<l.”
fellow villager*, any* the London
this work in charge were somewhat
disappointed as over 75 babies had Governor Wert May Get Federal Job Chronicle. The fact became known
Washington.—President Wilson ex­ to a doctor In the neighborhood, who
been entered. Other matters such as
admired the blacksmith'* skill that
to send to the senate this week so
picnics, etc., seemed to keep the
he provided the mean* for ht« educa
mothers and babies away. However, nominations of the five members of tlon an an oculist To the blacksmith
forty-nine is a pretty good showing the federal trade commission.
the removal of the cataract waa no
Among the men whom the president more than a mechanical feut, but when
and with the prize lists. [from other
parts ot' the county, the better babies is understood to ne now considering he becume acquainted with the atrug
exhibit promises to be a splendid fea­ Is Governor West, of Oregon.
ture of the human eye and its arnnziug
ture of our fair.
delicacy be wa* so overfiowered by th*
Noted Prelate of San Francteco Ole*. rashness of what he had done In Igno
Harvest Home Picnic.
----- o-----
San Francisc : —Moe' Rev. Patrick rance that be lost bl* nerve, and with
The First Annual Harvest Home William Riord 1. archbishop of ths the fear of knowledge he Insisted on
Picnic of the Pleasant Valley Grange archdiocese of San Francisco of the returning to bls anvil.
will be held at Pleasant Vnlky Catholic church, died ar his home in
Making Law.
school house on Saturday, Aug 7.
"How la the law made?" asked the
A cordial invitation is extended lo this city at 6:05 A M Archbishop
all and a general good time is ar Rlordait contracted a severe cold Instructor In United States history.
“Ob." replied the maiden cheerfully,
•vblcb developed Into pneumonia.
^Public speakers are expected to at­
"the senate bas to ratify It, and then
Old Soldier* Admire Booth.
tend and a good ball game vill be
the president ba* to-ha* to veto It;
Grant ______
Dimick. manager of R. . A. and then the bouse of representatives
one of the features of the day.
Refreshments will be ^v'd..on.
Booth, Republican nominee tor United
to"- She hesitated for a moment
grounds. Everybody take a full bas­ States Senator, ha* received the fol- • ha*
nd knit ber pretty ft rebead "Ob.
ket and attend and have an enjoyable lowing communlcation:
yea! I remember now." she said
Newberg. Sept. 24, 1914
“Tbs bouse of representative* lia* to
U The committe who has *heTa*
1 am one
------ of many - member* of A Shi-
rangements 4n charge is.
. loh Post No. 77. O. A. R.. who roceived adjourn until the next session!"—
ner.F. W. Robitsch and A. T. Blac^ a letter commending Hon. Georg* Youth'* Companion.
- -------- ------ -----
Chamberlain as a friend of old »ol-
Ths Waning Honeymosn. .
In the casualties of the war.'" E“' diers Have heard a number of the
“Terrible scene at my bouse today.”
rope the proportion of the ki led in bovs express tbem*elva* In regard to
action is extremely large This fact the letter »* a huge joke It will
-4,1 * be
“• Mid Mr. Nil wed “My wife say* I
appears in the figures of each of the some time before old soldier» look to don’t love her any longer”
“And married ouly two month*
combatants, regardless of mere est
Mississippi Democrat* aa •poete)
Bow'* that?”
mates, which can usually be d smme t friends.
“Becanae Instead of my naual rose*
as exaggeration or
To me the letter te a source of both
An official showmg from the Frencn pleasure and indignation; pleasure I took home a nice head of cabbage.”—
Relief Society places the number
French soldiers"killed at 4«.^^ that It is an assurance tbay f*al tba Louisville Courier Journal.
need of every vote they c»n powlbly
the wounded at 700,000,
And Catch«* Him.
caotured or missing. In former grea gPt indignation that I ahould be re­
"Man.” declared the old fashlooed
X ihe ratio of killed was about one garded *• »0 devoid of aenae aa to bo
preacher, "i, • worm "
to five among those struck by bu kt caught by auch trash.
“And.” *ald « man who h«<l l>een
There are about 50 member* of Shi
or other missels. Now the «tio is a
little more than one to two, »remark loh Post and I know of but one Cham married three time* and who wa* 00
able increase. Great Brit.an -s report berlsln man among them. There may copying h «uinll «!>•>-• In a rear f*w.
be two or three other*, but I do not "Woman I« the early bird ’-Ubicato
ed to have had 61.000 killed
know them.
Ar, regard* myself there can be no
Net a D ptemat.
better man for Senator than Mr
Booth 1 have know-i him for over
Knk her I« yonr wife’s mother a
JO 5ear* with Increasing respect and diplomat? Ro>-ker No she doesn't ro
■nine after »hr ha* »nW the wrong
for him.
Belgium has lost 47.«» k',kd
tblng.-Ne* York Xnn
000 wounded No return has been
Past Po*t Commander of Shiloh
^de from the Ita .an army The
Cot your pattern i<> compare with tb*
grand total to Tune 1 is put alI J. ,3- Post No 77. Department of Oregon.
pay envelope -Milwaukee Seutlavi.
killed and 4.803.000 wounded a
proportion of more than one to tv o. ,
C /
Yes, yes of course it is hot but remember \\ 1 at time
of the year it is. Now is the time to cut out the heavy,
greasy foods and eat the delectable you can lm v in our
grocery store. You’ll feel cool and be cool. \Ve never
warm our customer on prices.
quality CHOOSERS
The mint makes it and under the
terms of the Continental Mortgage
Company you can secure it at 6 per
cent for any legal purpose on approv-
cd real estate. Terms easy, tcll us
your wants and we will co-operate
with you.
513 Denham Building Denver, Colo.
k '
Bids Wanted.
Notice is hereby given that the
School Board of School District No
32, Tillamook County, Oregon, will
receive sealed bids for the erection of
a school building, on the school
grounds of said district, being situat­
ed about five miles east of the town
of Bea.vcr, Said bids will be opened
Monday, August the seventh, at the
hour of i o'clock, p.m. at the resi­
dence of the district clerk of said
district. Copies of the plans and spec­
ifications will be on file in the office
of the County School Superintendent
and with the district clerk.
The Board reserves the right to re­
ject and and all bids.
Fannie Smith, Dist. Clerk.
Beaver, Oregon.
Sidney E. Hen .levs on, Pre*.,
John I eland Henderson, Sec­
retary Trena , Aitomey-at-
I.aw, Notiary Public.
Tillamook Title and
Abstract co.
> I
Iff '
Eden Camp
Is located at
Hetarts Bay.
Spend your outing here, elevation
forty feet, which gives pure air.
Furnished tents $4.00 epr week,
camp ground 75c. week. Water fur­
nished at tents.
1 For further information write
J. H. RIGGS, Proprietor.
Five roomed house, well furnished,
1 at $1000 per week, garage.
refrigerator .
Splendid in emer­
gencies where
there ii surf ace
pain to Le relieved
o r inflammation
to be reduced.
For bruises, hives,
insect stings, neu­
ralgia, catarrah —
for a score of oth­
er thing*-it has
our guarantee to
, relieve--or money
The New Home Sewing
Machine Company,
San Francisco, Cal.
Liw, Abstract*, R-al Balate,
Surveying, Inauriince.
Bolli Plionea.
Refrigerate* without Ice or
(heit.iiiil*. Low priced, sell* on
Everybody need* one.
Just the thing lor the farmer,
summer hotel*, county »tore*,
etc., e4c.
Write for Booklet and Ageut'11
A few territories
xtill open.
Coast Culvert & Flume Company
Portland (Kenton Station), Ore.
• »
Cool Your Skin
To allay the smarting and inilani
ation of sunburn, use
Menthol'ne Balm
Only Sold By
u -z
with the problem of buy hk ILirr.ee»
you will find 11 <li*tin< tly advanlH-
ga. tie to come nn<1 •!<> 5 our e< lec* ■
mg here. You will get He beet
qmilitie«, the um*t thorough and
cunecientioue workmnaehip un-l be
clrarged the in i*t reaermdile price*.
We can supply single or dout-L*
Set* or any single article tliat you
may lie in need cf.
W A. Williamsfr Co
Ther* are 8.934.056
Reliable [DIu££i»ts
wom-.rn of marriageable age in the
United S' .its, pearly r-.ouo.ooo. Could
mJ, bachelor taA overcome such a
One great alienist say* that I haw vast state of spinstar hood’
Austria and Russia might have been
suffers from constitutional inferiority
to fight it out over Serbia,
According to the cugenist* that’s
what ails nearly everybody, so he has which is probably what all the r*»t
lots of company.
L> *