Tillamook Headlight, August I9T5 WeetN hidutinal News- ADVERTISING RATES. Baty Contest at Nehalem. Fire Warden* for TilUmock 0 — ----- o----- Legal Advertisements. •Ukm-'.oo men are now at work (From Nehalem Times.) Following is a list of fir* wardens gr^ing ra.lnxad from Graat, Pas* to First Insertion, per line $ .10 ••5 ' The examination for the baby cow- for Tillamook County given us hr Each subsequent insertion, line. was held here Tuesday and the Supervising Warden Geo. Williams. Hay* Hill Business and professional cards I I test The $L 250.000 S. r badge actos» f. anxious mamas and papas as well as Tbe bovs have all been gives their one month .............................. 1 00 ¿ Coo* Bay 1* io Vc ¿00^ positions and are duty .05 irate kids are mighty glad of it Locals per line each insertion. begun on the Valley and Work has Doctors Rinehart, of Wheeler, and 1 Geo. H. Widiama. Supetvis < Display advertisement, an inch, ' Hoy, of Tillamook, conducted the P O, Bay City Siletz Ti-.'.r: id from Arlit «o indt’ Warden. 5® cue mor th ................................ OREGON NORMAL SCHOOL, 4« 2 physical examination Over.* pendcnce. and Dentist L E. Derock, All R solutions of Condolence ■a foot to establish a • « Kenyon of this city, examined the 3 J. R. Bain, Hans are Hemlork MONMOUTH, OREGON. and Lodge Notices, per line . *5 •• .il at Bia: ne paper mill - Albany• 4 W. H Edson, Cards of Thanks, per line .... ■OS teeth of the contestants, *• Twenty-four children submitted, 5 R. A. Me Areal Spin h raising has became a big BU: ne PURPOSE: The training of teacher« Notices, L -t, Strayed or Stolen more or less unwillingly to the ordeal industry near 1 Servai* this year. Timber Company Wardens. etc, minimum rate, not ex­ for professional work. 1 he result of the examination will be « J. B McGowell Construction on the :irst part of p. 0. Rockaway ceeding five lines ................... announced soon. The three kids hav­ 7 \\ mine •« FACULTY: Every member proies- Mike Melchior Miami S.ocooa improve«»« I at ing the highest averages in the three 9 John Wilaon •« Bai City Hot Mineral Springs. »5 1 miles from sionally trained. K.XTES OF SUBSCRIPTION. districts will be entered in the con­ 9 Wm. Shaw •« Bay City Eugene has been started. (Strictly in Advance.) test at the county fair. DEPARTMENTS: T ‘ _ elemen- O For fitting • 4 Under Fortlar.a s commission ierm Hemlock The children examined were: Doro­ 10 &. S. Wood» One yea» ...................................... $t .50 v and rural Ri hni.l^ s®! tary teachers for city schools. •4 a. Tilumcok of government 175 new jobs costing Sax months ............................... .7$ thy Kebbe, Gordon Smith, las. P. 11 Wm. TmnersteU Lommen. Orville Lt***»*, Mil; S $¡<000 a month have teen created m 12 Edgar Munson COURSES : Professional, Supervisors, Three month*............................ . .50 Ion. Dean Sellon, Verna Tubbesirg W.ison River two years and one month. The new Rural, Primary. Devene Tubbesirg, Jean Reed. Ruth 13 Arthur Rneer •• Gales Creek tangled commissions cost money and 44 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Reed. Margaret Bnggs. Ward Mad­ 14 Howard Rbeer •• ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS.Com­ each commissioner has to try his ex­ den. Ivan Allen, Margaret Ar.n Mill­ 44 •• pletion of two years high echool or er. Hillis Lupro. Mary Lupro. Lloyd 15 Harrv laiomi» periments and the taxpayer has to Bell, Crystal Gresham. Kathleen 1« Wm. LI.ngsworth ” Ti lUmook foot the bills. The people created the its equivalent. Editorial Snap Shots. Cady, Francis Patchell. Leonard Nehalem new form of government , however, Emery, Arthur Kuppenbender. Edwin GRADUATION : Completion of Ele­ 17 A. L. McCariy P. 0. Nehaietn so they must like this “increased cost 6 There is nothing the matter with Kupper.bender, Rosa M. Anderson. 44 mentary or Standard Courses leads to 19 S. M. BkUerson Mahler Mrs Todd desires to thank her as­ business. It is simply the usual Dem­ 44 •• I of living." State Certificate without examination. ocratic blight that have taken hold of sistants for the interest they mani­ 19 F. E Hayes Hubbard voted bonds for $15.000 44 '■ 44 it buch free trade boosters like Bro. fested and labor performed to make 20 C. E Broughton high school. TERMS BEGIN : Regular fall seme­ the contes: a success. 44 44 a W. L. Bigelow Tror-b’ey need a good «praying, b; », r It is announced that capital has 44 4« ster, September 13th Bro, isn't it enough to give you Scott Obey Floral Fair at Wheeler been secured to finish cement plant •4 another flopping fit? L- Doc Newman TilUmook INFORMATION: For further informe- at Gold Hill. o ■ — <• •* ft 24 Hr ward Drew tion write to Registrar. Many hoppicker« are in demand in Leader two The Sentinel and The 44 (Wheeler Reporter.) 25 Max Beals Willamette Valley for next month. new spapc rs published at Cot tape Arrangement* are being completed ■ The Columbia River salmon run Greve, have consolidated, or, to put it for several special feature* for the Tillamook Wm* From Beaver to Floral and Industrial Fair to be held come this year is the best on record. mo: •e pointed, have An auto road will soon be complet­ their senses. No doubt, some one m W heeler on August 21st. The Zim­ Manager Millis took his champions thought it wa* a “long felt want merman building will be used for the to Beaver Sunday and defeated the ed around Cape Perpetua. v hen they started the second news­ Oregon City has voted $20.000 bond paper in that town, only to find out display ing of all exhibits and as gen­ team of that place by a score of 9 to 6, Later that one newspaper is all that a eral headquarters for the day. A It was a good fast came but tbe Tiila- issue for addition to high school. sp-ecia! band is being arranged for, mookers had tbe Beavers well under England is purchasing all the low- small town needs. ----- o----- to supply music throughout tbe day control during tbe greater part of tbe grade canned salmon to be found on The Worlds Greatest Exposition The County Court of Coo* County and also for the big dances in the game. Only once in tbe fourth inning Pacific Coast with which to feed its it to be recalled, the reason being evening. was tbe game in danger when Seboul- army. Is now at ita Height in given that the Co«»rt reduced the What is most needed however is ser. walked, stole second and went to The first steel for Columbia river »ages of those working on the roads exhibits and everyone is urged to third or. Fordner’s grounder which was interstate bridge has arrived at Van­ and that the assessment of timber arrange for an exhibit either of flow­ fumbled by Tillamook's first baseman. couver. Wash. was reduced. No doubt the court ers or small fruits and berries. In Powers, Coos County will have an w as justified in doing what it did. the floral exhibits it has been decided Millis tightened up and fanned the 1: -.tepped on the corn« of those that no prizes will be awarded, but next two t. a timer, retiring the side. $:8.ooo school. Vk hOS ir wages were lowered for road anyone exhibiting a certain number Aiderman's one handed stop of a fast The Oregon Power Co., at Albany wCrk. It roust be remembered that of flowers and of a certain number of liner in tbe eighth was one of tbe has in p-rospect 150 horsepower of Never before in the history of the world has there rul and rovn are willing varieties will be paid for the exhibit. features of tbe game. Cnmmins was labor is p been conducted such a magnificent aud wonderful new business. The maaagentent of the Flora! Fair to work for less money, and in view $350,000 worth of construction ad- Exposit on. Here is artistically presented the pro­ of this fact the court acted accord- wishes as earnestly as possible to call tried out behind tbe bat and played a this matter of exhibits to the atten­ good game. Millis struck out 13 and ded to Eugene past tew months. ; v. ductions of the mind and labors of mankind through­ tion of every one and to urge that allowed one to pass; Johnson struck Public bath house about ready at special efforts be made to have the out the ages. out 5 and walked three. Batteries: Some persons advocate that the Grants Pass. exhibits especially ’me this year. Pos­ Dagos working on roads be given ters and cards will be sent to all Millis and Crimmina. Johnson and Eugene Brick Co. expects to ship Low Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily to San notice to ¡eave the county. The snap points in the county during the next Fordner. fire clay products to all points in the Toe Reamer, took another defeat two weeks inviting everyone to come shot man does not favor such a radi­ Francisco. northwest. cal procedure, for it would be unjust to Wheeler on August 21. and a large from tbe Bay City team on tbe local Twohv Bros. Co. have been award­ to the contractor and the men to do crowd is expected Fine exhibits will grounds. Trwre »as no evidence of Four commodious trains leave every day for San so. What we s suggested last week is be a great advertisement for the Ne­ any tie in Sunday’s game, tbe tail­ ed contract for 30 miles extension of the right and p »roper course. It is ot­ halem Valley. enders being outplayed and outrlassei Oregon and Eastern railroad from Do your share and get an exhibit Francisco. ceedingly easy to complain, find ault in every department of the game, Riverton to Crane Gap, Harney Co. an rt agitation tht->e days borne ready for the Fair. Wilson struck out 5 ana allowed 13 The new line is being financed by 0. of the timber imber men me last year found it Scenery enroute is fasinating, varied and unsur- Motor Club at Nehalem. hits. Prevost struct out 5 and was W R & N Co. easy, but as a re lit of the agitation they have to dig up about $75.000 passed found for s hits. Score 11 to L Bat* ----- o The how-1 against high taxes comes more in t xation this year and a tenes : Wilson and Rowm, Provost and from every home and every line oi (Nthaleru Tiroes.) large num. ■er of settlers have been The Nehalem River Motor Boat Patterson. Electric automatic Block Signals guard the way. deprived of work on the roads on ac- industry that is building for a better count of Dago labor Place the blame Club was reorganized and is now on conditions in this life. Our folders Wayside Notes Shasta Route" and Commercial Club to Rec-gamre where it belongs and not on the a permanent basis Albany is agitating for natitorium Dago*. California and Its Two Expositions will interest | The meeting called for Tuesday ----- o— At a meeting of tbe Board of Direc­ Steps are being taken for a fine new- evening in the city hall while not so you. Tillamook and Yamhill will expend : :.i* year ijo.ooo on the Sour Grass largely attended as anticipated, was tors of the Commercial Club held Fri­ city hall at Echo. road, and $10.000 additional to im­ an enthuisastic affair and the club day night, it was decided to re-organ­ Our nearest agent will give vour inquiries courteous Tbe Oregon Power Co. has ordered prove the roads on either end of it. received new stimulus through tbe ize the Commercial Club and start or a car load of iron grates and feed attention. The question w ill soon have to be de­ additiou of enthusiastic IKnben a more business like basis, by making cided about surfacing the new road. Tbe roll for membership i* still a campaign for member* among the holes from Eugene Iron Works. ¡Tank have been suggested. Wt be­ open and all are invited 10 join Tbe The Oregon Voter says the cheap lieve it will l>e economy to hard sur- initiation ice is only 25 cents and the live business tner of the city. Tbe type of pavement being laid by Mar­ policy of 1 he Club in the future will John N Scott, General Pasteng-r Agent, Portland, Oregon. tace the mile* of new road, and a monthly dues at 15 cents. Join and waste of money to use plank or boost an organization that does more t>e to devote ail of its efforts Uward ion, Linn, and Clackamas counties I macadam It will cost $2.500 to $5000 to attract people to this section than the fostering, encouraging anc develop­ under the guise of a “ 'hard-surface a in lie to plank the road and probably anything else. The roll is at the ing tbe resources and home interests road.” is disregard of experience more to macadam it, which in a few Tiroes office—come in and sign it_ elsewhere, is going to be a costly ex- ir* wil! be worn out and have to be All the people -along the nver art of tbe city of Tillamook, and tbe Coun­ penmen t. ty it genera!. cp ■laced. Here is aa opportunity for urged to do so. -W he two courts to cut out maintenance __ The officers are as follows: Tbe Club 1* now located in verv During the last calander year, the 'ha rge* on roads which are costing a Commodore. Harry H Bell comfortable quarter* on First Street Portland Railway Light & Power Co. ile lot of money, from it* incep- Vive-Commodore. W . J. Mead. opposite the Ramsey Hotel, where all has paid $995,6*6.14 in taxes and be hard surfacing need only be Rear Comodore. A. J Anderson. members and out of town visitor* are license fees. cigh ret wide. Vi e will leave this to Fleet Captain. Albert Crawford welcome at all times. tbe idgment of those interested Secretary. J S. Rankin I Too men are rushing work on the whether . this -1— — is not the proper thing Treasurer, W R Walker Tbe Club ha* recently shipped some to do. Trustees, R M Gould. Leo Ba truer of our Tillamook cheese to tbe Sar Willamette Pacific Railroad to Coos — ■ o ■■■ | tor 2 year term. H W Tcihl. 1 yr. Francisco fair for exhibition, and are Bay It is intended to hold a meeting at Somehow, w hett men lose their James J. Hill is being asked by the now endeavoring te hare th« different lives by their own carelessness, one Wheeler and Brighton in the near Portland Chamber of Commerce to factories in tbe county donate some i- not prone to express sorrow. Tbe future and invite member ship They two men who lost tbetr lives in Tilla- were invited to attend tbe last meet­ cbeeee U be served on the exposition build a ¡me to Klamath Falls. i' ‘.A Bay cm Friday night crossed ing. mticE to tbt disappointment of grounds. ' Moffatt has been awarded ■lasts. they did .he bay in a small skiff that was the Nehalem enthusiasts, The monthly dues lor members have contract for $-5.000 water works at known to be unsare even for one per- not come. been reduced to one dollar and the West Linn. • * on in the boat In what wav they w ere drowned will never be known, Ralph Emerick and John Rathi.uin board feels that tbev are intitled to The Oregon Electric will enlarge tbe support of every business man who its freight shed* at Eugene and build but it can safely be said that the Are Drowned «.nail. unsafe skiff was the primary .ntersstec in the future development a large warehouse at Harrisburg cause, and had they used rood com­ of our eouoty and city. mon sense and judgment, they would I If you can’t make good any where not have met premature death. else ask for a job on a state or gov­ Borg quist-Olson Wedding ernment co inn « school year anc ac 1 dsubt will '*’* '»a»«« and ranchers <|own the Fashion has the fewest btogrW»- rhe travelers requested Americans in «sake Rcrhi" to retrain from wearing thr k 1. a record worthy of note during ‘ 'o make and no one has adequately “ «tar« and «tripe« as badge« or scarf her high school work. | »heir their own highball*. PS) It afford* us pleasure to be able to’ *C»rrot. are the best possible food en to fathom her pm*, the tight of which they »re the best possible food phenomena. irritate« the German« and often pr»W*l note at «»ch splendid record*. Ifor ,h* «'mplrxton" Thi* Peace is Bro Bryan s note« the wearers to tnsahs and This statement statement Si Buei. Supy i ire,’,B* * <** v ith pr as a side to disturb the » the last ©J Oregon’s School fo - Oregon’s Teachers, r II SOUTHERN PACIFIC □ Tillamook County Fair, Tillamook, Oregon- » BIGGER AND BETTER $ THAN EVER. ► Don *t Forget the Date, AUGUST 24-25-26-27,1915