TILLAMOOK, OREGON. AUGUST Big yields of crops cannot come The donkey engine that was used from acid lands. To expect it is to ex­ for pile driving at the new city bridge ? THIS MAN HID HIS MONEY IN A HOLE pect the impossible. Lime, and lime fell into the slough on Tuesday, alone—will restore it to its proper slightly injuring Carl Mery, the en­ i» IN THE GROUND-ITIS CONE - productiveness. gineer. The hammer and other ma­ THE “PRUDENT MAN’PUTS HIS IN THE For rent—House, < 4 rooms, pantry, terial had been removed when it be­ also furnished house, .. Rents reason- came overbalanced and slipped into abie. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lainb the slough. Schrader dock. * Ex-County Comraissiefncr, H. M. Mr. and Mrs. John Oster ___ of New farmer was in the city Saturday on t ork state, old friends of Mr and business. He thinks the position tak­ Mrs. Henry Rogers, visited here for en by the Headlight in regard to Dago labor is the right one. Mr. a few days during the past week. Farmer believes if some of the ;im- For sale, cheap, one 10x12 foot tent and 12x14 foot fly and one camp bermen who kicked up a racket with stove. Address E. J. Arenz, box 172, the previous county court could Tillamook Oregon. ♦ have had their way this would have \ oung man wishes position on come about last year. ranch in Tillamook County. Good | Mrs. Frank W. Swanton, Secretary milker and teamster. Write to G. K. j of the Oregon Humane Society, was Garibaldi, Oregon. * , in the city On Wednesday, and she One ton of coal equals two cords of informs us that she is delighted with wood and you don’t have "o sow and the conditions of dumb animals in split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello Tillamook County, having come Centray Gi’me 28W. * across only one animal that was in No gentleman smokes where it is bad shape and which will be killed. likely to annoy a lady, unless the lady | Sheriff Crenshaw has been appointed happens to be his wife. Smoke Apex, a state officer of the society. 'S' O^ xü - í --*- the extra mild 5c cigar. For rent—Five furnished rooms Men call women dainty little crea­ down stairs, water, sewer, electric No min can hide money and keep OTHERS from tures but they let them wash the lights and phone. $18.00 per month. knowing it. There is always something ¡n bis actions dishes just the same. Smoke Apex, Also two good sized rooms up stairs ? > j )that “gives him away. furnished for house keeping for $7 or the extra mild 5c. cigar. Our strong vaults will keep your money safe. unfurnished for $5 Corner 6th Avenue A. A. Pennington and wife left on and 9th street East. Apply at next Besides this, MEN of known financial RESPON- Tuesday for a month’s vacation, door south. I ISIBILITY are behind our bank. stopping in Portland on business on Make OUR bank YOUR bank. their way to Northern Idaho. May and Esther Gemmill, nieces of We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. Mrs. B. L. Eddy and daughter T. E. Epplett, who have been visiting Ruth, of Roseburg, who are spending here for the oast three weeks, left for their vacation at Bayoccan visited their home at Grand Forks, North Dakota on Wednesday. They will friends in this city on Tuesday. THE OLD RELIABLE. Wanted to lease farm, some stock visit relatives at McMinnville and etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro other Oregon points on the way. property for same, address owner. They have had a most enjoyable time Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Ore. here and like the country very much. While unloading one of the county Mayor Brodhead left Wednesday road rollers from a car at the saw­ A. B. Cole, representing the Under ­ morning for Portland on city busi ­ TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS wood typewriter is in the city on ness. While there he will make final mill on Monday, which had been Houses to Rent, see Watson. * business. I arrangements for the Red Men’s loaned to Arenz Construction Co., the roller turned over as it was de- Mrs. F. Wiley returned on Sunday Convention in this city. Films developed ioc. per roll.—C. I. from a several weeks stay in Port­ i cending from the car and smashed Don’ t forget those busted castings. I Clough Co. * land. Can be welded for half. Goods sent the fly wheel of the engine a"nd did For your Sunday roast call Sani­ Try one of our fancy dressed chick- by parcel post and express promptly other damage. The cause of the ac- tary Market. I ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla- returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, cident was in not giving the plank The County Court is in session this , jnook M'at Company. * I Oregon. * sufficient support, which broke and caused the roller to turn over on its For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and _ week- I r_. _______ Protect your valuable papers from Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. 6 dolIars a month. Inquire of Mrs. I the unexpected fire by renting une of side. Cr. ’ ’ s. • * . Clough Co. I our safe deposit boxes. Only one Cornforth, Tillamook. B. D. Lamar and family left on All kinds of lunch meats at the Two five roomed cottages, furnish­ dollar per year. Tillamook County Wednesday for Portland. B. D. will Sanitary Market. ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap­ Bank. go on to the hot springs near La- • Grand, where he will take some baths * Good Jersey cow for sale, cheap.— py camp, Netarts Oregon. Miss Jennie Green, state organizer W. E. Makinster. * Dr. H. S. Lamb and wife, of Port­ of Women of the Wood Craft, is at and rest up, while Mrs. Lamar and children will visit in Portland. Born, on the 2lst to the wife of A. land, brother of G. B. Lamb came in the Tillamook Hotel, where she will last week on a vacation. Ira Lance who has been working be pleased to meet all members of the L. Thomas, a son. in the harvest fields in Eastern Ore­ Sharp's Restaurant now running at order. Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ gon, returned to the city the first Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday mook County Bank. * The Sanitary Wagon, makes daily part of the week. Mr. Lance reports dinners a specialty. calls at Netarts camp with fresh The place to eat is at the “Good W. S. Cone of Bay City left by auto home made bread and pastry, milk, the wheat harvest around Ione as be­ Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * for Portalnd this morning to bring eggs and vegetables. E. P. Larson, ing very light for want of rain. The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying in his sister Mrs. McBraten. J. H. Hicks came in from the camp Netarts. Ojegon. * Would like to buy second hand ten cents for green hides. * which the Tillamook Construction Mrs. H. T. Botts accompanied by A stray Jersey Heifer, coming 2 automobile, must be in good shape. her Sunday School class “The Loyal Co. started in the Sour Grass district, Address box 434, Tillamook, Ore. years old. Adolph Erickson. Daughters” of the Christian Church, on Sunday. When they started work C. I. Clough and wife and Fred C. went to Rockaway on Wednesday on Friday there were a large number Mrs. Ed Worthington of Cloverdale Baker and wife left on Wednesday for a ten days outing. They will of men there anxious to obtain em­ was in the city Wednesday. ployment. The contractor expects to Editor Rankin was in the city on for a vacation, going to Creatcr Lake camp. put on as many men as possible, One by auto. Tuesday from Nehalem. We have made special arrange- good thing however, developed on Prof. Rutherford and wife are in Mr. Mosier and wife formerly of the Telephone Co., to Saturday. Some good rock was dia- visiting for the summer at the home ments with this city are in on a visit. directly with our office, covered which Mr. Hicks thinks suf- connect you of Attorney T. H. Goyne. Editor Taylor was in the city from A marriage license was issued to in case you wish any of our GOOD ficicnt to rock the road. Cloverdale the first of the week. George W. Olson and Miss Esther CO^L, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Mrs. R. C. Jones, wife of County Freshly dressed chicken at the Bergquist, both of Tillamook. All cultivated lands become acid. Agriculturist Jones, who went East Sanitary Market, Saturday. Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, I Humes, organic matter decay. Car- to visit her parents in Vermont, re­ We are in a position to make s-'mc 50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric Ionic acid is given off by the plant turned the first of the week after a long time farm loans. First National Store next to Gem Theater. roots and washed into the soil. Or- ten weeks absence. She came back Bank. * Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­ ganis nitrogen ¿.nd ammonia are ocn- over the Canadian Pacific, and re­ Dr. R. T. Boals and family return­ sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ verted into acid forms. ports that part of a shipload of For sale or trade for Tillamook wounded men returned to Canada ed last week after spending three merly of the Spanish Kitchen. weeks in California. Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, land, 100 acres, 5 miles southeast of from Europe were on her train and Wanted—A girl or woman to take Pork, Veal and old fachioned country Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov­ whenever any of the boys were put er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine off a great demonstration was in care of an old lady. Good wages. T. sausage.—Tillamook Meat ( o. G. Goyne. Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter soil, house anil barn on place. Ad­ evidence. The Portland Press Club will keep For Sale,—3 beds, 3 dressers, Lino- sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ— dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg. open house during Buyers* Week in lium, bedding and cocoa stair carpet. Address "Organ” care of this paper. Oregon. "Tess of the storm Country” by Portland, August 9-14 inclusive, and Mrs. Cornforth. The Womans Civic League will Grace Miller White, will be produced that the members of the Club will be meet at the school house- Saturday Sharp’s Restaurant now running at next week, Wednesday and Thurs­ delighted to extend hospitality to Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday afternoon at 2:30, all members are re- day, at the Star Theatre. Mary Pic« Tillamook merchants and their fam­ dinners a specialty. * quested to be present. ford, American’s foremost film w- ilies who may be in the city at that Adolph Erickson received word on ' J H Hathaway and family of Alo­ I ha, formerly of Tillamok who have tress, appears in the famous tale of a time. The Press Club feel that busi­ Tuesday that his brother-in-law was ness will be best promoted through been spending a week on the beach woman’s uncourageable faith. shot in Galecia. and closer personal relations between all Wanted to trade or sell house Mrs. Folks who has been visiting left for their home this morning. R. P. Whitaker, the music man, has lot in Tillamook or in Portland for the elements which enter into making N. G. Boquist left for her home in a prosperous community, and the closed up his business here and will second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre Seattle on Tuesday. Press Chib latch string will not be probably locate in Salem. Mrs. Whit- tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. withdrawn on account of the number Mrs. Wm. Hoskins, Gearge and ' aker went to Portland, Sunday. Stephens & Co., Room t, Commercial who wish to make use of it, and hope Constance Hoskins accompanied by A divorce suit was filed in the cir­ that Tillamook merchants will pay Miss Sylvia Rowe left for Coos Bay Building, Tillamook, Ore. cuit on Wednesday whereby R- W. them a call. Their stationery, writing on Sunday to visit relatives. The three stores owned by Ray and desks and rooms are at their service. M Mrs. W. H. Bell, of Portland, is Holland is plaintiff and Holland is defendant. S. S. Johnson Co., comprising the Tillamook, the v>siting her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Cloverdale store and the dock store is attorney for plaintiff. Coates. on Nestucca river have all been plac­ ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. ed under the management of W. G. Dwight. ,. During my absence, while on my Mr and Mrs. Carl Shorlridge, of vacation, Mt Charles Goyne will , UflRIflR’S VARIETY STORE Dolph, were guests today ot Mr. and | gather your, calves and pay you the Crs. George Worthngton The deal 1 highest market price. Call him on the Tillamook, Oregon* was closed today whereby Mr. Short­ Mutual phone, or phone my residence ridge becomes the owner of 40 «ere» on either phone. Drop in and Book flround across the river formerly owned b - J. Merrel Smith, Worthington—Cloverdale Cour- The Calf Man. $ »i.$o PER YEAR. OOOOOOCOGOQOQOOOOCOC>OCOOCC C QQCOQG&O ^SQGOOCCG&ä* SANK SERVICE Ask any of our cu?tomers about First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore 1» ! ’ Tillamook County Bank T 1 ? Q OOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCGCOOCGOOOOOQOQOOQQOQOQOOOOC^OOOQ At a meeting of the School Board on Tuesday, Miss Georgene M. Case was elected to teach the eighth grade class in the public school. Miss Case resides at Mankato, Kansas and was employed at Mountain Home, Idaho last year, She is very highly rccom- mended. Mr. Geo. F. Sanders of The Dalles, has been elected to a position in the high school. Mr. Sanders was em­ ployed at The Dalles during the past term and had charge of the school garden work. The teaching staff for the coming year is now full. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. During my absence, whi'e away on my vacation, Mr. Charles Ocyne will gather up your caalves and pay you the highest market price. Call him on the mutual phone, or phone my res­ idence on either phone. J. Merrel Smith, The Calf Man. Are You Going to Build? Barns and farm buildings of all kinds erected by experienced carpen­ ter, either by contract or days work. Plans and estimates furnished for all kinds of carpenter work. J. M. Lüs­ berg, Mutual Phone. Announcement. ----- o----- I wish to announce that all farm surveys will be made at the rate of $5 per day. The-farmers to furnish all chainmen and axmen. Harry P. Kerr, surveyor and Engi­ neer, Allen House, Tillamook, Ore. AUCTION SALE. At Laughlin's Old Saloon Wednesday, August 11, 1915. 2:00 P.M t Bar and Bar Fixtures, 1 BILLIARD TABLE, 1 POOL TABLE and all Equipments. 1 SAFE, CIGAR CASE, 2 DOZEN CHAIRS, STOVE And Many other articles. TO SUBSCRIBERS To Introduce the Aluminum Ware subscribers to the Headlight can obtain a $2.50 COFFEE POT PERCOLATOR for $1.00 At the Headlight Office