^illamook Headlight, July 29. l9To. Loafing on Roads. o—— WE SELL PHOENIX SILK HOSIER Y, (Oregon \ oter.) Salem Pec'dler Ordinance is Found Men's 35c. and 50c.; Women’s 85c., $1.00, $¡25. In many road districts work is done Unfair. Salem, Or., July 27.—That a pro­ honestly. In many it is done dishonestly vision of a peddler ordinance of this Here is the method. city making it unlawful for a sales- I man to go from house to house and ! The district holds its levies the tax—sometimes .. high ... sell goods for future delivery to be a ten-mill tax. sent from another city is invalid was Every person at the meeting ki'O' > the decision of the Supreme Court that wages will be paid lor teams today, Chief Jus’tice* Moore writing and horses in that district, and that the opinion, in the case of the Ideal residents of the district "ill be em­ Tea Company, of Portland, and G. F. ployed. Henshaw, its representative here. | When the time comes tor the supcr- The opinion affirmed that of Circuit out the work, he Judge Galloway, granting the plain-1 visor to give gives it out in sufficient quantity to tiffs an injunction against the city different residents to enable them to from enforcing the section of the or­ get enough cash money to al least dinance. pay their entire taxes—not only road The ordinance provided that “ped- | tax but all other taxes as well dlers passing from place to place in Often there is enough work for men the City of Salem on foot and not carrying their wares shall pay a li­ and teams to permit all the resident For Actual Values to $1.25 in cense fee of $75 for one year, $15 for taxpayers to get back enough money A GREAT SALE OF one month, $5 for one week, and $1 to pay their whole tax bills. If there isn’t enough work to go for one day. The term peddler as WOMEN’S UNDERMUSLINS. ’round, the resident who doesn t stand used in this section is defined to well with the supervisor or the neigh ­ Nightgowns, Combinations, Petticoats, mean every person who for himself or as an agent for another goes from borhood isn't given any work. But the Corset Covers, and Drawers in dainty trimmed place to place or from house to house rule is to take care of everybody liv­ styles and all sizes are shown at this great selling or offering to sell for future ing in the district. The non-resident taxpayer, espec ­ saving price. delivery, by sample or catalogue, at ially the timber owner, isn ’ t around Every woman requiring Undermuslins, retail to individual purchasers who to get his bit of the work, so he has should look over this selection before buying are not dealers in the article sold.” Merchants or persons having regu­ to pay his entire tax in cash or lose elsewhere, for the savings are really worth lar places of business here were ex­ his property. In many districts, the while. taxes paid by non-residents amounts empt from the provisions of the or­ to much more than the taxes paid by dinance. The opinion says in part: "The business in which the plain­ residents, so in effect it amounts to BUY “ WA YNE.KNIT” HOSIER Y HERE, tiffs are engaged is identical with the non-residents paying all the taxes Children's from 19c.; Men’s ^Women’s from 25c. that of some of the merchants of of the whole district. This might not be so vicious it the Salem, except that the plaintiffs do not have a regular place of business work on the roads was well done. Special Clearance of in that city. The section referred to is But in a neighborly way the men talk a clear violation of section 20, article war and take it easy. Every now and WOMEN ’S SUMMER HATS 1 .of the constitution of the state, and then there is a spurt of real work, and then there is more war talk. for that reason is viod.” I have watched road work in nearly For Values as High as $1.25. every county in Oregon, and I can The Double Header Sunday. Included in this clearance of Ladies’ Sum­ vouch for the fact that in instance ------ o------ after instance under the road district mer Hats there are large shapes in white with In the double header played last remit at its earliest convenience plan the men on the work loaf at Sunday at the Fair Grounds Haltoms Black patent leather Bands, white Drill Hats $1150.00 to be furnished by the Port Con Desmond Dies Suddenly. 1 illamook team increased its lead in least half the time, and by their easy of I illamook, this being the arrange­ ------ o------ with ecru grass brims, and several new work get enough money to pay their ment entered into by the representa­ Con Desmond died suddenly at the the pennant race by defeating Bay novelty shapes, with touches of fashionable taxes. tives of the Port of Tillamook and Natatorium at Bayocean on Sunday City four to two in the best played colorings. In several district the principal cash and hardest fought game of the sea ­ Port of Bay City at the conference afternoon of heart failure. He left the held in Portland at the Engineer of­ city in the morning on the Olive for son. Both teams have been materially income for the settlers is obtained fice between the 13th and 15th of a day’s outing at that seaside resort, strengthened since they last met, from levying road taxes on timber. LADIES’ WHITE FELT HATS, July, 1915, at which meeting the Port and decided to take a dip in the nat­ I illamook by the service of Emerick, The settlers have influence enough to bring about the gerrymander of a formerely of the Northwestern of Bay City was represented by Mr. atorium. He had entered the shallow Fashionable Shapes in plain white Russell Hawkins and the Port of ' part of the tank and started splashing- league, behind the plate and Jones at district covering a large area of tim­ and white w.th touches of color. Tillamook was represented by B. C. water over his head, when he com­ short, while Bay City has two fast ber; they then hold their road meet­ ing, levy the road tax, have a fine PRICE $1.68 to $2.98. Lamb. menced to tremble, and this becoming men in Clark and Patterson. With It is moved and reported that the more violent he fell in the water. He the score two to one against them in time doing the road work, and get verbal report of Mr. B. C." I^itnb be was immediately lifted out of the the fourth inning Tillamook fell on enough wages in return to live on— to Patterson and with the bases full practically the whole cash money accepted. water and taken to a room, and al­ The following resolution was pass­ though he did not appear to be dead manager Millis connected with the brought into the neighorhood. No wonder timber owners arc not bail for a long drive over the left ed. when taken from the tank he could "That the Secretary of the Port of not speak. An effort was made to re­ fielders head scoring three men, this particularily enthusiastic about sell­ Tillamook draw a warrant on the store respiration and a pump was hit caused some dispute as to whether ing logged off lands to se’ttlers; they First National Rank of Tillamook in used, for it was thought he might it was fair or not, but players and arc threatened by fire in the clearing the sum of $550.00 payable to the ord­ have swallowed some water. A doctor fans who were in a position to see process and their remaining timber is er of J. J. Morrow; also a warrant in was called from the hotel, and when where the ball hit agree with umpire at the mercy of a small group of set­ tlers who can levy a tax. the sum of $600.00 on the Tillamook he arrived he pronounced Desmond Ramsey that it was a fair hit. Friends, do not think that all road Neither side scored after this in ­ Sale of County Bank payable to the order of dead, attributing death to heart fail­ I ning though Tillamook twice filled districts operate on these dishonest J. J. Morrow and same be forwarded WOMEN'S DRESSES ure caused by the first shock on en­ the bases but their batting rally was lines, for in many districts the work to the U. S. Engineer office in Port­ tering the water. stopped on both occasions by fast is conscientiously done. There is as land." Coroner Wendt was notified and fielding on the part of Clark whose much honor in a farming community B. C. Lamb moved the following For Actual Values up to $2.50 after hearing the circumstances did one handed stop of a hard drive by as in a city, and iu many districts this resolution which was approved: not think it advisable to hold an in­ Aiderman in the seventh was one of honor manifests itself in careful And Sizes 34 to 50. "That the Port of Tillamook levy a quest. the features of the game. Manager scrutiny of the work done as well as 2 mill tax for the expense of the Port A remarkable selection of Women’s Dresses The deceased was born in County Millis pitched his first game of the a conscientious attempt to protect to be included in the County Budget in actual values from $1.75 to $2.50, and sizes Limerick, Ireland, in 1842, and he season and showed his old time form the interests of all taxpayers. But for this year, r.s per a verbal agree­ from 34 to 50, including a number of the came to the United States when he by striking out twelve of the Bay there is too much lax and dishonest ment with the U. S. Engineer and the was only 13 years of age. He was City sluggers and only allowing two work being done under cover of the famous Electric” Brand. They are shown representative of the Port of Bay employed in a shoe factory in the hits, both of which were of scratchy road district plan, and it will be a in su ‘h popular fabrics as Voiles, Crepes, City at the meeting held in Portland East, and enlisted in the navy during variety. Patterson also pitched a good fruitful field for investigation by tax­ between the 13th and 15th of July, Cotton Poplins, Percalesand Ginghams, etc., the civil war, serving part of the game. On the whole it was the best payers’ associations. and come in plain colors, stripes and floral time in the army, having been trans­ game of the season and while several paterns, etc. Lime Plant Will Start Operations. ferred to that branch of the service. of the players indulged in consider­ He came to Tillamook in 1884 and able ragging it was all good-natured An item of general interest to the resided on a farm at Netarts for nine and inoffensive and seemed to inject 20 YEARS TO PAY ! See the New Home" Sewing Machine, community, and especially to the far­ years, after which he sold it. It was life into the game. w hile he was living at Netarts that he The finest Home Machine made at the price $35. mers of Tillamook County, is the an­ Bay City won from the Red Men Get Your Farm Home From the Canadian Pacific. nouncement by U. G. Jackson, of the and Tim McCormick got. into a dis­ in the second game, the score being Demonstrations on Main Floor. Most productive soil—good climate starting of operations at the plant of pute over a bull, when Desmond shot to to 9. — ready markets — fine transportation the Tillamook Lime Products Co., McCormick, but not seriously. Batteries first game Bay City, Pat­ —all the comforts and ways of mak­ The remains were buried on Tues­ terson and McMillan; Haltoms, Millis ing money farming that you find in in August. Ths operations last spring the best farming sections everywhere were made as an experiment to test day by the G. A. R., the religious ser­ and Emerick. Low Prices and $2,000 Loan. the qualities of the limestone and to vices being in the Christian church Second game, Bay City, Moon Pat­ This rich land only $11 to $30 per open up the quarry. With the neces­ and the interment in the Oddfellows terson and McMillan; Red Men, Koch acre—irrigated land from $35. Twen­ sary improvements which are being cemetery. and Emerick. ty years to pay—think of it. Long be­ I made, a much finer product will be fore your final payment is due your Standing of the Teams. Rearing Pheasants a New Industry. made, equal to the commercial limes. Won Lost Pct. farm will have paid for itself. We lend you up to $2,000 for farm im­ ----- o------ A new serene, having an opening Tillamook 6 i »57 provements, on certain conditions, Now that it has been made possible of about the size of a small lead pen­ Bay City 625 with no security but the land itself’ 5 3 to rear, sell and ship pheasants on cil, will be installed, together Beaver 5 4 555 Twenty years to repay it. Interest 6 •with a larger engine with a surplus of the same basis as chickens, people Red Men i 200 per cent. If you want a farm home all 4 ready to step into, get one of our power, so that a much higher capacity are beginning to awake to the possi­ The write up of the double header Readv Made Farms. can be obtained. The stone will be bilities in pheasant raising. Not only Dairying. Hogs and Livestock stored under cover for a sufficient are pheasants beautiful in themselves, ball game on Sunday in the Herald Make big Incomes Here. Lands ideal period, so as to allow the water con­ but there is a ready market for both was incorrect in several particulars, for these purposes. Present condi­ tained in the stone to drain and dry birds and eggs. There is no reason for everybody did not look at the tions in Europe assure highest prices Exclusive Agency for American Lady and Nemo out before the stone is crushed, thus why they should not be more gener­ game from the same angle as the known for every thing raised. These offers based on good land— making it possible to produce a much ally raised, for they will stand the writer of the krticle, who , it seems Corsets. Munsing-wear, La Porte Woolen finest on earth for mixed farming and higher percentage of impalpable coldest climate, and requir c only takes some pleasure in unjustly grain growing. The best land will be Mills Dress Fabrics and Ladies powder or dust, than is possible to about one-tenth as much food as do criticising Manager Millis, which taken first, so time’s precious to you chickens. They may be allowed to Home Journal Patterns. obtain from wet rock. was altogether out of place and un­ Write or call today for free hand! The company has been correspond­ range over fields and woods, but it is called for is the opinion of those who book and full particulars L. S. THORNTON. Dial Rep. ing with farmers in the Willamette an equally easy matter to rear them have taken an interest in the ball 271 Pine Street. in a small inclosure. Valley, and Mr. Jackson announces games this season. (Multnomah Hotel Bldg.) Washington’s Dry Law is Held Valid Judge Wright holds that Judge Llay s- 1 ' 1 .... the sale of a carload of lime to an Portland, Ore. Bids Wanted. pool had no authority to make sue 1 orchardist at Woodburn, and other Christian Church. Olympia, Wash., ■- o------ July 27 — Judge sales are in view, We hope this will ■■ o----- American ladies have been econo­ O- K Wright ofthe l huostonCoun- ruling, and that the issuance of t e Notice is hereby given that the A harvest time series of Sermons proclamation, is an action equivale® be the beginning of another important School Board of School District No. mizing very nobly in the matter of industry in Tillamook County. The will be preached at the II o'clock 32, Tillamook County, Oregon, will laces to the extent of more than down“Pafr,Or COl,r’’ ,___ August IJth. “Chocked to Death.” dence of the {¡strict clerk of said able field for the American producer tests on river bottom soil and prairie the prohibition kinds erected by experienced car»**f district. Copies of the plans and spec ­ Iu"; j"' 1 ' ” ;*' No.' * 'carried August aand. “Good Ground.” soil, in connection with a parallel ifications will he on ide in the office than South America. Ottr billion dol­ ter, either by contract or dajs August 20. "Harvesting the Gorin. of the County School Superintendent lar trade balance has set a mark high j ■ ’’ The People at the last Flans and estimates furnished tor a series being made by R C. Jones, the Tl^e evening subject for next Sun­ and with the district clerk. County Agriculturist, in order to de­ kinds of carpenter work. J. M. above that ever established by any The Board reserves the right to re­ competitor and one which cannot he termine the value and effect of lime­ day will he: "Who’s Your Tailor?" held the, the berg, Mutual Phone. P «lamation must be so framed as If we do have war, at lTTTt one rias» stone and manure and other fertiliz- Good music will he furnished by the ject and and all bids. Fannic Smith, Di»t. Clerk. eclipsed by anyone but ourselves for ln\>in'7,KhU °fa11 »’*«••• era on prairie toil. Mr. Jackson is cx- choir. Public invited! of our citizens will be trained m „ Beaver. Oregon. long years to come. *“* deu“Qn today, however, “paeparedness.” Our doctors am su ■ geons tn Europe. DISAGREEMENT SETTLED. perimenting with red and white clov­ er and pea, and announces that the Port of Bay City Agrees to Come experiments seent to indicate that it Through With its Agreement. is possible to raise just as fine crops of clover on our prairie soil as on the For Dredging. bottom lands, provided the prairie At a recent meeting of the Port : of soil is treated with lime and manure. Tillamook, called for the purpose of The samples of river bottom soil considering ways and means I for completing the work on the channel were taken from Mr. M. W. Harri­ between Tillamook and Bay City, son's meadow on Trask river, which Secretary C. W. Miller reported hav­ is subject to a deposit of sediment by ing received a phone message from the annual overflow, and the samples the U. S. Engineer’s office to the ef- of prairie soil were taken from the fest that the bills incurred by the field of M. V. Stillwell, west of Tilla­ dredge for the month of June mook city. On the samples of prairie amounting to several hundred dollars soil Mr. Jackson used manure at the were unpaid, and that the Port of rate of 8 ton.; per acre, and ground Bay City had refused to provide funds limestone at the rate of 2, 3 and 4 to take care of the same, and that un­ tons per acre, and on the river bot­ less the Port of Tillamook would tom samples he used manure at the provide the necessary funds, the rate of 6 tons per acre and lime at dredge would have to be taken off the rate of 2 tons per acre. The tests the work, whereupon a resolution so far indicate that the prairie soil was passed that a commtitee, con­ when treated with manure and 3 to 4 sisting of B. C. Lamb, accompanied tons of lime will produce just as good by Captain John Groat be authorized a crop of clover as the bottom lands to go to Portland and confer with treated with 2 tons of lime and ma­ the U. S. Engineer, and arrange for nure, and the prairie soil treated with funds for this work with the Port of manure and 2 tons of lime will pro­ duce a better crop of clover than the Bay City and the U. S. Engineer. At another meeting of the Port of bottom lands not treated with lime Tillamook on Friday evening, the or manure. If these experiments will matter was again under consideration bear out in practice, which Mr. Ja'ck- and as a result of Mr. Lamb’s trip to son believes they will, it will mean a Portland, the Port of Bay City, good deal for Tillamook. The prairie agreed to come through with the soil will certainly produce good crops if given a chance. money it had agreed to appropriate. Mr. Jackson invites anyone interest­ Mr. Lamb was called to make a verbal report of his trip to Portland ed to come in and sec the ^experi­ and the eScretary read a letter, re­ ments. They are at his home in Tilla­ ceived from Col. Jay J. Morrow of mook. They will be exhibited at the the Corps of Engineers, dated July County Fair in August. Mr. Jackson wishes to announce 19th, 1915, and addressed to the Port that anyone intending to use lime of Tillamook. In this letter he set forth the needs of the Ports of Tilla- this fall communicate with him or niook and Bay City for the present Mr. G. B. Lamb at once, so as to let season, and stated that the Port of him know how much they want, and Bay City had already deposited whether they want the ground or $2000.00 out of the $2900.00 called for burned lime, so that eh can make the by t’ e engineering office and re­ necessary provisions for taking care quested that the Port of Tillamook of the orders. LAW DECLARED INVALID. At 79 c. — ^(Item’s— At $1.33 LAND! I