rillai-nook Headlight, July 2©, IÔT5 I000 PERSONS DROWN BERLIN DISPLEASED AS VESSEL UPSETS. COOS RECALL AGITATED WITH LATEST NOTE. has asked the Supreme Court to de- a clare inoperative the law aliowi ------ ing a Excursionists Pensh Within a Few All Papera Say O^Alternative I. to five per cent reduction * tariff on Members of County Court Attacked ....... i in the Feef of Shore. goods imported in American bot- • Continue the Submarine Warfare. In Petition. toius. Chicago, July 24.—A thousand per­ I No. 12. The most vital error a Berlin, via London, July 26 — The sons lost their lives in the Chicago Marshfield, Or., July 27.—A recall river today by the capsizing of the comment of the principal p.ovincial legislative body can make was in- . petition will be circulated in Coos excursion steamer Eastland, while newspapers together with that of the corporated in the “war tax” law Con- County at once against Judge Watson warping from its warf with more than Berlin press-that the Amencn note gress having giving two ' conflicting and County Commissioners Arm­ L400 employes of the Western Elec­ is certainly unsatisfactory und leaves dates as to the time 1 Schedule B strong of Bandon, and Dement of Myrtle Point. Incon|petcncy will be tric Company and their relatives and Germany no alternative except to should begin to operate. No. 13. Congress invited litigation charged. Judge Watson has been in friends on board, bound .for a pleas­ continue her submarine warfare against hostile commerce, regardless over Schedule B of the "war tax" law office since January, while the others ure trip across Lake Michigan. After ceaseless work all day and far of consequences, unless “Great Brit by failing to clearly express the have served a number of years as into the night, the bodies of 842 vic­ am, as a result of the forthcoming meaning of the provision to tax Commissioners. The direct cause of the agitation tims of the catastrophe, most of them note from Washington, secs fit to cosmetics, and the matter is now in against the County Court is the re­ the cou'ts. women and children, were collected change her illegal blockade policy.” No. 14. Thousands of dollars col­ cent reduction of pay for workmen The Koclnische Zeitung, after re­ ' from the temporary morgues and taken to the Second Regiment Arm- viewing the various steps in the ne­ lected from trust companies under and teams on the epunty highways, gotiating says: the 'war tax” law may have to be re­ when the remuneration was reduced ory. T he German and American stand­ funded because Congress failed to for men from $2.50 to $2.25 a day and Captain Harry Pederson, 57 years for teams from $5 to $4.50. old, of Benton Harbor, Mich., who points at the end are as far apart as make clear whether or not they are The Board of Equalization, of was in command of the steamer East­ at the beginning and an understand­ subject to the tax,-—a question that which James Watson was a member has been taken to the courts for deter ­ ing is utterly impossible on the basis land, said today: when County Clerk in 1913 and 1914, mination. “I was on the bridge and about offered by the United States. reduced the valuation of timber lands No Disavowals to Be Made. ready to pull out when I noticed the $1,600,000, and this is laid to Judge AMERICAN SHIP SUNK. Germany will neither disavow the boat begin to list. I shouted orders to Watson by ranch owners. open the inside doors nearest the sinking of the Lusitania, nor offer The petitions are being prepared in dock and give the people a chance to ’dcinl'>fication for the loss of those Leelanaw, Loaded With Flax, Des­ Bandon, the home of Commsisioner If you want to save money then buy groceries at on ’ troyed by German Submarine. get out. The boat continued to roll, i reckless Americans who perished on Armstrong. the steamer. Germany will continue store. We can only furnish you with the lust kinds, be­ and shortly afterward th ■ hawsers Another objection to the court is London, July 26.—The American alleged general disposition to reduce broke and the steamer turned over on I her submarine warfare in the same cause that is the only kind we keep. Our prices ate as its side and was drifting toward the manner as in the past two months. steamship Leelanaw, from Archangel many legitimate bills. She will continue to show considera­ July 8 for Belfast, with a cargo of middle of the river. The opposition is led by a number low as the best quality can be bought lor anywhere. TJie flax, was sunk July 25 by a German tion toward American ships and pas ­ “When she went over, I jumped and of men who have been effected by the • best is the cheapest in the end, mo$t nutritious and lust held on to the upper side. It all hap­ sangers and will hope, naturally, that submarine off the north coast of retrenchment plan, among them M. for the health of yourself and family. Scotland. M. Young, of Coquill. The petitions pened in two minutes. The cause is a development will not lead to a sharp­ All the members of the crew of the will carry the names of candidates ening of relations with the United mystery to me. I have sailed the lakes Leelanaw were saved. They were for their places and the Judge will be 35 years and previous to that sailed States.” brought into Kirkwall in their own nominated from Coos Bay and Com­ The Frankfurter Zeitung also holds on salt water 12 years and this is the GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG boats. missioners from Bandon and Coquille first serious accident I ever had. I do that Germany cannot make disavowal The steamship left New York May ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. of or giving compensation for the t t . l-'J not know how it happened.” 17 with cargo of cotton consigned to Moves toward sweeping investiga­ sinking of the Lusitania. INDUSTRIAL NEWS. Russia by way of Gothenburg. The TILLAMOOK. - - • OREGON The reasons, as set forth are: tions of the disaster of the steamer vessel was detained at Kirkwall while “First, because it would shift the Eastland were under way today long inquiries were made as to the possi­ Some of the Progress that is Being before the bodies had been taken blame on the shoulders of the brave bility of getting her cargo to Russia, I Made in Oregon. I LIVE AGENTS WANTED from the hull of the overturned ves­ officers who acted according to ord­ as Sweeden forbids the export of cot­ ----- o----- NEW HOME USERS ers, and, second, because payment of BIG MONEY MAKING Salem—Ground has been broken sel. ton. The ship was released June 26 ARE PROPOSITION. Federal Judge Landis ordered a compensation would be misinterpret- with permission to proceed to Arch­ for new $50,000 building at Monmouth QUALITY CHOOSERS grand jury impaneled to investigate ■ ed as recognition that Germany was angel, where the cotton was discharg­ Uormal school. THE ICELESS QUEEN REFRIGERATOR. the catastrophe. State’s Attorney in the wrong.” ed, and a cargo of flax was loaded for Los Angeles purchases Eugene Wilson Called Dogmatic. Refrigerates without lee or Hoyne-prepared for a county grand Belfast. Brick Co. and will make high grade The concluding phrase of the Amer­ chemicalH. Low priced, arils on jury. Coroner Hoffman selected a building and fire, brick. sight Everybody needs one. jury to look into the cause of the ican note is described as “an ernest There are no tramps in England. Eugene Woolen Mill resumes op­ Just tlie thing for the farmer declaration whose significance and Everybody is fighting or working; eration after shut down for repairs. summer hotels, county stores, deaths. The police arrested all the of­ etc , etc. ficers of the Eastland and the health possible consequence are not open to though its an awful remedy. Eugene—Contract let for Coast Write for B< oklet and Agent’n commissioner arranged to purify the doubt, but which cannot terrify us.” proposition A few territories The British Governmnet is purchas­ Fork Bridge across Willamette. The newspaper continues: river for fear death might be spread still open. ing practically all the low grade can­ Hood River Manufacturing Co. of “ Germany connot afford to aban ­ Coast Culvert & Flume Company by the presence of so many bodies in don her submarine warfare because ned salmon on the Pacific coast with Hood River has organized to manu­ Porthind (Kenton Station', Ore. the river. of threats, and if President Wilson which to feed its army, it is learned, facture the Friday Electric Cooker, ZT FOR SALE BY persists in his dogmatic views the There is little demand for the fine the Hood River Orchard Cultivator, GRANT TAXES ASKED. quality of salmon. and the Featherweight Spray nozzel. world must bear the consequences.” E. T. HALTOM, Five thousand dollars each for the Movement on at Canby to start The Tageblatt, after declaring that Southern Oregon Company De Tillamook, Oregon. To allay the smarting and inhum­ President Wilson's standpoint, under first ten dirgible baloons destroyed cheese factory. mands $156,924 Held. The New Home Sewing ation of eunburn, use all circumstances, is the opposite of is the prize offered to the British air­ Warren Construction Co. received men by Baron Michelham. The only contract to pave Virginia Avenue in reasonable, right or correct reason, Machine Company, REXALL Coquille, Or., July 25—As a result provision is that. airships must be North Bend. I San Fiancisco, Cal. of Judge, Wolverton’s decision involv­ < says: Mentholne Balm “Wc are not so slavishly unfree it» destroyed while in the air. Hood River will have a free munici­ ing the lands of the Southern Oregon Splendid in emer­ our thinking as Americans are told. pal swimming pool. The Morning Post’s Budapest cor­ Company, most of which are in Coos gencies w h e 1 e We believe that Mr. Wilson essential ­ Portland ’ s commission form of gov ­ respondent estimates that the calling County, in which he followed the there is su rf ace ly is not free, and that his ideas of ernment has cost the taxpayer 'the up of the last landstrum class in pain to be relieved United States Supreme Court in the trifling sum of $900,000 more than <> r inllammatnm Oregon & California land grant case, humanity and neutrality are not vol­ Austo-Hungary, which he says will to be reduced. c Is Located at untarily in accord with the interests be completed October 7, will add was paid during the previous bien- the attorneys for the Southern Ore­ For bruise», hives, num. As usual the people pay for the 700,000 to 800,000 men to the army. I of his electors. ” insect stings, neu­ gon Company Saturday filed suit in I Jacob Frank, a well-known jurist, This class includes men between the experiments of politicians. ralgia, catarrali — the Circuit Court of Coos County to Wisconsin Syndicate pays $750,000 for a score of oth­ Spend your outing here, elevation I ' discusses in the Vossische Zeitung ages of 43 and 50. recover the $156,924 on deposit with er things it h is forty feet, which gives pure air. for timber land in Lincoln county. submarine warfare from a legal stand our giornante» .to the county treasurer for taxes for One day, more than a year ago, a Furnished tents $4.00 f other A pole of more than 600 commer­ conscientious workmanship and he school still presents the most im­ hied with the secretary of state. Total casualties of 330.995 «» the cial organizations of the country by charged the 111 mt reasonable prices. pressive figures; the enrollment for countries, giving to foreigners the We can supply single or double That the United States is planning profits from high freight rates, ac­ British army and navy were announc- the U. S. Chamber of Commrece Gov­ Sets or any single article that you 1914 is greater by over 84,000 than ed by Premier Asquith. On April it for the year before. of merchant may be in need of. • definite step with respect to Mexi­ cording to the decision of the Court H. J. Tennant, Under-Secretary of ernment ownership The cost of education for the year, co. and that it will be taken soon, of Customs Appeals in the five per War, announced the total British shows 82 in favor of it and (98 W.A. Williams* Cc is estimated by the bureau, was $750- against it. The heavy vote against *a’ authoriattvely announced today cent rebate case. beginning of the 000,000. 'This thrcc-quirtcrs of a bil­ No. 9. The Democratic Congress losses since the I government ownership, either with or at the state department, but 10 sug- lion is a relatively s naj^ amount when fighting as 139.347- H h»» figures were blundered in inacting the law to pro ­ without government operation, is (Pstion of the course to be pursued compared with other it« as in the correct the British have lost 182,54-» Sidney E. Hen ’ era-m, Preu., vide greater safety and comfort at *»s given. public expense,” declares the report. in the last 14 *«hs. The total naval share notice that the business senti­ Surveyor. sea for passengers and seamen by ment of the country strongly disap­ "It is less by $300.000,000 than the Vse of bicycles or motorcycles in naming two conflicting dates for the casualties to July 20 were 9>°6 and proves the ship purchase bill in any John I.eland Hi-ndemon, Sec- cost of running the federal govern- the military casnlties up to July 1» the rural delivery service is prohibit­ time it should take effect rtlury Trens, Attoi ney-n'- ' ; 1 ¡nent; it is less than one-third the na- were 321,889 Great Britian is the only form. ed by an order issued Tuesday by Post, Notrary Public. No 10. The "war tax" law was in­ L The voters of Oregon are going to | lion’s expenditure for alcoholic liq- "’»ster-General Burleson effective accurately drawn; was not based up­ one of the powers engaged in the war be asked to vote $'10,000,000 bonds for Tillamook Title and I nors; it is only a little Over three January 1, 1916. ¡n announcing his on correct estimate, and failed to pro which has announced from time to good roads. Thatssome money. 1 times the estimated cost , of adniis- time her total casualties. Germany oeder, Mr. Burleson holds that ve- vide the money needed; Abstract Co - ------- P’-s---------- ~ ! sinus to moving picture dbeaters in ’*les of these types do not have the expensive legislation; and adequate has issued at home full lists by name Life insurant companies transact­ Law. Aoetruta, R oil lia nte 1 the United States for the same year.” of all men killed, wound d or musing ^frying capacity needed for the preparation for it. enforcement was Surveying, Insurant e. but the government ha* given out no ing business irf”i>regon last year had Parcel post service and do not afford not made, causing great delay, I I • flotti official total No comprehensive ^.its mortgaged loans on real estate (j The Wagon road to Alsea connect- "ecessary protection for the mails in noyance and confusion. have been given out by : amounting to r-t3.399 ths» amount TILLAMOOK - • OKKOOK. n ing Eugene with Florence will soon •Jd weather. The order will effect No tr The executive branch of of casnaltie* I---- - includes mortgages of $697,884 held be completed. ■0000000000000000400000 •cycle, or motorcycles to cover their the. Democratic admini.trat.on u at France. Russia. Austria-Hungary or by the United Artisans of Portland. I »bout 8000 carriers who now use war with the legislative branch, a.d Italy. - * route,. RAY & CO. | Cool Your Skin Eden Camp Netarts Bay “MONEY r