'Tillamook Headlight, July 29, I9I5. J'gjgjglË/Ë/B J^ELAND B. ERWIN, knew each of them by name, besides Our Market« Open to All. their family history and the chief PIANO INSTRUCTION. Friends of Henry Ford are persis­ events in their lives of every individ­ I Discussing neutrality, the Medford ual. he wouldn't be an editor. He ’ d be tently pushing his name for the vice Diploma from Chicago Musical Sun permits its passionate adoration presidential nomination. Probably a demi-god, resting his feet on a ot the Kaiser to manifest itself in un- College.—Beginners receive the same figures that if he runs like a Ford cloud ami sipping ambrosa instead of patrioitc tirades against the United careful training as the most advanced. auto he will be sure to get there.”— inhabiting a brokendown chair. The ( States. The worshiping Sun finds that life ci the average newspaper man is Dallas Observer. Terms:—$4.00 per months .Instruc­ “If the allies win the present war, a gay one. Last week we thought of tion. 1 the United States will be the ally re ­ eight hundred and forty nine thou- Bryan's reference in the United sponsible for it. Meanwhile the pres- All lessons given at Studio. Slates as "the big brother of the na­ sand three hundred and sixty four ’ ent condition of neutrality means that things of importance, besides a Factory Representative for the tions” is sort of out of keeping with items un- ! the people of Germany, Austria, Tur­ Chute & Butler Pianos and Player his peace talk. When wq were kids couple hundred of small ____ key, Norway, Sweeden, Holland and worthy of mention. And it was a slow Pianos. we used to look at our "big brother" Denmark have no right to American to do our scrapping for us and the week. We’er anxious for news for th. food, Lut England, b rance and Russia paper, and it won ’ t put you out much fact that he could scrap, and did, p T BJALS. M.D., have a right to American guns and saved many a ticklish situation for to drop by the office or telephone powder with which to shoot down us what's happening at ycur house. us.—Astorian. 1 hen if the item doesn't get in tie­ the bread winners of the first three PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ------o------ countries.” A wise newspaper says: “There is paper, you have a right to come do.> i Apparently the Sun has the misfor­ Surgeon S. P. Co. and kick the stuffing out of the eat. no reason whatever for a person to tune to believe—and certainly is de­ (I. O. O F. Bldg ) think a paper has a grudge against Otherwise don’t blame us. News liberately trying to make others be­ him just because the ncwsTs publish­ Reporter. lieve that this country is denying to Tilluutock - - • - Oregon ed. it's the business of a newspaper the Kaiser and some neutral nations High Taxes and Autos. to furnish the news in a community, commercial privileges which it grants I good, bad or indifferent and if any­ '^^EBSIKR HOLMES, 1 he warmest advocate of commis­ to the Allies. If the Sun .eally holds one furnished the “dope” for a bad this belief it is an evidence of ignor­ item, why, there’s no one to blame sion government two years ago was ance so splendidly dense and so mag­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW the Journal, which told us that the but himself."—News Times. the old form was an extravagant, nificently deep that nothing but a stick of dynamite could penetrate or a COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Another record for butter fat pro­ wasteful, mer.agerie system, calculat­ flash of lightening illumine. duction in the Holstein senior 4-year ed to give opportunity for reckless The United States is not engaged FIRST STREET, class of the division covering tests and perhaps criminal expenditures of in commerce. It is not selling to the begun not less than 240 days from the public money. The Spectator tried Allies anything, nor is it refusing to TILLAMOOK. OREGON. freshing; this time by Lucille Jolie to show that no form of government sell anything to the Germans. Aus­ “ The Insurance Man. ” Pontiac 144478, she having produced ’./as better than the men who admin­ trians, and Turks. But the fact that in seven consecutive days 19.148 istered it, and that if there was any­ this is a war in Europe has not caus­ J E. REEDY, D.V M., pounds of fat from 463. 1 pounds of thing wrong with the old system, it ed the merchants and manufacturers (J • Phone Us, Todd Hotel. was due to the officials; if there was milk. She is owned in Ohio, and gives of this country to close their doors; VETERINARY. promise of becoming a heavier pro­ any advantage in the Journal’s com­ they are doing business at the old mission form of government, it would ducer later on.—Pacific Homestead. only be because of the men who chose stands, and to all who apply, Allies Both Phones and others, are selling goods. No There is some people who think to conduct it. But the Journal, which doubt, our merchants and manufac­ Tillumook • is ever frank in telling us that it Oregon that when they have delivered the turers regret as deeply as does the ultimatum, "Stop My Paper,” that the knows more about anything than its Kaiser the fact that the merchant ma­ dull contemporaries know about any ­ newspaper is going to stop on its on­ rine, as well as the warships, have ward march. It never does for the thing, insisted that commission gov­ been swept from the seas by the fl. GOYNE, simple reason that a reader of that ernment was efficient and economical British fleet. If German freighters government. stamp simply shifts his position from Admitting that the Journal was were still plowing the main, our fac­ ATTORNEY-AT LAW. “subscriber" to “borrower.” No news­ tories and foundries and canneries paper will ever pay attention to the right, commission government has and farms and workshops would still brought the city of Portland to the tellow who stops his paper because he Office: O pposite C ourt H ovse , TL» Journal be providing cargoes for them. Our The happens to get peeved over some- verge of bankruptcy. tells us that there have ‘ been —..a waste condition of neutrality does not mean thing or other that the paper has said • Tillatnbok - Oregon. and extravagance in the city adminis­ that the Kaiser has no right to Amer­ or left unsaid.—News Reporter. I_______________ tration, and the other reckless ex­ ican food; whenever the Sun’s hero, the Kaiser, can send ships to this Every community and section has penditures are planned under the country for what he needs, he will « , J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, men who are boosters for local en- commission system of government. find our markets open to him. In the terprises and developments, as long 1 he Journal says that the commission meantime the Allies and the neutrals Ä5 our Grass Fed Cattle are now ATTORNEY as there is something in it for them, system permits the purchase of too seem to be only nations that can many automobiles for the personal but who get mighty epithetic when AND conic and get our supplies. This coun ­ ready for the Market, we are V. VWUI mi J JI VU L I .V, — and ..x. asks: w commissioners, they are eliminated from the pay j- - try is so neutral, that its restricted "Why buy automobiles and buv COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. rolls. Again every place has others market, due to the disappearance of making the following Prices on our T illamook B lock , who not only devote a good part of gasoline and have repairs made and the German freighters, is a source of pay chauffeurs with the city on the their valuable time, but go down in ' > Tillamook t ' sincere sorrow to our merchants and Oregon. Meat, for CASH: ' I K their pockets to help pay the ex­ verge of bankruptcy?” ROOM NO. 261. manufacturers. I Why, indeed? But that is not I penses, without any thought of re­ In this connection it may be said— i compense other than that which 1 he Journal has other questions without hope, however, that the sig­ ask regarding the commission system comes to the people as a whole. Rose­ J. CLAUSSEN, BEEF POT ROAST At 12Ac. and 13jC. pei pound. nificance of the statement will pene­ burg has both kinds, like every other The Journal says: trate the misunderstanding of the • LAWYER, “ Do the commissioners who arc RIB ROAST At 15c. per pound. place, but which is of the most value Sun—that in Italy’s affair with the to the community?—Umqpua Valley pushing these purchases ever stop to Turk, in which Germany was suppos­ • IX DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT 11) 1 J y • • RIB BOH At 1 le. per pound. think that the waste in automobiles News. ed to be neutral, German munitions means to the Portland public that ——o------- 213 T illamook B lock At 10c. per pound. of war supplied the Italian need; and' ' > BRISKET BOIL there is waste in other things? It has taken many years for the pio­ “Docs the public not unerringly and that when we spanked Spain in 1898, 1 STEAKS At 12ic to 15c. per pound. neers in good roads movements to evitably reason that if there is ex­ he things that lent a spice of inter- Tillamook - Oregon convince lethargic communities that travagance in automobiles there is ex­ st to the proceeding were the Span­ i > CORN BEEF At 1 lc. and 12 ’ > c. p n r pound. good, smooth roads are not only a travagance elsewhere?” iards' spendid cannon which bore the TT a tvy nri nn tt * - £)R. JACK clsen , convenience, but an economic necess­ HAMBURGER STEAK . At 12ic. per pound. 'The Spectator will not undertake imprint: “Made in Germany.” And we ity. After the roads are once obtained to answer these queries; what might have those cannon to this day to and the people privileged to travel be said here would likely be regarded prove the story. Incidentally, Ger­ DENI 1ST. them, the most obdurate unbeliever is as the expression of a predjudice many was a neutral nation when she (I. O. O. F Bldg.) converted to their value. Apropos of against the commission system, sold to Spain the cannon that carried this thought is the little editorial ref­ which was probably advocated more death to the citizens of this country.— Tillamook - Oregon erence in a recent issue of the Port­ because it gave the minority partv a The Spectator. ___ — land Telegram: "It is related that a chance to grab all the offices than for Missouri farmer earned <38 in one any other reason. But The Spectator S LJ T. Bo; tu Thaw’s Wife Calls Him a “Cad.” day dragging stalled automobiles out has this to say: The Journal told us A A . of the mud. We never understood be­ that the personal responsibility fea­ Evelyn Thaw was told that Harry ATTORNEY-AT LAW. fore why some farmers arc so bitter­ ture was commission government's going _ < ! SIRLION STEAKS At 20c. per pound, ly opposed to good roads.”—Tele­ chief charm. Now will the Journal K. Thaw had said that he was _ Complete Set of Abstract Books :n to get a divorse from her. phone Register. ' ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. per pound, give us the names of the commission­ Office. "1 don’t care,” she replied, and then ers who have wasted the people's refused to say another word on the Taxes Paid for Non Residents. POT ROAST BEEFAt 16c. ¿1 ’ 01 KOAbl HKEF-Atlöc. In estimating public sentiment the motley on unnecessary automobiles subject to Thaw and his divorce in- per pound. T illamook B lock , President's cabinet, it is said, has ac­ and have brought the city of Port­ tentions. She declared that she was ’SHORT RIBS AND cepted the belief that the nation has land to the verge of bankruptcy.— willing to talk about the weather and I ilia moult - Oregon PLATE BOILS . At 12c. to 15c. per pound, voiced an insistant desire that the l lie Spectator. lie scenery, that the scenery was Both Pi dee. honor and dignity of ttte United beautiful, and that she wanted to be < ! Prime RIB ROASTS, At 18c. per pound. States be upheld in the correspond­ quiet and to rest in that delightful j ent with Germany, but that a course More Cheese Production Would Aid part ot the country. hawk , Dairy Market. be followed which will maintain j V V . She appeared to be in good health peace. This is an accurate diagnosis and cheerful, but was apparant that Oregon Agricultural College, July her feelings had been too strongly of the opinion that prevails very gen­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. erally. There is no desire to abaidon 26.—"it would perhaps be advantag­ iroused for her to smother them and ■ rights that have been won at heavy eous to many creameries to turn to .inally she said: I Bay City - . . Oregon cost, nor is there any wish to tolerate the manufacture of cheese when so “1 don’t want Thaw’s name and I vx.wx.wx» »■•«•» that sssaa this ia is puaotuir, possible,” SilJ'S 1 indignities that would lesson the • located don ’ t want his money. | prestige of the United States among Professor R. R. (.¡raves, of the O. A. “He is evidently still a cad, besides ■ £)R’ L- L. HOY, the nations of the world. There is no C. Dairy department, "it is possible being American’s pet mbrderer. If I desire for peace at a price that would that the Panama Canal may allow the had not volunteered to lay bare to the I____________ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON mean humilation and dishonor. But Pacific Coast states to compete suc­ world all of the details of my life, there is a very ardent desire that cessfully with the dairy business of there would not be anybody in a po­ T illamook B lock , honorable peace shall be maintained. the Middle West for the Atlantic sition today to throw mud at me. Americans do not want to become in­ Coast trade. Should this be true there But it is one of the most incomprehen­ Tillamook, Oregon. volved in the European war unless it would be no limit to the market for sible mysteries of this mysterious is made very plain to them that it is dairy products produced on the Pacif­ universe that a human being that calls in defense of the honor and dignity of ic Coast. In the middle Atlantic and himself a man can so quickly forget QR. ELMER ALLEN their country and that honor and dig­ North Atlantic states we have the the sacrifice I made for him and non­ Electric lights and water nity cannot be maintained in any greatest proportion of our population chalantly remarked that he has no in eyery I tent; go surf bathing or and consequently the greatest con­ interest in the woman who saved his (Successor to Dr. Sharp), other way.—Oregon Register. hunt for sumption of dairy products. New- crabs and clams; tent city life. is under York state alone had a greater popu ­ DENTIST. A proposal to issue 000,000 to i “A man who con do that is either direction of Bar View hotel; ; many $10,000,000 of state bonds for trunk lation in 1910 that the entire Pacific insane or an ungrateful cad. Tell entertaining features; no liquors ’ ah, ( oast. The statutes of New York and Commercial Building, Tillamook line highway construction has been this man whom I saved from the lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; ! made by S. Benson, in conjunction Pennsylvania were formerly great electric chair that all I ask of him is i with .the trip of inspection being made producers of butter and cheese, but that he leave me in peace to finish my seeping tents and board at hotel, $2 f''ARL HABERLACH, by the State Highway Commission the production of these products is stage career. 1 prefer to earn niv own Per day and up. Write W. A. Wise and the State Advisory Board to in­ being greatly lessened each year by living at my own work. 1 can truth­ Bar View, Tillamook County, Ore ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. spect through highways. I bis will be the increasing demand for market fully say of my work now that it has or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Orc. one of the biggest questions before milk for the great cities. Here is the earned me a place on the stage. T illamook B lock the state in the next few months. One great market for Pacific Coast dairy "Harry Thaw—well, a fox may thing is certain, with men like S products after supplying our own de­ change its fur,but its habits never.” Tillamook •- ,Oregcn Benson, Leslie Butler and J H. Al­ mands and those of the mountain di­ ———— bert behind it, the plan will be work­ vision states, if we can successfully The Ate of Speed. ed out along sound financial lines. compete with such etates as Wiscon- [JR GEORGS J. PETERSEN Whether it will be acceptable to the sin and Minnesota in transportation people will depend largely on the rates. One of the ambitions of man has DENTIST, “The making of good Cheddar been to imitate the flight of a bird. campaign conducted in its interest. cheese requires a good quality of Taking the state as a wholr into con­ They have far surpassed it in swift­ Successor to Dr. Perkins sideration, the majority of taxpavers milk, better than is required for tnak- ness and endurance. A current item ing good butter, and this means that TILLAMOOK, OREGON. »nd voters are strongly opposed to­ relates that homing pigeons in Texas day to a state bond issue for trunk enough milk must be purchased with­ had broken the record of their tribe in easy calling distance of factory. highways, but it is among thr possi­ by making an average of forty-one (j BORGE WILLETT, "The best cheese market is produc­ miles bilities that confidence in Mr Benson an hour for a distance of ever ed where the nights are cool. The and his associates on the highway ad­ 500 miles. About the same time an ATTORNEY-AT I AW visory board, together with support coast counties of Oregon have an automobile in a test at Chicago from counties to be directly benefited ideal climate for the manufacture of .iveraged 100 miles an hour. Evidently lu.LAHOOK COMMERCIAL BUILDING by the highways, may result in carry­ high class cheese. The Willamette the machine barely skimmed the ing the plan through at the next gen­ Valley also has a favorable climate ground and may almost be said to Tillantoak - Oregon eral state election. The plan, when but in most sections there is not a have flown. Flying machines, an old worked out, will be submitted direct large enough quantity of mi'k pro­ dream of the centuries, are an accom­ R. K. E, DANIELS. to the people, not to the legislature.— duced within easy hauling distance of plished fact, military bureaus having the factories. Oregon Voter. taken the lead in their development. “The entire dairy industry of the CHIROPRACTOR. Pacific Coast would be benefitted by­ They soar like birds, exceed them in Oood Advice. Local Office in the Commercial diverting some of the milk now made rapid motion, and go through evolu­ tions beyond the range of the feather­ One of the most difficult of an into butter into the manufacture of ed sort. Building. I cheese. ” ___________ editor’* jobs is to get facts about A locomotive has traveled at the births, marriages and deaths. People Motor rate of ¡20 nnles an hour, TILLAMOOK - ORE Sleeping until n on Sundav morn­ seem to think he ought to know about boats have covered forty-five miles cess came with a rush. No limitations tinn was celeritv T k . ing may not be serving the Lord, but « ■ these things by intitution If not that, it is not serving the devil. an hour, and each year shows an ad­ to what it may become cat now be the birth, marriage or death is of vance in their speed. Aeroplanes have seen. It may in time be the choicest "Whisky" has a euphonious, almost worked up to a flight of nearly too method of travel. For simple ease of such importance to the immediate family that it is presumed the editor a caressing sound. which accounts for miles an hour and an altitude of six motion itis the most agreeable and will just grow into the information the informers preferring "rum" r-r-um miles. Birds are so far outclassed its swiftties» already is greater than coK - n V k ," his fr'-nds at Lin- Then, when the paper comes out, and which nobody drinks for platform use that they can no longer be said to be was expected. are signs of it b ein There no mention is made of the event, the If grand dukes and princess really in the running for records. It long It is said that war legislates It illamook bakery editor is !■’ 'ted for not getting all were in command of European armies seemed that human air flight was too certainly stimulate* invention with an but Gibaralter ish.LT' the news. Th re are a good many the blunders of the war might be baffling a problem ever to be solved intensity not seen at other times Na­ bauble to induce her • people in this county. If the editor mure readily explained. in a practical sense, but at length suc- poleon’* most important rille of tc- tonic alliance. *° ,<”n t,ie Teu- State Press Flashlights. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER 3160,000,000.00 IN ASSETS represented by this Office AFETY” ERVICE ECURITY. OUR AIM i Let Us Write Your Next Policy. ROLLIE W WATSON ^Reduction $ Price of Meat E These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook Products, Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers from Portland. \A/ c These Prices are subject to change. ¡,,Tillamook Meat Company. Furnished Housekeeping Tents Only One Dollar a Day. ALtEX. MeNAIR & GO. GENERAL HARDGUfl^E Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. I EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, T i At All Grocers