Tillamook Headlight, July 2© Uncle Silas Says. tendethd.etl‘ ’n°rC ,.''an is m«‘. but it not in the garage when you bring the Notice to Contractors. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. are required to appear and answer wise man° P°Verl>' "a* spoken by a machine back with a split tire and the 4 f* ------o ■ The imagination works in two dis- v\ ise niun nuinv vear® ion the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein motor out of fix. A good automobile We can furnish sand in large quan ­ ’ tmh ’ inh^Xrb ’ " Ot afieClcd dinct and opposite ways, according to Notice is hereby given that in pur­ on or before six (6) weeks from the is just as necessary as a wagon on the tities delivered on job cheaper than the temperamen* and inviromnent of . suance of a judgment and decree en­ date of the first publication of this farm, and if it is rightly used it will any«>ne else. the individual. \\ e are all more or j tered in the Circuit Court of the State summons, and defendants are further last a long time and pav for itself F. N. Elliott, less superstitious ami, although edu- 1 of Oregon, for 1 illamook County, in notified that the date of the first many times. It is not so many vears At Electric Eight Dock. the cause pending wherein Tillamook publication of this summons is June cation has.done much for us since the : since the croakers said that when the County Bank, a corporation is plain­ -’4 th, 1915. days of Salem witchcraft, vestiges of i died, there lies the point of disagree- buggies came into general use that G. C. Fulton, tiff, ami Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. it still cling to the children’s children who think 7" "‘°r! h-"est persons the country would go bankrupt, Bids Wanted. ­ S. S. Johnson Mitcnell, G. \\. Rice and Jane Doe as it is written, “unto the third and wno think farm hie is a drudgerv cause the young men would not be at- Attorneys for Plaintiffs. a" Klor^us Notice is hereby given that the Rice, his wife are defendants, which fourth generation.” It is curious to i'wed °re,n l,\lbi"!t “ tend to business, bat would go gad - note how the ancient superstition re­ 1 well remember how good everv ding away from home wasting their ....... School Board of School District No. decree was entered on the 21st day Notice. lating to the ill fated number thirteen thing tasteti that mother cooked, es- time in hiking around with the girls. 32, Tillamook County, Oregon, will of June, 1915, and in pursuance of an ------o------ clings to the mind of many people of pecully the new peas ami potatoes But their prophecy didn’t materialize receive sealed bids for the erection of execution and order of sale issued In the County Court of the State of otherwise sound judgment and fine she never failed to have for dinner on anti the world moved on just as it did a school building, on the school upon said «iecree by the clerk of said intelligence today. It is remarkable to the Fourth of July. It is odd how before. Now the auto has come in groilnds of said district, being situat­ Court bearing dale June —, 1915. 1 Oregon for Tillamook County. In the matter of the «state of Jas­ note how much belief is placed in much of the enjoyment of such things place of the buggy, bringing with it ed about five miles east of the town have levied upon, ami will, on Satur­ signs like that of number thirteen, ! comes irom purely past associations- good roads, and quick travel, but of Beaver, Said bids will be opened day the 21th day of Aug. 1915, at the per W. Buckles, deceased. To all w hom it may congern; from »ne the memories cvvu ... ...... enlightened - .. B- On v.. ,rom memories of youth, how greater than all, the opportunity for Monday, August the second? at the Court House door in 1 illamook City, even in this age. Notice is hereby given, that the un­ driving this number- quarry to its hole "1UCI1 »*. in short, is pure imagiua- entire families to get acquainted with hour of 1 o’clock, p.m. at the resi­ Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., sell at public auction to the high­ dersigned, administrator of said es- _ •’ ’ that ’ ...................... ’ sac- j hon-simple we find when describing the !10" , „ _ poetry. - , The matter-of- _____ everybody a long distance from their dence of the district clerk of said man or woman rament of the last supper the early ;act. ------ —■ finds everything homes. In connection with the tele­ district. Copies of the plans and spec­ est bidder for cash in hand all of the tale intends to apply to the above en­ Christians spoke of Judas Iscariot as -- , • 5n‘ but K"‘ the 'k- person of itn- im- phone, which only a few vears ago ifications will be on file in the office right, title and interest of the de­ titled court or to the Judge thereof, asmation, w-ho can see the poetry of was looked upon as an extravagance, of the County School Superintendent fendants, held on February 8th, 1913, on the 2nd day of August, 1915, at the the thirteenth guest. This seems to 1 ..... ” or since acquire«! by them in and to hour of to o’clock a.m. for leave to • life in simple things finds large re- the automobile has made it possible and with the district clerk. have been the starting point of this The Board reserves the right to re­ the following described real property resign as said administrator of said f°r modern community development. widespread superstition. Against the wards in country life. situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, estate. W hirling along in his auto a farmer ject and and all bids. fear of some baneful influence sur­ " ■ O- And if permitted by said Court or Fannie Smith, Dist. Clerk. to-wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, rounding the number thirteen culture l Dick, our hired man, was late in will go to town, do his trading and Beaver, Oregon. for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ the Judge thereof, will at said time and education count for nothing. I coming to see me work this morning, get home and forget that he has been ment rendered in said cause together and date resign as said administrator. have been told that the belief in su­ I Amos, and though 1 didn’t bawl him away before his neighbor who has with the costs ami expenses of the Clark Smith, Administra­ perstitious customs and savings of out very much, he seemed to feel that been plodding along behind old Dob­ Notice of Drainage District Meeting. sale. The judgment is for the sum of tor of the estate of Jasper the cultured people of New England is a, 8°pd excuse for his tardiness was bin has gone more than half the dis­ $1,263.71, with interest at 8 per cent \V. Buckles, deceased. I tance and finally comes creeping truly surprising. I have been informed absolutely necessary when 1 said to Notice is hereby given, that a meet­ per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125 home long after dark. Yes, dear, we ’ ll that in Boston recently several house­ I him: \ou re two hours late, this sort ing of owners of land situate in 1 illa- as attorney’s fees, and $39.90 costs Sheriff's Sale. holders have gone so far as to peti­ of thing must stop. Otherwise you buy an auto next week so we may mok Drainage District as organized and disbursements. know how to run it before the girls tion the city authorities to have their will have to hunt another job”’“It by the County Court of Tillamook Dated this July 22nd, 1915. Notice is hereby given, that in pur­ H. Crenshaw, house numbers changed from the un­ , wasn’t my fault this time,” he ans- come to visit you. Don’t look at me County, Oregon, on petition therefor, of an execution and order of that way Amos; 1 know what you ’ re Sheriff of Tillamook County Ore. suance lucky thirteen and that countless peo­ ! was. ki^d by a mule.” thinking about, but your scheme on July ¡6th, 1915, is called, and will sale duly issued out of the Circuit ple have moved from houses ntimbed- Well, 1 replied, “even if that was be held at the Court House in Tilla ­ I ourt of the State of Oregon, for I shall learn to run the cd thirteen, claiming that misfortunes so, it shouldn t have delayed you more won’t work. Summons. Tillamook County, by the clerk of first, so don’t indulge in joy­ mook City, Oregon, on Monday, the i followed them as long as they re­ than an hour. You’ll have to think of a machine 2nd day ot August, 1915, at the hour said court, upon a decree of foreclos­ ful anticipation. mained in the place. Now', Gertrude better excuse than that.” Dick looked of 10:00 o’clock A.M. for the purpose i In the __ Circuit Court of the State of ure, dated June 30th, 1915, in said when your school mate comes to visit aggrieved. “Uncle Silas,” he said of electing supervisors for said Court, in a case wherein John Hahn Mother, here's something good in Drainage District, and transacting Oregon, for Tillamook County. you,' if there happens to be thirteen solemnly, “It might have been all is plaintiff ami Gus Mahne and Marie persons at the table, don’t balk, but right if the mule had kicked me in the Bungtown Herald—listen: “1 re­ any other business proper to be trans­ Samuel Leback, Joseph E. Mahne, and M. W. Harrison,, are de­ Dillian, and \\ illiani Fene- the house acted at such meeting. send for the hired- man to become the this direction; but he didn’t—he kick­ member—I remember fendants, said execution being dated gor, fourteenth and this shield us from ed me the other way.” “Well” I where 1 was born, the little window Dated this July 20th, 1915. July 1st, 1915, ami to me duly direct­ Plaintiffs. the awful consequences of disregard­ answered, “ I see it took you a long where the sun came peeping in at J. C. Holden, ed, by the said Clerk and under seal vs. morn. You ’ d hardly know the old time to get back from where the mule County Clerk. ing the fatal number. of said Court, 1 have levcid upon and Allan H. Wilson, l.aura L. kicked you. Next time get on the (>lace now, for dad is up to date and will on Monday, the 2nd day of z\u- Wilson, Srethna S. Phelps, right side of the mule, and if he kicks the farm is scientific from the back gust, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock, in the S. W. Thompson and Floyd Warm weather care of horses ’s °I you, you’ll be here for work on time.” lot to the gate. The house and barn Statement. tore noon of said day, at the court A. Swan. great importance, I assure you. The are lighted with bright acetylene, the ----- o----- house door in said county, duly sell at Defendants. horse is the farmer’s best asset among engine in the laundry is run by gaso ­ of Of the Tillamook County Bank Just listen to this Amos. A smart To Allen H. Wilson, Laura L. Wil­ public auction, to the highest bidder, his animals, and he should have the chap line, we have silos, we have autos, Tillamook, State of Oregon, showing in the Journal here sits back and kindest treatment and best care at all picks his teeth with a gold pick while we have dynamos and thinf a tele­ the amount standing to the credit ot son, S. W. Thompson ami Floyd. A. tor cash in hand, the following de­ scribed real property, situated in times. When on the road, when a he tells common dirt farmers, like phone for gossip and a phonograph every depositor July 1, 1915, who has Swan «itc above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, T.llainook County, Oregon, towit: horse has to climb a hill, a good driv­ ourselves, how much he know's that that sings. The hired man has left us not made a deposit or has not with­ The northeast quarter of Section er will let him walk several rods on we don’t know about farmnig and the —we miss his homely face—a lot of drawn any part of his deposit, princi­ you are hereby required to appear complaint tiled nine, Township three north of Range the top of the hill before urgiqg him problems of efficient farm labor. He college graduates are working in his ple or interest, for a period ot more and answer the West - of ... the Willamette ----- Meridian tip into a trot. This is a good rule for says: “It is a favorite fiction formally place. There’s an engineer and fire­ than seven (7) years immediately against you in the above entitle«.! six in Oregon. all who own horses in a country like reformers that the unemployed of the man, a chauffeur and a vet., a Tectric- prior to said date, with the name, Court in the above entitled cause on or before six (6) weeks from the date All being in Tillamook County, this where there are many hills to cities should be sent out to work on ian and mechanic. Oh, the farm’s run last known place of residence or post­ the first publication of this sum­ Oregon ami containing one hundred climb. Many driver are very inconsid­ the farms. The farmer can’t'use such i right you bet. The little window office address of such depositor, and of mons, to-wit, on or before six (0) and sixty’ acres. erate, or, I might say cruel, in their men unless they have been trained on where the sun came peeping in at the fact of his death, if known. I weeks from the 24th day of June, 1915 Said sale to be made by __ me, ,_ as morn now brightens up a bath, room ¡ treatment of horses, and don’t seem the farm before they went to the city. Name of depositor, C. L. Sarintr. and if you fail to so appear, for want Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, to realize that they are flesh and The average city labor is not trained that cost dad a car of corn. Our milk­ Residence or P. (J. address, T illa­ thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to for the purpose of satisfying the de­ blood, They whip up a horse before he to do anything. He follows the line of maid is pneumatic and she’s sanitary mook, Oregon. the Court for the relief therein de­ cree and judgment in the above en­ reaches the top of a hill, and before ___ Dead, if lact is known to Sec. or manded, which is for a decree ad­ titled Court ami cause, dated June 30, least _________ resistance ____ and jumps _ from job too, but dad gets 15 cents a quart he has gained his breath. The most to job. He thinks he is so smart that for milk that once brought two. Our Cashier, unknown. judging and decreeing that certain •9>5> in favor of said plaintiff and important in hot weather rules for the he can get by without real work, and cattle came from Jersey and our hogs Amount $5.00. mortgage executed by Allen H. W il- against said defendants, for the sum are all Duroc,, the sheep are South ­ treatment of horses is to load lightly most of the criminals are recruited State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ son and Laura L. W ilson, his wife, ot $200.00, together with interest and drive slowly. A draft horse’s from this class, who never had any down beauties and the chickens mook, SS. as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback, thereon from October 4, 1906, at the Plymouth Rock. To have the best of great power of wind and . muscle is dicipline, either at home, at school or I, Erwin Harrison, being first duly Joseph H. Dillian and William Fenc- rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the obtained at the sacrifice of quickness. : 1 on the odd jobs which they have had ’ everything, that is our aim and plan sworn, depose and say upon oath, gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2 further sum of $75.00 attorney’s fees ’s a that 1 am the cashier of the Tilla­ One of those plodding beasts may be Now, that statement is false in every for dad not only farms it, but lie flies 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book therein, and for the sum of $36.15 hastened over the road by a free use particular. The best workers we have business man.” Now there’s no mook County Bank, of Tillamook, ' "S”, Records of Mortgages, in the costs and for the costs of said sale. of the whip, but the driver takes ever had during the harvest have on that chap, is there mother? County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ office of the County Clerk of 1 illa­ Dated July 1st, 1915. something out of his flesh and nerve come from the city and never had gon, that the foregoing statement is a mook County, Oregon, to be a first H. Crenshaw, Tribute to The Cow. power every time he does it. i If it is any previous farming experience. lull, true, correct and complete state­ lien upon all and singular the follow­ Sheriff of 1 illamook County, Orc. ment, shown the name, last known ing described real estate, situate in long continued 1 the ?.. owner _ ’ will need 1 They were awkward at first, but soon a new horse. The horse has a pecul- pecul­ got onto the job and made good. E. G. Bennett, state dairy commis­ residence or postoffice address fact the said County of T illamook, State Notice of Sheriff's Sak. ----- o----- iar nervous temperament, and may sioner, in the 1915 Missouri Farmers’ of death, if known, and the amount to of Oregon, to-wit: the credit of each depositor as re­ J The North half of the Northwest suffer more from the persistent at­ If one’s eyes can be opened to the Year Book, says: In the Circuit Court of the State of quired by the provisions of Sections quarter of Section five (5) in Town­ tack of a fly than from the drawing beauties of nature all around us, there “Little do we realize that the debt 7378-7381, inclusive, Lord's Oregon ship (2) South of Range Ten (10) Oregon for Tillamook County. of an over heavy load. The horse : is abundant interest in the wood and Plaintiff • West of the Willamette Meridian, John Stoker, with a docked tail may give its owner I fields, and yet, if you should ask the we owe the cow. During the dark Laws. vs. save and excepting therefrom the Erwin Harrison. a complacent feeling of good style, modern business man to find relief ages of savagery and barbarism we but many people would rather give | from the cares of his office by get- find her early ancestors natives of the Subscribed and sworn to before me i 1 land heretofore conveyed to School Otis Jones, Loyde Jones I District No. 7 by instrument recorded and Esther Jones, his wife this 15th day of July A.D., 1915. the poor beast a long tail as a defense , ing into the woods and learning the wild forests of the Old World. As the Defendants. in Book "F", page 243, Deed Rec- C. A. McGhee, against tormenting insects than to names and characteristics of the trees bright rays of civilization penetrated State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ Notary Public for Oregon. ! ords of T illamook County, Oregon. humor their foolish whims. the plants and the insects ’he would the darkness of that early period and mook, SS. Also, beginning at a point on the laugh at you. Yet every species of man called upon the cow, she came My commission expires Sept. 28, 1910 ---- o------ forth from her seclusion to share in U. S. Meander line at the Southeast By virtue of a judgment order, We have all been discussing for bird has its own facinations and grace the efforts that gave us a greater na­ corner of Lot six (6) of Section six decree and execution, duly issued out years the ways and means of making 1 and it is a pleasure to number them tion and more enlightened people! Summons. (6) in Township two (2) South of and under the seal of the above en­ country life more attractive, but all in your circle of friends. Every "For 2000 years she has shown her Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ titled court, in the above entitled quietly and effectively one factor, variety of tree renders its own special allegiance to man, sharing alike in his of In the Circuit Court of the State ette Meridian, and running thence cause, lo me duly directed and dated wholly unthought of before its ad­ service to human life. What has be­ prosperity and adversity, responding Oregon in and for the County of North 46% deg. West, seven and the 6th day of July, 1915, upon a vent, is doing a great deal to solve come of the simple old times when so nobly to all that was done for her, T illamook. chains, judgment rendered and entered in i ! thirty hundredths (7.30) the problem. The automobile has | many people used to find their recre­ until, through her development, she Lee R. ljams, Laura M. Kerron thence North 5)4 deg. West eight said court on the 29th day of June, not only provided a means of quick ation in studying botany, in splitting became the idol of the people of her formerly Laura M. ljams, Les­ and eighty-seven hundredths (8.87) I 1915. in favor of John Stoker, plain­ transportation in comfort, but it is up rocks to find their geological native country. lie ljams, Evelyn ljams and chains, thence North 5*4 deg. East, I i tiff, and against Otis Jones, Loyde having a great influence for the bet­ 1 foramtion, or in learning the notes of “ In 1493, when Columbus made his Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel seventeen and eighty hundredths Join s and Esther Jones, his wife, de­ terment of the roads of the country. I birds? Are there any nature students second voyage to America, the cow ljams, (17.80) chains, thence North eighteen fendants, for the sum of $308.75, to­ left? The outdoor world is a great It is doing more to prevent the isola­ Plaintiffs, 'and three-fourths (|8J4) deg. Wi t gether with interest thereon at the on which nature is performing came with him—and from that time tion of the farmer than any one I stage to the present day she has been a | twelve and sixty hundredths ( 1 ¿.60 ) rate of 6 per cent per annum from vs. her thrilling drama, apparently un ­ agency, save possibly the telephone. known to a large majority of the more potent factor in making this, Mrs. Melvina Venen and John chains, thence North 49 deg. West, the 5th day of March, 1915, and the It is holding the younger generation 1 people of the world. These arc days our own country, the greatest nation, Doe two (2) chains, the foregoing being Venen, her husband, sum of $50.00 as attorney's to the soil by promoting social activi­ of automobiles, base ball, yachting, with the hightest type of womanhood Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe the meander line of high water, further ty. It is promoting true neighborli­ horse racing and golf, when people and manhood history has ever known Le Duck, his wife, thence West ten (to) chains to low fee, and for the further sum of $18.47, “Her sons helped till the soil of ness by giving the country people an take their pleasure in speed, yelling water mark, thence along the niean- costs and disbursements, and the cost Defendants. of and upon this writ, commanding opportunity to visit those at some and costly games. Have the people-of our ancestors and slowly moved the To. Mrs. Melvina Venon and John dcr line of low water as follow*: South 57 deg. East «levcn ill) me to make sale of the following de­ distance quickly and is linking the the world gone mad? Really, it seems products of the farm to market. Thev Doe Venen, her husband; Frank Le country with the town to the great so when we consider that nearly one went with man into the dense forests Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his chains, thence South 21 deg. East scribed real property, situate in the county of I illamook and State of of the new world, helped clear them advantage of both. half the earth has become a human for homes, and made cultivation pos­ wife, and to you and each of you, de­ eight (8) chains, thence South 3 deg. Oregon, to-wit: West eight anti twenty-one hun- I fendants above named, in the name of slaughter pen. , sible for the coming generation—and the State of Oregon you and each of dredths (8.21) chains, thence South 1 All of Lot numbered eight (8) in o----- Plant food in the soil must rot bc- when the tide of emigration turned you are required and hereby com­ 7 deg. East nineteen and fifty hun­ Block numbered nineteen (19), of to the plant, My father during the gold rush to fore it becomes of value westward, they hauled the belongings manded to appear and answer to the dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. I Ocean \ iew, as the same is marked to burning, This rotting is similar California in ’49, made a trip across of the pioneers across the sun- complaint filed against you in the East five and thirty hundredths (5.30) and described on the plat of the said air to enter the plains, and I used to sit with scortch plains and over the great Cultivation allows more chains, thence South 70 deg. East Ocean \ iew on file and of record in the soil and is like opening the drafts mouth and eyes wide open listening mountain ranges to new homes be­ above entitled suit on or before the four (4) chains, thence North one and the office of the County Clerk of 27th day of August, 1915, being more of a furnace. For this reason all crude to his stories of wild adventure in the yond. than six (6) weeks from the date of eighty hundredths (1.80) chains to T illamook County, State of Oregon. fertilizers will give up their food to wilderness of the Far West. I was “Trulv, the cow is man's greatest __ Now, therefore, by virtue of said the ____ date __ of ____ the ___ first _ publication of the place of beginning, containing the plant more quickly and more much interested in hts hunting of Wild benefactor. Hail, wind, droughts and this summons, and if you fail to so fourteen and thirty-five hundredths execution, judgment order and decree bear floods may come, destroy our crops thoroughly with good culture than animals—buffalo, deer, elk. and in compliance with the commands and answer to the said com (14.35) acres of tidelands. with poor. There arc three good reas­ wolves and even wild horses, which and banish our hopes, but from what appear Also Lot four (4), five (5), six (6), of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the plaint, for want thereof these plain ­ ons for keping the cultivator going were quite numerous along the toot­ is left the cow manufacturers into the tiffs will apply to the Court for the seven (7) and eight (8), in Block 7th day of August, 1915; at the hour whenever possible. First, to conserve hills and in the valleys of the moun­ most nourishing and life-sustaining relief 10 o’clock a.m., at the front dbor of prayed for in their complaint, three (3), in Netarts Bay Park, moisture in the soil; second, to as­ tains. It is supposed the original stock foods—and is she not life itself to the in substance as follows: For a decree together with all and singular the the Court House in the city of Tilla­ sist in the mingling of soil %nd fertil- of these wild horses escaped from the thousand* of little ones stranded upon determining the adverse interests in tenements, hereditaments and ap- mook, in said County and State sell ezres so as to become food for the Spaniard invaders of the country in the hollow hearts and barren bosoms and to block fifteen (15) in and of purtenanccs thereunto belonging, or at public auction, subject to redemp­ plant; third, to kill the weeds. It the the long ago, but it has not yet been of modern motherhood? We love her Miller’s Addition to the town of Till­ in anywise appertaining, to secure the tion. to the highest bidder, for U. S. surface of the soil can be kept loose, proven that they were not as much for her docility, her beauty and her amook and State of Oregon and de­ payment of the sum of $3,050.00, with gold coin cash in hand, all the right, open and well pulverized, this open I native of the country as were the oth­ usefulness. Her loyalty has never claring the plaintiffs to be the own­ interest thereon at the rate of 6 per title and interest which the within misfortune layer will draw moisture from the er wild animals Wild horses have weakened—and should in fee simple and entitled to the cent per annum from July 2, 1909 due named defendants or either of them, compact layer of earth immediately been found in nearly every part of the overtake us, as we become bowed ers possession of said premises as against the plaintiff Samuel Leback, and the had on the date of the mortgage underneath it. On most farms the world by explorers, even on islands down with the weight of years, we any and all persons whomsoever, and further sum of $1,200.00, with interest herein or since had in or to the above primary purpose of cultivation seems quite remote from mam lands. Utt know that in the cow we have a yourselves in particular, and for the thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per described real property or any part to be the killing of W'eds. This is very the coast of Maryland and \ irginia friend that was never known toHalter. costs and disbursement* of this suit, annum from July 2, 1909 due the thereof, to satisfy said execution, important, but if we till thoroughly there are several small islands whlch She pays the debt. She saves the and for such further relief as to the plaintiff Joseph E. Dillian, and the judgment order, decree, interest, are practically m the same state of 1. the weed home. God bless the cow — little do for moisture cultivation, Court may seem meet in the premises. further sum of $700.00, with intcrert cost* and all-accruing costs. j wildness today that they were when we realize the debt we owe her!” control problem will solve itself. This summons is served upon you thereon at the rate of 6 per cent p r Dated, Tillamook, Oregon, July 7, ’15 I mother nature created them. They from July 2, 1909 due plaintiff ------o ■ — by virtue of an order of the above annum H. Crenshaw. are covered with forests of pine trees The farmer who spends nothing to and are nearly free from anything These are the dog days once more; entitled Court, which order was made William Fenegor, and the further Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ beautify his home and its surround­ resembling underbrush. A few of the and without breeze the nights become and entered on the 17th day Bf May, sum of $500.00 attorney's fee* in this ty, Oregon. all secured by the lien of said ings is always regarded as a non­ larger islands abound in herds of as daggoned a* the days. 1915, directing that publication there suit, mortgage, and that the lien of said First publication, July 8, 1915. progressive, “a tite-wad, ' who cares small wild horses about oi It must be the hardest for the Rus­ of be tnade in the Tillamook Head­ mortgage be adjudged and decreed Last publication, August 5, 1915- only for making and saving money, the average shetland pony. How they sians to see what they are fighting light, a newspaper of general circula­ to be superior to all claims, liens, in­ and has no care or thought for nis got tion published in the County of rilla- terest and estate of, in and to said there is one of the mysteries of for; and perhaps they don’t. Administrator'* Notice. home, but as a shelter from the the sea or, perhaps of nature, but mook and State of Oregon for a lands and premise* owned or claimed ------o----- weather, a place to eat and steep. 1ne « generally supposed that many years Torpedoing seems to be such sport period of six (6) successive weeks. Notice is hereby given that the un­ or held by either of the defendant* farmer, who expends money only lor igo some Ship that was carrying that those that do it don’t care much Date of first publication July 15, 19.15. dersigned have been duly appointed actual necessities will never have a horses to the colonies must have what is the nationality of those tor- Date of last publi«lation August 26 'is herein, and that said mortgage be administrators of the estate of Mar­ foreclosed, and the said lands arid home that others will admire, an< been* wrecked and the horses man- pedoed. Charier« A. and Claud M. premise* sold, and the proceed* at>- gery Leasia, deceased, ami all person* will miss thereby nearly all the pleas­ aged to make their wav to the land. Jones, t.y»7-9 Yeon Build­ plied toward* the payment of said having claim* against said estate are that none Mexico's silver lining is ures of life. The general appearance The years of wildness aad the chang- ing, Portland, Oregon. several sums, principal and interest, hereby required to present same, with of the revolutionaries are piling up a of a home is but the reflection of the Attorneys for Plaintiff. attorney’* fee, cost* of suit and costs the proper vouchers, duly verified, to dto..., -J* national debt that anyone will be disposition and character of its ow.,?e.r great change in their size and with of sale, and such further decree as to the undersigned at the office of 1 B. a gained bound to pay. If he is careless and indolent the wild­ the wildness they have also the Court may seem equitable and Handley, in Tillamook City, Tilla­ It is never too late to swat a fly; erness of weeds and foul grass in his Kaiser say* the war will end in mook County, Oregon, within six just. growing crops, his broken fenefs an lively tempers of their own. October; but German military author­ nor too early, best swatted before I The above named defendant* are months from the date hereof. dilapidated home and farm buildmf’ Gertrude, we'll have to b«y ities are ordering sheepskin coats and they’re hatched. Wm. J. Bogart, also notified that service of summon* - will evidence the fact more explicitly i , Yes, There are more people urtert ’led in in this suit is ordered to be had upon Uto ------- and learn learn to run run it before motor »ledge*. Goldie Clark. auto and to than it could be told in words. n the prohibition than in peace, which may Administrators of the e»- vour schoolmates come to visit sou each of said defendants by publica­ Georgia'» Legislature is indulgent the other hand, if he is absorbed 1 S .hrir fate of Margsry Leasia. of Atlanta. It permit* her to have her account for Bro. Bryan annexing it. tion thereof pursuant to an order money making, the general ,cnn’P- deceased. 212 saloons and 16 locker clubs. Lo­ Trench warfare save* the legs of rendered and entered by the above aspect of the place will ***?*'. the cal option crushed to earth will r»»e the combatants; but the other wounds entitled Court on the 21st day of lune Date of first publication July »5. >915- fact, and its owner will be judged ac­ ¡915, by which order the deiendanu Date of last publication Aug. H, 1015. again. arc the more dangerous. cordingly. “There is that scattereth and yet incrcaseth, and there is that