Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 29, 1915, Image 2

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Tillamook Headlight. July 29, 1015.
are U1^K***&
digging • into the I’M. about
people like to be fooled by a lot of HOME INDUSTRY AWARDED' We C 4IC
a wife. There are plenty more bache­
so-called political “reformers," here
lors in this neighborhood who we
is one striking illustration for them to
Frank Heyd'a Bid Was $17,988 with will call the ladies attention to later.
ponder over.
Subscribe for the Headlight and
Rear Walls of Concrete.
------ o------
get the local news.
There is more or less complaint in
« o- —
On Tuesday the City Council I met
the county on account of Dago labor
being employed on road work. There in adjourned session when were | pres-
wouldn’t be any if the snap shot man ent, S. A. Brodhead, mayor, Council­
had his way, not that we censure the men, G. B. Lamb, John Keldson, M. China Variety Being Sought For
Breeding Purposes.
County Court. A little agitation won’t Melchior, G. A. Edmunds, City At­
do any harm, anyway, and we are go­ torney H. T. Botts, Marshal N. J. I
The China pheasant which abounds
ing to suggest a remedy, and in doing Myers, Recorder
so we do not propose to knock or whereupon the following proceedings in far _ greater numbers in Oregon
j than in any other state in the Union,
cry over spilled milk, but apply a lit­ were had to-wit:
tle of the sovereign will of the people.
This being an adjourned meeting is attracting National attention. Let­
It is this. I.et the people of every sec­ for the purpose of opening proposals ters of inquiry as to the proper meth­
of the county attend the next for the construction of a City Hall od of breeding and protection are be­
(Strictly in Advance.)
One yea» ........................................... $1.50 budget meeting in large numbers and the matter was taken up at this time | ing received from all parts of the
Six months ................
75 insist that local labor be employed and the following bids for the com-_ country by William L- Finley, State I
Three months........................................ 50 in future. Previous to this, hold meet­ plete structure were read:
ing in several parts of the county
The J. H. Tillman Co., Portland, I A letter from the special game pro­
and pass
protesting Ore.—Complete with all brick walls, tector of the State of Pennsylvania
against Dago labor. We believe the $¡7,990.00. Complete with inside and has been received lately asking Mr.
people of Tillamook will back and rear walls concrete, $17,890.00. Com­ Finley for a shipment of birds for
Editorial Snap Shots.
support the snap shot man in this plete with tile
$17,850.00. breeding purposes so that state may
agitation, for when it comes down to I Credit for plumbing $500.00 , credit be stocked with the famuos game
bird, The game commission of Penn­
Are you going to get into the snap brass tacks we all believe in helping $1545.00 for heating.
shot man's anti-Dago labor band home people and home industries.
Edward J. Barrett—Complete all sylvania is willing either to buy the
wagon ?
There is little similarity between brick walls, $18,422.00. Complete with birds, or exchange birds native to the
Dago labor and the big Eastern mail inside walls and rear walls concrete, I Eastern section of the country for
The person who predicted a wet
order houses. One deprives the set­ $17,872.00. Credit for plumibng $515, I Oregon pheasants. The Fisjj and
summer on account of the war, seems
tlers of road work and the other credit for heating $1700.00. Install Game commission of Massachusetts
to have made a correct prophecy.
merchants of business that be­ ( plumbing for $515.00, install heating has also written Mr .Finley asking if
it would be possible to purchase
The City Council is to be congrat­ longs to them. And this ought to be . for $1700.00. Substituting hollow tile China pheasants for the purpose of
ulated for awarding the contract for
breeding and Lewis County, Wash­ I
C. L. Dennison—Complete walls
the erection of a new city hall to “beef” about Dago labor and at the
ington wants 200 pairs of breeding j
home industry. Patronize home in­ same time patronize Eastern mail tile and Willamina No. 3 brick, $17,- birds.
376.10. Credit plumbing $522.00, cred­
dustry and home merchants is a good order houses.
Mr. Finley said the requests for
it heating $1775.00. Install plumbing I
slogan for everybody in the county to
pheasants should influence
The Russian Situation.
$522.00, heating $1775.00.
farmers throughout the Willamette
Snook & Traver, Salem, Or.—Com­
The signifance of the German ad- plete brick, $19,120.00, complete with Valley to make a business of raising
Every once in a while the old
vance on Russia is not so much in its rear walls concrete, $18,282.00. Credit them for commercial purposes. Ac­
'’graft” system of doing business in effect upon the empire of the czar as
cording to Mr. Finley the same
Tillamook gets a severe jolting. But, upon the war in the West. Assuming plumbing $500.00, heating $1690.00. amount of care is exercised in raising
1 backing press- pheasants as is taken in breeding
probably, we haven’t jolted it as much that the Germans capture Warsaw
tile, deduct $389.00. chickens. A little more difficulty, he
as we should have. One thing, how­ and Riga, and establish a line extend­ ed brick with
ing from the great seaport on the
ever, is surprising, and that is, thus i Baltic to the Galician border near Alternate on bid No. 2 backing press- explained, may be experienced in 1
far the "grafters” have managed to Lublin, they have still barely entered ed brick with tile, deduct $389.00. starting in breeding pheasants but :
upon the Muscovite territory. They . Complete all concrete walls instead when they will bring from $4 to $6 a j
keep out of the penitentiary.
will by no means be as far advanced of brick, $17,682.00.
I pair it is much mo. remunerative
There is one thing that the dairy­ into Russia, comparatively speaking,
than chicken raising.
as they are into France. Russia is a
men of Tillamook county can con- country of infinite distances. It is ap­ Ore.—Complete as per specifications
From 4000 to 5000 pheasants w ill be
gratulate themselves on, and that is proximately 650 miles from Warsaw on file, $18,912.00. Credit for plumb­ distributed throughout the state from
dis­ ing and heating, $2215.00.
the dairy industry is not demoralized to Petrograd and about equal
the state game farm near Corvallis
like the lumber industry. As long as tance to Moscow. It is some 300 miles
N. G. Patterson, Portland, Ore.— this summer.
from Riga to Petrograd. If the Rus­
there is Democratic free trade there sian army desire to retreat into this Complete brick, $21,927.00. Complete
is no telling when the dairy industry vast interior and draw its enemy after with rear walls concrete, $21,927.00. Fresh Air to Breathe Day and Night.
it, weakening the latter’s line of Plumbing, $849.99, heating $2068.00.
will become demoralized also.
communication at every step as was
Palmer Ellison Construction Co.,' Fresh air day and night is greatest
done to Napoleon, it could hardly be
President Wilson has sent his ulti­ conquered by any force that Ger­ Portland, Ore.—Complete brick $22,- of all medicines for toning up the re­
matum to Berlin, and, as we antici­ many and Austria could bring to bear 970.00, Complete with rear walls con­ laxed muscles and nerves in the
pated, it is severely criticised by the against it.
crete, $22,670.00. Deduct plumbing spring. The tired and lazy feeling dis­
But that is not the purpose of Rus­ $759-00, deduct heating $1875.00. In­ appears if one drinks in fresh air all
German people.
It looks as if it is
sian nor of German strategy. Russia's
only a matter of time for diplomatic part in this stupendous conflict is to stall plumbing $759.00, heating $1875. | the time. Open the windows at night
relations to be broken off by the two keep the Teutonic forces in the East
E. B. White, Portland, Ore.—Com­ and let the air fill your bedroom all
countries, for Germany will not com­ so busily occupied that no great num­ plete brick, $18,814.00, complete with night long. It is not necessary to lie
ply with president Wilson’s demand. ber of men can be diverted to the bat­ rear walls concrete, $18,814.00. Credit in a draft to breathe in fresh air. Ar­
tle lines in the West. If it can compel
its enemies to keep up the fighting plumbing $759.00, heating $1750.00. ranging the open windows and doors
Don’t buy a horseless carriage- if with all their powers, whether it is in Install plumbing $759.00, heating, so as to have a moving, circulating
you haven't the money to spare to retreat or advancing, it is serving the $1750.00.
air is the only way to derive the
pay for it. Automobiles arc a source purpose of the allied plan of cam­
N. E. Hoover, Albany, Ore., Com­ greatest benefit from the air. Moving
of much enjoyment, but it is poor paign, although a tremendous sacri­ plete brick, $19,828.00. Complete with air carries freshness with it; it is lad­
fice of life. But if Germany, in this
business policy to go into debt for great drive which has never been rear walls concrete $19,600.00. Credit en with oxygen, which revivifies.
them. When people mortgage their equaled in the wars of the world, has plumbing $759-00, heating $1875.00.
I During the day walk out of doors
homes to buy machines they are dealt, or is dealing, such a blow to the
Frank Heyd—Complete brick, $19,- to breathe the air; even on stil',
auto crazy, and now that money is Russian armies as to paralyizc for 388.00. Complete with rear walls con­ I warm day walk; the air out of doors
tight it is not surprising to hear that the time being its power of defense, crete, $17,988.00.
[ is in motion, even though it appears g
as the kaiser is reported to have
they are apt to lose their homes.
claimed in a telegram to his sister,
The following bids were also read 1 to be quite still. The exercise of walk- |
then-, indeed, will it be in a position to from sub-contractors:
I ing enables one to take more air into
The question of bonding the state "deliver a coupe in the Western front
Theo. M. Barr, Salem, Ore.—Heat­ the lungs. Fresh air is necessary to
for $10,000,000 for road purposes will that will make all Europe tremble.”
| purify the blood—the blood carries
ing complete, $1794.00.
be a live subject for the people of
I oxygen to every nook and corner in
from the Eastern to the Western
J. F. Shear Portland, Ore.—Heating
Oregon to discuss in the near future, border and put into action might
the brain and body, to give them
complete, $2000.00.
for there is a movement on foot to turn the scale of war. And then, it
nourishment and strength. People
Wm. F. Bunce, Portland, Or.—
submit this Io a vote of the people. might not For a million new English
who insist upon living without fresh
Although we are not a very strong
air are very susceptible to the influ-
channel now. We shall see what we
Baker Hardware Co., Albany Or.—
advocate of bonding the state for shall see. ________________
cncc of disease. The fresh-air advo­
road improvements, we realize that if
cate is seldom ill. The longing for a
Plumbing and
heating combined
Berlin Warned in Strong Note.
Oregon is to keep pace with Califor­
spring tonic is the organism's demand
$2677.00, Sheet metal furnished and
nia and Washington, it must have
for more air. Drugs sometimes may
hard surfaced highways, for there is
Washington, July 24.—That in spir­ installed, $695.00.
be needed, after the indoor life of
R. F. Zachman, Tillamook, Ore.—
no disputing the fact that hard sur­ it, the new American note to Ger-
winter, but as a rule they may be om-
$515.35, Heating $1700.95.
faced highways must be built in this many is an ultimatum, was the con-
mitted, air and exercise being ail suf­
Frank Heyd was awarded the con­ ficient for a cure.
census of opinion following its pub-
■ ■ o------
lication. Of course it is not an ulti- tract on his second bid, which if for
Bro. Trombley the Democratic po­ matum in form, no time limit is rear walls concrete, for which the bid
Next president, whoever he is, may
litical reformer, who couldn’t stand named in which Germany must give was $17,988.00.
look forward to having the Mexican
Republican prosperity, and bellyach­ an answer to the demands that the
row to settle. It will wait.
ed about Republican stand-patters, rights of Americans on the seas be
It was natural when the confidence
Woods and Pacific City Items.
can now see the fruits of the false respected. In fact the note demands
in future punishment for the wicked
doctrine he doled out to the people no answer. The communication con­
1 he usual trouble among fishermen. ' began to wane that the punishment in
when he advocated and supported tains no threat of anything the Unit­ Each one thinks the other fellow is ‘ Pena' institutions should slacken also,
Democratic free trade. We would like ed States will do if their wishes are
getting the best of him.
| An original letter written by Robert
to know how the business men and disregarded, but it declares that a
If you will read the following it Burns has sold for $450. If Robert
people in general like "Democratic repetition by the commanders of Ger­
might do you good. Starve your tern- had foreseen that, he would have
free trade. The snap shot man wishes man vessels of acts in contravention
Give it nothing to feed on. When 1 written a bushel of them for the ben-
to inform Bro. Trombley that he is of the American rights will "consti­
efit of his decendants.
still the same Republican standpatter tute an unpardonable offense,” and something temps you to grow angry,
Philosophy foolishly says so many
that advocated and fought for Repub­ be regarded as "deliberately unfriend­
a minute or two be difficult to con­ things that will have no weight, such
lican prosperity.
trol yourself; but try it. Force your­ as "any kind of work is better than
----- o-----
One of the lecturers at the Chau-
Bro. Bryan better guard his utter­ self to do nothing, to say nothing, loafing.” Loafing, discreetly and tem­
tauqua in this city took great pains ances or he will become the Prince of and the rising temper will be forced perately indulged in. is one of earth's
to go down, because it has nothing to blessings.
to point out a number of freak bills Pessimism.
hold it up. The person who can and
that had been introduced in state
Six hundred chinook salmon in one
As for that, a crazy man may have
legislatures, in assailing our represen­ "good intentions.” But judgment is does control his tongue, hand and draw of the sein, is the banner catch
heart, in the face of great provoca­ for the season on the Rogue river.
tative form of government. We will as perilous as bad will.
tion, is a hero.
draw attention to one freak thing in
This catch was made by the fishermen
Religious revivals and hard times
Oregon, which the people are re­
Miles and Edmunds have started a of the Macleav cannery whidh is own­
sponsible for. Oregon is a lumbering always come together, history says. restaurant at Pacific City, in connec­ ed principally by Portland capital.
state immensely wealthy in timber So one may figure in a way how long tion with their pool hall.
The fishermen made over $300 in the
resources and with great lumbering Billy Sunday will last.
All of the broken down sports of catch. The fish bring 50 cents each at
Tan shoes must ever struggle Cloverdale were down the river Wed­ the cannery. Though the chinook
possibilities. Yet for all that, the peo­
season is open on Coos Bay very few­
ple of Oregon sent two Senators to against an insufficiency of experts nesday catching fish.
Washington to kill the lumber indus­ who know how to polish them with­
People coming to a summer resort fish are running.
try, who voted for Democratic free out discoloring them. Demand ex­ come for a good time,
not to be
There is more Catarrh in this section of
trade, the resule of which is the lumb­ ceeds supply.
growled at and listen to the other
the country than all other diseases put
ering industry in the Pasific North­
On general principles, “Tipperary” fellows troubles.
together, and until the last lew years
supposed to he inenrahle
For a great
west is in a state of demarolization. is a better war song than "There'll
Lots of cafnpers at McPhillip’s was
many years doctors pronounced it a local
disease and prescribed local remedies and
with a loss of $12,000,000 to the man­ |>e a Hot Time in the Old Town To­ camp grounds. !
by constantly falling to cure with local
ufacturers of Oregon and Washing­ night.” it ill become us to criticise the
The postmastei r at Woods needs a treatment, pronounced it incurable Set
lias proven Catarrh tn be a consti­
ton in one year. It is as plain* as the dptness of the British ballad.
wife. Ladies serfd I in your applications cnee
tutional disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment
Hall's I'atarAi
nose on a man's face that the sover­
Miles and Edpiunds have a live seal Cure,
Senator Aldrich once said that if he
manufueturrd by F. J
Chener w
eign will of the people of Oregon is could run the governmnet as a busi­ on exhibition.
Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only Constitu­
tional cure on the market
It is taken in
responsible for killing the state's ness corporation is run he could save
Gen. Babcock retnmed home last ternallv in doses from Id drops to a tea
It acts directly
rm the blood
greatest industry, throwing thousands a hundred million or so. That’s more night He says business here is bet- spoonnrt
and mucous surfaces of the system. They
Oder one hundred dollars for any case it
of men out of employment, and plac­ than the income tax; hence all the ter than he found it in the East.
fails to cere
Send .for circulars and tea
ing the mill men and timber owners money of the income tax must be
Barney Knoblock is laid up with a iimontwla.
CHENEY A CO .Totedo O.
on the verge of bankruptcy. Since the | wasted.
sore hand.
Take 11 aU • TaruUj. 1ilia for constipation.
Legal Advertisements.
First Insertion, per line............... $ .10
Each subsequent insertion, line.
Business and professional cards
one month ................................ 1.00
Locals per line each insertion.
Display advertisement, an inch,
one month.......................................... 50
Al! Resolutions of Condolence
and Lodge Notices, per line..
l ards of Thanks, per line................. 05
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
ceeding five lines............................. 25
To Introduce the Aluminum Ware
subscribers to the Headlight can
obtain a
PERCOLATOR for $1.00.
At the Headlight Office.
Coast Power Company, j
Our plant is well equipped and
maintained in perfect running
We can furnish you with any­
thing in electric supplies or fix­
tures for wiring, lighting, heat-
ing, power, or cooking.
We have experienced and capa­
ble men to attend to our lines and
to do house wiring and instala-
High Grade Patterns, many Exclusive, in the Choicest Styles —
Latest in design and coloring, now awaiting your inspection.
Tillamook, Ore.
Phons J 27
Now Under New Management.
Call and See Us.
Repair Work a Specialty,
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