? Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JVLY 29. 1915, gfíUDENT /WJ BANKS M/S MONEY I $1.50 PER YEAR. Lost —Roll of bedding between Prof. Hector MacPherscn, of the Beaver and Blaine. W. H. Edson, Oregon Agricultural College, was in Blain, Mutual phone. Reward. , the city last week hooking up statis­ Owing to the rain the picnic ar­ tics of the dairy industry of Tilla- ranged by the Shakespeare Club for ■ | mook county for the government and I the college. He obtained most cf his to day was postponed. information from back numbers of Sharp s Restaurant now running at ; I the Headlight. Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday Osmym Optiz escaped from the dinners a specialty. » insane asylum and went to Newport, Miss Florence Rosenstcin of Port­ land is now occupying the position of and from there walked to Tillamook stenographer in Attorney S. S. last week. He acted strange and went’into the sheriff's office and said Johnson’s law office. people called him crazy. The sheriff Bom, to the wife of Mrs. A M took charge of him and he was taken Shafer, of Edin, Idaho, a son. Mrs. back to the asylum. Shafer was formerly Miss Shirk and L. S. Thornton, district representa­ a teacher in the public school. tive of the Canadian Pacific Railway, * s Wanted to lease farm, some stock was in the city on Wednesday in the etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro interest of that company. As will be *1 .. property for same, address owner seen by an advt. in another column Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Ore. that company is offering great in­ Mrs. A."E. Nolan, who has been ducements to people- to locate in visiting at the home of her sister, Canada. Mrs. B. C. Lamb, left for Portland _______ When land begins to need lime it is Tuesday, accompanied by Charley a waste of time and money to contin­ Lamb. ue cultivating it until this need is sup­ Don’t forget those busted castings plied, for the economical use of ever Can be welded for half. Goods sent fertilizing material, including manure, by parcel post and express promptly depends upon the lime supply—if this _ returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, is deficient everything else must fall * MOGeOOOOOOOOeOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOO Oregon. * short of its possible attainment. I SERVICE 'Ask any of our customers about; First National service. They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why. < • / First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore. POCtffT ßOOKS &O ur B ank / sa S afe P lace for tr Money carried tn the pocket slips away easily. Put ► yours in our BANK ; it won’t be so hard to refuse a loan I to “ friends” who will never pay you back. Nor will you I foolishly SPEND your money when it is safe in our bank. I We refer those who have not banked with us to those who HAVE. Our vaults and locks are strong. The I good names of men of high CHARACTER and known [financial RESPONSIBILITY are also behind our bank. ' Make OCR bank YOUR bank. L We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit. $ 1 For rent—Five furnished rooms | down stairs, water, sewer, electric times in a vain effort to recover the WOOD LAW TO BE INFORCED ----- o----- lights and phone. $18.00 per month, body, and Mrs. P. K. Egbert drove to Also two good sized rooms up stairs j the Life Saving Station for assistance, Deputy Sealer Issues Orders as to Delivery of Fuel. furnished for house keeping for $7 or , The body was promptly recovered, Salem, Or., July 27.—Deputy State unfurnished for $5 Corner 6th Avenue and although an effort was made to and 9th street East. Apply at next restore respiration, this proved una- Sealer of Weights and Meeasures vailing. Buchtel today notified the district door south. deputies that they must enforce a sec­ Several members of the Artisan tion of a law passed by the recent lodge in this city gave Attorney G. R. ANOTHER LOCAL CONTRAC- THE OLI) RELIABLE. Legislature, which provides that TOR SUCCESSFUL, The Sanitary Wagon makes daily Winslow a little surprise on Thurs- [ slabwood, blockwood, ties and sawed o----- day at his home in this city. As a 1 calls at Netarts camp with fresh token of respect and good will, the Tillamook Bay .Construction Co. to cord wood, when sold for use as fuel, home made bread and pastry, milk. become firewood, and shall be sold Build Sour Grass Road. members of the lodge had subscribed eggs and vegetables. E. P. Larson. by the cord or fraction of a cord, and At a joint session of the County The Fruit Palace received a car for a clock which was presented on ULAMOOK JOTTINGS Netarts. Oregon. ♦ this occasion, the genieman having Courts of T amhill and 1 illamook not by the load. He also notified load of watermelons to-day. Merril Smith and wife will leave on recently been married. : Counties at McMinnville on Satur- : them that coal and ice must be sold I Houses to Rent, see Watson. * Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ Tuesday for a month’s vacation, go­ I day, five bids were submitted for by weight. Mr Buchtel has an opin­ A fire alarm was turned in at 3 grading the new roAd between the j ion from Attorney-General Brown I Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ ing to San Francisco. Glen Oliver ♦ will have charge of the rural mail o’clock on Tuesday morning, a fire ■lough Co. * mook Meat Company. two counties, or what is known as : that these sections of the statutes are having started in Emmett Jenkins’ the Sour Grass route, and the con- i mandatory. For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and route while he is away. I For your Sunday roast call Sani- house near Stillwell Ave. The fire The district sealers have been in­ , 6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs. Kry Market. We ljave made special arrange­ fighters promptly responded to the tract was let to the Tillamook Bay ' structed to notify the firms in their Construction Co., who had the lowest Cornforth, Tillamook. 3 Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. ments with the Telephone Co., to call and in less than ten minutes had territories of the interpretation of Two five roomed cottages, furnish- connect you directly with our office, a stream of water playing on /.e bid which yas-$18,862.56. This does the law, and within a reasonable Blough Co.'s. * I All kinds of lunch meats at the ' ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap- in case you wish any of our GOOD flames, which were leaping skyward. not include culverts or bridges, but time, if they do not observe it, to py Netarts janitary Market. | I " v camp, N -‘ar‘« Oregon. * COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W It is not known how the fire origi­ for grubbing and grading the 5% take legal action. Mr. Buchtel says in I miles of road. There was a difference BGood Jersey cow for sale, cheap.— ( Dr. and Mrs. T. P^ Wise and son Attorney B. L. Eddy and family, nated. of over one thousand dollars in the the letter to the deputies: “A wagon holding X of a cord of are in from Portland visiting at the formerly of Tillamook, but now re­ W. E. Makinstcr. * . "The Valley of the Moon," in seven next lowest bid. It will require anoth­ 16-inch slabwood may be properly home of Sheriff Crenshaw. siding at Roseburg, arrived at Bay ­ er appropriation by both counties to reels will be shown at the Star Thea ­ I Born, on the 21st to the wife of A. billed as 96 cubic feet, or as Ji of a Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, ocean last week for a vacation. Mr. tre Wednesday and Thursday even­ surface the foad next year, and it is cord, the measurements being figured L Thomas, a son. Eddy left on Sunday but will return hoped this will be completed for next ings of next week. This is another of 50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric of course, upon the wood in the short I Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- later. the special features that Mr. Smith year’s summer travel. Store next to Gem Theater; lengths, and after piling.” pook County Bank. The other bids were: has been running of late at this J. H. Dunstan underwent a second Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Similar laws have been in force in I The place to eat is at the "Good sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ operation in Portland on Saturday, theatre, which no doubt, “The Valley Montague O’Ricly & Co of Portland for seven years, and the one Portland, total bid ............. $20,946.48 of the Moon ” will also do, for Jack Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. and a postal card from him yester­ merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * passer by the recent legislature gives day says that he is making good pro­ London is the author. Remember the A Arsiill, on third section 6437.25 the remainder of the state the same I Mrs. Ira Latimar and children are The City Council sold the old city gress and expects to be home about dates, Wednesday and Thursday only .".................................. b on a visit to relatives. 1 protection. I. ong & Trent, of McMinn­ evenings of next week. hall to C. I. Myers for $55.00, who is the 10th. I The Tillamook Meat 'Co., is paying to move the building at once. ville ..................................... 25,33^80 i The Swastika Club held the July Suncay Service! at M. E. Church. The Better Babies Contest was J. H. Hicks, Tillamook Bay len cents for green hides. * Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Edwards and commenced on Tuesday at Nehalem meeting at the home of Mr». Hayes. Construction Co, Bay City I There will be a hard time dance at sons, Lloyd and Lowell, left the first Sunday school to o’clock, W. E. and to-day at Cloverdale, and on The hostess entertained in a very Carlton Timber & Cons. Co. petarts on Saturday night. of the week for San Francisco. Saturday in this city, which is in con­ unique fashion which' proved to be of Carlton .......................... 20,539.14 Noyes, Supt. extremely entertaining and enjoyable. Children's Sermon, 10:45. I Ed Lindsey yas in the city from his Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, nection with the Tillamook County Mr. Hicks informs us that two The decorations were sweet peas and Morning worship, 11 a.m. Class Bnch on the Nehalem river. Fair. Pork, Veal and old fachioned country loads of equipment left on ' Wcdnc«- pansies. After delicious refreshments meeting 12 m , W. M. Heaston, lead­ left this I day and two more loads sausage. — Tillamook Meat Co. Wanted a cheap buggy and harness. Wanted to trade or sell house and the club adjourned with a picnic in work will er. « pall at the City Fish Market. 'Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter lot in Tillamook or in Portland for view, August 20th at Bar View. The 1 (Thursday) morning. The Epworth League, 7 o'clock. be pushed as rapidly as possible, but second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre invited guests were Mesdames, Todd, I Freshly dressed chicken at the sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ Evening worship, 8 p.m. cannot be used this year, for no pro­ tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. Lamb, Nolan, Allison and Myers. Sanitary Market, Saturday. Address “Organ” care of this paper. Edw. Gittins, Pastor. vision is made for several small Stephens & Co., Room 1, Commercial I Rev. F. C. Schunellc expects to Some boys get good marks at Building, Tillamook, Ore. We are sorry to announce the death bridges that will have to be built. • Announcement. leave for Missouri this week. school, but they hate to show them. Steinhilber, which occured in Port­ An effort was made by one of the At the quarterly conference of the I \\ e are in a position to make snmc Smoke Apex, the extra mild 5c. cigar. M. E. Church, at which Dr. Moore, land after she had undergone an oper­ contractors to have the courts delay ation last week. Mrs. Steinhilber 1 for two weeks awarding the contract, I wish to announce that all farm long tima farm loans. First National W. J. Garrett and J. L. Schmid both district superintendent was present, is a sister to Al Bunn, of Beaver, and but Commissioners Allen, of Yamhill, i surveys will be made at the rate of Bank. • of whom had worked in this city, it was unanimously voted to request is well known in this county, although I and Owens, of Tillamook, would not ! $5 per day. The farmers to furnish all that Rev. E. Gittins be re-appointed it is over 14 years since she resided stand for that, Mr. Allen contending ' chainmen and axmen. Wanted—A girl or woman to take were Tillamook visitors this week. tare of an old lady. Good wages. T. Miss Elizabeth Keane, who visited to the Tillamook church. in the county, where she was greatly that it was unfair to do so now that Harry P. Kerr, surveyor and Engi- u. Goyne. at the home of Attorney Callahan, There will be a special meeting of respected. Mr. Steinhilber owned and they had received the bids, ' neer, Allen House, Tillamook, Ore. I Mrs. Geo. Kiger left Tuesday to left on Sunday for San Francisco. the Red Men this (Thursday) even­ edited the Headlight some years ago,' and was one of the county’s promi- tisit her mother and sister at Estaca- ing, called for the purpose of making Owing to the depression 'in the la. nent citizens. cheese market, it will be the 10th of final arrangements for the Red Men's Mrs. John Weston and daughters, Grant Mills vs. Carl Lett is a suit August before checks are paid next convention, which is to be held in this city on August 17th and 18th. Ethlyn and Marian, and son Arthur,[ filed in the circuit court to recover month. hoo. Married in this city, on July. 21st, from Staples, Minn., were visiting for After a girl gets beyond thirty she at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. two weeks at the home of their uncle Attorney E. J. Claussen left on prefers kisses to caramels. Smoke H. E. Weston. They like the climate ( Wednesday for a few days vacation Apex, the extra mild 5c. cigar. Sohl Dick in Sunnymead, Lewis E. Dick here and our beautiful scenery and and Miss Madeline E. Brace, the cer- n Portland. everywhere. 1 emony being performed by Rev. E. they took home some of Tillamook’s . The tower and fire bell is being Young man wishes position on Gittins in the presence of a few inti­ famous cheese. John Weston has ( been engineer on the Northern Paci-1 aken down to make room for the ranch in Tillamook County. Good mate friends. fic for 20 years. Mrs. Weston’s grand city halt milker and teamster. Write to G. K. 1 The following paragraph appeared daughter. Opal Hurlburt, is visiting For Sale, -3 beds, 3 dressers, Lino- Garibaldi, Oregon. in the Oregonian under head of 25 her grand parents. One ton of coal equals two cords of years ago: “The new church at Tilla­ •uni, bidding and cocoa stair carpet. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church was Krs. Cornforth. wood and you don’t have ‘o sow and mook will be dedicated tomorrow. the scene Tuesday morning of the Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello Presiding Elder M. C. Wire will be split it, General Passenger agent J. M. •__ • | present, and Professor Thomas Van marriage of Miss Beatrice Kirkpat­