i Tillamoolc Headlight, July 22 Tillamook Drainage District. ----- o— ■ In the matter of the petition for the organization of Tillamook Drain­ age District coming before the county court on Saturday, no objections hav­ ing been made it was ordered that the prayer of the petitioners begranted, an d the district td embrace the fol­ lowing land: . Beginning a^ a point 20 feet East of the West line of Section ^1, in town­ ship I South of range 9 West, W. M. and jo rods South of the Northwest corner of said section, and running thence Fast to the west line of the James and Anna Quick donation land claim in section 32, said township and range; thence South to the south ]me of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 32; thence West to the southwest corner ot the northwest quarter of the south­ west quarter of said section 32; thence South to the south line of said section 12; thence West to the southwest corner of said section 32; thence North to the southeast corner, of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 31, in said town­ ship and range; thence we6t to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 31; thence north 1954-2 feet to the north line of tract owned by Ben Jacob; thence West to the east line of the county road on the cast side of Trask river; thence fol­ lowing the east'’line of said county road in a northwesterly direction to a point within 20 feet- of the west side of said section 31; thence north to the place of beginning. The County Clerk was directed to call a meeting of the owners of the land situate in the district within 30 days for the purpose of electing a board of three supervisors for said district. _____________ Tillamook County Potatoes are Quar­ antined by State Board. Th f ..T,LLAMOoK C0W TESTING association report • i0|l0W‘nRU the tiainus names and record» of the].the Asso — blegwes mo cution which ha.-e produced more than 100 pounds, of butterfat period of 60 days ending June. Owner Cow Breed r. Blaser Jersey G. J. p. Ebinger Ruth G. J. w. Williams May G. J. * * Gipsy G. J. Kateleda Reg. J. Tilda Reg. J. Star G. J. James Williams Donaldson Native 4 4 4 4 Dora • 4 Midged G. J. J. Dürrer Beauty G. J. Mouse * * •• Rose 4 4 Spot Durham 4 4 Dimple Native Sd.i j Smith Jewel G. J. 4 4 Brunnette G. J. A. Erickson Alley Native A. Va txhn Baby G. J. 44 Lily G. J. 44 Floss G. J. J. M. Morgan Blindic Native 4 t Jensen Native 44 4 4 Bolly 4 4 Nigger » 4 Guerney 4 4 44 Snowball W.n. Maxwell Mary G. J. 4 4 Bailie G. J. 4 4 Pink G. J. « 4 Blossom G. J. 4 « Pussie G. J. C. Hunt Gem Native •• A. L. Mapes Brindle 4 4 G. Petersen Jennie Chas. Kunze No. 32 Hol. 44 •• No. 6 G. Hanrenktatt No. 7 Native 44 4 4 No. 10 4 4 4 4 No. 25 44 4 « No. 29 J. Dürrer Chaney G. J. Star G. J. 4 4 Minnie G. J. 44 Baby G. J. 4 » Gcldie G. J. 4 4 Jersey G. J. A. L. Mapes Topsey Reg. Hol. A. Vaughn Hetty G. J. J. M. Morgan Lady Native P. Bosma, Official Tester. The notice of quarantine against Tillamook County potatoes printod elsewhere in this paper will perhaps bring out some inquiries as to the nature of the disease in question and the reason for the quarantine. Powdery scab has been known in this county only a few years and as it is quite a serious disease the gov­ ernment authorities are doing every­ thing in their power to prevent its spread. It appears first in little blis­ ters which finally break out into brownish powdery masses. The common scab is rather corky but this is in the form of powder. It was first located in this county HAZEN TELLS COAST NEEDS. in a sack of potatces sent this spring ----- o----- to the Experiment Station to grow Portland Man Urges Marine Law experimentally in the style of another Amended Before Trade Board. disease of a less serious nature. This brought the Plant Pathologist to the Chicago, July 20—Members of the county and together with die County Federal Trade commission ended a Agriculturist he examined^ all the two-day conference with lumbermen potatoes to be found near Tillamook this afternoon, and planned to lease and tried to trace the history of the for Detriot tonight, where they will diseased sack. It was found in some hold a hearing tomorrow. of the locad grown potatoes then in Assertions that the lumber business the stores, but these could not be of the country is in a demoralized traced to the grounds as the store­ condition were repeated by represen­ keepers could not tell from whom tatives of the industry, who appeared they were received. Do not think the before the commission at to-day’s disease is at all general but it is to session. the interest of the county as well as E. B. Hazen, of Portland, Ore., the state to get it cleaned up as soon representing the West Coast Lumber as possible. In order to do this we Manufacturers’ association, summar­ need the hearty co-operation of every ized his recommendations for the re­ one. If you have any suspicion of the lief of existing conditions as follows: disease in your crop kindly drop me a “Our marine laws should be amend­ line or call me up and I will be glad ed so that we can purchase ships any­ to investigate and help you get rid of where and operate them under our it. I shall be glad to know of every­ flag, both offshore and between the one in the county who will have po­ Pacific and Atlantic coast. tatoes to sell this fall and to help Railroad-owned ships should be them in every way possible. The ex­ permitted to operate through the pert on plant diseases from O. A. C. Panama canal from coast to coast. will be here about digging time and “The lumbermen should be permit­ we may be able to help you in many ted to form co-operative selling ways. agencies to care for the domestic 1 he store keepers are asked to keep trade. track of the source of all local po­ “The lumber industry in the Pacific tatoes and regular inspection at the Northwest is now in a state of de­ stores will be followed up. moralization,” said Hazen. ‘ with the Tillamook does not raise nearly all present average selling price of $10.90 the potatoes she consumes so the per thousand, there is an actual loss quarantine will work no particular of $1.84 per thousand. hardship on the county. “It’s no dis­ “In Washington and Oregon alone grace to get bed bugs but it is a the loss to manufacturers for 1915 on disgrace to keep them.” In the same a normal to-hour output, not includ­ way this disease and quarantine is no ing interest, will be $12,000,000. Un­ disgrace to the county but it would der present conditions, the fittest is be a disgrace to keep it here. This the manufacturer who can stand to article is a call to everyone in the lose money in the largest quantities county to help get rid of it. Watch or he who buys out the bankrupt at the papers for further articles. 50 cents on the dollar. Roy C. Jones, “The government practice of selling County Agriculturist. timber to manufacturers on the pres­ ent system, where the operator has no large investment in raw material On Going Barefoot. and no interest accumulating, makes Despite the eulogies of sappy bio­ the operators in government lands the graphers, there are not many advan­ hardest competitors we have and tages in being born poor, and most of places our government in direct com­ these can be shared by the children of petition with us. One-quarter of the wealthy parents who happen to have trees in the United States are within sense as well as money. Among the government reserves. Telegram. foremost blessings of poverty is the sacred and inalienable right of chil­ Will Make Europe Tremble. dren to "go barefoot” in summer. But why should the youngster be depriv­ London, July 20.-The Morning ed of the touch of cool, sweet grass Post's Petrograd correspondent says on his naked feet because his progen­ that Emperor William has sent to his sister the Queen of Greece, the fol­ itors happen to be rich? Man is a five-toed animal, who lowing telegram: . „ . , . seems ashamed of the fact. He covers "I have paralyzed the Russians for his sensative feet with leather, which at least six months, and 1 am on the turns him into an imitation ungulate, eve of delivering a coup on ‘he East­ or hoofed creature, and then wonders ern front that will make all Europe why he has corns and bundns. He tremble.” - takes the spring out of the earth with his pavements and the elasticity out Russians Confident. of his stride with hard-soled shoes, »nd marvels why walking has become London, July »-A P«»ro««d * pain instead of a pleasure. dispatch to the Daily Mail ’»»’ There may be some climatic excuse “Additional factories are under- for this folly in winter, and as for taking every day to turn out large grown-ups at any reason, "the world quantities of munitions. 1 he supply o has set its heavy yoke upon the grave war material of all kind, i, increasing »nd bearded folk/’ But give the kids steadilv The nation is prepared to *ven the poor little rich kids, a pass through a period of reverses if chance to get their feet on the good necessary, but never has felt more breast of earth. certain of ultimate victory. All men love a thermometer which 8oes to extremes in hot weather. They are contemptuous of conserva­ tism in matter of that kind. There are many remedies for mos- ouito bites in the newspapers; »”d ’hat's where they seem to stay, jou never have them handy on the shelf. I* is quite apparent that 191 * is not to be a repetition of 1816— Eighteen “'hundred—?nd—fro»e-to-death. The nnptcted nex.r b ppen». Roosevelt arrived at San Francisco on Tuesday On the trip across the bav the Colonel alluded o what he country. "The subject of mv addres just as well be 'Damn the Mollycod­ dles. ÎQ YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER 8160,000,000.00 IN ASSETS represented by this Office during the Lbs. Milk 2415 2055 2535 2865 2085 1860 2310 2935 2955 2850 24« 288-) 2855 3325 |2O85 2310 2970 2220 2910 2025 2635 2145 *2025 3380 2625 2830 2475 2385 2145 2430 2130 2474 2985 2775 2820 3480 2880 2655 2400 2550 2955 2580 2415 2640 2935 2805 2145 2175 1575 1725 P. C. Fat Lbs. Fat 43 103.7 5.75 118.11 4 60 116.7- 4.45 legi; 5.10 106.6' 5.45 101.21 3.85 100.63 3.99 116 41 3.8O 112.2S 4.75 134.2; 5. 121.3; 3.9 112.5< 4 05 116.41 3.25 107.66 5.05 105.1: 4.95 114.21 3 80 112.76 4.6 103.02 4.45 130.83 6.20 105.79 4.85 130.20 4.70 100.71 5.10 103.14 3.00 104.40 3.90 102.37 3.80 104.69 4.20 104.22 5.15 122.95 4 95 106.56 4 70 113.61 5.20 110.01 4.05 107.73 3 66 107,<4 3.85 106.63 4.00 113.04 3.05 106.14 3.60 103.68 3.9 103.74 4.6 109.5'1 4.4 111.92 3.65 107.91 4.25 110.19 4 20 101.10 3.80 100.68 3 85 115.26 3.8 108.40 5.1 109.30 3.51 79.14 4 95 77.85 4.60 79.32 J. Dürrer, Se:retary. 4'------ ' ' ~ HUNGARIAN WARNS DEFIANT NEUTRALS. ’ Countrymen of America Said to be Ready to Block Munition Shipments LAND H. ERWIN. AFETY” ERVICE ECURITY Diploma fro n Chicago Musical College - Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. Factory Representative for the Chute & Butler I’ianos and Player Pianos. p OUR AIM EBSTER HOLMES, Let Us Write Your Next Policy ROLLIE W. T II »ALS. M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S.P. Co. (I. O O F. Bldg ) , Til!an:ouk .... Oregon ATTORNEY AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET. WATSON TILLAMOOK, “The Insurance Man.“ J Phone Us, Totkl Hotel. OREGON. - E. REEDY, D.V M., VETERINARY. ■»/IA»»*—/IA»*»—■»^A i » w /ÎA m > w»/IA r ^lAe^l J ^Reduction in Price of Meat. $ < ’ Tillamook .... OregoD. < ► $ BEEF POT ROAST At 12Jc- and 13Jc. per pound. RIB ROAST At 15c. per pound. RIB BOIL At 11c. per pound. ‘ 'BRISKET BOIL At 10c. per pound. STEAKS At 12}c. to 15c. per pound. CORN BEEF At 11c. and 12ic. per pound. HAMBURGER STEAK . At 12jc. per pound. $ ñüEX. JVIeNBlR & CO. GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. Straw hats are becoming so cheap that even the horses can wear them. Sometimes the American people take as fondly to a public man who is half cracked as they do to Liberty Bell A man may enjoy smoking an old pipe, but it's strong proof he's not ;.t all sensative—with the emphasis on the strong. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - . - Oregon. ROOM NO. 201 J. CLAUSSEN, . LAW VER. E DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT $ ,,Tillamook Meat Company. '... ATTORNEY-AT l.A\V. Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse , As our Grass Fed Cattle are now ready for the Market, we are making the following Prices on our Meat, for CASH: ---------- -- ■ -.......... Both Phones. Tillamook .... Oregon '"p H. GOYNE, London, July 20.—A special dis­ patch received by the London Post from Budapest, Hungary, says that the government contemplates a mob­ ilization of American-Austrians and These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook 4 ’ Hungarians, of whom are some 6,000,- Products. 000 in the United States, with the purpose of interfering with the man­ ufacture of war material, if the Amer­ ican Government does not meet the Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers demands of the central empires. One of the members of Count Tis­ from Portland. za's club said: "It is a great mistake on the part of < ! SIRLION STEAKS At 20c. per pound. America to believe that we are utter­ ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. per pound, ly powerless, for if the worst comes to the worst, we have more than 15,- . ( POT ROAST BEEF-At 16c. per pound. 000,000 men, mostly in Eastern states, Germans, Austrians and Hun­ ’ SHORT RIBS AND garians, who are ready to menace the PLATE BOILS . At 12c. to 15c. per pound. business of munition manufacturers.” Central Organization Necessary. The Post adds that it is not quite < I Prime RIB ROASTS, At 18c. per pound. clear what all this means, unless it 1 These Prices are subject to change. refers to more incidents of bombs < and revolvers, such as came to light in the case of Morgan’s assailant, ■! Muentcr, who is feted in Vienna and Munich as a German martyr. There are 3000 Hungarian societies in America that could create trouble and foment strikes, says the Post, but for such an undertaking a central organization is necessary and Ameri- | can authorities may have something to say on that subject. Underground agitation, on the other hand, will be Furnished Housekeeping Tents of little use. Moreover, though there are many thousands of Hungarians employed in factories in America Only One Dollar a Day. turning out war material for England and the allies, and though agents of Electric lights and water in every German organizations are doing their tent; go surf bathing or hunt for best to empress them with their ideas crabs and clams, tent city is under the people pay little or no heed to direction of Bar View hotel; many them. .. „ , „ Hint Given “Unfriendly Neutrals. entertaining features; no liquors al- Count Tisza, in giving followers lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; some idea of his policy, is reported to sleeping tents and board at hotel, $2 have said: per day and up. Write W. A. Wise, "We have been at war almost a year Bar View, Tillamook County, Orc., now and we have tried to behave as modestly as ever a great military or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Ore. power behaved. We worked hard and shed our blood and spent our money until we achieved a position in war I which justifies our taking into con­ sideration the unfriendly attitude and pretensions of certain neutrals who interpret neutrality entirely in defian­ ce of the spirit of the word, and tn I accordance with their own interests and sentiments. We think the time» has arrived when we should take a stand and in the name of right and justice, rais a protest against thi» menacing and’disloyal attitude of cer­ tain neutral states.” These phrases are said to relate partly to Roumania and partly to America, but the Premier did not give any indication as to the precise steps he would take. A Los Angeles paper diffuses the intelligence that 50 per cent of the farmers wear garters. Jerry Simpson lived in a transition period. Savings bank deposits have greatly increased in Russia, as a result of the prohibition of vodka. Are the Rus­ sians thus being convinced that they might better put all their maney tn the savings banks instead of wasting it on war’ From 80.000 to 100.000 lives have been lost in the flood» in the vicinity of Canton. China, according to a cablegram to the state department today from Pekin. Council General Cheshire has appealed for all the 44- sistance that can be rendered by the navy department. PIANO INSTRUCTION. 1 Mexico City gets along fully as comfortably when there is no presid­ ing hanging around her as when there is. Why not become an apostle for the Abolition of Pain and Earth? The talk about it would please a great many people and it would take at least as long to realize it as to bring about permanent peace. 2!3 T illamook B lock Oregua Tillamook qr . jack clsen , DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon L-I T. BOI AU A A . -\TTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillmnoott .... Oregon Both Phone». C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Oregon |2)R. L. L. HCY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - Oregon. - QR. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercia! Building, Tillamock QARI. HABKRLACIi, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B lock Tillamook *. . . .Oregon 0R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN DENTIST, Successor to Dr. Perkin» TILLAMOOK, OREGON. BORGE WILLETT, ATTORNKV-AT-I.AW T illamook C ommercial B uilbino Tillamook .... Oregon E. E, DA NI KIA CHIROPRACTOR. 1 xx * h 1 Offic» in the Commercial Building. TILLAMOOK EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers