Tillamook Headlight, July 22, Notice of Foreclosure Sale. Uncle Silas Says water and sending it into the J;-, ant tree tops. Big Loan« in Europe. STATE BOARD OF OREGON HORTICULTURE Notice is hereby given that in pur­ suance of a judgment and decree en­ tered in the Circuit Court ofthe State of Oregon, for Tillamook County, in the cause pending wherein Tillamook County Bank, a corporation is plain­ tiff, and Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. Mitchell, G. \\. Rice and Jane Doe Rice, his wife arc defendants, which decree was entered on the 21st day of June, 1915, and in pursuance of an execution and order of sale issued upon said decree by the clerk of said Court bearing date June —, 1015, I have levied upon, and will, on Satur­ day tiie 21th 'lay of Aug. 1915, at the Court House door in T illamook City, Oregon, at the hour of to o’clock a. in., sell at public auction to the high­ est bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest of the de­ fendants, held on February 8th, 1913, or since acquired by them in and to the following described real property situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ ment rendered in said cause together with the costs and expenses of the sale. The judgment is for the sum of $1,263.71, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125 as attorney’s fees, and $39.90 costs and disbursements. Dated this July 22nd, 1915. H. Crenshaw, Sheriff of Tillamook County Ore. » are required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein on or before six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of thi« summons, and defendants arc further' notified that the date of the firsl publication of this summons is June 24th, 19*5- _ G. C. Fulton, S. S. Johnson Attorneys for Plaintiff,. The last twq weeks have been very Notice of Quarantine, No. a. Gertrude, I have been reading of a severe "testing days" for the inter­ ' scheme of procedure for the r.an national money markets. The British The fact has been determined I by Amos, you have chosen farming as “who drinks” outlined on a small card House of Corqmons, after a year’s inc President 1 IC9IUC..V of v. the .... Oregon - .. State ‘ the business of your life, and, take it which has gained quite a large circu­ I participation in the European conflict the 1______ of • Horticulture that a danger­ from me, you have done just right in lation in several cities. It >s a good approved a new war loan of five bil- Board ous potato disease known as the the matter, because you have a liking scheme, 1 think, and no doi-bt if >oa 1 lion dollars. IJie French Chamber of • r I > for the business, and, without wishing will tell it to your schoolmates when I Deputies followed almost immediat­ Powdery Scab of Potatoes (Spongos- to flatterflyou in the least, I can say they come to spend a portion or their ely with a further appropriation of pora subterranea), new to and not that I regard you as a sort of natural summer vacation with you, they will $1,120,000,000 -to cover war expenses heretofore widely prevalent or dis­ Notice. genius in that line. Now, I'm not pat­ be greatly amused. It is addressed; for three months beginning July 1. tributed within and throughout the ting myself on my back in self flat- , “To the married man who can t get This amount brings the total volume State of Oregon, exists in the County In the County Court of the State of tery by the intimation that you in­ along without his drinks,” and ex­ of credits voted in France since the of Tillamook in the State of Oregon, Ort gon for Tillamook County. herited from tne your natural quali­ plains that the scheme is suggested as war began up to $4,225,000,000. (Now, therefore, I, Chas A. Park, In the matter of the estate'of Jai. fications and tastes for the business a method by which “his family in a Though we in America have, of President of the Oregon State Board per W. Buckles, deceased. of farming, but I am giving you cred- | measure can be relieved from the dis­ course, no responsibility for the suc­ of Horticulture, under the authority To all whom it may content; it of being somewhat a natural tress resulting from his habit.” It cessful flotation of these huge loans, conferred by Section 2, of Chapter Notice is hereby given, that the un­ genius in that line. While one may in- | runs as follows: “First start a saloon our markets are, nevertheless, greatly 246 of the General Laws of 1913, and dersigned, administrator of said es­ herit many of the mental and physical in your own home. Be your own cus­ affected by these titanic evolutions in Section 4, of Chapter 342 of the Gen­ tate intends to apply to the above en­ qualities of parents, there is always a tomer; you will have no license to the international financial situation. eral Laws of 1915, do hereby quaran­ titled court or to the Judge thereof, marked difference in their individual­ pay; give your wife $2 to buy a gal­ Cable reports from London last week tine the said County of Tillamook, on the 2nd day of August, 1915, at thé ity, which constitutes the superiority lon of whisky and remember there are for example, conveyed the informa­ and from and after the publication of hour of 10 o’clock a.in. for leave to or the reverse betwen parent and ninety-six drinks in one gallon. I'iiir 1 tion that British investors were liqui­ this notice in a newspaper published resign as said administrator of said child. More often than otherwise peo­ buy your drinks from no one but dating every possible security holding within said County of Tillamook, it estate. ple of genius were born that way, not your wife, and by the tirpe the first in order to participate in the new war shall be unlawful for any person, firm And if permitted by said Court or from inheritance altogether, but just gallon is gone she will have $5.60 to loan. Though somewhat loath to part or corporation to carry or transport the Judge thereof, will at said time naturally—a combination of superior put in the bank and $2 with which to with their American securities, which any common potato or potatoes (rum and date resign as said administrator. qualities with which nature has en­ purchase another gallon. Forth, are now considered most stable the said County of Tillamook into or Clark Smith, Administra- dowed them. Though you may train should you live ten years and conrin- investments in the world, they are, through any part of the State of Ore­ h- L.CSta _ ■ ? W OfR ‘ thC of him ever so thoroughly and carefully, ue to buy booze from her and then nevertheless, impelled by motives of gon, outside of said County of Tilla­ W. Buckles, deceased. you cannot make a mathematician of die with snakes in your boots, she duty and patriotism to forego their mook. one who has no natural talents in that will have enough of money to Hiry personal references and to divert Done at Salem, Oregon, July 13, 1915. Chas. A. Park line, whereas he may excell in almost you decently, educate your children, their savings into the channels which, I Sheriffs Sale. anything else. When I was in the city buy a house and lot, marry a de ent in the last analysis, mean the defense President of the Oregon State Board a few days ago 1 was in the office of man and never think about yoi after­ of the empire and the safety of home [ of Horticulture. Notice is hereby given, that in pup a factory talking with the business ward.” and possessions. Executive office, Salem, Oregon, suance of an execution and order of manager, when a 15 year old lad o----- July 13. 1915- duly issued out jof the Circuit sale came in hurriedly and flashed a $5 I, James Withycombe, Governor of The next time you are cultivating Registered Holstein Friesian for Sale Court of the State of Oregon, for Summons. bill at his surprised employer, wisp- corn, keep your eyes open for the dif­ • the State of Óregon, do hereby ap­ i Tillamook County, by the clerk of ered in his ear a few minutes and ferent kinds of weeds. Probably you Herd bull No. 97721, Sir Johanna prove the foregoing notice cf quar­ said court, upon a decree of foreclos­ went out. Then the boss explained to will find that the grassy pest known I Colantha Cornucopia, 3 years old, fine antine and designate the Tillamook In the Circuit Court of the State of ure, dated June 30th, 1915, in said me what the boy had been doing on as fox-tail is the commonest.. Fox­ build and more white than black. Sire Headlight, a newspaper published in Oregon, for Tillamook County. Court, in a case wherein John Hahn his way to the office from his home. tail, or pigeon grass is easily killed I A. R. O. Dutchland Colantha Contest said County of Tillamook, as the Samuel Leback, ~ ’ *- x.- Joseph E. is plaintiff and Gus Mahne and Marie He had been one of those attracted by clean cultivation, but after the last Boy, No. 50.998, a son of Calantha newspaper in which said notice shall Dillian, and William Pene- ! Mahne, and M. W. Harrison,, are de­ to a stalled automobile , and after cultivation there is always a few Johanna Lad, whose dam is the be published. ffor, fendants, said execution being dated watching the experienced grimly and plants which escape to produce large world’s record cow. Colantha 4th James Withycombe, Plaintiffs. July 1st, 1915, and to me duly direct­ perspiring owner of the car tinkering quantities of sed to fill the ground Johanna, with record 27,432.5 lbs. I Governor of the State of Oregon. vs. ed, by the said Clerk and under seal underneath, he had taken a look into with the pest for years to come. milk and 12,47.82 lbs. butter in one Allan H. Wilson, Laura L. of said Court, I have leveid upon and the interior of the machinery and Hardly anyone looks upon fox-tail as year. Statement. S. Phelps, Wilson, Srethna . . will on Monday, the 2nd day of Au­ spotted the trouble. "1 can’t tell you a really serious weed. Nevertheless, S. W. Thompson and Floyd Dam No. 96,598, Dot Cornucopia A. gust, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock, in the what the matter was, for T don’t un­ Of the Tillamook County Bank of A. Swan. R. O. 25.25 lbs. butter in 7 days, 90 lbs fore noon of said day, at the court derstand autos,” said the boy's boss, it is probably the most serious one milk Defendants. in one day. The foundation herd Tillamook, State of Oregon, showing I house door in said county, duly sell at "but that boy certainly knows all we have in the corn field just because imported amount standing to the credit ol the To Allen H. Wilson, Laura L. Wil­ public from New York. Several it is so common. Butterprint is a auction, to the highest bidder, about them. When the man came up every depositor July I, 191S» who has son, S. W. Thompson and Floyd A. choice bull calves, some old enough common cornfield weed in some sec ­ for cash in hand, the following de­ to breath the boy asked if he wanted not made a deposit or has not with­ Swan the above named defendants: for small service. Some of the cows tions. It grows almost as high as corn him to show him the trouble. The drawn any part of his deposit, princi­ In the name of the State of Oregon, scribed real property, situated in man did not answer, but grabbed a and a single plant will produce thou­ have A. R. O. records. Herd Tuber­ ple or interest, for a period ot more you are hereby required to appear Tillamook County, Oregon, towit: culin* tested. Place located !4 mile The northeast quarter of Section tool and disappeared under the car sands of seeds. It is claimed that the than seven (7) years immediately and answer the complaint filed again. When he came up again he was seed will live over in the ground as north of Bagley, (last flag station be­ prior to said date,, with the name, against you in the above entitled nine, Township three north of Range fore Hillsboro). A Bendler, Cornelius thoroughly disgusted and said he long as fifteen years. last known place of residence or post­ Court in the above entitled cause on six West of the Willamette Meridian Oregon, R. F. D. No. I. didn’t have time to wait for a repair office address of such depositor, and or before six (6) weeks from the date in Oregon. A Billy Sunday of Health. man. *I’d give $5 to get out of here All being in Tillamook County, the fact of his death, if known. of the first publication of this sum­ Administrator's Notice. right now,’ he said. ‘Would you give Name of depositor, C. L. Sariner. mons, to-wit, on or before six (6) Oregon and containing one hundred it to me?’ asked the boy. ‘Sure thing,' Billy Sunday thunderings are not Residence or P. (J. address, Tilla­ weeks from the 24th day of June, 1915 and sixty acres. Notice is hereby given that the un­ mook, Oregon. said the man. So Johnny just reached necessarily confined to evangeliza­ Said sale to be made by me, as and if you fail to so appear, for want over and screwed up some thing or tion. A Chautauqua lecturer on health dersigned have been duly appointed Dead, if fact is known to Sec. or thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, other. The machine cranked up all has taken up the same kind of pyro­ administrators of the estate of Mar­ Cashier, unknown. the Court for the relief 'therein de­ for the purpose of satisfying the de­ right, the man passed over the 5 spot, technics and stirs big audiences with, gery Leasia, deceased, and all persons Amount $5.00. manded, which is for a decree ad­ cree and judgment in the above en­ having claims against said estate are and now I’m likely to lose a good “Run until your old tongues hang State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ judging and decreeing that certain titled Court and cause, dated June 30, hereby required to present same, with office boy. He’ll open a garage or out! If you can't run walk—but do mook, SS. executed by Allen H. Wil- 1915, in favor of said plaintiff and auto repair shop, and will soon be something to make you breath you the proper vouchers, duly verified, to I I, Erwin Harrison, being first duly I mortgage son and Laura L. Wilson, his wife, against said defendants, for the sum the undersigned at the office of T. B. making a machine of his own inven­ discouraged old wrecks. You’re feel­ sworn, depose and say upon oath, as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback, of $200.00, together with interest Handley, in Tillamook City, ' “ Tilla- ................. .......... tion, for he's a natural mechanical I ing blue because you are full of pois­ that 1 am the cashier of the Tilla­ ¡Joseph H. Dillian and William f’enc- thereon from October 4, 1906, at the genius.” | on. You need ozone—go out and get mook County, Oregon, within six mook County Bank, of Tillamook, gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2 rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the months from the date hereof. ----- o----- it.” m County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ I 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book further sum of $75.00 attorney’s fees Wm. J. Bogart, Then the speaker gets his thou­ gon, that the foregoing statement is a I “S”, Records of Mortgages, in the therein, and for the sum of $16.15 To many people the moon plays an Goldie Clark. full, true, correct and complete state­ , office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ costs and for the costs of said sale. important part in sign telling. 1 know sands of bearers to their feet and Administrators of the es- ment, shown the name, last known mook County, Oregon, to be a first Dated July 1st, 1915. of several old ladies who regulate all shouts, "Now exhale," The sound of tate of Margery Leasia, residence or postoffice address fact lien upon all and singular the follow­ I their household affairs and even the expiring air fills the big tent. "Now H. Crenshaw, deceased. of death, if known, and the amount to ing described real estate, situate in conduct of life by it. All kinds of breathe in for a minute—if you can’t Date of first publication July Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. is. 1915. you ’ re dead. ” the credit of each depositor as re­ the said County of Tillamook, State weather, in their belief, hang upon The crowd tries it. *W’hy, you’ve Date of last publication Aug. 12, «915- quired by the provisions of Sections i of Oregon, to-wit: the changes of the moon.As a matt *r Notice of Hearing Final Account. 7378-7381, inclusive, Lord’s Oregon of fact Amos, you and 1 rather see gone '.irough live living on a thimble The North half of the Northwest Notice to Contractors. Laws. the new moon over our right shoulder ful ot oxygen,” Sundayesqucly cries quarter of Section five (5) in Town­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ Erwin Harrison. To be sure, we have no faith in the the health exorter. “Learn to breathe shin (2) South of Range Ten (to) dersigned has filed his final account Sealed bids will be received by the Subscribed and sworn to before me West of the Willamette Meridian, as administrator of the estate of Al­ baneful influence of this sign! Still, it if you want to get rid of that tired un­ this 15th day of July A.D., 1915. is just as well to be cautious about feeling. You walk as though your feet City Council, Tillamook, Oregon, un- I save and excepting therefrom the bert Maurer, deceased, in the Count” C. A. McGhee, . ___ conveyed ____ __ _________ offending her ladyship. We farmers were filled with lead. Persons afflict­ til 7:30 p.m., July 26, 1915, for the I land heretofore to School Court, of the State of Oregon, for the study the shape of the now moon to ed with tuberculosis are sent to high erection and completion of a City- Notary Public for Oregon. District No. 7 by instrument recorded County of Tillamook, and that said determine whether the month is to be altitudes. They go up and have to Hall building, according to plans and My commission expires Sept. 28, 1916 in Book "P”, page 243, Deed Rec­ Court has fixed Monday, the 26th day v.et or dry. The Indians used to say breathe deep. Now, why couldn’t the specifications prepared by Charles H. ords of Tillamook County, Oregon. of July, 1915, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at Burggraf, architect, Albany, Orc. All if you could hang a powder horn on fools learn to breath on the level. Also, beginning at a point on the the Court Room of said County, in Summons. "Eat vegetables and run after them bids must be accompanied by a certi­ the curve of the new moon, the month U. S. Meander line at the Southeast Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time would be generally pleasant. A circle —running will make you breathe. But fied check payable to "The City -of In the Circuit Court of the State of corner of Lot six (6) of Section six and place of hearing of objections if about the moon means that a storm don’t run for breakfast or the sugar Tillamook, Oregon," for the sum of Oregon (6) in Township two (2) South any, to the said account and the set­ is approaching. The number of stars barrel—run the other way. Go with­ $250.00, as a guarantee that the con­ Tillamook. in and for the County of Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ tlement of said estate. within the circle tells the number of out breakfast too, you old hogs. I'll tractor will furnish an approved bond Lee R. Ijams, Laura M. Kerron ette Meridian, and running thence Dated this 24th day of June, 1915. days before the storm begins. We tell bet some of you sneaked in a break­ equal to 50 per cent of the contract formerly Laura M. Ijams, Les­ North 46L deg. West, seven and Henry Becker, fast on me. Well, you had better not within ten days after the awarding of lie Ijams, Evelyn Ijams and about planting crops at certain phases thirty hundredths (7.30) chains, Administrator of the if you want that fit feeling. ” the contract. of the moon, and, although we thence North 5% deg. West eight Estate of Albert Mau­ "How about tomatoes?” some one All bids must be made out on blank Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel laugh about it and call it superstition, and eighty-seven hundredths (8.87) rer. deceased. Ijams, yelled. proposals for the same, Blanks fur- we nearly always find it convenient chains, thence North 5% deg. East, Plaintiffs, Eat a barrel of them every day, and nished upon application by the City to observe ¿he rules of “planting in seventeen and eighty hundredths Notice of Sheriff’s Sa*e. vs. if you can’t get the fruit, eat the vines Recorder or Architect. Plans _ __ the moon.” and Mrs. Melvina (17.80) chains, thence North eighteen and John Vcnen ----- o----- was the answering shout. specifications may be seen at the City Doe Vcnen, her husband, and three-fourths (i8|i) deg. Wi t In the Circuit Court of the State of It is needless to add that the health Recorder’s office, Tillamook, Oregon, twelve and sixty hundredths (12.60) Oregon for Tillamook County. "A penny saved is worth two pen­ evangelist Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe ‘ gets the crowd going ” ot at the Architect's office. chains, thence North 49 deg. West, nies earned.” is a good old saying, John Stoker, Plaintiff .-.ways it effectually. The Council reserves the right to Lc Duck, his wife, Defendants. two (2) chains, the foregoing being and, while it is the mere figurative and . vs. We, perhaps, are just beginning to reject any and all bids. the meander line of high expression or illustration of a princi­ understand the art of modern horta­ water, Otis Jones, Loyde Jones To. Mrs. Melvina X enon and John Chas. H. Burggraf, Architect. Doe , , chains ------- to low and Esther Jones, his wife ple, it works out that way generally tory Venen, her husband; Frank Le thence West ten (10) effort. Billy Sunday has founded along the me:|i- in business as well as in private life. a new school of it. Transfer it to the Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his water mark, thence Defendants. as follows: __ wa _ _ (er wsvyrivnS» But there is such a thing as being too political field and let us see what will Notice to Contractors. wife, and to you and each of you, de­ dcr line of |ow State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ South 57 deg. East eleven (it) mook, saving, of going far beyond reason become of it. Suppose that flattery is fendants above named, in the name of SS. chains, thence South 21 deg. East and common sense. The cultivation Sealed proposals, addressed to the the State of Oregon you and each of eight (8) chains, thence South 3 deg. By virtue of a judgment order, lavished on the voters, the cus­ of miserliness—of greed for gain of not from time immoral, but that County Clerk of Yamhill County, t you are required and hereby com­ West eight and twenty-one hun- decree and execution, duly issued out money is contemptible in the extreme tom they are called “hogs" "yellow dogs” Oregon, and indorsed “Proposal* to manded to appear and answer to the dridths (8.21) chains, thence South of and under the seal of the above en­ 1 admire frugality, but abhor pe­ and startling epithets that have complete Tillamook-Yamhill Joint ' complaint filed against you in the 7 deg. East nineteen and fifty hun­ titled court, in the above entitled nuriousness, the former being the op­ been other popular in the pulpit. I Road,” in accordance with the plans above entitled suit on or before the dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. cause, to me duly directed and dated posite of watchfulness, which is silly, There made be more ways than one to and specifications thereof, on file in | 27th day of August, J915, being more East five and thirty hundredths (.5.30) the 6th day of July, 1915, upon a while the latter is an evidence of hu­ "rouse may the people." the offices of the County Clerk of , than six (6) weeks from the date of chains, thence South 76 deg. East judgment rendered and entered in man depravity. In pioneer days in Tillamook and Yamhill Counties, will the date of the first publication of four (4) chains, thence North one and said court on the 29th day of June, Illinois, where I lived on a farm with be received by the County Courts of I this summons, and if you fail to so eighty hundredths (1.80) chains The Mother-in-Law. *915. in favor of John Stoker, plain­ my parents, all ductors practiced den said counties at the Court House at appear and answer to the said com- the place of beginning, coniainmi to tiff, and against Otis Jones, Loyde tistry. Our family phydeian, who was containing 1 plaint, for want thereof these plain- a graduate of an Eastern medical col­ « In a case in the Court of Domestic McMinnville, Oregon, until the hour i tiffs will apply to the Court for the fourteen and thirty-five hundredth —Í.-J.'.IS Jones and Esther Jones, his wife, de­ fendants, for the sum of $308.75. ,0‘ lege, was quite skillful in that lin t and Relations at Chicago, the judge said of 2 o'clock p.m., July 24th, 1915, 1 relief prayed for in their complaint, (14.35) acres of tidelands. Also Lot four (4), five (5), six (6), gether with interest thereon at the one day a man called on him, and said in his decision; "It is a case of too and at that time and place publicly : in substance as follows: For a decree and read. Each . bid be - ... — shall ----- — "I would like to have you come to uiy much mother-in-law," whereupon the ' . opened 1 determining the adverse interests in seven (7) and eight (8), in B^ock rate of 6 per cent per annum from house and remove some gold filling assistant state's attorney exclaimed: [accompanied by a certified check for and to block fifteen (15) in and of three (3), in Netarts Bay Park, the 5th day of March, 1915. and , "Mothers-in-law are menacing the a sun * equal 5 per cent of the amount from the mouth of my hired man.” Miller's Addition to the town of Till­ together with all and singular the further sum of $50.00 as attorneys efficiency of the Court of Domestic °J bid, and made payable to the Naturally, the doctor thought the fill­ amook and State of Oregon and de- ' tenements, hereditaments and ap­ fee, and for the further sum of $ i 8-47. ing must be causing pain to an in­ Relations. Seventy-five per cent of Clerk of Yamhill County, and which daring the plaintiffs to be the own­ purtenances thereunto belonging, or costs and disbursements, and the cost valid and asked if the patient wa« «of­ the quarrels that come before the ' »hall be forfeited to the County ers in fee simple and entitled to the in anywjse appertaining, to secure the of and upon this writ, commanding fering much. To his surprise the visi­ court could be settled -amicably if [ Courts jointly in case th« bid is ac- possession of said premises as against payment of the sum of $3,050.00, with me to make sale of the following de­ «»vs lus. UIUUVI PIIAII, the bidder shall, 1UI for «_ a any and all persons whomsoever, and interest thereon at the rate of 6 per scribed real property, situate in the tor answered: "No; he is dead, I the mothers of the wives would stay ( cepted — and the merely want the gold," The doctor at home; the court should rule that period 5 days from the date of award­ ■ yourselves in particular, and for the cent per annum from July 2, 1909 due county of Tillamook and State 0 declined the work at any price and no mother-in-law be allowed in the ing to him the contract, fail, refuse . costs and disbursements of this suit, the plaintiff Samuel Leback, and the Oregon, to-wit: . the old skinflint went away, doubtless courtroom when their daughters* or neglect to enter into the contract and for such further relief as to the further sum of $1,200.00, with interest Alt of Lot numbered eight (8) and to furnish the bond required by Court may seem meet in the premises. thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per Block bemoaning his loss. That, of course, cases are being tried." numbered nineteen (>9b °. That prosecutor was doubtless law. annum July 2. 1909 due the is an extreme case, but there can be summons is »erved upon you plaintiff K.„,,,,1, from Joseph E. Dillian, and the Ocean View, as the same is marK Bids will be received for clearing, by This no doubt that the man was insane on much excited when he made that re­ virtue of an order of the above further further sum of S-™™ $700.00, with interest and described on the plat of the sai the subject of saving. Undoubtedl. he mark. He let his tongue run away grubbing and grading any one or all entitled Court, which order was made ,k----- sum of >700.00, had made it a hobby all his life and it with him. We do not believe* it is of the sections as included between I and entered on the I’/th day of May, thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per Ocean View on file and of record nearly as bad as he says, As a rule, Station o plus 00 and Stations 295 lots, directing that publication there 'annum from July 2, 1909 due plaintiff the office of the County Clerk 0 had driven him looney. 1 illamook County, State of Oregon- ----- O- — mothers-in-law are among the finest plus 84.4. of be made in the Tillamook Head­ William Tenegor, and the further Now, therefore, by virtue of s»‘ people in the world. They are more The County Court* reserve the right light, a newspaper of general circula­ sum of $500.00 attorney’s fees in this A noted horticulturist entertain* the kindly and thoughtful than most peo­ to reject any and all bids or to ac­ tion published in the County of Tilla­ suit, all secured by the lien of said execution, judgment order and dtcr, idea that a tree is as cunning as a ple. It has happened that a son-in-law cept the bid considered the best for mook and State of Oregon for a mortgage, and that the lien of said and in compliance with the comm* rat. He once observed a cottonwood been insulting and abusive to his said Tillamook and Yamhill counties. ;i I period mortgage be adjudged and decreed of said writ, I will, on Saturday, of six (6) successive weeks. in a dry time looking fresh and green, has to be superior to all claims, liens, in­ 7th day of August, 1915; at the « wife, and then, ot course, her mother Tillamook-Yamhill Joint Road Dis ­ Date of first publication July 15, 1915. and people wondered at it. The roots I becomes indignant and the son-in-law terest and estate of. In and to said to o'clock a.m., at the front do^L trict. had found their way 200 feet to a cis­ rightly gets a piece of her mind. A Date of last publication August 26 ’15 lands and premises owned or claimed the Court House in the city of <> By. C. B. Wilson, tern and had drank it dry. He had a son-in-law that turn's his back on his Charles A. and Claud M. or held by either of the defendants mook, in said County and State Clerk of Yatnhlil County. cottage in the mountains of Colorado wife's mother is no good. Jones, 1307-9 Yeon Build­ herein, and that said mortgage be at public auction, subject 1° r J. C. Holden. It was a dry fall and the bull pines on ing, Portland. Oregon. said lands and tion. to the highest bidder, for V- i foreclosed, and the Clerk of Tillamook County the mountain «ides seemed to hold a Attorneys tor Plaintiff. premises sold, and the proceeds an- gold coin cash in hand, all the rig ■ First publicafon July 8, 1905. The Retort Alcoholic. council to know what they should do. plied towards the payment of said title and interest which tne *' Last publicatjon^ulyju^t.ritS- They seemed to reason that thev ----- o 1 ■ Norice to Contractor«. several sums, principal and interest, named defendants or either of could not carry the whole family In reply to the question asked asked by . attorney's fee, costs of suit and costs Sure Symptom*. through, so they dropped half their Leslie's Weekly, "Who drank all the We can furnish sand in large quan­ of sale, and such further decree as to had on the date of the mortgJJ long needles and carried the remain­ 88,000,000 gallons of whisky made in tities delivered on job cheaper than the Court may seem equitable and herein or since had in or to the * described real property or any P . ( anvonc else. der all right. At the same time Lack the United States last year?” the When hub is a trifle tearyx just. thereof, to satisfy said