; lì >1 1 I I t f I I : I I 'Tillamook Headlight, July 22, IÖTo- ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line............... $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards ont month ................................ Locals per line each insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, ciic month .................................. All Resolutions of Condolence =r,d Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards of Thanks, per line.......... N-tices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... .10 05 i.00 .05 .50 05 •05 splendid opportunity for the Editor of the Herald, the Democratic organ of Tillamook, to make another flop and get into the revival band wagon, for he is one of the biggest sinners in the county who helped bring about the present hard times and financial sctringcncy. Oh, yes, we agree with the Oregonian in this particular that the country is in need of a revival, but a Republican revival, not a sensa­ tional, hot and cold, religious re­ ligious revival. business management, he is able to buy at prices which will enable him to sell on an average as low as goods can be bought through any channel. Occasionally it may be true that cer­ tain "leaders" may be offered by the big mail order houses or the big stores, which “leaders” are intended to create the impression that they sell lower and can give better service than the local storekeeper. But on careful analysis and when all things be taken into consideration, the local merchant will give the service and furnish the accommodation in many ways that no foreign concern can possibly give. It is, of course, the privilege, and, in fact, the duty, of every individual to buy where he can get the most for his money, but if the methods and prices of the local dealers be careful­ ly considered, we believe the result will be a more kindly feeling, and greater and more enthusiastic sup- port will be given him. $20,000,000 Mortgage. ----- 0----- The Union Trust Co. of New York City is trustee for a $20,000,000 mort- gagc the security for which >s the un­ sold lands of the O. & C. Land Grant says the Oregon Voter. The equity of the O. & G. road limited to to $',000,000 in round minr ntniieu . hers approximately $2'0 an acre 2,000,000 acres. , . . A $',000,000 equity, upon wtnen $2,000,000 excess taxes have been paid and which cannot be sold save '”’dcr restriction which, until modified, practically make it impossible to mar­ ket it, is rather poor security for a $20,000,000 bond issue. The bond holders were originally Europeans. Since the war the Euro­ pean holders have been selling Amer­ ican securities, and many millions ot such securities have found their way back to America on account of the big balance of trade in our favor. Europeans or Americans, the bond­ holders in this $20,000,000, and the Southern Pasific Co., whose guaran­ tee, to an extent, is behind the bonds, are probably worrying. If there is an interested person who isn’t worrying as a result of the mess we haven’t found him. Even those who were clamoring loudest to have the government prosecute the forfei­ ture suit are worrying, because the only net result of the suit to date, so far as Oregon is concerned, is to cut down the tax revenue of the state and counties affected. Tariff on Shingles. ——o--- — The Payne-Aldrich tariff of 50 cents ucr th usand held imports of Canad- shinK|,.. to Puget Sound down to | tj.ooo.ooo in 1911 and 40,000,000 in '^The Underwood tariff, adopted in lull admitted shingles duty free. In 1914 imports grew to 333,000,000. This is an increase of Soo per cent. In December, 1914. imports were 18,000.000, just 8,000,000 more in one month than in the whole year <9*2._ The number of mills operating in Washington has decreased from 450 using 1,600 machines, to 272 using 1,209 machines. , This docs not tell the entire story, as many of the 272 mills operating are on the verge of failure, and if conditions do not improve they will go into bankruptcy. Canadian shingle nulls employ Hindus, at wages 40 per cen below the wages paid white people this side of the boundary—Oregon Voter. NEW H ar | U s ^| QUALITY CH00SEls! A great many persons attribute the scarcity of money to the automobile craze, who point out the large amount •a? of money that is going out of Oregon for machines and gasoline. No one FOR SALE BY will deny this, but then it is just as RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. well to make up our minds that auto­ E. T. om (Strictly in Advance.) mobiles are going to become far more Tillamook, Oregon I in Oregon, especially One yeai ........................................... $1.50 numerous Six months ............................................ 75 amongst farmers. The snap shot man The New Home SewinJ Three month«........................................ 50 believes the auto is a great acquisition to farm life and makes farm life Machine Company more pleasant and the farmer and his Get Together. San Francisco, Cal. family contented and happy, enabling THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. them to enjoy some of the pleasures “The rural credits proposition is op­ LIVE AGENTS WANTED of life, The snap shot man would like posed by banks,” says the Woodburn see every dairyman in Tillamook Independent, in an editorial written BIG MONEY MAKING Editorial Snap Shots. to *Gocco0seo!> county own an auto even if it only.a by its own editor and not by a par­ PROPOSITION. Ford. tisan press bureau, “ especially nation ­ Sidney E. Henderson, prea Who says money don't talk? If it THE ICELESS QUEEN It is a fine educator for . people _ al banks, but they will not extend the Surveyor, hadn’t been for money Harry K. who have lived in one locality for so refrigerator . Thaw, the slayer of Stanford White, many years and have worked hard to proper relief to the farmers, and they John Leland Henderson Sec oppose any effort on the part of the Refrigerates without Ice or would have died as every premeditat­ get out and see other parts of the retary Tresis., Attorney.«. chemicals. Low priced, sells on ed murderer should. But to-day he is county and what is going on and the government to do so.” One reason why banks have to eight. Everybody needs one. Law, Notrary Public. free. What’s the matter with our jury improvements that are taking place. Just the thing for the farmer, system, anyway? Too much sentiment Anyway it will help to broaden ones charge high interest rates is that they summer hotels, county stores, Tillamook Title and and technicalities allowed in courts of views of things, for, as a rule persons are taxed and regulated to an extent that the cost of transacting banking etc., etc. justice. Solve the Dye Problem. who reside in one locality for years business is stupendous. Also, they are Write for Booklet and Agent’s Abstract co, and seldom go very far from home, made in income-tax collecting agency proposition. A few territories News reports say that in one section naturally become narrow in their One large bank in Portland expended The dye famine has reached an acute still open. ; Law, Abstracts, Real f.;8;a.e of Washington the Farmers’ Union ideas and non-progressive. This is $700 for extra clerk hire to report on state and various departments of the Coast Culvert & Flume Company Surveying, Insurance. have 25,000 tons of hay signed up plainly demonstrated in the good incomes, and the total amount of tax­ government have been asked to ren­ Portlag'f 1 Kenton Station), Ore. Doth I’liotes, and pledged not to sell Jess than $10 1 roads movement. Every person who able income it found was so small der assistance in solving the problem. a ton f. o. b. This is a pretty good in­ owns a machine is a good road boost­ that its check for $1.70 covered it. One of the proposed temporary de­ TILLAMOOK - - OREGON. dication that hay is going to be high er. Men who have opposed taxation Seven hundred dollars expense to col­ vices is to send “intermediate” coal MOCOCGCCOQOO&SOOSGOMOM the coming winter. It is unfortunate for good roads are just as enthusias­ lect $¡.70—that's one of the causes tar products to Switzerland to be I for the dairymen in this county who tic now that more money be expend­ of the high cost of government and finished and shipped back to this have to depend upon feed brought ed upon them. Our advice to every the high cost of borrowed money. country. The shortage, as everybody into the county. dairyman in Tillamook county is to Is Located at Another reason the bankers are knows, is due to the suspension of purchase a machine as soon as they placed in the position of opposing German shipments. While some of The snap shot man readily admits are financially able to do so. It used such rural credit legislation as has the German establishments are cn­ that business conditions are not what to be a day of toil for the dairymen to been before the public prominently, gaged in caring for war needs, it i is Spend your outing here, elevation they might be, but they are not near­ take their families to the beach for a is that it is framed by politicians, and generally admitted that America ly as bad as some persons paint them. day’s outing. This had to be done contains provisions which bankers could be supplied with all the dye forty feet, which gives pure air. Furnished tents $4.00 cpr week, '1 hey could be a great deal worse. between milking and with some dairy front their experience have found to stuffs it requires if the Germans fc’t Some localities are just as prosperous men it took most of the time in be disastrously impractical. The bank­ so disposed and could get their dyes camp ground 75c. week. Water fur­ as ever, while others are a little slow traveling to and from the beach. ing business is not easy for bankers to us. This dependence upon Ger­ nished at tents. in a business way, but business is go­ Those who now own machines see to conduct, but it seems easy for the many for dye stuffs has attracted For further information write ing to pick up in the near future. Con­ the advantages they enjoy, for they politicians and the borrowers. J. H. RIGGS, Proprietor, wide attention and the permanent so­ can visit different parts of the county sidering the ill effects of free trade OREGON. Farmers need cheaper money; it is lution of the problem has become a Netarts, in one day and enjoy a good long dav and the deplorable war in Europe, we Five roomed house, well furnished, to be hoped the bankers themselves graver concern than the devising of with their families on the beach. think the country is pulling through will get into closer touch with the The necessity of so at $10.00 per week, garage. Another thing. Those who own ma­ farmer's point of view, and unite with temporary relief. wonderfully well. our industries that we ,, chines are not going to the beach and farmers to frame such practical rural diversifying shall not be compelled to rely upon ...... -4- • Owing to no bids being received camp as they used to, prefering to credit legislation as will be beneficial any foreign country for anything, un­ under the The mint makes it and with the problem of buying Harness for the Bayocean road, the County take a trip here and there to all parts in its effect.—Oregon Voter. less it be some product that cannot Court has decided to accept the first of the county. Farm Life hasa n inter­ terms of the Continental Mortgage you will find it distinctly advartt be raised in this climate, has been offer of the Bayocean people, who esting item, which we quote below emphasized by the war. It is the doc- Company you can secure it at 6 per geous to come and do your select The Republican Trend. will furnish the dredge and operate it, along this line: trin that the Republicans have insist­ cent for any legal purpose on approv- ing here. You will get the be! "An investigation of Farm Life, qualities, the most thorough and but the county is to pay for fuel. As ed upon, with general success. But for The result of the canvass conducted the road will have to be rip-rapped in covering seven counties in Southwest­ by the Washington bureau of the the Republican attitude this country ed real estate. Terms easy, tcll us conscientious workmaaship and be some places on the bay after it is ern Indiana, shows that twice as New York Sun, to ascertain the sen­ would now be suffering for more your wants and we will co-operate charged ttie most reasonable prices. We can supply single or double made with the dredge, it was decided many cars are being sold this year as timent of the country in respect to things than dyestuffs, since some of with you. Sets or any single article that yoa to do as much work as possible with last; and that about 75 per cent of the Republican candidates for president, our principal industries were develop­ PETTY & COMPANY. may be in need of. pioqe si ipiq.w J|i[V|iUA« Ajuoui .»t|i machines going out this season are of interest more as an indication ed by a policy which the Democrats 513 Denham Building Denver, Colo. $8,000, and when tins is expended being sold to farmers. Farm Life de­ are W.A, WilliamsIcCo opposed. the trend of thought and feeling to stop work. The next county budget clares that not only the average farm­ of within the party that as a revelation ers buying machines, but that every should provide enough money to fourth or fifth man interviewed, if he of personal preferences; and this not­ finish the road. had no car, is planning to buy one— withstanding the fact that the trend I this year or next—if his crops and his has been apparent to intelligent ob­ This is to serve notice on Bro. livestock ventures turn out according servers for many months. Principles, Trombley that the snap shot man is to his reasonable hopes. This unusual in a democracy, are always more im­ still a standpatter for Republican investment is attributed by Farm Life portant than personalities, and it is prosperity. Say, Bro., when is the largely to the decrease in the price of the principles of the Republican par­ Democratic party going to fulfill its machines, and the need felt by the ty that have won its battles and promise to tiie working class and re­ farmer for a time saving and pleasure achieved its triumphs. It is an internal duce the cost of living? Why, Bro., it giving vehicle. In no instance was it war of personalities that caused its costs more to live now and ten times found that the farmers neglected their downfall in 1912. The foundations of harder for the working classes to get flock and fields to go joy riding; on the party were neither disturbed nor money and employment, and as for the contrary, the machine owners involved until men rather than beliefs business, why, we bad, wicked, good- were prosperous and happy. A ma­ became the overpowering issue. And for-nothing Republican standpatters, chine helps to keep the boys and girls in the division which followed the didn't we tell the voters what would on the farm, it does away with the differences of principle were more ap­ happen as soon as the Democratic loneliness of rural life by making a parent than real. Fundamentally the party got into power?- suburbanite of its owner, and puts the Progressives were never far away ------o town and country in closer touch, from the Republicans. They develop­ I bis may be of some interest to the both in a social and business way.” ed some novel theories of popular and parents of Tillamook children who governmental powers and duties are entered for the better babies con­ which were distinguishing decora­ Patronize Yourself. test at the Tillamook County Fair. tions of a platform that retained t’..i ------ o----- “Babies arc made better by power of essential elements of Republicanism Some of us Tillamook people get t p prayer,” remarked the father of the says the Globe Democratic. at the alarm of a Connecticut clock, winner of the better babies contest So it was that when the personal 9 Hit e,het‘ts ?fXIMlIsic’. instrumental and vocal values 10c. at Glendale, Cal., and then added. “I button our Chicago suspenders to our element of contention was removed 1C. each. Philadelphia pants, wash our faces do not believe in getting better babies by dual defeat they began at once to 1 Tik) ( T m ° f IUS1C’. ,*‘strumental and vocal values to 40c. 2c. with Cincinatti soap in a Pennsylva ­ f 9 by luck,” he said, as his 100 per cent drop back into the places they had 300 (.ood Marches and Waltzes bundle of perfection clasped the silver nia basin; sit down to a Grand Rapids but temporarily vacated. They had 4c. 9 9 loving cup to his baby breast. “I at­ table; eat Nebraska bacon and Chi­ never been, at heart, anything else 10P School Music Booksand Hymn Books 3c. 9 9 nees eggs; spread our toast with Aus ­ tribute my success to the blessings of than Republicans, even in the bitter­ M ul H S?NG*f AND MUSIC during this Sale God and prayer. If parents would tralian butter or eat rolls made of est moods, and they did not stultify 12^c. » » prav faithfully, all babies would be Wisconsin flour and Kansas lard, themselves nor strain their con­ Mouth Harps all reduced front 19c. and up- walk out of a house plastered with a sciences by returning. And now, hav­ perfect, even as is our«.” Music Rolls values to $1.50 Scotch mortgage; ride down town in ing got together again, the party is, ------ o------ 69c. »J’!'“’ >I‘nu*o,,n’ Guitaraud Banjo steel strings, 3 for Senator Burkett’s lecture at the a Detroit jitney: do business with naturally, somewhat disposed to con­ 10c. Chautauqua last week had the right money borrowed from the East; ad­ servatism. This tendency has been ap­ All wound string cut 25 per cent vertise with printed matter produced parent for some time and the Sun ’ s ring. Unlike Arthur A. Franzkc, who Clarionet Reeds, values 15c. only pointed out some of the absur­ in San Francisco; traverse streets inquiry but adds another bit of evi­ Music Stands Japanned value 75c., now dities that have occurred ui ler our bonded by New York capitalists; at dence of the trend. That it may result representative system of government, bedtime read a verse from a Boston in the selection of a conservative can­ Music Stands Hamilton” value $1.50 bible: say a prayer composed in Jeru ­ didate is quite within the range of the Senator thinks, and thinks right, salem; crawl under a New Jersey Violins possibility, but that personality wi l value $3.00 that conditions have greatly itnprov- < d, and are improving all the time. blanket, and are kept awake by the be subordinate to principles is a cer- 1 , » » » 5.00 yeowling of a Tillamook cat, the only tain as the identity of the maker of He seored temperance reformers and ? ♦ little apples. The Republican platform ; » » 1600 ’ preachers who come into a town ami home product of the entire layout. will not be built upon or around talked in a pessimistic vein. S<-m ■ per­ » » 25. (X) about man, any man, next year. Who­ sons have the blues all the time, and The Country Storekeeper. 40.00 ’ » ♦ ever he may be he will be chosen be­ »» to lecture them about conditions that cause of his fitness to stand upon a ’ are not exactly right, onlv makes » ♦ 50.00 (Oregon Farmer.) platform now building in the minds of them feel worse. It is men like Sent- The coutry storekeeper has been Old second hand Violin, worth at least $25.00, now tor Burkett who make people feel the target at which the promoters of the people. ____________ optimistic and that conditions are not various so-called co-operative con­ Mandolin value $22 00 as bad as some speakers paint. S«>e of City Hall. cerns have directed their fire in order »> 9 ,, 9 6.00 ------ o------ ---- o------- to facilitate the disposal of stock. He rx.J’ •’ 4 00 • We are informed that several busi­ has been pretty badly vilified and a Notice is hereby piven that Tilla­ Old second hand Mandolin, cost ness men have been asked whether good deal has been said to inflame mook City will receive sealed bids up they would support another news­ the minds of people in his neighbor­ to noon Saturday, July 24th, 1915, for Guitar, second hand good buy about $35.00, now paper in this city, all of whom appear hood against him. the purchase of the present City Hall 9 Guitar almost new. value $15 00 to have expressed themselves that Now, if it be true that new and building. now there is hardly room enough for two more modern merchandising methods All bids to be filed in the office of Cello, fine tone, was $45.00 newspapers and they do not favor a can be put into effect, which are of John Aschim, City Recorder. Various other small goods too i third. The field is open, however, for real advantage to the people of any The right is reserved to reject any numerous to mention, all reduced in prices- anybody who wants to get their c,e community, so be it. We undergo and all bids. teeth cut and have the money to constant evolution and, like the intro­ ” Underwood” late Mandar J7??WRITERS.‘ John Aschim, I throw away. They will find it takes duction of the jitney, if greater effi­ City Recorder. many years of persistent hard work ciency can be developed in merchan­ Smith-Premier” all late i.nnr'w ' 5' pr'.Ce F O B Portland »67.50 $4». g to build up a newspaper, especially in dising, that will mean the greatest •L.C. Smith,’’value ^5 "iPr°'ement,Price’36.50, now............................ a county so sparsely populate I us good to the greatest number, by all Notice of Drainage District Meeting. ................................. 37.50 ------o~- - Tillamook. But, perhaps, it is some­ means let's have it. Good used “ Smith A Barnes’' n.T^NOS. body who wants to con*ol a news­ But let us consider the home mer­ Notice is hereby given, that a meet­ I paper for their own aggrandisement chant, from the broad angle of his po­ ing of owners of land situate in Tilla­ New Royal” value $400 00 * vase uPr’Rht, worth $175 00, now $09.00 politically and otherwise, for it is a sition in, and his relation to, hi,com­ mok Drainage District as organized New ' Tecnola” player nU-« . ............................................................ *....285.00 long time since Mr. Thayer's Inde­ munity. The country merchant is de­ by the County Court of Tillamook Acvordians. Auto-ha^. MuX p.’H M W °°..................................................... 473 00 pendent suffered out and R M. Wat­ pendent upon the prosperity of the County, Oregon, on petition therefor, son threw up the sponge. people in his neighborhood. He is a on July 16th. 19*5. is called, and will rices marked plainly on all „ wi V81^ instrument cases all reduced- to factor in its home life. He is a good be held at the Court House in Tilla­ raise money by the tlrst of \ ut ruM • ,wk * ‘ in the window for bargains, «• The Oregonian .figures it out that citizen He is a taxpayer. He helps mook City. Oregon, on Monday, the ' now is the time for you to stock up for »!•« ** season. ** • the time is ripe for the entire country bury the poor and does his share to and day ol August. 1915, at the hour Easy terms can be arranged to have another great religious re­ support the schools and churches. He of 10 00 o’clock A M. for the purpose choice. vival. The last political revival was a extends credit to the honest and of electing supervisors for •” of the instruments. Shop early and *’fi said bad thing for the country, and it must needy, and is a friend in time of Drainage District, and transacting be that it is driving thousands of trouble. any other business proper to be trans­ penitent sinners to their knee« who The country merchant is a student acted at such meeting. At expected to obtain business and in­ of conditions in his locality. He buys Dated this July aoth, 1915. Tillamook. Ore. dustrial salvation when they mounted j goods best suited to his trade, if he is Agents ’¿"n"Vi.-,™ J. C. Holden, the Democratic Mule. But here is a possessed of the qualities of good ____ ____ Oktng Machines and records. County Clerk. HALT , Eden Camp fietarts Bay. “MONEY I Big Money Raising Sale Until August 1st t ii' AT THE MUSIC STORE, Morrison's Confectionery. Everything in the Store is reduced in Price, here are a few of the Bargains : I I < *1 I I the music store ,