^Tillamook FteadligHt, July 15, I - ■ 1 ‘-'S We’ve raised our bool heels one inch . Kids Wanted ... 61.86 more, .. 110.00 . 4037 Jim Cochran ........ H. B. Millis, deputy .................. 75.00 Roy Maine ... COUNTY BUSINESS. - , ------ - We’re wearing hatbands made of Separate bids will 5. _ . 43-37 John Imlah ............ Elmer L. Webb, deputy .......... 72.16 Clint Hank 95-0° snake skin, John Fleck ............ . 11.87 Western °.f'.1,’? “ *’• M. un s'? 20.00 Court Awards Contract .for Hardsur- A. M. Hare, salary .................... 101.25 Max Doerge .... We’ve read up on Wild |I7lh, 1015, for thefoiJJ . .11.25 H. Arstill ................ 60.00 F. L. Owens, salary.................. 82.50 J. Matney .......... facing County Roads. Wm. O ’ Connell lore. and Cow-L r.“."111’« ll“ Hoorsnl .. 7-50 . 55 00 Geo. R. McKimmens, salary .. 93-55 Joseph Plasker .. Wc talk of trappers, scouts bmldings ;ll Tj||atnoo|( ’ i 10.50 J. Lindsaj' .............. 55.00 C. Dye ................ . 37 5° Court convened on July 7th, 1915, T. E. Epplett, salary .......... N. Hayfield ......... boys, .it. accordance I R. T. Martin .... . 3-75 Road Dist No. i. . 28.75 rs a a livery livery stable beast 'therefore in with fi ” in ik th' A. M. Hare, judge; Geo. R. McKim- Each rides . 2.50 J. R. Easterbrook 72.00 1 J. Martin ............ . . 46.25 ens and F. L. Owens, commissioners, ' E. A. Worthington ............ e hear that hated greeting: Dj8trjct Ckrk . the 9 [ Earl Paul ............... But still wc 15.00 C. Dye ................ - 28.75 I Albert Miller ........................ . . 52.81 and J. C. Holden, preesent. you’re not long from the , ^“king alterations ¡n Alva Teamed ........ We see y . 27.50 7.20 W. W. Wright Rosco Barker ........................ 50.93 Dr. R. T. Boals was appointed as East.” . in the school buikhn« 36.25 Wajt Severance . . 53-12 J. Gustafson .......... .. 43-75 county health officer. I Wm. Barker .......................... P. M. Stiverson .. . When people carry their signs of City. Details m y . 25.50 C. Dye .......... .......... Wm. Barker .......................... 750 10.00 It is order that the claim of the [ Lamb, director. 1 hlil I Joe Lawrence ........ identification with them, in bulging . 1J75 7-50 J. Pesterfield ........ Bay City Examiner for $2.40 be con­ Wm. Brobst .......................... . ■ 57-5° Lyle Craven .......... co I holsters and other such paraphernalia I Plastering the ceilin.:., 1500 C. Pesterfield ........ Antone Zagler ...................... 10.00 tinued. kz» Fvervw here in me the West 62 • 1 everywhere vv«i these days, , training room in the hirii, . 22.50 Bill Lawrence . - - • 12.50 Joe Mannahan ... The claim of M. Chelich for $38.20 Frank Zagler ....................... • ¡ng. Tillamook City f ’ 4~ I they must not wonder that their i(kn- I , E. Herring ............ Lew Kenney .......................... J 17-50 Frank von Eru ... - 7-50 was continued. Roy Hanson ......... ’ /¿oo tifieation is easy. Anyone knowing the furnish lath and plasUr 500 W. M. Miller ........ Fred Zaddach ........................ 1500 The claim of the Tillamook Head­ ’ ^00 West would at once pick the man I Shingling of roof of sU„ . 5.00 Roy Hushbeck . . 500 G. Hart.................... light for printing notices for $38.00 Geo. Knight .......................... ‘ 00' making such an exhibition of himsel j lng, Tillamook Citv. ¿¡¡at 2.50 Roy Mayfield .. . - 24.00 Vedo Carago ........ Wm. Crawford .................... was continued. ■ 6 ?<;1 as one from the East, and that part of shingles and nails’. 20.00 C. Davis .................. . 28.75 J. Cokerham .......... The claim of the Tillamook Hotel E. G. Bartrow ...................... Erecting a frame pl,,,: »» M {the East not yet penetrated with news . 1.25 F. B. Smith .......... 5.00 ; L. Kuper ................ Kenneth McDonald ............ of $8.00 for board was continued. ■ ¡6 2CI of the mighty changes that have come cordance with the Dians I» 1.90 Joe Plasker ............ . 6.25 R. Kellow . .......... In the matter of the petition of F. Alex McDonald.................... ’ coo'to the West in a few years. If the tions therefore in the ¡xm» . .22.50 H. W. McDonald . 20.00 : Geo. McDonald ... L. Buell and others for vacation of George Balmer .......... .. ic 00 ' Easterners who do not want to be B.Lamb. 20.00 . 11.25 J. Imlah ................. Sharp............ county road, same was granted. I Chas Easom .......................... E J- CLAUSSEN. ’ ^no; identified, will come out arrayed in . 11.25 Roy Nelson ........... 20.00 In the matter of the claim of Frank Jack Holland ........................ ’ 7 co 1 their . 12.50 L. D. Pierson........ 40.00 I Oscor Munson ... inru usual ujuui habiliments, ............. ..... , they will find Paul for injuries received in auto ac­ Albert Easom ........................ Mr Bryan is mak^ | I multitudes arrayed tiler 22.50 Victor Lane .......... 2.50 Bob Nielson ..... like unto unto them. them, cident, same is rejected. I A. D. Lommen...................... 10.00 I ' an U1,d d will have such times that, in see­ denials of that one-termp^ 52-50 Albert Olds.......... - ¡7-50 Ala Lane ................ In the matter of claim of John H. W. Klein .......................... . 3600 A. L. Lane ............ ing America first, they will resolve it 3625 C. S. Wells .......... Every mysterious crime Theiler for costs in Supreme Court Wm. Chisholm ...................... • • 38.43 shall not be the last.—Ex. 33«2 Chas Fleck .......... . 31-56 R. B. McClay ........ during the last five year,, case. Said claim of $64.00 is ordered O. A. White .......................... ■ ■ 41.25 Fritz Drebert ........ G. T. Dougherty .................. 1500 charged to Holt. 41-25 Jim Mattoon......... paid. . . 65.00 36.25 Alwin Blum.......... - -36-25 Tom Kellow .......... Statement. Claim of W. E. Noyes for $12.50 for A. Cummings ........................ Secretary Lansing, just» . 64.38 Geo. Andrews ....... 35-62 Hope Moore........ . 1.25 loss of cow, under the statute, same Hugh Rittenhouse ................ to office, will hurdle be , .. 65.00 65.00 Loyd Kellow ........ 11.25 Chas Moore ........ I Dan Alley ................................ was allowed. Of the Tillamook County Bank of the other secretaries. • ■ 35-75 67.00 Chas. Zozel ............ 7-5° Chas Moore ........ In the matter ot Ike Quick and Geo. Ludtke ............................ .. 16.25 Tillamook, State of Oregon, showing Having yelled “Don’t 1 30.62 R. H. Bower ,........ 38.75 Will Turner .......... ______ ___ 21 ■' credit - -J-* -f others for county road the same was A. Pahmer .............................. 4 68 ’ the _ amount standing to the of boat” the pacificists have J. W. Tohl .............................. . 30.00 V. Kellow ..!......... 31-25 Pete Walker ........ rejected. 24.68 every depositor ’ • ’ • - 1, - ................ — down in the bottom ofk July 1915, who * has 37-50 Alwin Blum .......... 50.87 Frank Payne .......... In the matter .of bids for the con­ Chas. Gates .............................. 27.18 not made a deposit or has not with­ thinking the Luistania will R. Forkner ............. Chas. Robitch .................. . 300 B. E. Turner ........ 68 75 struction of a portion of the Geo. R. 9.68 drawn any part of his deposit, princi­ gotten. 30-62 Fred Marte ............ 27.50 Fred Blum ............ McKimens road, the following bids A. Sohler .................................. 35.00 ple or interest, for a period of more J. C. Creecy ............ Ernest Kebby ........................ 25.00 John Simmons ... • 33-75 A taste for watermelon » were received; Tillamook Bay Con­ 25.00 than seven (7) years immediately elementary, uncultivated 0« 12.50 John Blum............ . 39.00 J. A. Clark ............. struction Co., $3,132.50; W. D. Wood, Hubb Kuppenbender ............ prior to said date, with the name, 48.00 30.04 Forest Ayer ............ 26.25 ' H. Graf ............ embankment, $2,616.40; W. D. Wood, Dell Cummings . . last known place of residence or post­ be; wc should say, purely al 43-75 ! J- H. Proctor .. 65.00 trestle, 2,629.03. The bid of W. D. Chas Morgan .... There were eighteen Wat office address of such depositor, and Total ............................... $4,076.73 Grant Marshall .. 53.25 Alfred Reynolds 65.00 Wood for embankment was accepted. the United States; one was the fact of his death, if known. Miscellaneous Road Warrants. Sam Johnson .... 32.50 Harry Simmons 6.50 In. the matter of bids for construc­ for Europe. Name of depositor, C. L. Sariner. 10.00 Amber Brown . 32.81 A. F. Coates Lbr. Co................... 322.35 tion of a portion of the E. E. Cross Robert Kennedy . Residence or P. O. address, Tilla ­ F.clips Paint & Mfg. Co ........... 211.69 Ernest Crown ... 46.25 ; C. E. Walker 33-75 road. Bids of M. J. Jenck and John 5.70 mook, Oregon. 26.25 C. Pearson .. 3156 Oregon Building Record ........ Jenck for that portion of said road John Paquet ........ Dead, if fact is known to Sec. or Bales & Erskine ....................... 111.50 Harry Mitchell .. 32.50 from station 448 to station 456 for 43-75 Total ................................ $5.701-35 Alex McNair Co......................... 27.25 Cashier, unknown. $1,043.00 was acceptej. That portion I. Darling ............ The mint makes it and m City Transfer Co......................... 51.29 Amount $5.00. 25.00 of road from station 468 to 496 for Joseph Swahaw .. Road District No. 3. terms of the Continental ) State of Oregon, County of Tilla ­ Edwin Marshall . . A. M. Hare ................................. 12.89 2.50 $1,896.10 was accepted. Jeffry & Bufton .. 311592 King & Smith Co......................... 15.65 mook, SS. 92.50 Sandberg & Logus Company you can secure it *j In the matter of the construction of John Langley .... 2042.71 I, Erwin Harrison, being first duly J. C. Holden ............................... 106.11 9500 Frank Taylor........ Fairview road, Bay City road, and Geo. Benson ........ 300 Tillamook Bay Con. Co.............1726.23 sworn, depose and say upon oath, cent for any legal purpose9-25 gested like this, ‘For better homes.’ Sandberg & Logus, $509.81 for work Jeff Harris.................... J. Y. Davis ........ ■ 97-50 '--NOW ON DISPLAY. - IS«» of the improved methods, the bet­ on W. S. Cone road. 41.80 S. C. Woods .... Tim McCormack .... 47.50 All Hitfh Grade Patterns, tnany Exclusive, in the Choicest Stjlel ter livestock, the better roads, the A. Arstil, $525.00 for work on Gari­ A. Holden .................... J. E. Sperry .... - 45-00 20.75 Latest in design and coloring, now awaiting yourinspeetto schools, the better country baldi-Wheeler road. Jas. Simmons.............. 2.Zp Lee Lyster......... - 7-50 better churches, the better agricultural or ­ A. Arstil, $1,043.18 for work on Otto Gramon .............. R. Lyster .......... 5.00 ■ 75 Squires road. E. Bergstrom .............. . 10.00 ganizations, the better community 3-90 Fred Lyster .... MERCHANT TAILOR, Sandberg & Logus, $729.95 for work Tillamook Water Com 1.00 T. Myers ............ - 21.25 life—all are chaff except as they de­ Tillamook. O’ Phone J 27. velop better homes and better home on Bayocean road. D. Sandercock .. Pac. Tel. and Tel. Co. . 720 1.50 Sandberg & Logus, $637.70 for A. K. Case .................... life and better character, a better and 22.26 Henry Gould ... 937 Green Timber road. Oregon Bldg. Record 550 C. Craven ..’.... 469 thrifter and happier citizenship, liv­ Jeffrey & Bufton $1,358-55 work on Long & Co................. .. Frank Fox .......... 936 ■ >7-50 ing at peace with God and all man­ Sand Lake road. 96.00 W. N. Kandle . I W. B. Alderman ........ . 65.07 kind in the open country, closer to ------ o----- T. Haugen................ . . - 5-62 the heart of nature.” 104-37 J. H. Hollett .... General Fund. 105.00 Alvin Beckworth Sam Doney.................. . 20.00 President’s Mind not Yet Made Up. Barthold Barge Co...................... $ .170 M. Darby...................... 10437 Frank Fox .r..., - 105.70 4-5° Ed Stark ...................... J. M. Traxler, auto hire .......... 57-81 Dan Fletcher ... . 20.00 Washington, July 13.—The first e . A. Dunn, lodging ................ 10.25 Geo. Milks .................. 57-81 Oscar Craver ... . 42.50 6.50 E. B. Jacoby........ .. James Badyfelt, livery.......... ... 42.50 L. Devine .......... . 20.00 official announcement of the immed­ iate plans of President Wilson for 8.98 A. Beebehiser.............. tiarthold Barg Co........................ 4125 Ross Chilcott .. . - 104.37 dealing with the situation that has C. V. Hauley, 2nd quarterly J. Beebehiser .............. 1750 P. L. Meyer .... . 86.25 arisen Germany and the payment for demonstration 80.00 Chas Johnson .. . • Wm. Bragg.................. - 16.25 United between States came tonight in a tele­ 63.00 H. Schirzinger .. farm work........................ .... ,x 37ft.o Amos Vaughn .............. • 41-25 gram from Cornish, N. H., to Secre­ 5-00 H. Franklin........ Mrs. A. E. McKune, lodging .. 3025 W. T. Thomas ....... - 36.25 tary Tumulty, saying that the presi­ i'5o C. D. Grout.................. Tillamook Herald, printing .. 42.00 F. E. Meyer .... ■ 55-50 dent would return to Washington 10 ?2 H. C. Witt .................... 26.25 John Rock .......... P. W. Todd, stamps .. ............. 2.50 45OO D. C. Wood .................. J. E. Reedy, veterinarian .... 16.25 John Franklin ... . c.oo soon to lay the entire subiect before his cabinet. It indicated that the A. E. Ball, sealer of weights A. Beebehiser.............. 7-50 M. Sandridge ... • 3250 President had not yet arrived at a de­ 26.25 Fred Affolter ... J. Beebehiser ................ and measures .............................. - 34-97 cision as to the policy of the govern­ 26.25 Al Stewart .......... Freda Schunella, stenographer, F. Pomranky ................ 750 ment. 1500 Del Winters........ A. L. Steininger, auto hire ... M. B. Petteys .............. . 5812 The White House statement was as Geo. Bean, service for surveyor Will Ward .......... Tom Kempston ............ 1503 37-50 follows: M. E. Gruber, auto hire .......... Sam Hoober .................. 1387 Walter Affolter . 5372 ‘‘Referring to statements appearing Pauline Beals, typewriting .... 2.50 Carl Commons .. H. Nelson...................... 21.87 Dr. Boals, health officer.......... Max Reust .................... 45-11 G. W. Burgers .. . 5-00 in certain morning newspapers with reference to the attitude of the Presi­ 3»-2S Fred Scherzinger C. I. Clough, mds ........ .. Z. Beizer ........................ • 20 37 dent toward the reply of the German 52.87 Ralph Chilcott ... Tillamook Headlight, printing . C. R. Funk .................... - 38.75 government. Secretary Tumulty to­ 32.50 Jack William« ... R. T. Boals, insane.................. H. Wilkes ...................... . 39-00 night gave out the following telegram 50.00 Alfred Bauer .... Ray & Co. ntd» .......................... A. L. Darby.................. • 23.75 which 5-00 Roy Ward ....... Roy Funk ...................... Geo. W. Phelps, mds................. 10.00 dent: he had received from the presi­ 86.87 Ralph Sutton .... Mat Weber.............. ..... E. T. Haltom, mds...................... .. 11.25 Please say that from the moment 7250 Steve Birch .......... A. E. Holden ............ .... S. A. Clark, board..................... ■ 2.50 the arrival of the official text of 66.25 J. L. Nixson ........ Tillamook Feed Co., mds......... F. Blaser ........................ 13-75 of In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the German note I have given the 16.00 H. Baitey ............ Hoffman .................... Tohl & Anderson, mdi............... matter the closest attention, keeping Dr. S. M. Wendt, service» .... 47 SO Oscar Taggart ... ouie Eckloff .............. the point on the paper which is to receive the 20.00 Wert Sappington P. A. Finne, shoe repairing ... Francis Hediger .......... 2500 constantly tn touch with the Secre­ Rosenberg Bros, mds................. 92.00 tary of State and with every source Frank Landolt.............. 23 75 A. Imlah................ type impression is stationary at the instant the E. L. Robertson, county poor.. F. Gist .................. F. Blaser ........................ 7.81 that would throw light on the situa­ tion; that so soon as the Secretary of type hits. The carriage does not bob up and Tillamook Meat co., mds.......... G. Matoon ....... A. E. Holden ................ 3125 Tillamook Feed Co. mds........... 3-12 Con Newbill ..... C. R. Funk .................... 3125 State and I have more thoroughly down when the shift is made to write capitals. W. J. Himes.................. T. C. Percy, mds ...................... 25.62 considered t..e situation 1 shall go to 10.93 Robt. Portman ... 7.81 Ivan Gist Pacific Telephone Co............... Will Wilke» .................. 1500 Washington to get in personal con­ Why? T. E. F.pplett, mds....................... A. Clark ....1.... Ernest Himes................ 500 ference with him and with the Cabi­ 6.2s Ed Green.............. King & Smith, mds. .. ................ L. C. Wilke».................. 2.50 net, and that there will be as prompt Because the type is shifted—not the carriage A. Mapes........................ Coast Power Co........................... 49 37 Chas Blum .......... IOI.25 an announcement as possible of the Tillamook Water Co................... Jeff Harris .................... . 4937 T. Lister ........ 500 purpose of the government.’’ 42.50 F. Lister Mutual Telephone Co................. J. Wallace ...................... 10.00 The only movement of the carriage is back and An Easy Identification. Y. E. Pangborn, hauling.......... A. A. Apsley.................. 12.50 27.19 A. S. Lane ....... — o ------ f orth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways­ F. L. Owens, auto hire............ Guv Allmon .................... 27.19 L. Lane 12.50 Some Eastern people who have 24.60 . Victor Lane ;.... P. W. Todd, stamps.................... A. J. Naile...................... and this does not take place while the print is being • ev-ear "e*t,y 8,riv *"g ‘o "See Amer­ __________ « jcc Mmcr W. S. Buel, office expense .... Art Case ............. ,............ Al Lane ................ • First ” appear to be somewhat dis- ica dis ­ ma c. There is no lifting of the carriage. M. E. Gr”*>*r, auto hire .......... Jim McCutcheon.......... Geo. Gates .. i.... 12.50. . fA»se<*»va»i ____ • r . Glass & Pntdhomme Co. mds.. L. L. Wilson.................. 30-37 Thos Betchard ... 6.25 couraged about geographical identi- This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type- E. W. Stanley, justice court ... Tom Kempster .............. 21.71 cation. They have a desire, which we 8.75 J. Lewallen .......... E. \V. Stanley, justice court ... Oly Womer.................... 34’7 Fred Lewallen ... 17 50 must command as laudable. to be wri mg is free from blurs and every letter in the right thought, when in the West, as being 10.00 Claud Lewalien .. E. W. Stanley, justice court .. Perry Silvey .................... 3500 place. native and to the manure barn ” The Frank Heyd, fair building .. Xi8 C. Thomas...................... . J. D. Pearson .... F. E. Hobson, salary for June C. Wyss............................ Jay Dav:» ....... 2.18 mistake of some of them has been in and expenses ...................... 210.20 W. J. Dye ........................ 3500 Roy Nelson .i..., 2.56 arraying themselves according to L. M. Blair, compiling records 2O.9I Henry Nelson ................. 10.00 ’P°<1«’‘'‘Ch »ent out of fashion in 67.50 John Affolter |.... Ask for Demonstration I Frank Dye ....................... R. L. Shrevt labor hire for 64.50 L. Bauer . ... l ... . 10.00 the wildest West some years ago 1 --------- ,„ v iivill« Sid Travis ......................... ,he with 697OO 7«5O surveys ........................................... Lee Affolter 4... t-25 < J. C. Molden, salary.................. I3333 Ed Le Francis................. 10.00 I its bulging pistol, a part of the 33-75 Ole Redberg ..... «•75 ' -rt'J 1°" foT - Mein« America 1 C- Smith ß? Bro«. Typewriter Co. mt L. Rerch .... i.... Kathleen Mills, deputy............ 75OO Bruce Hare....................... Vida A. Millis. deputy.............. 65.OO Walter Baker ................. 35 93 Dan Fletcher ...... 1000 ^P,>Ow n,en‘- and 1 H-. Oft« ..4 r^rr, SYRACUSE. N Y. 4000 J. Lowrence H. Crenshay, salary.................. >33-33 Joe Mapes ....................... 113.10 I disgust, at finding Westerners polite- >05.00 • W. L. Campbell, deputy.......... 75-00 O. Billings ....................... 3625 Glen White .... from. »h« («o; •’ wc" renecu O. G. Swenson, deputy............ Frank Dye ....................... J6 j 5 Ai rhie Gist «0 00 1 ^7 Arthur Chapman m which one of 64.37 I D. Sanders ... Q. Pangborn ..................... B. L.Beals, salanr.................... JK ! them soliloquizes: C. A. Johnson, salary................ 10000 Albert Old»........ ,............ 49-37 I Jim Burke .. , 4 80 j We’ve loaded I op with deadly weapon* * I “MONEY.” THE HEW AUTUjVlH AHU WIHTER STYLES J. w. EDWALL, Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down t I |a06 Oak st., Portland, Ore.