Ullamook Headlight, July 16, IÔIo. IIVERSITY STUDIES ‘ CHINESE EGG TRADE irtment of Industrial Survey Re­ ports on Recent Addition to Import List. Will Entertain Chautauq ua Witn Plantation IVTelodies TS'W T • . « fl YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER #160,000,000.00 IN ASSETS j ----- University of Oregon. Eugene July M Shipments of eggs from China The Unite'1 States have reached . ¿cable proportions only since 1913 ording to a study of the subject ■r kh has just been completed by the nartment of Industrial Survey cou­ r Ut rted wi‘h lllc school of commerce ! the Lniversity of Oregon. 1 he in- | <4 J . ization was completed under the ' AMK Xn "f Hon. H. B. Miller, head the Departmint, whose long pre- ‘ residence in the Orient as con- i and consul general was of mater­ : assistance in opening up sources r 5 r?.Æ material. Acknowledgments are ex- ? essed to the United States Depart­ ed of Commerce. For many vears, says the Universe ' -<■ report China has been exporting ' .. t0 japan, Russia, Siberia, Hong- nZ the Philippine Islands and i her points in the far east, but the [i- st noticeable shipments to this lU.,trv were in 1914. The total ship- id to our Pacific seaboard from * ' tanghai in that year amounted to ; tí jooooo dozen, with a value of $540,- 0 in V. S. currency. Although satis- . I dory for purposes of direct con- ta “The Insurance Man.” option these eggs arc principally tended for use by bakeries and Phone Us, Todd Hotel. infectionary manufacturers. eV While the Chinese chickens are fed i ! í 1 grain when absolutely necessary, X. •A I a general thing they pick up their ,od in the field, village streets, and milar places. This by no means im- ' lies that they live on objectionable atter. As offal and refuse of all nds is carefully collected for fertil- r Lg purposes these places are gener- ||y rather clean, and the food of the Lcken is just about as sanitary as W. C. BUCKNER'S SOUTHERN JUBILEE QUINTET. kt of American chickens that are Mowed to scratch in the barnyard. The southern plantation melodies have never lost their charm to the American people, and nothing |The so-called egg farm, or chicken < is more truly musical when presented by talented colored singers such as W. C. Buckner’s Southern Jubilee inn, apparently does not exist in jhinii on a very extensive scale, if at Quintet. This is one of the finest organizations of its kind. 'll. Egg production is generally con- jdered to be incidental to the other ___ nd principal agricultural activities ^■f the Chinese farmer. Even so, suf­ GERMAN REPLY As our Grass Fed Cattle are now I n.r.n „ ficient quantities are found to have MADE PUBLIC. SLAYERS FREE Registered Holstein Friesian for Sale ^Kade the total exports of fresh eggs ready for the Market, we are 1913 amount to 1,736,236 dozen, No Intimation of Reparation For ' Society” Heid to Blame for Wom­ Herd bull No. 97721, Sir Johanna ■nd of prepared egg product amount Colantha Cornucopia, 3 years old, hue I making the following Prices on our en’s Misdeed. i-oss of American Lives on the 14,511,000 pounds. build and more white than black. Sire Steamship Lusitania. ■■The nature of the machinery and A. R. O. Dutchland Colantha Contest Meat, for CASH : Holding that “society” is to blame Boy, No. 50,998, a son of I^Ke system employed in the fabrica- < Calantha • ¿ ^Kn of the various egg _ __ products, Washington, July 10.—The reply of for the death of the infant child of Johanna Lad, whose dam ... the ...v , V lam is ^■ritd eggs, egg cognac, egg noodles, the German government to the Amer- Harriet Fowle, 17 years old, Circuit world’s record cow. Colantha 4th ' ^■ibumen, etc., are held secret. 'I lie uani n°,tC’ wt!ich was lna(lc Public in Judge Gatens Monday paroled the Johanna, with record 27,432.5 lbs. ■ggs which arrive at the factory in Berlin last night, is entirely unsatis­ giri s mother, Mrs. Bessie M. Fowle, milk and 12,47.82 lbs. butter in one RIB ROAST 15c. per pound. ^Kd kerosene oil boxes, are carefully factory. Officials here did not conceal to her husband, after sentencing her year. io five years ’ imprisonment, and sus ­ ^Kamined for the least defect. The this opinion. 1 he situation is fraught Cornucopia A A. 1 I RIB 1X10 BOII DUIL . . 1 le. per pound. Dam No. 96,598, Dot Cornucopia ^»rfect, fresh ones, arc washed, open- with dangerous possibilities, they pended sentence . on Harriet Fowle R. O. 25.25 lbs. butter in ; 7 days, \ 90 ' lbs « BRISKET BOIL until the father of her dead child 10c. per pound. and the yolks and whites separat- considered. 1 he concensus of opinion milk in one day. The foundation herd The yolk passes through a large was that the president would reiter­ shall be brought to the bar of justice.’ imported from New York. Several STEAKS 121c. to 15c. per pound, ^Kipe with the aid of suction pump in- ate his demand for a recognition of Mrs. Fowle and her daughter had choice bull calves, some old enough ■o a vacuum space in the machine the rights of Americans to travel the pleaded guilty to manslaughter after for small service. Some of the cows CORN BEEF lie. and 121c. per pound. ^Kbere it is dried in 15 seconds. It is high seas in safety. Asked whether being indicted for second degree mur­ have A. R. O. records. Herd Tuber- ( HAMBURGER STEAK . At 121c. per pound. ^Hhtn passed into a large receptical they did not consider that a break in der. they confessed that after the culina tested. Place located % mile ■ito which the matter falls in the the relations between the govern­ child was born they had placed a north of Bagley, (last flag station be- 1 These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook ^■orm ot snowflakes which look clean, ments was possible, those who arc camphor-saturated cloth over its face fore Hillsboro). A Bendler,. Cornelius ^Kave a good color and fresh odor. best posted said they did not think and left it until it died. Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1. | Products. ^Busing again thorugh a machine the so. 1 he comment in Washington was Judge Gatens characteri¿cd the ^Blalce comes out in a powdered form to the effect that while the note crime as one "such as is committed ^Ktady for shipment. It is said that makes counter proposal, they amount daily by many of the respectably Summons. I I ■his product can be kept indefinitely to no concessions, since Germany married people of the country, usually Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers ^Btta dry cool place. maintains that Americans are safe on for no other reason than a wish to In the Circuit Court of the State of The whites of the eggs are put into neutral ships but implies they are said ivoid the responsibility and burden of Oregon in and for the County of from Portland. Mtinail trays about a foot square hav- on no others. T here is no evidence rearing a large family. Tillamook. I SIRLION STEAKS At ^■ng a glass bottom and placed on that Germany purposes to make any per pound, “Is the taking of the life of the un- Lee R. ljams, Laura M. Kerron Muiclvcs in a room having a tempera- reparation for the death of Americans bern child any less a crime than tak­ formerly Laura M. ljams, Les­ ROUND STEAKS . At per pound, ■hirc from 55 to 63 degrees Fahren- who lost their lives on the Lusitiania. ing the lite of a child one day old?” lie ljams, Evelyn ljams and Text of German Reply. ^■cit. After being thoroughly dried the asked the Judge. "Why make an ex­ Ethel Miller, formerly Ethel POT ROAST BEEF At 5 rui KIJA5T Al per pound. ^■rhite is broken into small pieces and The text of the German note fol ample of these two? Must this girl ljams, T SHORT RIBS AND Plaintiffs, ■1 ready for export. In some instances lows : and her entire family be sentenced to vs. Mhcsc sheets of white are powered or “The undersigned has the honor everlasting condemnation and this ! PLATE BOILS . At to 15c. per pound, ^■educed to a crystal form resembling to make the following reply to His boy be allowed to go absolutely free? Mrs. Melvina Venen and John Venen, her husband, Doe Excellency, Ambassador Gerard, to I 1 do not agree with society. ¿ Prime RIB ROASTS, At ^■nnulated sugar. per pound. ■ To make 22 lbs. of dried yolks, 1,500 the note of the 10th ultimo in regard “The moth of the unfortunate girl Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe Bggs arc required; for the same of the impairment of American inter­ had other cht.uren to bring up whom, Le Duck, his wife, These Prices are subject to change. Defendants. B>holc dried eggs 1,000 must be used, ests by the German submarine war: as she has said, ’would have to endure To. Mrs. Melvina Venon and John The imperial government learned Khile it takes 1,000 whites of eggs to the sneers and jeers of society,’ and, with satisfaction from the note how half crazed by the thought of the dis­ Doe Venen, her husband; Frank I.e ^Bkc 514 pounds of albumen. ■^The collecting middle-men who earnestly the government of the Unit­ grace which the birth of' the child Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his pther the eggs from the farmers pay ed States is concerned in seeing the must bring to the innocent members wife, and to you and each of you, de­ bout $4 60 (L S. gold) per thousand principles of humanity realized in of her family if made public, she, in fendants above named, in the name of i -nereased by transportation the present war. Also this appeal her ignorance and desparation, thou­ the State of Oregon you and each of barges and handling to about $6.25 finds ready echo in Germany and the ght to save them, and committed this you are required and hereby com­ manded to appear and answer to the i $8.00 per thousand by the time the imperial government is quite willing awful deed.” «. ggs reach the hands of the exporter to permit its statements and decisions “Bring these men into court,” he complaint filed against you in the »tht coast. The freight rate to Pa- in the present case to be governed bv said, “and make them stand trial with above entitled suit on or before the inc Coast ports via the regular lines the principles of humanity, just as it the girls upon whom they have 27th day of August, 1915, being more I ll&oopcr ton of 17 cases. Refriger- has done always. brought or helped to bring disgrace, than six (6) weeks from the date of C»f I Early Friendship Recalled. ting space costs an additional $16.00 | and soon we shall put an end to this the date of the first publication so this summons, and if you fail to "The imperial government welcom­ sort of thing.” rr ton. and answer to the said com­ The Chinese from time immemorial ed with gratitude when the American Mrs. Fowle, who is 52 years old, is appear plaint, for want uirrcvi thereof moc these piani- plain­ I , ire made use of primitive devices government in the note of May 15 the mother of 10 children. pply to the Court for the 1 tiffs will a| Electric lights and water in every itself recalled that Germany had al ­ »hatching eggs by mechanical pro­ _.i t_ 1 relief prayed for in their complaint, tent; go surf bathing or hunt for mises, and have been farely success- ways permitted itself to be governed in substance as follows: For a decree The Oldest Banker. crabs and clams; tent city is under d-These devices are ulually made of by the principles of progress and hu­ determining the adverse interests in imboo, and charcoal is used in manity in dealing with the law of direction of Bar View hotel; many and to block fifteen (15) in and of The oldest banker in the United Miller’s Addition to the town of Till­ ■attaining the proper temperature. maritime war. Since the time when entertaining features; no liquors al- In preserving, duck eggs are given Frederick the Great negotiated with States is dead. He was John Gardiner amook and State of Oregon and de­ lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; « preference. Ashes, tea-dust, clay, John Adams, Benjamine Franklin.and of Norwalk, Ohio. He had the honor claring the plaintiffs to be the own­ sleeping tents and board at hotel, $J ■I' and lime are mixed and rolled Thomas Jefferson the treaty of friend not only of being the nation’s oldest ers in fee simple and entitled to the ’er the eggs, the salt and ashes be­ ship and commerce of September 9, banker, but probably that of holding possession of said premises as against per day and up. Write W. A. Wise, lli the most important ingredients, 1785, between Prussia and the Repub­ the world’s record in continuous em­ any and all persons whomsoever, and Bar View, .Tillamook County, Ore., bis preparation is allowed to dry on lic of the West, German and Ameri­ ployment. He was born in 1815—the yourselves in particular, and for the or 210 Failing Bldg , Portland Ore. can statesmen have in fact always year of Waterloo and the close of our 'e eggs and preserves them without stood together in the struggle for the 1 second war with England. When he costs and disbursements of this suit, “anges for several months, wa» born, and for such further relief as to the freedom of the seas and for the pro­ left Connecticut, where he was statistics regarding the internal may seem meet in the premises. Indians tection of peacablc trade In the in ­ and went to Ohio, the I..Ji __ still Court ’odnetion of eggs in China arc not This summons is served upon you ternational proceeding which have lived n..» in ......... that ......... firtie . ...... country and I there ’ailable and it would be next to im- by virtue of an order of the above ossible to give even an approximate since been conducted for the regula­ were many men who could tell vivid entitled Court, which order was made tion of laws of maritime war, Ger ­ stories of the battle of Fallen Tim ­ stimate of any value. entered on the 17th day of May, many and America have jointly advo­ bers and of other fights with the red and 191$. directing that publication there cated progressive principles, especial ­ men in which they took part. He was j$hen women voters have thorough- be made in the Tillamook Head­ ly the abolishment of the right ot 17 years old when he got employment of light, a newspaper of general circula­ ‘hgested the idea of political bosses capture at sea and the protection of in a little bank that had been estab­ published in the County of Tilla­ ■maps they'll like it; and what will lished in Norwalk. That bank, now tion the interests of neutrals. mook and State of Oregon for a *n revolutionaries do then? the Norwalk National, still is in busi­ period Declaration of London Indorsed. of six (6) successive weeks. r,.\e wcu^n 1 6e alarmed to have t’ c "Even at the b>». • ‘ Rail- ■ were suppressed. They'll ask again. ,'tlon nd satisfaction if it can work hand Kansas. If that doesn't force organiz ­ nobody has yet put rollers under brawn with their brains. Barns and farm buildings of all •iv •**■ ** these insects develop in ; hand with the American govern­ them. It is impossible to avoid the conclu­ kinds erected by experienced carpen­ ation what will? 1W1. Pools or small bodies • ment on that occasion. William Howard Taft now never Kno>k and it shall be opened unto sion that Mark Twain in his later ter. either by contract or days work. cannot be otherwise save a thing that doesn't pl-ate the you. But that " _ "2 surprise the years did some tremendous scolding. would ? ’"'I ' bich are too small still Flans and estimates furnished for all I public; -i. The thirty passenger ftney ca bave and its the same old fickle knocker whose greatest hope i- is a! Still, who wouldn’t like to—on occa» kinds of carpenter work. J. M. Lii I | ^(. kc'1 i l-' ■ 1 Ashes may be treat- elusive. Is posterity to ways to be disappointed. public. »ion? i> * h''‘> vi kerosene to prevent remains 1 bvrg. Mutual Phone. ’■«»Suito biceding. I thgt too? Si represented by this Office “S AFETY” ERVICE ECURITY OUR AIM Let Us Write Your Next Policy Ï ROLLIE W. WATSON I T ■ I I !¡ I # ^Reduction in the I Price of Meat. II 4 Î Í : “ 1 S’ 4 1 [Tillamook Meat Company. Furnished Housekeeping Tents Only One Dollar a Day. 4' « ill fi i íiá'r fiSxA flüEX. IVIeNflIR & CO 4 GENERAL HARDWARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. ■ 1 J life t »‘J I -K