'Tillamook Headlight, July Iß. iOl-» J ELAND B. ERWIN, RURAL CREDITS. from the German capital, and th< re PIANO INSTRUCTION. has been no attempt to suppress it, I the manifesto will be a great strength Congressman Hawley, of the Con­ I Diploma . from Chicago Musical The assertion by a prominent phy­ in stimulating the talk of peace that gressional Committee, Gives College.—Beginners receive the siuie sician that alfalfa is good for the must come first before the reality.—■ His Views. blues and to eat it means a long and Umpqua Valley News. careful training as the most advanced. healthy life, is referred to Engineer Terms:- $4.00 per months Instruc­ Congressman Hawley is a member Galvani of the P. P. & L. Co. for In a recent issue of the Saturday the Congressional Committee tion. judgment, he’s a connoisseur on that Evening Post Owen Wister quotes of which will draft a Rural Credits bill All lessons given at Studio. dope. —Astorian. from the speeches, toasts, rantings, for consideration of the next session. Factory Representative for the Where thou.and.of people delight to spend their summer vacation prayers, and ravings of the Kaiser, as He has been making a deep study of Bryan’s reference in the United follows: Chute & Butler Pianos and Player the subject, and while he has prepar ­ States as “the big brother of the na- Pianos. “We Hohcnzollerns . take our 5 Hours from Portland tions” is sort of out of keeping with crown from God alone. On me the ed no written article or speech em- Over the most wonderful scenic trip one the American Continent- uodvmg his ideas, he has been dis ­ his peace talk. When we were kids we Spirit of God has decended 1 regard p> T BOALS, M.D., used to look at our “big brother” to my whole .... task as appointed cussing the subject informally before Two Daily Trains- do our scrapping for us, and the fact by heaven. Who opposes me I shall audiences of farmers in his district. Lv. Portland ":45 a. tn. Tillamook Passenger . . I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. that he could scrap and did, saved crush to pieces. Nothing must be set­ An/.hing he says on this subject is of I.v, Portland 1:40 p.m. interest, and we trust ere long he will many a ticklish situation for us.— tled i 1 this world without the inter­ Seashore Special . . • Surgeon S. P. Co. commit his ideas to writing so they L-h on the ' Seashore Special. ’ , Astorian. Parlor Observation Car with buffet lunch on the SM.siiure 01 ll““- , vention ... of ... . the Ger­ can be piesentcd in complete form (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) man Emperor. He has listened to pub­ says the Oregon Voter. Daily and Week Ends Fares While it may violate no 'aw for lic opinion runs a danger of inflicting Tillamook - - . . Oregon. O1 all the 1 eports of his speeches American manufacturers of munitio-) immense harm on ... . the slate. FKOM ALL POINTS oi war to sell th«ir product to Euro­ When one occupies certain positions made in this district, we believe that for folder “ Seashore Tillamook County ” giving list of hotels- Ask pean nations, every true America! in the world one ought to make dupes ,ust published by the Albany Herald EBSTER HOLMES, rates, etc. would prefer that the money thus rather than friends. Christian molal­ is the most complete. According to coming into the country would come ity cannot be political. Tieaties are the Hciald, Mr. Hawley said: A Visit to the ATTORNEY AT LAW "By rural credits is meant a system to pay for something to sustain life only a disguise to conceal other polit­ under which a farmer rpav at any father than destroy it.—Telephone ical aims.” time secure a loan at a lbw rate of COMMERCIAI. BUILDING, Kcgiste r. The man is mad, and the pity of it interest,, for a long period of years, if At San Francisco and San Diego in an event of is that there is at present no power lie so desires, so that he may have FIRST STREET, Oregon annually pays a large toll strong enough to restrain him and no capital to improve his farm, purchase a life time and one you cannot afford to miss. of life to the water. Young people, mad house secure enough to hold him stock, and otherwise increase his pro­ TILLAMOOK, ORF.COM. who are most inclined to take risks It is written: Whom the Gods-would duction and income. Special Fares iu July because they arc ignorant of the dan-, destroy they would first make mad; "For instance a farmer has a farm tc San Francisco, Loe Angeles and San Diego on certain dates ger, should be constantly reminded and surely the gods did not make this of 160 acres. He applies for a loan. K. REEDY, D.V M., that the water is the most dangerous man mad merely that he might des­ His farm will be valued and he will Low Round Trip Fares Daily of all elements. Don’t take chances, troy millions of his fellow beings.— be entitled to borrow up to a certain with stop-over# in either direction. VETERINARY. is the golden rule of safety.—Polk The Spectator. Four Fine Trains Daily in Each Direction. per cent of the valuation, which I County Observer. think will be established at 50 per ! Butli Pbones Stop-Overs at Exposition The West has many things to which cent—that is, if bis farm is valued at ! ' Tillamook The reason why some farmers test to be proud, and one thing of which $8,000 he could borrow up to $4,000. i 1 Oregou All tickets to the East via California permits stop-overs at their cows is: To locate the unprofit­ to be ashamed. We have the most For convenience let us suppose he San Francisco and Los Angeles to see the Expositions. able animals; to find the return of fertile fields of the nation, the grand­ borrowed $1,000 to clear up a part of the feed given and determine results est forest, the mightiest peaks and his farm. While the committee has , Ask nearest Agent for “California and Its World Exposition” and H. GDYNE, “Way Side Notes Shasta Route in changes of feed; to secure informa­ mountain ranges, the most magnifi­ not finally decided upon all of these tion which can be used in selection of cent of rivers, the greatest assortment matters, I believe he will secure the animals for breeding purposes with a of food products, the grandest scen­ loan on a basis of a total yearly ATTORNEY-AT LAW. view of improvement of offspring; to ery, and the most contemptible graft­ charge of not more than 5 per cent, John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. demonstrate to the public which can ers. We have gamblers who play which will be divided as follows: in­ Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , be secured through selection and with fortune wins our admiration on terest at four per cent, and of the I breeding. — Pacific Homestead. account of its daring and risks, we other one per cent a small fraction Tillatncok Oregon. have robbers whose boldness softens will be used for operating expenses, While confident that the foot and our hearts towards their misdeeds, and the remainder will be credited on mouth disease, which has been epi­ we have politicians of such surpass­ the original loan. OltN I.ELAND HENDERSON, demic among the live stock of this ing cunning and skill that we are “That is, the farmer will pay $50 country for the last six months vir­ forced to admit that they are "the per year on each $1,000 borrowed, ATTORNEY tually has been wiped out. Depart­ limit,” wc have peace officers whose and this will be all he is required to ment of Agriculture officials declared bravery in the fear of peril is truly pay in any year. He pays each year a AND today that they would not relax their heroic, and we have the meanest class part of the principal, and interest on COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. efforts to prevent a future recurrence of bunco and con men extant. We the principal still unpaid. Paying in T illamook B lock , of the scourage. Altogether more have the stamp of man, unfortunately, this way over a long period of years than 124,000 animals have been killed, for whom lynching is too good. We keeps the interest paid up and gradual­ Tillamook - - - - Oregon. because of the epidemic, at a cost of have the cowardly, petty, sneaking ly pays off, or amortizes, the princi­ ROOM NO. 261 between $5,000,000 and $6,000,000, tbe crook who fears to face his victim pal, in some 30 years. He will also be expense of which has been shared and who does his dirty work by mail allowed to make advance payments if equally between federal and state with his dupe in the East. We have he finds himself able to do so. J. CLAUSSEN, governments.—lone Journal. . LAWYER, the thing in man’s attire who sells "Contrast this with present con­ imaginary agricultural lands lands to ditions. If a farmer now borrows There are some funny combinations the unwary and trusting 2,000 miles $1,000 he can get it only for a short DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT that bob up in Hillsboro’s big eastern time, say three years, and will have neighbor. The Portland Chamber of away, and who covers his trail so to pay eight per cent. The first year 213 T illamook B lock that punishment comes to him Commerce News crows over the in­ craftily he must pay at least $80 interest, $80 but rarely.—Oregon City Courier. stallation of an infant industry, it be­ Oregon Tillamook also the second year, and the third ing a fireworks factory with a pay­ year $1,000 principal and $80 interest, Rais® Oregon Dairymen Should roll of $200 per week. A day or two and ordinarily the returns from farm ago the police reports of the dailies QR. JACK OLSEN, Their Own Calves. betterments will not be sufficient of the same city told of a rade on the meet a total payment of $1,240 establishment of a Chinese merchant DENTIST. three years from an investment and confiscation of his stock of noise­ "There is only one practical way for $1,000. the dairyman to increase the herd and (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) makers. Simmered down, the big "There are some $3,000,000,000 town is glad to have a factory to that is to raise his own calves said mortgages on farms in the United Tillamook - Oregon manufacture a product it will not per­ Professor C. H. Ecklcs, professor of States, bearing from eight per cent to husbandry, University of Mis­ mit its own merchant to sell.—Hills­ dairy souri, when speaking before the dairy 12 per cent interest on their face. The boro Independent. J__ I T. Ho t s a mens’ convention «luring the farmers' farmers arc paying sonic $200,000,000 ----- <>------ week at the Oregon Agricultural Col­ mortgage interest every year, and as 1 A . It is apparent that Bryan is looking lege. "You can’t buy good stock. the average of the mortgage loans ATTORNEY-AT LAW. for a war of words with Roosevelt. Heifers should be raised with a good would not exceed two years, they Inasmuch as both colonels are amply deal of care and attention. You say it must pay one half of the two billion Complete Set of Abstract Books in equipped with verbal munitions the costs too much. But 1 believe that dollars’ principal every year or a Office. Hoxv about the picnic basket? Don’t waste four or public should maintain strict neutral­ under any ordinary conditions you total payment on account of inort- Taxes Paid for Non Residents. ity and let them fight it out. What­ cannot afford not to do it. gages of $1,200,000,000 per year, and five days cooking stuff in a hot kitchen to take along. T illamcok B loc k , ever may be the outcome the people "They say about one cow out of the business of farming cannot stand Come to us and get what you need. It will be easier and Tillamook .... Oregon will be returned winners. Plutarch every three is not going to be a prof­ it. relates that Philip, being arbitrator itable animal. But success of the dairy “This great burden is responsible Both Phones. between two wicked persons, com­ farmer depends to no slight extent for a large part of the movement to cheaper to pay the moderate bill we will send you than manded one to fly out of Macedonia upon the careful rearing of the calves leave the farm. to prepare a lunch—you can “chuck” the tins and paper and the other to pursue him. There The careful dairymen sese in every C. HAWK, “Under the proposed system, if are many patriotic Americans who heifer calf the possibility of a cow all of the present mortgage indebted­ boxes, save worry and enjoy the sport. would hail with delight a finish fight that will not only replace a discarded ness of two billion dollars was taken between Bryan anil Roosevelt. They member of his herd, but help to raise up by it, the interest charge would be PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON both are lagging on the political stage the average production. By the prop­ reduced to $80,000 annually and the 1 o~~— er care in the choice of a sire, and by combined payment of principal and Oregon Bay City The eastern dispatches in Satur- careful attention to the rearing of the interest on the 30 year basis would GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG day's dailies captioned by d ou ble calves, the dairyman who is compell­ be less than $ 150,000,000 per year, or ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. heads, announced that Baby Sayre ed to start with a herd of ordinary one-eighth of what it is now. Q)R. L. L. HCY, *«•--- • ••• cried a part of the night when his quality may, within a few years, raise The proposed system will greatly TILLAMOOK. grandad, President Wilson, was at the average of production of his herd increase the opportunities and returns OREGON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the Sayre home up in New Hamp­ to a marked extent, On the other from farming and be of the utmost shire on a vacation and it didn't dis­ hand, carelessness in breeding and in importance to all the people of the T illamook B lock , turb Grandpa Wilson a bit. Now we calf raising is bound to result dis­ United States. The fanner is indis- itu must all take off our hats to the daily­ astrously to a herd, or at least to pcnsible in a government like ours, Oregon. Tillamook, newspapers for publishing so immen­ keep it at a standstill as far as im- and whatever promotes his welfare sely an important piece of news. No provement is concerned.” and prosperity benefits all. doubt the armies engaged in the pas­ R. ELMER ALI.EN "At first, we may have to advance time of killing each other over in from the treasury of the United Why is It? Europe, paused to reflect upon the States money to inaugurate this sys­ (Successor to Dr. Sharp), OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE THE ----- o---- tremendous importance of the start­ tem, but the funds that will finance ling piece of news about baby Sayre's Alex. Stewart is the observant and the system will come from the sav­ PUBLIC WEL DENTIST. bawling.—Itemizer. sagacious marriage license clerk of ings institutions, which have some Detroit. We are made aware of this seven billions of money looking for Commercia! Building, Tillarriock Our plant is well equipped and Governor W'ithyconibe has his own by his observation of the fact that such investments as mortgage bonds, maintained in perfect running; ideas of the way in w hich the O. A C. more men than women are inclined to or debentures, will provide. There Co. lands should be disposed of. For- make more than one venture in the will be adequate money t<> meet the order. QARI. HABKRLACfl, mer Governor West’s plan for the matrimonial field. He cites one of the demands at all times, I think. We can furnish yon with any­ ____ ______ them ____ does not look marriage license clerks of Chicago, state __ to purchase ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. “This system will not only benefit good to him as he says it would be too where divorce as well as death runs the farmer, but will increase the pros­ thing in electric supplies or fix­ speculative. And wc agree with Gov­ riot, as a corroborating witness. T illamook B eock perity of all; the merchant the labor­ tures for wiring, lighting, heat­ ernor Withycombe. Mr. West still Alex. Stfwart discusses at some er, the manufacturer, the commercial Tillamook J- . . .Oregon loves to play to galleries. The tele­ length what he believes to be the banker will have an increase in busi­ ing, power, or cooking. graph wires that brought the Su­ causes of man's greater propensity to­ ness, in this country since this has We have experienced and capa­ preme Court decision had not cooled ward the married state. But in getting been the result under such a system [JR. GEORGE J. PETERSEN off before he was out with liis "great" beyond his realm of actual observed in Germany, France, Italy and else­ ble men to attend to our lines and plan for taking over the lands. Of facts, with which his office makes DENTIST, to do house wiring and instala- course he has a right to his ideas, as him familiar, he gets as near nowhere where.” % tions has every other citizen, but it strikes as any of us can. He talks of widow­ Successor to Dr. Perkins Lst Us Brag a Little. us that it would be more becoming if ers with children being impelled to ------ o------ the late governor would step out of remarriage for domestic reasons, and TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Let us brag a little. In the present the spot light for just a minute, and points out why widows, of this day give the present stat«' officers an op­ and age, can both support their fam­ European war the Germans and Aus­ QEORGE WILLETT, portunity to at least receive a copy of ilies and look after their households. trians combined have destroyed or « the decision before he calls on them The argument is well so long as it captureil less than one British boat a ATTORNEY-AT I AW to adopt a plan of handling the prob­ runs, but it does not run nearly far day. while during the war of 1812 our lem But modesty was never a part of enough. More men of all classes than valiant sea rovers di«l such damage to T illamook C ommercial B cildin " Now Under New Management the character of the Ute governor.— women of all classes, are willing to English shipping that the appalling lillamook - - - Oregon News-Times. remarry, for the simple reason that sum total at the end of the war that l . S. LAW \ ER, LEE SLY 1 ER and CARL WHITE, - o----- man gets a great deal more out of the the figures are scarce believable— Props. something over 2000. W ith the ma- According ot dispatches from Rcr- married state than women do. Some tcrial we have on hand we can lick I, DANIELS. Call and See Us. Repair Work a Specialty. lin, the socialists of that city have joys they share in common, but the the world, but what's the use’ It is issued, a manifesto calling on the gov­ man who ha» ever had a home in doing itself up as fast as it can. CHIROPRACTOR. ernment to begin negotiations which which even a fair degreec of compa- may result in peace. 1 hey ask this tn tability reigned, will discover, soon Ixjcal Office in*the Commercial It is the unexpected that happens— ; the name of "humanity and Kultur, after loosing it, what a shield and Is the day of big strikes over? No Nothing worth while is ever said and state that it will be taken up with I anchor against many storms it was and quite as often the expected. Building, "One continuous round of pleasure” « sooner 0o they threaten than a blight tbeir brethern in the other beligerent for him. And his experience with falls on the idea. There's a better wav him is only endurable up to the age of 1 TILLAMOOK - ORE women not having embittered nations. The surprising part of this is At first, eugenics said all that it the fact that it has been allowed pub against the sex he will be willing to about 18. wanted was persuation Now it asks Whose were the brilliant minds for prohibition. All lids begin licati->n and circulation, when it is try again, while one experience in the otifstde his bedroom door. 1 ‘ EAT VIERECK’S considered that the strong clement married lift with the average man is that designed the Triple Alliance and sar.ie way. it is SAid that th* . of the socialist party has given ,h® enough for the avrrage woman. 1 he the Triple Entente, certain promise i We refuse to be further stirred war its assent by standing back ot The presumption must be that the re­ of catastrophe’ The only league that over the gem theory The latest at- creature. Should it s«ffi£ ! * "P BREAD, it would be asked in K "u Hjustt the government since th? early days marrying men have to marry women F urope need» is one that includes all. | tempted toft concerning the restau­ box to the ornahological orchcstA. mU,e the war. Of course there have been ! without experience in the matrimon­ Theatre programs are still free, ex- ■ is a very interesting cept in New York; though who cares rent loaf sugar bowl disturbes us not. individual protests, and this by some ial state That L TILLAMOOK BAKERY Isn't there some sort ___ of one .. thing or ens'S"ACcir,ff'tnil ot the lea.li in n, but a» - a whole point with which Mr. Stewart do«» i to know what's going to happen’ mother on every door knob, every patriotic | nol ^,*1, but may explain the fre- i Life's little ».uprises should include handrail, every piece of furniture and i the Ute Mr^ScrnnSf.'01;” Sh>des of the socialist' h...c given a pat ”0 bi n' | quent defense to their fatherland. If ‘ th« ___ unions ______ of male autumn with I a few at the theatre. ^so ©n ad infinitum a nauseam j change. ' ' ' ilucd Ex- State Press Flashlights. Tillamook Seashore Resorts Two World Expositions. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. RESOLVED IT 15 A PICNIC To SHOP AT OUR, STORE-LOTS OF G ood things at TEMPTING PfclCEG E w RAY & CO. Coast Power Company. a KENNEDY GARAGE. bo juutaks iu the dispatch coming luualc spriug. At All Grocer3. I