I Tillamook Headlight, July Io, IPI5 Uncle Silas Says down for future use. If he hears other I Notice of Foreclosure Sale. ' are required to appear and answer Notice of Contest. farmers discuss remedies for stock execution, judgment order and decree | the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein and in compliance with the commands A good story, illustrating the pres­ Sick animals, let him jot down the Notice is hereby given that in pur ­ on or before six (6) weeks from the Department of the Interior, United of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, the ence of mind of John D. Rockefeller, formula or receipt, for there will sure- of the first publication of this Slates Land Office. 7th day of August, 1915; at the hour was told to me by a reliable person y come a time when he will need it. suance of a judgment and decree en­ date summons, and defendants are further to o’clock a.m., at the front door of Portland, Oregon, June 15, 1915. n he sees something in print that tered in the Circuit Court of the State and 1 guess it is true. When John D. I interests notified that the date of the first him, let him jot ii d?J oj ot Oregon, for Tillamook County, in To Levi Koch, of Tillamook, Ore­ the Court House in the city of Tilla­ lived in Cleveland, Ohio, this man, publication of this summons is June the cause pending wherein Tillamook gon Contestec: mook, in said County and State sell who was his next door neighbor, said ,ut v' SUt ?nd pas,e ” in ,,le note County Bank, a corporation is plain­ 24th, 1915. I on are hereby notified that Archi­ at public auction, subject to redemp­ to him one morning over the back | book. Not by any means do I want it tiff, and Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. G. C. Fulton, bald C, Walls, who gives Tillamook. tion. to the highest bidder, for U. S. fence: ’’Smith’s cow got in my yard understood that 1 claim that farmer Mitchell, G. W. Rice and Jane Doe S. S. Johnson Oregon, as Ins post-office address, gold coin cash in hand, all the right, yesterday and ate a lot of flowers and cannot succeed unless he keeps a Rice, his wife are defendants, which Attorneys for Plaintiffs. did on June 12th, 1915, file in this title and interest which tlie within vegetables.” John D. was silent and n°‘e b°ok, but I wish to make it em­ decree was entered on the 21st day office his duly corroborated applica­ named defendants or either of them, reflective a few minutes, while he phatic that one who does keep a note of June, 1915, and in pursuance of an tion to contest and secure the cancel­ had on the date of the mortgage Notice. poked around a chip on the ground book, even if not successful at the execution and order of sale issued lation of your Homestead Entry, herein or since had in or to the above with the end of his cane, smiling the time, is on the r>ght road to success. upon said decree by the clerk of sai'd I Serial No. 02104 made August 31st, described real property or any part In the County Court of the State of while though greatly amused. Then Court bearing date June —, 1915, I 1909, for the NE *4, Section 20 Town­ thereof, to satisfy said ----- 0----- execution, In speaking of chickens, one's mind have levied upon, and will, on Mon­ Oregon for Tillamook County. he looked up and inquired gravely: order, decree, interest, In the matter of the estate of Jas­ ship 1 South Range 8 West, W illam­ judgment “Well what did you do about it?” naturally reverts to what they pro­ day the 19th day of July, 1915, at the ette Meridian, ami as groundsfor his costs and all accruing costs. I answered that 1 sent for Smith, duce to pay back to their owner the Court House door in Tillamook City, per W. Buckles, deceased. contest he alleges that said Levi Koch Dated, Tillamook, Oregon, July 7, ’15 To all whom it may concern; who came and took her to pastured cost of their keep, and perhaps a lit­ Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. has never since making such entry H. Crenshaw, Notice is hereby given, that the un ­ “Yes?” drawled John D... still poking I tle more, namely, eggs.Well at the m., sell at public auction to the high­ resided upon the said lands, nor in dersigned, administrator of said es ­ Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ the chip around as though it was a present price of grain if one buys it est bidder for cash in hand all of the tate intends to apply to the above en­ anywise cultivated or improved the ty, Oregon. golf ball which he was trying to get costs about 12 cents per dozen to pro­ right, title and interest of the de­ titled court or to the Judge thereof, same, nor any part thereof, being a First publication, July 8, 1915. into position for a master stroke. i duce eggs, less than half the price, at fendants, held on February 8th, 1913, on the 2nd day of August, 1915, at the period of more than five years from Last publication, August 5, 1915. Finally he looked up and sputtered least, that people living in cities have or since acquired by them in and to hour of to o’clock a m. tor leave to j the date of making such entry; but on out quite vengefully: “Yes, that cow 1 to pay for them. It pays therefore to the following described real property resign as said administrator of ^aid the contrary he has abandoned the Notice to Contractors. said lands for said period of five got in my garden too. I milked her to keep chickens, even in town, if they situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, estate. i years. i the value of the damage it had done ' are properly cared for. Eggs are used to-wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, Sealed proposals addressed to the And if permitted by said Court or You are, therefore, further notified and then drove it out.” for many purposes besides food; for for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ the Judge thereof, will at said time County Court of Tillamook Count”, instance, in chemistry and manufac­ ment rendered in said cause together and date resign as said administrator. that the said allegations will be taken Oregon for the proposed construct­ with the costs and expenses of the as confessed, and your said entry will The condition of mind amoqg farm­ turing; also much used by bashful sale. The judgment is for the sum of Clark Smith, Administra­ be canceled without further right to ion of hand placed rip rap on the tor of the estate of Jasper be heard, either before this office or Bayocean County Road from Station ers’ wives has been the subject of in­ ' maidens, who write their names and $1,263.71, with interest at 8 per cent W. Buckles, deceased. quiry recently by the United States addresses (and a little hint that they per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125 I on appeal, if you fail to file in this 245 to Station 295 puls 08.9 in Tilla­ Departmnet of Agriculture, conduct­ are in the matrimonial market),on the as attorney’s fees, and $39.90 costs office within twenty days after the mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by letters which brought forth a shell and send it forth to the egg and disbursements. fourth publication of this notice, > s ed by the County Court of said Coun­ Sheriff ’ s Sale. will of discontent. The most general market to bring home a husband. But Dated this June 24th, 1915. shown below, your answer, under ty. at its office in the Court House at and emphatic complaint was the after the egg has been arrested by a oath, specifically responding to these Tillamook City, Oregon, until the H. Crenshaw, Notice is hereby given, that in pur ­ lonliness of farm life, and second to heartless commission merchant and Sheriff of Tillamook County Ore. suance of an execution and order of I allegations of contest, together with hour of 10 o'clock a.111. on five 16th that was a protest against too much sent into cold storage for a very long proof that you have served a copy day of July, 1915, and at that time sale duly issued out of the Circuit due and too heavy work. One objected time, and finally carries its tender of your answer on the said contest­ I publicly opened and read. Summons. Court of the State of Oregon, for ant either Each bid shall be accompanied by a because she had nothing to look at message to some love-lorn youth and in person or by registered Tillamook County, by the clerk of mail. I certified check made payable to the but hills, and one because the hired he goes in search of the fair young I In the Circuit __ ________ Court of ______ the State of said court, upon a decree of foreclos­ i You should state in your answer County Clerk, for an amount equal to man was boarded in the family. One maiden, he finds she has grown old ure, dated June 30th, 1915, in said the name of the post office to which 5 per cent of the amount of the total case of a women who preferred enough to be his grandmother, is Oregon, for Tillamook County. Court, in a case wherein John Hahn you desire future notices to be sent of said bid, which shall be forfeited starvation in town to plenty on the married and has many children old Samuel Leback, Joseph E. is plaintiff and Gus Mahne and Marie to you. to the County, in case the bid be ac­ Lillian, and William Pene- farm was cited. Undoubtedly it is enough to spank him; also his rheu­ gor, Mahne, and M. W. Harrison,, are de­ cepted and the bidder shall fail, neg­ N. Campbell, Register. true that the life of many a farm matism and few teeth, and cannot fendants, said execution being dated Date of first publication lune 24, 1915 lect or refuse for a period of five days Plaintiffs. women is drudgery, and so is that of remember the egg at all. Then he July 1st, 1915, and to me duly direct­ Date of 2nd publication July I, 1915. after which the award is made to en­ vs. many a man who tills the soil. Also goes back home and eats eggs no Allan H. Wilson, ed, by the said Clerk and under seal Date of 3rd publication July 8, 1915. ter into a contract and file a bond L. the life of many a women who lives in more because he has too much re­ Wilson, Srethna S. Laura of said Court, I have leveid upon and Date of 4th publication July 15, 1915. satisfactory to the Court as required Phelps, cities is one of drudgery, and, like­ spect for age. by law, will on Monday, the 2nd day of Au­ S. W. Thompson and Floyd wise, are the lives of many city men. The bids are to be for 1500 cu. yds. gust, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock, in the A. Swan. Sometimes people needlessly make | Missouri native born people are nat­ Notice of Contest. of hand placed rip rap from tation fore noon of said day, at the court Defendants. their work into drudgery, and some­ urally inclined to be inquisitive when 245 to Station 295 plus 08.9 of the To Allen H. Wilson, Laura L. Wil­ house door in said county, duly sell at times small incomes force it. How­ a statement of fact is made to them son, S. W. Thompson and Floyd A. public auction, to the highest bidder, Department of the Interior, United Bayocean County Road. ever, the woman who complained of and some of them even require a Swan the above named defendants: In accordance with the plans and for cash in hand, the following de­ States Land Office. I specifications thereof on file in the h r lot because she had nothing to diagram illustrating why', when and In the name of the State of Oregon, scribed real property, situated in Portland, Oregon, June 15, 1915. look at but the eternal hills deserves how, to be convinced of its truth. you are hereby required to appear Tillamook County, Oregon, towit: To Mary Alice Koch, of Tillamook, office of the County Clerk, of Tilla­ little sympathy on that score, The Now, here is a story along that line and answer the mook Oregon. The northeast quarter of Section 1 Oregon, Contestec: complaint filed misfortune lies wholly in her own which I think quite pertinent, it is against you in the above entitled nine, Township three north of Range The County Court reserves the You arc hereby notified that Archi­ mind. told that Dr. Wiley, at the time the Court in the above entitled cause on six West of the Willamette Meridian bald C. Walls, who gives Tillamook, right to reject any and all bids. ------o------ government’s pure food expert, en- or before six (6) weeks from the date in Oregon. Oregon, as his post-office address, Date d this the 29th day of June 191c. J. C. Holden, The majority of farmers who car- tered a Washington restaurant and of the first publication of this sum­ All being in Tillamook County, did on June 12th, 1915, file in this County Clerk. ry on dairying as a side line do not gave a bowing negro this order: mons, to-wit, on pr before six (6) Oregon and containing one hundred office his duly corroborated applica­ give the necessary for the tion to contest and secure the cancel­ First publication, July 1st, 1915. “Bring me a chicken pie—one of weeks from the 24th day of June, 1915 and sixty acres. . time ----- — .— at­ and if you fail to so appear, for want tentions that bring out the best qual­ those little individual pies.” Said sale to be made by me, as lation of your Homestead Entry, Last publication July 15th, 1915. . . . ities in the individual cow. No dairy . ; A few minutes later ;t was set be- thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, Serial No. 02193 made August 31st, Notice to Contractors. of SE 54, Section 20 cow, however good,, will be profitable fore him, brown and hot, and with a the Court for the relief therein de­ for the purpose of satisfying the de­ 1909, for the N unless given the right care, and it is smile of anticipation, he broke the manded, which is for a decree ad­ cree and judgment in the above en­ and Nil of SW. J4, Section 21, Town­ Sealed proposals, addressed to the good money to her owner to see that crust to find, just beneath, a 3-inch judging-and decreeing that certain titled Court and cause, dated June 30, ship 1 South, Range 8 West, Willam­ her development is looked after and feather. I mortgage executed by Allen H. Wil­ 1915, in favor of said plaintiff and ette Meridian, and as grounds for his County Clerk of Yamlull County, that she is given good shelter and “Take this away,” he commanded. son and Laura L. Wilson, his wife, against said defendants, for the sum contest he alleges that said Mary Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to Joint feed. No two cows are exactly alike. ‘What does it mean anyway; tell me as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback, of $200.00, together with interest Alice Koch has never since making complete Tillamook-Yamhill Joseph H. Dillian and William Pene­ thereon from October 4, 1906, at the such entry resided upon the said Road,” in accordance with the plans For that reason we must study them that?” lands, nor in anywise cultivated or gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2 rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the and specifications thereof, on file in all separately and see what each one The waiter, who was born and rais­ needs.The cow that is now giving I ed in Missouri, was evidently full of 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book further sum of $75.00 attorney's fees improved the same, nor any part the offices of the County Clerk of thereof, being a period of more than “ S ” , Records of Mortgages, in the therein, and for the sum of $36.15 Tillamook and Yamhill Counties, will milk will use more grain to ad­ resource, for he immediately leaned five years from the date of making be received by the County Courts of office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ costs and for the costs of said sale. vantage than one who has not begun over and said in a confidential voice: such entry but on the contrary has mook County, Oregon, to be 4 first Dated July 1st, 1915. said counties at the Court House at the season's work. She is putting “Why, ah’ll tell yo’ sah. It’s dis way abandoned the said lands for said McMinnville, Oregon, until the hour H. Crenshaw, much of the grain that is fed to her , Yo’ know dat Dr. Wiley been rasin’ lien upon all and singular the follow­ I period of five years. ing described real estate, situate in Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. of 2 o'clock p.m., July 24th, 1915, into the milk pail, but more into her such er howl 'bout food not bein’ You are, therefore, further notifi d and at that time and place publicly body, which she must do or soon be­ what hit was claimed ter be, de cook the said County of Tillamook, State that the said allegations will be taken of Oregon, to-wit: I opened and read. Each Lid shall be come exhausted. To get her up to des puts one chicken fedder in each Citation. as confessed, and your said entry will accompanied The North half of the Northwest a certified check for the best possible condition and keep , one 'o dem pies to show der folks dat quarter be canceled without further right to a sum equal 5 by of Section five (5) in Town ­ per cent of the amount her so, we need to give her a gener­ j day’s recebin’ de genwine article, sah! ship (2) South of Range Ten (to) be heard; cither before this office or In the County Court of the State of ous ration of fat-making material. I Well, now, Amos, wasn’t that “self- West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, fox, Tillamook County, on appeal, if you fail to file in this of the bid, and made payable to the A here it is not absured it would be I evident evidence"—eh? I think that save and excepting therefrom the > f Carolina office within twenty days after the Clerk of Yamhill County, and which A. Virgel, pathetic to see women treasuring I I even Champ Clark would have tumb- land heretofore conveyed to School fourth publication of this notice, as shall be forfeited to the County Petitioner, trading stamps for profit when, as a 1 led to that racket. shown below, your answer, under Courts jointly in case the bid is ac­ District No. 7 by instrument recorded I vs. matter of fact, every stamp received oath, specifically responding to these cepted and the bidder shall, for a in Book "P”, page 243, Deed Rec­ William M. Ladd, Charles ------o----- is made at the expense of the buyers allegations of contest, together with period 5 days from the date of award­ ords of Tillamook County, Oregon. E. Ladd, Newton McCoy, A few quite eminent botanists have at the retail stores. The avera~c due proof that you have served a copy ing to him the contract, fail, refuse Also, beginning at a point on the B. F. Virgel, Lucy Drew, woman shopper, even the well-to-do, so thoroughly enthused themselevs U. S. Meander line at the Southeast Rosa Haines, A. W. Lam­ of your answer on the said contest­ or neglect to enter into the contract I by their studies of the individual pecu likes to get bargains and prides her­ ant either in person or by regi (cred and to furnish the bond required by corner of Lot six (6) of Section six bert and Edith L. Pike, law. self upon her keenness. But she is 1 laritics of plants, they create the im- (6) in Township two (2) South mail. Defendants. Bids will be received for clearing, much inclined to overlook certain I pression that they really believe that Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ To William M. Ladd, Charles E Ladd You should state in your answer fundamental laws of buying and sei- I plants of all kinds possess, not only a ette Meridian, and running thence Newton McCoy, B. F. Virgel, Lucy the name of the post office to which grubbing and grading any one or all "ng- A simple discount for payment I nervous system, but, to a limited de- North 4654 deg. West, seven and Drew, Rosa Haines, A. W. Lambert you desire future notices to be sent of the sections as included between I Station o plus 00 and Stations 295 of bills within ten days is better for ' gree, intelligence. Now, here is a thirty hundredths (7-3°) chains, and Edith L. Pike, the above named ’ to you. ; plus 84.4. N. Campbell, Register. the purchaser than any system of statement in point which I read to­ thence-North 554 deg. West eight defendants:— The County Courts reserve the right coupon or trading stamps. The ex­ day in a newspaper which would and eighty-seven hundredths (8.87) You are hereby cited and required Date of first publication June 24, 1915 istence of the trading stamp industry seem to be ridiculous if it didn't come chains, thence North 5’4 deg. East, to appear in the County Court of the Date of 2nd publication July ., 1915. to reject any and all bids or to ac­ cept the bid considered the best for places an additional middleman be­ all the way from Boston: seventeen and eighty hundredths State of Oregon, for the County of Date of 3rd publication July 8, 1915. tween the factory and the consumer, ! “According to an eminent botanist, (17.80) chains, thence North eighteen Tillamook, at the court Room there- . Date of 4th publication July 15, 1915. said Tillamook and Yamlqll counties. the customer paying the cost. But to plants are so sensitive that they re­ and three-fourths (i8Ji) deg. We t of, at Tillamook City, in the County I Tillamook-Yamhill Joint Road Dis­ the housekeeper a sheet of green sent neglect and susceptible to kind twelve and sixty hundredths (12.60) of Tillamook, within twenty days Notice of Hearing Final Account. trict. ------o------ stamps, looking almost like green- j treatment, showing their gratitude in chains, thence North 49 deg. West, after the date of the service of this | By. C. B. Wilson. backs, present the very pleasing illu­ charming ways. We are, therefore, two (2) chains, the foregoing being citation upon you if served within Clerk of Yamhlil County. Notice is hereby given that the un­ the more ready to believe a story the meander line of high water, the State of Oregon, and within dersigned has filed his final account sion of something for nothing. I. C. Holden, told us a few days ago by a lover of thence West ten (10) chains to low seventy-five days after the date of I as administrator of the estate of Al­ Clerk of Tillamook County 1 rovided he has the necessary cap­ nature. He was watering a fern on a water mark, thence along the mea|i- service of this citation if served upon ■ bert Maurer, deceased, in the Count” First publication July 8, 1915. ital which is a most important fac­ cold morning. He forgot to warm the der line of low water as follow»; you in any other state, then and there Court, of the State of Oregon, for the Last publication, July 22, 1915. . tor—the farmer, can to a great ex­ water. The fern, angered by the shock me larmer, South 57 deg. East eleven (11) to show cause, if any there be, why of Tillamook, and that said^ tent, control tillage, fertilization, seed leaped from the pot and bit him sav­ chains, thence South 21 deg! East the prayer of petitioner herein should County Notice to Contractor*. Court has fixed Monday, the 26th day selection, plant diseases and insect eight (8) chains, thence South 3 deg. not be granted, which is that the of July, 1915, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. at in the leg. pests. 1 here are, however, two agents agely Now, what do you think of that. West eight and twenty-one hun­ order admitting the alleged and pre­ the Court Room of said County, in Sealed bids will be received by the necessary to a successful crop that dredths (8.21) chains, thence South tended will of E. H. Virgel to probate Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time are not at his command; these are Isn’t it the limit? The old German 7 deg. East nineteen and fifty hun­ which order was made and rendered, and place of hearing of objections if City Council, Tillamook, Oregon, un- moisture and temperature. A farmer was right in saying: “The longer vot dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. and entered of record in said Court any, to the said account and the set­ til 7 3° p.m, July 26, 1915, for the erection and completion of a City jnay put forth his best efforts, and, lives a man the more by Zucks, he East five and thirty hundredths (S3O) in the matter therein pending entitl­ tlement of said estate. Hall building, according to plans and lacking proper atmospheric condi- finds oudt, und don’t you forget it. ed “In the matter of the Estate of E. Dated this 24th day of June, 1915. chains, thence Sotth 76 deg. E’ c.°"sid"a^ secret trade combinations; there are titled court, in the above entitled further sum of $700.00. with interest the value of $125,000.00, that said ex­ cause, strike and war clauses in their con­ agitation preceeding within thei to me duly directed and dated ecutors be discharged from further thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per Notice of Completed Contract. tracts, and they know to a cent what annum from July 2, 1909 due plaintiff management, control or interference the 6th day of July, 1915, upon a they will receive for their finished with said estate, or any portion there­ judgment rendered and entered in William Penegor, and the further Notice si hereby given that E. F. products, Those engaged in other oc­ sum of $500.00 attorney's fee, in this of, and that petitioner have judgment said court on the 29th day of June, Hobson, County Road Master, for cupations and professions also have 1915, in favor of John Stoker, plain ­ against defendants, and each of hem, suit, all secured by the lien of said Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed something to say as to what their mortgage, and that the lien of said for the costs and disbursements of tiff, and against Otis Jones, Loyde in this office his certificate for the compensation shall be, but the farmer their dwellings wrt» provijion mortgage be adjudged and decreed this proceeding, and such other and Jones and Esther Jones, his wife, de­ completion of the contract of the is compelled to sell the products of to be superior to all claims, liens, in­ further relief and remedy as may be fendants, for the sum of $308.75, to­ Tillamook "_____ ’ 1 Co. on Bay Construction his labor for what the public choose of’bee, ne’ver fail« »» gether with interest thereon .at the ._______ ___ terest and estate of, in and to Baid just and equitable. the Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road, to pay. Witness the Honor.ble A. M. Hare, rate of 6 per cent per annum from ££ summer is important lands and premise, owned or claimed from Station 177 plus 00 to Station or held bv either of the defendants Judge of the County Court of the the 5th day of March, 1915, and the 257 plus 446, and any person, firm or If men in other walks of life carry ’ State of Oregon, for the County of further sum of $50.00 as attorney's herein, and that said mortgage be ----- r note books, why not the farmer? In foreclosed, and the said land, r,nd Tillamook with thr seal of sajd Court fee, and for the further sum of $1847, corporation, having objections to file fact, he needs it as much, if not more the’midday? when i affixed, this 3rd premise, »old, atil the proceed, an- •" —* J day of ‘ April, A. D., costs and disbursements, and the cost to the completion of said work may pi uy -- r---- do so within two weeks from the date than others do. There are a thousand inf ,re of ‘he atmosphere ts h^gh ’or of and upon this writ, commanding of the first publication. plied toward, the payment of s it« «9« 5- useful things he can jot down from tu Attest: J. C. Holden, several sums, principal and interest, me to make sale of the following de- Datcdthis 30th day of June, 1915. ithin the hive such as com time to time which would otherwise wi < Scali Clerk. be suspended, as the : heat attorney’s fee, colts of suit and co ft* scribed real property, situate in the J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Le lost. If he segs sòme improvement must of sale, and such further decree as to First publication June 24. >9<5- county of Tillamook and State of First publication ................... July 1st. in another farn^ which he thinks he Last publication July 15, 1915. the Court may stem equitable atrd Oregon, to-s(it: bodies' of The ’ little * Last publication /uly. 15th. should have.he should jot it down, All of Lot numbered eight (8) just. in even if it nothing more than a new considerable heat. The above named defendant» ar* Block numbered nineteen ( 19). of Presiding genius of the l ittle Rock Notice to Contractors. "ay to make a pig trough, and, if ( also notified that service of lumnotis Ocean View, as the same is marked Gazette** All Over Arkansas depart- ------ p. .. . necessary, write down directions how > in this suit is ordered to he had upo n We can furnish sand in large quan- and described on the plat of the said m* • t has reached the true explana­ •o make it, or, still better, if he has each of each of said **id defendant* defendant* by ny publica­ . tities delivered on job cheaper than Ocean View on file and of record in tion in his declaration that “the news­ any talent along that line, let him state stale they Incy cou.^r*‘e»wo hnlfls ¡n , tion thereof pursuant ta an rjrder I j <— the office of the County Clerk of paper business is not a work, but a rendered and entered by the above | •n’fOn",*e make a sketch of it. If he attends a ajso found.no Tillamook County, State of Oregon. sport." This clee.rs up something of a F. N Elliott of the »maller towns. jecture on farming or a kindred sub- ~0Od many . c—• entitled Court on the iiat day of Jane 1 __ ___ Now, therefore, by virtue of said mystery. At Electric Light Dock. 1915, by wluch order the defendant* | Ject and find* any of the remark* or where there ought to oe advice worthy of a trial, let him jot it I an(i both poor.