Tillamook ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. Headlight, July Io> 1^15. Eden Camp London Paper Credits Emperor With Setting October as Peace Date. Two Versions. Senator Burkett of Nebraska Is Located at London, July 14 — The German Taylor of Cloverdale was in .10 the Editor Emperor, according to the 1 imes, in city Monday. Mr. Taylor looks •05 quite natural except for a few bruises a speech to a deputation of bankers, who had insisted on an interview in on the nose and face. In explanation order to point out to the Emperor the 1.00 of these bruises Mr. Taylor states Spend your outing here, elevation that he and Charley Ray were, on financial difficulties anil the risk at­ forty feet, which gives pure air. .05 Friday last rehearsing a few automo­ tending the pursuance of the cam- Furnished tents $4.00 epr week, bile stunts preparatory to securing a paign through another winter, said camp ground 75c. week. Water fur. contract with Barnum & Bailey ’ s that the war would end in October. .50 nished at tents. cirfus, when they slightly overdid I he bankers are alleged to have de­ For further information write their act, turning a double flip flop clared that even if the war was •05 J. H. RIGGS, Proprietor, instead of a single, giving Mr. Taylor brought to an end immediately and Netarts, OREGON. .05 a most graceful aeroplane glide for an indemnity obtained, Germany’s Five roomed house, well furnished several feet in mid air and landing position would be difficult, but that if at $10.00 per week, garage. Mr. Ray beneath the machine. For­ the war were prolonged the German Empire would become utterly bank­ .35 tunately neither were injured in the least. For farther particulars we rupt. » would refer you to the participants.— It was in reply to these representa­ RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Herald. tions, according to the Times, that Bro. Taylor told the Headlight man (Strictly in Advance.) the Emperor is understood to have •/I One yea« ....................... $1.50 a totally different story about that declared that the war would end in scratched up nose. He informed us October.________________ Six months ............................................ 75 that he had invented a flying machine Three month*........................................ 50 and took Charley along on the first The dairy cow should afford a solu­ flight, when the blamed thing did the tion for the run-down farm. Where somersault stunt, throwing the Clov­ barnyard manure is liberally used THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. erdale merchant and editor out, when there are no run down farms, and they both landed in a big hornet's where dairy products are economical­ nest. The air ship is still going, and ly produced the manger should find Editorial Snap Shots. Frank is scratching his cranium farming profitable. My boy, do not know how to over take it. ignore the dairy cows in your scheme I wo copies of the Beach Comber for progressive farming. However, have reached us. It is misnamed, for U — i_w 'J much will depend upon your manage­ it has the Bay City Examiner comb­ LOYALTY TO HOME TOWN. ment whether you succeed or not. If with the problem of buying Harness ed to a nicety. ------o------ you do not treat your cows right they you will find it distinctly advanta­ Colonel Miller Delights Audience at will not yield good returns. It will geous to come and do your select Certainly Colonel Miller is some Chautauqua on this Subject. mean a loss to cause a cow to be ing here. You will get the bes booster for the home town and the O—— afraid of you—a loss every time she qualities, the most thorough and home merchant. Having been a Loyalty to the home town along is frightened. To run a cow to pas­ conscientious workmanship and be country editor he knew that it takes every line, including its mercantile ture is like throwing money away. A charged the most reasonable prices. the co-operation of everybady in it life, and lair dealing on the part of to make it a live town, for it is the the business men, was the keynote of cow in any way annoyed will not do We can supply single or double drones, the do-nothings and the both of Col. William Hamilton Mil­ her best. The one that is made a pet Sets or any single article tliai you grafters who keep a town from pros­ ler’s rapid-fire talks before the will make money for her owner. 1 he may be in need of. pering. chautauquas. milk of the frightened or abused covi W.A. Williams ¿Cc. ------ o------ Col. Miller sprinkled his lectures is unwholesome. The nervous temper­ Some of the board side walks in the very plentifully with humorous illus­ ament of the milch cow is much more city are in bad condition, and to pre­ trations. But he also interjected a highly developed than that of any Photo ® by Harris & Ewing. NEW HOME USERS vent damage suits and litigation, great many statements which he de­ other farm animal. If the cow has a they should be fixed as soon as possi­ scribed as being “just as mean as he bright, placid eye and a clean cut. ARE ble. For instance, the sidewalk near knew how to make them." He told his lean appearance, indicating that her ENATOR BURKETT Is one of the great “ young" men of the na quality CHOOSERS the Chautauqua tent. Should some audience that they were at liberty to food is converted to milk rather than tion. He has been a member of tbe state legislature, was elected one get their arm or leg broken, the forget all these foolish things. beef, we may conclude that she is a to tbe house of representatives at Washington four times mid Don’t Put It in the Bible. city would have to pay a big sum of good producer. If the eyes be dull has served six years as United States senator. He has filled "But,” he said, “don’t forget the money for allowing the sidewalks to and the body covered with flesh, she, mauy notable Chautauqua engagements and is now regarded as the mean things. Remember them. Make remain in a delapidated condition. as a rule, is lazy and not adapted to foremost lecturer among American orators. His coming lecture at tbe a note of them so that you won't for­ the active life which a profitable milch get them. Put the note where you will local Chautauqua will be one of the.great treats of the week. The County Court has decided upon cow must lead. see it once and a while. Don ’ t put it concrete for hardsurfacing three in the family bible. Put it on your piece» of county road. The snap shot There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put man is of the opinion that this is not Sears Roebuck catalogue—where you together, and until the last few years will run across it every day or two. ” the best material to use for hardsur- He will speak at the Chautauqua in this city Friday 1 was supposed to be ineurable. For a great People, according to Col. Miller, I many years doctors pronounced it a local facing the county roads in this county Evening and Saturday afternoon. “ know the price of most things, but j disease and prescribed local remedies, and but we admit that it is the cheapest by constantly falling to cure with local and more hardsurfacing will be done know the value of but few. The best I treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sei- | ence has proven Catarrh to be a consti­ on that account. We believe it is things in life cannot be tabulated on an adding machine. If you buy a pair tutional disease, and therefore requires Anybody with honey locust trees good graces and not forever harp on economy, in hardsurfacing county constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh roads, that a ten years' maintenance of shoes for the boy from the local their past life they would have more around could have named his place I Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & E. T. HALTOM, dealer you will get more than the friends. “Laugh and the world laughs “Honey Shuch,” but the Hon. Champ I Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only Constitu­ clause be one of the requirements. leather for your money. If lie is the with you, weep and you weep alone.’’ Clark was the 'original-minded man tional cure on the market. It is taken ir- Tillatnook, - Oregon. ' ternally ternally in doses front from to 10 drops drops to to a tea- tea- In think of it first kind of man he ought to be he will be spoonful. in It doses nets directly on the a blood Frank Dunn of Pacific City, says he to IIIIIIK ui 11 tirsi. W. M. Miller, who lectured at the intr rested in seeing that those shoes Ever observe carefully a bridge anj mucous surfaces of the system. They Chautauqua, won the title of “Colon- will carry that boy into no spot in was not frightened. Something wrong party in full swing? Not a tenth of offer one hundred dollars for nny case it The New Home Sewing ■ • . < ■ ■ . folia ♦ z", nitrt* Q tori fnr oi rani n r-c nd cl" in this way: He was a country this community where he could pos­ Frank or your hair would not have the Machine Company, gossip going that there was in the Jf“,OI,t1"),cure s'nd for «¡«nlar. and te. turned gray over night. editor some years back in lllinios, sibly come to harm.” old-fashioned sewing circle. Have a I ddren : F. J. CHENEY & CO..Toledo, 0. San Francisco, Cal. and his patent inside came to him ail- Hal Spencer lias bought a team and good word for bridge. 1 ATake Hall's FamU.v Pills for constipation. I lie colonel is strong for the home. dressed "W. M. Miller, , col. __ ” So he “Some farmers," he says “think more will peddle fish and haul freight changed the "Col.” which meant col­ of their live stock than they do of back for the local merchants. Good lect, to the front part of his name, their wives and children. There is luck to you. and since then be has been called some excuse for them. They can sell rhe writer of these items expected "Colonel.” it must have been the one the cattle.” I to spring a big sensation this week time in his life, when, as a country through the Headlight but it is not Love Somebody. editor, he had money jingling in his “The most dangerous man in Tilla­ quite ripe yet. Watch for next week’s and his credit was gilt edged. mook,” said the colonel, "is the man news. who loves nobody and hates himself. I he answer of Germany, in reply If you want to make this not only a Producer and Consumer. to President Wilson’s note, is un­ bigger, but a better town, the first satisfactory. Although a large number thing you must do is to love some­ Refrigerator car service is still be­ of citizens expected that Germany body. If you can’t love anybody else yond the means of small fruit grow­ would comply with the president’s re­ love your own wife more than you do ers. Only the larger producers can avail themselves to that means of quest that that country would con­ That will help a heap.” duct the war strictly according to in­ 1 o build up a town, according to shipping perishable goods to market. ternational law and humanity, it is not Mr. Miller, it is necessary that (he 1 he progress of invention and the surprising that the Kaiser is now pcple who live there should “take utilization of economics to be effect­ wanting to dictate to the United Stat­ more interest in the people who live ed by close organization in corpora­ es what it shall and shall not do. He around it—instead of taking interest tion management may yet place the cost of refrigerator service within the started the war to lick the whole from them.” world and make a world wide power, "1 he young man who is driving a reach of many more growers than and with that idea still in his mind, it manure spreader—and the manure now. In the meantime railway corpora­ I is not surprising that the war lord of spreader should be driven everywhere Europe should, in as polite language —for the land’s sake—is entitled to tions are overlooking no means of re­ as posible ignore the demands of just as much respect as the young moving some of the handicaps under President Wilson. As we now view fellow in the big city bank who is which the small grower labors. Morv the situation, since the president is hammering at the keys of an adding than a year ago the Santa Fc line had 1,000 Sheets of Music, instrumental and vocal values 10c. accountability" for the lives of our machine, clad in purple and white so organized its facilities that was lc. each. going to hold Germany to a " “strict raiment and wearing a white collar able to urge smaller growers every­ 2,000 Sheets of Music, instrumental and vocal values to 40c. 2c. » » citizens lost, the two countries are on so high that it looks like a white­ where along its line to pool their fruit 300 Good Marches and Waltzes the eve of servering diplomatic rela- washed fence around a lunatic asy­ and vegetable crops for shipment in 4c. , f carload lots. The railway company, in lum.” lions. 1(X) School Music Books and Hymn Books 3c. f J fact, encourage the form of co-opcra­ Tells How to Lose Thousands ALL POPULAR SONGS ANL) MUSIC during this Sale 12j4c. 1 » As it will not be long before the Here is a problem in commercial tion among small growers to the ex­ Mouth Harps all reduced from county road north of town to the arithmetic which lie put up to his tent of sending out speakers to advise 19c. and up. farmers regarding the success of such Wilson river will be hard surfaced. audience: Music Rolls values to $1.50 69c. “Admit for the sake of argument co-operative effort in securing car­ we suggest that property owners in Violin, Mandolin, Guitar and Banjo steel strings, 3 for that vicinity plant hemlock trees on that you save 5 cents on the dollar load rates in other lines and other 10c. both sides of the road, for in a few­ that you send to the mail order house sections. The effort was fairly suc­ Al I wound string cut 25 per cent. cessful in many fruits and vegetables, 1 here arc ¿000 of you here in Tilla ­ years it would make a most beautiful Clarionet Reeds, values 15c. grove. We prefer Hemlock because it mook. \ ou send away tomorrow a and, with last year’s experience as a lie. guide, the results of this year are like­ remains green summer and winter. dollar for each of you. Mt si: Stands Japanned value 75c., now 59c. ly to be more gratifying. " Tomorrow night you have saved The cost of planting would be in­ Music Stands‘ Hamilton” value 11.50 Through such co-operation great significant, as young Hemlock trees collectively a hundred dollars. $1.22 Violins value $300 "But tomorrow night there is quantities of produce which the small can be obtained in abundance. It is 1.98 producer cannot afford to ship alone I just as important that those living in $.•,000 less in the tills, cash registers, 5.00 » ♦ » t become parts of carload lots at 2.25 the country get together for civic I strong boxes ami stocks of your local can rates which small shippers can stand, 16 00 > f » » improvements as those living in the merchants. 9 75 "But that saving 6f $100 in a single and which, as parts of fast frej'-ht cities. All that it needs is co-opcration 25.00 » » t » trains, can reach market as unspoiled, 14.50 and a little determination on the part day looks good to you. So much so even if not as wholly fresh, as fruits 40.00 * » » » of our citizens to improve their sur­ that you repeat the process every day or vegetables shipped in refrigerator 26.75 I 50.00 roundings. Nature has made many for a whole year. »» «* At the end of the year you have cars. Ami the ultimate consumer, who 32.50 beautiful spots in Tillamook county, Old second is always the goat of all wasteful hand Violin, worth at least $25.00 now and along the public highways a saved (?) $36,500. 6.50 "But a total of $730,000 has been management, will rise up and call Mandolin value $22.00 « wonderful improvement can be made. to ­ blessed all who have contributed 16 50 taken from the volume of trade in These remarks also apply to the road 6.00 ward giving him the good things ot » » from this city to the Grange Hall at Tillamook. 3.95 "Problem: For how many years in life at a smaller cost. „ „ 4.00 Fairview ; in fact, the snap shot man 2 25 would like to see the main road rapid succession could you deduct Old second hand Mandolin, cost about $35.00, now 6.50 for through the county planted with $730,000 from the volume of trade in Where there is an opening Guitar, second hand good buy Hemlock trees. What an attraction I illamook before 1 could rent the organizing “ad clubs" is also among 1.98 Tillamook County would be to tour­ courthouse yard for a chicken rnn at the readers. Guitar, almost new. value $15.00. now 7.75 ists if it had a beautiful grove from two-bits a year?” California has those earthquakes in Cello, fine tone, was $45.00 • X one end of the county to yhe other, 26.75 the wrong part of the state for Wood and Pacific City Items. The fall of the year or early spring is Various other small goods too numerous to mention all reduced in prices world's fair exhibition purposes. ------ o ------ the best time to plant the trees. belong We think we _____ _ to the highest W hile Miles and Hall were return­ - TYPEWRITERS. order of beings. So we do, but we ing from Hay Stack rock with their Farm loans? What are farm loans have many things in common with daily catch of fish Sunday when a Smith-Premier” all late improvement, price Si M J °r“and £ wanted for, with the farmers' money large wave capsized their boat. Both the lower animals: the same kind of already filling the bank. L. C. Smith, ” value $55.00 ................... ’ ' " ..................... spine, the same kind of digestive or ­ A trade balance of a billion dollars being good swimmers, they clung to gans, and, so far as food is concerned PIANOS. .............................. 31"’" ’ is something upon which wc may con­ the boat and reached shore in safety, we are more nearly brother to the all in and badly frightened. Miles gratulate ourselves with propriety. It but hog than any of the rest of them, for says a little thing like that will not :.o,k .... «?.«> means that we have-sold abroad dur­ stop he is omniverous and so are we. He is him. ing the past year a billion dollars stubborn when he gets an idea fixed New ‘ Tecnola” player piano value *600.00........ ..................................... Col. Henderson, with a party of in his head, and to are we. A stub­ more than we have bought, and that Accordian*. .\uto-harpsi, Music Folios, Music Rnli. ............... we are, in effect, a billion dollars four autos, arrived in Woods on Sat­ born man is not amenable to argu­ Prices marked plainly on all goods look in th.- «• cases all reduced. richer than we were in June 30 1914. urday and all made a good catch of ment. whether you are talking about i>;iru;iins, w raise money by the first of August, and now •»— • ; . - .. ........ < ’ °W ,,,, ior bar eains, we we tiiivv have to We haven't got that much more mon­ trout. religion, politic^, farming, stock rais­ 9 ìe time for you to stock up for the fall B. S. Cornett has his father-in-law, ing or anything else. If we try to ey, for we have had to pay a lot of season. interest on American bonds, and Mr. Dunn, putting a wing to his force him to adopt pur opinions he Easy terms can be arranged on snnte <»f the instruments. dividends on American stocks, owned house. simply closes up his mind. There is Shop early and get first choice. in Europe and elsewhere; have paid Win. Rays is visiting friends at no opening to it for a new idea, In quite a sum to foreign shipping cor­ Woods. fact, the more you argue with him porations for transportation, and in Chas. Murphy and family, of Clo­ the more you fix him in his own various ways our money has gone out verdale, have moved to Woods. opinion. Every-day experience with At Morrison s Confectioner«-. Tillamook O.e. to other lands. But after all these The postmaster of Cldvcrdale was people proves the truth of the good Agent, for The Victor T,lki,.u items are deducted we are still vastly records old saying: "A man convinced against better off financially, so far as our visiting friends at Woods and Pacific his will, will be of the same opinion City Sunday. foreign trade is concerned, than we If some people would show, their •tilL” were at this time last year. First Insertion, per line............... $ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ................................ Locals per line each insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, enc month .................................. All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards of Thanks, per line.......... Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... Netarts Bay. HARNESS s Until August 1st AT THE MUSIC STORE, Morrison’s Confectionery. Everything in the Store is reduced in Price, here are a few of the Bargains : THE MUSIC STORE, »