i I 0 Vol. XXVI No. 5 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 15, 1915, P/WSEWT MAN” $ POPS NOT ? TPC/ST TO ¿UCK I am compelled to sell eight head of OKi->. long Stephens & Co., Room 1, Commercial □ chances is the one who will win out over the man who Building. Tillamook. Ore. ♦ , ded and announced the different fea­ »OOOCOeOOOOOOOOOQCOOOQOOQQOOOCCCOOGOOOCOOOeOOOGGO-DGO Building, Tillamook, goes blindly into things and trusts to ” luck.” Nothing tl... I I can stop the success of ¡1 man who keeps sober, works The Star Theater has a treat for its tures that would compose the pro­ I hard and regularly BANKS a part of his income from his grams for each day, after which he in­ patrons next Wednesday and Thurs­ defects and purposely avoided saying Bad Manners. labor or his business. Is it not better to have your money day in the “Jack 0’ Diamonds” a six troduced the Adelphian Mai* Quar- one word where it had proved a suc­ ----- o----- ([and keep your balance GROWING—than to trust to part Western photo play showing tet, composed of H. C. and R. H. Our attention was called to the bad cess and made the United States lhe DANGEROUS " luck” ? some good race track scenes. Don’t House and C. H. and C. L. Aller. manners of a few persons who attend­ most progressive country in the forget the dates Wednesday and They delighted the audience with ed the Chautauqua this week, and we whole world.True, legislatures and Make OUR bank YOUR bank. their melodies and songs. Thursday, July 21 and 22. I are justified in making public men- legislators have been corrupt and 1 [ We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit. The evening program consisted of I tion of this fact. It is exceedingly un- there is need of improvement. No one For rent—Five furnished rooms down stairs, water, sewer, electric numerous selections by the Adel­ gentlemanly and unlady like to talk will deny this. One flagrant remark lights and phone. $18.00 per month. phian Male Quartet who again de­ and titter at a public gathering when made by Mr. Franzke, which is a THE OLD RELIABLE. Also two good sized rooms up stairs lighted the audience which was much someone is speaking, singing or play­ common expression and may have r«1 furnished for house keeping for $7 or larger than the afternon gathering. ing, for it is a great annoyance to been used without serious considera­ unfurnished for $5 Corner 6th Avenue This was followed by a lecture by , those who have the good manner and tion, and that was “everybody had and 9th street East. Apply at next Colonel William Hamilton Miller, know how to behave themselves in their price.” So, according to his own whose subject was “Our Neighboring public. If our public school would logic, no matter what system of gov­ door south. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS I Try these 25c dinners at the Ram­ O. A. Shultz met with an accident Town.” His lecture was brim full of give a few lessons on good manners ernment is adopted there will always wit and humor and good horse sense, it might have a good effect on pcr- be those who have their price. Mr. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ on Wednesday while coming down and the stories he told not only af­ sons when they grow older. Houses to Rent, see Watson. * merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * | Franzke should investigate and point the Tillamook river with some logs. forded a larger amount of laughter i out some of the defects and absurd­ Films developed ioc. per rol’,.—C. L I Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ He had the misfortune to get his left Clough Co. * ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ leg injured between two logs after but appropriately illustrated the Remove your Stumps in the New way ities of the initiative and referendum points of his lecture. i and how class legislation can be * falling off the logs into the water. At For your Sunday roast call Sani­ mook Meat Company. Tuesday afternoon and evening the No doubt the farmers of Tillamook worked through. But, no, he saw only tary Market. first it was thought he had broken his Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, Adelphian Male Quartet gave the and surrounding country will be the defects in the representative form Rough Lumber for sale.,__Tilla­ Pork, Veal and old fachioned country leg. preludes, and on both occasions they pleased to learn that The Forbes of government, and is one of those Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Tait are en­ again delighted the audience and re­ Mfg. Co., of Portland, have recently who look upon the Oregon system as mook Feed Co.___________________ * sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. I Rev. Heuser, of Alma, Wis., will joying a visit from a niece Miss ceived generad applause. Colonel Mil­ perfected a power machine that will a Simon pure method of government. Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. Frances H. Sawyer, who was a dele­ ler’s lecture was “Farming and Be­ remove stumps without the use of Clough Co.’s. . * pleach in the German Reform church Administrator’s Notice. next Sunday, to which all are invited. gate from .Kansas City to the Kappa ing Farmed” the audience being much dynamite or powder, completely re­ lhere will be a dance at Ne tarts on Alpha Theta Convention recently larger in the ofternoon than the pre­ I moving same right where it grew, at S. H. Doak and wife, of Lexington, Saturday night. Notice is hereby given that the un­ held at Gearhart. Miss Sawyer is a a 8o per cent reduction of below cost dersigned have been- duly appointed Oregon', are visiting at the home of daughter of Mrs. Tait’s eldest brother vious evening. ., All kinds of lunch meats-, at the Mrs. Marion Ballou Fisk made her administrators of the estate of Mar­ I Mr. and Mrs. Hanenkratt who arc Chas. M. Sawyer, Governor of the first appearance that evening. She is of the -methods used today. Sanitary Market. The machine is successfully dem­ gery Leasia, deceased, and all persons parents of Mrs. Doak. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas a cartoonist and made a good im­ Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- onstrating on H. A. Kinnaman’s farm having claims against said estate are One ton of coal equals two cords of City. mook County Bank. pression, not only in sketchin- and South of Tillamook, in charge of Mr. < hereby required to present same, with the proper vouchers, duly verified, to wood and you don’t have *0 sow and The Shakespeare Club met at the characterizing persons she had met, Holt, the inventor and Mr. Alf J. ■ the undersigned at the office of T. B. The place to eat is at the “Good split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello home of Mrs. B. C. Lamb on Friday., but was highly entertaining with her I tviuuuuii Handley, in Tillamook City, Tilla­ representative ui inc cum- Mourton of the com- I * Eats," Ramsey Hotel. Centray Gi’me 28W. * and, as usual, had another delightful talks while doing so. I pany. The entire farming community mook County, Oregon, within six 1 he lillantook Meat Co., is paying The attractions at the Chautauqua are cordially invited to come and in- ' months from the date hereof. For infot mation of patrons of the time. The floral decorations were Win. J. Bogart, ten cents for green hides. ! Tillamook pest office, letters must sweet peas, and the hostess served a brought together two of the largest ' spcct the machine while working. The [ Goldie Clark. Administrators of the cs- ■freshly dressed chicken . at the be mailed at 10.00 a.m. and 3:30 p.tn. dainty lunch. It was decided to hold crowds on Wednesday. The features representatives will be pleased to give j tate of Margery Leasia, Sanitary Market, Saturday. J to catch the mail going to Portland. a picnic at Ear View the last Thurs­ were, in the afternoon, Mrs. M. B. all information to any interested deceased. day of the month for the annual Risk, cartoonist; and Witepskie ’ s party concerning the operati n. Pasture for rent. Addr ess W. The “Black Box* at the Star is Date of first publication July «5. IQ«5- . event of the club, which is usually Royal Hungarian Orchestra; and in Thomas Holt. Date of last publication Aug. 'A I9IS- Rgsworth, Tillamook Cyreg on. * proving to be the best serial picture participated in by friends and rela­ the evening the orchestra, with Miss Alf. J. Mourton. Aliev was in the city on Wed- ever presented here, those who are tives of the members of the club. Bergh as vocal soloist. The orchestra President Wilson has started the missing this, are surely unfortunate. ***/ from Nehalem on business. new presidental practice of calling on At a meeting of the City Council and Miss Bergh pleased the large au­ Protect your valuable papers from Hid Nr-row Escape. people he wishes to sec—which ade­ A marriage license-was iss ued to on Wednesday for the purpose of dience, and they were largely ap­ quately proves that he does. l*«ry Stasek and 'Marguerite Tilden. the unexpected fire by renting one of opening bids for hard surfacing some plauded. Arthur A. Franzke followed 1 Merril Smith, the rural mail carrier Col. Goethals askt to retire and A fine quality A Tillamook made our safe deposit boxes. Only one of the city streets, only one bid was by . a lecture "The spirit of the Rock­ dollar per year. Tillamook County received. This was by Arena Con- ! i came near plunging into Hoquarton take a rest. Well earned. Colonel. We ■Mies at the ¿'illamook Feed Co. * ies.” It was simply a political speech Bank. * slough with his auto on Tuesday can dig out those slides, now that struction Co., of Salem., their bid for attacking representative government you've shown us how. re,lrt *n *.$>osition to make s-'mc ! morning. He was starting out on his After several strenuous days work straight concrete was $t.»4 per square and lauding the initiative and refer- Will you start a subscription to ■I time far.m |oaar First National ( route and was going at a lively gait Attorney J- L. Henderson and a num­ yard and $1.80 for asphelt with con- endum. move the Hague peace palace to Mr. ||F * tl _ r .u - j t when reaching the bridge, which had ber of citizens have succeeded in cut­ crcte base. The City Council after | The program for the remainder of , Bryan's farm in Nebraska. . . ., . ■ been considerably narrowed in prep­ ----------- i — I. I ■ — ■ Peacl* plums for canning I ting out the trail on the light house spending seme time discussing the the week is as follows: I aration for building the new draw ­ 10 ***? market at the Fruit road. bid decided to continue the matter Thursday afternoon, prelude, Hun­ I garian Orchestra, and lecture “The bridge. The bridge men were work- I Don’t forget those busted castings. until next Monday. A. A. Franzke ing on the bridge and there was “We do not ask you to contract J matchless Book, ,—3 beds, 3 dressers, Lino- Can be welded for half. Goods sent To allay the smarting and inflam* your calves to us, but we do ask you ' Evening, grand concert, Hungarian barely room to pass, but thinking he ation of sunburn, use ling and cocoa stair carpet, . . parcel post and express promptly could get through he made the at­ forth. reU-med. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook. not to contract your calves to any Orchestra; dramatic readings by M. tempt, but the left front wheel struck REXALL one else because we are at this time ' La Dell, child impersonator, operatic ■ one of the posts, and this turned the lamook base ball team will Oreg on' Mentholine Balm will be next season, able to pay selections, CharlotteBergh City next Sunday at the \s & Vidito are making ar- and Friday afternoon, Buckner’s Jubilee machine so that it broke the railing more than anybody else will pay Hart you nts to run an auto stage line you for your young calves. We want Company and humorous readings by and the machine would have plunged Splendid in emer­ rangemc gencies where his city and Netarts this them all We come to your farm and ( Marietta La Dell, Evening, Jubilee into the slough had not a longer irant now running at between there isiurfsee plank held the machine with its two 'th special trips on Sun- 'etarts, Ore. Sunday pain to be relieved pick them up and pay you the cash, .-------------------------- melodies, »----------------------------- Buckner's <--------------------- Jubilee --------- Singers. ,U IUS ” summer, W 4 front wheels projecting over the ty. • o r inflammation Bell Phone Oration. "The Call us up either phone-Bell “The New Woman and the I bridge. Smith without shutting off days.* to be reduced. ison opene-l on irant now running at For bruises, hives, The fishing »*. nook bay and No 8F22 Neilson 4 Melchior, deal- | Young Man,” Senator E. J. Burkett, i the power made a dash to get out of ■tarts. Ore. Sunday Wednesday on. Tills»- * of Nsbraska. . ' the machine, but as it became station- I er, in all kinds of live stock. insect stings, neu­ r of fishcr- • . _ . I Saturday morning, informal talk to ralgia, eatarrah— there are a la rge numb*, U thing this 1 ary, the bridgemen told him to shut A. K. Case returned from • | nlothe„ by Louise GrU(ith An„ .• fur a score of oth­ ■And rooms 5 and men already «Mg.-tged iu 1 off the power, which he did, and he er things—it has weeks' vacation in Idaho. He thinks ( "Government Owner- " MUnquire of Mrs. season. our guarantee to lost no time in getting out of the that the Buhl and Twin Falls country ( .-'-J ¿’ai,{ is the best stock country he ever saw ( ship of Railroads” Senator Burkett. relieve—or money The Sanitary Wa«on makes machine^ The machine was pulled back. Concert, with fre»-h The irrigated lands there are selling Evening, grand Jubilee back and little or no damage done, , furnish- calls at Netarts c amp ’----- —— milk. I froth $100.00 tc $150.00 an acre, which Buckner's Southern Singers. to it, but Smith never had a closer e at Hap- home made bread atfd pastry. ' call of plunging into the slough with * | eggs and vegetables. ¿. L. P. Larson- raise seven tons of alfalfa hay to the I acre and from 500 to 600 sacks of po- Sunday Services at M E. Church. the auto on top of him. for rent,! Netarts. Oregon. I ¡Ofe**”0 BEF , will be opened on Friday by . tatoes to the acre. Mrs. Gus Kunze Sunday school 10 o'clock, W. E. 1 has 75 stand, oi bee$ an<1 ,h' “Si<1 Noyes A "Chestnut” Lecture. Supt. I 1 honey ta»’ 7**' ,— instead of sugar in I . Sermon to children. 10:45. Morning i fruit. Gus Kunze is milk- worship, 11 o'clock. Theme of sermon KX- '">7 “The Tragedy of all Time.” i Arthur A. Franzke's lecture at the Class meeting, 12 m. W. M. Heas- Chautauqua was disappointing, ex­ ton leader, will bid on the » ork ceedingly so. More than 20 years ago he has a ready market for. | Epworth League devotional hour 7 we heard political speakers talk along c’_' o'clock. Mrs. George Brown met with an ac- , Evening worship, 8 p m m Theme, the same lines in Oregon, so instead cident on Saturday while returning ,.Th<_ Conl(