BIDS FOR HARDSURFACING ' COUNTY ROADS. Attend Tillamook City ctIautaEqu^Ui!y these*0 17*h and at the same time benefit by these ----- o — County Court Takes them Under Advisement Until Friday. Bids for hardsurfacing county roads or what is know as the Fairview. Hunt's bridge and Bay City roads, which were re-advertised, were re­ ceived from eight contractors. After devoting considerable time to the bids the County Court decided to lay the matter over until tomorrow (Friday), when it will award the contract. The bids received are as follows: Heinecke Bros. Local crushed rock, $1.25 per sq. yd. Columbir river crushed rock $1.35; Fairview, $1.34, Mixed 2-3 rock, 1-3 gravel, $1.23; Gravel $1.20; Fairview, $1.18; Excavation, 40c. per cu. yd. Embankment 40c. cu. yd. Grand totals Crushed rock, $33,460.02; rock and gravel, $32,949.74; crushed rock and Columbia river sand $35,843.80. G. M. Rosenstiel. Local crushed rock, concrete, sq. yd., $1.33; Mixed rock and gravei, 20 per cent rock 80 per cent gravel, $1.25 Gravel, $1.205; Excavation, 45c. per cu. yd. Embankment, 45 per cu. yd. Grand totals, concrete rock, concrete $35.735.19- Tillamook Bay Construction Co. Local crushed rock, concrete, $1.28 per sq. yd. Mixed 60 per cent rock, 40 per cent gravel. $1.23; Gravel, $1.IS; Embankment, 35c.; Excavation, 35c. Grand totals, crushed rock, concrete, $34.026.39; rock and gravel, $32,675,- 69; gravel $30,664.57. Montague O’Rielly. Local crushed rock, concrete, $1.33 Embankment, 45c.; excavation 45c.; Grand totals, crushed rock, concrete, $35.735 19. Harrer and Andrews. Local crushed rock, concrete $1.36; Excavation, 40c.; Embankment, 45c. Bay City road, embankment 40c. Grand total, crushed rock, concrete, $36,277.88. T. B. Bidwell. Local crushed rock, concrete, $1.26; Fairview road. Local crushed rock, $1.24 Bay City • road. Local crushed rock, $1.28, Hunt's bridge road. Excavation and embankment 30c.; Grand total, crushed rock, concrete, $33,260.81. Gi«bisch and Joplin. Local crushed rock, concrete, $1.32, Fairview and Hunt’s bridge roads. Local crushed rock, $i..'»3 Bay City road. Grand total crushed rock, concrete, $34,492.75. Excavation, 34c. Embank­ ment, 35c. Arenz Construction Co. Local crushed rock, concrete, $1.24, Fairview and Hunt's bridge road; $1.27 Bay City road. Excavation and embankment, 38c. Grand total, crushed rock, concrete, $33,227.25. Sensational I Clearance BARGAINS AT SALE OF MEN'S SHIFTS at 95 c. SALE OF SILK DRESSES at $8.89. For Values Up to $2.00. For Values Up to $14.45. Included in this Sale of Men's Shirts there are Fashionable Golf Stales, shirts with pleated bosoms and popular ne^ee styles, c/lll sizes to choose from. These Dresses are shown in some very pretty styles and colorings, and are Splendid Bargains at the price quoted. Other Dresses are priced as follows : Men's 50c. Ties for 29c. Men's Wash Ties 25c. Reg. $14.00 val for $9.98 Reg. $14.50 val for 10.97 Reg. to 33c. Wash Goods- Reg. to 20c. Laces. Reg. to 30c. Embroideries. Torchon and Valencienne Laces and Insertions in Actual 12%c., 15c. and 20c. values for. Dainty and good wearing Swiss Embroideries, Laces and Insertions in actual values to 30c. for New Spring Wash Goods including Crepes, Nero * Linens, Chambrays etc., in actual values to 33c. for 5c. yard. 9c. yard. 9c. yard. Reg. 13c. Pillow Cases. Reg. to 50c. Silks. Reg. to 33c. Wash Goods. Fancy and Self Color Wash values to 33c. to sell for only Goods in actual Actual 13c. Pillow Cases in full 36x42 inch size, hemmed ready for use, .splendid bargains 23 to 27 inch wide Silks in all the prettiest col- ors, also foundation silks in wanted shades ?c. each. 17^c. yard- 17|c. yard. Ladies’ Union Suits. Children’s Vests and Pants. Reg. to 48c. Wash Goods. Bleached Union Suits in regular 35c. values and pants in values up to 40c. all sizes Summer Weight Bleached Vests and Pants for Children up to 14 years. Broken sizes only. Reg. 25c. 19c. each. 19c. each, Such fashionable weaves as Seed Voiles, Splash Voiles, Embroideded Lace Voiles, etc. for 22k. yard. Every LADY’S TRIMMED HAT in the Store is now purchasable at Exactly Half Price. Ladies’ Neckwear. Reg. to 50c. Wash Goods. Actual values to 83c. in absolutely new and up- to-date designs in Novelty Neckwear for Pretty colored Lace Cloths, and Linen Suitings in colors Blue and Lavender in actual values to 50c. 29c. 29c yard. Reg. to $1.67 Dress Goods. Reg. 50c. Ladies’ Gloves. In Values to $27.5(\ now selling for $19.^5 All sizes n 9fOCjr fO fit ordinary and out of the Ordinary figures. Come in and get a good fitting Suit at a great big saving. "Oiöm’s | 35c. yard. Ladies’ Undermuslins. A selection of Dress Gocyds in all colors and weaves and actual values to $1.67 for Ladies Lisle and Silk Lisle Gloves in colors, White, Black and Grey and all sizer, from 6 to 8% New and dainty styles in Corset Covers, Draw­ ers and Petticoats in actual values to 75c. tor 39c. yard. 35c. pair. 39c. Ladies’ Waists. Hart Schaffner 4r» Marx SUITS, Reg. to 85c. Silks- Fancy Colored Poplins and Waisting Silks in Black and White Checks and Plaids etc for only 75c. Silk Boot Hose. Children’s Dresses. ®roJor Ladies actual 75c. value Silk Boot Hose in nice weight for present wear and all sizes 39c. 49c. pair. -