Hliamook Headlight, July 8, 1915. V. Mluiqi * MU' •«¡«Ce< j nstnic. Notice of Foreclosure Sale. ----- o------ Notice is hereby given that in pur- <,t a judgment and decree en­ tered in the Circuit Court of the State ‘i Oregon for Tillamook County, tn Jhe cause pending wherein Tillamook •wntv Bank, a corporation is plain- ^1 Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. Min-nell W- Rlcc anl1 Jane Doe ¡.,... his wife are defendants, which .ktree was entered on the 21st day f lune 19'1. a,ld in pursuance of an execution ami order of sale issue«} ' n said decree by the clerk of said Court bearing date June -, 1915, 1 Lv, levied upon, and will, on M011- dav the 19th day of July, 19» 5» at the touit House door in Tillamook City, Oregon, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. hi sell at public auction to the high est bidder tor cash in hand all of the right title and interest of the de­ fendants, held 011 February 8th, 1913, or since acquired by them in and to the following described real property situate in Tillamook County, Or.egon, to-v.it: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bay ocean, for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ ment rendered in said cause together «¡th the costs and expenses of the sale. The judgment is for the sum of «1 ¿63.71, with interest at 8 per cent per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125 as attorney’s fees, and $39-90 costs and disbursements. Dated this June 24th, 1915. H. Crenshaw, Sheriff of Tillamook County Ore. Not.ce of Contest. Each bid shall be accomp nied by a certified check .n.idc |.,v.«ble to the County Clerk, for an amount cqu. I le 5 per cent of the amount of the total of sail bid, which shall be foil iled to th^ Comity, in case the bi 1 be ac­ cepted and tiie bidder shall fail, neg­ lect or refuse for a period of five days after which the awaid is in id. to en­ ter into a contiact and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law, The bids arc to cove r Clearing, Grubbing and grading from Station 448 plus 00 to 45(1 plus co and from Station 468 pin 38 to 496 plus 9".8. Also from Stati a ;ot plus 43 to 443 plus 09.9 and M aerate lids will be received on each section or on the whole three together ac­ cording to plans ami specifications on file. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 23rd day of lune, 1915. J. C. Holden, County Clerk. First publication lune ¿‘th. Last publication July 8th. Department of the Interior, United Matts Land Office. summons and «1... defendants are . further notified tha« i.. tuttnir notified that the date of the first 1 ortland, Oregon, June II, 1915. 1U Levi Koch, oi lillainooK. Ore- 0£ ,hiS SUni— » June gon Lontestee: G. C. Fulton, 1. 1 »‘ereby notified that Archi­ bald L. Walls, who gives Tillamook. S. S. Johnson Attorneys for Plaintiffs. 1 ''tgu.i, as ms post-oftice a«ldress. «Ini on June ¡¿tn, |Q1S1 |,le lu ,|ils oilice l.is duly corroborated applica­ Notice. tion to contest and secure the cancel- ---- -o------ I n the County Court of the State of latiem of yemr Homestead Entry, beiial No. 02194 made August 31st, Oregon for Iillamook Countv. ‘ /J», fur the NE G, Section ¿0 T own »v .,"la,l1,er of lllc estate’of ( as- - . } bemth Range 8 West, Wiliam- Per . Buckles, deceased. and to me duly direct­ Date of ¿nd publication July 1, 1915. certified check made payable to the ed, by the said Clerk and under seal Allan H. Wilson, Laura L. Date of 3rd publication July 8, 1915. County Clerk, for an amount equal to of said Court, I have lcveid upon and Date Wilson, Srethna S. Phelps, of 4th publication July 15, .1915: 5 per cent of the amount of the total will on Monday, .the 2nd day of Au­ S. W. Thompson and Floyd of said bid, which shall be forfeited gust, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock, in the A. Swan. to the County, in case the bid be ac­ Defendants. fore noon of said day, at the court Notice of Contest. cepted and tiie bidder shall fail, neg­ To Allen H. Wilson, Laura L. Wil­ house door in said county, duly sell at lect or refuse for a period of live days son, S. W. Thompson and Floyd A. public auction, to the highest bidder, Department of the Interior, United after which the award is made to en­ Swan the above named defendants: for cash in hand, the following de­ States Land Office. ter into a contract and file a bond In the name of the State of Oregon, scribed real property, situated in Portland, Oregon, June 15, 1915. satisfactory to the Court as required you are hereby required to appear Tillamook County, Oregon, tovvit: To Mary Alice Koch, of Tillamook, by law. 1 and answer the complaint filed The northeast quarter of Section Oregon, Contestee: The bids arc to cover against you in the above entitled nine, Township three north of Range You are hereby notified that Archi­ Clearing, Grubbing, Grading and Court in the above entitled cause on six West of the Willamette Meridian bald C. Walls, who gives Tillamook, constructing a wood trestle from Sta­ or before six (6) weeks from the date in Oregon. Oregon, as his post-office address, tion o plus 00 to 31 plus 80, according of the first publication of this sum­ All being in Tillamook County, did on June ¡¿th, 1915, file in this mons, to-wit, on or before six , (6) Oregon and containing one hundred office his duly corroborated applica­ to the plans and specifications on file. The County Court reserves the weeks from the 24th day of June, 1915 and sixty acres. tion to contest and secure the cancel­ to reject any and all bids. and if you fail to so appear, for want Said sale to be made by me, as lation of your Homestead Entry, right of June, 19’C thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, Serial No. 02193 made August 31st, Dated this the ¿3rd J. day C. Holden. the Court for the relief therein de­ for the purpose of satisfying the de­ 1909, for the N% of SE %, Section ¿0 County Clerk. manded, which is for a decree ad­ cree and judgment in the above en­ and N1 j of SW. %, Section ¿1, Town­ judging and decreeing that certain titled Court and cause, dated June 30, ship 1 South, Range 8 West, Willam­ mortgage executed by Allen H. \\ il- 1915, in favor of said plaintiff and ette Meridian, and as grounds for his Notice of Hearing Final Account. son and Laura L. Wilson, his wife, against said defendants, for the sum contest he alleges that said Mary as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback, of $200.00, together with interest Alice Koch has never since making Notice is hereby given that the un­ Joseph H. Dillian and William Pene- thereon from October 4, 1906, at the such entry resided upon the said dersigned has filed his final account gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2 rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the lands, nor in anywise cultivated or as administrator of the estate of Al­ 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book further sum of $75.00 attorney’s fees improved the same, nor any part bert Maurer, deceased, in the Count- “S”, Records of Mortgages, in the therein, and for the sum of $36.15 thereof, being a period of more than Court, of the.State of Oregon, for the five years from the date of making County of Tillamook, and that said office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ costs and for the costs of said sale. such entry but on the contrary has Court has fixed Monday, the ¿6th day mook County, Oregon, to be a first Dated July 1st, 1915. abandoned the said lands for said of July, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock a.m. at lien upon all and singular'the follow­ H. Crenshaw, the Court Room of said County, in ing described real estate, situate in Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. period of five years. You arc, therefore, further notifi d Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time the said County of Tillamook, State that the said allegations will be taken and place of hearing of objections if of Oregon, to-wit: Citation. as confessed, and your said entry will any, to the said account and the set­ The North half of the Northwest be canceled without further right to tlement of said estate. quarter of Section five (5) in Town­ In the . County Court of the State of be heard, either before this office or Dated this 24th day of June, 1915. ship (¿) South of Range Ten (10) Henry Bicker, on appeal, if you fail to file in this West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, for Tillamook County. Administrator of the office within twenty days after the save and excepting therefrom the Carolina A. Virgel, fourth publication of this notice, as Estate of Albert Mau­ Petitioner, land heretofore conveyed to School shown below, your answer, under rer. deceased. vs. District No. 7 by instrument recorded oath, specifically responding to these in Book "P”, page 243, Deed Rec­ William M. Ladd, Charles allegations of contest, together with E. Ladd, Newton McCoy, ords of Tillamook County, Oregon. Notice of Completed Contract. due proof that you have served a copy Also, beginning at a point on the B. F. Virgel, Lucy Drew, of your answer on the said contest­ U. S. Meander line at the Southeast Rosa Haines, A. W. Lam­ Notice si hereby given that E. ant either in person or by regi tered corner of Lot six (6) of Section six bert and Edith L. Pike, ... ___________ _ _____________ Hobson, County Road Master. for mail. Defendants. (6) in Township two (2) South You should state in your answer Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ To William M. Ladd, Charles E Ladd ette Meridian, and running thence Newton McCoy, B. F. Virgel, Lucy the name of the post office to which in this office his certificate for the North 46J4 deg. West, seven and Drew, Rosa Haines, A. W. Lambert you desire future notices to be sent completion of the contract of the Tillamook Bay Construction Co. ou thirty hundredths (7.30) ' chains, and Edith L. Pike, the above named to you. N. Campbell, Register. the Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road, , . . thence North 5% deg. West eight defendants:— You are hcrebv cited and required , Date of first publication June 24, 1915 from Station 177 plus 00 to Station and eighty-seven hundredths (8.87) Date of 2nd publication July ., 1915. I 257 plus 446, and any person, firm or chains, thence North 5% deg. East, to appear in the County Court of the Date 3rd publication July 8, 1915. corjroration, having objections to file seventeen and eighty hundredths State of Oregon, for the County of Date of of 4th publication July 15, 1915. I to the completion cf said work may (17.80) chains, thence North eighteen Tillamook, at the court Room there­ do so within two weeks from the «late and three-fourths (18>d) deg. We t of, at Tillamook City, in the County of the first publication. Notice to Contractors. twelve and sixty hundredths (12.6c) of Tillamook, within twenty days Datcdthis 30th day of June, tot«. chains, thence North 49 deg. West, after the date of the service of this J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Sealed proposals addressed to the two (2) chains, the foregoing being citation upon you if served within Court of Tillamook Count”, I First publication July 1st. the meander line of high wate?, the State of Oregon, and within County thence West tch (10) chains to low seventy-five days after the date of Oregon for the proposed construct­ Last publication july 15th.. of hand placed rip rap on the v.ater mark, thence along the me.» - service of this citation if served upon ion you m in «iij any other state, then there Bayocean County Road from Station Vuu ---- and dcr line of low water as follows: Notice to Contractors. J . ’.r__ _ Ko wnv to Station 295 puls 08.0 in Tilla­ South 57 deg. East eleven (11) to show cause, if any there be, why 245 mook County, Oregon, will be receiv ­ cuams, r.ast the prayer of petitioner herein s ou < chains, tnence thence south South 21 «leg. deg. East We can furnish sand in large quan­ eight (8) chains, thence no‘ be granted, "s, ,"at. ,he ed by the County Court of said Coun­ tities delivered on job cheaper than CUVIIVV South 3 J • de?- , order ty. at its office in the Court House at ’ pest ■ • - - admitting the alleged and pre eight and twenty-one hun­ City, Oregon, until the anyone else. F. N. Elliott. dredths (8.21) chains, thence South tended will of E. H. Virgel to probate . Tillamook hour of to o’clock a.m. on the lóth which order was made and rendered, At Electric Light Dock. 7 deg. East nineteen and fifty hun­ and entered of record tn said Court day of July, 1915, and at that time dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. in the matter therein pending entitl­ publicly openeil and read. East five and thirty hundredths (5-3°) Each bid shall be accompanied by a “In the matter of the Estate of E chains, thence South 76 deg. East ed H. Virgel, deceased,” and which said certified check made payable to the four (4) chains, thence North one and order entered in said matter and County Clerk, for an amount equal to eighty hundredths (1.80) chains to in said was court on or about the 8th day 5 per cent of the amount of the total the place of beginning, containing April, 19U. be set aside and held of said hid, which shall be forfeited fourteen and thirty-five hundredths of for naught, and that the alleged and to the County, in case the bid be ac­ (■4-35) acres of tidelands. pretended will in said order menuon- cepted and the bidder shall fail, neg­ Also Lot four (4), five (5), six (6), ed be adjudged and decreed to be not lect or refuse for a period of five days seven (7) and eight (8), in Block the w ill or act of the said E. H. 5 ir- after which the award is made to en­ three (3), in Netarts Bay Park, gel, deceased; that the petitioner ter into a contract and file a bond together with all and singular the herein be appointed administrator of satisfactory to the Court as required tenements, hereditaments and ap­ the estate of said E. H. \ by law. purtenances thereunto belonging, or ceased; that the defendants ^'ll>am ' The bids arc to be for 1500 cu. yds. in anywise appertaining, to secure the M Ladd, Charles E. Ladd and New­ of hand placed rip rap from tation payment of the sum of $3,050.00, with ton McCoy as the executors hereto­ 245 to Station 295 pluk 08.9 of the interest thereon at the rate of 6 per fore appointed by this Court, be rc- Bayocean County Road. c< nt per annum from July 2, 1909 due quired to account for the real proper- In accordance with the plans and the plaintiff Samuel Lcback, and the tv of the decedent, and be required to specifications thereof on file in the further sum of $1,200.00, with interest deposit with this Court to be ad­ office of the County Clerk, of Tilla­ witli tlie |i rubi e ir <»f ’ 11 v r g IL 11 > - « thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per ministered upon, all of the money and mook Oregon. y oti will flril ir «lietini tly a: \i r lu annum from July 2, 1909 due the personal property of said estate of )e< t The County Court reserves the ghetti« to coti <• » n<> «lo <>”.r plaintiff Joseph E. Dillian, and the the value of $125.00000; that said ex­ right to reject any and all bids. ing fiere. You Will <_ 1; r. «I 1 <• thereon at the rate of 6 per cent p:r management, control or ,n‘'rferhcnce J. C. Holden. annum from July 2, 1909 due plaintiff with said estate, or any p°m°n *here­ County Clerk. rhargeil tlie m< »• rea»« iii.lilt |> ii < « ■. We «un >>iip|dy n/l«' or «bill- William Penegor, and the further of. and that petitioner have judgment First publication, July 1st, IQI5- Set» « r any cingi«- atti« le tl.,if 3 . u sum of $500.00 attorney’s fees in this against defendants, and each of hem Last publication July 15th. 1915. may l>e in rie« <1 < f suit, all secured by the lien of said for the costs and disbursements of mortgage, and that the lien of said this proceeding, and such other and W.A. WiHieirsàC Notice to Contractor«. mortgage be adjudged and decreed further relief and remedy as may be l to be superior to all claims, liens, in­ just and equitable. Sealed proposals addressed to the terest and estate of, in and to said Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare lands and premises owned or claimed Judge of the County Court of the County Court of Tillamook County, Sidiiey I . I 11 < . - 11. or held by either of the defendants State of Oregon, for the County of Oregon, and indorsed Proposals to V t. Survevi herein, and that said mortgage 'be Tillamook with the sea of sa d Court complete the E. E. Cross County foreclosed, and the said lands and affixed, this 3rd «lay of April, A. D., Road, “known as the lhr«e Rivers John » < I • T IL, '• Road," from Station 448 plus 00 to premises sold, and the proceeds ap­ r I. ry J i< .1 ■ . A.l< 1 Station 456 plus 00 and from Station Attest: J. C. Holden. plied towards the payment of said '9,i- Law , N t :1 . IT I '. 468 plus 38 to 496 pin» 9S 8 a»»o from several sums, principal and interest, (Seal) , Clerk. Station 404 plus 43 443 P>u» «99 attorney's fee, costs of suit and costs First publication June 24. 19«5« Tillamook Title and In accordance with the plans and of sale, and such further decree as to Last publication July i?. >9«5» specifications thereof on file in the the Court may seem equitable and Abstract Co office of the County Clerk, of Tilla­ lust. "By Their Works. mook Conntv, Ore«»on. wi'l be receiv­ The above named defendants are also notified that service of summons ; Those Americans who believe that ed by the Countv Court of said Coun Inattr in this suit is ordered to be had upon the people are not qualified to goy tv. at its office in the Court House at liior. Tillamook City. Oregon, until the tnch of said defendants by publica­ themselves will now have to ad- hour of to o'clock a m. on the 9th - < j tion -■> thereof u.rrtui pursuant to ru an order cm .• V did Aid a fairly fairlv intelligent intelli.'»nt rendered and eft..red by the above mil thatth > m for day of July. 19'S anJ »» ,hal enntled Ccmr on the 2l«t day of lune job when the» «leteai publicly opened and read. »S>i5. by wh«._ vrder the defendants the presidency three times Coast Power Company. OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE PUBLIC WELL I THE Our plant is well equipped anti niaiutaitied in perfect running order. We can furnish you with any­ thing in electric supplies or fix­ tures for wiring, lighting, heat­ ing, power, or cooking. We have experienced and capa­ ble men to attend to our lines and to do house wiring and instala- tiotis. ßl J the ?Reduction in Price of Meat. .15 our Grass Fed Cattle are now ready tor the Market, we are making the following Prices on our Meat, for CASH : At At At At At ■ » 12ie-«»ml 13ie. per pound. 15c. per pound. 11c. per pound. 10c. per pound. 12’,c. to 15c. per pound, lie. and 121c. per pound. . At 121c. C. per pound. These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook • Products. Price List on U.S, Inspected Prime Steers from Portland. SIK’LION STEAKS At 20c. per pound. ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. POT ROAST BEEF At 16c. PLATE BOILS . At 12c. to 15c. per po Prime RIB ROASTS, At 18c. per pound. • These Prices are subject to change. Tillamook Meat Company Some of tho Reasons Why A Perfect /JoAer —ab.v r dependable, every day, year in» jruu* ouL Built on honor, of th ’ best materials. Outwears Thren Ordinary Range» The nnty ranje made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron. Malleable iron cc.n’t break -cia. rcoaliron won’t rust like eteeL Economical In Fuel The ream» ct tho riajettic nre ri eted (not put together with bolts and r'.ovo putty)—they will always remain atr tight, be« aura neither heat nor < old r.fTocts them. The Ma jest ia c/' ii is I ned throughout with pure aebeetce board, held in j Ince by nn open iron grating you can hog it —and it rtnys hero alwayj. A‘r tight j »intn and pure aslNNitaa L d > g a ro an » ven bating heat, saving one-half tho f ;icl. All doors drop to form ti/rid she'ues. Nt, »prints. Malleable iron oven racks irlida out auto mutually, b-d4* in*; v.hfctevcr they contain. , The Great i xrcoal and Malleable Iron l.inod ■ with Puta A.l.e.t.a B om 4 M«d« of Charcoal .ddint 3< 0% to lit. of Rango raltra Top and Uoof .ll.abla —h.-rt »/. mpper rr;« r n'r v' . 'i t«’;- k- • e per p « m <»«•< «f: ti .- 4 f. ..a ,.«» > ci • ti njf r 4í»ÍMt I i. vi <¿f i.rn t» x. Jt bg'/U,» »fuTonM < « /.’»trr ir» i er/ f • r. .♦«■a iríd ! 7 t’”” ’n? n / * ♦' -■ <* .rr»r» »•»'< r » rmü »nuv •• Uwtoy «co« 1 .«re An ci’-Ub» .vep-t»- i t.- «1 *--a ro. tfr'neml tnh r*m Í 'ty u-if*> » ' Mb ’4 <1 ftrh -cr.-.A ..ó» 1 ca a’ , u» t<» t> »«»«. « hnproi j»nn»t t-ní In a ron-n. 1'7 1 1 ■n."’ lídlt a jif« l ■ ■ • f»n;.rfr* < n. » > vr BtQFe, tica tf»*s tirMft Jtf c- ib r’-Aftjr *i fni'l uut 'Ay t». • m atíQn<.’r u-i» ’• • r »nr«'* r*nr- * •»««rt. L . - t ' J l . 4-k i. .7 pr. J UKi a ¿huoki («• MJ i C.; FALX BY AT.EX. McNAIR & CO