Tillamook Headlight, July ?» Ipl5> ELAND B. ERWIN, | country, one Flag, should sink into * State House, with its liberty bell, in PIANO INSTRUCTION. I our very souls and find an abiding ' 'he staid quaker city of Philadelphia, place there, and guide our purpose, j t-et us enter. The Continental Con- Diploma from Chicago \i„. , And then our flag! How we love and Kress of America is in session. Let us College.—Beginners receive the 1 I revere it. What a beautiful tribute the look around t>s. There in this cele- Delivered by the Hon. J. poet Morris pays to it in his "I he brated hail, sit, over here, the two careful training as the most adv-^ L. Henderson. r lag of our U nion." | Adamases, over here Elbridge Gerry. I erms:—*4.00 per months Injlnit "A song for our banner?-The watch And here and there. Robert Morris, word recall i Rare old Ben Franklin, the fircry We have assembled on this our Which gives the Republic hec sta- Richard Henery Lee, the famous All lessons given at Studio. national birthday to commemorate I” Thomas -'------ Jefferson, ’ - • Bcnj. Harrison, our entry among the powers of the tion; Factory Representative f„ United we stand — divided wg fall; I eloquent Patrick Henry, and others earth, as a nation, now grown to be Chute & Butler Pianos and P| It made and preserves us a Nation!” of that august body. Representatives one of the greatest, and, as we be­ Pianos. "W Do not let us lay a flattering un­ of the 13 original colonics, viz. New lieve, the best on the face of the earth. The best, because the freest, ction to our souls that there will Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode T B3ALS. M.D., freedam from kingcraft, freedom ever be- a time in the history of the Island, Connecticut, New York, New Pennsylvania, Deleware, from churchcraft. Free to worship world when there will be no wars or Jersey, God according to the dictates of our danger oi wars. The Holy Bible, our Maryland, Virginia, North and South I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON individual conscience. Free to speak guide and rule of action, tells 1 us re- Carlonia aud Georgia. Surgeon S P. Co. and do a* we please, so long as we peatedly that there shall be "wars A solemn hush hangs over the as­ _ 5 ; history sembly. The faces of all these men please to do right, and not interfere and rumors oi war," 1. and (I. O. O F. Bldg ) with the rights of others. And above shows us that there have been wars *Tt set and solemn. It is the 2nd day Tillamook .... n uregoa all, free from the curse of Military- from time to time ever since there oi July, 1776. Suddenly from near the ism.” were people to fight against one center of the hall a young delegate As a nation we have our faults. another. 1 he Holy Scriptures also rises to his feet. It is the patriotic ebster HOLMES, ___ and inspired Richard Henry Lee, and Commercialism is sapping our na­ tells us that at one time there was tional honor! The dollar is above war in heaven among the angels. In in clear voice he puts the following ATTORNEY-AT LAW the man, but the virgil, liberty loving 'he 12 Chapter oi Revelations, you motion, which sets the world on fire: blood that flows through the veins of will find these words: I hat the colonies ought to be free I "And there was war in Heaven; and independent states, and were COMMERCIAL BUILDING, the American people will not long his Angels fought even now, absolved from all allegi­ allow this stigma to rest on our Michael and FIRST STREET, national honor, and it will not be against the dragon; and the dragon ance to the British Crown.” The Ion- before this same virgil, liberty­ fought against his angels, (verse7). motion was duly seconded, put and TILLAMOOK, OREGON. loving blood, forces the American "And prevailed not, neither was carried, and was the basis of the “The Insurance Man.” brain to correct this great wrong to their place found any more in heaven Declaration of Independence which humanity, and forces the man to oc­ (verse 9) ( adopted by 12 of the 13 colonies on J E. REEDY, D.V M., “And the great dragon was cast out, the 4th day of July, 1776. New York cupy the place that God intended him Phone Us, Todd Hotel. to occupy in this world, and that is that old serpent, called the Devil, and abstained from voting on its adopt­ veterinary . above the dollar. For not long will Satan, which deceiveth the whole ion, but ratified the measure on the the nation submit to the ignomity world; he was cast out into the earth, day J^Y’ Do you suppose Both Phones. that the nations of the civilized world and his angels were cast out with that this step was taken without due are heaping, and only too justly, up­ him." (verse 9.) because United States citizens are in­ Tillamook ... consideration and hesitancy? This act Woods and Pacific City News. OrtRot ----- o---- on our heads, when they insist that Remember, that according to the meant war, but did our forbearers vesting heavily in both countries. the Yankee cares nothing for national bible this war actually took place and refuse to choose between war and Mr. J. Kirkwood arrived from Eventually he thought the Wi'lamette honor, but his mind is fixed upon ac­ the eviciton occurred in heaven, the disgraceful peace? They did God s Salem, and is stoping at the hotel. He Valley would have a population of I »■p H. GOYNE, quiring the American dollar, and place oi the pure, among the angels, will and we may thank them today expects to fish again this season. 10,000,000. nothing else. We are a peace loving created pure from the foundation of that they did not choose the easier ‘ Have a pencil as you read and you Ernest Edmunds is repairing his people, and our desire to promote all time; and prior to the creation of way. They consequently resolved boat “Pioneer” preparing for a rush will find yourself marking scattered ATTORNEY-AT LAW. peace, has been by them construed man. If such a war took place in that war with all its horrors w’as pre­ of camper girls. Ernest is some lady’s paragraphs. It is that kind of a book" simply as a desire thereby to make heaven among the angels what can ferable to a disgraceful and slavish man. says a Duluth paper. And anybody money. We, as a people, do not be­ we poor mortals expect? Remember, peace. And who will dare to say that McPhillips camping ground is who does such things ought to have Office: O pposite C ourt Hovst, lieve in war—certainly not a war of that boys and girls quarrel and scrap they were not right? Right before catching the most campers, so far, his knuckles rapped with the pencil— Tillamook .... Oregon, aggression; but if attacked we will in school and out, neighbors get God and man! Remember, for a this season. unless it is this book. resist, and in that respect we do be­ angry and row over a line fence or a righteous cause, there was war in The smiling face of Will Raleigh is lieve in war—a war to resist invasion, I yellow cur, and so far as we are ad- heaven. This famous document, the among us again. Everyone knows State Press Flashlights. I J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, or to preserve our national honor. ; vised, they have always done so. Declaration of Independence, was Bill. And because we love peace, and hate Communities get arrayed against drafted by Thomas Jefferson, a nd as Miles and Hall are catching a great war, and because we have been too each other. Nations are simply larger we are told, “came before congress many sea fish out by Hay Stack rock. ATTORNEY Complaint comes from Tillamook deeply imbued with commercialism, I units, and that is all. No, my friends, precisely as it left his pen, save by a Mrs. Morris Bays and son are visit­ county that Italians are employed in AND the European powers, now engaged let us not lay a flattering unction to few minor alterations by Franklin ing friends at Tillamook this week. road construction work while many in a terrible world-wjde war, think our souls, that there will be no more ana Adams. As soon as it was signed COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Attorney Vie made two trips to native residents are idle and sorely in this nation has lost all sense of hon- ' wars. Let us not forget however, the a messenger carried the fateful tid­ Tillamook Friday with passengers. T illamook B lock , need of employment. One rancher or, and will submit to any form of advice of a great general and states- ings to the old bell ringer in the Jeff Fleck and wife, are enjoying living near Hebo says men in that Tillamook - Oregon disgrace, before resenting the injury, | man, when he said: cupola of the hall, who was awaiting the fourth at Tillamook. section would be glad to get work, ROOM NO. 261 just so long as that disgrace brings “In time of peace prepare for war.” the decision with feverish anxiety. I Mr. H. A. Miles’ brother from but that the contractors will not give us the "Dollars.” Not prepare to make war, but be pre­ Instantly the old bell rang out the Spokane is visiting him. them preference over the dagoes, But they are laboring under a de­ pared to prevent war as far as pos­ glad tidings and another nation was It will be much better in this part they pay less than American J. CLAUSSEN, lusion. As a nation we are slow to sible, by being ready to resist oppres­ born, then a healthy infant among of the county when Tillamook goes whom help can . LAWYER. anger, and will suffer many indigni- j sion or invasion, then if war is forced the powers of the earth—now grown dry, as they land here with a load, Observer. be had for.—Polk County ties before resorting to arms, but 1 upon us, we shall be able to defend ‘",o a giant—the greatest, because and stay drunk lor a week with the DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT there is a time when "the worm will out homes, our loved ones and, above the best and freest nation on the gallon they bring back, and then talk Automobile Ford, of Detroit, de­ turn." Our nation will protect the all, our country, and thereby do our globe. I salute the old flag under foolishness for a month. 213 T illamook B lock clares that "the living wage makes a lives of its people, so long as the peo- [ duty to God and our fellow man. which I was born in the historic city camp ground, water and wood model town." Hardly; it takes more pie are law' abiding, . The American Douglas Jerrold says: "We love peace of Boston, a flag I love, a flag I am at Free McPhillips camp ground. than that, intelligence, public spirit Tillamook Oregon people, when deeply stirred, act ac- as we abhor pusallanimity; but not willing to fight for if I must, and un­ W. R. Robedce, catches his break­ and thrift also enter into the making cordingly. They also realize the peace at any price. There is a peace der which I hope and expect to live fast of trout every morning, before °* such communities. Moreover, the truth of the old adage: more destructive of the manhood of and to die. the rush of business hours. word ‘‘living’’ is too elastic. It may J~)R. JACK OLSEN, “Money gone, much gone, living man than war is destructive And now in closing, let me recite to The petition for changing the ; mean anything or nothing. Mr. Ford l ife gone, more gone, of his material body. Chains are you the Declaration of Independence, schedule time for carrying mails on would have gone further toward the DENTIST. Honor gone, all gone. worse than bayonets.” , i considered by most authorities as a the route from Cloverdale to Woods. 1 tact if he had alleged that a high Better never have been born." And so we say all of us. We are all poem in pros, and one of the most and Pacific City has been generally standard of living makes the model (I. O. O. F Bldg.) As a nation, we are now standing i against war and for _ peace, but ___ like beautiful and forceful that was ever signed by the people, and it is hoped town, for such a standard includes .. __ ,__ face to face with a momentous ! Douglas Jerrold wc are not for peace written in the English or any other the ethical and cultural as well as econ­ Tillamook - Oregon change will be made. I omic fetors.—I temizer. question, or rather two momentous at any price, and most of us prefer language. Let the inspired words sink Vick Learned passed through questions. One is the threatened in­ war to a disgraceful, and humiliating deep into your hearts, go with you to ----- o----- Woods Saturday on his way to Horn I_J T. BUI lil tervention of this government in the peace. Ex-prcsident Taft, a leader y°^r homes and places of business, Creek, Mexican insurrection, which if done, among the pacificists, in a fine article and farms, and may we thereby be all seaport. Pacific City or some other 1 It is often difficult to tell the sex of A A . geese. More than one gander has been undoubtedly means war. The other is in the Saturday Evening Post of June made better citizens of this grand ATTORNEY-AT LAW. purchased and returned later on be­ the far more serious question of our 5, 19'5, entitled “The Military and country,—America. all of us, and Election Law Changes. Complete Set of Abstract Books io cause he had laid an egg. Careful in­ strained relations with the Great Naval Defenses of the United States, without the hyphen. spection will show that the neck of Office. German Empire, in connection with what they are, what they should be,” Hereafter judges and clerks for the gander is thicker than that of the the sinking of the Lusitania, and the write* that: Taxes Paid for Non Residents. county and state elections will be „ se- goose. If the flock is started suddenly consequent loss of lives of more than Notice of Sheriffs Sa*e. “The measure of the preparation wc T illamook B lock , 1 Iccted by the county clerk, instead of the geese will l,ft Up their heads and 100 Americans, together with the ought'to make is that which will give ‘ by the county commissioners. This re'Jeat, while the ganders will lower Tillamook .... Oregon T_ . l . ■. f. . , loss of other American lives and rT?LC-“LL^lh5..Sta,e of.is ------ . ac *- .c -------- ordin c? 8 - '? made «is in xuC the their heads and stretch out their defenses that, added to the diffi-1 p. rernn - - ^ ---- ~ ~ a ^ange -. - American vessels; arising out of the us Both Plione8. culties of crossing the Atlantic or the . r Tillamook County. election laws by chapter 326, laws of necks, hissing all the time. There is present European war. Let us hope Pacific Ocean, will put us on an Job" Stoker, Plaintiff ... __ 19I5- also a difference in the voice The for the best in either event and trust equality with any nation likely to' '» to * rt n ,; . . ... V1- ‘ . Chapter 326 also reduces the num­ goose seems to be lower down th am w. C. HAWK. and stand back of our able and just conduct a war of aggression against Loyde ,»i , Jones, — —- —— Jones ber constituting an election board the gander. One lady says: “My geese president, Mr. Wilson, trusting him us. Changed as the conditions of his wife c.' , . and ts,her '* “ Jones, ’ their r feather/ dr'aped J low"r i from six to five. Formerly there were wear th#, to guid the ship of state wisely and modern warfare are, the Atlantic and PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Defendants. r three judges and three clerks on eaih down than the ganders, and when safely through the shoals of threaten- Pacific Oceans will present a most , • State of Oregon, County of Tilla- board. Hereafter there will be two they are laying they almost drag the ed and threatening war, into the fath­ valuable obstruction and defense for . SS. [judges and three clerks. ground. 1 he gander has longer legs.” I Bay City Oregon omless ocean of peace and good-will us against an attack." He goes on to I , virtue of a judgment order, I Another change made in the elec­ ----- o------ toward man. say that we should have as strong a , ,crij and '»ecution, duly issued out tion laws eliminates the requirements But if war must come between the navy With his marvelous fighting ma­ QR. L. L. HOY, as any country, except England, I °.' a"<* under the seal of the above en- that voters must give their age when United States and Germany, or any and the splendid product of a half- a standing army of 75,000 men, in court, in the above entitled registering. This was very objection­ chine, other country, and our president so order to preserve peace, and secure , c?us5',to me d"!? directed and dated able to many women voters. All that cmtiirv ‘C"tufy’ c s steady> *ncessant 'prepana- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON decides, then let every American us against attack. He therein assigns °i July, ¡915, upon a is required now is to make affidavit tlon,!°5 Waf' ,be Kaiser probably citizen do his duty, and stand united­ his reasons why in this fair land of Judgment rendered , "ould do what he said he could do- and entered in that the voter is over 2t years old. T illamook B lock , ly in his support whatever may be ours, we need never fear that the , sa,u c°urt on the 29th day of June, I Varying opinions have been ex­ I w-htp the world. But not JI the worid the outcome. Let us show the world crime of nrilitaryism which dominates I at one time. That he is giving a fa'r pressed on the provision authorizing Oregon. ln, *avo.r John Stoker, plain- Tillamook, that there are no “Hyphenated" Europe at this time shall be our heri- 1 and a8a'nst Otis Jones, Loyde the county clerk to select the list of account of himself in his efforts to Americans. Remember our national tagc. den , rB n uth l d “ ,eWOrl ‘ 1 ' °" e ra " I, "J* and Es'her Jones, his wife, de- ’election judges and clerks. The list motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” from But my friends, citizens of the f.or. the sum *3°« 75, to- ' must be approved by the county com­ 1 ?cnj. But it does not appear that he ELMER ALLEN many, one, and we neither know nor Iel/V*?. ha f U1C world wh'PPed. In­ United States, let us try to forget for ? , f T"" ,n,erest lh « r «on the missioners. One view is that the new deed. after nearly a year's fighting fear division. Our people our cos­ rate n of 6 "' per r cent per annum from '. change gives the county clerk a great . (Successor to Dr. Sharp), mopolitan. We are a mixture of many the time being, if we can, this terrible the 5th day of March, 1915, and the “cal °* patronage, although petty in vanee? "Ot ’k'"* t0 be So *ldI ad- races and tongues, but one in being a holocaust now taking place across the further sum of $50.00 as attorney's nature- and may be used by the clerk careerdas°he h'S "°rld-conquering DENTIST. united whole. All our citizens of for­ sea, and also try to binish from our fee, and for the further sum of $1847 ; ,o L|r,ber his political interests, eign birth have sworn allegiance to vision for the nonce, the portentous costs and disbursements, and the cost Another view is that the change Canntnercia! Building, Tillamook the United States, and have re­ war clouds that seem to be gathering of and upon this writ, commanding *? in ,the *n,trcs' of efficiency, as un- nounced all allegiance to the mother ' in the horizon of our beloved country ine to make sale of the following de- d.er tbe °'d *aw llie work of selectin'- •ghttng machine was in bet er order i I try. Let us turn our thoughts to this country. ! the ...... judges and clerks -------- were - largely scribed real property, situate in a —. — a-i-u ------ de ■ ­ aX,-sp;tcut^y’or wii1b' I (-’’ARL HABERLACH, Oath of allegiance to the United ' the 4th day of July, which we are county of Tillamook anti State the legated by the county commissioners of celebration on the 3rd, what were the States: "I hereby declare an oath, •----- o----- ■ loan employe. It is contended that Oregon, to-wit: ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. that I absolutely and entirely re­ events that lead to the birth of our All of Lot numbered eight (8) in when difficulties arise on election day National Holiday, and why we are nounce and abjure all allegiance anil a county official should be respon ­ Block numbered nineteen (19), of T illamook B eock fidelity to my foreign prince to-------- now gath red together for the pur­ Ocean View, as the same _ ____ marked sible and be on hand rather thah an the ----- of ----- of whom I hereto­ pose for another celebration of that and described on the plat of is the employe. — Seaside Signal. Tillamook J. - - ¡Ore*« said fore have been subject; that I will the day of our nation. I ' Ocean View on file and of record in Our forbearers came to this conti- hJ Ceai L ' , by b* virtue v,rtue of said «'»* and domestic; and that I will bear and later the Cavaliers, from Great DENTIST, Salem, Or., July 6—Declaring that 'vh the e execution, ex'c)"'on. judgment order and decree true faith and allegiance to the same.’ Britian, moored their barks on and the European war was started by 1 a " d '^compliance with the commands ? 'u con,ph»nce To all who have taken this oath of Eastern shore of our country, Successor to Dr. Perkins t’heVffieyg°add- lj w‘"' on Saturday, the Germany to obtain the iron resources v'erB allegiance, the United States is their came here to be free from Church-1 ■ I'. 7th day of August, 1915; •• at the’ Rm hour ­ of Belgium and France and protect craft, so that they may worship God 7tb dav o< TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Country by adoption,. and as such 1 10 o'clock a.m., at the front door of herself, Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, of occupies as to each citizen of foreign according to the dictations of their the Court House in the city of Tilla­ New York, speaking at the Chautau­ I birth, the position of bride, and the own consciences. The government mook, in said County and state sell qua here today, said the conflict could BORGE WILLETT, native land as mother. Both are loved that they subsequently founded, and at public auction, subject to redemp­ be aptly called "the iron war." He I which is now moulded into its pres ­ but if division comes in the house­ tion. to the highest bidder, for U. S. said that Germany realized her iron J ATTORNEY-AT-LAW hold, then must choice be made be­ ent form, abrogated kingcraft and gold coin cash in hand, atl the right, resources from Alsace and Loraine tween wife and mother, and in obe- churchcraft, by killing on^jtnd dis­ title and interest which tlie within would be exhausted,in 25 years, and T iluamook C ommercial B uilpi W diance to nature's law, and the law of solving church and state, creating the named defendants or either of them, she believed it necessary to obtain merchant 'by foliow^g^’thj' iam' I I Tillamook .... Oree* God as stated in the Holy Scripture, state forever independent of the had on the date of the mortgage iron lands elsewhere. Fie declared I a man must leave his mother and church leaving all free to unite with herein paign of the manufacturer can create or since had in or to the above that Germany really did not care for cleave unto his wife. Should this such church, or to remain independ­ described real property or any part Paris, and that she had won her first a larger demand for the / i L i R E. E, DANIELS. country and Germany come to the ent therefrom, as to each seemed best thereof, to satisfy said execution, victory when she captured the iron which he d_eMs.-Nerw’hrRfpaXe parting of the ways, all American Let us rejoice in this our national judgment decree, interest mines of Belgium and France. CHIROPRACTOR. citizens will follow the lead of the birthray that our forbearers gave ust cost* and all order, accruing costs. “But Germany is destined to lose," president of this Republic, even into Constitution, the due observance of Dated, Tillamook, Oregon, July 7, ’15 continued Dr. Hillis. “When I think Local Office in the Commerci»! battle, and the German-American*, which gives us today the freedom we of the devastation she has wrought in H. Crenshaw. with bleeding hearts, but with firm enjoy; and while we do rejoice let us Building. Sheriff of Tillamook Coun­ Belgium I tremble for Germany. She Is Located at steps and lofty purpose, true to their not forget that trials and tribulations ty, Oregon. realized that her rolling mills would | TILLAJCOOK - ORE oath, will march under the Start and the creatois of our constiTution pas­ First publication, July 8, 1915. be idle in 25 years and she sought the Stripes, ever in the fore-front of the sed through in order that we may be Last publication^ August 5, 1915. iron of Belgium and France. battle, and fight any and all foes of free to do as we please, so long as “I think ti.e United States made an | this (lag of their adbpted land, and we please to do right—free to g.-ither EAT VIERECK’S Too often weJprotest. in colyums a everlasting blunder when she did not, the fealty of one will be the fealty of to-day here in our fair city of Tilla­ quatrain is 5s uset, useif to conceal the ab- with other civilized nations, protest Furnished tents $400 eor week. ' all. Let us all imbibe the spirit of the mook by the sea, under and protected seiice of an idea} against Germany's violation of Bel­ BREAD, toast offered by Stephen Decatur, at I by the flag of the United States,—the Sd'aTt^’ Wttk Western Texas has been talking of gium." flag of the Stars and Stripes, at peace seceding—gently, not forcibly, of Norfolk, April 1816: Hillis said that the population For furth‘’¿ information write "Our country! In her intercourse with the whole world. Let us hark course; the rest of grand old Texas of Dr America would soon be increased illamook bakery with foreign nations, may the always back to the time and place of the will probably point out that that from 100,000,000 to 150,000,000 He Netarts " RIGGS‘ Proprietor, nnero., be in the right; but our country, right birth of our nation 1 In retrospect, question was settled in this country thought this country would eventual- I iserarts, Five i. OREGON, or wrong.” This idea of oneness, one here wc are at the door» of the old in th« early sixties. ly own Mexico and South America, at»ro«7eT welk^prTg" fun”’hcd- THE FOURTH OF JULY ORATION. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY, OVER 3160,000,000.00 IN ASSETS Repesented by this Office AFETY” OUR-AIM ERVICE ECURITY let Us Write Your Next Policy R0LLIE W. \J\J WATSON E I I q .1.™,h.„("u; Eden Camp Netarts Bay. T i At All Grocers.