Tillamook Headlight, July 8, I0T5. advertising rates . Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line..............$ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards ent month ......................... Local« per line each insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, cne ruonth ............................... All Resolutions of Condolence a.-.d Lodge Notices, per line.. Cards ot Thanks, per line......... ’.’»¡ices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines.................... "’AS A BIGJJUCCESS " ” ‘Lady ”Suffragette Takes a Liking to Best Look­ ing Business Men C W.I 0UlUCh 3S ‘hey haJ DO iloat Notice to Contractors. N .n . .. one-way ... ' | O The Great » White Way" Wen tacles around his neck and exhibiting plus 84.4. Surplus fund ................... 7/ 0 J.< 0 the helm May it live long and pros The County Courts reserve the right ; lungs go along like this for Undivided profits, lees expenses mid taxes per, for Wheeler is destined to be .while and everyone seems quite two or three missing teeth beseccheu to reject any and all bids or to ac­ one of the best towns in the count) uurnitied when suddenly two or to be linn to kiss it. For a moment Leach cept the bid considered the best for 1 paid............................................ ............................. 2,(99.94 three thought he was in a Harem. Lead, at some future date. Ill Postal savings banks deposits said Tillamook and Yamhill counties. nen with good red blood in .---- their says he felt just like a man going up Tillamook-Yamhill Joint Road Dis ­ eins start t a whirl-wind campaign in Individual deposits subject t > check .............. 21< ! ,014.88 an express elevator for the lirsi One of our city attorneys did b walk straight through '1 1... ..... time. Fie got sick to his stomack and trict. Demand certificates of deposit ........................... 2,454 13 all the Fourth of July stunt on Sunday by md By. C. B. Wilson, Can’ts’ of do-nothingism. The Fourth his nails turned purple and with a Certified cheeks ......................................................... S41.CQ taking a law partner. And he did not af July celebration is an instance. If Clerk of Yamhlil County. Time mid Savings Deposits................................. 74 581.21 raise any technicalities nor did he you think that Messrs. Small, Lamar, mighty effort he fought it off and J. C. Holden, demurrer to the proceedings, but and Kuster didn’t have ai infuseed made for an alley. Frank Heyd, in the Bills payable for money borrowed................. 10,900.00 Clerk of Tillamook County promised to love, honor and obey his some high voltage enthusiasm into presence of his wife, came in for a First publication July 8, 1915. little carressing and reminiscences ot law partner. <388,943 27 Total his community and dig their toes in- other days in the balmy South, when Last publication, July 22, 1915. ----- o o the ground and tug, you’ve got it had known him as a lover. Frank Call For Bids. The toll road people in Yamhill State of Orepon, County of Tillamook, SS. mother guess VV4U1I1K. coming. I People who blushed to the tips of his hair and . a J 1 1 I ‘ •*W**Vl CU LT WHO county have threatened legal pro- ought to know what th afe u]ki I, Erwiti Harrison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do denied ever meeting her before, but Bids will be received by Tillamook ceedtngs to stop the building of the about say it was one of the best she was insistent and Frank had a solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of Sour Grass road Wouldn t that jar celebrations ever held in Tillamook little purgatory all his own while his City, Oregon for the improvement of my knowledge and belief. E rwin H arrison , Cashier. Fifth Street, from the East line of you. Of course, they are sparring for vVhcn Onc considers the limited time wife listened. Then there was our Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1915. time, and resort to law to accomplish lnd nleans at the disposa, of the friend Haltom. Lamar lead it up to Second zYvenue East, East to the cen­ Avenue East, and Third —C. A. McGhee, Notary Public. My com. expires Sept. 18, 191(1. their purpose. But they won t be able I committee, it must be conceded that nim and scratched his head as a signal ter of Sixth East from the South line of Correct—Attest : M. W. Harrison, Carl Haberhich, Directors. to stop this progressive move on the I tkey have made every minute and and the fireworks were off with Avenue Street to the North line of part oi the two counties, which means I penny work up to its full horse power sisses, usually Haltom shows quite a Fourth Fifth Street. the first nail tn the cofftn of the toll I Promptly at 9:30, Friday, as sched­ bit of back bone, but when she flopp­ Streets to be paved with concrete, ule at Dolph. It has taken years to I jjedj The Tillamook County Boosters ed on him and started to talk Snook- with curbs and gutters and sheet as­ eliminate toll roads tn this part oil gand started their fine assortment of um talk he just naturally caved in phalt wearing surface. Oregon, but they are doomed now. | music that lasted through the two and went down like a Turkish towel. All in accordance with plans and ,,, 0 , _. I Jays. There was a great deal of talk Following such antics came the free specifications on file with the City V\e «am to congratulate Fire in this town a short time back that for all too yard dash in which Aider­ Recorder. Chief Coates and the Hose Company ,nsurancc rates were going sky-high man took first prize and Rice second. Bids will be received up to 8 o'clock ' on its fine appearance, and its activ- I because the firemen were about to 111 the 200 yard race Rice took first p.m. on Wednesday. July 14th, 1915. I All bids must be accompanied by a tty, and smartness. It is a volunteer I dishand. Well it didn’t look very and Kellow second. In the 100 yard fire company that any city the size of I much that way when they came Fire Department race, Rice took 1st certified check for 5 per cent of the Tillamook might be proud of. It I ,narching down the street like trained prize and Smith second. The girls amount of the bid aS a guarantee that seems only a few years ago,when the so|dicrs in thcir new unifdrms and race, Vea first, Hughy second. Boy’s the successful bidder will enter into contract for the making of the im­ Where thousands of people delight to spend their summer vacation. fire fighters had to pump the water with their finely decorated hose carts. race, Laughlin first, Leach second. from wells in the main street with a 11 Messrs. Perkins, Ryan and Brodhead Fifty yard race, Rice first, Kellow provement, and give approved bond 5 Hours from Portland man killing engine and their other I were judges of the best decorated second Boy’s race, pairs, Shortridge to secure the performance of the Over the most wonderful scenic trip one the American Continent. same. apparatus was just as crude. Well, it I hose carts and decided in favor of and Dodge, first, Laughlin and Lucas The right is reserved to reject any is a good improvement few whenever I Company No. I, Wm. Harris, Capt. second, in the Hub and Hub, Com­ Two Daily Trains. a fire occurs the boys give a good ac­ Beginning at Il:oo a.m. the Tillamook pany No. 2, first prize, and No. 1, and all bills. Bids to be addressed to I Tillamook Passenger . , T.v. Portland 45 a tn. City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore ­ count of themselves. I County Booster’s Band rendered second. gon. Lv Pot tlund 1:40 p.tn. Seashore Special . . . In the evening the crowds were I selections in different parts of the Dated June 22nd, ¡915. Parlor Observation Carwith buffet lunch 0:: the “Seashore Special ’’ ' Press courtesies have been sorac- I city and were followed at I :oo p.m. simply jammed in on First Street for John Aschim, | what over looked in this city, not- I by the Blowers Troupe of Entertain­ the tree dance. The comnfitte had the City Recordcr. Daily and Week Ends Fares pavement especially prepared and it I withstanding that people are exceed- ers. I’KOM ALL IOJNTO Call For Bids. I ingly anxious to obtain notices in the I Billy Jewel, one of the troupe, gave was a revelation to the dancers. The Aek for fo'der “ Seashore Tillamook County” giving list of hotels, I newspapers of what is going to hap­ I 1 number of rube and black face acts music was furnished by the Tilla­ Bids will be received by Tillamook pen and what have happened, but I which were above the standard, but mook County Boosters' Band and it rates, etc, ---- 1------------ they have not been in the habit of ex­ he made his best hit as an old Maid was up to its usual high standard. City, Oregon for the improvement of Fifth Street from the Center of Sixth A Visit to the tending courtesies to the press. Wc Suffragette. Miss Dollie Peltier gave After the dance had progressed about Avenue East, easterly and East to mention this simply to show the dif­ some of the latest rag-time numbers half an hour the Redtnen in full re­ the East boundary of Tillamook City. ference between home people and and ballads. Mante Collins, Jr., fur- galia appeared on the scene with Streets to be paved with concrete, I those from the outside,, for the first I nished some comedy singing and ulood curdling yells and proceeded to with curbs and gutters. At San Francis’O nnd San D eg > is anevmt of thing that the latter does is to hunt monologue. M. Lee rendered some of make things move fast and furious. All in accordance with plans and a life-time and one you canrot n'fnrd to miss. up the newspapers and, if giving a the latest ballads. Much credit is due They showed thtir respect for the specifications on file with the City concert or entertainment extend ¡’Mrs. Blowers, manager of the troupe, law by giving marshals Myers and Recorder. 1 Special Fares in July according to the committee, for her Fitzpatrick a free ride together with ) courtesies to the press. Bids will be received up to 8 o’clock tc San Francisco, Los An,?,elau and San Diego on certain dates several other prominent citizens. p.m. ----- o----- I co-operation. on Wednesday, July 141I1, ¡915. Judge H. H. Belt says they can ! In the dry test by the hose com­ After that they pulled off one of the All bids must be accompanied by a Lew Rcund Trip Fares Daily legislate him out of holding court in panies, Company No. 2 won Brst stunts of their repertoire, namely, the certified check for 5 per cent of the with stop overs in either detection. snake dance from the Sioux and were amount of the bid as a guarantee that Tillamook County, but they can’t prize and No. 1 second. In the hook Four Fine Trains Daily in Each Direction. legislate him out of coming over to and ladder race, No. 1 won first prize about to scalp Erwin Harrison, when the successful bidder will enter into this county to recouperate and enjoy land No. 2, second prize. Henry Rog­ they discovered he didn’t have any contract for the making of the im­ Stop-Overs at Exposition his usual fishing outings. Il is, how- 1 ers and Henry Woolfe, judges. In the hair. After that they started in to provement, and give approved bond All tickets to the East via California permits stop-overs at ever, reported that the judge was foot race for boys under 15 years of dance and they soon had all the timid to secure the performance of the San Francisco und I.os Angeles to see the Expositions. legislated out of fishing on one occa­ age, Roy Huett won first and Lucas, ‘squaws’ in the game. 1 heir regailia same. The right is reserved to reject any ' Ask neurest Agent for " Cnlil'ornin and its World Exposition” and sion, when the boys were yanking out second prize. For the girls under 15, lent much to the picturesqueness of the speckled beauties from the river, Miss Severance first and Mi>s Thayer the scene and they certainly deserve and all bids. Bids to be addressed to “Way Sid< Notes Shasta Route ” || and he was about to do the same, second. In the Boys’ egg race, Huett the name of the liveliest and cleverest City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ gon. bunch in town. The danec is some ­ when he found that he had left his first prize and McKinley second. 1915. license in the pocket of another coat. Girls’ egg race, Miss Thayer first, thing that ought to be repeated from Dated June 22nd, John Aschim, Jelin M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The snap shot man don’t think that Miss Severance second. Sack race for time to time with the lodges given an City Recorder. opportunity to give drill work and even a judge would resist that kind boys, Huett first and Randall second of a temptation, for it .would only prize. Pair race, Dodge and Stanley, other novelties. This is a matter Call For Bids. ----- o----- have been a technical error had he first, and McKinley and Laughlin, w’orthy the consideration of the 1 business men of Tillamook. The Bids will be received by Tillamook yanked out some fine fish also. second. dance was as clean and well conduct­ City, Oregon for the improvement of On Friday evening a free dance was as any could possibly be and in Second Avenue East from the North It is up to the litigants in the pave­ given on Second Avenue East . lhe ed this connection special credit should side of Ninth Street and connecting ment case to settle with the construc­ Booster’s Band furnishing the music be officers Myers and Fitzpat­ streets South to the South boundary tion company if they feel disposed, and many people took advantage o rick. given are a number of other of Tillamook City. but they cannot bind the other citi- the occasion. It was on Saturday, things There connection with this cele­ Let us Furnish Your Winter Wood Streets to be paved with concrete, who did not participate in the useless however, that the people were really bration in We would like to mention with curbs and gutters and sheet as- und expensive litigation. When they limbered up. If they had been called but our that Special Priue on Large Quantities is limited and we will phalt wearing surface. get tired paying big attorney fees to judgment they couldn t have flock be unable space All in accordance with plans and to review them. We can GOOD FIR SLAPS »nd other expenses and get through ed in any thicker and every one seem­ think of no more appropriate ending specifications on fi’e with the City with lawing, the matter of the street ed to fall in with the spirit of the da> for this article, however, then a men- Recorder. puvement will come hack to where it and was out for a jolly time. The tion of the Drum and Fife Corps with Bids will be received uo to 8 o'clock •'urted. When the City Council au­ Grand Parade started at >° a n\ its martial beat and its suggestion of p.m. on Wednesday, July 14th. 1915. thorized Mr. Roy to have the pave­ by marshals Myers and Fitzpatrick those phanthom troops now over the All bids must be accompaniel by a ment analysed and he placed his re­ on horseback, who were great divide.—that Grand Army of certified check for 5 per cent of the Tillamook, Ore. port on file that the construction had the Tillamook Booster s the Republic whose ranks grow year amount of the Lid as a guarantee that n,ot complied with the specifications, followed in order named; L,bcr‘y ^aJ by year pathetically thiner. It is for the successful bidder will enter into I fhe Citv Council cannot force the | a beautiful float WIth ?.w.en,yJl°;h" us to remember what a mockery our contract for the making of the im- “T orovement, and give approved bond citizens to pay for something that Fourth of July would have been with­ to secure the performance of the lhey had not bargained for. The out them and we recall the words construction company must make of Robert Ingersoll with whom most same. The right is reserved to reject any good first. of us probably disagree in many and OI U3 pivwww.,; -- all bids. Bids to be addressed to things but not for one moment when City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ trailer representing the Christian Church. “ I have only one sentimmt he said: Spring Suits From $30.00 and up. We also do gon. soldiers, living and Brad- ^ . ra’se Dated June 22ml, 1915. for suiuit»», ,.^.**'1 be your privilege to attend cleaning and pressing for the living, tears for the dead. John Aschim. ■he following special services at the p, City Recordet '-nristian Church next Sunday even- a finely decorated car by Adolf n Dies While Here Visiting. mg which will be in charge of five Call Tor Bids. 7°ung men of the “Loyal Sons” class. ( From the Courier.) ----- o----- TILLAMOOK. I.—Song service, led by Singer Mrs. Anna Shaver, of I ortland a Bids will be rccei/cd by Tillamook Baird. Phone J 27. 1st St a d 2nd Ave. sister of Mrs. Thomas Hollingsworth City, Oregon (or the improvement of died at the latter ’ s home last Sa ‘ “ r ' 2;"Orchestra music by McGhee’s clever and Fifth Street from the flush tank near Sh and the dav Mrs. Shaver and her husband orchestra. the West side of Park Street East to Somh^ire'r presented by comrades came to Mcda a couple oi weeks aro a poi?it 30 feet West of the East 3- —Prayer by a ‘Loyal Son” 4- —Scripture by a “Loyal Son.” to be present at the c<-'ebra,,°n f boundary of Tillamook City, Oregon, her sister * golden wedding. A Jew by constructing a sewer along that 5- Anthem by choir. 0- Sermon by three “Loyal Sons", these two m.e"t"a7"gll War; Dortha davs before the event .he was taken portion of said street. er "spot light” Daniels’' ra’ther P^^’^peti'te I seriously ill and the day that was to , 7-—Pantomime under All in accordance with plans and have been so happy waa °ver’bad' specifications on file with the City hr members of the “ Loyal Daugh- Daugh­ appearance and sugg Now Under New Management. owed with the angel ®f^ea,hsianvOet^ Recorder. ters” class. U.S. LAWVER, LEE SLYTER and CARL WHITE pr sad feature 1» that Mr. bliaver • This jvill be a rare opportunity for Bids will be received up to 8 o’clock mind is deranged and he may have to p.m on Wednesday, July 14th, 1915. Props. the citizens of Tillamook to hear an All bids must be accompanied by a entire service, sermon and all con- ' be taken to the a.ylum. Call and See Us. Repair Work a Specialty, 1 Rev F S. Ford was called to ofn certified ch< ck for 5 per cent of the ducted by our young people. qua oanners, t an(J papooses ciate at the funeral which took place amount of thr Lid as a guarantee tirât at the Union cemetery last Sunday the successful bidder will enter into contract for the making of the im­ 71 years provement, and give approved bond Uck of '^MTs^Shaver was born The mint makes it and under the in regalia. There * Ohio man who committed suicide In these times of war, let us start a to secure the performance of the frrnu of the Continental Mortgage ¡^^¿linoyermit father menrion. subscription for a statute of Colum­ with a safety razor may have been and same. rCompany you can secure it at 6 per The right is reserved to reject any bus too feet high; Columbus, who dis­ trying to see if it was sharp enough ThevV?d.g'n Perkins and Handley to cut whiskers. and all bids. Bills to be addressed to covered America. «ent for any legal purpose on approv­ British militants may observe that Universal pensions for mothers may City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ al real estate. Terms easy, tell us be France’s contribution to sociolog­ when men want what they believe to gon. fraternal societies *»» — - p f ]| ow , ical evolution if she is subjugated be their rights, they die for it; they sons, one f M Holiings- Dated June 22nd, iok . tour wants and we will co-operate vu*,___ Qaite a number ot Mr. , Rebeccas, ’ *ith vou Rebeccas, sf,co?°T‘, lh.t the Rcd- once more. Something must be done don't burn an old church or slash an John Aschim. w-orth's neighbors from ^eda atte.1 j old picture. to check depopulation. PBTTV & COMPANY. • • and “dn ret best suitamed City Recorder. cd the funeraL i man were ♦*» Deohwi BuUdinj Denver, Cclo. ’ rcteatcd participants m the p .u .0. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, Tillamook Seashore Resorts Two World Expositions SOUTHERN PACIFIC. WOOD A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. EXCLUSIVE TAILORING . J. W EDWALL, KENNEDY GARAGE. “ MONEY.”