JULY 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, The following lines of the Bankrupt Stock of Myers & Son, Hebo, Oregon, including about $1,500 Worth of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, which we have shipped in will be placed on Sale at and below Wholesale cost. Remember the Place and Date. OTT BROS., Hebo, Oregon. JULY 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Store open from 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. No Goods Charged at Sale Prices. The following are a few of the many articles NOW ON SALE : DRY GOODS r, 5?. 8c. Calicos, large assortment, per yard . . ioc. and 1 ic. Ginghams, Sale price.............................. 8?. i2%c. ami 15c. Ginghams, 'I bis includes thé A. F. C. and the famous Toile Du Norde always sold at 15c. now ............... 10?. Ribbons. Nos. 5, 7 and 9 V elvet Ribbon 12.c. No. 80 Silk Ribbon in fancy, plain colors and Moire, Usually sold at 20 and 25c........................ 12' jC. Special discount on all other ribbons Lace and Embroidery. 12% c . Shcviof and Shirtings, neat styles now .... IO«4. Lace and Embriodery values up to ioc. yd. 12% and 15c. ()uting Flannel and Daisy ( loth plainc ami fancy, Special........................................ 10c Lace and Embroidery values up to 20c. yd. Now . ; 10c ioc. Outing, plain and fancy, now................................ St4 15c. Romper ( loth, usually sold at 16c. and 1, • • • 1 12% c . and 15c. Lace Voiles and Fancy Lawns Special.......................................................................... 10?. 20c. Highgrade Galatea Cloth........................ ... 1 h . 45?7 60c. All Wool Serge and < iranite Cloth, Now $1.00 Serge, 40 inches wide .... 69?. . 5C Tortion Lace 6 yd. pieces 10c ( )ver Lace Values to 6oc. Now 25c. Clark’s Lustre, all colors, spool I). M. C. 'fatting Thread, now I looks and Eyes, extra strong, 2 doz. on card Royal Blue Granite Ware, Values to $1.00, Now 3 for Si.00, each..................................... . .............. 25?. 74?. 35C. Wat< r Sets. Pitchers, Glasses and Trays, Values to S2.50. Now per set................................................ JuC. Milk Pitchers. Reg. 40c. values, now Notions, Hosiery, etc. Clark’s Thread, all Nos., 6 for HARDWARE, CHINAWARE. PAINT, ETC 20C Dinner Plates and Soup Plates, Plain and Cold Band, Now each........................................................ . 7?. fancy Cake Plates, Reg. 40c. to 60c. values 25?. 4?. 1C- Fancy Cups and Saucers, Sugars, Creamers and .Butter Dishes, now .................................................. 15y* $1.00 Wool Dress (ioods, 42’inch, Special................. 78?. “Sonoinor” Dress Clasps, double spring 4c. per doz. 3 dozen...................... IOC- 25c. Imported Jap Crepe, very popular on sale at.. 19«4. Clark’s Darning Cotton............................................. 2c« Carbolineum. quarts . ... 25C. 25c. and 30c. Merc. Crepe Poplin. Now 19C. Needles, Emb., Plain, Package Carbolineum, gallons Hair Pins, Wire, 125 in box................ ................. Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Hose, medium so«4. 20c. Feather Ticking. Now 16C. Pacific Fly Repellent % Gal 50C. Screen Doors, Special........ 80c. Folger's and M. J. B. Tea, % lb. cans 19C- Folger's and M. J. B. Tea, 1 lb. cans 37f 6 Boxes Matches............................. 25c. 18c. Nainsook, for infant’s wear and line under , wear. Special................................................... . .......... 12-V 11c. 15c. Long Cloth and ( ambric. Now 20c. Heavy Blue Denniin. Now ..... 16c. 17c. Pillow Casing, 42 in. Now ... 13<. .... IOC. 12'ic. Bleached Muslin, Now................................ ioc. Bleached Muslin. This grade sells at most places at 12c. Special................................................ 8 1 3? 9c. Bleached and Brown Muslin. This sale while it lasts................................................................................ 7?. 5c. Surgeon’s Gauze, yd. wide now.............................. 4?. Bleached Sheeting, 2 yds. wide. Good values at Vets Special.......................................................... 22<‘. Brown Sheeting, 2 yds. wide.................................... 20c. 20 per 20 cent Discount on all Toweling and Damsak Pongee Silk, Special.................................. ... 50<. Pongee Silk, Special.................................. 69c. Pongee Silk, Special 15c. Percales, yd. wide 37?. Sweaters. Men's and Women's Sweaters, Grev, Red and W bite. Reg. $3.50, $4.50 ami $G.oo values to dose $2.50 Shoes. Women’s and Children’s Shoes, Pumps, I. and 2 Strap Slippers in values up to $3.00 all in one lot .Come and fit yourself, we haven't time to fit them at this price....................................................... $1.00 Women’s Shoes $3.00 and up per cent Discount on Swiss ami Scrim 4^ weight, or Lisle, Black or White............................ 19c. Men’s Summer Weight Underwear, Reg. 50c. values, Now............................................................ .. 20 per cent Discount on Men’s, Women's and Children’s Union Suits. pei cent Discount on all Paint, Stain, Varnish etc. $2.00 Dutch denser, each sc- Rex Lye, too per cent, each.................................... sc. Laundry Soap, Crystal White, White Wonder, and Royal White, 6 for................................................ 25C. Blueing per bottle .... 5c. Arm and Hammer Soda. pkg. ... 7c. 1 lb. Can Cresent Baking Powder 20c. Sake, I ills, and all 25c. household remedies now . 19c. All 50c. Household Remedies and Patent Medicines now.............................................................. 35C. Hats Peroxide of Hydrogen 15c. value IOC. 89C. We are putting all $1.50, $2.00 and $2.510 Hats in on lot andmaking a very special price during this sale of........................................................................... $1.00 Peroxide of Hydrogen. 25c. value 15c. lie. $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00 Hats, Now...................... Peroxide of Hydrogen. 50c. value 25C. $2.00 flFSr* These and many other articles too numerous to mention will be on sale during this week. There’s no padded values slashed to make it appe ar catchy, but every article is cut to bed rock. No charges during this sale, and no Sale Prices after July 17, 8 P.M.