.miwk * TILLAMOOK, OREGON, I i . jo PER YEAR. Sharp’s Restaurant now running at another. Mrs. Dunstan says it Httppy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday help him to get well if everybody will dinners a specialty. » in for a few days' and will leave again Eden Camp, situated at Netarts boost for the fair. Mrs. Dunstan came Bay, is open for the summer season, Friday morning to be with" her hus­ and J. H. Riggs is making a special band. Mr. Dunstan's father and mother are in Portland. feature to take care of campers. Mr. \\ in. G. Tait, president of the Showers of rain the first part of the week were a good thing for the First National Bank recently paid a county, but caused some uneasiness visit to the Panama-Pacific Exposi­ to those who were in the midst of tion at Sari. Francisco and is loud in 1 is priise of it. He says that Origen haying. is well represented and that 20 per Protect your valuable papers from cent of the attendance at the exposi­ Ask any of our customers the unexpected fire by renting une^af tion visit the Oregon Building. This our safe deposit boxes. Only one I building attracts a great deal of at- dollar per year. Tillamook County I tention and makes a very convincing about First National service. Bank. » impression of the products of Oregon Miss Athelia Thayer, daughter of . Another feature that Air. Tait praises They are all Pleased with Grant Thayer, accompanied by her • highly is the luncheon served daily • in this building by the Domestic aunt, Mrs. R. F. Clark, of Portland, it and can tell you why. several Science Class of the Oregon Agricul- I came in Saturday to spend tural College. .As their room is rather months. I limited, especially in the kitchen, and The Sanitary Wagon makes daily the lunch is so good, it is necessary calls at Netarts camp with fresh to speak tor a seat in advance and home made bread and pastry, . ., milk, get a ticket that will reserve a place <1 E. Z. P. I Larson. for you where can be enjoyed the f eggs __ and ' vegetables. Z. Netarts. Oregon. best prepared and best served meal/“ I am compelled to sell eight head of on the grounds. He was disappointed registered Holsteins at my ranch at in not finding any Tillamook cheeslc | Taft, Oregon. If you want a bargain at the Fair and in interviewing mem­ in something good, come at once.— bers of the Oregon Commission Jesse Farrin, Taft, Ore. ♦ found them to be exceedingly anxious for such an exhibit and willing to aid The Woman's Civic League will in every way possible to get it there. meet on Saturday afternoon at the The Fair, he says, is a splendid one The CAREFUL man the man who takes no long high school building, and it is earnest­ and Oregon has done Im self proud chances- is the one who will win out over the man w" ly requested that there should be a iho ( in her exhibits, her success being goes blindly into things and trusts to " luck.” Nothing full attendance of members. imr 1 largely due to the able and efficient can stop the success of a man who keeps sober, works Mrs. E. Dane and family and Frank Oregon Commission. Sharp’s Restaurant now running at hard and regularly BANKS a part of his income from Ins Haberlach and family, sister and labor or his business. T Is it ” not better to have your money 4 ! brother of Carl Haberlach were in for Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday ♦ a few days outing and left for their dinners a specialty. and keep your balance GROWING—than to trust to home the first of the week. DANGEROUS “ luck” ? Loan Wanted. Al Lewis, of Portland, w-as arrest­ Make OUR bank YOUR bank. ed for catching more than 75 trout in in which to buy ÿour Wanted, $i,ooo on $5,uoo gilt edge one day. He had 373 small fish in his security. We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit. Will pay io per cent interest basket when arrested by Deputy F .rh Property insured for $2,000. Address Warden Leach. He was fined $25 and M. W. Wilkins, Rockaway, Ore. $5.00 costs. THE OLI) RELIABLE The following additional teachers City Hall Bonds Sold. have been elected by the school board Aliss Ethel Klann, of Madras, Ore.; At a meeting of the City Council on Miss Beatrice Chancay, of Monroe, Afonday evening, bids were received Or?.; and Miss Hazel AdcKown, of for the bonds for the city hall, when Ore.; Eugene, Ore. ' n they were sold to the Lumbermans TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. Alex McNair returned to the city Trust Co., Portland, Oregon, at par, -------- — , Clough Co. * the first of the week having spent with accrued interest and premium of Houses to Rent, see Watson. ♦ | For your Sunday roast call Sani- several weeks at Hot Lake for the $350.70. There were ten offers to ;tary Market. benefit of his health. His daughter take the bonds, all bidders offering to Rough Lumber for sale.—Tilla- Mrs, E. D. Payne and grandson furnish blank bonds free. The other | Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. * bidders were: snook Feed Co. camo in from Eugene with him. After Next Monday the Price will be $3.00. I Clough Co.’s. Western Bond & Aftge Co. Port­ One more day's work on the light­ land, Ore., $267.00 Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- I All kinds of lunch meats at the house road will clear the trail of ♦ Sanitary Market. Carstens & Earles, Seattle, Wash., snook County Bank. 12 PROGRAMS--6 DAYS. brush and timber, and next Sunday $116.00. I Freshly dressed chicken at the several of our citizens have promised The place to eat is at the “Good Jas. N. Wright & Co. Denver Colo. to help Attorney Henderson accom­ 266.70. Single admissions to all performances cost $5.25. » : Sanitary Market, Saturday. Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. The County Court convened on plish this. They will leave by auto at Sweet Causcw Foster & Co, Denver The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying Wednesday for the July session. 7:00 p.m. Single admissions to all evening performances cost Colo., $171.50. » ten cents for green hides. * Hochler Cummnigs & Pruddcn, $3.25. Pasture for rent. Address W. R. The new Winter and Autumn styles Toledo, O., $118.00. A fine quality of Tillamook made 1 Illingsworth, Tillamook Oregon. * now on display. High grade patterns, Powell Garard & Co., Chicago. Ill., Tickets on Sale at all Drug Stores. We are in a position to make s^mc many exclusive, in the choisest styles, $225.00. shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. * 1 long time farm loans. First National latest in design and coloring, now Elston Clifford & Co. Chicago, III., awaiting your inspection. J. W. Ed- Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, Bank. * Obej) that hunch---get your ticket to-day. wall, Merchant Tailor, Tillamook, $35-70- 50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric C. H. Coffin, Chicago, 111., $21.00. A. L. McCarty has been reappoint­ Oregon. Phone J. 27. * Store next to Gem Theater. Farson, Son & Co., New York, N. ed county fire warden by the county The Executive Board of the Tilla­ Y., $115.50.______________ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ court. mook Commercial Club dicided to va­ sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for Bert Thayer and wife, of Prineville, cate its present quarters in the Tilla­ Notice to Contractors. have arrived in the city to make their mook Block and will occupy quarters merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * Furnished Housekeeping Tents opposite the Ramsey Hotet until the home here. Sealed bids will be received by the Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ new city hall is erected when it is ex ­ Jami > Ray, of Pawnee City. Neb., a pected quarters will be obtained there City Council, Tillamook, Oregon, un- Only One Dollar a Day. ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ brother til 7:30 p.m., July 26, 1915, for the in law of Airs. Alice Wolfe, mook Meat Company. * is here on a visit. Married, on Tuesday afternoon, erection and completion of a City Electric lights and water in ( very 6th, at the residence of the Hall building, according to plans and Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, tent; go surf bathing or hunt for Sharp's Restaurant now running at July specifications prepared by Charles H. groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pork, Veal and old fachioncd country Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday Pike, near Bay City, Mr. Charles Burggraf, architect, Albany, Ore. All crabs and clams; tent city it under dinners a specialty. * Pike and Miss Barbara MacAlister, bids must be accompanied by a certi­ direction of Bar View hotel; many sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. Yamhill and Tillamook Counties Rev. Edward Gittins performing the fied check payable to “The City of entertaining features; no liquors al- One ton of coal equals two cords of am advertising for bids for the Sour ceremony. They will reside in Bay Tillamook, Oregon,” for the sum of lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; wood and you don’t have ‘o sow and Grass route road. $250.00, as a guarantee that the con­ City. sleeping tents and board at hotel, $2 split it, Lamb-Schrader Co., Hello tractor will furnish an approved bond N. W. Barker, left on Monday for The next thing on the program is per day and up. Write W. A. Wise, Centray Gi’me 28W. * the Tiliamook County Fair. It’s going St. Johns, Ore. having received a tel­ equal to 50 per cent of the contract Bar View, Tillamook County, Ore., within ten days after the awarding of egram that morning informing him the contract. Don't forget those busted castings. to be a hummer. or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Ore. of the death of his brother, John W. All bids must be made out on blank Lost—Ladies sweater June 7th. Barker, who had Jjeen sick for Can be welded for half. Goods sent for the same. Blanks fur­ by parcel post and express promptly Finder please leave at this office. twelve months. He leaves two broth­ proposals nished upon application by the City Reasonable reward ers and a daughter, and he was 64 returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, Recorder or Architect. Plans and For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and years of age at the time of his death. specifications • Oregon. may be seen at the.City RESOLVED of Mrs. 6 dollars a month. Inquire Recorder's office, Tillamook, Oregon, E. E. Sharon, grand secretary, and We have made special arrange- Cornforth, Tillamook. IT IS A PICNIC TO Robert Andrews, grand patriarch of or at the Architect’s office. ments with the Telephone Co., to The Council reserves the right to Two five roomed cottages, furnish­ the I.O.O.F., arc in the city visiting SHOP AT OUR. ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap- the different lodges in the county. reject any and all bids. connect you directly with our office, _ __ ... XT.,*.. (irermn 8 Chas. H. Burggraf, Architect. py camp, Netarts Oregon. They met with the members of the in case you wish any of our GOOD STOR.E- LOT.S OF Mrs. Charles Reynolds was taken lodge in this city on Tuesday exening, COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Are You Going to Build? seriously sick last week, but is now went to Beaver Wednesday and re­ GOOD THINGS AT turned to this city to attend the en­ ----- o----- Wanted to trade or sell house and considered out of danger. campment this (Thursday) evening. Barns and farm buildings of all TEMPTING PR.1CE5 lot in Tillamook or in Portland for Circuit Judge H. H. Belt was in the They will be in Cloverdale Friday and kinds erected by experienced carpen­ second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre city on Saturday, and expects to Bay City Saturday Mrs. Sharon is ter, either by contract or days work. tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S. spend several w*eeks on the beach. accompanying her husband" on the Plans and estimates furnished for all Stephens & Co., Room I, Commercial kinds of carpenter work. J. Af. I.iis- For Sale—Stair and hall carpet io'/i trip. berg. Mutual Phone. Building, Tillamook, Ore. * yards linoleum, curtains and some Married, at inaiiicu, •> Salem, Ore., , _ on the bedding. Apply to Mrs. Cornforth. Fourth, Attorney George P. Winslow Nazarene Church. For sale or trade—A first class of this city, and Miss Florence May- second hand automobile. Inquire ot belle Prince, daughter of Mr. and Mr» Sunday school at 10 a m. R B. Walls, Pacific Telephone Co. Charles L. Prince,, the wedding tak­ Preaching at 11 am, Song and ing place at the home of the parents H L Kellev, the new Master Fish Praise Service at 3 p.m Street meet­ of the bride. The happy couple re ­ Warden, came in on Monday and ing at 7 p.m. Preaching at 8 p.m. looked over the bay, leaving the next turned to the city on Monday, and Prayer meeting each Tuesday ev time camping and visiting friends. ed just east of the Graves place. Mr. City Fish Market, R. S- Laddusaw, Last year their summer was spent Nelson expects to build on his place live days cooking stuft in a hot kitchen to take along. proprietor. Mutual phone.______ here and they note on each return at and will move his family out Come to us and get what you need. It will be easier and visit the rapid improvement of Tilla­ as once, soon as the house is completed mook City and surrounding country. On Saturdsv about thirty-five Har­ chca]K*r trt pay the moderate bill we will send you than They arrived Tuesday, 29th, and will mony people drove to the old Hop­ to prepare a lunch—you can “chuck” the tins and paper perhaps leave near September first ■vir " •« ------ a place on Wilson River, where a for their home after » week’s stay kins Fourth of Tuly picnic was held. An 'boxes, save worry and enjoy the sport. with friends in Portland. enjoyable time was reported. VARIETY STORE, UAMAR’S Rev. Gittins will preach at the J. H Dunstan undcrv ent an opera­ tion in Portland on Friday and will Harmony school house at 3 o’clock Tillamook, Oregon have to have another operation next next Sunday afternoon. __ election _______ of _________ At ... the officers held at GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG Wednesday. Although he has suffered • 9 Harmony Sunday School, D. P. Hop- ! considerable, the doctor thinks he is 1» “ Drop in and book Around ETABLES, HAY, GRAIN, FEED. chosen for superintendent. 1 getting along nicely. Wilbur Stillwell kim Its also in Portland undergoing an There was an attendance of fifty« I I ULLAMUOK» • • • OREGON operation and they console or.'. _ < $ $ mC/DEA/T DOCS NOT TRUST TO LUCK PUTS U/S A/OUEY /N OU/? BANK $ 0 SERVICE $ $ $ ? $ First National Bank Tillamook, Ore $ Only a few Days Remain Tillamook County Bank < > I Ç L _ _ _ _ û SEASON TICKET TO CHA UTA UQ UA At $2.50 each -RAY & CO. i ........... 0 THE