Tillamoolc Headlight. July 4 the glorious fourth . Successful Pupils at the Eighth Grade Why Some People Fight Good Road«* Guy Bunn Meets With Accident. Examinations. Two Days Celebration in Tillamook ----- o----- I Names of those passing the 8th City. (From the Oregon Voter.) __ On Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. ----- o----- 1 here are three classes of roads in Guy Bunn well known in this county, grade examinations in January, May Oregon. The Fourth of July will be fitting­ and but who is now managing a cheese June, 1915: 3 Local Roads—The roads in outlay­ ly observed in this city with a cele­ Zada Christensen, Viola Redberg ing districts or leading away from factory at Otis, in Lincoln County, bration that will extend over two Hazel Lamar, Bernice Nelson, Agnes sustained a broken leg while wrestl­ days commencing tomorrow ( Friday) Doates, Georgia Johnson, Constance main highways, where there is little ing. A trip on foot over the trail was morning and continuing until Satur­ Hoskins, ( harks Lamb. Alice Bur or no through travel. at once made to Neskowin from 1 he Chautauqa consists of a week of high class, interesting and educa­ County Roads—Highways over day night. Toughs, Felix O’Donnell, Margaret which there is considerable through which poin^ Dr Boals was reached tional entertainments. Ihe attractions include the Adelphi.in Quartet, Whitc- I'lie special^ leatures will be two Follett, Ruth Severance, Lillian Ru- over the phone. The doctor started at pskie's Hungarian Bukner's Jubilee Singers, Col. ! ----- '' ‘ Orchestra. ................................. .. - W. H. Miller, travel from one place to another with traveling in auto as far as Nes­ - A. , A. bands-1 he Tillamook County Boost- Franzke, Senator E. J. Buckett and others. i' |BCivS’ .Fay Harris’ Elsie in the county; main roads leading in­ once kowin and from there on foot tr’s Band and the drum and fife Glad, Rachel over Ward, Omer Bailey, to cities and towns, and connecting the very muddy trail to Otis, arriv- < corps; free vaudeville performances Lmn" °i"ev’ -l0hn Lock"Ood, them. ing at the home of the injured man each day by the celebrated Blowers’ Laura Leach, Nora A. Mvers, Cari State Roads—Highways over which at five o’clock in the morning. Troupe of six artists; grand street Eorkner, Elane M. Todd, Mildred there is through travel across county The injured member was then parades and free dances on the street pe'7rniC’ Lue,,a Two progta.ns will be rendered each day from July lath to 17th Ti»e Dammon, lines; roads used by vehicles which for and after a little rest the afternoon ptograni commences at 2:30. The evening program at 7:JO. Trie each evening. Be.tha Lorsung, Glenn Leach, Robt. co.ne from outside a county and pass cared doctor started for home. The trip junior Chautauqua (for the children) starts at 9:00 a in. Attorney John Leland Henderson ‘ Henderson, Herman B. lacob into another county. was indeed a most strenuous one and will deliver the oration. F.’genia Smith, Carl Erickson, Stan­ I11 most parts of the United States long to be remembered by the doctor. The Grand Parade ley Norberg, Henry Anderson, Win­ local roads are paid for by taxes lev­ Will leave Stillwell Avenue at 9 nie May Hill, Webb McGinnis, Bon­ ied in local districts. County roads a.,n. and will tour the principal streets nie Linn Gay, Linme Gates, lames are built Surprise Party to Mrs. Drew, by county taxation, and The Chautauqua .vill be held in a tent erected on Third Street between of the city. Frizes for the parade will May, Jennie Van Dvke, Marv V state roads by state appropriations. ----- o------ 5th and 6th Avenues East. be given as follows: Fox, Claude M. Webb, Wade Arstill, Farmers whose property is in a re­ On Thursday evening of last week For the two best floats by any Daisy Finley, Frederick H. Zaddac»- mote local road district, pay three a 1 number of friends very agreeably Fraternal Society—1st prize, $5.00; Kextcrd G. Buttler, William Eadus, road --- S —a Mrs. »«-- C. r- N. vr Drew, . a - l , OC- I taxes, the local district tax for surprised The 2nd prize $2.50. Zelpha M. Schiffman, Edwin W the road they seldom use, and the >casion being her birthday. . For the two best horse drawn Asulcy, Jennie M. Crawford, Edgar state road tax for roads they perhaps Season tickets admitting the purchasctor i.ny mtnrbir of his family to all A splendid time was enjoyed in vehicles—1st prize $5.00; 2nd ■ prize Batzncr, Raymond Norris, Elma never use. Farmers whose places are social conversation, games were play­ programs cost $2.50. (After the opening day $3.00.) Children’s tickets $1.00. $2.-0. Johnson, Elizabeth B. Balmer, Grace along a county road escape high dis­ later in the evening refresh­ Single admissions 25c. to 75c. Ticket on sale at all drug stores. tor the two best decorated auto­ A Davis, Lawrence D. Bailey, Vesta trict taxes but pay county and state ed and were served. mobiles—1st prize, $5.00; -2nd prize, Vanderpool, Buell C. Woods, Joe road taxes. Often they are hundreds ments Mrs. Drew was the recipient of $2.50. Huston, Don Gilbert, Leona Curl, of miles away from the state highway many appropriate gifts. For the two best floats by any Mary Ruth L. Allison, Roy Payne and perhaps never use a state high­ present were: Mr. and Mrs. The following residents of Tillamook have made the Chautauqua possible business house—¡st prize, $5.60; 2nd Laura I. Bays, Amy Jenkins, Gladys way, but they must pay the state H. Those T, Botts, Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Jack- prize, $2.50. Brown, Samuel L. Reifenberg, Min­ highway taxes just the same. son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haberlach, E. J. Claussen M. A. Olson For the two best plug ugly charac­ nie Dow, Pearl Chase Lena Mayer Farmers whose places are along a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lamb and chil­ 1). L. Shrode. Mrs. Maud Hallom ters in the parade—1st prize, $2.00; Leslie Conover, Paul Burke, Lolo De state highway get the full benefit of dren, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Trombley B. E. King Alex McNair 2nd prize $1.00. Lillies, Elwell Erskine, Hazel Dorr, road improvements paid for by the and daughter Sarah, Mrs. H. A. Van­ J.C. Holden G. B. Lamb Friday’s Programme. Florence Marshall, Nelson A Powers, people of the whole .state. Winkle, Mrs. Marie Wade. Mr. and Mrs. C. Everson L. E. Hewitt 9:30 a.m.—Music by Tillamook O^ella Hart, Joseph Schnal, Ella I Human nature is such that farmers Mrs. Howard Drew, John Stcinback, A. A. Pennington Mrs. L. Groat County Booster’s Band. Glad, Edna Anderson, Vern Jackson, living in remote districts usually op­ John Day, Ray Grate, Mr. Hellish, C. E. Trombley F. T. Haltom ¡0:00 a.m.—Parade by firemen in Edith L. Grabel, Lillian Russell Bow­ pose heavy expenditures for county the Misses Lottie, Grace and Lois F. R. Beals E. E. Kock Uniform. $5.00 prize for the best dec­ man, Bernice E. Ripley, Elmer Lewis roads and bitterly fight state road Wade, Blanch Stark, Bernice Nelson Mrs. W. B. Aiderman U. G. Jackson orated hose cart. Zweifel, Ruby M. Johnson, Muriel taxes. They say: “We have to pay for and Neva Maddux, and Mrs. W. Jones-Knudson H. A. VanWinkle n:oo a.m.—Music by Tillamook Lundberg, Gladys Wann, William our own road; why should we be tax­ Wiley and children. C. S. Barnes T. B. Handley County Booster’s Band. Himpel, Hazel Klinehan, Virginia ed to build roads in front of other Leo Morrison G. 11. Aiderman 1:00 p.m.—Grand vaudeville enter­ Allison and Edmund Lundberg. people’s property and roads hundreds Mrs. Alice Roneick Died in Portland. Rollie W. Watson Mrs. H. C. Hanson tainment given on the principal miles aw-ay? ” of H. T. Botts Ray B. Walls Highest averages, Jan., May., June. streets free by the celebrated Blow­ Virginia Allison......... 96.1 per cent. Often such farmers are least able to A. H. Gaylord Erwin Harris’on • News reached Cloverdale Sunday- ers’ Troupe. pay their taxes, and they are loaded Ruth .. . Mrs. J. C. Edwards T. H. Goyne ‘t’ Allison ‘ " 95.8 per cent. morning of the death of Mrs. Alice Dry test by hose companies—¡st D Henry Anderson J. L. Henderson Mrs. Grace Beals 94.7 per cent up with perhaps a 10-mill district Roenicke. Some time ago Mrs. Hoe­ I prize, $15.00; 2nd prize $10.00. I.. V. Eberhardt Leona Curl .................. 94. per cent road tax, a 5-mill county road tax and nicke was taken to Portland for med­ P. W. Todd Hook and ladder race—¡st prize G. F. Chaphe C. 1. Clough. Highest grade m^de in Orthog­ a state road tax besides. The more ical treatment where it was thought $15.00; 2nd prize, $10.00. prosperous farmer, located close to raphy. K. W. Onthank an operation would be necessary, Races for boys and girls 15 years Leona Curl 100 per cent. town on a county road, pays only the but death relieved her suffering. The and under. Rexford G. Butler .. . . 100 per cent 5-mill county tax and the quarter­ remains were brought home and the Potato race—1st prize $1.00; 2nd mill state tax. As a rule such farmers, Reading. those, who are close to town, strong­ funeral took place on Tuesday, her prize 50c. Max Beals cen' 99 per Egg and spoon race—1st prize $1.00 ly favor spending more money on pastor. Rev. F. S. Ford, officiating, Writing. I roads, for the people of the Interment was had in the Gist cemc- 2nd prize, 50c. Nora A. Myers ............ 99 per cent county whole county pay the tax which build tery near the home of her parents, Go Devil Race—1st prize, $i.oo;2nd Ruth Allison .................. 99 per cent. the roads. Still, funeral was largely attended unless they are close by The prize 50c. many who had known the deceas­ Three legged race—1st prize $¡.00; Elizabeth Roberts......... 99 per cent to a state highway, they oppose any ed from childhood. The floral offer­ Geography. state tax for road purposes. 2nd prize 50c. were beautiful. Support for state highway expendi­ ings Sack race—1st prige, $ i . oqj 2nd Max Beals ..................... 98 per cent Alice Amelia Allen was born at Glenn Leach .................. 98 per cent. tures comes mainly from motorists, prize, 50c. Virginia Allison ............. 98 per cent. truck owners and teamsters who use Albany, Linn County, Oregon, Sept. Saturday's Programme. will be celebrated in various towns 1879. She came to Tillamook with Agriculture. through roads for long hauls, from 5, 8:30 a.m.—Music by Tillamook along the Southern Pacitic and special her parents when 18 months old. She Linnie Gates .................. 100 per cent people who live along the state high­ County Booster’s band. became a member of the Presbyterian 9:00 a.m.—Grand parade, Starting Carl Erickson .............. too per cent. ways and get the direct benefit of Church of Cloverdale, December 3, Stanley Norberg ........... too per cent the expenditure while paying little Stillwell Avenue at High School. I 1903. She was joined in marriage to 11:00 to 12 noon—Declaration of Edna Anderson ............ 100 per cent, of the cost, and from cities and William Roenicke on Dcccmb' r 1st. Ruth Severance ............ too per cent towns through which the state high- Independence. Address and singing 1910. She is survived by her h. -band Arithmetic. ways pass. Opposition to state high- and of national hymns, accompanied bv two small children, a father and Hazel Klinehan ............ per too cent ways comes from farmers located off Tillamok County Booster’s Band. mother, one brother and one sister, Raymond Norris ........... too per cent the main roads, as well as from a Opposite Lamar’s Drug Store. Mrs. Dimick. She died at Portland, 1:00 p.m.— Special vaudeville En­ Edgar Batzner ............. too per cent, class of people who always actively Oregon, June 20th, 1915.—Courier. Elmer L. Zweifel . ,.t.. too per cent oppose additional taxes. , tertainment by the Blower's Troupe, I Between i'll rtatior.s in Oregon Daisy Finlej' ................ 100 per cent So many city people think it’s on principal streets free. (where the one way faro does not Edith L. Grabel ............. Unless Congress meets this fall * n 100 per cent "mossbackism ” to oppose liberal Wet test by fire brigade—1st prize, will be in effect exceed Lillian R. Bowman .... too per cent. state appropriations for good ruads. a humor to face facts and provide for $15.00; 2nd prize, $10.00. July 3, 4. and 5, with final return Hub and hub race by fire brigade— Winnie May Hill ......... 100 per cent They don’t understand why anybody the national defense, Canada, at the Amy Jenkins ................ too per cent would oppose good roads. They are close of the present war, will have limit July 6th 1st prize $15.00; 2nd prize, $10.00. trained soldiers than the United ¡00 yard race free for all—1st prize Bertha Lorsung ........... too per cent. perplexed by opposition, and ascribe more States. And Canada is far from being Nora A. Myers .............. 100 per cent it to obstinate perversity. If these $3.00; 2nd prize $2.00. nation. The Chicago Jour­ r 15 • 50 yard race free for all—1st prize, Ruth Allison .................. 100 per cent same city people who are enthuciastic a nal military has no fear that our northern Virginia Allison ........... too per cent road boosters, were compelled each $3; 2nd prize, $2.00. neighbor will try to annex Maine or too yard race for members of Fire Carl Erickson ................ too per cent year to pay 15 to 20 mill» as aroad capture Chicago, but the Journal Brigade only—1st prize $3.00; 2nd 1 Edna Anderson ............. 100 per cent tax, besides school taxes, county tax­ counts it a crime to leave a rich and . Rachel Ward ................ too per cent es and state taxes, they would under­ prize, $2.00. peaceable country of ¡00,000,000 in­ Three legged race—1st prize, $2.00; I Vesta Vanderpool ......... too per cent stand this opposition better. We in habitants with fewer trained defend­ 100 per cent Multnomah County have never paid Carl I'orkner ................ 2nd prize, $t.oo. Call on nearest Agent for full infor- higher than a 2-mill road tax, and we ers than are possessed by many English Gramm ar. Sack race—1st prize, $2; 2nd prize, cent escape the point of view of the far­ nations with only 5 per cent of our 100 per Virginia Allison ........... million, fares, train schedules, etc. $1.00. . population and less than 5 per vent mer who pays a 20-mill road tax—10 History. Girls' race, 15 years and under—I st Max Beals ...................... 97 per cent mills to his district and 10 mills to of our wealth. prize, $1.00; 2nd prize, 50c. Ruth Allison .................. 97 per cent his county. The tax bill of the remote Roy Payne .................... 97 per cent farmer is the biggest bill he pays. It Woods and Pacific City News. Charles Lamb .............. 97 per cent is his main cash outlay for the year. ' Often it seems a crushing burden to Physiology. Lor several days wt Jiave heard Zada Christensen ......... 100 per cent him. It is hard for small farmers liv­ I have recently secured rumors of a crazy man loose at Elsie Glad ..................... 100 per cent ing remote from markets to scrapeup the Factory Agency’ for 1 Cloverdale. He made his appearance Henry Anderson ......... 100 per cent cash tax money. Let us remember these facts when Civil Gevernment. the High Grade Chute A at Pacific City last evening. He had John \1. Scott. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon a gun and knife with him and he Virginia Allison . ......... 98 per cent voting road expenditures. We who Butler Fiance and Play­ chased his partner from a motor Roy Pavne .................... 98 per cent use the through roads for sight-see­ ers, manufactured irt ing and to whom a tax bill is simply boat. Then they sent for Mr. Marsh. Zada Christensen ......... 98 per cent Peru, Ind. Anyone in the He came down in his auto and nat­ Joe Huston ................... 98 per cent a small item in comparison with mul­ market for an instrument titudinous other expenses, should not urally a crowd congregated. The man will do well to see me tre- commenced chasing them with a knife Prohibition Law Goes into Effect at crowd the farmer too hard. At least, we should not condemn him too free­ fore Buying. Calling for the local d puty sheriff, Oregon City. ly when he struggles to pay taxes hi thought he was too old to tackle causes him to cry out against being Both Phones. During that time he amused Oregon City, Or., June 29.—The taxed for roads he seldom uses. himself cutting Mr. Marsh’s auto Leland B. Erwin tires. Latest reports are that they entire state will watch with interest r-1 (The Oregon Voter is a little bit off sent for Mr. Burke, who had no trou­ the workings of the Oregon City liq­ uor ordinance, effective July 1, follow­ when it infers that the farmers arc hie ble capturing him. Beals Bros are cutting their hay at ing in every detail the prohibition paying from 15 to 20 mills as a road law which goes into effect on the first tax. We find that the farmers are the woods to put in their silo. best boosters for good roads and do Frank Wileheart and postmaster of next year. The ordinace was prepared two not object to the road tax as long a« Deuel, of Woods, autoed to Tilla­ mook on business one day this week. months ago by City Attorney Schue- the money is well and economically bel.who attended the last session of expended, for they know that good Campers are starting to arrive. D 1 Edmunds had a vessel arrive the state Legislature as a Representa­ roads are a benefit to them more ,hau xith goods for his store for the sum­ tive. It will take the place of the less anyone else. Probably, the Oregon Voter is opposed to counties bond­ stringent ordinance now in effect. mer trade. Mr. Schuebel followed the state law ing for hard surfacing,and this is the Morris Bays is building a new barn. Fishermen are all preparing their in every particular, many sections be­ object of the above article.—Ed.) ing nothing more nor less than a nets to start.fishing on the 13th. Notice of Completed Contract. Attorney Vice and family have ar­ direct copy of corresponding sections rived and arc moving thei r house of the state law. Under the terms of oat to Woods, He expects to fish, this measure, Oregon City will try Notice si hereby given that E. F. so carry passengers to and from out the law six months before any Hobson, County Road Master, for other part of the state. Tillamook. Tillamook County, Oregon, has filed The ordinance provides that no in this office his certificate for the ' Ev.eryone is anxiously awaiting the more than two quarts of whisky, wine completion of the contract of the lar,,nR of the bridge at Woods. or brandy and 24 quarts of beer can Tillamook Bay Construction Co. on trout are biting good. with the probit 11: of I ry :rg Ham rt be received in the city by any individ ­ ome straight to the Garibaldi-Wheeler County Road, you will find it ilivtii < tly i.Cvi 1 la (liarland and Deuel are building a ’rf?e boat for Rev. Nortrop. He will ual or family in a period of four con­ from Station ¡77 plus 00 to Station gee 11« to << ne nrd ur teint K>ve excursions up and down the secutive weeks. A certificate, stating 257 plus 446. and any person, firm or inz here. Vott will | 1 fruOP it might be more , the ncss: and ’ all predatory creation ea ‘ s row having liquor in their possession MuLr Ho ,g is „o, so bad, TILLAMOOK OREGON *hat you g,_ THE CHAUTAUQUA What It Is The Time The Place The Cost. The Supporters The Glorious 4th Low Round Trip Fares Convenient 1 rain Service To All Points Southern Pacific WHAT DOVoU NEED? WE’VE