Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 01, 1915, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight,
Jul.V 1» 101o.
which have brought success. Then 'lands and premises owned or claimed
there are farmers who are right up to 1 or held by either of the defendants
date in methods of cultivation, fertil­ herein, and that said mortgage be
izing and so on, and nearly always foreclosed, and the said lands and
have good crops, but fail to "make premises sold, and the proceeds ay-
ends meet” and are compelled to bor­ plied towards the payment ot > m
row money in the spring with which several sums, principal and inten st,
to buy seed and pay debts. The attorney’s fee. costs of suit and costs
secret of the difficulty is wastes of sale, and such further decree as to
about the farm. Implements rust and the Court may seem equitable ami
rot out because little or no care is 1 The above named defendants are
given in putting them away properly [
to protect them from exposure to the also notified that service of summons
in this suit is ordered to be had upon
weather. No such show of negligence each
of said defendants by publica­
I'm afraid my boy, that your going
tion thereof pursuant to an order
to be in too much of hurry to be rich.
rendered and entered by the above
Now, 1 like to see a young man mod­
entitled Court on the 21st day of June
erately ambitious, but there is such a
1915, by which order the defendant;,
thing as overdoing the matter. While
are required to appear and answer
I have no use for the drone—the hap- ; Notice is hereby given that in pur­ the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein
py-go-lucky mollycoddle who will suance of a judgment and decree en­ on or before six (6) weeks from the
work only just enough to earn tered in the Circuit Court of the State date of the first publication of this
enough to enable him to
sidestep of Oregon, for Tillamook County, in summons, and defendants are further
downright poverty (if he can't flim­ the cause pending wherein Tillamook notified that the date of the first
flam somebody into providing, at County Bank, a corporation is plain­ publication of this summons is June
least in part, for his keep). I utterly tiff, and Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. 24th, 1915.
detest the man w ho constantly thinks Mitchell, G. \V. Rice and Jane Doe
G. C. Fulton,
schemes, and, even in sleep, dreams Rice, his wife are defendants, which
S. S. Johnson
only of making money. That is a very decree was entered on the 21st day
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
bad disposition for any person to of June, 1915, and in pursuance of an
possess, especially a young man, be­ execution and order of sale issued
Call For Bids.
cause it will "grow with his growth I upon said decree by the clerk of said
and strengthen with his increase in Court bearing date June —, 1915, I
Bids will be received by Tillamook
strength” until finally, in middle life, I have levied upon, and will, on Mon­
it will “o’crleap the bonds of reason day the 19th day of July, 1915, at the City, Oregon for the improvement ot
and draw him into madness.” It is a Court House door in Tillamook City, Second Avenue East from the North
kind of insanity worse than utter de­ Oregon, at the hour of to o'clock a. side of Ninth Street and connecting a
thronement of mind, which is only m., sell at public auction to the high­ streets South to the South boundary
pitiable, while money madness is est bidder for cash in hand all of the of Tillamook City.
Streets to be paved with concrete,
cruel, vicious- contemptible beyond right, title and interest of the de­
sheet as-
expression. Oh, it is all right to be in­ fendants, held on February Sth, 1913, with curbs and gutters and
wearing surface.
dustrious and moderately ambitious t or since acquired by them in and to phalt
All in accordance with plans and
in the accumulation of money, but the following described real property
there are infinitely better things to ' situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, specifications on file with the (.:’;■
strive for than such wealth— for in-1 to-wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean,
Bids will be received up to 8 o clock
stance, a clear conscious and a full for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ p.m.
on Wednesday, July 14th. 1915.
stomach at the same time, which can ment rendered in said cause together
All bids must be accompanied by a
only be experienced by toting fair with the costs and expenses of the certified
check for 5 per cent of the
with everybody, all the time and re­ sale. The judgment is for the sum of amount of the bid as a guarantee that
fraining from taking advantage of $1,263.71, with interest at 8 per cent the successful bidder will enter into
other’s necessities to buy things from per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125
One of the greatest troubles with them at much less than their value. as attorney’s fees, and $39.90 costs contract for the making of the im­
provement, and give approved bond
the business of farming is it is not I know, that to do so is generally re­ and disbursements.
to secure the performance of the
conducted on business principles. The garded as legitimate, and, even enter­ Dated this June 24th, 1915.
cost of production is a matter of pure prising, but in equity, it is absolutely
H. Crenshaw,
The right is reserved to reject any
guess work in too many instances. wrong. By such a trade the buyer
Sheriff of Tillamook County Ore. and all bids. Bids to be addressed to
1 he marketin is haphazard and piece­ gets something of value for nothing
City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­
meal. The returns are accepted with and that, at least in a moral sense, is
thankfulness, no matter how poor cold-blooded theft.
Dated June 22nd, 1915-
tncj may be. The farmer blesses his
John Aschim,
stars that he has got anything at all
City Recordei
Did they tell you at the college
out of the muddle and hopes that he that the soils of no two farms were
has made a profit. But whether he has alike? No? Well, it is true, and neith­
Leback, Joseph E.
or not he seldom knows accurately. er are the soils of two fields on the Sa muel and William Pene-
Call For Bids.
The farm provides a living for him­ same farm exactly alike. The total Lillian,
Bids will be received by Tillamook
self and family in any case, and if plant food in one field differs from
City, Oregon for the improvement of
there are a few dollars over to put in that of an adjoining field; the amount
Fifth Street from the flush tank near
the bank or spend it at a festival, he of decaying organic matter (humus)
II. Wilson, Laura L.
the West side of Park Street East to
is satisfied. But the farmer should differs in different fields; the degree Allan
S. Phelps,
a point 30 feet West of the East
strive to do vastly better than to earn of coarsness of fineness of the soil S. W. Thompson and Floyd
boundary of Tillamook City, Oregon,
a mere living, nor should he be con­ particles
by constructing a sewer along that
tent with the mere fact that he is not conditions of no two fields are iden­
in debt at the end of the year. His tical; neither are other physical con­
of said street.
To Allen H. Wilson, Laura L. Wil­ portion
All in accordance with plans and
labor and that of his family are ditions, nor texture of soil exactly son, S. W. Thompson and Floyd A.
specifications on file with the City
worth a certain sum in hard cash. alike in two different fields—and so Swan the above named defendants:
The cost of seed, the annual rental on with a great many different con­
In the name of the State of Oregon, Recorder.
Bids will be received up to 8 o'clock
value of the land, the estimated hire ditions, each having more or less in­ you arc hereby required to appear
on Wednesday, July 14th, 1915.
of his team and machinery, a per­ fluence upon the fertility of the soil, and answer the
complaint filed p.m.
All bids must be accompanied by a
centage for depreciation of stock, each having its influence upon plant against you in the above entitled
for 5 per cent of the
should all enter into his calculations. growth.
Court in the above entitled cause on certified of check
the bid as a guarantee that
He is under obligations to under­
or before six (6) weeks from the date amount
stand his business as thoroughly as a
of the first publication of this sum­ the successful bidder will enter into
Man is naturally a lazy animal and, mons, to-wit, on or before six (6) contract for the making of the im­
merchant does, and the only way to
do this is to keep accurate accounts generally, thinks more about himself weeks from the 24th day of June, 1915 provement, and give approved bond
and balance his books at the end of than of anything else. Ninety per cent and if you fail to so appear, for want to secure the performance of the
the year.
of the people never care to know the thereof, the plaintiffs will apply to same.
The right is reserved to reject any
truth about anything if they suspect the Court for the relief therein de­
Frequently young animals do not that it will conflict with their person­ manded, which is for a decree ad­ and all bids. Bids to be addressed to
chew their food properly because of al interests or if much mental labor is judging and decreeing that certain City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­
right from mortgage executed by Allen H. Wil­ gon.
faulty shedding of their first toeth, necessary to separate
while in older animals the edges of wrong. That is not to say that 90 per son and Laura L. Wilson, his wife, Dated June 22nd, 1915.
John Aschim,
the teeth become so long and sharp cent of the people do not believe the as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback,
________ City Recorder.
that mastication becomes almost im­ truth because they would rather ac­ Joseph H. Dillian and William Pene-
possible. Horses so affected will bolt cept something else, but, nevertheless gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2
Call For Bids.
their food without proper crushing, most people neglect to follow paths 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book
and this of itself frequently causes of learning that arc filled with ob­ “S”, Records of Mortgages, in the
Bids will be received by Tillamook
colic through fermentation in the structions. For instance every farmer office of the County Clerk of Tilla­
stomach. Teeth should be examined knows that his profits or losses are mook County, Oregon, to be a first City, Oregon for the improvement of
occasionally, and treated, if necessary dependent upon the size of his annual lien upon all and singular the follow­ Fifth Street from the Center of Sixth
as, apart from colic, faulty teeth arc crop and unless he has made a care­ ing described real estate, situate in Avenue East, easterly ami East to
responsible for great loss of condi­ ful study of costs he cannot know­ the said County of Tillamook, State the East boundary of Tillamook City.
Streets to be paved with concrete,
tion. If small balls of partly shewed how large a difference a small in­ of Oregon, to-wit:
food are found in the manger watch crease in yield may show. The operat­
The North half of the Northwest with curbs and gutters.
All in accordance with plans and
the horse eating, when it will prob­ ing expenses are practically the same, quarter of Section five (5) in Town­
ably be found that lie gives two or regardless of yield. The cost of pre­ ship (2) South of Range Ten (10) specifications on file with the City
three rapid movements of his jaw paring the soil, seeding, cultivatin'? West of the Willamette Meridian, Recorder
Bids w ill be received up to 8 o'clock
and drops the food from his mouth. and harvesting are about the same save and excepting therefrom the
This process is known as "quidding” whether he raises a large crop or a land heretofore conveyed to School p.m. on Wednesday, July 14th, 19'5.
All bids must be accompanied by a
and indicates that the teeth are badly small one. The trouble is he wont District No. 7 by instrument recordtd
in need of attention. Horses whose keep books because it is a trouble­ in Book "I’", page 243, Deed Rec­ certified check for 5 per cent of the
amount of the bid as a guarantee that
teeth are in poor order frequently bolt some job, and so he never knows ords of Tillamook County, Oregon.
their food from habit. They should be where he is at until he sells his crop
Also, beginning at a point on the the successful bidder will enter into
prevented by mixing chaff or dry and figures up his debts.
U. S. Meander line at the Southeast contract for the making of the im­
bran with grain and by placing sever­
corner of Lot six (6) of Section six provement, and give approved bond
al large stones in the manger to pre­
(6) in Township two (2) South to secure the performance of the
Many cream seperators are worn Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ same.
vent bolters from securing too big a
The right is reserved to reject any
mouthful at a time.
ette Meridian, ami running thence
manufacturer's directions are laid North 4656 deg. West, seven and and all bids. Bids to be addressed to
away after the first day and forgotten
chains, City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­
Ailing fowls do not produce eggs If the machine is not run ta uniform thirty hundredths (7.30)
eight gon.
nor put on flesh, and they arc a loss speed all the time it will
soon wear and cightv-seven hundredths (8.87)
__ _____
Dated June 22nd, 1915.
as long as they remain ill. It never out. The speed at which
it should be
John Aschim,
pays to doctor a sick fowl. The best run should be always uniform, not chains, thence North 514 deg. East,
City Recorder.
method for the poultry raiser is to fast a while, then slow in jerky fash- seventeen and eighty
attend to his flock in such a manner ion, as that strains every part of it (t'.8o) chains, thence North eighteen
Call For Bids.
that they do not become sick. This and causes it to seperate the cream and three-fourths (18I4) deg. West
can be accomplished by good, healthy from the milk unevenly, Oiling is twelve and sixty hundredths (12.60)
Bids will be received by Tillamook
stock in the first place, modern quar­ another important thing and should chains, thence North 49 deg. West,
ters and good feed and water. One never be neglected. All gum and two (2) chains, the foregoing being City, Oregon for the improvement of
Street, from the East line of
will see very little sickness, if any grease should be removed from the the meander line of high water,
in the flocks of professional poultry working parts by running coil oil thence West ten (to) chains to low Second Avenue East, East to the cen­
raisers who are making good. Any through them, which loosenes all water mark, thence along the _ nie.v ter of Sixth Avenue East, and Third
Xvenue East from the South line of
fowl that shows the slightest sign of hardened substances from the gear dcr line of low water as follows:
South 57 deg. East eleven (it) Fourth Street to the North line of
illness is at once removed an 1, v.i'h- ings and bearings. The outside of the
in a few days, is killed and buried, machine should be painted occasion­ chains, thence South 21 deg. East Fifth Street.
Streets to be paved with concrete,
unless it shows signs of immediate ally and the inside parts exposed to eight (8) chains, thence South 3 deg.
West eight and twenty-one hun- with curbs and gutters and sheet as­
recovery. It rarely pays to doctor a the sun each day.
dredths (8.21) chains, thence South phalt wearing surface.
sick fowl.
All in accordance with plans and
7 deg. East nineteen and _ fifty
__ , hun­
dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. specifications on file with the City-
Now, Amos, my boy, 1 have noticed
East five and thirty hundredths (5.30) Recorder.
that for over a year you have been should be taken not to break its roots chains, thence South 76 deg. East
Bids will be received up to 8 o'clock
paying particular attention to that
four (4) chains, thence North one and p.m. on Wednesday. July 14th, 1915.
pretty and good girl that lives a mile
All bids must be accompanied by a
eighty hundredths (1.80) chains to
or so down the road, and, from the are uniformity deeper in the soil than the place of beginning, containing certified check for 5 per cent of the
sheepish way you both act when you
fourteen and thirty-five hundredths amount of the bid as a guarantee that
are together, I am quite sure, al­ be cultivated close ot the hill and 3 (14.35) acres of tidelands.
the successful bidder will enter into
though you havent told me about it
Also Lot fqur (4), five (5). six (6), contract for the making of the im­
yet, that you kids will require the
seven (7) and eight (8), in Block provement, and give approved bond
service of the preacher soon. Well, while in level planted corn, the roots three (3), in Netarts Bay Park,
to secure the performance of the
that's all right, but 1 want to tell you
together with all and singular the same.
what you’re up against and what you
The right is reserved to reject any
tenements, hereditaments and ap-
must do to be right ami happy. Your close cultivation.
purtenances thereunto belonging, or and all bids. Bids to be addressed to
first duty must be to take good care
in anywise appertaining, to secure the City Recorder, Tillamook Citv, Ore­
of your wile and home. Right there,
No farmer can be successful in the payment of the sum of $3,050.00, with gon.
up in that tree, is an object lesson for business who does not think while he interest thereon at the rate of o per Dated June 22nd, 1915.
you along that line. There is a bird on works, that is. pay attention to what cent per annum from July 2, 1909 due
John Aschim,
her nest hatching her eggs. On a limb he is doing and do only what he is the plaintiff Samuel Leback, apd the
City Recorder.
near her is her mate singing for her sure is right. Guess v.-ork won't do in further sum of $1,200.00, with interest
entertainment ami encouragement. any business, particularly irk the cul­ thereon at the< rate of 6 per cent per
Now, a bird's sole duties are to tivation of the soil, because its pecu­ annum from July 2. 1909 due the
choose his mate, strut before her, liarities of texture and chemical com­ tlaintiff Joseph E. Dillian, and the
The mint makes it and under the
warble love songs unto her, build her position must be definitely known urther sum of $700.00, with interest
of the Continental Mortgage
a house and then forage for food, and its defects remedied by right thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
made necessary for by his radical fertilizing and working to make it do annum from Jtly 2, 1909 due plaintiff Company you can secure it at 6 per
notions on race suicide. But he pavs its best. For instance, some farmers W illiam I’encgor, and the further cent for any legal purpose on approv­
dearly for those bright days of life do well in the same location and un­ sunt of $50000 attorney's fees in this ed real estate. Terms easy, tell us
and love, when, charmed with his der the same conditions under which suit, all secured bv the lien of said
own music and flattered with his own others utterly fail. The difference, mortgage, and that the lien of said yo«r wants and we will co-operate
beauty and graceful posings, he went therefore, must be in the men and mortgage be adjudged and decreed with you.
forth to dazzle that modest female. their different method*, It is worth to be superior to all claims, bens, in
Ami he proves game. He never makes while to know and adopt the methods terest and estate of, in and to said $ ij Denham Building Denver, Colo.
Uncle Silas Says.
----- o-----
An old saying, and a good one is,
“you can climb pretty high in the
world, but can never get so high as to
be above suspicion.” Now, the sharp­
est point of that barbed wired propo­
sition is this.
Many peolple, who
have apparently made good, are so
cock-sure of their eminence that they
understand how anybody can pos­
sibly doubt the correctness of their
statements, no matter how unreason­
able they may be, nor attribute to
them other than pure motives regard­
less of circumstances. Because they
have always bore a reputation for
honesty and truthfulness, that no­
body should presume to doubt their
correctness in every way, and when
you intimate, ever so delicately, that
you do not quite agree with them,
they are astonished by your pre­
sumption, and if you add that you
"live in Missouri and have got to be
showed.” they get sore and “bawl
you out.” Now, people who amount
to anything, would Tathey have you
seek information as to the correct­
ness of their statements and conduct
from other sources than themselves
than not. Nobody with common in­
telligence can be made to absolutely
believe an unreasonably assertion
just because the person making it is
"eminently respectable.” Of course, it
is always right to consider every
statement upon its merits—that is, if
it comes from a previously reliable
or uncertain source, but the only wav
to be sure of its absolute correctness
is to hold your decision in reserve
while, in your own way, you probe to
find the truth. While Hamlet’s dec­
laration to Ophelia; "All men are
liars, believe none of them!” may be
putting it too strong, it is well to bear
constantly in mind that "to err is
human,” and be governed, according­
lame excuses, nor squirms out of his
matrimonial bargain, nor whines
about his dissapointment in Mrs. B.,
nor his skirmishing for food. He
doesn’t flirt. Neither does he go and
visit some quiet nest where there are
no bird babies. No, where his mate is
is his heaven and he lives only for
her and their little ones, and if neces­
sary, he will die in their defense.
Well, if you can't be as kind, true and
brave as a bird, you’ll do well to take
my advice—don’t marry.
your fire
OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS
Repesented by this Office.
ecurity .
Let Us Write Your Next Policy.
“The Insurance Man.”
Phone Us, Todd Hotel.
Let us Furnish Your Winter Wood.
Special Priee on Large Quantities
Tillamook, Ore.
Spring Suits From $30.00 and up. We also do
Phone J 27.
1st St. and 2nd Ave.
Furnished Housekeeping Tents
Only One Dollar a Day.
Electric lights and water in every
tent; go surf bathing
or hunt for
crabs and clams; tent city is under
direction of Bar View hotel; many
entertaining features; no liquors al­
lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up;
sleeping tents and board at hotel, $2
per day and up. Write W. A. Wise,
Bar View, Tillamook County, Ore.,
or 2to Failing Bldg., Portland Ore.
Now Under New Management.
Call and See Us. Repair Work a Specialty
Dance Saturday Night.
1 lie Ford is lighter than any other car of
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' lat 1-4
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