» 4 w" Tillamook Headlight, I >1 I « I t ■I- s j I I* r j1 ■ • t i 4 ■ r ! I IÍ I ? i i i I • •I ■T « it ài w ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line............... $ .JO Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 Business and professional cards one month ................................ I 00 H omestead Notices .................... 5-00 Timbe/ Claims ............................ 1 10.00 Locals per line each insertion. .05 Display advertisement, an inch, one month .................................. 50 All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line.. .05 Cards of Thanks, per line.......... os Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... .35 What Roads Cost. ----- o------ An average of $17,440 per mile is what completed hard surfaced roads will cost Multnomah County, based on t he contracts awarded under the recent bol d issue, says the Oregon Voter. I he price per mile varies from $15,720 tor VVarrenite (bitulithic), laid on open road, to $ j 6,4OO per mile for brick on cement concrete founda- tin. the per mile cost are as follows: Warremte (Bitulithic) On Columbia High­ way ........................$16,800 to $18,080 On open road......... *5,720 to 16,800 On Canyon road ...................... 20,620 Cement Concrete, Wayne County Specifications, with Armor joints: On open road .............................$17,190 On hilly road, (Slavin) .............. 22,040 On Canyon road ........................ 24,810 Brick, on Cement Concrete foun­ dation. On Columbia Highway ........... $36,400 The foregoing figures per mile in­ clude the entire estimated cost, on basis of bids accepted and contracts awarded, for a two foot shoulder on both sides of each road, all the exca­ vation of dirt and rock with the neces­ sary regrading, the regrading of macadam base where same is used, culverts, embankments and fences where specified and all other costs' embodied in the pavement project. The original cost of constructing and grading the Columbia Highway is not included. As this to date is ap­ proximately $28,000 a mile, the ad­ dition of paving will make the total cost of the finished highway approx­ imately $45,000 a mile. Neither is the accumulated cost of constructing the old macadam road included, it is said the old roads have cost in the neighborhood of $70,000 a mile as a total spent for construction and maintenance during all the year, but this estimate is not the result of research, and should not be used for a basis of comparison. If the cost of the old roads to has been anywheres near the figure stated, hard-surfacing will be a tremendous economy to the taxpayers. None of the foregoing cost esti­ mates include interest on the bonds. cidental to the other principal agricul­ tural activities of the Chinese farmer.’ Mr. Barrett adds, without apparent relevency: "The daily wage of a Chinese farm hand amounts to ap­ proximately, io cents." The Chinese farmer generally sells his eggs at about $4.60 a thousand, according to Mr. Barrett. This is a little over a nickel a dozen. Nankin farmers do not do so well, according to the Vice Consul Gilbert, writing in the same issue. Eggs are sold at from 40 to 42 cents a gross, or from 3% to »'4 cents per dozen. Fresh eggs are con- igned from here to San Francisco at $0.046 a dozen, while eggs frozen in tins are consigned to New Y'ork at $0.03 a dozen. United States poultry raisers should cheer up. If they can only find cheap enough rice to feed the chickens and can induce farm hands to work for to cents a day, they can defy competition. State PressFlashlighttì I Sale of Bonus. i STiliamcok City offer" for sale City hall Bonds issue of $21., 1'115 Certified check for 2 per cent to accompany bid to insure taking of bonds by svccessful bidder. Right to 1 rjeet all bids reserved. I Address fall communications to Jonn Several million of Oregon spruce Aschim, City Recorder, Tillamook, has been shipped to warring nations . Oregon. of Europe during the past three months, it is being used in the manu­ Notice to Contractors. facture of aeroplanes for use by the armits. This demand has caused a Sealed proposals addressed to the rise in the price of such timber. County Court of 1 dlainook County, There are millions of feet oi this Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to variety of timber still standing in the complete the forests of the Pacific Northwest. liilamook-Fairvicw County road, Pacific Homestead. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. from Station o plus 70 to Station 65 (Strictly in Advance.) . . Portland spent nearly $75,000 in plus 99- One yeai ........................................... $1.50 providing work and shelter for the in accordance with the plans and E. S. Snelling Leaves. specifications thereof on file in the unemployed the past winter, most ot Six months ............................................ 75 which went into the cutting of wood office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ Three month* ........................................ 50 E. S. Snelling left by auto on Wed­ in the municipal wood camps. I he mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ nesday of last week, presumably for money is very likely to all be return­ ed by the County Court of said Coun­ White Salmon, Wash. He was arrest­ ed to the city on the sale of wood. ty, at its office in the Court House, THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. ed at Newberg for operating an auto This is one of the most sensible at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the without a license and returned to things Portland has done, and it will hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 2nd McMinnville. Here he was met by Mr be likely repeated the coming winter. day of July, ¡915, and at that time Editorial Snap Shots. Pcrsey of the garage. He defied Mr. pub! cily opened and read. Each bid ------ o---- Persey to take possession of the auto, —Telephone Register. shall be accompanied by a certified So that old rotten bridge across the but he was not to be bluffed and check made payable to the County The editor of a country paper once slough is to go. That ought to please promptly took the car. Clerk, for an amout equal to 5 per received the following query: Can those who take great risk of meeting In the little over a year he was cent of the amount of the total of you tell me what the weather will be with an accident when driving across here he succeeded in getting into said bid, which shall be forfeited to next month? ” In reply he wrote: It it. almost everybody in business and the County, in case the bid be accept­ is my belief that the weather next there are many who mourn his dc- ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect month will be very much like your Six million men killed and wounded parture to the tune of various sums. subscription.” The inquirer wondered or refuse for a period of five days as a result of the deplorable war in He obtained the auto by misrepre­ after which the award is made to Europe. Just because the Kaiser had senting his holdings and by giving for an hour what the editor was driv­ enter into a contract and file a bond ing at, when he happened to think of an ambition to be Emperor of the security on property he did not own. satisfactory to the Court as required world. w For all round crooked work it the word "unsettled.” He went in the Jry law. next day and squared his account. — would be hard to find his equal. He is Bids will be received for the clear­ a genius for obtaining money by ways Banks Herald. ----- o------ . The County Court is great on re­ ing, grading and excavating for lay­ and means that are shady, but yet advertising for bids. Well, this is There is good sense in Ella \\ heel­ ing the following kinds of pavement within the law, but each time it was wdtere the Court puts one over on the under standard specifications of each. found that action could not be had. er Wilcox’s contention that much of metropolitan newspaper, and gets the 1— Sheet Asphclt on Concrete base. best of them. For smooth talk and crooked deal­ the time and money spent in teach­ 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete ings he has no equal; beware of this ing art in the public schools might be base. better employed in teaching good smooth guy. 3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base The City Council has decided to put manners. The reason for this is that He came from Tillamook where he the "lid” on Sunday bowling. The city 4— One course grouted top concrete but one child in a hundred may fol­ left a lot of unp id accounts, and be ­ dads must think it is a much more 5— Wood block on concrete base. low art teaching but every child can came so not&rious that the city got grievous sin to bowl on Sunday than bring into play a correct usage of According to the plans and specifi­ quite warm for him. — Willamina to play base ball. But the snap shot good manners throughout life with cations on file in the office of County Times. _____ _____ man doesn’t see any difference. profit to himself and w ith a threat deal Clerk. The County Court reserves the of satisfaction to others.—News Re Wolf Hill is Disappearing. right to reject any and all bids. Dated Will the County Court decide on The Cost of Living. porter. this 17th day of June, 1915. concrete or bitulithic for hardsurfac- Sheridan, Or., June 26.— The Wolf J. C. Holden, County Clerk. ing county roads? It is a matter that From Oregon alone, more than 350 The Bureau of Labor Statistics has hill, for yeprs the bane of tourists the court should give serious atten­ just issued a formidable document en- traveling to the Tillamook Coast carloads of horses have been shipped First publication, June 17, 1915. tion, for it envolves an expenditure tilted "Retail Prices” in which are from Dallas, is being eliminated. A to the European war zone. It is esti­ Last publication July I, 1915. of a large amount of money. presented voluminous statistics of the force of men employed by Polk mated that these sales brought into relative cost of living in the years bc- Couty is building a new road that will Oregon more than a million dollars. Notice to Contractors. Sometimes there is a dispute about tween 1907 and 1915, coming down to cut off three miles of the old route Such a report, coming from the state the measurement of a cord of wood. the first of January of this year. Com­ that led over the hill. While the new farthest from the scene of conflict, Sealed proposals addressed to the __ The official measure for this and piled by a department of the govern­ road will be a little longer th^rn the indicates the extent to which sales of other counties wts standardized. The ment in which an error is something old. it will have a more even grade, horses and other war supplies have County Court of Tillamook County, amount of cubic feet in a cord of akin to treason, the accuracy of the and tourists will be able to make helped turn the balance of trade in Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to our favor, notwithstanding the broad complete the wood was placed at 128, with this figures may be relied upon, says the faster time over it. Tillamook-Cloverdale County road, proviso, "wellpiled.” Probably he Globe Democrat. The new road will join the Tilla­ denials of the Secretary of Commerce from Station o plus 00 to Station 51 It will be recalled that the "high mook- Portland coast road a mile —Astrian. means closely piled. plus 60 cost of living" was the most potent south of Willamina, and from this influence in )he Democratic campaign point on to the Grand Ronde reserva­ The same day that the Sentinel in accordance with the plans an 1 Rah! Rah! Rah! for home industry! of 1912. The "iniquitous” tariff was tion the macadamizing is in fine published its editorial concerning the specifications "thereof on file in the The Feeney Bremer Co. was award­ responsible for high prices. There shape. At the Grand Ronde reserva­ cost of school books, The Oregonian office of ihe County Clerk of Tilla­ ed the contract for the city , bridge wasn’t any doubt about it. It was tion there arc poor roads that ex­ contained the following: “If the pad­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ across ,.3 Hoquarton Slough. That’s proven time and time again, by line tend partly into Yamhill County and ding and useless ornamentation were ed by the County Court of said Coun­ keeping money at home. We believe upon line, figure upon figure. The partly into Tillamook County. These cleared out of our school books, their ty, at its office in the Court House, the county would save money, also, troubled and discontented electorate two counties are going to co-operate contents would be condensed a half al 1 illamook City, Oregon, until the in having the iron bridges made at was shown with the utmost elabor­ this summer and each spend $10,000 or two-thirds. Textbooks cost more hour of 10 o’clock a.111. 011 the 2nd home. ateness of detail and convincingness on fixing up these stretches. If the than twice what they should, they day of July, 1915, and at that lime of logic, that the tariff was due to work cannot be finished this summer are too numerous and they are chang­ publicily opened and read. Each bid It is getting to be the season of the the "fiendish machinations of a self­ the two counties have agreed each to ed too often. Unhappy the school shall be accompanied by a certified the amount that tries to make the text-book sup­ check made payable to the County year when proper precautions should ish and heartless plutocrack,” that appropriate one-half be taken to prevent forest fires. This ever "clutched at the vitals of a down necessary to compete the work next plant the teacher."—Cottage Grove Clerk, for an amout equal to 5 per cer. of the amount oLthe total of ____________ Sentinel. is a matter we are vitally concerned trodden people.” It was only neces­ year. said bi.l, which shall be forfeited to * ----- o------ in and should strive to prevent. In sary to destroy the tariff, or to tie it "Swat the fly" is no new command. the County, in case the bid be accept­ Objects to Joint Road District. recent years Tillamook County have down, the cost of living would be im­ It is an old order. Fly time is again ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect been fortunate in not having had any mediately and autmatically reduced, Beaver Oregon, June 28, 1915. here and the warning can not be too or refuse for a period of five days bad forest fires, on account of the everybody would be prosperous and often repeated. Now is the time to' after which the award is made to forest patrol service. Every citizen everybody would be happy. In the in­ Editor Tillamook Headlight. Please accord me a little space in begin to swat the pests and destroy enter into a contract and file a bond should, exert themselves to prevent elegant but eloquent language of the a forest fire this year, and where any street, it listened good and they put your paper. By’ the last issuu of the their breeding places. Keep garbage satisfactory to the Court as required Headlight I see the County Court has clear from the places where flies may by law. of our citizens violate the law by set­ it over, with some outside help. As Uncle Joe Cannon delights to decided to build the Sour Grass Road swarm. Don’t allow rubbish .and Bids will be received for the clear­ ting out fire and campers or hunters do the same they should be immed­ say, “The proof of the pudding is the at Dolph jointly with Y’amhill Coun­ refuse to litter tluuback yard, nor let ing, grading and excavating for lay­ iately arrested and prosecuted, for eating of it.” Everyone knows that ty. It seems fair enough for Tilla­ the stable stay unclean. Keep the ing the following kinds of pavement once a fire gets started it jeopardizes prices have not declined since the mook to build the 1!T miles in this screen door tightly shut sb flies can­ under standard specifications of each. 1— Sheet Asphclt on Concrete base. not only property but the lives of our tariff was reduced. Everyone knows county, but I dont think it is fair to not get on the food. The fly is a germ 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete citizens. Our advice to the citizens that it costs at least as much to buy the taxpayers of this county to take carrier. It carries tuberculosis, ty­ base. a beefstake, or a sack of flour or a the taxes out of the county to build phoid and other diseases. Health can who are in the habit of setting out 3 Light Bitulithic on concrete base fire is not to do so during the dry suit of clothes as it did in 1912, but roads in Yamhill. be best protected by keeping up a this document, "Retail Prices, is ­ 4— One course grouted too concrete Yamhill has kept a tollgate for years constant war on the pests.—Itcmizer. season. There are times when the 5— M ood block on concrete base. wind is in the cast when this county sued under the auspices of a Demo­ and taxed us toll •whenever wc went According to the plans and specifi­ is in danger of being swept by a great cratic administration, shows that the out into their county and still they In an eloquent speech delivered in , conflagration, and now is the time to cost of living is really higher than have the toll gate. The Headlight 1913 in which he urged the people of I cations on file in the office of County J use proper precautions to prevent it was then. Nor can it be argued that says it will benefit this county more Maine to vote for the Democrac 1 Clerk. 1 he County Court reserves the this. It behooves everybody to take the war is the cause, for the proof is •than Y’amhill. Would like you to tell Speaker Clark said: "We believe that j a lively interest in this matter and presented that prices in general were us if there is a law giving the Court our tariff bill will reduce the price of right tn reject any and all bids. Dated lend the fire wardens every assistance higher at the beginning of the war the power to take the taxes out of living, more fairly adjust the subjects this 17th day of June, 1915. , Holden, County Clerk. The snap shot man believes that too than they were before the preesnt ad­ this county to build roads. I think it of tariff taxation, and at the same ... many fires arc started in the dry ministration went into office. The is time the voters woke up and vetoed time raise abundant revenue for the Birst publication, June 17, 1915. season by some of our citizens and average price of fifteen articles of it. It seems as if we have plenty of government." The cost of living is • Last publication July I, iqic. campers and a more vigerous prosccu food, representing the necessities of roads in our county that need fixing. higher than it ever was, tariff taxa- I tion of them will do a great deal to life are compared by fixing the aver­ A. Taxpayer. tion continues to fall on the just and Notice to Contractors. prevent bad fires, not only in the age price of all for 1913 at too. Upon unjust alike, and the revised tariff this basis the average price of these ----- o------ timber but to thé farm houses and (In answer to our correspondent a docs not raise enough of revenue for ; articles in 1912 was 97.4, and in 1914 law was passed at the last legislature barns throughout the county. the government. Otherwise, Speaker I Sealed proposals addressed to the tllv was 102. The average for July, 1014 empowering county courts to form Clark’s statement regarding the tariff i before the war began was 102.3. joint road districts, under which the bill may be considered truly prophet­ County Court of Tillamook County, The Wonder Box. Oregon, and indorsed Proposals to These figures are not to be denied, county courts of Tillamook and.Yam­ ic—Spectator. complete the E. E. Cross County nor arc the conclusions to be drawn Do you know how Brother I’ J on a- from them. They prove again the hill counties are now acting. This Road, "known as the Three Rivers than is? Why, of course e you do. I fe is fact that the tariff has relatively no was published in the Headlight - We Notice of Hearing Final Account. Road,’ from Station 448 plus 00 to you and 1 and all of us red-white-and influence whatever upon prices to are sorry our correspondent cannot ------ 0------ Station 456 plus ocuand from Station blue Americans. But do you know the consumer. The Payne-Aldrich see the great benefit this new piece of Notice is hereby given that the un­ 468 plus 38 to 496 plus 95 8 also from why he is "Brother Jonathan," do you did not cause highprices .The Undar- road will be to Tillamook county, and . tat ion 404 plus 4j to 443 plus 09.0 know how he got his nickname? If wood tariff has not lowered them. the very thing that he complains dersigned has filed his final account In accordance with the plans and you have curiosity enough to inquire, \Ve get no joy from this. On the con­ about -the toll gate in Yamhill coun­ as administrator of the estate of Al­ specifications thereof on file in the would you know w here to turn for the trary wc sorrow that ’tis so. But it is ty will be eliminated by doing so. For bert Maurer, deceased, in the Count-- office of the County Clerk, of Tilla­ information? Probably not. Well, a lesson that must be learned, and it a long number of years the road into Court, of the State of Oregon, for the mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ this county through the reservation County of Tillamook, and that said ed by the County Court of said Coun- here it is. is taught by silence. was a source of great annoyance to Court has fixed Monday, the 26th day ty, The name, “Brother Jonathan," was ____ _____ _ Court House at ’nat ln ‘he this county, but now that the county of July, 1915, at 10:00 o’clock a m. at ‘.y. conferred by no less a person than I illamook Citv, '•»Z, Oregon -ZiV^Vll, until the the Court Room of said County, in officials of Y ’ amhill County are anx ­ Why Chineie Eggs are Cheap. George Washington, aud surely the hour of 10 c’c'.cck clock a..... a.m. „„ on the 9th ious to do something to make a good Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time day of July, o 1915, ------ o------ Father of his Country lias a right to and at that time and place of hearing of objections if road, it is, certainly, no time to bring Wc are indebted to Commerce Re­ name the children. It was at the to the said account and the set­ publicly opened and read. very beginning of the revolutionary ports, a daily issued by the Depart­ up objections because it wiH cost any, Each bid shall be accompanied by a tlement of said estate. this county a little more money than war, and the young general went to ment of Commerce, for intcresting certified check made pavable to the Dated this 24th day of June, 1015. it docs Yamhill County. — Ed.) New England for the purpose of or­ information as to why the Chinese County Clerk, for an amount equal to Hctfry Becker, ganizing the army. To his dismay, he hens can, at such long range, com- 5 Per cent of the amount of the total Administrator of the found in Massachusetts an appaling pete with those in the United States, The United States is rapidly becom­ Estate of Albert Mau­ ot said bid, which shall be forfeited shortage of ammunition. His onlv vice Council! Barrett of Shanghai ing a creditor nation. At the outset of to the County, In case the bid be ac" rer, deceased. hope was contributed by a suggestion tells all about it. For many years the war, when Great Britian declared cepted and the bidder shall fail. „rK - 75^’ that in Connecticut there were abun­ China exported eggs to Japan, Russia, a moratorium, so far as its own debts Icct or refuse for a period of five days dant stores, which were at the dispos­ Siberia, Hongkong and the Philip­ were concerned, and demanded of all After having opened the Panama after which the award is made to en­ al of the governor, lonathan Trum- pines, but only since the Underwood balances due it. there was much alarm canal, Col. Gothals may have a life ter into > contract and file a bond tariff went into effect have its ship­ in this country^ut the banker« rais­ job'keeping it open. bul. satisfactory to the Court as required "How arc we going to get this ments to the United States reached ed the famous V'ld pool and sent it Saving of 1000 tons of coal by shut­ by law. army equipped and in fighting condi­ "noticeable proportions," as Mr. Bar­ to Canada. This was a convincing il­ ting off six of the Lusitania's boilers I The bids are to cover tion’" one of the officers asked, anx­ rett phrases it. Shanghai alone sent lustration of the solvency of this didn’t even save the coal. Clearing, Grubbing and grading 3,600.000 dozen eggs from brown country. Most of that gold has come iously. Say what you may of the street car from Station 448 plus 00 to 456 plus "We must consult "Brother Jona­ Leghorn hens to the United States in back. Gold Igis also been pouring in it is one of the very few places in the 00 and from Station 468 plus 18 to 1914. The withdrawal of certain mer­ from other sources, until the banks than," was Washington's reply. downtown streets that you feel com­ 496 phi- 95.8. Also from Station 404 The consultation proved Ho highly chant vessels from the Pacific, as an of the New York Clearing House paratively safe. an ing for something to tu)n uo would Dated this the 23rd day of June. 1915. and to the British be proved the , stumbling block in the way of success conditions in China are responsible, send gold to «•«(tie balances, the gold run like a turkey if the thing that J. C. Holden, The chickens are fed principally on is being sent here. This is why the commenced to turn in his vicinity At the close of the war -it was said that "Brother Jonathan" won the rice. There arc no great egg farms, price of London exchange is lower happened to be hoe instead of a roller First publication lune 2' very end. Friend Carranza must hale forgotten that Peace-at-any-Frice is no longer on the national cabinet. Astorian. ___ Notice. ------ o----- - Notice is hereby given that the f3-20’pavabk to P. Peters dated May 6, 1908 \’o 10746, $3 20, payable to H. F. Yourw dated May 6, 19o8;No. 10905, $ZI0’ payable to Michael Young, dated May 6, 1908; No. 10909, $1.70 payable to Thomas Mahoney, dated May 6, too» remain uncalled for in the office of the County Clerk of T illamook Coun­ ty, Oregon, and if not presented for payment within sixty days from the first day of July, 1915, they will be canceled and payment thereof will be refused. Dated this 17th day of June, 101- Hy Order of the county court. J._ C. Holden, County Clerk, Bv Kathleen Mills, deputy Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook County Oregon, and indorsed Proposals to complete the Geo. R. McKimens County Road, from Station 0 plus 00 to Station 31 plus 80 In accordance with the plans and specifications thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk, of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed *by the County Court of said Coun­ ty. at its office in the Court House at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 9th day of July, 1915, and at that lime publicly opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be ac- cepted and the bidder shwll fail, neg­ lect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is mad? to en­ ter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory’ to the Court as required by law. The bids arc to cover Clearing, Grubbing, Grading and constructing a wood trestle from Sta­ tion o plus 00 to 31 plus 80, according to the plans and specifications on file. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this the 23rd day of June, 1915 J. C. Holden, County Clerk. First publication June 24th. Last publication July 8th. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals addressed to the County (. ourt of Tillamook County, Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to comr lele the 1 tllamook-Bay City County road, from Station 28 plus 78 to Sestion 52 phis 59 in accordance with the plans' and specifications thereof on file in the office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by the County Court of said Coun­ ty, at its office in the Court House, at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 2nd day of July, 1915, and at that time publicity opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an aniout equal to ' per cent of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be accept­ ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five days after which the award is made to enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law. Bids will be received for the clear­ ing, grading and excavating for lay- inn the following kinds of pavement under standard specifications of each. 1— Sheet Asphclt on Concrete base. 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete base. 3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base. 4— One course grouted top concrete 5— Wood block on concrete base. According to the plans and specifi­ cations on file in the office of County Clerk. . 1 he County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bid-. Dated this 17th day of June, 1915. First publication, June 17, 19*5- Last publication July I, ¡915. „ J. C. Holden, County Clerk. Notice to Contractors. ----- o------ Sealed proposals addressed to the County Court of Tillamook Count’’, Oregon for the proposed construct­ ion of hand placed rip rap on the Bayocean County Road from Station 245 to Station 295 puls 08.9 in Tilla­ mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ ed by the County Court of said Coun­ ty. at its office in the Court House at 1 illamook City, Oregon, until the hour of to o’clock a.m. oh the 16th day of July, 1915, and at that time publicly opened and read. Each bid shall be accompanied by * certified check made payable to the County Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the total °* said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case the bid be ac­ cepted and the bidder shall fail, neg­ lect or refuse for a period of five day* after which the award is made to en­ ter into a contract and- file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by Ja w. The bids are to be for 1500 cu. yds. of 01 hand placed rip rap from tatio# s 245 to Station 295 plus 089 of th*» Bayocean County Road. , In accordance with the plans a®“ specifications thereof on file in office of the County Clerk, of id“" monk Oregon. • The Countv Court reserves the right to reject Any and all bids. Date <| this the 29th day of June 19‘> County Clerk. , Publication, July tst, 19'5- L st publication July 1 ytfi, i9>5- ' 1 i i t a r ï t 3 r V P If P Sí