Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 01, 1915, Image 1

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    * >1
Sharps Restaurant now running at
Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday
dinners a specialty.
• ♦
Wanted—Man to work on dairy
ranch, good milker. Girl wanted wil­
ling to help milk. Apply to C. Chris
tensen. Bay City, Oregon.
Fresh Clams, crabs and fish deliv­
ered to any part of the city by the
(. ity Fish Market. R. S. Laddvsaw,
proprietor. Mutual phone.
Rev. D. A. MacKenzie and family
left for Dallas on Monday, where Mr.
MacKenzie has become pastor of the
Presbyterian church in that city.
1 he Ladies’ Aid of the Christian
Church will serve dinner and supper
I at the Todd Hotel dining rooms on
Friday and Saturday, meals 35c.
Protect your valuable papers from
I the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
dollar per year.
Tillamook County
It is absolute FOLLY for a man who intends to
w marry or who has a WIFI a,lfi CHILDREN directly de-
11 pendent upc on HL1 not to save a part of his income from
11 is earninos
earnings or his business.
A bank account is like a ball of snow ; it will melt
away unless you
ADD to it.
The habit of constantly
--------------------Ji the balance to their credit will make any
man or womi.tt RICH.
Make Ol’R bank YOUR bank.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit.
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
Clough Co.
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
For your Sunday roast call Sani­
tary Market.
Rough Lumber for sale.—Tilla-
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
mook Feed Co.
Clough Co.’s.
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla-
All kinds of lunch meats at the
* Sanitary Market.
n-.ook County Bank.
Born, on Wednesday to the wife of
The place to eat is at the "Good
John Zurcher, a daughter.
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Freshly dressed chicken
at the
The Tillarmook Meat Co., is paying Sanitary Market, Saturday.
ten cents for green hides.
Morris Leach went to Portland on
A fine quality of Tillamook made Tuesday with a car of hogs.
shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
Pasture for rent. Address W. R.
Illingsworth, Tillamook Oregon.
Electric Vacuum Cleaner for rent, I
We are in a position to make s-'me
50c. per hour. Apply at the Electric
* long time farm loans. First National
Store next to Gem Theater.
Try those 25c dinners at the Rani-
Indications are that there will be a
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ big summer travel into Tillamook
this summer.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Circuit Judge G. R. Bagley was in
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
from Hillsboro attending to several
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ equity cases.
mook Meat Company.
Sharp’s Restaurant now running at
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday
Fork, Veal and old fachioned country dinners a specialty.
Lost—Ladies sweater June 7th.
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Finder please leave at this office.
One ton of coal equals two cords of
Reasonable reward.
wood and you don’t have *0 sow and
P. S. Brumby, representing the
split it, Lamb-Schradcr Co., Hello Blodgett Co., was in the city arrang­
Centray Gi'me 28W.
* ing for fire wardens.
Attorney T. Tongue was in the city
Don’t forget those busted castings.
Can be welded for half. Goods sent on Wednesday in connection with
the pavement case.
by parcel post and express promptly
E. Miller and E. C. Smith have
returned. Hiner & Reed,
* bought out the "Stylecraft” pressing
| and cleaning parlors.
We have made special arrange-
The Women's Civic Improvement
ments with the Telephone Co., to League postponed its meeting one
connect you directly with our office, week, to the 10th of July.
Two five roomed cottages, furnish­
in case you wish any of our GOOD
ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap­
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
py camp, Netarts Oregon.
Wanted to trade or sell house and
Next Monday will be a legal holi­
lot in lillamook or in Portland for day, «nd the business men have
second hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre agreed to close for the day.
Maurice Hoarc, a cousin of J. H-
tracts of land for sale—Apply to J. S.
Stephens & Co., Room 1, Commercial Dunstan, came in on an extended
visit from Kansas City, Mo.
Building, Tillamook, Ore.
Carl Haberlach informs us that he
has issued 825 checks for May cheese
and they amounted to $85.988.95.
For sale or trade—A first class
second hand automobile. Inquire of
R B. Walls, Pacific Telephone Co. •
W. H. Wilson has brought suit in
the circuit court against H. E. Carr
to recover $53 00 on promissory note.
The weather the past few days has
been warm, and hay making is now
the order of things with the dairy­
Now is the time to can berries.
Leave your orders-at the Fruit Palace
for all kinds of berries, the best in
the market.
Sharp’s Restaurant now running at
Happy Camp, Netarts, Ore. Sunda/
dinners a specialty.
On Last 4^1
UAJVIAR’S variety store ,
Tillamook, Oregon.
Drop in and Look flround-'
Rev. J. E. Youei, the new pastor of
the Presbyterian church, failed to
reach the city in time to fill the pul-
pn in that church last Sunday. He
will do so next Sunday, having ar-
lived this week with his family from
The Tillamook and Bay City Base
Ball teams met for the second time
this season at the Fair Grounds last
Sunday and in a well played and in­
teresting game, Tillamook won by a
score ot 4 to’1. Blanchard for Tilla­
mook pitched his usual steady game.
The Bay City team put up ji good
game and is composed of players who
are a credit to any town.
About 3000 calves have been ship­
ped out of the county this year, to be
raised in different parts of the North­
west. As the calves are shipped by
express and have to be crated this
have made quite an industry, for in
previous years the calves from the
dairy herds of Tillamook County
were knocked in the head as soon as
Marriage licenses were issued to they were born, only a few being
Albert Boon and Gertrude McKim- saved to replace or increase the
ens; Earl Strong and Esther Thomas, stock on the farms.
Frances E. Mercer and Elsie Lee
Died, on Sunday at the Tillamook
i Sanatarium, S. W. Grabel, who has
Mrs. C. L. Wilks had the misfor- been a resident of this county for
tune to break one of her legs on Sun- many years. He had been in poor
. day at her home on the Trask river, health for some time and died from
and Dr. Wendt was called to set the a complication of diseases. He owned
injured limb.
beach property south of Bayocean,
Owing td the burning of a fuse at and was brought to the city last week
the Star Theater on Sunday evening He belonged to the I.O.O.F. and the
. the entertainment was postponed and remains were buried on Sunday after­
those who attended were refunded noon under the auspices of that order
the religious services being conduct­
1 their money.
ed by Rev. H. A. Van Winkle.
George Williams, of Bay City, will
County Surveyor H. Herring, of
be chief fire warden in this county
this year. Mr. Williams is a good man Yamhill, and County Surveyor R. L.
for the position and will be able to Shreve, returned to the city the first
of the week after making a survey of
handle the job.
the proposed Sour Grass road, which
The special feature at the Star is to be built by the two_ counties. It
Theatre on Friday evening is "The took-them eight days to make the
Silent Command.” in four parts. It is survey, and a good grade was estab­
a first class story of everyday life, lished. The road goes through a open
and it is worth seeing, as it is highly country and'will be easy to maintain.
They are preparing plans and specifi­
1 am compelled to sell eight head cf cations, assisted by roa'd master Hob­
registered Holsteins at my ranch at son, and in a few days bids will be
Taft, Oregon. If you want a bargain called for.
in something good, come at once.—
The special feature at the Star
Jesse —
Farrin, --
laft, Ore.
Theatre on Friday evening, when
Clark Bunday vs. John C. Creecy, "Lena Rivers” was produced in mov­
John C. Neil and Annie M. Neil is a ing 'pictures, filled that place of
suit filed in the circuit court for a amusement, and the audience was de­
judgment against the defendant John lighted with the play. Those who
C. Creecy in the sum of $21.50 and missed seeing “Lena Rivers” on Fri­
day missed a good entertainment. It
was well staged and the photographs
The Crochet Silk lace dress, made were excellent, and the large audience
by Mrs. J. M. DeLillies for one _ of was well pleased, especially those
the Grand Opera singers in San who had read the book. The manage­
Francisco, will be on exhibition in ment of the Star Theatre is to be con­
the window of the Grand Leader for gratulated for showing such high
a few days.
class pictures.
made _ in ____
Attorney J. L. Henderson has ar-
A mistake was____
that the Woods and Pacific City post ranged with a number of our citizens
offices have been consolidated, we to complete the work on the old light
having been misinformed. The post house road next Sunday. They have
office at Woods was simply moved put in several days hard work and all
that now remains to be done is to
across the river.
move some logs out of the way, and
Rev. Ed. Gittins made a good job when this is done the trail will be
cleaning up around the M. E. Church open. Mr. Henderson took the inia-
and parsonage, and it wouldn’t be a tive in opening the trail, and he is
bad idea if other citizens spent a few deserving of a good deal of credit for
hours doing the same thing around doing so. As he delivers the Fourth
their homes and premises.
of July oration in this city on Satur­
Monday being Miss Marie Holden's day, he will be able to do two men’s
birthday, 30 of her young friends work the next day. Well, get in and
gave her a surprise party to com­ help him complete the job on Sunday.
memorate the event, 'lhey had a jolly
J. H. Dunstan, president of the Fair
good time
together and a most Board, left for Portland on Wednes­
pleasant evening was enjoyed by all.
day to consult Dr. E. K. Scott, a
The Tillamook Headlight gives a specialist, in regard to his health. Mr.
picture of the Christian church Sun­ ijunstan has been quite sick at times
day school of that city which shows lately, and not getting better thought
318 members. This is a remarkable it advisable to undergo an operation.
showing for a single school in a He informs us that the new building
town tne size of Tillamook.—Tele­ at the fair grounds will be completed
this week and that the school dis­
phone Register.
tricts will take part in the fair. Every
The management of the Star Thea­ thing is in good shape and a good
tre has been successful in obtaining fair is predicted. Mr. Dunstan ex­
“East Lynn” to be shown July 7 and pects to be away several weeks, and
8 Wednesday and Thursday. This any information in regard to the
play consists of seven reels and will fair can be obtained from the secre­
no doubt be a great drawing card to tary, Wm. G. Tait, or L. M. Kraner.
the many patrons of the Star.
District Attorney Goyne went to
Owing to the Rural Mail Carrier Cloverdale last week to investigate
J. Merrel Smith having to count and some trouble two men by the names
weigh the mail on the route for four of Dugan and Faul got into. It is al­
weeks, he has discontinued delivering leged they went down the Nestucca
the mail after ihc arrival of the train, in a motor boat and a row between
and is now leaving the city at eight them took place. Paul had Dugan ar­
o'clock the next morning.
rested charged with assault. As the
I men
had been drinking Mr. Goyne
Rev. F. C. Schnuelle, pastor of the did not think the evidence sufficient
German Reformed
will to warrant a conviction. Dugan it is
preach his farwell sermo^n Sunday said had a sum of money on him
next, having been called to a larger which he claims was stolen, and it
field at St. Joe, Mo. Mr. Schnuelle was on account of this that the troub­
has been here three years and he and le originated. Dugan it seems got in-,
his family have made many friends.
to other trouble by cuttin-» the tire
I have a small tract of land half of the auto of the Cloverdale butcher,
a mile of city limits of Corvallis, Ore. which he settled for. The case was
7 roomed house and good barn. Will dismissed.
trade for Tillamook County property.
At a meeting of the city council on
Anyone desiring to locate at Corvall­ Monday evening bids were opened
is would do well by calling at my for the construction of a steel draw­
address, W. W. Conder, Tillamook, bridge across Hoquarton Slough.
• There were only two bids, that of
Double train service on the P. R. & the Feeney Bremer Co. and the Port­
x_____ ____
__________ be­ land Bridge and Iron Co., and A. T.
N. parted
today _ (Thursday),
tween Portland and Tillamook. The Dolan had a bid in for the concrete
train leaves Portland at 1 y> p.m. and work. The bid of the former was
arrives at 7 35 P -«n. and leaves this $6,650 for the bridge complete with
city at 4.35 p m. The train will not side walk and that of the latter was
have a mail clerk but will carry mail $6,884.00, which with extras amount­
ed to $7,034.00. The contract was let
in a through pouch.
to Feeney Bremer Co. The only other
Mrs. Harrison entertained the business before the city ccvncil was
Swastika Club
Friday afternoon The the passage of anordinance closing
afternoon passed very pleasantly, bowling alleys oiPSundays, repealin
everyone enjoying a good time in a an ordinance increasing automobiles
social way. After delicious refresh­ and allowing H. T. Botts $500.00 for
ments, the club adjourned to meet attorney’s fees.
with Mrs. Hays. The guests were
Mesdames Van Winkle, Wheeler,
Circuit Court Cases.
Mapes and Todd.
Ifi the case of W. G. Dwight
Arrangements have been made for
three base ball games for the Fourth John Krebs, et al, it was continued on
of July celebration in Tillamook City, condition that defendant pay to the
tarn will jilay
play the plaintiff $10, to be paid in 20 days.
and the Beaverton team
Tillamook team on Friday, Saturday
In the case of Carl O. Shagren vs.
and Sunday afternoons at the Fair •he Arab, on motion of B Earl
grounds Beaverton ia the ehnmipots Smith, administrator of the estate of
team of the Willamette valley, and MiltoitT G. Smith,-asking that the
three good games will be ployed.
.udgment made and rendered be c»t
lujo PER YEAR.
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why.
First National Bank;
Tillamook, Ore.
aside, and that the adminisfrator be
allowed to file an answer to the com­
plaint, it appearing to the court that
the motion was well taken and that
the judgment w as rendered because of
a mistake, the motion was granted
and the judgment set’ aside.
In the case of Oscar JohnsoiTvs. P.
Krall, E. \V. Krall and W. J. Steph­
ens. upon a demurrer to the further
and separate answer of the defendant
it was overruled and the plaintiff
given to days in which to file a reply.
In the case of John Stoker vs Otis
Jones et al, the judge ordered a de­ f
cree entered against the defendants.
Construction Company
The Warren Construction Co made
a proposition to the citizens who
brought suit against that company
for npt complying with the specifi­
cations in laying the pavement in t’ e
city, in which the company agrees to
reduce the cost of the pavement ?(c.
per yard, give a ten year guarant y',
and waive all interest, which amounts
to $32,000, also to pay the litigants
The litigants have held two meet­
ings to consider the matter and a
committee was appointed to submit
another proposal to the construction
company. There appears to be some
criticism in regart to the litigants
accepting the $25,000 to drop the case
as that appears to be in the nature of
a bribe, especially when it was frnlv
stated wh n the case was started
that if the litigants won out the con­
struction company would not be able
to collect anything for the pavement.
There appears to be some friction
amongst the litigants, and the per­
sonalities indulged in at the meeting
at the court house have already caus­
ed some bad blood, especially those
by A. G. Beals who indukjed in in­
sulting language against several of
the leading business men of the city.
It is within the province of the liti­
gants to settle with the construction
company if they feel disposed, but it
is up to the City Council, who em­
ployed competent attorneys to look
after the city’s and the citizens’ in­
terest to sec that they all get a square
Teachers’ Examination.
Teachers attending the examina­
tions this week arc:
Winnie Epplett, Tillamook.
Pearl Ripley, Garibaldi.
Gertrude Schlappi, Tillamook.
Dolores Buckles, Garibaldi.
Elmo Burbank, Netarts.
Jennie Ward, Neskowin.
Carrie Brown, Sandlakc.
biota Scvctancc, Tillamook.
Mamie Sutton, Neskowin.
Margaret Bash, Nehalem.
W. E. Thompson, Nehalem.
Kathryn Ward. Neskowin.
Mrs. Elmo Brown Tillamcjk.
Alice Moore Phillips, Tillamook.
A. L. Applewhite, Hebo.
Helen Beals. Tillamook.
Minnie M Ripley, Garibaldi.
l.cola Dunham, Hemlock.
Mrs. Maurice Bays. Pacific City.
Mabel R. Terry, Tillamoo.k
I.eah E. Howard, Beaver.
Dorellc Shives Hale, Owens.
Mrs. Cora Einch, Tillamook.
Daisv Goodspeed, Tillamook.
Ruth Burge, Tillamook.
Georgia Sowers, Beaver.