Tillamoolc Headlight. June 24, IOI5 O. & C. GRANT SALES HALTED. Memorial Exercises of the Knights Annual School Meeting. Saie of Bonds. of Pythias. Supreme Court Reverses Forfeiture ----- o---- - There was a fairly good attendance Tiliamook City offers for sale Citv Decree. ru?e" ?hX‘ Sunday,excning. 27th of Marat!h ?*“orial «erases of the at the school meeting on Moiida.' Hall Bonds issue of $21,000.00 in de­ and considerable interest nominations of $1,000.00. Interest 6 Washington, June 21.—By a unan­ -Marathon Lodge, No. 89 K. of P afternoon taken. per cent payable semi-annually. D imous decision rendered by Justice Jhe Rev M “Vlhe Christian Church Was Attorney H. T. Butts was re-eleeted 20 years. Redeemable, after & years. McKenna the United States Supreme he .H Mr tV»n------------ delivering director Bids will be received up to July and attornej' E. J. Claussen Court today rejected the contention the address of the evening was re-elected clerk. 1915. Certified cheek for 2 per cent of the Government and of cross-com­ ■ He will cover the cause of Pythian- After the election Mr. Claussen gave accompany bid to insure taking plainants and of intervenors in the sm from its earliest concemon up to his annual report after which other bonds by successful bidder. Right Oregon & California land grant suit; the present day, dwelling especially mailers were discussed. reject all bids reserved. declined to decree forfeiture; held the upon the story of the friendship of Address 1.Il communications to John I h< s Coates, one of the custodians actual settlers clause to be an en­ PythLV“11 Eyllnas 50 dear ‘o «ery of the Stillwell Park fund asked for Aschim, City Recorder, Tillamook, forceable "covenant” and not a con­ an appropriation fur the improvement Oregon.___________ This story which has been taken as of the park. This park of 5 acre? was dition subsequent,” and in reversing the decree of Judge Wolverton en­ kni ¿°Undi,,2n . of ,he order of given to the children of the city bj Call for Bids for Bridge. joined the railroad company against Knights of Pythias has been told Baxter Stillwell six years ago with Hit turther violation of the covenants. countless thousands of times, but at understanding that a reasonable TILLAMOOK CITY. OREGON, Jwill Going, further, however, the court each new hearing we find somethin- amount of improvement should be receive bids up to June 28th, 1915, for new to wonder at and ponder over made on the property each year. While i tne construction of steel drawbridge says: "In view of such disregard of the as it has the ring of truth in its ever) some improvement» have been made, : xi.d approaches across Hoq'iarlon J nothing has been u ade to beautify the Slough 11 1 illamook City, i.i accard- covenants to gain illegal emolument, word. 1 he service will begin at eight grounds or make much of a showing. ance with plans and specifications and in view of the Government’s in­ terest in exact observance of them, it sharp, and to all visiting brethern as 'Iliis phase of the matter was dis­ therefor prepared bv City Engineer might seem that restriction upon the m 1» asJ° l.hose of the home Castle cussed and it was pointed out that in and on file with Ci'.v Recorder. Certified check for 5 per cent is re­ further conduct of the railroad com­ Hall a hand of welcome is extended, appreciation of Mr. Stillwell's splen­ pany and its various agencies is an u n desira1’1'-' to meet al the Cast! le did gift something substantial should quired with bid to insure ruccessful ,;,v be done for the improvement of the bidder entering into construction of imperfect relief; but the Government Hall at seven thirty and g go u to the church in a body so as to avoid the grounds, and accordingly $500 was bridge, with approved bond. has not asked for more. confusion of finding the space re- voted for that purpose. Right to reject any and all bids is No Lands to be Sold. A motion was made and seconded, reserved. Bids should be addressed to served for us at the church during “We think, therefore, that the rail­ this address. asking that the boa’d appropriate John Aschim, City Recorder, Tilla­ road company should not only be en­ enough to try out the Montessori sys mook, Oregon. joined from sales in violation of the tem for the instruction of the little Chautauqua News. covenants, but enjoined from any dis­ folks Letween the ages of 3 and 6 years Call For Bids. position of the lands whatever or of age. It was thought bv many Colonel William Hamilton Miller of the timber thereon and from cutting says: present that as the sys'em was as yet I'm strong for you folks that an experiment and somewhat expen­ Bids will be received by Tillamook or authorizing the cutting or removal are cutting out the strong, square, sive it wou'd not be wise to trv it out City, Oregon for the improvement of of any of the timber thereon until clear timbers of constructive living at this time. The motion was voted Second Avenue East from the North Congress shall have a reasontble op­ out of which real worth while com­ dowr. side of Ninth Street and connecting portunity to provide by legislation munities are builded. ” Colonel Miller The — matter ■ v» v vs- s V of * y, erecting I X. X. V I I I C, C* a r play J Olixvi shed I streets South to the South boundary for their disposition in accordance is known as a c„...... ' ■ " ... ". j of Tillamook City. community develop-I or gymnasium for the children on the with such policy as it may deem fit­ inent lecturer and he is going to plav grounds was also discussed and it Streets to be paved with concrete, ting under the circumstances and at speak at the Chautauqua to be held was finally decided to appropriate the with curbs and gutters and sheet as- the same time secure of the defend­ here from July 12 to 17. His sum of $600 for the erection of a play phalt wearing surface. ants all the value the granting acts is to help us to make our purpose district shed where the children could piny in All in accordance with plans and conferred upon the railroads. both bigger and better. rainy weather and be kept out of the specifications on file with the City “If Congress does not make such Other able lecturers will also ap­ wet. Recorder. provision the defendants may apply pear and the musical numbers sched­ Bids will be received un to 8 o’clock to the District Court within a reason- uled to heard iu the twelve pro­ Body of C. W. Prentiss Brought to p.m. on Wednesday, July 14th. 1915. ble time, not less than six months, grams of be the week will be far above Tillamook for Burial. All bids must be accompanic 1 by a from the entry of the decree herein, the average. Season cost $2.50 certified check for 5 per cent of the for a modification of so much of the until the opening day. tickets ’s come out On Saturday last the body of Dr. amount of the bid as a guarantee that injunction herein ordered as enjoins to the Chautauqua and Let for the Charles W. Prentiss was laid to rest the successful bidder will enter into any disposition of the lands and tim­ better things that help boost everybody to at the Bay City cemetery. Rev. O’t- contract for the making of the im­ ber until Congress shall act, and the ‘get their feet off the ground. ” That’s tins of this city was present at the provement, and give approved bond court in its discretion may modify what a Chautauqua is for. interment and took charge of the cere­ to secure the performance of the the decree accordingly.” Buckner’s Jubilee Singers are a monies. Dr. Prentiss was a son in same. Penalty is Provided. company of refined cultured colored law of Robert Watt of Bav City. Mrs. The right is reserved to reject any This last and unexpected feature of people who have made a life work of Prentiss, we understand, was detained and all bids. Bids to be addressed to the decision, again throwing the land music and entertainment of the Jubi­ in Chicago by the illness of one of the City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ gon. grant case into Congress, simply lee character. They offer a program children. Following is the obituary' of Dr. Dated June 22nd, 1915. means that the court did not feel that of wide range—possibly no organiza­ John Aschim, the railroad company should go un­ tion on the week’s program will of­ Prentiss. Dr. Charles William Prentiss, Pro­ City Recordei punished for its deliberate and re­ fer such a variety. They sing planta­ peated violations of the granting act. tion melodies, jubilees, dialect sones, fessor of Microscopic Anatomy at University Medical While the court ¡.olds the railroad sacred music and even grand opera. Northwestern Call For Bids. died at Wesley Hospital, Chi­ company is still entitled to receive Single admission tickets to the grand School, cago at five o ’ clock Saturday after ­ jubilee concert to be given on the last $2.50 for each unsold acre of its grant Bids will be received by Tillamook noon, June the twelfth, after an ill­ Congress, having displayed its con­ night of the Chautauqua will cost 50c. ness City, Oregon for the improvement of of about six weeks. cern over violations of the granting lheodore Roosevelt says: The Dr. Prentiss was born in Washington, Fifth Street from the flush tank near act, is given opportunity to say how Chautauqua is the most American D. C., Aug. 14, 1874 He was married the West side of Park Street East to thing in America. unsold lands shall be disposed of. to Sara Watt, May 26th, 1908, and was a point 30 feet West of the East Arthur A. Franzke traveled on foot, the father of three boys: Charles B. boundary of Tillamook City, Oregon, There is no restraint on Congress, other than that it must guarantee the covering most of the eastern part of who died Sept. 2nd, 1910; Robert W. by constructing a sewer along that railroad company $2.50 an acre fol the United States in gathering data now four old, and Donald C. two years portion of said street. All in accordance with plans and every acre sold hereafter. Congress for his famous lectures. old. Btsides the widow and two sons can make appropriation to pay the he is survived by a brother Albert W. specifications on file with the City Recorder. railroad this amount atid assume full Fire Sweeps Timber. Prentiss of Washington, D, C. Bids will be received up to 8 o’clock title to and do with the lands as it During his coliege course at Middle­ on Wednesday, July 14th, 1915. pleases; it can order the sale of the Hillsboro, Ore., June 19.—The bury, where his father was a member p.m. All bids must be accompanied by a lands under any terms and conditions town of T imber in the Coast range, of the faculty, he took a prominent it deems proper, or it can authorize between here and Tillamook on the part in all the activities of the school, certified check for 5 per cent of the the railroad company to dispose of railroad was entirely swept away by especially in athletics, and was captain amount of the bid as a guarantee that them in any way it may prescribe, fire at 2:30 o'clock this morning, the of the foot ball team of the College. the successful bidder will enter into just so long as the railroad company origin of which is a mystery. The He wss graduated with honors from contract for the making of the im­ in the end gets its $2.50 an acre. town consisted of two stores, a hotel Middlebury in 1895. He took up post provement, and give approved bond Intervenors and cross-complainants; and a half a dozen residents, and the graduate work at Harvard Uuiversity to secure the performance of the those who have squatted on railroad value of the property destroyed is in Zoology where he was given the same. The right is reserved to reject any lands and those who have offered to variously estimated at from $20,000 degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1900. buy, are held to have no standing in to $30,000, with no insurance, No During the next two years he studied and all bids. Bids to be addressed to a*. Freiburg, Germany, and at Naples, City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ this case, which the court recognizes. lives were lost. Italy. He held teaching appointments Their relief, if any, must come from The fire was discovered by the successively in the Zoological Depart­ gon. Dated June 22nd, 191.5- Congress. Congress can give these so train crew of extra train No. 2931 John Aschim, called settlers and these intended pur­ which arrived at Timber last night ments of Harvard Uuiversity, Western Reserve University,' and the Univer­ _______ City Recorder. chasers preference rights to buy, if it and stopped for the night. The crew sity of Washington, Seattle. Since so elects, or it can disregard them al­ headed by conductor Fisher and En­ 1909 he has been teaching Histology Call For Bids. together. But until Congress gives gineer Clow, was awakened at 2:30 and Embryology at the Northwestern them a statute, they have none, for o'clock this morning by the fire and University Medical School where he Bids will be received by Tillamook the Supreme Court holds that they found that the flames were burning occupied the chair of Microscopic An­ City, Oregon for the improvement of have no proper place in the proceed­ under the houses of the town, all lo­ atomy. ings which ended with today’s decis­ cated on a side hill. The roof of the He was a member of the Society of Fifth Street from the Center of Sixth ion. depot was also burning. By the ef­ Naturalists, the So"itty of Zoologists, Avenue East, easterly and East to the East boundary of Tillamook City. If within six months after the Dis­ forts of the train crew the occupants and the Association of Anatomists. Streets to be paved witli concrete, trict Court at Portland renders its of the whole town were aroused and He was tbe author of many papers amended decree, in conformity with some of the groceries and provisions and monographs presenting the results with curbs and gutters. All in accordance with plans and the Supreme Court decision of today, in the stores were saved. There were of his own investigations in the fields Congress has not, by legislation, -ro- no facilities for fighting fire available of Zoology ar.d Anatomy. His Text specifications on file witli the City vided for the disposition of the 2,300- and the little village was swept away. book of Embryology published last Recorder. Bids will be received up to 8 o’clock 000 acres of unsold land within the The depot lost its roof, but the rest of January is a contribution of the first grant, the railroad company may the building was saved and this is importance to the literature of that p.m. on Wednesday, July 14th, 1915. All bids must be accompanied by a then apply to the District Court at practically all there is left of Timber subject. The hard work which he put into this book was no doubt partly certified check for 5 per cent of the Portland for permission to'sell its today. _______ ____ responsible for bringing about his un­ amount of the bid as a guarantee that unsold lands in strict Conformity with the successful bidder will enter into the actual settler’s clause, and the timely death. Mrs. M. S. Jensen is Dead. In his death American men of science contract for the making of the im­ District Court may in its discretion lose a comrade whom they esteemed provement, and give approved bond grant that authority, which will run (From Courier.) most highly, and he will long be re to secure the performance of the until such time as Congress does pro­ The Courier is again called upon to membered by many as a generous and same. vide some other means of disposing chronicle the death of an old and re­ The right is reserved to reject any faithful friend. of the lands. spected pioneer. It will be remem­ and all bids. Bids to be addressed to Other Suits Not Barred. bered that two weeks ago Mrs. Jen­ City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ Notice of Foreclosure Sale. Today’s decision, it is pointed out sen, while engaged at her household gon. by the Supreme Court, does not bar washing accidently scalded herself Dated June 22nd, 1915. Notice is hereby given that in pur ­ tne Government, from instituting with a boiler of water. Dr. Shearer John Aschim, suance of a judgmc.it and decree en ­ other suits against the railroad com­ was at once called and did all that City Recorder. tered in the Circuit Court of the State pany on account of the sales hereto­ medical skill could do. The feeble of Oregon, for Tillamook County, in fore made in tracts of more than 160 life seemed to tremble in the balance Call For Bids. and the cause pending wherein Tillamook *cres, and at prices in excess of $2.^0 for several days, her family f County Bank, a corporation is plain ­ Per acre. Such suits, if instituted will friends hoping against hope, She Bids will be received by Tillamook not affect those sales to innocent succumbed to the shock onTuesday tiff, and Francis D. Mitchell, Ida J. City, Oregon for the improvement of purchasers, which have been settled morning. The funeral took place from Mitchell, G. W. Rice and Jane Doe Fifth Street, from the East line of •n court, under the act of August 20, the home, Rev. F. S. Ford, pastor of Rice, his wife are defendants, which Second Avenue East, East to the cen­ 1912. the Presbyterian church, officiating. decree was entered on the 21st day ter of Sixth Avenue East, and Third “This suit was brought,” says the Friends from all over the south part of June, 1915, and in pursuance of an Avenue East from the South line of Supreme Court, "to determine the of the county were present and filled execution and order of sale issued Fourth Street to the North line of a,?d remedies as to unsold lands the house, scores had to remain out­ upon said decree by the clerk of said Fifth Street. and it is alleged that subsequently side. The service was simple and brief Court bearing date June —, I9>5> I Streets to be paved with concrete, of beautiful have levied upon, and will, on Mon­ with curbs and gutters and sheet as­ 0 , ?r suits will be instituted as to Many contributions •old lands, rights and remedies as to floral emblems were placed on her day the 19th day of July, 1915, at the phalt wearing surface. them being in effect reserved. There­ grave in the Odd Fellow’s cemetery Court House door in Tillamook City, All in accordance with plans and fore, the decree in this suit shall be by her neighbors and friends of year« Oregon, at the hour of to o’clock-a. specifications on file with the Lily m., sell at public auction to the high ­ of acquaintance. A long procession of without prejudice to any other suits, bidder for cash in hand all of the Recorder. ftghts or remedies which the govern- ’ friends followed the remains to their est Bids will be received up to 8 o’clock right, title and interest of the de­ i htfnt may have by law or under the last resting place. p.m. on Wednesday. July 14th, 1915. fendants, held on February 8th, 1913, Marew Sophia Hansen was born in joint resolution of April to, 1908, or All bids must be accompani d by‘a Denmark May 26, 1842; in November or since acquired by them in and to certified check for 5 per cent of th under the act of August 20, 1912.”. the following described real property 1866, she was joined in marriage to amount of the bid as a guarantee that Mr. Lars Jensen, and to this union situate in Tillamook County, Oregon, the successful bidder will ent. r into to-wit: Lot 44 of Block M, Bayocean, Tillamook Still on Top. six children were born, two of whom contract for the making of the im­ died in infancy. Mrs. Jensen was a for the purpose of satisfying a judg­ provement, and give approved bond Sid Blanchard won his fifth straight member of the Luthern church, also ment rendered in said cause together to secure the performance of the ictory Sunday when he defeated a member of the Grange, whcrejhc with the costs and expenses of the sanu. Beaver to the tune of 16 to 5. Blanch­ was faithful in the discharge of her sale. The judgment is for the sum of The right is reserved to reject any ed not only pitched a fine game but duties as an officer of the lodge. For $1,263.71, with interest at 8 per cent and all bids. Bids to be addressed to per annum from June 21st, 1915, $125 iufe of the game he wolloped a short time she lived in New Jersev City Recorder, Tillamook City, Ore­ ut five hits out of five times up 1 moving to California and 35 year* as attorney’s fees, and $3990 costs gon. and disbursements. Wmin also good game on ' ago moved to Hebo, Oregon, where ik in the near future. It cruelty. ■JI 11 fbis time th-t the Harri- the proceed» of her husband s manu­ down to the »ea enough material to when swallowed, has been known to | return and run out of nose and cars. uAth of ji^ort:and wi" pl,y h’re scripts or did he read poetry to her duplicate them. I 'onights? PEsSOl-VED THAT W e W ill re pleased To H ave you come IN AND5EL OU^tiOOD GROCERIES AND OUK C omplete J tock "WK /ARE JUSTLY P roud , for . we ’ ve G ot the goods RAY & CO SPECIAL FLOUR AND FEED PRICES Pure White Flour JI.85 sk., Highland Blend Flour $l.80sk. Olympic Pattent Flour $1.80 sk. Snow White Flour $1.75 sk. No. I White Oats $35 per ton Process Rolled Barley $34 per ton Wheat Scratch Food $7.20 tbl. $7.00 bb'. $7.00 bbl. $6 80 bbl. $1.85 c A/t. $1.35 sk. $2.50cw‘ $2.40 cwt. Leave orders with us for land plaster. RAY & CO. GROCERIES, SMOKED MEATS, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, ’HAY, GRAIN, FEED. TILLAMOOK. - - - OREGON Furnished Housekeeping Tents Only One Dollar a Day. Electric lights and water iu every or hunt for tent; go surf bathing crabs and clams; tent city is under direction of Bar View hotel; many entertaining features; no liquors al­ lowed sold. Rates by week, $5 and up; sleeping tents and board at hotel, $4 per day and up. Write W. A. Wise, Bar View, Tillamook County, Ore., or 210 Failing Bldg., Portland Ore. BAR VIEW DANCE HALL OPEN FOR THE SEASON Dance Saturday Night Printing Point Does Not and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to write capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. The only movement of the carriage Is back and f ;rt!i on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— ; nJ this does not take place while the print is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. Aik for ffemonitration L. C. Smith U Bros. Typewriter Co, ll«u Off... .U 306 O . k st SYRACUSE N Y. Portland, Ore