Tillamook Headlight. June 24. State Press Flashlights. creations had become greater than the creators. Roosevelt thought that with a new party he could dislodge the president he had made; and suc­ i ceeded in destroying Taft and him­ self. Bryan forgetting the fate of the loquacious hermit of Oyster Bay, is forming a new party of the prohi- . bitionists and peace-at-any price, and [ will try to wrest the presidency from Wilson. In the ladder by which Bryan has sought to climb to the White House are many rotten rungs —free silver, anti-expansion, govern­ —w hatever seemed ment ownership _____ new, catchy and in opposition to the established order was employed by this timjst and opportunist, and each I was sacrificed in turn. When the oc­ casion passes, Bryan will desert his peace and prohibitionist party, and find a new platform on which to con­ tinue running for the elusive presi- dency.—The Spectator. Summons. seventy-five days after the date of service of this citation if served upon vou in any other state, then and there ¡0 show cause, if any there be why the prayer of petitioner herein should not be granted, which is that the order admitting the alleged and pre tended will of E. H. \ irgel to P«>bate which order was made and rendert , and entered of record in said Court in the matter therein pending entitl­ ed “In the matter of the Estate of E. 11 Virgel, deceased," and w hich said order was entered in said matter and in said court on or about the 8th day of April, 19'4. be set aside and held for naught, and that the alleged and pretended will in said order mention­ ed be adjudged and decreed to be not the will or act of the said E. H. \ ir­ gel, deceased; that the petitioner herein be appointed administrator ot the estate of said E. H. Y irgel, de­ ceased; that the defendants \\ illiam Al Ladd, Charles E. Ladd and New- ton McCoy as the executors hereto­ fore appointed by this Court, be re­ quired to account for the real proper­ ty of the decedent, and be required to deposit with this Court to be ad­ ministered upon, all of the money and personal property of said estate of the value of $125,000.00; that said ex­ ecutors be discharged from further management, control or interference with said estate, or any portion there­ of, and that petitioner have judgment against defendants, and each of :hem, 5 for the costs and disbursements of this proceeding, and such other and 4 further relief and remedy as may be just and equitable. Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook with the seal of said Court affixed, this 3rd day of April, A. D., 1915. Attest: J. C. Holden, (Seal) Clerk. First publication June 24, 1915. Last publication July 15, 1915- YOUR FIRE INSURANCE IS SAFE WITH-THIS-AGENCY In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for I illamook County. Samuel Leback, Joseph E. Dillityi, and William Pene- gor, Plaintiffs. vs. Allan H. Wilson, Laura L. ........ Wilson, Srethna - S. Phelps, S. YV. Thompson and Floyd One-third of the people of the A. Swan. Defendants. country think they can beat a lawyer To Allen H. Wilson. Laura L. Wil­ expounding the laws. One-half think son, S. W. Thompson and rloyd A. they can beat the doctor in healing Swan the above named defendants: I the sick. Two-thirds of them think In the name of the State of Oregon, they can put the minister in the hole you are hereby required to appear expounding the gospel, and all of and answer the complaint J1;®" them think they can beat the editor against you in the above entitled running a paper.—ltemizer. Court in the above entitled cause on or before six (6) weeks from the date A significant step is being taken by of the first publication of this sum­ the state university, looking to the mons, to-wit, on or before six (o) abolishing of the intercollegiate ath­ weeks from the 24th day of June, 191.1 letics. It is proposed to place the More Rural Mail Routes. and if you fail to so appear, for want I movement into effect a year from the ------o------ thereof, the plaintiffs will apply present time. The purpose is to im­ Rural districts in all parts of the prove scholarship, and have all stud­ country will have more mail routes the Court for the relief therein de­ ents take part in the athletic fields, and a better service as a result of re­ manded, which is for a decree ad­ I rather than have a few leaders and adjustments and consolidations which judging and decreeing that certain the others to be onlookers. It is the are now completed. I he service, un­ mortgage executed by Allen II. W 11- purpose to discontinue trips to other der the new arrangements will begin son and Laura L. Wilson, his institutions for athletic purposes. 1 he June 15. Under new routings and as mortgagors, to Samuel Leback, present system interferes with studies combinations of former lines, 710 Joseph H. Dillian and William Pene- gor, as mortgagees, of date July 2 Telephone Register. new routes have been established 1909, and recorded at page 408, Book Phone Us, Todd Hotel. along with 82,390 families, hitherto "S”, Records of Mortgages, in the At this juncture President Wilson without rural mail rout service, will office of the County Clerk of i ilia- might do worse than forget political be served. 1 mook County, Oregon, to be a first affiliations anil offer the portfolio of Out of the savings in operating ex­ lien upon all and singular the follow­ state to Mr. Taft. Politics are often penses effected by the readjustment treacherous and in a crises a blending of existing lines, which will exceed ing described real estate, situate in of all parties often accomplishes $500,000 annually, it has been found the said County of Tillamook, State what cannot be attained by the party possible to extend existing lines a of Oregon, to-wit: The North half of the Northwest in power. America has seldom sx.cn distance of 642I4 miles, bringing diplomats of keener political intution 5460 families hitherto unserved into quarter of Section five (5) in Town­ than Mr. Taft. His recent utterances the zone of service, Re adjustment ship (2) South of Range Ten (10) have placed him in the forefront in and extension together bring approx­ West of the Willamette Meridian, the admiration of the American peo­ imately 80,000 more families into save and excepting therefrom the ple. Perhaps the president will not rural service zones. On the basis of land heretofore conveyed to School heed our suggestion, but it is offered the Postal Department’s ratio of District No. 7 by instrument recorded I in Book "P”, page 243, Deed Rec­ to him gratis.—Oregon Messenger. population to the family, the new ords of Tillamook County, Oregon. lines and extensions of existing lines Also, beginning at a point on the Notice of Contest. An eastern scientist has discovered will bring the rural mail service to U. S. Meander line at the Southeast i a method for the measuring of the half a million more of people. ' corner of Lot six (6) of Section six Department of the Interior, United temperaments of men and women. In That such a service can be indefi­ (6) in Township two (2) South his diagnosis of a certain well known nitely extended without a great in­ Range ten (10) West of the Willam­ States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, June 15, 1915. bachelor he gives the following as crease in cost of service has been ap­ ette Meridian, and running ■ thence To Levi Koch, of Tillamook, Ore­ prime essentials to material hap­ parent for some time. Naturally, in North 46'/ deg. West, seven and f gon Contestee: piness:—"She must be from 5 feet the beginning mistakes were made, thirty hundredths (7-3°) chains, I You are hereby notified that Archi­ X 3 to 5 feet 6 in. high. She must be all of which, just as naturally, tended, thence North 5% deg. West eight tactful. She must weigh from 141 to owing to the misrepresentations and eighty-seven hundredths (8.87) bald C. Walls, who gives Tillamook, 146. She must be cheerful at all times, made by interested parties at Wash­ chains, thence North 5% deg. East, j Oregon, as his post-office address, 1 did on June 12th, 1915. file in Illis especially before breakfast. She must ington, toward making the service seventeen and eighty hundredths be sympathetic. She must be am­ cost a great deal more than necessary (17.80) chains, thence North eighteen I office his duly corroborated applica- bitious. She must be able to sing. It Consolidations and readjustments of and three-fourths (i8}$) deg. West | tion to contest and secure the cancel­ is essential that she have a mezza- routes can result in large savings twelve and sixty hundredths ( 12.60) lation of your Homestead Entry, I Serial No. 02194 made August 31st, soprano voice.” No wonder there are which, as is now being done, should thence North 49 deg. West, ! ¡909, for the NE %, Section 20 Town- so many bachelors. If men would be be turned into the opening of new chains, being ' ship 1 South, Range 8 West, Willam­ two (2) chains, the foregoing sure of happiness they must have routes and the lengthening of the old the meander line of high water, ette Meridian, and as groundsfor his their males made to order, according ones. thence West ten (10) chains to low • contest he alleges that said Levi Koch to this theory.— Willamina Times. water mark, thence along the meiii- has never since making such entry The Tillamook Road. der line of low water as follows: resided upon the said lands, nor in It is a matter of satisfaction to note t South 57 deg. East eleven (it) anywise 1st St. and 2nd Ave. cultivated or improved the that Germany and England have list­ At last it secins that we are to have chains, thence South 2t deg. East ened to the protest of outrageed hu­ a road—actually to have a road where eight (8) chains, thence South 3 deg. ! same, nor any part thereof, being a manity to the extent of agreeing that on men may travel without paying West eight and twenty-one hun­ period of more than five years from henceforth churches, hospitals and tribute to private parties for the priv­ dredths (8.21) chains, thence South the date of making such entry; but on museums' are to be exempt from aer­ ilege. The adoption of the Sour Grass 7 deg. East nineteen and fifty hun­ the contrary he has abandoned the Notice to Contractors. ial bombardment. Churches are rout by the joint courts ofTillamook dredths (19.50) chains, thence 22 deg. said lands for said period of five plainly distinguishable and hospitals and Yamhill counties, ami the agree­ East five and thirty hundredths (5.30) years. You arc, therefore, further notified and museums are to be marked by ment to ci eate a special district and chains, thence South 76 deg. East Sealed proposals addressed to the painting white and black squares on to proceed at once to the building of four (4) chains, thence North one and that the said allegations will be taken County Court of Tillamook County, their roofs which may be discerned this connecting link; asurcs us that a eighty hundredths (1.80) chains to as confessed, and your said entry will Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to by military aviators. There has nev­ highway will be established and a the place of beginning, containing be canceled without further right to complete the er been any justification for the des­ modern road will take the place of fourteen and thirty-five hundredths be heard, either before this office or Tillamook-Cloverdale County road. on appeal, if you fail to file in this from Station o plus 00 to Station truction of hospitals and churches. the toll road over which a l large traf-. (14.35) acres of tidelands. 51 Indiscriminate dropping of bombs is fie has been carried on for many Also Lot four (4), five (5), six (6), office within twenty days after the plus 60 adhorrent to every sense of right ami years past. The road will be planked seven (7) and eight s(8), in Block, fourth publication of this notice, as in accordance with the plans an! shown below, your answer, under specifications thereof on file in the decency. Civilization will applaud for the entire distance of 5'4 miles, three (3), in Netarts Bay Park, the decision of the billigerents to Although 4 miles of this is in Yam- together with all and singular the oath, specifically responding to these office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ the frightful and useless destruction hill and only 1% in Tillai mook, the tenements, hereditaments and ap- allegations of contest, together with mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ which has been one of the most hor­ counties have agreed to divide the purtenanccs thereunto belonging, or due proof that you have served a copy ed by the County Court of said Coun­ rifying features of the present war. cost equally as the benefit is, admit­ in anywise appertaining, to secure the of your answer on the said contest­ ty, at its office in the Court House, A further agreement, protecting the tedly, in favor of Tillamook. $20,000 payment of the sum of $3,050.00, with ant either in person or by registered at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the lives of passengers on neutral vessels is comparatively a small sum, when interest thereon at the rate of 0 per mail. hour of 10 o’clock a.tn. on the 2nd might well be made by the two na­ the importance of this work is con­ cent per annum from July 2, 1909 due You should state in your answer day of July, 1915, and at that time tions.—Observer. sidered, and yet it is claimed that the the plaintiff Samuel Leback, and the the n me of the post office to which publicity opened and read. Each bid road can be completed for that further sum of $1,200.00, with interest you desire future notices to be sent shall be accompanied by a certified We need have no fear that the amount. This leaves each county with thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per to you. check made payable to the County controversy in the state highway a reserve fund of $5,000 for other annum from July 2, 1909 due the N. Campbell, Register. for an amout equal to 5 per circles as to who is state highway needed work in their respective coun­ plaintiff Joseph E. Dillian, and the Date of first publication June 24, 1915 Clerk, engineer, Cantine or Lewis, will in ties. It is the intention to use this further sum of $700.00, with interest Date of 2nd publication July 1, 1915. cer.. of the amount of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to any wav interfere with the highway mainly for the improving of the road thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per Date of 3rd publication July 8, 1915. the County, in case the bid be accept­ work itself. Both men are of that cal­ on each side of this new stretch. Date of 4th publication July 15, 1915. annum from July 2, 1909 due plaintiff ed and the bidder shall fail, neglect ibre. or appear to be at least, that With this much assured—and that ___ William Pcncgor, and the further or refuse for a period of five days will not permit the sacrificing of the by the two counties alone—we may sum of $500.00 attorney’s fees iti this after which the award is made to public's interests on account of per­ now hope that Lincoln and Polk will suit, all secured by the lien of said Notice of Contest. enter into a contract and file a bond sonal differences. The controversy get togeth r with a view to an outlet mortgage, and that the lien of said satisfactory to the Court as required though, is a bad thing at best, and for the Salmon river country, which mortgage be adjudged and decreed Departmcnt of the Interior, United by law’. the sooner it can he settled the bet­ has long been retarded by lack of to be superior to all claims, liens, in­ States Land Office. Bidds will be received for the clear- ter for all concerned. It is to be re­ means of communication with the terest and estate of, in and to said Portland, Oregon, June 15, 1915. ing, grading and excavating for lay­ gretted that our laws are so vague outside world. Polk is a progressive lands and premises owned or claimed To Mary Alice Koch, of Tillamook, ing the following kinds of pavement that theattorney general holds one county in road building and is now­ or held by cither of the defendants under standard specifications of each. way and the highway commission extending the road toward Bcntly, herein, and that said mortgage be Oregon, Contestec: You are hereby notified that Archi- 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. and its council holds another. Why from which place a natural grade can foreclosed, and the said lands and ' bald C. Walls, who gives Tillamook, 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete is it, that when laws arc made they be found for the Salmon River coun­ premises sold, and the proceeds ap­ Oregon, as his post-office address, base. cannot be made sufficiently clear to try. plied towards the payment of said did on June 12th, 1915, file in this 3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base avoid confliction of opinion? It seems Just what action will be taken by several sums, principal and interest, office his duly corroborated applica- 4— One course grouted top concrete to be the rule nowdays more that the these counties is not yet announced, attorney ’ s fee, costs of suit and costs . tion to contest and secure the cancel­ 5— Y\ ood block on concrete base. exception to carry laws to the su­ but that they arc seriously consider­ of sale, and such further decree as to lation of your Homestead Entry, According to the plans and specifi­ preme court for defination on every ing the problem, is certain. The open­ the Court may seem equitable and I Serial No. 02193 made August 31st, issue of note. Let us hope the high­ ing up of these main thoroughfares just. cations on file in the office of County 1909. for the NG of SE '4, Section 20 Clerk. way engineer muddle will not be a will do more than any other one The above named defendants arc and Njl of SW . 'J, Section 21, Town- repetition of the county judge mixup thing for the development of this The County Court reserves the also notified that service of summons i ship 1 South, Range 8 West, Willam­ right just recently decided.—Astorian. to reject any and all bids. Dated rich section.—Willamina Times. in this suit is ordered to be had upon ette Meridian, and as grounds for his this 17th day of June, 1915. each of said defendants by publica- contest he alleges that said Mary J. C. Holden, County Clerk. The Cottage Grove Sentinel has a lion thereof pursuant to” t.'. an order Alice Koch has never since making Shreds and Patches. publication, June 17, 1915. rather strong editorial on a subject rendered and entered by the above such entry resided upon the said First Last publication July 1, 1915. i which the people generally have not "Men can’t be trusted,” is the dic­ entitled Court on the 2I*t day of June I lands, nor in anywise cultivated or thought a great deal. It is the govern­ 1915, by which order the defendants improved the same, nor any part ment printing office which comes in­ turn of delegates of the lllinios e'on- arc required to appear and answer thereof, beifig a period of more than Teachers’ Examination. to competition with the small news­ gress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher the complaint of plaintiffs filed herein five years from the date of making Vssociations. Notwithstanding which paper printing office in printing en­ on or before six (6) weeks from the Notice is hereby given that the entry but on the contrary has velopes. The small purchaser of en- the unusual number of June brides date of the first publication of this 'such the said lands for said County Superintendent of Tillamook v< lopes is not benefitted greatly, it is extending credit to mere men this summons, and defendants are further I abandoned County, Oregon, will hold the regular period of five years. the big concern that can well afford month on securities certified by Heart notified that the date of the first You are, therefore, further notified examination of applicants for State to pay for the printing of its en­ broker Dan Cupid. publication of this summons is June that the said allegations will be taken Certificates, at the circuit court room Where was the censor when that 24th, 1915. velopes. The Sentinel rremarks: The as confessed, and your said entry will 1 illamook City, Tillamook County, government printing office is a white telegram announcing two slight earth G. ( . Fulton, be canceled without further right to Oregon, as follows: elephant. Why not make it of some quake shocks was sent out of San S. S. Johnson Commencing YVcdnesday, June 30, be heard, either before this office or service to the common people? If the Francisco? To mention earthquakes Attorneys for Plaintiffs. on appeal, if you fail to file in this 1915, at the hour of 9 o'clock a.m., government would stop doing print­ there at present is just as trouble- office within twenty days after the and continuing until Saturday, July 3. ing for nothing and print school some as to complain about mosquitos fourth publication of this notice, as 1915. at 4 o’clock p.m. books for what they are worth it in Atlantic City. Citation. YY ednesday forenoon—Writing, U. shown below, your answer, under would save millions of dollars for the 1 The government's estimate indicat­ oath, specifically responding to these S. History, Physiology. cause of education, would give the ' es 50,000,000 bushels of wheat 'n ex­ In the I" County ____ ______ _ of the w ___ of allegations of contest, together with Court State \\ ednesday afternoon—Reading, printer a chance to make another : cess of the amount we harvested last Oregon, for Tillamook Counts' ” due proof that you have served a copy Composition, Methods in Reading, honest dollar, and would be in a fair ' year. And some of the automobile Carolina A. Virgel. of your answer on the said contest­ Methods in Arithmetic. wav to become self-supporting itself | manufacturers already have more Petitioner, ant either in person or by regi tered I hursday forenoon—Arithmetic, Educator* arc asking for more money | than they know what to do with. I vs. mail. for teachers. Here is an opportunity I 1 H's’ory of Education, Psychology, W illiam M. Ladd, Charles Explorer Donald McMillan says Y ou should state in vour answer Methods in Geography. to get millions for increased salaries 1 E. Ladd, Newton McCoy, the name of the post office to which 1 hursday afternoon—Grammar, by getting school books printed at a that the land Perry discovered in the B F. Virgel, Lucy Drew. you desire future notices to be sent Geography American Literature, fair price. \\ ith the government Í Arctic wasn’t land. And how Dr. Rosa Haines, A. W. Lam­ to you, .Physics Methods in Language. handling and purchasing and printin'» Cook will chuckle as he sends an in­ bert and Edith L. Pike. tx / N- Campbell, Register. 1 TFS.‘.S for Pomary Certificate. of school books, universal text books , vitation to Perry to visit him in the I Defendants. Date of first publication June 24, 1915 Friday forenoon—Theory and Prac­ could be adopted and more millions I Himalayan summits! Io W illiam M. Ladd, Charles E Ladd Date of and publication July 1915. tice, Orthography, English Litcra- would be saved for education.—News I Uncle Ike Stephenson has another Newton McCoy, B. F. Virgel. Lucy Date of jrd publication Inly 8. 191 e. ture. Chemistry. * Holstein heifer that is starring as a Reporter. A. W. Lambert Date of 4th publication July 15, 1915. ——o------ Friday afternoon—School Law, champion milk producer. Uncle Ike’s and Edith 1.. Maine», l'ikc, the above named Geology Algebra, Civil Government. To run for the presidency again. I farm scenes to be a great place for defendant«:— Like, Bryan has deserted his party and raising cow s that became stars in the forcnoon—Geometry, Frank P. Walsh approaches the Botanv X Y ou are horebv cited and required abandoned his principles; he has not milkyway. to appear in the County Court of the Rockefeller objective from a different Saturday afternoon—General His- only resigned from the cabinet, but Edison’s telescribe, which records i-M,r o{ Oregon, for the County of angle than L'pton Sinclair, but othcr- • tory. Bookkeeping. b.a* left the Democracy. Between telephone conversations, will be a I ulamook, at the court Room there* wise they seem to be allies. | American Literature Classics: Bryan today and Roosevelt yesterday great thing for the little man w ho can Size of bundles or packages that Thoreau, YY alden, Longmans, 25c is a close analogy. 1 he former made show to a crowd of admirers the 0 • -?!11T,I,anl<’ok City, in the County Wilson president; the latter confer-, harsh things he said to some 6-footer of Tillamook, within twenty days may be carried on street cars will be No. 2559. State List part II. red the office on Taft. Then the during the course of a heated tele­ after the date of the service of this limited in New orlc. In some cities Fow-ell, Selected literary essays etc. citation upon you if served within anything larger than a wire mattress president makers found that their phonic conversation. Houghton, 60 cents. (Riverside" liter­ I the ¡state of Oregon, and within is regarded with disfavor. ature scries.) Hillsboro is going to tackle paving by city labor instead of the contract system. This experiment will be watched with interest, as there are few cases on record where any city or county has actually saved money by hiring its own labor direct other than repair work.—Oregon Voter OVER $160,000,000.00 IN-ASSETS Repesented by this Office. AFETY” ERVICE OUR-AIM ECURITY. Let Us Write Your Next Policy. ROLLIE w. WATSON “The Insurance Man.” WOOD Let us Furnish Your Winter Wood Special Price on Large Quantities. GOOD FIR SLAPS A. F. COATS LUMBER CO. Tillamook, Ore. EXCLUSIVE TAILORING Spritig Suits From $30.00 and up. We also do CLEANING AND PRESSING. J. w. EDWALL, TILLAMOOK. '.I Phone J 27. English Literature Classics: Carl­ yle, on heroes, hero-worship and the heroic in history. Logmans, 25 cents. (No. 2519, State List 11.) Palgrave. The Golden treasury, Longmans, 25c. McMillan 25c. (No. 2339, State list 11.) In reply to some inquiries say the applicants may write for certificates at this examination without having had the normal training or having at­ tended a summer school. This law will go into force September 1, 1015. Hence applicants for certificates at the coming December examinations will have to meet the requirements. W. S. Buel, Supt. Are those baggage rules going to be as much of a nuisance to the travelers as passports in Europe? I I have recently secured the Factory Agency for the High Grade Chute & Butler Pianos and Play­ ers, manufactured at Peru, Ind. Anyone in the market for an instrument w’ill do well to see me be­ fore Buying. Both Phones. Leland B. Erwin. with the problem of I tiy ’rg Harrcs* y ou will find it distinctly advanta- irecuc to ccme and do your select ing here. You will get the test qualities, the meat thorough and conscientious wotkrraaehip and te charged the most reasonable prices- W e can supply single or double Seta or any* single article that you tn ay be in need of. W.A. Williams & Co. ^^oooooooooooooooooooc Sidney E. Henderson, Pre«-, Surveyor. John Leland Henderaoti. Sec­ retary Treas., Attoiney-at- I.aw, Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Law, Abstracts, Real Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Both Phones. TILLAMOOK - - OREGON.