’nilamook Headlight, June 24. 101Ü5. Notice of Hearing Petition to Form Drainage District. EaulnTw r.Sfi‘ion liBe fifteen (iy) in and of Miller's Addi-' c.ast and \\est through said Section and running thence East alon^ the lion to the iu»u vi Tillamook in the of lil.amook and State of In the County Court of the State of quarter section line to the Easf line County th{- Proposed district,, or so far as Oregon and declaring these plaintiffs Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. in lee simple and Notice is hereby given that hearing may be found necessary for the drain­ to be the to owners the possession of said on the following petition will be held age purposes in question. The two entitled premises as against any and all per­ OUR PURPOSE IS TO SERVE THE at the Court House in the City of i theCdn are *° be the ",ain di,ches for . sons whomsoever, anti yourselves in 3ge pr°P°scd. »nJ ‘hey are Tillamook, County of Tillamook, o J particular, and for their costs and PUBLIC WELL I to be constructed with such laterals State of Oregon, on the 16th day of , • ’ disl>ursementS of this suit, and for "iay be iound necessary . t luly, 1915. for ‘he purpose of deter­ Our plant is well equipped anti Tlie land land ^in* efiectual- The in-1 1 sut'1 *ur‘*ltr relief as to the Court mining whether the prayer of the said ‘ may seem meet in the premises. I , dcd ,ln ¿he Proposed district is so maintained in perfect running petition snail be granted. - — is so I T his summons is served ■—“ upon you All persons owning or claiming an i situated that without ditch, ts s beim. . 1 "ls bUininons ls order. the water is not drained I by -v‘r,ue-of an order of the above interest in lands described in said , constructed entitled Court, which order was made off and the land remains cold and We can furnish you with any­ petition are hereby notified to appear and entered on the 17th day of May, at said plase and on said date and sour. There is a fall of about 25 feet 1 *9!5. directing that publication thcre- thing in electric supplies or fix­ nwhe. Ea7‘ Vdc Of ,he distr‘c‘ ‘o at said place and on said date and ‘ r he , ’ of be made in the Tillamook Head­ be \ Ve ? 1 Sld * ‘ hereof, and it is be- tures for wiring, lighting, heat­ prayer in said petition should not be I t’h WI,h the cons‘ruction of light, a newspaper of general circula­ granted. ing, power, or cooking. . the ditch as proposed the water will tion published in the County of Tilla­ J. C. Holden, mook and State of Oregon for a be drained off from all of the lands We have experienced and capa­ Clerk of the County Court so that they will dry much more rap­ period of sis (6) successive weeks. ble men to attend to our lines and idly and the same will be in prop.r Date of first publication May 20, 1915. County Court . of condition for cultivation, and much Date of last publication June 24, 1915. To the Honorable _ to do house wiring and instilla­ Tillamook County, State of Oregon: more productive. Charles A. and Claude M. tions. J he undersigned being the owners of Jones, 1307-9 \ eon Build­ x more than fifty per cent of the acre- ! 1 he signers of this petition agree ing, Portland, Oregon. 1 age of the contiguous body of swamp, that they will pay any and all expens­ Attorneys for Plaintiffs. v. et and overflow land in Tillamook es incurred, and any tax or taxes that County, Oregon, hereinafter describ­ may be levied against their respec- Notice. ed, do hereby petition your Honor­ lve lands for the purpose of paying the able Body to cause to be organized a expense of organizing or attempting Notice is hereby given that the fol­ drainage district for the purpose of to organize the proposed district, having such land re-claimed and pro­ such expense to be taxed against the I lowing warrants, towit: tected from the effects of water for lands ot the signers in proportion to 1 Series “F” No. 9998 $2.00 payable sanitary and agricultural purposes, the nuniber of acres owned by them 1 to A Maurer, dated Jan. 2, 1908, No. and for the convenience and welfare and affected by the propo ed drain-1 10476 40c. payable to G. H. Robinson, dated May 6, 1908, No. 10642, $2.25 of the public, and for the public util­ age. payable to T. P. Stockton, dated June ity and benefit, and for the purpose | XI. 1908; No. 10685 5OC. payable to of this petition we state the following Wherefore, your petitioners pray 9, matters as required by Chapter 340 that the lands described herein, or Nicl; Pelz, dated June 9, 1908. Scries “E”, No. 10465, $12.00 pay­ of the General Laws of Oregon, for such of them as may be found by the able to Capital City Nursery, dated the year 1915: court to be properly included in the ! Jan. 2, 1908; No. 10732, $3 20 payable I. | proposed drainage district either per­ to P. Peters dated May 6, 1908.; No. The name proposed for such dis- manently _ or . until ......... further a. investiga- 10746, $3.20, payable to H. F. Young, trict is "Tillamook Drainage District" tion As our Grass Fed Cattle are now lien and' ar.d surveys surveys may may permit permit ehmina- eiimyia- dated May 6, 19 o 8;N o . 10905, $2.10, 1L tion, shall be declared organized into payable to Michael Young, dated May The boundary lines of the proposed a drainage district under the provis- 6, 1908; No. 10909, $1.70 pavable to ready for the Market, we are -I—.-. l .' General district are as follows: j 10ns _r of Chapter 340 of the (L Thomas Mahoney, dated May 6, 1908 Beginning at a point 20 feet East Laws of Oregon for the year ’ 1915- making the following Prices on our remain uncalled for in the office of of the West line of Section 31, ’n Dated this May 28th, 1915. the County Clerk of Tillamook Coun ­ Township 1 South, of Range 9 West, M. W. Harrison ty, Oregon, and if not presented for Meat, for CASH: W. M., and 30 rods South of the Geo. Williams payment within sixty days from the Northwest corner of said Section, Mary N. Williams first day of July, 1915, they will be and running thence East to the West Albert Marolf canceled and payment thereof will be BEEF POT ROAST At 12jc. and 13Jc. per pound. line of the James and Anna Quick Jeff Harris tefused. 1 Donation Land Claim in Section 32, Bertha Hunt. RIB ROAST . At 15c. per pound. Dated this 17th day of June, 1915. said Township and Range; thence J. M. Furrer By order of the county court. RIB BOIL . At lie. per pound South to the South line of theNorth- Jeff Wallace J. C. Holden, | west quarter of the Southeast quarter Martha E. Wallace Countv Clerk, At BRISKET BOIL 10c. per pound. of slid Section 32;thence West to the lra Tomlinson Bv Kathleen Mills, deputy. Southwest corner of the Northeast B. L. Beals. STEAKS At 12jc. to 15c. per pound. quarter of the Southwest quarter of State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ Notice to Contractors. CORN BEEF At 11c. and 12jc. per pound. said Section 32; thence South to the mook, SS: South line of said Section 32; thence I, B. L. Beals Sr., being first duly Sealed proposals addressed to the HAMBURGER STEAK. At 12‘>c. per pound. West to the Southwest corner of said sworn say that I have read the for - Section 32; thence North to the going petition and that I believe the County Court of Tillamook County, These Prices are guaranteed on Tillamook Southeast corner of the Northwest allegations thereof to be true, 1 fur­ Oregon, and indorsed “Proposals to quarter of the Southeast quarter of ther state that the signatures appear­ complete the Products, Tillamook-Bay City County road, Section 31, in said Township and ing to said petition are true and prop­ * Range; thence West to the South­ er signatures of the persons whose from Station 28 plus 78 to Sestion 52 west corner of the Northwest quarter names appear signed thereto, and plus 59 in accordance with the plans and of the Southeast quarter of said that each and all of said signers of specifications thereof on file in the ’ Price List on U.S. Inspected Prime Steers Section 31; thence North 1954-2 feet said petition are owners of the land office of the County Clerk of Tilla­ to the North line of tract owned by within the proposed drainage dis- mook County, Oregon, will be receiv­ from Portland. Ben Jacob; thence West to the East trict as set forth in said petition. ed by the County Court of said Coun ­ B. L. Beals, < ! SIRLION STEAKS At 20c. per­ pound, line of the County Road on the East Subscribed and sworn to before me ty, at its office in the Court House, side of Trask River; thence following at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the ROUND STEAKS . At 18c. per pound, the East line of said county road in a this 2nd day of June, 1915. hour of 10 o’clock a.m. on the 2nd J. C. Holden, Northwesterly direction to a point day of July, 1915, and at that time . . POT ROAST BEEF.At 16c. per pound. County Clerk. within 20 feet of the West side of publicity opened and read. Each bid ’ SHORT RIBS AND said Section 31; thence North to the First publication June 3, 1915. shall be accompanied by a certified Last Publication July 1, 1915. place of beginning. check made payable to the County PLATE BOILS . At 12c. to 15c. per pound Such lands constitute a contiguous Clerk, for an amout equal to r per Notice of Guardian Sale. body of swamp, wet and over-flow cent of the amount of the total of « I Prime RIB ROASTS, At 18c. per pound. lands. said bid, which shall be forfeited to Notice is hereby given that by vir ­ III. The33 Pricas are subject to change. the County, in case the bid be accept­ tue of an order of the County Court The total acreage included in the ed and the bidder shall fail, negloct of Tillamook County, State of Ore ­ said proposed district is 555 acres. or refuse for a period of five days gon, made and entered on the 27th after IV. which the award is made to day of May, 1915 licensing the under ­ The names of the owners of the enter into a contract and file a bond land in said proposed district, as signed to sell the real property here­ satisfactory to the Court as required shown by the records of Tillamook inafter described, the undersigned by law. County, Oregon, and the acreage will on and after the 24th day of June Bidds will be received for the clear­ owned by each of said owners is a» i 1915, at Tillamook Oregon sell at pri­ ing, grading and excavating for lay- vate sale, for cash, to the person off­ in" the following kinds of pavement follows: M. W. Harrison................ 102.5 acres ering the highest price therefor all the under standard specifications of each. right title and interest of Frances George Williams and Mary 1— Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. Xavier Moreau (Frank Marcy) in and Nettie Williams, husband 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete to the following described real estate, acres and wife ............................. 100.5 base. acres towit: 3— Light Bitulithic on concrete base Bertha Hunt ...................... 78 Beginning at a point 58.16 chains 4— One course grouted top concrete B. I.. Beals, Sr. ................ 65 acres west and 42.15 chains south of the acres Thomas J. Harrison, Jr. . 14 5— Wood block on concrete base. Albert Marolf .................... . 22 acres northeast corner of Section 21, T. I According to the plans and specifi­ Range 10 West of the Willamette N., cations on file in the office of County J, D. Wallace and M. E. Wallace husband and wife 5 acres Meridian, thence north 74 degrees Clerk. cast 7.08 chains for an initial point of The County Court reserves the Ira Tomlinson ..................... 9 acres tract herein conveyed, said point be­ right to reject any and all bids. Dated Hattie Marolf .................... 4 acres Annie Metzger .................. 20 acres ing the southeast corner of what is this 17th day of June, 1915. J. C. Holden, County Clerk, Alexander Marolf ............ 25 acres known as the Ralston 5 acre tract, thence north 16 degrees west 220 feet, First publication, June 17, 1915. Clara Mayer, Frank Mayer thence south 74 degrees west 23.456 Last publication July I, 1915. Mary Mayer, Albert Mayer A .*rrfrct .lnpend.-.ble, every day, year in. Lena Mayer, Rosa Mayer, 25 acres feet to the northeast corner of tract year cat. Uul’t on holier, ot tho bo;.t nwtMiala. Fred Marolf......................... 22 acres sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to Notice to Contractors. Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges Albert Marolf..................... 60 acres Frank Marcy by deed dated October ----- o . — 2.50 acres 10, 1902 and recorded in Book “Z” of Jefferson Ogg................... Tfa~ onfy ran^t madt «n'treZp cf charcoal and malleable iron. ¡/‘■‘¿’•Ji deeds, page 31, records of Tillamook acres Malleable iron can't LrcaK charcoaliron won’t ruet like eteeL S J. M. Furrer......................... Sealed proposals addressed to the County, Oregon, thence south 15 de­ County Court of Tillamook County, V. Economical In Fuel The proposed reclamation and pro­ grees east 220 feet to southeast cor­ Oregon, and indorsed "Proposals to The »-/?«»• cf the Mofcatic turn rim ted inot put together with ner of Marey tract, thence north 74 j ■ tection of said lands is for san.tary 1 -.1 . '■ VC put'-./)- th« y Will ulu>a)i remain air tight, complete the I ou.2 r»<. th<-r h« at n-r t«4d affect« them. The Matjeetic and agriculture purposes, and such degrees east’23.456 feet to the initial Tiilamook-Fair. iew County road, • cv'-n i.j I tad th r uk bout with pure aabeatoa board, proposed reclamation and protection point, all in Tillamook County, State from Station o plus 70 to Station 65 I. 1 in pL'-O by an iron gratin# you can ace it — and it h re alwaya. A’r tipi t j-iinte and pure aAtesUe will be conducive to the public health of Oregon. plus 99. lipin# wt»r« Ml < ! pntt dix» nw-y wi’h » ’ g veetUated aag Asbesto« satisfactory to the Court as required pif ntt doorirori cat«* ai/icMp'zatchaaaahea. vs. 340 of the General Laws of Oregon Boaid Atk ut to tlxre grauteat tatprovaawut by law. I for 1915, under the provisions of Mrs. Melvin Venen and John t"it h a r Bidds will be received for the clear­ t>. t buy Ge r .nr* yn« rrp*<-t to last a Ilf« her husband. which this petition is proposed, ts a Doe Vencn, tir.M» **nitsig.if. m ■ « h ,’’ or ycuTi aura to I* dia- ing, grading and excavating for lay ­ ». r < ni-- to » or «tor*, and aae the Great proper and advantageous method of Frank Le Duck and Mary Roe Mxle of A< •« - hnvn it.« r . ry cjc<1ua«ve feature« n- i ing the following kinds of pavement • f. 4 L'lt why the is ViM i 'mns*f accomplishing the reclamation and Le Duck, his wife, 0 »’ her ranri whrramrwt ran«*« am waakaat. under standard specifications of each. Charcoal Defendants. protection of the lands included in Iron, fel*it ran^”» al aa/ price and it attould ¡ — Sheet Asphelt on Concrete base. John Le ta yuuJ hiUbcr. To Mrs. Melvina Venen and •«Hin# said proposed drainage district. 2— Asphaltic Concrete on Concrete Ä0% F OR SAJLE BY nusuanu, Frank Le Doe \ enen, her husband; I te IX Me of The proposed plan for the reclama Duck and Mary Roe Le Duck, his^wife base. 3 — Light Bitulithic on concrete base ALEX. McNAIR & CO you. defend- defend­ tion and protection of the property and to you and each of you, 4— One course grouted top concrete in the proposed drainage district is, ants above named, in the name of the 5 — Wood block on concrete base. that a ditch shall be put in running State of Oregon you and each of you According to the plans and specifi­ «U ' i from the West side of the proposed are required and hereby commanded cations on file jn the office of County district (connecting with a ditch run­ to appear and answer to the com­ Cletk. ning along the West side of ‘h* o*' plaint filed against you m the above The County Court reserves the trict which empties into the Trask entitled suit on or before the 25th right to reject any and all bids. Dated than River,) easterly along the foot of the dav of June, 1915. Veinb more than this 17th day ot June, 191«. hill which is along the North side of six' (6) weeks from the date of the J. C. Holden, Ccunty Clerk- the '’Strict, following the line of the date of the first publication of this first fublication, June 17, !9‘5- ditch already partially constructed in summons, and .f you fail »0 to appe. Last publication July 1, >91«. that locality to the East side of the and answer to the said complaint for district. Also there is to be construct­ want thereof these plaintiffs will ap_ ed another ditch connecting with the nlv to the Court for the relief prayed Dr. Dernburg may write a book ditch abov; mentioned running South For in their compbint, in substance about the United States. That will be |L follows: For a decree on the west line of the East half o. safer. the Norther«» ouarter of Section 3k j the adverse interests in and to block y Coast Power Company. I PIANO INSTRUCTION. T B JALS. M D., i pi The Great M ajestic Charcoal and Malleable Iron in Townahij » South, Range 9 Wc»‘, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Surgeon S P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ) Tillamook - . • . Oregon. ^^KBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, . TILLAMOOK, è ,,Tillamook iMeat Company Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms;—$4.00 per months instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. I Reduction in the I Price of Meat. $ $ ELAND B. ERWIN, I I I OREGON. D.V M., J.K . REEDY, VETERINARY. Both Pilonen Tillamook - - - • Oregou H. GOYNE, I ATTORNEY-AT LAW. I i Office: O pposite C ourt Houes, Tillamcok - Oregou. l I J OliN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. ¡ • T illamook B lock , Tillamook - - - - Oregon ( ROOM NO. 301 J. CLAUSSEN, . LAWYER, DEUTSCHER ADVOKAT E 213 T illamook B lock Tillamook ... Oreg-on ! p)R JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook ■ Oregon J—I T. m/rw A A . ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. c - hawk , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bay City Or^griu QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - Oregon. - j-~^R. ELMER ALLEN (Successor to Dr. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercial Building, Tillamook QARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B kock *. . . [Oregon ^Tillamook QB. GEORGE J. PETERSEN DENTIST, Siiccenaor to Dr. Perkitm TILLAMOOK, OREGON. QRORGK WILLETT, ATTORNEY-AT I AW T illamook C ommf . mcial BuiLDtxo lillamaak - • . Orevou R. E. E, DANIELS. CHIROPRACTOR. Local Office in the Commercial Building, TILLAMOOK - ORE EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers